"I really want Lish to get out of the studio and into the community more," Ms Doyle said. It offers a mix of both news and current affairs, lifestyle and entertainment. It also means Shirley keeps his 8.30am to 9am slot which he had in 2022. We care about the protection of your data. Holger Brockmann. SECOND HOUR - INTERNATIONAL NEWS: CHINESE GOVERNMENT RESHUFFLE China's annual parliament opens on Sunday and will implement the biggest government reshuffle in a decade. 1. Most of ABC Radio's line-up changes for 2020 are in Melbourne, Sydney and Canberra with little change to programming in other capital cities and regional centres. Radio. Contact Nightlife as we go to air: Call 1300 800 222 or the text line 0467 922 702. The Conversation Hour with Richelle Hunt (11.00am-12noon) Afternoons with Jacinta Parsons (12.30pm-3.30pm), Monday to Thursday. live, learn and work. Most of ABC Radios line-up changes for 2020 are in Melbourne, Sydney and Canberra with little change to programming in other capital cities and regional centres. The ABC has already announced that Sammy J will be hosting Melbourne, next year and Sarah Macdonald will be replacing Chris Bath on. The show usually has a guest in the first hour, including a large portion of the time set for audience talkback. The Adelaide Fringe and Avalon Airshow, the history of rum part 2, Honky Tonk music, and a cracking pop quiz, The History of Rum (part 2) including Australia's own Rum Rebellion, The joys of living alone, the history of Braille, an Oscar Wilde Primer, the latest US news. Myfannounced last week that she would not be returning in 2020. SECOND HOUR NIGHTLIFE NEWS BREAKDOWN Barry Cassidy,former host of Insiders, veteran of 40 years or so as a political correspondent. Because Lish has a really wonderful connection with people and connection with the audience and she'll be able to where the audience is and have lots of outdoor broadcasts. We are ending the year with a combined reach of just over three million listeners each week and we continue to be seen as the most trusted source of information by all Australians, no matter where they live, she said. All ABC metropolitan 2021 line-ups start on air on Monday 18 January. There is no change in Perth and Hobart as these stations did not broadcastMyfsshow. woodward.john@abc.net.au. Larger text size. Bob Dylan - Watching the river . The Director of ABC Regional & Local, Judith Whelan, said the changes reflected an increased focus on locally produced content as well as building more connections between metropolitan and regional audiences. Delroy hosted ABC Local Radio's late-night talkback show Nightlife from 1987 to 2016 when he retired. Your home of Australian stories, conversations and events that shape our nation. Date of birth: 1 January 1953. with Ian Macca McNamara (6.00am 10.00am Sundays). Philip Clark (born May 1956) is an Australian radio presenter. We acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the Visit ABC Careers. An ABC newsreader was taken off air last night after a rambling and expletive-laden news bulletin. Pine Top Smith - Pinetops Boogie Woogie. Back in mid-January the 15th, to be precise I very nearly took up station at the keyboard to mark a golden anniversary, for it was on that day in 1973 the phone rang in my parents' Yarraville home and Mum took a message. The full 2022 ABC Radio Melbourne schedule will start Monday 10 January 2022. She is a Walkley award-winning journalist from Canberra's south and a proud Filipino Australian. GoGoMag.com & TVHeads.com are not affiliated with ABC, Al Jazeera America, Bloomberg, CBS, CNN, ESPN, Fox News Channel, Fox Business Network, Fox Sports, NBC, NFL Network, The Weather Channel, Univision or any other news concern. Nightlife will move to a 7-day format, hosted by Phillip Clark (Mon-Thurs) and Sarah Macdonald (Fri-Sun). More. Adam Shirley in the ABC Radio Canberra studios on Friday. ABC (Australia) Overnights is heard from 2am to 6am nationally on the ABC. You'll hear conversations about food, travel, science, music, books, personal finance, sport, film, astronomy, fashion, gardening, relationships, collectables and much more. The rubber-stamp NPC will confirm Xi's new economic team and his plans for the re-organisation of state and Communist Party entities. The one-hour program will focus on issues of interest to both metropolitan and rural and regional listeners across Victoria. Nightlife is presented from 10pm to 2am weekdays, with Mr Delroy talking culture, current affairs, news, offering advice and chatting with guests from around Australia and the world. He studied arts and law at the Australian National University in . TV Ratings, February 25 2023: How many watched the 45th Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras? Late Night Live - Full program podcast. For more information on ABC Radio Brisbane in 2020 click here. Glen Bartholomew. Current Contests; Contest Rules; Watch. It is being offered by Uber, who are trying to convince Australians to use more ride share cars rather than have their own. ABC Radio Canberra reveals presenters for 2023. A. Phillip Adams (writer) Emma Alberici; He's a consummate professional, with considerable experience and knowledge having anchored . ABC Radio Canberra listeners will be waking up to Adam Shirley . with Philip Clark and Suzanne Hill. from 11.00am weekdays with ABC Regional Radio presenter Warwick Long. . In Melbourne Anthony Lehmo Lehmann, AngelaPipposand Emma Race pass the pre-game commentary mics to Alister Nicholson and Corbin Middlemas for the 2020 AFL season. The Mornings program will be more community-focused with Lish Fejer at the helm. 2. The listening audience is heavily featured throughout the program. All regular ABC Radio Sydney presenters return in 2022 with Richard Glover in Drive; Sarah Macdonald in Evenings; Indira Naidoo and Philip Clark presenting Night Life; and Simon Marnie presenting Weekends. Space to play or pause, M to mute, left and right arrows to seek, up and down arrows for volume. 02 February 2022. From there, Philip took over as host of the Evening Show, which featured the highly successful Radio Quiz. Breakfast with James Valentine (8.30am -9.00am). Each night there are regular features and presenters. Radio current affairsAM, The World TodayandPMalso return in their regular timeslots. Toby Hagon joins Phil Clarke for another Motortorque. All networked programs includingConversationswith Richard Fidler and Sarah Kanowski,Nightlifewith Philip Clarke,Australia All Overwith Ian Macca McNamara andOvernightswith Trevor Chappell and Rod Quinn return next year. First Australians and Traditional Custodians of the lands where we Statement from ABC Managing Director David Anderson. "I was just watching the news last night and something came up and I went to make dinner or something . Nightlife is an Australian late-night talkback show across ABC Local Radio hosted by Philip Clark and Suzanne Hill. Presenters. Space to play or pause, M to mute, left and right arrows to seek, up and down arrows for volume. The Radio National Breakfast presenter had put out a tweet, on the night of the federal election last year, describing Linda Burney, now the Indigenous Australians Minister, as a "legend". The following 68 pages are in this category, out of 68 total. Ken Bruce has claimed he has been made to vacate his BBC Radio 2 show early, after quitting as the host of the mid-morning weekday slot earlier this year.. ABC Canberra editor Julie Doyle announced the 2023 lineup on Friday. A full list of ABC Capital City station line-ups can be found below. Steve Ahern appointed Manager of ABC Radio Sydney. All of ABC's key Regional programs return in 2019 including the seven state-based Country Hour editions and the national regional current affairs program Australia Wide, presented by Sinead Mangin weekdays at 6.00pm and repeated on RN and Radio Australia weekdays at 7.30pm. Overnights. Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) radio program journalists and presenters, across ABC Classic FM, Country, Jazz, . Dominic Knight and James O'Loghlin are regular fill in presenters. SECOND HOUR - THE GREAT WHALE SONG Marine biologist Rebecca Dunlop tells us all why there has been a massive increase in the number of Australia whales. Late-night ABC radio presenter Tony Delroy announced on Thursday evening he will hang up his headphones in September after 26 years on the air. The one-hour program will focus on issues of interest to both metropolitan and rural and regional listeners across Victoria. He is best known for his work at the Australian Broadcasting Corporation and at Sydney commercial station 2GB.. . The residency was planned for last October but due to COVID-19 was pushed back to this year. Nearly 3,000 delegates will gather in the Great Hall of the People west of Tiananmen Square for the first National People's Congress (NPC). with Trevor Chappell and Rod Quinn return next year. New co-hosts for the 2020 AFL season will be announced early in the new year. will continue to cover all the major football codes as well as the cricket over summer. In Canberra, Paula Kruger moves to an off-air ABC role next year and is replaced in Afternoons by Georgia Stynes. [2] In November 2016, ABC confirmed that Phillip Clark would host the show from Monday to Thursday and Sarah MacDonald will host from Friday to Sunday. While Alice Matthews, most recently a co-host of The Feed on SBS, is joining ABC Radio Canberra as the new host of Sunday Brunch. No longer with Network. We cross to a couple of major events around the country, part 2 of Richard Foss' history of rum, an hour of honky tonk music, and a great pop quiz. Back in the 1960s the number of whales were dangerously low, in the mere thousand but now 60 years laterthe numbers are now back up to around 30 thousand, which means there's more competition to find a mate. Adrienne Francis moves intoSaturday BreakfastandKim Huynh presentsSunday Brunch. Listen. Derogatory comments naming callers and presenters will be removed in line with our respect policy. Glenn Close among first round of Oscars presenters. This category has only the following subcategory. This evolution of the successful evening format will . Roundup: ABC industrial action, Chris Smith, The Project apologises, Queerstralia: Why Australias Queer history is not just Mardi Gras and marriage equality. I am also the producer for Tony Tardio's Friday talk program on Rete Italia, an Italian radio station . "Afternoons arguably has the best audience so, pandemic-permitting, I want to take the ABC van out . live, learn and work. Formerly a triple j Breakfast newsreader, Ms Matthews has also presented Hack, co-hosted The Feed on SBS and most recently sat behind the mic for Saturday Afternoons on ABC Digital Radio. For more information on ABC Radio Perth in 2020click here. In Sydney, Robbie Buck and Wendy Harmer return to co-present Breakfast; followed by Cassie McCullaghs Focus, James Valentine is back in Afternoons, followed by Richard Glover in Drive; and Sarah Macdonald in Evenings. 101.7 WSFM. Myfannounced last week that she would not be returning in 2020. Hell also appear on ABC Radio Melbourne in different roles across the year. 185. 612 ABC Brisbane. I am an experienced producer on Mornings with Virginia Trioli at ABC Radio Melbourne. If youre an insomniac or live in regional Australia there's a fair chance you've caught up with Suzanne at some stage over the past 25 years. Dan will continue to present the ABCs 7.00pm television news bulletin in the ACT and will still present occasionallyon ABC Canberra. Published: FriFri 3 Mar 2023 at 3:00pm/with Rod Quinn, Published: ThuThu 2 Mar 2023 at 3:00pm/with Rod Quinn, Published: WedWed 1 Mar 2023 at 3:00pm/with Trevor Chappell, Published: TueTue 28 Feb 2023 at 3:00pm/with Trevor Chappell. Motortorque, Shanghai Update, Humpbacks singin' & fightin'. By. There is no question Tony Delroy is the most famous & most loved celebrity of all the time. "That's a driver of mine. Sign up to get the latest on your favourite topics from the ABC. Ms Bickley grew up in a Croatian family where she says vibrant conversation was always a part of her life. Mel Bush joins the Evenings show in Hobart, replacing Louise Saunders who retired this year and Joel Rheinberger will present Breakfast on Fridays and across the weekend. Sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date. We acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the First Australians and Traditional Custodians of the lands where we Facebook. Delroy hosted ABC Local Radio's late-night talkback show Nightlife from 1987 to 2016 when he retired. (92 P) Pages in category "ABC radio (Australia) journalists and presenters" The following 68 pages are in this category, out of 68 total. Sandy Aloisi. The change means that the local Breakfast program will start at 6am rather than 5.30am, with the Overnights program continuing until 6am. presented by Eleanor Hall (12.05 pm weekdays). In December 2019, ABC announced that Sarah MacDonald will host Evenings on ABC Radio Sydney in January 2020. In Canberra,Weekendspresenter,LishFejertakes overBreakfastfrom DanBourchier. Nightlife. Anthony Eric Delroy (born 1 January 1953) is a retired Australian radio presenter.Delroy hosted ABC Local Radio's late-night talkback show Nightlife from 1987 to 2016 when he retired.. Background and career. Late Night Australian Music Show host; and Weekend Breakfast presenter. Email: megan.doherty@canberratimes.com.au. Jenny Slate has been voicing the 1-inch-tall sentient shell Marcel for over a decade.Her journey with the character, which started as a bit during a stand-up comedy routine and evolved into a popular short film series on YouTube, now finds her as the lead of an Oscar-nominated feature. ABC Radio Perth's Weekend Breakfast presenter Christine Layton moves into weekday Afternoons next year, taking over from Gillian O'Shaughnessy who announced her departure recently, after 10 years presenting the show.. Christine said she had "extra-large" plans for the show next year. In November 2016, ABC announced that Nightlife would move to a 7-day format. Other life -highlights have included being the two time champion of the Streaky Bay Camel Cup on the west coast of South Australia riding a camel called Pinch Me Tight, and spending three nights as carryover champion on the TV Game Show Temptation in 2007. Audio of the incident which took place on ABC radio Adelaide's 10pm bulletin yesterday reveals veteran presenter Tim Wharton struggling to introduce a piece about Queensland's coronavirus outbreak. It's important to be a person who supports and prioritises the listeners.". ABC Nightlife presenter Tony Delroy will hang up his headphones after 26 years. The show is broadcast on delay to South Australia and the Northern Territory. Clark was born in Launceston, Tasmania. Occasionally, I chat with ABC Radio's Nightlife presenter Phil Clark about travel for his Monday Night Travel segment, and recently we chatted about Malaysia - specifically two of its most loved destinations, Langkawi and Penang. Now the presenter of Weekend Nightlife on ABC Radio on Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights, Suzanne's previously worked the airwaves in Tamworth, Wollongong, Port Macquarie, Bundaberg, Albury . Nightlife is an Australian late-night talkback show across ABC Local Radio hosted by Philip Clark and Suzanne Hill.. Take your favourite podcasts and radio with you. He joined the Australian Broadcasting Corporation and worked on-air in Bathurst while studying . Long-time ABC presenter Russell Woolf has died at the age of 56. presented by Sabra Lane (weekdays at 6.05am & 8.00am) and Thomas Oriti (Saturdays at 8.00am). Culinary historian Richard Foss with part two of his history of rum. Local foodie Emma Bickley, who has been a fill-in presenter is also staying on with the station next year to present Saturday Breakfast. Indira Naidoo, who was a 1990s mainstay of news and current affairs at the ABC, is "thrilled" to be returning to the national broadcaster after a 23-year hiatus. Published: 13h agoSat 4 Mar 2023 at 11:00am, Published: FriFri 3 Mar 2023 at 11:00am/with Suzanne Hill. Each night there are regular features and presenters. First Australians and Traditional Custodians of the lands where we ABC Grandstandwill continue to cover all the major football codes as well as the cricket over summer. That obviously fits Adam's skill set and his experience as a journalist and presenter. ABC staff are ridiculed over strike only lasting 40 MINUTES as they demand MORE taxpayer money - despite sucking up $1billion a year - saying a 10.5% raise and $1,500 bonus isn't enough. Delroy commenced working in news radio on Sydney station 2SM while completing his schooling. Published: 21h ago Wed 1 Mar 2023 at 3:00pm / with Trevor Chappell. The program usually consists of a mix of news and current affairs, lifestyle, arts, education, music, youth and entertainment. While Alice Matthews, most recently a co-host of The Feed on SBS, is joining ABC Radio Canberra as the new host of Sunday Brunch. Listen to ABC Radio (Brisbane) via radioau.net. First Australians and Traditional Custodians of the lands where we 2. FIRST HOUR -MOTORTORQUE Toby Hagon returns with his popular Motortorque segment. Tony Delroy is a retired Australian radio presenter. "I'm excited to reflect and hopefully provide service to listeners and people in the capital region," he said. Hell also appear on ABC Radio Melbourne in different roles across the year. 2GB 873 AM. "Incorporating that to 9am means I want it to be more a local news-focused program. The third hour usually involves a quiz named "The Mighty Challenge", while the fourth hour includes another chance for audience feedback in the "Issue of the Day", followed by a book reading. 4h. "ABC Radio farewells Tony Delroy | radioinfo.com.au", "ABC Canberra breakfast radio host Philip Clark to replace former Nightlife host Tony Delroy for rest of 2016 from October", "Sarah Macdonald replaces Chris Bath on ABC Evenings", "Indira Naidoo will host ABC Radio Sydney & ABC Radio Canberra Evenings in 2023", Do Doh Ray Me on ABC ABC losing touch with country people, Faith leaders petition Michelle Guthrie over ABC religious programming cuts, Uniting Church fights against radio silence, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Nightlife_(radio_program)&oldid=1140758503, Australian Broadcasting Corporation radio programs, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Petrea King - emotions and spiritual health, This page was last edited on 21 February 2023, at 16:57. Jacinta Parsons takes overAfternoonsand Sami Shah returns over summer to present a nationalDriveprogram. Fran Kelly is leaving ABC's Radio National Breakfast program after 17 years as host. You'll hear conversations about food, travel, science, music, books, personal finance, sport, film, astronomy, fashion, gardening, relationships, collectables and much more. Ms Whelan said the ABCs Local and regional radio networks performed well during the year, holding their share and reach, presenter Richelle Hunt will co-host a new-look. Deakin's iconic Waterfront campus will welcome and host the ABC for a month-long 'radio in residency' in March, bringing a focus on Victoria's largest regional city. Georgia Stynes remains on Afternoons while Anna Vidot remains host of Drive in . ABC Radio Presenter, Sundays with Lisa Leong, ABC Radio Melbourne at Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) Stanford University Graduate School of Business View profile View profile badges ABC Radio Sydney. Local foodie Emma Bickley, who has been a fill-in presenter is also staying on with the station next year to present Saturday Breakfast. Age: 69. The ABC has already announced that Sammy J will be hosting MelbourneBreakfastnext year and Sarah Macdonald will be replacing Chris Bath onEveningsin Sydney and across NSW & ACT. The listening audience is heavily featured throughout the program. Adam Shirley has been with ABC Canberra since 2006. In her down-time these days Suzanne isbusy trying to indoctrinate her 8 and 9year old sons with a love of history and travel, while they're inducting her into being a soccer Mum. 21 January 2020 Indira Naidoo will return to the ABC in February to host ABC Radio's Weekend Nightlife.Ms Naidoo will present the national program each. The Friday Revue with Jacinta Parsons and . For more information on ABC Radio Adelaide in 2020 click here. Tino Cochino Radio Podcasts-NSFW; Win! Satchell did his last show with ABC radio which he did in Adelaide on 18th September in the year 2003 after being there with the national broadcasters for about 40 years. Nightlife is broadcast on weekday nights from 10.10pm to 2.00am (AEST) on ABC Local Radio across Australia, and is followed by Overnights. The ABC Nightlife presenter tweeted the news at about 10pm, shortly after beginning his nation-wide radio program on Thursday. There is great music and interesting guests from Australia and all parts of the globe. Editor, Quadrant Online. Published: 9h agoSat 4 Mar 2023 at 3:00pm/with Rod Quinn. In March 2022, the ABC's pop-up radio studio and newsroom will be . Chinese 'spy cams' will be ripped out of ABC buildings after they were discovered in 'secure' area of its headquarters and two other sites. with Trevor Chappell and Rod Quinn all return for 2020 (2.00am 6.00am weekdays). ABC Regional & Local, Communications Lead "And I want it to be an agenda-setting local news program.". On the Gold Coast, Nicole Dyer will present Breakfast Monday to Thursdays. The acclaimed author and presenter . live, learn and work. For more information on ABC Radio Melbourne in 2020 click here. Now the presenter of Weekend Nightlife on ABC Radio on Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights, Suzanne'spreviously worked the airwaves in Tamworth, Wollongong, Port Macquarie, Bundaberg, Albury Wodonga, Mildura, Broken Hill and Port Pirie after leaving her home town of Adelaide in 1996. Each night there are regular features and presenters. Posted 15th December 2020. The live player screen on the ABC listen app can also be used to view the schedule for most ABC Radio stations. Here's why, Terms and Conditions - Digital Subscription, Terms and Conditions - Newspaper Subscription. In Melbourne Anthony Lehmo Lehmann, AngelaPipposand Emma Race pass the pre-game weekend commentary mics to Alister Nicholson and Corbin Middlemas. The broadcaster has tweeted that next . We will cross to both the Adelaide Fringe Festival and the Avalon Airshow to hear what's happening. In Longreach, Dan Prosser is new to Breakfast. In Melbourne, Sammy J will once again start the day on Breakfast; followed by Virginia Trioli in Mornings; Richelle Hunt and Warwick Long with The Conversation Hour; Jacinta Parsons in Afternoons; Raf Epstein in Drive; and David Astle in Evenings. He hosted his last show on 2 September 2016. I love unearthing the fascinating stories which come with journalism and building strong relationships. Barry returns to the story of the Robodebt Royal Commission,but there has been some remarkable and startling admissions about how government can be NOT for the people and actuallyagainst them. In 2007, the popular "Not the Nightly News" segment was discontinued. She's "excited to bring these conversations to the Saturday Breakfast program". Boogie woogie piano player Ben Waters has played sell-out shows from the Sydney Opera House to The Royal Albert Hall in London. March 3, 2023 Emily Dongray News 0. On Overnights, there's great music and interesting guests from Australia and all parts of the globe. He was excited to take on Breakfast. TheAfternoonandDriveprograms will be extended in all capital cities, except for Perth and Hobart, replacing the 90-minute music and culture show hosted byMyfWarhurst. Every fortnight on Nightlife, he'll look at the latest news, reviews, pricing, reveals . as Donna Cross brought in, to assist in applying strategies to schools to bring wayward kids into line and assist teachers? Published: 13h agoSat 4 Mar 2023 at 11:00am/with Suzanne Hill, Published: 13h agoSat 4 Mar 2023 at 11:00am, Published: FriFri 3 Mar 2023 at 11:00am/with Suzanne Hill. The note on my pillow said: 'You've been accepted as a cadet journalist on the Sun . . The show will continue to feature the popular gardening talkback segment. Sirine Dimachkie presents the networked Evenings show each Friday, with Christine Anu presenting Saturday Evenings and Craig Quartermaine Sunday Evenings. ABC News Radio live ABC News is owned and operated by Australian Broadcasting Corporation. All available on demand: On your TV, on your desktop, on your phone. All In The Mind. 611. Brendan Arrow. Austin Landing and HOT 102.9 Want You To Do Something . Several ABC radio networks recorded their highest audience reach and share in a decade due largely to the bushfire coverage followed by coverage of the . Please try again later. First Australians and Traditional Custodians of the lands where we 3hrs Mon 2 May 2022 More episodes. ABC Radio has announced its 2021 presenter line ups, which remain relatively stable for all networks, with no changes for ABC Radio Sydney and ABC Radio Melbourne. New South Wales. 15 December 2020 ABC Radio has announced its 2021 presenter line ups, which remain relatively stable for all networks, . Enthusiastic, amicable and constantly striving for excellence, I have a passion for radio broadcasting. High School Game Of The Week; High School Scoreboard; . ABC Radio - listen to live streaming radio or catch up in your own time to audio on-demand and podcasts from ABC RN, triple j, Double J, ABC Classic, ABC Rural and ABC Local radio stations. An ABC radio presenter shouted an expletive twice during a late-night news broadcast in Adelaide before being abruptly taken off the air. Your information is being handled in accordance with the, ABC Classic reveals its new look for 2019, SMS: 0437236777 (text only, rates apply). Posting Rules. Chappell hosts the show from ABC Radio Melbourne from Monday to Thursday and Quinn hosts the show from ABC Radio Sydney from Friday to Sunday. In January 2020, ABC announced that Indira Naidoo will replace Sarah MacDonald and host the show from Friday to Sunday from Friday 7 February. Very large text size. from DanBourchier. For more information on ABC Radio Darwin in 2020 click here. from 11.00am to midday with ABC regional presenter Warwick Long. On Overnights, there's great music and interesting guests from Australia and all parts of the globe. Co-hosts will be announced early next year. In September 2016, ABC announced that Philip Clark from 666 ABC Canberra will host Nightlife. [5] Suzanne Hill will replace Naidoo.[6]. Something of a nomad, Suzanne's a keen world traveller and has backpacked around 75 countries and lived in London and Toronto, as well as a short and somewhat concerning stint working on a reality tv programme at a seedy resort in the Greek Islands. . Our regular program line-up features: Classic Breakfast with Russell Torrance (Weekdays 6am - 10am . In 1993 , Philip began as presenter for the Breakfast Show on ABC 702 . Access unlimited news content and The Canberra Times app. . In Melbourne,Afternoonspresenter Richelle Hunt will co-host a new-lookThe Conversation Hourfrom 11.00am weekdays with ABC Regional Radio presenter Warwick Long. He is able to balance the demands of fast paced broadcast news switching flawlessly from politics to economics, from international affairs to issues of national importance. The ABC . In Melbourne Anthony Lehmo Lehmann, AngelaPipposand Emma Race pass the pre-game commentary mics to Alister Nicholson and Corbin Middlemas for the 2020 AFL season. . . There are no changes to ABC Radio Adelaide. Fifty Australian drivers will be challenged to give up their cars for a month and replace driving with ride-share trips, rental cars, e-bikes and scooter rides as part of a social experiment . 891 ABC Adelaide. Fats Domino - The Fat Man. Bern Young will present Breakfast on Friday as well as Saturday Breakfast. Boogie Woogie pianist Ben Waters shares his love for Honky Tonk and stories from his huge career working with everybody from the Rolling Stones to Jeff Beck and PJ Harvey. The second hour also has guests, but without a talkback section followed by "What The Papers Say", when the major Australian newspapers reveal their main stories for the next day. Were sorry, this feature is currently unavailable. Spend 2019 with the presenters and programs you know and love - and meet a few new faces. Kelly Silvera. . I like telling local stories with integrity. Fans took to Twitter to express their dismay at his departure from the airwaves.
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