Msrket; 4-vear course; prepares for bar examination, L. L B. degree; fall class starts Sept. 17. The best Uncle a niece could ever ask for - I will miss him every day forever. SALESMANAGERS for Neon window displays; exclusive territories. He was preceded in Theresa G. Romeo (nee Licitri), 95, passed away peacefully at home on February 20th, 2023, surrounded by her loving family. John was a veteran of Velia Finelli, 96, passed away on Saturday, February 25, 2023. ed by experienced laundress; or day work, cleaning or housework. October 1st, 1938, two $1,000.00 bonds. Both must be high grade men with best of references. The Akron Beacon Journal is a morning newspaper in Akron, Ohio, United States, and published by Black Press. S12 Chestnut bh-dL'AlhrldireS157: WASHING-ANb IRONING uanted; price reasonable. Special chicken dinner SOc. His passing absolutely stunned me. for today, Choose from a wide variety of Akron Beacon Journal newsletters including Afternoon Update, Akron Beacon Journal Obituaries, Browns Insider and more. Akron Beacon Journal: Web Edition Articles obits are an excellent source of information about those long-lost family members in Akron, Ohio.. With the Akron Beacon Journal: Web Edition Articles obituary archives being one of the leading sources for uncovering your history in Ohio, it's important to know how to perform a Akron Beacon Journal: Web . MEN, Uo. Invalid coach service. Can give rrerenres. Akrrm examination about Oct. 25. A new class starts the first Monday of each month. Wr.te Box W-78, Beacon Journal. She is survived Claudette Jane Bennett, 82, of Akron OH, peacefully passed away 2/23/23. From Dean W. J. ' They're not a map to follow, but simply a description of what people commonly feel. into a group conversation and then tiptoe away from it all. Low 31F. I really miss him. Csll at 1128 8 Mamjit. LEGAL NOTICE On and after thia date I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by anyone other than mvself. Rialto Beauty College. Karol A. Frazier, age 80, of Hartville, passed away January 31, 2023. Dated this 10th dav of September. Summit County, OH Obituaries at Obits Index THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1930 AKRON BEACON JOURNAL TiLLtlT i -THK Jli jS MULCAHY IGNORES KIIER'S ATTACK ON II ISSUES Says Democratic Leaders Will Have Something To Say Later I DRY FORCES' RALLYING Declining to reply to Attorney T. 3 W. Klmber's charge that the Democratic party In Ohio Is "half drunk and half sober," Con Mulcahy, chairman of the Summit county '"'democratic executive committee, . Mavor. Bee Mr. Cochran, E. R. Jones, Authorized Ford Dealers, 1868 Front st., Cuyahoga Falls. Akron Beacon Journal Subject Indexes (1841-1939) Akron-Summit County Public Library . Summit County, OH Obituaries and Death Notices at Genealogy Trails HEmlock 0341. Visit this link to create a free obituary then read the advantages of creating an obituary on Echovita and either click Start now or Create an obituary for your loved to begin. claimed the lives of three persons overnight, including the . Akron Fifty or 75 dollars is my limit. C. L. Colvln, R. D. 3, East Akron. After 74 years, my work here on Earth is done. I confess I have my own reservations about metric but to understand why, youre going to have to walk a kilometer in my shoes. REAL SILK HOSIERY MILLS have two openings; splendid opportunity; new fsll line; best selling season now ou. BLackstone 6109, established In 1923. Prepare a personalized obituary for someone you loved.. Search Akron obituaries and condolences, hosted by According to meager information from the stricken area, 175 persons were killed by the temblor and 300 i were injured. A celebration of Betty's life will be held at Newcomer Betty fought hard for many years, and peacefully passed away at home February 16th, 2023. Ill psrties. If you have a desirs to earn money come and see us. Hopkins Lawver Funeral Home Obituaries in Akron, OH Uncovering your family history can be difficult. (Billow, BLackstone 71 7 1 1. Anyone with family information is encouraged to call Newcomer Funeral Home 330-784-3334. (AP) The national reliability air tour was homeward bound today, j The 18th aerial competitors faced j the first of three legs which lead j directly to Detroit, Saturday, start! Congressman Seiberling will be ' the speaker Monday noon at the luncheon of the Akron Real Estate board at the Y. W. C. A. SOVIET RECOGNITION IS SEEN FARTHER OFF Steady Procession Of Events '' Causes U. S. To Remain is' Aloof WASHINGTON, Sept. 25. UNIverslty 3002, WrT!iHILlT23 W. Mildred; large front room and board; clean and quiet; home privileges; reasonable, rent; 3 doora to bus. SALESGIRLS, two, must be experienced, selling over counter; references required. He had a great sense of humor and was fun to be around. He spent his entire career at the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company, living throughout the United States and Europe, including Nebraska, Michigan, South Carolina and Luxembourg, with several assignments in Akron. Akron Beacon Journal in 1994 Indexed and prepared by Michael Elliott of the Special Collections Division, Akron-Summit County Public Library The first column lists the name of the deceased and the second lists the date on which an obituary appeared. 6B4 W. Thornton. In full bloom, cut flowers, bulbs; visitors welcome. FOR-CHICKEN stesk dmnersi bTidge luncheons; special parties: Drive to the Wisteria Tea Room, Hartville, 0-, an attractive Japanese tea room Just 14 miles southeast of Akron. Richard was born in Barberton where he was a life resident and worked at Barberton Electronics and Pinkerton Security. October 1st, 1936, two $1,000.00 bonda. Paragraphing permitted under aame classifications, provided each paragra;h contains not less than 10 words. Find service information, send flowers, and leave memories and thoughts in the Guestbook for your loved one. - The persons above named will each and all take notice that they are required to rnswer In said case on or before the 11th day of October, 19.10 or Judgment will be rendered aennst them. Elocution dancing. She was a Carl Joseph Lombard, passed away Sunday, January 22, 2023 at age 86 surrounded by his loving family. LEWIS D SLUSSER, Probate Judge of Summit County, Ohio Sept 25 Oct 3 9 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of Edward D. Putt, deceased. Born May 5, 1957 (Akron). If you're trying to get more information on a specific relative, follow these steps to perform an advanced search of the Akron Beacon Journal obituary archives. Copyright 2023 Echovita Inc. All rights reserved. She was born on March 24, 1931 in Woodbury, TN, the daughter of the late Henry and Sally Jane (nee Lahue) Parton. Christine Brennan, age 39, our angel was taken way too early on February 25, 2023. OTTsiT VIALL-KESLERfunYral horn Invalid car day and night. Rite of Christian Mary (Neff) Tunstall, 86, passed away on February 26, 2023. BLack.none a.'Sft. Main at. SPECIALTY SALESMEN Are you looking for something that will really sell undr present conditions? Get this The Akron Beacon Journal page for free from Thursday, September 25, 1930 N JOURNAL TiLLtlT i -THK Jli jS MULCAHY IGNORES KIIER'S ATTACK ON II ISSUES Says Democratic Leaders Will Have . Inquire 844 RENTALS ROOM AND BOARD CHITTENDEN ST., 23S. Anyone with family information is encouraged to call Newcomer Funeral Home 330-784-3334. In one corner, youve got the goody-two-shoes mathy mathos, the folks who insist that metric just makes sense because its a base-10 system and is the worldwide standard. Simply browse the Akrons obituaries listing you can find on this page or conduct a search on the web site with your loved ones name. Mass of Christian Burial 11a.m. Mrs. Evelyn Jackson, 97, of Youngstown Ohio passed away February 24, 2023. ENROLL NOW FOR FALL TERM Night school Monday, Wednesdsy, Priday evenings 6:30-9 p. m. Comptometer School, 418 Sec. It's pothole season again, for better or worse. 1041. three $1,000.00 bonds The principal and interest of all of said bonds ahall be payable at The Mogadore Savings Bank, Mogadore, Ohio. - OVERHOLTZER Israel, age 84 years, passed away at his home, near Union-town, Wednesday p. m. He leaves his wife, four aons and one daughter. Marisa Meredith Ryan Davis, age 27 of Akron passed away on Friday, February 24, 2023. O. FEMALE BEAUTY OPERATOR WANTED Must be experienced: steady work. Ada J. Tidy-man, 432 Brcwn St., HEmlock 5674. Stall ol Los Angeles. Akron Beacon Journal is not responsible for screening, editing or verifying . You can click this link to create an obituary. Mr. Gleason. 34 S. High t. SHOEMAKER, experienced; must be willing to take over business. LEWIS D. SLUSSER. I will miss Bob. Sorry to hear about Bobs passing. Southern Sun Digital Media All Rights Reserved. C. Huttl, 435 W. South. MADAME LO OUE, S81Park wish e s"!o announce that her new dial phone number la FRanklln 3038. For the 15t h position on the court, two other Latin Americans and a European were the candidates as balloting progress in the afternoon without any decisive result. A place for news and discussion about politics in the Buckeye State, with more politics than /Ohio and more Ohio than /politics. ORR1E R. SMITH, teacher of drums, bells and xylophone. 66 E. Market Special dinnera, barbecues end S-decker toasted sandwiches. She was a longtime member of St. Paul Catholic Marisa Meredith Ryan Davis, age 27 of Akron passed away on Friday, February 24, 2023. Rest in peace my friend. Born in Akron, Carolyn had lived in Tallmadge for most of her life. Yes, simply like this page on facebook or search Obituary in Akron on facebook. Box K-38, Beacon Journal. past 3 days, Reasonable rates. If you have ever worked on a memorial park deal and would like to connect up with a real high class memorial park deve'op-ment Just starting apply Mr. Hsley, Portage hotel. PRIVATE INSTRUCTION CUYAHOOA FALLS Private kindergarten, children 3-5 years, opens Sept. 22 at Semler's Tavern. It is with a heavy heart that I write my final fair well to my brother in law and friend, Bob Carlton. When Bob came to Goodyear we recruited him to play on our team in the intramural league. WAlbridge 6186. DRAKE Office Employment Service, 803 Permanent Title hldg., 85 E. Mill St. N. Walnut. Summit County Vital Records at Summit County, OH GenWeb Archives Ohio Death Index, 1913-1944, 1954-1963 MyHeritage. Akron Beacon Journal: Blogs 08/15/2005 to 11/12/2016 . Burial Uniontown. My sympathies to you and your family Mary. WASHING, IRONING and curtains mant. SALESMEN who are up and doing will de well to lnveatigate The Raisin Broolt Packing Co. a proposition at 1015 3. WOLF Mrs. Julia, 71 years, 823 Rhodes av.,t died Sept. 24. He will always be in my memories and for sure I will never forget that smile and ready laugh. I don't suppose it's' gqing , to hurt my reputation much for people to known I've been in a gambling house I've been to Monte Carlo, too. Notice Is hereby given that Lydia M. Weaver, 1164 Lexington av., Akron, Ohio, has been duly appointed and qualified as executrix of the estate of T. A. Weaver, late ot 8umm.t County, Ohio, deceased. 5/15/1991 . ME M OR IA LP A R K S AXESME N H 1 g it class memorial park just starting In en adja- ' cent rlty. Bob was an Akron native, the 1965 Akron Beacon Journal Basketball Player of the Year at Woodridge High School . He was born on March 19, 1936 in Buffalo, N.Y. AKRON'S COMPLETE SCHOOL OF MUSlO John F. Stein, director. past year, Apply all week after 6:30 n.m. Room 210 Medford bldg. Careful driver. Augustyn, Bertha C. 1/30/1991 . SALESMEN for national publication; references required: daily Income. Obituaries . Very sorry to hear of the passing of Bob. Visitation will be held at Second Baptist Church (690 S. Main St., Akron) on Amos M. Gibson, 67, of Akron, passed away February 19, 2023. Summit County Death Records. TOPOLOSKY, JOHN L. (UNDERTAKERS! Sept 11 1 25 LEGAL NOTICE Roiled hirl mil be received at the office of the Vlllane Clerk of the Village of Mogadore, Ohio, until twelve o'clock noon, attorn utandnrd time until the 13th day of October, 1930 lor tne purcnase m mc following bonda of the aald Village: Twenty-three Thousand One Hundred Seventy-eight and 03-100 Dollars t23,n8.03i of Village of Mogadore special assessment bonds, shall oe in tne acnominauuH oi One Thousand Dollars 11,000.00) each, excent one bond which ahall be of the de- nomination of One Hundred Seventy-eight and 03-100 Dollars ($118,031, shall be dated November 1st. (AP) Frank B. Kellogg, former American secre tary of state and 13 other men, in cluding two Latin Americans, were elected to the bench of the world court today by the assembly and the council of the league of nations. We got a lot of laughs out of that project and they stayed with us for many years. Apply after 5:30 p. m. Chamberlin Printing Co., 66 Cherry t. YOUNG MEN or ladies wanted who can make small Investment to learn mechanical dentistry. image/svg+xml. Anyone desiring to do ao may present a bid or bids for such bonds ba.ted upon their bearing a different rate of Interest than hereinbefore fixed, provided, how ever, that where a fractional interest rate Is bid, such fraction shall he one-quarter of one per cent or multiples thereof. Stale experience, age and salary expected. To plant trees in memory, please visit the. Get this The Akron Beacon Journal page for free from Tuesday, March 12, 1985 uel Ady BARBERTON Roy (Butch) Samuel Adv, 47, of 933 Wilbur Ave., pasaea away March 9 at the Cleveland Clinic. at echovita (Gardner, WAlbridge 3o:2 i WANDERCHEK Stephen. Funeral services Saturday, 1:30 p. m. at the residence. LEWIS D. SLUSSER, Probate Judge of Summit County, Ohio Sept 11 18 25 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT , ' Estate of Ruth Mowery, deceased. Here's how to navigate, How firefighters saved one of their own when his heart stopped, Life, death and hope: What we know about the 3-cross display on I-76, 6 APS teams advance as Akron hosts robotics state championship, Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad temporarily suspends all operations, Oh no! U.S. Social Security Death Index 1935-2014 search this death index database of over 94 million records January 18, 2023 (80 years old) View obituary. Eva was born on May 7, 1923 to the late Frank & Theresa Varca. Saturday, 6 a. m. Bnggage tnken. W.ll give a perms-nen: position with good salsry to the right man. Sedrn. He was a life-long Summit County resident and worked as an engineering James (Jim) Richard Goetz Jr., age 76, passed away on February 19, 2023. near Goodyear; board 2 or a men or couple. He was a longtime resident of Hudson, Ohio Dale Ann Panovich, age 76, passed away on February 18, 2023. Fall line now here; permanent . Please see for the full obit. Saw Bob through the years and you could tell how much he appreciated running into old friends. The Plain Dealer Obituaries, LOGAN & REYNOLDS FUNERAL HOME 328 Palm av. Winds ENE at 5 to 10 mph.. Tonight After 74 years, my work here on Earth is done. "Introducing Clara Bow- to any body," he said, "is like lntroducins Hoover to the senate. Day classes only. She leaves her husband Levi and 4 children, Mrs. Samuel Bntsch, Mrs. O. C. Richards, Mrs. Wm. Average Joe: Weights and Measures week is a 55-gallon drum of fun, Sincere Carry pours in 35 points, KSU finds redemption over Zips, Should Akron schools lock up cellphones? 530 bouflas st.. rear. The body Is now at Myers' Funeral Parlors. 'ft, Get access to this page with a Free Trial, Millions of additional pages added every month, Exclusive licensed content from premium publishers like the. After all, what would a hack scribe like me do without the metric system? W T. Raw-leleh Co . FEMALE POLICE DOG lost, black and tan: name "Peggy "! LEWIS I). 1939. Hope cemetery. If the pump can withstand this trial for six minutes and resist making a Footloose wisecrack, it doesnt feel self-conscious at all about dispensing fossil fuels and therefore must have a sufficient octane level. : '. She was born on Friday, October 8, 1926 in Carovilli, Italy to the late Mario Velia Finelli, 96, passed away on Saturday, February 25, 2023. Notice is hereby given that Omer A. Yer-rick. I certainly do not want to get ripped off or buy bad gas, so I'm really glad we've got folks looking out for us. Rhoden Memorial Home Inc. Sunday, February 26, 2023. SHerwood 6831 TWO PA.'iSENOERS to Chicago Saturday or Sunday, $6 each. But Im trying to keep an open mind. Saturday, March 4th at Holy Family Christine Brennan, age 39, our angel was taken way too early on February 25, 2023. 2023 A celebration of Betty's life will be held at Newcomer Funeral Home, 131 N. Canton Rd. Howard. Dayton's Prlvste Dancing Studio, 641 N. Main St., FRanklln 5426. A native of Akron, Ohio, Dolores married her first love Bill Weintraub and celebrated almost Anna Marie Feltrup, nee Pinkston, 35, went home to be with the Lord on Sunday, February 27, 2023, after suffering a stroke on Thursday, February Anna Marie Feltrup, nee Pinkston, 35, went home to be with the Lord on Sunday, February 27, 2023, after suffering a stroke on Thursday, February 23rd. 31 N. Howard. Your loving thoughts and prayers have already honored Bob and his family. Call HEmlock 1636. POWERED BY. $5 reward. She Frieda N. Gerin, 96, passed away February 24, 2023. A native of Youngstown and the oldest of four children, she attended Youngstown Public Schools and retired from Ohio Bell. Age 27. James (Jim) Richard Goetz Jr., age 76, passed away on February 19, 2023. Index to Obituaries Published in the A. kron Beacon Journal. TWO PASSENGERS to Boston and return; Legion convention; $10 50 each: married couple prefened. I knew Bob for fifty six years. WILSON Mrs. Mary E. (Breniren, 8 years, died Sept. 22nd at the home of her son. Steady workers can start earning $33 weekly and Increase monthly. Her most recent employer was First Merit Bank. Grief researchers say holding that missing funeral service, even a year or more later, can still help us heal. 111.; L, Ruch, Kansas City; Nancy Hopkins, Washington, D. C; W. J. Carr, Detroit; C. W. Meyers, Cleveland; H. C. Mummert, Hammondsport, N. Y.; George Moissner, New York. Need help? Please note that it is quite common for an individual's obituary to We worked together on several occasions. Delivery: Daily. . You knew when Uncle Bob was going to be there - fun times were to be had!! The Village of Mogadore reserves the right to reject any bida for any renson or cause, and the aald Village shall be the sole Judge thereof. This is a tragic loss which is only exacerbated by the current conditions. She was born on Friday, October 8, 1926 in Carovilli, Italy to the late Mario and Maddalena (Carano) Riccillo arriving in North Hill in 1967, Joseph C. Ford III, 65, of Akron, Ohio passed Sunday, Feb. 12, 2023 at Summa Health System (Akron). Probate Judr- of Summit County, Ohio ept 11 II 25 RELIABILITY FLIERS ! Giving to charity is a meaningful way to honor someone who has died. Then, there's the first day of spring on the 20th. We gie a standard diploma, United States Beauty School, BLackstone 4024. OPPORTUNITY Investigate aU other offers, then -come in and let us explsln a, aelllng proposition that will really surprise you. Northfield, Ohio Newspaper Obituaries (Source: GenealogyBank) ($) Norton Funeral Homes (Source: Obituary Index Individuals born in Summit County. Creating an obituary on Echovita is free. Nellie Morrison, 408 Z. Cuyahofja Falls av. 1903479. Call BLsckstone 5013. 1316 Sackett av., Cuyahoga Falls, O. A- 72476 lor sale to the highest cash bidder at 1:00 o'clock P. M. October t. 1930 at the Arcade Garage, SI 8. INSTRUCTION MISCF.LLANEOLS INSTRUCTION AKRON LAW SCHOOL, 97 . Cloudy skies. Eva was born on May 7, 1923 to the late Frank & Theresa Varca. Anyone with family information is encouraged to call Newcomer Funeral Marisa Meredith Ryan Davis, age 27 of Akron passed away on Friday, February 24, 2023. Stick and Paste: The inspector assumes a boxing stance in front of the gas pump, jabbing closer and closer to it until making contact as if sparring with Glass Joe from the classic 1980s video arcade boxing game Punch-Out! With the excellent assortment of both passenger and commercial cars your opportunities are unlimited. Silver Lake country club, extends sn Invitation to luncheon from- ir -to. We didn't always agree, but listened to one another without judgement. WHEELER-sf", s""3 Will board parents and rhildren; cara for children while, parpnta work; i p o o M A N n " R o A R P -rn r two gentlemen: home pniileKcs. Bernie worked for over 30 Frieda N. Gerin, 96, passed away February 24, 2023. The utilities commission announced dismissal of the application was for lack of prosecution, nobody appearing at the hearing to give testimony to the commission. Howard st. ; LET MOLER'S TEACH YOU BAHBERING Train yourrelf lor really b:g salaries. WANTED, SALESMAN WITH CAR-To take orders snd deliver home necessities on old established route in West Ashtabula, central Trumbull counties, Akron and Yountstown. You have funeral questions, we have answers. The Lanle System of Beauty Culture offers you ! For Information call Katharine Dunlap, director, st Semler's Tavern, State rd. LEWIS D. SLUSSER. About this Newspaper. HELP WANTED MALE ADVERTISING SALESMAN and circulation manager, experienced. 3217 Front St., Cuvphnga Falls. POINTING TO DETROIT Three Legs Remain Before Planes Return To Starting Point KANSAS CITY, Kan., Sept. 25. past 3 days, Ohio, deceased. Expand the Memories and Condolences form. fried onions at Perkins Cafe, 391 S. Msple at., at Five Points. Main st. Average Joe: Weights and Measures week is a 55-gallon drum of fun. Akron Beacon Journal Obituary Indexes (1937 - present) Akron-Summit County Public Library . and Chestnut blvd. If we ever do switch to metric, Ill try to be in for a penny, in for a kilogram. all records at If youre in charge of handling the affairs for a recently deceased loved one, this guide offers a helpful checklist. Invalid car. at ($) Burial in Uniontown, O. Fr-.ends may call at Billow chapel, Thursday evening and Friday. 3 Goodyear av. ; Eddie Schneider, Jersey City, N. J.; J. W. Smith, New Castle, Del. You can click this link to create an obituary. JOSEPH OUNTER. Cail BLackstone 9516 MOVIE PROGRAMS TODAY WEST IDEAL THEATER. 3310 and to carry passengers between Cleveland. 337 Wabash av , FRanklln 1734. Patricia Sue Lesko. Lenke of Akron; a son. Akron man shot and killed in North Hill was protecting his family What we know about why Akron's new police review board is stalled Weather record falls for fourth straight week in Greater Akron More in News. Russ was drafted Russell Wade Fesler, born in Copley, Ohio to Seward and Harriet Fesler, on February 11th, 1927. My heart aches for you, Aunt Mary, Heather, Jesse.wish I could give you all hugs and tell you it will all be ok Know that I love you all so much and feel my prayers for you every eveningfind strength in being together at this time. 81 S. Howard St. Room 19 FRanklln 3623. Born March 23, 1924 in Toledo, Ohio; his family moved to Akron in 1930. He fought hard and courageously, but finally his spirit was given up to God. Ambrose, Robert J. Andrews, Oakley VanderPoel. Apply 1743 8. She married Dave. Rcvsrd. It's surprising how much a musical selection can affect mourning. Money to Loan On Chattela Money to Loan Moncv Wanted X RKAL ESTATE Business Property for Sals Investment Property Lots for Sale City Homes lar Sale Suburban Homea for Sals Farms and Land for Sale Out-of-Town Property for Salt Resort Property Real Estate Sale or Exchange Wsnted Real Estate XI AUTOMOTIVE Airplanes for Sale Automobiles for Sale Automobllea Wanted Trucks Tractors Busies Auto Agencies Accessories Tires Parts Gsragea Oarage Bullden Motorcycle Bicycles Auto Service Repairs NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of Ernst C. Haspelmalh.
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