Edward A. Carter: The Heroic Soldier Who Was Denied A Medal Of Honor Because Of His Race, Gunung Padang: The Oldest Pyramid On Earth, What Stephen Hawking Thinks Threatens Humankind The Most, 27 Raw Images Of When Punk Ruled New York, Join The All That's Interesting Weekly Dispatch. They didnt tell me they were going for Ricky and Jim. I always felt they had to prove something, cause everyone looked up to them. flesh, full of dents from the blade of a knife. COLLUM CLARK: There was a total spur of the moment thing where Gary and some other kids decided to gang up on this guy. lead a series of tours' to the body for local teens -- all of whom held a are sitting, talking, and I guess because now that he broke through his I talked to him for hours and hours during the night. He didnt feel good. In July of 1984, a story originating out of Long Island, New York began to make headlines throughout the world. A POLICE DOG WENT MAD ON THE FOURTH OF JULY, DEEP IN THE WOODS behind twenty members and was known for animal sacrifices. Troiano was in century grave from which he stole a skull and hand that he intended to use for a TimesMachine is an exclusive benefit for home delivery and digital subscribers. The AC/DC t-shirt Kasso wore during his arrest added fuel to the long-existing fire that linked heavy metal music with Satan worship. and a pile of bones wearing denim vest, running pants, white undershorts, Nikes. We want your mother to be the leader of it. See, my mother has these powers. And then I saw Gary come out from behind the white church; he walks up and his jacket was ripped; he had a cut on the side of his face blood dripping down. I thought it was a nightmare. Mr. Quinones testified that Mr. Kasso, Mr. Troiano and Mr. Lauwers all had taken multiple doses of mescaline on the night of the murder. and glowed." Some went downtown to scrape off the satanic graffiti and sing Stairway to Heaven. Some went to praise Ricky Kasso or to bury Gary Lauwers. You feel like you could rip your gut open and not even know it. Im not getting near that thing. The murder took place during a period known as the "Satanic panic" when there was much public concern[2][3][4] over the effects of Satanic and occult content in heavy metal music and in role-playing games. It can happen anywhere, that's the thing. Interests? Quinones said that Kasso . He was always like that, since he was a little kid. It's A trim youth carrying a round object climbed from the truck and entered the park. One day I asked Ricky if I could borrow a knife. ''It's weird because this is where it started - I mean, this is where the whole night started,'' he said, looking around the park. Amityville Witch Building: Building shaped like witch hat. He did so, police said, in part because Lauwers Where evil dwells He was a pisser sometimes. Girls and guys are drinking, and theres a guy all dressed up in a tuxedo has the horns on and all, like a devil and hes saying, You didnt actually think hell would be all that bad, did you? Something close to that. Rickey Kasso is He was always wasted. I was in love with the guy, you know. hangout in the Village of Northport before and after a teenager was stabbed to ''It was a long deliberation, and, therefore, you can conclude it was well thought out.''. Two weeks after that another friend shot himself. Demonic People are paying for him to go to trial and you know he's guilty.'' Case Is Given Details of Ritual Death" by Lindsey Gruson (April 9, 1985), "Trial Makes Young Visitors Uneasy" by Lindsey Gruson (April 11, 1985), "L.I. Im not crazy. I was like, I never said you were crazy, but maybe you need help with drugs. He said, I do not, and then he started yelling, coming closer. Contradicting statements he had given to the police, the teen-age witness, Albert Quinones, testified that he was ''positive'' that Mr. Troiano had not held the victim or prevented his escape. I didnt tell anybody, but I couldnt escape it. Maybe his lip was bleeding. has arrived! Anyone can read what you share. And I said, Oh, yeah, youre so cool you can pull a gun on someone. And he got all mad, and started chasing me, and getting his girlfriends after me, and saying he was gonna kill me. Thats all. I wear the peace signs no ones gonna tell me about a murder. another friend shot himself. transfigured themselves into flies and flew off. Two days after his arrest, he hanged himself with a bedsheet in his jail cell on July 7, 1984. I did it to see bones, to see history. When he was seven, he took the hook on a swing set - you know how JURY ACQUITS DEFENDANT IN KILLING OF YOUTH IN WOODS, https://www.nytimes.com/1985/04/26/nyregion/li-jury-acquits-defendant-in-killing-of-youth-in-woods.html. death by a friend; 4) Newsday cover photo by Jim Peppler-inset, a scene from First in the gut and then in the heart. - Family & House it is based on located near Amityville! Troiano, whod been in jail before, signed a confession but later pleaded not guilty, and now awaits trial for second-degree murder. He He was up that night. Thirty stabs? He was on dust. To me, Gary was being cool and shit. Main Street, Cow Neck Park and the park gazebo - on which graffiti referring to Satan had been scrawled - are all part of the story of four teen-agers who came together in nearby Aztakea Woods one Saturday night last June. He said I was committed to Gary. Gary just had a severe dislike for him. Lauwers face was destroyed beyond recognition. They were dehydrated, so they asked me where the nearest swimming pool was, cause they wanted to go pool hopping. Aztakea Woods . Welcome!". Its just something teenagers do. MARK FISHER: If you met Ricky, he was just one of the nicest people youd ever meet. Kasso killerlong live the new flesh When he was high, hed always sit there and laugh at you, like he was trying to pretend to be crazy. I just stayed up and watched Benny Hill, movies and stuff. The alleged murderers were Ricky Kasso, 17, and Jimmy Troiano, 18, both of whom had rejected school, home and work for a life of streets, backyards, forts, woods, cars, boats, friends floors. stabbing him 17 times during a three-hour torture session. Push yourself as far as you can go. See the article in its original context from. in the suburbs. KINGS PARK RAPPING BOY: Hey, Ricky, youre so fine, why doncha stab me one more time! . and he told the doctors that he was fine, that he was gonna go back to conspiracy of silence against the town's adult population." Mr. Kasso, he added, ''did the right thing'' by hanging himself. Kasso believed a black crow possessed by Satan told him to kill. They got thrown off the bus, cause they stopped at a place for the night, and in the morning, they went to the liquor store and bought, like, mega bottles of Jack and everything, and they went on the bus, and they started getting everyone on the bus really drunk. His tools were here. ''It's scary, but I think it was a freak. the following weeks one of those remaining teens -- young Ricky Kasso -- would The quotations in this article were drawn from interviews conducted at various times and locations over several weeks, then arranged by the author to describe the chronology of events. He said he was never gonna trip again. Amityville Insane Ricky is the acid king. My biggest problem in life is my friends dying. 30+ "Albert Quinones" profiles | LinkedIn "The act that triggered the murder was Lauwers stealing ten bags of Angel Dust Rick Kasso of Northport. The police were here, and the policeman says, You dont step on our toes, we dont step on yours.. A summer ago, Gary and his pals got stoned in his forest of white hand prints, and they made a tape to document the event. His black eye. It was sick, it was torture. L.I. Mr. Kasso, who confessed that he had stabbed the youth, hanged himself in the Suffolk County Jail two days after his arrest on July 5. The 17-year-old victim, Gary Lauwers, was another local teen with a bad drug habit. Gary was a skinny little guy, an easy target. Looking for Herbert Quinones online? Kasso killerlong live the new flesh I apologized to him for something. Some persons were interviewed individually, others in groups. It was weird. killing to police, to parents, to any authorities. Since Kasso committed suicide in jail after his arrest for the crime, the two others present - Albert Quinones and James Troiano - were the only ones left to answer to the judicial system. I remember he got twenty-five hits of acid, and he just gave them out. the twentieth or twenty-first of June. "local satanic group known as the Knights of the Black Circle, which had around Kasso's mother, Yvonne, said she doesn't believe albert quinones northport albert quinones northport I just stood there in my place, like all bugged out. Prosecutors later said the teens were engaged in a That was the word. This is a digitized version of an article from The Timess print archive, before the start of online publication in 1996. Murder Trial Opens: Confession Is Described" by Lindsey Gruson (April 5, 1985), "Jury in L. I. He used to sleep in my garage sometimes, in my 69 Fairlane. Mr. Quinn, who was paid $500 for his testimony, said that chronic abusers were unable to distinguish fantasy from reality and that they would agree to virtually anything suggested by an authority figure. The Acid King Unresolved Under cross-examination by the defense attorney, Eric Naiburg, the witness, 17-year-old Albert Quinones, had trouble recalling details and the sequence of events on the night of the murder. Rolling Stone magazine (11/22/84) said, "They told the Kasso killerlong live the new flesh I mean, it happens everyplace, you know?''. He was dancing. LSD-fueled murders of two self-professed Satanists in an empty Georgia woods, Anton Lavey, the man who made Satanism trendy. We put our cigarettes in it. Man, I dedicate this tape to the man who invented cid and mesc. During the attack, Kasso allegedly commanded Lauwers to "Say you love Satan", and Lauwers is said to have instead replied "I love my mother," before finally giving in to Kasso's demands. He eventually left the body in the woods covered with leaves. ''I don't think there was really, like, a satanic cult,'' said Valerie, 16, who was wearing high heels, black baggy chinos and a black jacket. They were found the next day, sleeping in a car, and were subsequently arrested. Do-de-do, do-de-do. So I went up to Aztakea, but I didnt quite make it, cause it was so dark, I was bumping into trees and falling down. things in western Suffolk County. Ricky wasnt there. Ill meet you back downtown. I just fucking booked out of there. Supposedly. He always had a joke about something, even something that scared him. After this interview, his mother sent him out of state to be with a priest. I tried killing myself. Kasso had been charged in April with digging up a grave the previous fall. Mr. Byrom said he did not believe that devil worship had anything to do with what happened that night. They have also lived in Colorado Springs, CO and . I was peaking. [1] Two other teens, Jimmy Troiano and Albert Quinones, were present at the murder, which took place in the Aztakea Woods of Northport while all four were under the influence of what they believed to be mescaline, but was most likely LSD. The three doped-up teenagers then fled the horrific scene. I said I hadnt seen him. Lauwers response was "No, I love View the Guest Book. This scene portrays Ricky committing a satanic murder near Amityville. Mr. Mancini and the others recalled Mr. Kasso and Mr. Troiano as two friends who were good at football and who used a lot of drugs. Half-burnt body found I went up to Aztakea three hours earlier, with Rick and Jim. I said, Whats going on? And he goes, No way are they gonna lock me up. Kasso killerlong live the new flesh When he was on acid, hed go back into the dark woods, up in Aztakea, and he would talk to the devil. TERRIE ALTO: This is the first time somebody I know died, other than people who send me checks on Christmas. People hate each other for stupid reasons. ''It was like a big joke - it was like, 'Oh yeah, you're just kidding,' '' she said. Tissue had darkened and blood had drained. I was massively depressed. Northport, L.I. PEACENIK GIRL: That night Jimmy and Albert and Ricky came up to me, wanted me to buy mesc. When he was on acid, he'd go back As part of a satanic rite, Gary was a faggot that got tough. And they said, 'Oh, Satan No one else was in the woods that night, the police said, although as many as a dozen teen-agers may have heard rumors about the killing before Mr. Lauwers's body was discovered. And then again sometimes he was a dick. school and doesn't believe in Satan anymore, and he bullshit the doctor so the posters use the pentagram. The murder became sensational news in New York City and across the nation due to the alleged torture of Lauwers and supposed occult aspects of the murder. ALBERT QUINONES: The detectives were beating the shit out of me. I mean, Ricky and Gary were both talking a lot, shit like that. TEEN DUSTHEAD 1: Ricky took everything, just like Jim Morrison. He dyed his hair so no one could find him. He was Id get scared to go in my room, because Ricky used to stay in my room. DENISE WALKER: It wasnt shocking. It was probably the chain hooks onto the seat - he took it into his mouth on top of the Ricky asked for a quarter. About six months ago, he started going to the South Bronx with a friend of mine. On 16 June Kasso, Troiano, Lauwers, and a youth named Albert Quinones, hid themselves away in Newport's Aztakea Woods to partake of some mescaline. All Rights reserved. "In June 1984 in Northport, New York, Ricky Kasso and James Troiano were Kasso was not. of his fangs. Son of a high-school football coach, brother of three beautiful younger sisters, he was the black sheep of a Norman Rockwell family. Complete hallucinations. TEEN DUSTHEAD 2: Gary was an easy target. Kasso scuffled with Lauwers, bit him on the neck and stabbed him in the chest. ACID KING from satanic stoner, Ricky Kasso after reading about his story in the The history of Satanic Ritual Killing and, Murder. Jimmy Troiano signed two confessions that he later recanted. After Ricky stabbed him, Gary took off, ran, and Ricky got him, just like that. http://www.rumourmachine.com/Reviews/Mysweetsatan.htm Kasso stabbed him over and . Hey, Ricky, youre a nice guy, why doncha stab me in the eye! middle. The crime attracted international attention, in no small part because Suffolk County investigators said Kasso was a member of a satanic cult and that a throng of chanting cultists witnessed the sacrificial slaughter. Sometimes last summer he stole money from his parents. After that, he comes up to a group of my friends who are sitting, talking, and I guess because now that he broke through his faggot, and hes into his little dirt-bag group that hes so proud of, he calls me a faggot! Anyone can read what you share. They told me that he started stabbing Gary in the face and shit . PREPSTER GIRL: Jimmy, he was always kind of wild, always doing strange But you could see the eyes, the nose and the mouth, like a regular skeleton. Kasso told police that he and Lauwers and a couple of other young addicts, Troiano and Albert Quinones, 17, had spent the night of June 16 taking LSD and angel dust at a local playground. In one of several minor discrepancies, Mr. Quinones testified that Mr. Lauwers had taken off both his socks and put them into the fire to get it started. . Go bowling. Troiano then described how he helped Kasso move Gay Lauwers body further into the woods. http://acidking.com/press/. The throng turned out to be as phantom as the cheering mob at Big Dans in the rape trial in New Bedford; and the satanic cult, the Knights of the Black Circle, turned out to be a fading organization of cat-burning, dope-dealing delinquents to whom Kasso was not particularly close. Hed figured it out in his mind how to take the most without ODing. That was when the body of 17-year-old Gary Lauwers was found in a shallow grave in the Aztakea Woods, just outside of the sleepy harbor village of Northport. Ricky would take ten hits of mesc in a night. Asylum: Drew Barrymore's Great-Grandfather died there. . faggot, and he's into his little dirt-bag group that he's so proud of, he On Tuesday he testified that Mr. Lauwers had taken off only one sock. I always saw Gary getting the shit kicked out of him. Books, films, and songs inspired by Kasso, There were two famous suicidal deaths in the 1980s that led to trials in U.S. courts, one involving, Several political groups advocated censorship and/or ratings for rock music, most notably. A moment later he was shooting baskets on its well-illuminated cement court. albert quinones northport 11 Jun. .On the night before he had to On June 19, 1984, Ricky Kasso, along with his 18-year-old friend James Troiano, and another local addict, 17-year-old Albert Quinones, lured Lauwers into the woods with the promise of getting high. In this area kids follow "The Code" whereby they do not tell. She said, Do you have a girlfriend? He said, No, Im not into relationships. MICHELLE DeVEAU: My biggest problem in life is my friends dying. Kasso confronted him soon after the incident, prompting Lauwers to immediately return five of the ten bags of PCP. Kasso killerlong live the new flesh dead." walk from the quaint main drag and harbor park of Northport, Long Island, We got done with finals. After that, he comes up to a group of my friends who PREPSTER GIRL: Gary pulled a BB gun on two little kids up at the pump vs semi auto shotgun recoil. The doctors said Kasso was antisocial. He would take three; ten minutes later hed take another three; and two hours later hed take four more. They told the doctors of his grave Occasionally the digitization process introduces transcription errors or other problems; we are continuing to work to improve these archived versions. Wrong. doctors of his grave digging, daily use of hallucinogens and other drugs, He wouldnt think about the next day, what was gonna happen to him. James Are you crazy? and shit like that. Ricky Kasso: Long Island's Grisly Tale of Drugs, Devil Worship, Murder I said, Sure. I told him Gary might be going, if we could find him. Perhaps what most enthralled the country about the teenager who dubbed himself The Acid King were his distinctly normal origins. about sixteen. They started out by drawing a five-pointed star they just traced their fingers. SOFTHEARTED GIRL, 14: I was the closest person to Ricky. decent kids that fought for what was good and decent. It was just like Gary to take off without warning. ''I wouldn't care. me, just kill me. talking about it and she called the police. I still got one of his hickeys. Driver pulled over and said, Get the fuck out!. Ricky Cowen, his best friend James Troiano becomes Tommy Portelance, and murder Gary stole the dust from out of his jacket ten little yellow envelopes with the words SUDDEN IMPACT on them. MARK FISHER: I was walking up Main Street, just applied for a job at the ice-cream parlor, and I saw Ricky making faces at a window. His father said no. And now Gary. Youth Called Lucid on Stabbing" (April 17, 1985), "Defense Lawyer in L.I. Kasso was arrested for grave robbing. An outsider. the next room with his girlfriend. The film Ricky6. Kassos worried parents attempted to have him institutionalized at Long Island Jewish Hospital. However, the psychiatrists determined his mental health did not warrant institutionalization and released him. Justice Story: Satan runs amok on L.I. as a teen confesses to grisly Judge James Copertino of Suffolk County, who presided over the monthlong trial, ordered Mr. Troiano held without bail in the County Jail on two unrelated burglary charges. Black Sabbath, Ozzy Osbourne. My whole body, all of a sudden, it just wouldnt move, it wouldnt function. So they wanted to find out who knew about it. First time he tripped, in seventh grade, in art class, hed drawn a dragon on the board and said it started to move. 3) Newsday cover photo by Dan Neville-Graffiti in a teen It was two a.m. Cause indirectly we were the ones that got him started in this whole thing. Mr. Troiano said in a statement to the police that Mr. Lauwers was forced to say ''I love you, Satan'' before he died. If I die tomorrow, I can always say that I lived my life to the fullest. bands and musicians that sing it. Holy shit! school and doesn't believe in Satan anymore, and he bullshit the doctor so The second best result is Albert Quinones age 60s in El Paso, TX in the Pueblo Viejo neighborhood. It was Gary, and his face was all mangled and stuff. Quinones gave witness account that Troiano helped Kasso during the murder, but later denied this during his testimony at Troiano's trial. Hed talk about his drug deals openly: Mom, Im going down to get a few hits of mesc. I was just tripping out, man. albert quinones northport - clearway-hypnotherapy.com "Another night Albert and two girls held a seance at my house, a Stabbed him in the throat Public DomainRicky Kasso at the time of his arrest for the murder of Gary Lauwers. Its like, I still dont realize hes dead. We put our cigarettes in it. When he was seven, he took the hook on a swing set you know how the chain hooks onto the seat he took it into his mouth on top of the A-frame and jumped off. Another Suffolk County murder that was related to the Amityville horror house incident was it "lowered property values. His confession, which implicated Mr. Troiano, was not admitted into evidence. It was 30 April, the witches' feast of Kid, Retold A shocking 1984 murder in the quaint Village of Northport is now Forty stabs? I saw it once, thats enough. I said, You can have this shovel, and you dont have to give it back. Another guy drove Rick up there to do it, and he did it by himself. But now people give me dirty looks everywhere I was, because Im known as a Satanist. that Gary talked to me. The Acid 2020. Acid King and Teen Satanism. It was like, every time it would hit after twelve, Id start bugging out. No one breathed a word of the They wanted to know the truth. Immediately after the verdict was delivered, court officers rushed the jurors from the courthouse. . [digipak bonus] I met Ricky back in the park. He never wanted to see him again. He didnt care. THE REGION; Detective Disputes Claim of a Beating Send us a tip using our anonymous form. '', Mr. Smith recalled that after the slaying ''religious people'' had passed through town asking everyone how they spent their weekends. ''Yeah,'' Mr. Smith interjected. ", Ricky Kasso a resident of Amityville. People were shocked that teenagers from the picket-fence suburbs could have committed such a brutal crime. pilgrimage to the notorious house at Amityville where Ronald 'Butch' DeFeo had They put a cup in the The play asks how such a thing Troiano Trial Loves a Good Murder Case" by Lindsey Gruson (April 18, 1985), "Story of Murder May Be Illusion, Expert Testifies" by Lindsey Gruson (April 19, 1985), "Closing Arguments Made in Trial of Youth Accused in Drug-Induced Slaying on L.I." . (Gary Lauvers was among those who watched.) See the article in its original context from. However, as soon as drugs entered the picture, Ricky Kassos promising future quickly devolved into a nightmare. `Kids in the Dark,' a new play by [RICK CLEVELAND], inset, 2) and David They said Mr. Lauwers was stabbed about 40 times and beaten by 17-year-old Richard Kasso of Northport while James Troiano, now 19, of East Northport held the victim and Albert Quinones, now 17, of Northport watched. Mr. Kasso, 17, who was charged as a co-defendant, committed suicide two days after his arrest while in police custody. ''He was just like always downtown. human sacrifice. He said he was gonna chase Garys soul and kill himself in jail. confession, he said he heard the screech of a crow, which, in his mind, was Where evil dwells Im like, Rick, what the hell did you kill, a fucking cat? And all of a sudden hes like, There it is. And theres like a pile of leaves, and Im like, Holy shit, man. I see all these maggots on him, a thick pile of them on top of the leaves. Maybe Jimmy was probably thinking that I wasnt gonna rat him out. He was a sweet guy, and very funny. The kids in Western Suffolk County are very STONED PALLBEARER 3: He went to Florida once. One night he came back to my house. Hed bought a knife for protection, but I dont think he carried it around. A friend of Kasso's said at his MARK FISHER: Another night Albert and two girls held a seance at my house, a The police said Mr. Kasso led the attack on Mr. Lauwers because he believed the victim had stolen 10 bags of the powerful hallucinogen phencyclidine, or angel dust, from him. He started complaining he was getting flashbacks. MICHELLE DeVEAU, 15: Gary was like a wimp. Real estate agent said the "worst thing" about the Initial police reports that Mr. Lauwers had been stabbed to death in a bizarre satanic ritual spurred exaggerated news coverage about events on the night of the killing. When youre on it, its like youre drunk, stoned, tripping. She told me someone with this eerie voice called her and said, You will never see your son again, because I just killed him. Neither of us believed it. Albert Quinones's Instagram, Twitter & Facebook on IDCrawl Im more like a hippie-type person man anything else. It wont go away. It bugs me out. One night at a party, Lauwers made the fateful mistake of stealing 10 packets of angel dust from Kassos jacket while the acid king was unconscious from his own drugs. The Amityville Acid King. He was my friend. To preserve these articles as they originally appeared, The Times does not alter, edit or update them. Id think about going to the cops and just sort of, No, man, because theyd try to frame me, man. Ricky Kasso: The Acid King - Medium ''You could always hit him but he would do nothing back,'' said Bruce Smith, 16, who wore a striped tie and a red St. Louis Cardinals sweatshirt. ''It was just two crazy kids on drugs is all.''. Includes free contact info & photos & court records. into the dark woods, up in Aztakea, and he would talk to the devil. In the Philadelphia Daily News (Pennsylvania): Chronology of the trial in the New York Times (available online). Just put it down that it was the dust. YouTubeGary Lauwers ran away from home so often that his body lay undiscovered for weeks before anyone realized he was missing. After he smoked seven packets of dust, we were having a regular conversation. Sometime after midnight, a Mazda pickup stopped near the park, cruised away, then returned and pulled to the curb. Its sick: Ive seen thirteen-year-old girls running around with RICKY LIVES on their T-shirts. When he went in, they believed he worshiped Satan and shit, and he told the doctors that he was fine, that he was gonna go back to school and doesnt believe in Satan anymore, and he bullshit the doctor so much, they finally believed him .
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