Join millions of others and stay up to date with the latest developments. California-based physician Simone Gold and several other covid-skeptic doctors formed the group last year. Two female employees later alleged that he frequently invited them into his office and made comments of a sexual nature that left them uncomfortable. Why cant I find an actual number of doctors who have joined the AFLDS? Dr. McDonald later closed the Summit with a brilliant speech in which explained that the system we have now has been corrupted by corporations that are driven only by profit and not by truth or concern for health. They ALL have been corrupted by the cabal & the cult! After uniting a group of courageous doctors to join her last year, Dr. Gold invited a pioneering team of lawyers to join AFLDS to bring cases to defend our rights. Renz frequently stresses his humble roots while also embracing his newfound role in the international anti-vaccination movement. Ali Shultz, JD, AFLDS Legal Director, spoke first. I am certainly not making much off of this, he added. Feel encouraged to reach out! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); BREAKING NEWS! A press conference at the Supreme Court building in which their doctors talked about curing COVID-19 with a cocktail of hydroxychloroquine, Zithromax, and zinc. Before becoming a lawyer, he worked an array of jobs, including at a nonprofit that told The Post it terminated him and at a rural credit union. No one does. grand slam will be just the start. The average length of time required to approve a vaccine is 10-15 years but now, barely six months in, the FDA is poised to test it on children and then request universal approval. Legal Eagle Dream Team - America's Frontline Doctors Do you have a legal background and want to help? previous coronavirus vaccines didnt fail, they just, there is no evidence that COVID-19 vaccines cause. Stay informed about health and food freedom, holistic remedies, and preparedness. In the same time why not removing all the big tech tracking/spying/social credit system around you: (Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tik Tok, Google, Apple, Microsoft, Whatsapp, Zoom, Linkedln, Snapchat, Tumblr, Pinterest, Reddit, Myspace, etc.). The FDA intends to extend the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for Pfizer`s COVID-19 vaccine to adolescents ages 12 to 15. Renz, who became a licensed attorney only months before the pandemic began, has rapidly gained prominence among covid-19 skeptics for leading federal lawsuits in six states that challenge shutdowns, mask mandates and the safety of vaccines while alleging that the danger of the virus has been overblown. Tech's hottest new job: AI . In late 2014, she alleged, Renz began massaging her neck against her wishes in his office and slipped his hand down the front of my upper breast, and commented oops.. He previously viewed anti-vaccine activists as nuts, but he has come to embrace their beliefs over the past year, he said during a recent podcast interview. Less from political sources. Tom Renz, Esq. No one has had a summer learning offense or defense and getting to know their teammates and coaches. the people who just do what they are told by their employer, the government, or the narrative) do not know the law so they believe that vaccine and mask mandates can be enforced. Smith was only 25 years old, but had only one good season in four years with the Giants. Asked about the passages, Renz said in his email: We do our very best to cite everything properly but I do not have a huge team of attorneys and paralegals on this.. About AFLDS Americas Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) stands up for every American looking for the best quality healthcare by empowering doctors working on the front lines of our nations most pressing healthcare challenges. The groups nonprofit status was revoked by the IRS in May because it hadnt filed financial paperwork to federal officials for three years, IRS records show. Renz withdrew his first federal lawsuit in March after U.S. District Judge James G. Carr of the northern District of Ohio called the suit an almost incomprehensible jumble of dubiously sourced material and asked the plaintiffs why he should not dismiss it. EIN: 85-2279624 Sol P. AjalatAjalat & Ajalat5200 Lankershim BoulevardSuite 850North Hollywood, CA 91601(818) 506-1500, Brian Lee BurchettBurchett Law Firm605 C StreetSuite 300San Diego, CA 92101(619) 230-8431, Christopher John DuenowCumberland, Coates and Duenow LLP550 Dana StreetSan Luis Obispo, CA 93401(805) 541-4200, Neal Jordan FialkowNeal Fialkow Esq215 North Marengo Avenue3rd FloorPasadena, CA 91101(626) 584-6060, Marvin Firestone1700 South El Camino RealSuite 204San Mateo, CA 94402(650) 212-4900, William I. GoldsmithGoldsmith & Hull, APC16933 Parthenia StreetNo. The exceptions are a suit against a hospital system in Michigan that was withdrawn on Sept. 10, days after it was filed, and one against Ohio officials that was withdrawn in March after a judge said it was nearly incomprehensible.. Please see our editorial guidelines and terms of service. Popper, 64, also runs an alternative health program in Worthington, Ohio. Its simply not my job to try to discern from plaintiffs scattered, off-loaded stack of contentions and claims to envision what sort of plausible legal edifice a capable legal architect might erect, Carr wrote. (LogOut/ Renz has teamed with in-state lawyers to sue a hospital system and federal, state and local authorities on behalf of residents over restrictions aimed at halting the pandemic. Of course, we know that those things dont cure or prevent COVID-19, nor do any of the other things that they have added to their cocktail, like ivermectim. americas frontline doctors legal eagle team ""America's Frontline Doctors has officially launched the Legal Eagle Dream Team, and we intend to bring lawsuits across the country to challenge the constitutionality of COVID-19 mandates and restrictions. Natural Holistic Health News - Creative Commons 2020 They came to tell America that hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) is an inexpensive cure for COVID-19 that has saved over 200,000 Americans. Its finally here, the Global Walkout begins September 4th at 8pm London time and continue every weeks. Americas Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) today announced the creation of its Legal Task Force, a combination of legal professionals committed to the cause of freedom. A search by The Post of criminal and civil cases in Ohio courts surfaced only two in which Renz is listed as an attorney: defending one man charged in July 2020 with DUI and another charged in June with aggravated menacing. Take My Time (feat. 7. Renz and Popper also are members of the team behind For God Family Country (4GFC), the nonprofit that Renz formed in August 2018, according to the groups website and Ohio state incorporation records. A breakout moment was his announcement at a July conservative rally in Anaheim, Calif., that he had found a whistleblower with evidence that the coronavirus vaccine caused at least 45,000 deaths. He said 80% of people have turned out to be narcissists who love wielding power over others and are creating tyranny. This was a brilliant summary of what the New Normal is all about. Whoever wrote this propaganda is a liar from HELL. Workin' (feat. And why are tens of thousands of scientists voices being silenced? It should be clear that they are a group of fringe health care providers who have a clear agenda against vaccines, masks, and social distancing all of the things that can help us to control and end the pandemic. Renz wrote in an email to The Post that his law firm had been paid around $250,000 so far for coronavirus litigation, which he said occupied most of his time over the past year. Using deception and tyranny, they intend to collapse our Constitutional Republic. America's Frontline Doctors has officially launched the Legal Eagle Dream Team, and we intend to bring lawsuits across the country to challenge the constitutionality of COVID-19 mandates and . We help to amplify the voices of concerned physicians and patients nationwide to combat those who push political and economic agendas at the expense of science and quality healthcare solutions. Amber Navran) 03. I Remember You (feat. Gilbert spoke of the starling number of injuries from the COVID shots reported on VAERS, the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System. HCQ is so safe it is an over-the-counter drug in many countries. Renz brought the Alabama suit on behalf of Americas Frontline Doctors, a conservative-backed campaign group that has fought government efforts to contain the pandemic. Indian Country Today News 6:50AM News NC. Dr. Gold pointed out that theUS Constitutionprotects the God-given rights of the individual, but COVID is trying to push us towardChinese Communism or Marxismwhich value the collective over the individual. Action; That still isnt going to bring back your loved ones.. She introduced the key theme of the Summit which is that the choice we face now is the rights of the Individual vs TheCollective. It is not clear how much Renzs group may have raised in 2020 or 2021. Simone Gold, MD, JD, FABEM. Click here, Via Bitcoin:, Via Other Cryptos: BTC, BCH, DAI, DOGE, ETH, LTC or USDC. The Summit discussed how to organize and turn the tide now to protect our health and freedom. MarchingSoul!!! Read more at NPR. Independent scientists from all over the world are protesting, but they are being ignored. She has pleaded not guilty. 171K subscribers. Milam Howard Nicandri Dees & Gillam, P.A. Renz also launched a nonprofit group called For God Family Country that is collecting donations for the medical freedom fight, according to the website of Renzs law firm. America's Frontline Doctors' Legal Eagle Dream Team. Americas Frontline Doctors has their own Legal Team. Required fields are marked *. Americas Frontline Doctors has officially launched the Legal Eagle Dream Team, and we intend to bring lawsuits across the country to challenge the constitutionality of COVID-19 mandates and restrictions. Renz alleged in a news release that the government response to the pandemic amounted to the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on the American public.. Yet, college students are being told they cannot return to campus without receiving the experimental, unnecessary, and dangerous gene therapy. NEW: SIGAR's Collapse of the ANDSF Report. Amber Navran) 04. Dr. Simone Gold: I DO NOT CONSENT! We need each of you to serve as plaintiff as we prepare to file lawsuits immediately. 09. It is a highly visible role for Renz, 44, who passed the Ohio bar exam in November 2019 on his fifth attempt and has limited litigation experience, according to a Washington Post examination of his career. Read the Great Barrington Declaration and the Rome Declaration, Talk about a Chinese led disinformation program. [George F.] Hmmmm, your name caught my attention. Sandra Cassidy. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Dr. McDonald pointed out that there is a great split in society now. 2. The witness, whose affidavit says she is a computer programmer, cited figures from a government database known as the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) of unverified reports of possible bad reactions to vaccinations, and claimed without presenting evidence that the true number of vaccine-related deaths was actually five times higher. Their hearts are hardened and their eyes are glazed over. In one of dozens of recent media appearances, Ohio attorney Thomas Renz was claiming that coronavirus vaccines were more harmful than the virus itself. I hope this helps you because now is the time to stand up to this kind of injustice and draconian medical tyranny. Her clinic sells nutritional products and training programs priced at up to $5,435. Tom has created a work environment that is unacceptable, one of the women wrote to the credit unions chief executive in July 2015. One of Renzs co-counsels was filmed on the steps of the U.S. Capitol during the Jan. 6 riot. It was the first of seven times he registered in eight years, according to information provided by the Supreme Court of Ohio. A THREE The women's T20 World Philadelphia Eagles v AC Milan v Tottenham. Other high-profile clients include Patty Hearst and Sam Sheppard, the Ohio man whose case inspired the hit TV series and movie The Fugitive. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website.
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