In regards to his death, Arthur says that he watched Lyle die and "it weren't soon enough,"referringto himas a "no good bastard" in a journal entry after his tuberculosis diagnosis. But even that was proving to be complicated, for you didnt speak the language that the people did. There are so many delightful characters in camp that interact with Arthur. He shows sympathy towards Charles' anger at the mistreatment of the Bisons, knowing that Natives are incredibly reliant on them to survive. Their bond further grew as Sadie continued to prove herself as a fearless gunslinger, such as when the O'Driscolls assaulted Shady Belle, she disobeyed Arthur's orders to get inside the manor and instead slaughtered dozens of enemies. Not much is known about Arthur's relationship with his father, though the little information given implies a strained one at best. All your favorite characters have undergone a transformation into bombshells and gangsters. He decides to leave the gang and, should Arthur not help the nun in Saint Denis, will meet Swanson at the train station after dropping off Captain Monroe. However, their relationship strained when John ran away for little over a year after getting Abigail Roberts pregnant with his son, Jack. After giving her the pocket mirror Molly will start leaving him a cigar at his tent. I also feel like whether they realize it or not, the rest of the gang tells Arthur she's no good for him because she's the one thing that could get him to give up the life. He stepped cautiously along, barefoot, and murmuring to himself. He often played along with Hosea's shenanigans, such as the role of the "idiot brother" to "The Clown" played by Hosea when the two were giving away moonshine at the Saloon in Rhodes, albeit Arthur did so reluctantly, indicating that he and Hosea have done this before. She can also reprimand Arthur if he doesn't pay into the Tithing Box for a while. After the latter incident Trelawny chooses to stay with the gang for a while. Mary sends Arthur another letter with the ring he gave her a long time ago. Send me your prompts/imagine ideas and the character and Ill write something! s more fun to have a character say what Im thinking. She is ultimately killed by Micah when she is caught off guard by Javier shouting that Pinkertons are on their way. In the epilogue, she is seen visiting Arthur's grave, mourning him, and the ring is used by John Marston in his proposal to Abigail Roberts. Set in Chapter 4: 'Saint Denis' of Red Dead Redemption 2 after the death of Kieran Duffy. You sniggered, "Mary-Beth, I wouldn't dream of stealing your man." Mary-Beth, blushed. The two grow close enough that Arthur feels comfortable to, for the first time, talk about his son and former lover, who both died after being murdered by two robbers over a petty amount of cash. Throughout the game, at camp, Swanson often goes to Arthur to speak about his tendency to drink too much and his insecurities about the events taking place, asking Arthur at one point if the Pinkertons are finally going to kill them, Arthur responds that they probably will with Swanson expressing his worry. His only notable encounter is having an argument with Sadie when she refuses to cut the vegetables for him, with Arthur intervening before a fight breaks out. The two of you can often be found away from camp, hidden by a shade from a tree, you with your head in Mary-Beths lap, one of her hands in your hair, the other holding a book. From a certain perspective, the void that was left behind by Arthur removing Dutch from his sense of admiration is filled by Rains Fall. The two shared a hug as one last goodbye before departing. After Arthur, Dutch, Javier, Bill and Micah return from Guarma, Arthur is surprised to discover that it was Sadie who rounded up the gang members after the failed bank job in Saint Denis and got them to safety and have since been waiting for them to return. The relationship Arthur has with other characters can be dictated by the actions of the player, for example, the player is given the choice to talk to various gang members whilst at camp in either a positive manner or a negative one. Whilst at camp, Miss Grimshaw will randomly talk to Arthur and can have unique interactions with him, for example, she will force Arthur to wash himself if he becomes too dirty around camp, and will be forced to pay a fine to her. AU, Alternate Ending. Miss Grimshaw is one of the camp members Arthur can play Poker with. John feels forever indebted to Arthur for giving him a chance to live a normal life and tried to repay him by killing Micah, along with Sadie and Charles, years later. Later in the story Bill has planned to rob a stagecoach and can ask Arthur to come along, upon telling him the details Arthur will invite Tilly to join them as they need to create a distraction to stop the stagecoach, indicating that he trusts Tilly's abilities to help on jobs. Shes smiling, a bright open grin that lights up the room as she accepts a beer from a blushing waiter that John is immediately and overwhelmingly jealous of. Favorite Arthur/John/Mary-Beth headcanons? At camp Abigail doesn't come up to Arthur to engage in any conversations. Sometimes I wish I were a horse. Mary Beth says, dropping to sit beside Tilly and Karen as she takes up some mending. However, Kieran gives up details on a possible whereabouts of Colm O'Driscoll and Dutch decides that he should go along with Arthur, John and Bill to show them where. With a new baby, there are a lot of responsibilities put on his shoulders. Arthur first meets Eagle Flies along side his father, Rains Fall, in Saint Denis. Nonetheless, Arthur still sees Bill as a capable member of the gang and continued to bring him along on heists, such as when Uncle reveals he has a lead on a stagecoach, and the two often work surprisingly well together. Charles taught Arthur how to hunt early in the story when Pearson complained that there wasn't enough food. Stuck in Colter with no stables to buy a horse from, Arthur decides to go out and get you one, but not just any one, a White Arabian. When Kieran invites Arthur on a fishing trip he opens up about his past and reveals that his parents died from cholera when he was young and ended up joining the O'Driscoll Boys, albeit reluctantly. Summary: It reaches your ears that there in camp goes on a bet that you and Arthur will end up together. You would attentively listen to the leader, Dutch was his name, and try to memorize the words he spoke. Sadie would succeed Arthur in helping John to start his family life by helping him earn money through bounty hunting. If he chooses the former Anthony keeps his promise of staying away from Tilly. Once it becomes apparent that Arthur is sick, through his persistent coughing, Micah starts to regularly mock him and refers to him as "black lung". rdr2, random memes, art, fanfics. It is mentioned that he beat Arthur at times. He also aids Arthur and Javier when they need to take out two bounty hunters to save him. This is followed by an assault on the gang's hideout by the O'Driscolls. The experience hardened him and made him realise that he doesn't deserve the kind of happiness that his now dead family once gave him because of the life he leads. Whilst at camp Javier can ask Arthur to find him some Oleander, and in return he will regularly leave throwing knives at his tent. Arthur Morgan did not intend to survive when he gave his hat to John Marston and stayed behind to gain his redemption. This shows that Arthur is protective of her. When Micah Bell arranged for Dutch and Colm O'Driscoll to parlay Dutch showed complete trust in Arthur protecting him from a distance with a sniper rifle. At camp Mary-Beth does not come up to Arthur for any conversations. You can check out my work here. Mary-Beth was attempting to stumble after them, but thankfully Charles intercepted and grabbed her, seemingly trying to keep her distracted. Now, youre officially an outlaw, hed say when you finally feel comfortable holding a revolver. This is the last time they see each other, with Trelawny admitting that he will miss Arthur and tells him that he has been a fine friend to him. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (19), Abigail Roberts Marston/Arthur Morgan (60), Abigail Roberts Marston/John Marston (39), Abigail Roberts Marston/John Marston/Arthur Morgan (26), Abigail Roberts Marston & Arthur Morgan (11), Abigail Roberts Marston & Jack Marston (6), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (8), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Post-Chapter 6: Beaver Hollow (Red Dead Redemption 2), Abigail Roberts Marston/John Marston/Arthur Morgan, Arthur Morgan/Original Female Character(s), Mother Superior Caldern (Red Dead Redemption), Abigail Roberts Marston/Arthur Morgan (fictitious mostly), Abigail/Arthur mentioned and treated as a once upon a time possibility, characters to be added as they join the story, inspired by that one journal entry about Abigail and Jack, do you know how hard it is for me to keep them from kissing, references to other members of the Van der Linde gang sleeping with Abigail, Josiah Trelawny/Red Dead Online Protagonist, my only excuse is that this fic should have already existed, Lana Del Rey songs are responsible for my sadness, Abigail Roberts Marston/Arthur Morgan (Subtle), i just needed to work through some feelings, Low Honor John Marston (but canon for ch. This concerns Arthur, and his friend Charles, greatly. Arthur openly dislikes Micah because of his negative influence on the gang, and Dutch specifically. At camp, Kieran never goes up to Arthur to engage in a conversation (with the exception of Jack's return party where he is drunk). However, their last encounter is Arthur delivering his mortally wounded son after he chose to attack Cornwall's oil factory under Dutch's manipulation to compel him to do so. This optional mission nailed that shit. Listen, I know this might be askin a bit much, but do you mind if I could maybe see what you write? Should Arthur provide him with the tools, Pearson is willing to craft special items to decorate his tent, and the rest of the camp, as well as improved satchels to improve his storage space. She's clearly feeling the influence a little to heavily, so words are just flying out without second thought. Upon giving her the Harmonica, Arthur comments that he would love to hear her play sometime, but Sadie tells him that she only ever played the Harmonica for her husband and would rather keep it that way, but thanks him and leaves some Gun Oil at his tent to show her appreciation. From the start of the story Dutch treats Arthur as his right-hand man, with Hosea being treated more like an equal partner. Hosea summed up his relationship with Dutch and Arthur as "the curious couple with their unruly child." Shell put the book away and close her eyes as well. Fanfiction. Arthur Morgan is a conflicted, fascinating outlaw who experiences many highs and lows as RDR2's protagonist.When exploring the Van der Linde gang's campsites throughout the story, Arthur can sit down with various gang members to have one-on-one, therapy session-like conversations . Loves running her fingers through your hair. Mary Beth and Tilly seem to have a crush on him, but it's a one-sided crush. Arthur pitied Swanson's proclivity for drunkenness. The gang eventually escapes with the money. Language barrier sucks, but when you have people like Arthur, Charles or Sean, it sucks a little less lol Im gonna be honest, as much fun as I had wiring this, I struggled a bit, especially with Arthur. She tried talking to Arthur when she felt something was off about Dutch but was interrupted by Uncle. Kind of the way he's supposed to be dumb but he's obviously not. He held Bill in slight contempt for his recklessness that led to Sean being killed. Havent wrote anything in a while so wanna warm up by writing some short drabbles. By this point, they both share mutual feelings on Dutch and how he has changed. Though Sean frequently annoyed Arthur, he was greatly saddened when Sean was killed in an ambush by the Grays, affectionately saying what fun times they had together and that he never realised how much he actually cared about him until he was dead. It hits all the feelings you get from it. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". During certain points in the game, like Karen and Mary-Beth, Arthur can confide in Tilly that he's not always certain of his place in life and questions why he does the things he does. Eagle Flies meets Dutch van der Linde when he comes to ask Arthur for his help after the U.S. Army steals some of the Natives' horses, with Dutch and the gang agreeing to help. Abigail opts to make the stew when Pearson gets sick. Congratulations, Abigail. Imagine Arthur/Sean/Charles communicating with a non-English speaking immigrant reader. Whilst escaping Arthur falls to the ground after a steam pipe bursts in his face and is held at knife point, Dutch decides to leave Arthurfor dead even though he could easily have saved him. In reality, however, Arthur was thankful for Kieran saving his life. By the end of the Van der Linde gangs time Micahs manipulation has greatly impacted Dutch as he starts to convince him that both Arthur and John, his proudest disciples, have turned on him. At camp Arthur can have conversations with her about his life and the things he does, and in response she will provide support and comfort for Arthur. Initially, Arthur was antagonistic, and arguably cruel, towards Kieran because he had originally been an O'Driscoll at the time Arthur captured him. Abigail confirms that he remembers correctly but that John does not like to talk about it. Arthur could illustrate the books that Mary Beth writes, and they could both make a living that way. During Arthurs final confrontation with Micah, and the few remaining gang members, John unexpectedly appears and sides with Arthur, revealing Dutch left him to die. You knew a few words before coming to America, basics like Hello, Thank you, My name is, but nothing more. And write with her heart, she did. Under the assumption that Jack had lost John, Arthur ran off with Sadie to rescue Abigail to prevent Jack from becoming an orphan. This is where I post my fulfilled tumblr-requests, all centered around our favorite cowpokes. At camp Hosea is one of the gang members Arthur can play Dominoes with. Arthur got involved with Charles' fellow Native American, Rains Fall, and became an ally of the Natives, much to Charles' respect and gratitude. Eagle Flies admires Arthur's skills and ends up deciding to help him, after Arthur gets himself cornered, by causing an explosion in the distance, giving Arthur the chance to escape. Summary: Based on this request: Can I get one where Arthur reacts to hearing you sing at camp for the first time? Pinched brows and a sun-drenched face; an open and honest look in his eye that dont match the carnage laid out at his hand. The gang showed zero tolerance towards the Braithwaite family for taking Jack, they killed all of Catherine Braithwaite's sons and burned her manor to the ground before forcing her to tell them where he was. This clearly impressed Arthur as he would later admit as much to Lenny, saying that she did "Fine, more than fine, in fact.". I mean it is and it isn't, Location: Shady Belle (Red Dead Redemption), Chapter 4: Saint Denis (Red Dead Redemption 2), Chapter 3: Clemens Point (Red Dead Redemption 2), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, Westerosi Characters | Characters From Westeros (A Song of Ice and Fire), Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, apparently this ship hit me out of nowhere so here you go, Arthur reassuring Mary-Beth that her writing isn't silly, This fic is probably just going to be a collection of one-shots, my only excuse is that this fic should have already existed, From Tatters to Silk at the Touch of Your Hands, why are there so few works about these two they are literally made for each other, The Cowboys of LA: A Red Dead Redemption 1950's AU, Mother Superior Caldern (Red Dead Redemption). However, this might be because of her disappointment in how far Dutch has fallen rather than genuinely preferring Arthur, as anecdotes can be heard that Miss Grimshaw was rather close to Dutch before the events in the game. It was Trelawny's intel that helped the gang locate Sean after he was captured in Blackwater following the failed job there. Mary-Beth goes to Valentine with Uncle, Arthur, Karen, and . Also yes, I know Arthur wasn't there for the Blackwater job, so bear with me if there are any game lore errors. Dutch, whilst at camp, will have spontaneous chats with Arthur, one of which can lead to Arthur offering to find Dutch a pipe after he mentions that he misses smoking one. Their relationship is very similar to what Uncle has with John. After the failed job at Blackwater, Sean got himself captured and whilst being handed over to a group of bounty hunters Arthur, Javier and Charles, with help from Trelawny, saved him. At one point he makes it clear that he only thinks Arthur is around for money instead of loyalty to the gang, or Dutch. Arthur is a survivor, and nothing keeps him going more than the hope of trying fatherhood one more time with the woman who had been by his side through everything. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Tilly is also very kind to Arthur, frequently expressing concern for him as his health begins to deteriorate and wishing he'd take better care of himself. He can also ask Arthur to find him a rabbit and in return will give him a Nutritious Stew. He goes missing for a while when the gang moves to Shady Belle and his body soon turns up at camp on top of his horse with his decapitated head in his hands and his eyes poked out. A few years later Abigail finds out that Jack can remember Arthur and believes that it was Arthur that saved them, Abigail confirms this and says that, "None of us would be here today if it wasn't for Arthur." This hurt Arthur deeply and left him feeling betrayed and also annoyed at John not appreciating the family he had. Arthur glanced back but kept following Sadie as she held onto his hand with a death grip. Arthur is the protagonist of Red Dead Redemption 2, and as a result he has relationships with important characters, as well as numerous other minor characters in the story. Arthur protested continuing but John encourages him to keep pushing. If Arthur dies before completing Hamish's story line he will be saddened by his death, speaking of Arthur's hunting achievements with John. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson". If Arthur does this there will be a regular supply of fire and poison arrows beside his bed. Arthurs there, patiently brushing and plaiting the mane of his newest mount, a tall dappled grey thoroughbred. Their ultimate goal is to go north with the Marstons, to find the bucolic stretches of Wisconsin where, rumor has it, there are lily farms. Arthur is given the choice to deal with the last hunter. She can also request Arthur to find her some Oregano herbs and in return will leave him some Miracle Tonic beside his tent. This greatly distresses Arthur and calls him a silly fool, however, Eagle Flies retorts that Arthur has saved him numerous times and him giving up his life in return is how it should be. Arthurs there, patiently brushing and plaiting the mane of his newest mount, a tall dappled grey thoroughbred. I play verity of games i am not professional gamer but i try my bestIf you enjoy please leave a Like,Share and subscribe to my channel,Follow on Instagram -. And it was raining so I danced with Karen in the rain, awww. Drabble. Like just a dramatic retelling of events. When she got caught up in an argument with Pearson, the camp's cook, whilst working for him, Arthur intervened and Sadie explained that she and her husband would share all the work, rather than being given only domestic, household work. They needed to talk. Will they make it? This view is further exacerbated when Dutch takes advantage of Eagle Flies' pent up rage at the U.S. Army, with Arthur feeling that Dutch is putting the Wapiti Tribe at risk and compromising the well-being and safety Rains Fall has fought so hard to gain and protect. He emotionally tells Dutch that he "gave him all he had." This culminates into Arthur trying to help John escape with Abigail and Jack so they could live a better life, away from Dutch and the gang's violence. When theyre done and hes tidied his clothes again, Dutch Van der Linde touches her shoulder with a smile and says, Wed be pleased to have your company, Miss Roberts., John's head isn't in the right place. Should Arthur have completed most of the debt missions, and depending on the his decisions in the last two, Arthur, who by this point has gained a higher sense of morality, confronts Strauss and kicks him out of the camp. Eagle Flies was apprehensive and skeptical of him and believed he was nothing more than a hired hand who only worked for the highest bidder, and had no real care for the well-being of his people. Arthur has a brief yet friendly relationship with Joe, with the two talking about recent events. Its during a game that she tells Arthur that she learned how to play Dominoes, as well as the piano, when she was a young girl working at a bar. John refuses and doesnt want to leave him behind but Arthur tells him that neither of them will make it out as Arthur is being slowed down by his illness and knows that he is eventually going to die. At camp John is one of the gang members that doesn't come up to Arthur for a spontaneous chat. His sandy blond hair almost glowed in the sunlight. Summary: Youve just escaped from Blackwater, barely ducking from bullets that were shot your way. Revealing that Arthur trusts her just as much as the other girls around the camp. Together, they seek a happy ending to the chaos. Whilst at camp he talks to Arthur about robbing a lucrative stagecoach and introduces him to Alden, who can be used throughout the story to find stagecoaches to rob. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Vidla ped sebou chlapa, kter mluvil ke konm a respektoval eny, a ukzala na jeho mladho bratra, toho s nevymchanou hubou a vychovnm srovnatelnm s nosorocem, a ekla chci tohohle. Red Dead Redemption 2 All Ending Credit Cutscenes Mary Visits Arthur Morgan's Grave_____NEW ME. Something Abigail deeply appreciated as that is all she has truly wanted, mostly for Jack's sake. In a family that wanted nothing more than chess glory, Kelly Stafford was always overlooked. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (10), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin (1), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (3), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, mary-beth deserves more love and i'm here to give it to her, I mean sorta??? When Arthur asks what happened with the botched ferry heist, Dutch offers the simple yet telling reply: "We missed you." ArthurXAbigailXJohn love triangle. I think people want to blame her for Arthur's apparent low self esteem but I think that is mostly a self depreciating sense of humor. Arthur has the choice to either let him live or kill him. He becomes more friendly to him and now refers to him as "O'Driscoll" in jest rather than out of scorn. Despite this it is hinted by Tilly, in a letter to John, that Karen drank herself to death. If Arthur does decide to go back for the "money", it is likely that he instead wished to have one last showdown with Micah, evidenced by the fact that he will shout his name and ask him to show himself, even admitting that he went for the money because of "unfinished business" he had with him, showing the intense hatred between the two. Arthur retorts that although he and Strauss are not good men, the people who Strauss was loan sharking to were. I thought Mary Linton was a good person. Three years during which you couldnt stop thinking about him. They first work together when trying to infiltrate Leviticus Cornwall's oil factory where Arthur is tasked with finding evidence of the company's intent on removing the Wapiti Tribe from their land to drill for oil. Arthur catches him packing his bags and he tries to give an explanation but Arthur makes it clear he doesn't have to hear his reasons to understand why he is leaving. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . I thought that's sweet, don't you?". Dutch also shows clear trust in Arthur and complete confidence in his protege's numerous abilities. Arthur can have polite conversations with Molly. Arthur is the longest serving member of the Van der Linde gang, excluding Hosea, with the Van der Linde gang starting with just Dutch, Hosea and Arthur. Arthur and John were, more or less, like brothers as both of them were raised by Dutch and Hosea for 15 years. When the group went to Valentine, with Arthur and Uncle, she was the only one not to get into any confrontations. At one point Micah tells Arthur, when he needed his help, that he looked up to him, however he was very likely lying given the circumstances. But over time, things complicate. This shows Arthur trusts Sadie to care for John's family when he is under the impression that John has died or has been captured. Please consider turning it on! Gets easily irritated, but always the first one to apologize. She had left the Foreman Brothers after she killed a man named Malcom who was the cousin of Anthony Foreman, for valid reasons. Late in the story Arthur, Dutch and Sadie attend Colm O'Driscoll's public execution and thwart the rescue effort by the O'Driscoll Boys, securing Colm's death and avenging Kieran. One day, Arthur saw two crosses outside their house and immediately knew they had both died. When getting back up Arthur jokingly tells him that he should have taken money but that he is thankful for saving him. Arthur can also play Five Finger Fillet with her after the mission "Blessed are the Peacemakers". Arthur takes off his hat and gives it to John, as well as his satchel. So this is a small series of stories that will have different pairings of people with Arthur. When Jack was kidnapped by the Braithwaite family, and subsequently passed on to Angelo Bronte, Arthur would reassure John that everything would be okay. On the way back, with the gang having pretty much fallen apart, Arthur sends Abigail and Sadie away whilst he confronts Micah. After being caught and reprimanded for her actions, she cant help but ask who the woman was. When the camp is celebrating Sean's return she can ask Arthur for a dance. If Arthur calls out her drunkenness she will call him a "stuck up piece of shit.". You would let out a long breath and shake your head. Work Search: Despite this, he agrees to work with Arthur for his people's sake. Despite Sadie's insistence and his sympathy with her, Arthur will say revenge would be no good for them for the time being. Arthur met Mary at a young age whilst he rode with the Van der Linde gang. Charles told Arthur his illness is more of a blessing than a curse, because he is a aware of the short time he has left and has a chance to redeem himself, compared to some of their fallen brethren like Sean, Kieran, Hosea and Lenny, who never got a chance to seek redemption. Arthur seems to remember Isaac fondly, calling him a "good kid", as whom he had raised him alongside Eliza. Before the job starts, Sean antagonises Arthur by telling him he should sleep with his eyes open for mocking him, Arthur quickly, and rather aggressively, tells Sean he'll be sleeping with his chest open if he is not careful. As the story progresses their relationship slightly improves. On one mission, when rescuing Josiah Trelawny, Arthur gets himself captured by a bounty hunter and is being choked to death, the bounty hunter offers Charles money to leave and threatens to kill Arthur if he tries anything, however, Charles rather skilfully throws a knife at the bounty hunter, instantly killing him and saving Arthur. Not only this, but Arthur can, on some missions, choose to help certain characters and/or make other decisions that will effect the outcome of their relationship. Navigating the strangeness of waking up in a different century soon takes a spot on the back burner when a ghost from the past begins to threaten the ranch. Basically a what-if, what if John never came back after running out on Abigail and Jack? All the days have blended into a one, long nightmare. Arthur and Sadie worked on jobs with each other, specifically rescuing John from prison. Mary-Beth sits on the chair beside where Arthur has sprawled himself in the grass. Soon after, Dutch and Eagle Flies come up with a plan to attack a U.S. Army convoy, but the plan gets out of control and Eagle Flies gets himself captured, which forces Arthur and Charles to rescue him from Fort Wallace. I have been working on this for quite some time, so I decided to share it. Towards the end of the story Arthur, with the help of Sadie, saves John from Sisika Penitentiary despite Dutch telling him to not make a move yet. Believing that he owes it to Arthur to help John and his family, who Arthur gave up his life for. Arthur's last words to Dutch is that Micah is a rat and he knows it. Arthur and Hosea also went hunting for a Legendary bear, although they failed to kill him together, and they went fishing with Dutch where they shared anecdotes about their past together. Regardless of the player's choices, Arthur and Micah will have one last fight, either a knife fight or a fistfight. Summary: Its been three years since thatfateful night. Hamish is perhaps the only person in the game Arthur builds an authentic and genuine friendship with, Arthur never mocks Hamish and enjoys his company in spite of Arthur's reclusiveness trait.
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