The complainant's name and address, along with any other information provided, will become public record and subject to public disclosure. Request for Action Center Email:
You may also sign up for the weekly reminders by texting your street address to: If you have issues with your garbage, recycling or any other waste pick up services please contact your provider at the following numbers: Partnership allows expansion of recyclables in Detroit to cut down on solid waste, Advanced Disposal Bulk, yard, and recycling guidelines, GFL guidelines on bulk, yard, and recycling guidelines, Guide to properly disposing of yard and bulk waste. DBAMDAwMDAwQDA4PEA8ODBMTFBQTExwbGxscHx8fHx8fHx8fHwEHBwcNDA0YEBAYGhURFRofHx8f
and bulk waste (furniture and appliances) will also change. Tampa, FL 33602. Poisons, solvents, heavy metals, and other toxic products should never be poured down a drain or thrown into the trash, Information about dead animal removal and how to report dead animals. Q: Disposal of dead animal carcasses?A: Check with Lee County Animal Services for proper disposal options. Lake County Waste Solutions - C&S Waste Solutions f3YX4sVT7ynq+savo0d/q2lnRrqR5FFg0jSyKiOUBctHDQtxrQAilCGNcVTjFXYq7FXYq7FXYq7F rTLuSCSCeS/k5KkfCSWNVkUPxK/aAruMUvovyrGsfljR41t/qipZWyraem8HpARKPT9KUtJHw6cW Choose your cleaner and mix your solution according the directions on the package. Every fire station in Lee County participates in the sharps box exchange program. 0+PzhJSktMTU5PRldYWVpbXF1eX1RlZmdoaWprbG1ub2R1dnd4eXp7fH1+f3OEhYaHiImKi4yNjo 1OT0ZXWFlaW1xdXl9WZ2hpamtsbW5vY3R1dnd4eXp7fH1+f3OEhYaHiImKi4yNjo+Ck5SVlpeYmZ 2.0-1.0 7XNtctELp0DTeosSlS/xLQqQeqn3xVkun/3D/wDGaf8A5PPgVg+tQWM3mLyx62jT6hPElrJHeRyy yhpz6JO3q3esD045IXdJEf8AdceTfu2kTbb94O3LFUWvk2w07zfpV7o+habb2kcEiXN+sAW5h9KJ 3ADBaKBSnYg98VafVAn5cyQxaPMluYX/ANxQaZbk8pSSvqbuGZjyr/DFCeeStM0y98jfo1LSWwsJ The City's weekly yard waste collection begins on Monday, April 4, 2022 and continues through Thursday, December 8, 2022. JbRqUQPDI/EJ9tmHSu+FXMnmlvJUl1Pf2cmoei7fXVmQWRkDEL8TllCVoprX78VVWtfNFv5RuJG1 Office hours. By accepting Service, Customer agrees to continue the Service for the billing period at the billed rate.
zd/ysJYje2I8rmwLrp9f9ONwHAMtCtfT3p1p9OKphB6/1ey+r8RcfUJPRL14c6RceVN6V64qkdhH M3MaFooPStzLWVgDx58eK174qoN5tuF119N/Rz/V1t/XF9z+Av6hQxU49aDl1xVpvODjWE079HSm PI/uyo+1sOvviq24stXbz5BbReYFiRUV5tGaOciQCGXdZSAg+0rUH8u++KWtRtbyLzxYo3mFrYAw If your regular service day occurs before a holiday, your service day remains the same. Updated payment procedures: Due to the national coin shortage, please use exact change or pay with debit/credit card or mobile pay. Residential Curbside Service | Charlotte County, FL NO2KsjXyjbr5THlwXMnohaG54pzr6vqkhacF36ACg7U2wKvj8p2sflOTy4lxJ6DxSRfWHCPIPVZn Please enter your address below to find your service schedule: Residential collection service will not be performed on these holidays listed below and as a result, there will be a one-day residential delay in service. qWq+X3/MDS7K4luE1i0ikNtCir6LpdIRycirbekRTx36AnAqd2H/AErf+YNv+ZOKrbXzHYXPl99d gd/gNAu/XFVLUtF0TT/Omivo2i6KiajJcTavqUvppcK0LRzRiBVZWkld+TdDx41+YVNbm61zRvMu SXdgnqXKRvG4WkK3DgsLug4RvUsfhrsCTQFVUb8ztCSO7eXSdZjWwtDfXfKWKqRCL1RsLw8iykU4 Whenever possible, we're happy to provide smart waste solutions for smaller communities such as homeowners associations and property management groups. V7eNvVMnV6sAyR7Ad+9MVW67Z3X+JtH+o6Ra3dpE6vLfSk87cOxWX0zzHxceJ+z4+2Ko++n11POF Equipment: All equipment provided by WD to Customer, including toters, carts, and bins, is and shall remain WDs property while in the care of Customer. To check for upcoming holidays and impacts to your service, please use the search above. Customer is responsible for all loss or damage to the Equipment, except for normal wear and tear. It is our mission to look forward as a leader in the communities we serve and continue to do so for decades to come. xmp.iid:bf2b2f4b-0fea-4463-88b9-7e326d70fabd Monday holiday schedule will be collected on Tuesdays No contractor debris will be collected - Contractors hired by residents to perform renovations must dispose of this debris at the contractor's expense. 2020-10-07T10:28:40-05:00 Address: 10500/10550 Buckingham Rd, Fort Myers, FL 33905 Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 6:00 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturday 6:00 a.m.-noon For your safety, we ask you to follow these SITE RULES while on campus. pKqlOYB4o437Htiqy9uvPC+brWztLuzNgwja7s5Z4xd8OFxyMaD4qchG2/g2KtavP5vj8z2EFvqV KVbFWtEuPJ9p5RuNQ08XEej6SHDryjZgqqJWZfiYUpJWlfanbFUZ5dvvK2i+Ro9R02KWHQYlIjic A solid waste revenue sufficiency study was performed on the Solid WasteDepartment in 2022. Garbage, recycling and yard waste are NOT collected on these holidays: Memorial Day. uQNPMUP+9Jahavp8+PD/ACuuKoO4n1H/ABtb+jqVtBo0Fq31nTRGpuZZ5HYc+fHksY2Ox3b8VXGT Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday service days will remain unaffected. Friday trash is collected on Saturday during such weeks. AQBIAAAAAQAB/+4ADkFkb2JlAGTAAAAAAf/bAIQABgQEBAUEBgUFBgkGBQYJCwgGBggLDAoKCwoK EDCO service may not be available in your area. UjCMy05cC0Q5AVpVdq1HUHFUagnivo42uHljeKRiriMUKsgBHBVP7RxVTs4rqa0gma8lDSxq7ALD 5xSCO/thpqxj1rMywm6MhRmoEpzA+w/2ulcVW39z53XzPBZ2V5Z/V2Nu1zZyzRi69LjcesY0HxdR Solid Waste - Lee County Southwest Florida Being active in our communities is a key component of our company culture and we love it! KtTetTiqcW2hyWOqfomw0yxg8pXVo5vUSLi7TqqW6xkBwpDQhRunRaYqxzzBo9i3nyytT5U0i8sb IY4qheTARUWp6VOKse0zzd5xf8vW17UtHt49eV3C6ZDcRmJkSbgSJi7IP3YZt27Yqqm5h1vykuqX ust be in the gate 30 minutes prior to closing. New Year's Day. Costs $82.50 plus a $35 annual fee.
3/I+b/mvFULb8p009JHej2pkcq7qSw9MVLKQT9o4qiv0fB/PN/yPm/5rxV36Pg/nm/5Hzf8ANeKs The Solid WasteCustomer Service Department islocated at the County Public Works building at 1500 Monroe Street. qm2qeffOEWuaVplj5VnaG+exN3eSi5ZbeO4ZTcFvTtzB+5UsvxThgwqU47lV2q+f/O1lqV9aQeRb p6yJ6jBvVUEtUkjoDTYviqe3yeXLz81Le3lnvE1i1SKaOJFjFsfTjlb4pPtk8X3U9O32icVZHN6X NCu9HvtR1XzXF5bMOp28RltPW06OBb1ricHjF+8ianLr1xVLLux1+7/KDy55cfytqr3uh6+Lm/t7 This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. 0aHVZL9L++9I6b+hrbTi8Btrez9MRhIAYfUU0Fa8zU/arQUVZLoWkW2i6Jp+j2rO9rpttDZwPKQZ Register to receive time-sensitive messages about emergencies and certain non-emergency events straight from us to you. Use at your own risk. smabT7m2F5CVX4zGyc6cf5qbU8cVVNJ1i01PR7fVoA6W1xEJlWRaOopUhlFfiHQ0xV2h6zZa3pNt
AKqYq763P/yxTffD/wBVMVbsEkS3PqIUZpJX4EgkB5GYV4kjocVQ9jZxy2VvLJJMXeJGY+vMKkqC FVC7/MDylaNEJdcuCJoILqOSO2eWMxXVfq7c47dkHqlSEBNSdgK4qnGi6nY63ZfXtK1SW6s+ZjWd 7WWKYj1UkiPpkr6LcOV0BB1PXl/k4qhl/P26/Tb6VJoEcciaxJoxf61cuA0LSq0n7uxcNX0dljLU If you want to double check when your pickup days are, use our "Find My Trash & Recycling Schedule" tool to look up your trash days, as well as the next two collection dates. ln9OvxKSa74VUrf8t/Jtj5P+uTeX57gxwfWn0lrme7kAFvJF6KCUipSKd+KhRRum9MVXaF5Q8u+Y Residential Waste Services | Whitetail Disposal Explore topic. l4+I37nCqjLoml/4wt0fUQuqixk9Oy4fahMq1k5U7MtKcvem2KqV1pWhReboHn1T09WFuLWKzKkK Also, many pharmacies will accept old medications. vfFWTfl55rsvN0FxLJocOnmCK1mVa+pyW7iMqAiSG3aoShqFKGvwsaGgVlaW9vBqMQgiSIPDKWCK Late or partial payments will incur late charges, as allowed under applicable law, and may result in suspension of Service until full payment is received and processed. Copyright 2023 The Buckingham Companies, Prior Lake, MN. JPEG Click on the map where you live or type in your address. ___________________________________________________________________________. TlS0sPq8L3zxRzlpJnuODWKTcfSlX1KQ89k4q/IUVTW3/NLz49pHdz+QrmCKZYyg9W7eRGd5FPrR You can access our general site. Refuse Collection Rules | Willingboro Township, NJ Home | The Buckingham Companies %%EndComments q2lzWiILCGC2ivY5LZzMSslZOLmFjRV3FG+14dyrJhdWQkMohkEjdX+ry8j268MCti7sxIZBFIJG Check us out at, GUsSW+I0oBiqjf675jh8/aZosFjBJoN3aTXF3ftMgnSWMkBUhLhmX7FSFP2sVR8DzJb2Twx+rMth Type 1 Christmas Day. Sign up today to become a Solid Waste Insider! Solid Waste Rates FY 2023 - Lee County Southwest Florida If your collection day comes later in the week after collection has been delayed . For more information, click on the Contact EDCO tab at the top of our homepage for service areas and related customer service contacts. Kl2IrOWxjhgiadoFnSRZGEbt6fpshkZvhAIbAq/UfJv5yyfmTLJa6rdJ5Ll1GJzS9YOLSV0u7gKp For complete details and information click here . AQACAwQFBgcICQoLEAACAQMDAgQCBgcDBAIGAnMBAgMRBAAFIRIxQVEGE2EicYEUMpGhBxWxQiPB ya10mo2suoiJ+F9FND9UMoYhfj+zxrRTtircM3mz/Cd1NDeWwu41uRa3STQm2XhI4g5sAEFAFD7b Holiday Schedule. riqlpOn+f10W9g1N4WvZHn+qCEx+msbj92rDiAaE77GuKq2jaf54i8qalb6hJA2sSGU2CxiNYkVl obHwFMHR4SNCFVJicvEzJDRDghaSUyWiY7LCB3PSNeJEgxdUkwgJChgZJjZFGidkdFU38qOzwygp PLG3ILFuMkqAsSTRZWUVJ3OwxVjs+qeb7fVvLVlpmkx3WhXUJ/TGpNIFa34xgpxQspNT7HFUU+re To view your pickup schedule or service ETA, please select from the following options to verify your account. Resource Recovery Facility - Buckingham Campus - Lee County Southwest aZPd37xajCrR28KpIUdbphGOdAVpzTuRvTFU0mvNAg86xmW/lXV7i2Wyi09ufokEyXAdRx4B2Ebf sfnDP5gWLW9Gs7TRVqZpYRG8jEylFWJ/rxJAjKyu7wqRRlVGPElVn+KuxVTltreZonliSRoH9SBn Zt+uKoGTyL5IkuZbqTy9pj3U031qadrO3MjzglvVZilS9XY8jvucVb/wN5J/d/8AOv6b+59P0v8A mAR3OrzvCs8UQjMbJ6LDm6rEOG386dq0Ko3XPLvlq68y6ZbS6Vok+l3InmuzcRRNP60SqF9MF1Dc Its easiest to use a spray bottle. All material is the property of the City of Detroit and may only be used with permission. ZjS5EXG49f00CV3pEy1/lbFXarrN2vnDToLTU7KHSmVTdWMwX6xKT6tfTUpz6BSKHqvhXFV+s6ze In the event you wish to use your own 55 gal or less personal container in addition to the container WD provides, we are UNABLE to insure customer owned equipment. 1 I7iqtHQ0ct/McVWWVrHPZwTSPMZJY0dyJpVBZlBOwYAfRiqt+j4P55v+R83/ADXiqA1y603RtP8A V5fbCitO+KtalpV1febdPe60+yutItIJJoruaLncQ3QkSixkvQcqK9eHVOtaYqk1xot1Yeb7S10r Thursday and Friday service days will be delayed by one day. PbgxoJnAkFCFH8xoB9k9MKoyTQLj/lX3pDQbVtWNurHRqsbb1mcOUP7wbV3PxH6e6qN0Py3ZXnl6 Q: What do I do with old electronics?A: Electronics can be set at the curb with your regular household garbage. Their phone number is 239-533-7387. For areas not listed below, please contact your local office. Loss or damage caused by improper use or storage of WD equipment by Customer may result in additional fees including replacement and redelivery/removal. Please set out waste and recycling containers for collection on your regularly scheduled service day on other holidays, including Martin Luther King Jr.s Birthday, Lincolns Birthday, Presidents Day, Washingtons Birthday, Cesar Chavez Day, and Veterans Day. Normal Thursday service will occur on Friday, and normal Friday service will occur on Saturday. Service issues should be reported within 24 hours of you service day. If your regular collection day falls on one of these holidays your service will be delayed one day. 405S8VNCjV4lV7pirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVYJ57/NOLypqy2J043iQ2iahfymdYWS3k OK8Q32q9qUJwqh727gf8xvWGiPPdW4QHU2nmWKNAj9I+Hpk1AqOXWh7YoWXOs28v5jWrvo873UKk kCM0HIkdMVVdQg1L/CTGyuLW51WO2E0N5dKn1aSYLzZ34KFVJN6so2Briq3y1a61P5Xjj1i7tLjU An additional garbage cart will add $7.34 to your monthly bill. Your Shopping Cart. mX0IppIDGqiSeCkscSu5kI4uoCktStMVQvlXQ55tDjutR8u6fomuQgRWlvGqzxxfVA8ds/JOBKgu OPQy7aVe/Ulso55WLgTGJpXc2y7ADmRCJTT3qMVS+P8A5yK0bl+801liD3VbhZJWiMNtpg1FJElM
proof:pdf By phone: 239-533-8000 Online:
Additional services rendered by WD to Customer, including but not limited to, non-standard bulk removal, additional pickups, and return trips, are not part of standard Charges and will be billed accordingly. mkaVHe6Rdrx1q+eQK1tGsalCqll5ct/HFUtv/LsN55wk0668mWNx5duqXFzrLiElpyju3KI/GWMt nlbXZ9e0/StXn0+bS5by2ndrC5BEsVJUWjAhTuBUbdDiqFvPNV1pV95X0mHR7q/j1lfTmv4FJhtB 9T/MB/LdzDcSQvrbJP6LIV+rlyWMIIevw04g1GKrotO87DQ7qGecT6jKJ2hLej6al6mJDRVVgNqk Enter your service address so we can find the schedule for your area. Department of Public Works - Solid Waste Division, Buildings, Safety Engineering and Environmental Department, Civil Rights, Inclusion & Opportunity Department, Homeland Security & Emergency Management, Detroit, Apply for or renew permit or certification, Text your street address to sign up for trash & recycling reminders, Refuse Collection Services and Information, Report Illegal Dumping (and more!) yXDl1bpvVoSoNaV26ndVdqGi6cPNulCbVpIdQEM6W2nqrejOsq82LbFeSC3JHxV6+OKu1PSNFh8z iGczKkgWJl5LU8kVtz7Yqp2fmU6f5KjlttKaK3tbOkemfvPVCRrT012514j4dq/LFKho2uxaL5Dj YYY43Vk+Fo24/ZNAuKprq935pTX9GttKs4JdIn9d9avZ2IeFY/T9JYlBHJ5C7dRQU+9VR1PU/N0P Holiday Garbage and Recycling Collection - City of Minneapolis ThDqXFOjnbrgVAf4wvDrJ0/6mUjFuLg3bA+nyLlPRrX7YpU9NqfQVbHmvUjqxsxax/VVgErXnJgP City of Huntsville Holidays 2023. qM1DyjoWo63Z61eQNLf2BVrNy7hY2Xl8SqCACedG8RQHFUfp/wDcP/xmn/5PPiqjZy3UNnBC9lNz For other questions, please call one of our friendly customer service representatives at 239-533-8000. aMklq213JegswK1XdQgrQN2OKp1pn/HNtP8AjDH/AMRGKoCDU5reTQ7FLR5o72FvVuVrxh9GJWHP Recreational Vehicle (RV) Parks (per lot). Information on how to arrange for paid collection of bulk waste from your house or business. %PDF-1.5
document.write((new Date()).getFullYear());Lee County, FL. rc//ACxTffD/ANVMVd9bn/5Ypvvh/wCqmKu+tz/8sU33w/8AVTFVqGeW+jka3eKNIpFLOYzUsyEA You may also place your garbage at curb in garbage bags. k4QOU4iMqC53Z9tlxVBPa+eT5xWRbixHlNUFYjGxvCWiKtGG+yFEqK1e4NO2Koo6PfnzAJjNGdBF MbTCDbl6asEL0r05MBiqmfNuijUl00ysL5oTcLBx3MQbgWr0+0cVXP5r0VL6Owaal7LG00dvtzMa Yard Waste (HORT) is deposited before being ground for use as mulch or compost. Depending on how much waste your commercial business generates, recycling is mandatory. 4kTzLpUY117aNobIHSFhmk5sUn35r8CrKopvt8FeoBBVD2qXJ883NmNfSR5DcFdIb1+SUjtW6kcP By paying a statement or continuing services after a rate or fee change, Customer acknowledges and agrees to such change. Krrfzl5auZJ44Nclka3uIbObjEKCa5uHtIlDehRg08LpyG21a03xVD3P5geUbaCO4k16doZGuVWS Find out other improvements to the waste collection process on our bulk and yard waste pages. We are a locally owned and operated company which means we live and work in the communities we serve. Please securely bag your trash. o+cbXy1aJrXlXU9UnSzgj8t2gF5Ato4uZ2uufoDlbzsxQq8igFf2qYUPY/zi0zW9U/LawtzZ3cmq /wCTz4qpWktzBaQwtZyloo1RiGhoSoA2rIMVVfrc/wDyxTffD/1UxV31uf8A5Ypvvh/6qYq763P/ Hillsborough County - Holiday Trash Collection Schedule KF9RigmP155Ykt1mXlQOwCpxRvhY8R06Yqh9Jt/NA8qX1xPfWbT/AOlNb3VvNH9WRVLLGHYDh+74 New Years Day. AqM+qT/8ts33Q/8AVPFV1hJJJYW0kjcpHiRnY0FSVBJ2oMVY5P5rutO1by1ocWj3d5Dq0J9bU4lJ 6Jd3HlK7v9Vv/rK3NqvqRSRCGcRQ+rxtyiySxN6jF1ijorcdyiFVNrLzr5putK1fUx5UuI4tPZTZ Adobe Illustrator CC 2015 (Macintosh) xmp.did:87de427d-f9e8-4698-91fc-4f0256cc4222 Futura If your pickup day falls on a holidaywe will be there the following day to service you. Location Address 13110 Rickenbacker Parkway Ft. Myers, FL 33913 Contact Information Phone: (239) 337-0800 Fax: (239) 225-2758 Local Management Division Vice President Bill Jones 239-337-0800 Send an Email Customer Information Pages For more information please click the link for your area below. +ZFv5CkOrXOnS+bomaRbg1SzCLLX4yEHH9zWpC4qmCReYf8ABRe4vLS38wraSONQgC/VVloXDr6i
Office hours are 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Asphalt shingles will no longer be accepted at the Buckingham Campus. Collection occurs on residents' regular trash and recycling collection day. Q: How do I get rid of old medicine and sharps?A: The Lee County Sherriffs Office will accept old medicines. 601 E. Kennedy Blvd. uuid:433aa58f-0d7e-f34b-9172-a9e79bb5031b ygUD/V5eQG/fhXucVXfXbTlz9OXn/N9Xmr9/DFULAfSi09pYpOAtGjdRG7EEiL4WUAkfZPXFUTHd Regular Advanced Disposal, now part of Waste Management at (844) 2-DETROIT or (844) 233-8764. NvhfcHpsem4VVPMGo6EPPenXE1xfW9/ztZY4oDEsDhTNAscxPxMrmboelAV/axVleqeS7LUvMllr qM/ljRH/ADkjujfXn6W4Pwt0SI2Y5WoB9RgxepjFQCOo8Oqrb+WfL3/K343k1C6/TfomSC1VF+q0 Please turn on JavaScript and try again. In all, the disposal system handles more than 1.2 milliontons of waste each year. pCoomsZPSN0xaOUsFXjzAqqMN99+2KrtR1O6i832sMF9pcWkyCH17acqLtqicOsQAr8TemRWvQgU Theydon't have to be clean enough to eat from, but they must nothave any food residue. Holiday Schedule. 1 0 obj
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Your call will be answered by a live person who will take your question or concern and relay it to a WM staff person, who will return your call. Location Address 3705 St. Johns Parkway Sanford, FL 32771 Contact Information Phone: (407) 774-0800 Fax: (407) 786-0800 Local Management Division Manager Eric Saxton (407) 774-0800 Send an Email Customer Information Pages For more information please click the link for your area below. rU2u6cfPVsWjn+vLp0vBFC+iYjMtSz05cgR06fTTFULfeatBPn6wSYXC6tBbvHBCpX0WjuKtyYgc POlzGl6aykF0LQOrvIrrQ0BJ2VRWkeWPzoh1zyzNP+kf0Jb37Pf2dzqYuJo4CloGa5eO7h9dGlSd qnl/jbemL2TVRcS0kkS6SeOKWPjxk9OSMcAznimwFNsKpbP5Z8raR5rsNAsvK+om2uGSb9IWs0y2 Please ensure your recyclables are empty, clean, dry and loose. DoMVUtE8vaToDw2Glw+halbmYoWZvjkkiLbsTirGtfTTJdY8tLeaJc6o8cMLQXEBkMcBaaEF5UC8 84xVGppOi6f5psrCx8tWiWtxDPeSatGqIIZIh6HplRHTk6XRCDmKr6m2xqqjJ9Vn0vWtF8u6ZozS xlGWq1Q9AvXamKonUta04eSrJrHXJ446Wjw6yVluHlj5o5ZuB5N6qVrXYVxVbDrEK/lzGo1ySadr Open Type Medium C21nQ4LIo5P6OVucSenJyjI4syncVr367VpgVHjyd5YGnQ6YNOhGnwcPRtKH019MhkotafCRUYqq FuturaBT-Bold p0MhXt44VUv0bY6f5CW6kuJDpkWnK7SFVEwhMQqxU0QMFNadO2KFLSW0i18irqVtcyvpOnW7J6rr Trash Pickup and Holiday Schedule & Local Service - Republic Services Search. 7KAQQrU2NcVTvQ7jX5fLlpc6tbxQ63LbiW6s4to45mXl6NSz14E8S3KhO/TFUHo995yfycb7VrC3 Obtaining a dumpster is recommended. JDUbfq1OK1VVNY0rTX892CnSLu6liMKrepNIIYldZnLuhT0zxMYr8XXjWhCclVTzDpmmL5z0lH0a Tuesday, July 4, 2023.
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/ +ez0avLp7Yq1JrF0fO6QR6hZjRFhDTWR4m5MhR+ienzC1CNXl44qt1PW9SXzVa22n3mnnTWe2a7t Request services from Hillsborough County online 24 hours-a-day, 7 days-a-week 24/7 online development permitting solution. ACyQ/wDItf6YFdphJ061J6+jH/xEYqx+GHzqfMeiS2k9qvlFbCmo27g/WWueJ9MoeJ+H7P7Q74qr Trash and Recycling | City of Evanston See several free options are available to Hillsborough County solid waste customers. Zkk43unxr9X4vURyxK/NTyWjmopU03GKr9As75fK9gdSmtrzWUtlae9jWMQfWCOTGPgqj01f7J49 Toters should be placed with at least 3 feet clearance from mailboxes, poles, lampposts, vehicles and each other cart. Holiday Waste Pickup Schedule | WM WM Holiday Schedule Commonly Observed Holidays This list is not exhaustive. Customer will be notified of any additional charges at time of scheduling. Adobe PDF library 15.00 Waste Management Home. In this park-like setting in East Lee County, there are several facilities that handle different parts of the waste stream. It makes the lives much easier for our drivers and helpers to have the trash in bags. 2020-10-08T11:43:57-05:00 Information on how to take bulk waste to a drop-off center. +n6f+nJrMsLebhdQgg+okfqqwDIWUEEN74VQ0eleXH8pSX0GjaTe6rcwLdyW8EcaQzzqGkCJJ8dN BU74qhPLcHmf/A6tPqNnqHmOe1kMWoQoi2nqlW9AL6Qo0aEgV774qqeUT5gOl6V/iG4t7vWhb3Av No more maintenance or replacing your own container: we take care of this too! g6Jo+j26eU5o5VvLwOkZt5FVmjjii5LXkR2U9fY4qyHT/wC4f/jNP/yefFUtXWfqTaBYfVJ5hqam document.write((new Date()).getFullYear());Lee County, FL. pLotkrBytVkLR8CpZnKntXCqQa75Q/MebQPSvtKlumHkaysbGOxsroOhTULRxazhjJyukRGZ1Wmw
8.500000 Residential garbage, recycling, and commercial garbage cans will be picked up on the following days in the following areas as listed below. W71ZpFtEWeQ7xrX4qyCnNiEXxY4qxK2/OzyZPaR3QsdYiilHKMyyxoGXiGqrNd8Gah+wrF/8ncVK Q: When can I set out my trash and recycle? kjVXilWZWohWvxJ37bYEql/5T0TUNZtdYu4WlvbPgbZi7cUZCWDKoNASW38aCvTFUdp/9w//ABmn Read everything about how to register here. saved 1GSGA393bXsy/XFWazKmMIJkCp8AC8kHwn8d64qg7u61xNS0KCzv7S3smitnubed4xMy8wj+mjKX By enrolling in our paperless billing, your invoice will be sent to your email every billing cycle. UZyojC9Dstahtu43GKpfdeY5F842H+gs8psrhBfqX9GNWkjYxsoPEsxjG9dvpxV1/rj/AOK9KlNj 4SPjJ4jcfTiqv+mf+diOi/VJgBafXPrxQ+gf3vp+kHpTmPtEeH00VbGp3P8AiA6X9Tf6qLQXI1Cv 6ja3W3NlkFA3RSVAPIKo+9/M7z/Dc3F1beSb+e0gtZGksnEoZpY7z0I/RZbYsWaNvUkHxgqBw6Eu 95c380dvbRtNM/GI8URSzGixEmgHbFUku/O3lW0hup7nzA0UVl9V+tsUX90L6n1cvSH4Q9ep2Hem Household Chemical Waste Collection Events, Construction & Demolition Debris Recycling Facility, Lee/Hendry Regional Solid Waste Disposal Facility, Construction & Demolition Debris Recycling, Public Safety (Emergency Management) (EMS), Bonita Springs, Town of Fort Myers Beach, Estero, South Fort Myers - West, Iona/McGregor, Captiva, Estero, South Fort Myers - East, San Carlos Park, Villas, Estero, 3.
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