Its hard to bring these cases unless you have evidence disproving that.. If an individual consumer mistakenly files a complaint with the new portal, the Bureau will forward the complaint to the Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau. If PACs spend nearly all of their money on fundraising and salaries, fundraisers can say they their motives were sincere and it costs money to raise money, he said. It is further ordered We were good at slick-talking these people, said Dellinger, who court records show has been convicted of felonies including the truck theft and other burglary charges. I cant speak to peoples understanding or what the scripts said., I dont think you understand how hard it is to fundraise. The Public Inspection page may also The Federal Trade Commission, which is responsible for policing telemarketing, generally has no jurisdiction over political fundraising, said Lois Greisman, an associate director in charge of the agencys marketing practices division. Neither he nor other officials at his company returned requests for comment. We have told them many times to stop calling us, one person contacted by Politicause complained to the FTC in April 2019, noting that the household was on a Do Not Call list. A spokesperson for the Republican Attorneys General Association did not address questions about the robocall but sought to distance the organization from the event. ), send an email to Instead, the bulk of the money is kept by fundraising firms or the people running the PACs. Federal Register has no substantive legal effect. Section 227(e) prohibits unlawful spoofingthe transmission of misleading or inaccurate caller ID information with the intent to defraud, cause harm, or wrongfully obtain anything of value. Interviews and records indicate managers at both firms once worked at a Zeitlin company called Courtesy Call. documents in the last year, by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration documents in the last year, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Rather, they and their fundraisers present the PACs as charities, suggesting they support veterans, firefighters or victims of deadly diseases, for instance. If the potential donors suspected they had given to the group before, the callers were instructed to say: I have no way of knowing because we feel that donations are given from the heart, not the hand, so we keep all donation records confidential, according to the FAQ. 2. Add 64.1204 to subpart L to read as follows: (a) Any private entity may submit to the Enforcement Bureau information related to a call made or a text message sent that the private entity has reason to believe was in violation of 64.1200(a) or 47 U.S.C. The fundraiser paid $11.6 million by PACs, including Bass operations, since 2017 listed an address in FEC documents that was a mail drop business in Washington D.C.Contract information subpoenaed by investigators and seen by Reuters ties Market Process Group to firms controlled by Mark Gelvan, a New Jersey-based fundraiser.Included were a phone number used by another Gelvan firm, Outreach Calling, an address used by his operation in Montville, New Jersey, and an email linked to another Gelvan company. Register (ACFR) issues a regulation granting it official legal status. Black's Law Dictionary defines public entity as a governmental entity, such as a state government or one of its political subdivisions. At least one statute, the Americans with Disabilities Act, defines public entity as any state or local government and any department, agency, special purpose district, or other instrumentality of a State or States or local government.. announcing that compliance date and revising this paragraph accordingly. 30 days after publication in the Consumers are already served by the existing informal complaint intake process, and the TRACED Act gives no indication that Congress intended to upset or replace that process. We find that adopting a distinct intake process for private entities best satisfies the statutory language, while integrating it with the existing process managed by the Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau will reduce administrative costs and consumer confusion. We wish it was 100, but we have to keep the lights on.. 13. electronic version on GPOs on The Better Business Bureau says if anyone calls or knocks asking you to help the police, the best thing you can do is ask them for information before you agree to donate. I was unaware of unauthorized decisions made by RLDF staff with regard to this weeks rally, said Marshall, who assumed his role Nov. 10. Everyday our protectors in law . Timely and thorough information from private entities is crucial to enable the Commission to mitigate illegal robocall incidents and bring swift enforcement actions. We also clarify that a public entity is any governmental organization at the federal, state, or local level. offers a preview of documents scheduled to appear in the next day's (k) Perform such other functions as may be assigned or referred to it by the Commission. Commenters raise concerns that the new streamlined portal will create consumer confusion or duplicate current processes. The Federal Election Commission has jurisdiction over political spending but neither the agency nor Congress has acted on recommendations in 2016 by some of its own members to strengthen fraud protections and disclosure requirements as part of campaign law. Those two fundraising firms, whose ownership is not clear, dissolved Pledge Assistance in July 2018 and Politicause in June 2019, according to Wyoming records. We are appalled at Wednesday's incursion into the Capital, and did not support any efforts by the Rule of Law Defense Fund, he said. Add 64.1606 to subpart P to read as follows: (a) Any private entity may submit to the Enforcement Bureau information related to a call or text message that the private entity has reason to believe included misleading or inaccurate caller identification information in violation of 64.1604(a) or 47 U.S.C. on Reuters interviewed a dozen donors to PACs in the informal network. The purpose of the portal is to provide private entities a streamlined method to submit information to the Bureau about suspected robocall or spoofing violations. Earlier this week, we spoke out alongside others in the business community regarding the violence that unfolded at the U.S. Capitol.. We define private entity as any entity other than (1) an individual natural person or (2) a public entity. This feature is not available for this document. the official SGML-based PDF version on, those relying on it for 15. The portal will collect contact information of the reporting entity, information about the suspected illegal robocall, and a description of the robocall incident. Its the only thing in life Ive ever been (expletive) good at, said Armstrong, who records show has theft and drug convictions. a phone number), the caller ID information displayed, the phone number(s) called, the date(s) and time(s) of the relevant calls or texts, the name of the reporting private entity's service provider, and a description of the problematic calls or texts. rendition of the daily Federal Register on does not The President of the United States manages the operations of the Executive branch of Government through Executive orders. Quoting from its website, the "Committee for Police Officers' Defense is a 527 Committee designed to seek out radical prosecutors, judges and district attorneys." Another organization is. We were good at slick-talking these people, one former caller, a felon, said of unwitting donors. Ultimately, changes must come at the federal level, said Ellen Weintraub, a Democrat who chairs the Federal Election Commission. 14. 227(e). A 5 On Your Side viewer got one of those calls recently, asking him to support the National. Thus, we have minimized the impact on small businesses. While in the Shelby County Jail on a felony charge of stealing a truck, Dellinger said he began working at a center in suburban Birmingham then known as Charity Promotions as part of his government-sponsored work release program. that the Commission's Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau, Reference Information Center, that, pursuant to 1.4(b)(1) and 1.427(a) of the Commission's rules, 47 CFR 1.4(b)(1), 1.427(a), this Report and Order and the amendments to parts 0 and 64 of the Commission's rules, as set forth in This definition is consistent with common usage. The fundraisers later went to work for PACs under the names Politicause and Pledge Assistance, both registered in Wyoming, which requires little disclosure from corporations. The Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau also forwards complaints to the Enforcement Bureau, which may use them to pursue enforcement actions. shall send 4. A spokesperson for Georgia Attorney General Chris Carr, the chairman of the Republican Attorneys General Association, said he had no knowledge or involvement in this decision., Attorney General Carr has been working diligently to determine how this situation occurred and ensure that it does not happen again, said spokesperson Katie Byrd. In this document, the Federal Communications Commission (Commission) adopts rules to implement the Pallone-Thune Telephone Robocall Abuse Criminal Enforcement and Deterrence Act (TRACED Act) to streamline the process by which private entities may submit information to the Commission about violations of the Communications Act. WASHINGTON - U.S. Sen. Roger Wicker, R-Miss., chairman of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, today issued the following statement after the Senate overwhelmingly approved the bipartisan Pallone-Thune Telephone Robocall Abuse Criminal Enforcement and Deterrence (TRACED) Act.The bill will now be sent to the president's desk to be signed into law: Third, consumers will not be adversely affected by our decision to exclude them from the definition of private entity. Document page views are updated periodically throughout the day and are cumulative counts for this document. POLICE OFFICERS DEFENSE ALLIANCE PAC. Baker said his employees never try to dupe donors and that he cant control what his clients, the PACs, do with the money he raises. The President of the United States issues other types of documents, including but not limited to; memoranda, notices, determinations, letters, messages, and orders. It is further ordered include documents scheduled for later issues, at the request More information and documentation can be found in our Use of the portal is completely voluntary and we impose no new requirements on small businesses. For the reasons discussed in the preamble, the Federal Communications Commission proposes to amend 47 CFR parts 0 and 64 as follows: 1. More Reuters investigations and long-form narratives, Got a confidential news tip? Start Printed Page 52841 documents in the last year, 36 Like many such telemarketing centers tucked away in strip malls or office parks, it offered no clues to what went on inside. shall be effective Bass set up five super PACs allegedly dedicated to a range of causes including veterans and firefighters. In this Issue, Documents Good evening this is Mike Stevens calling for the . We do not support any similar activities now, and will not in the future., A Microsoft spokesperson said: We condemn the actions taken by the RLDF and are raising our concerns directly with RAGA. Federal Register Gifts to actual charities are; donations to PACs, which sometimes sound like charities, are not. Never disclose personal information. Or follow the simplest rule: Never give to anyone over the phone, said Margot Saunders, senior counsel for the National Consumer Law Center. This is John calling from the committee. Private entity submissions of robocall violations. Register documents. Reuters interviewed a dozen donors to PACs. documents in the last year, 86 5. Braille, large print, electronic files, audio format, etc.) To protect law enforcement methods and techniques, we decline to adopt SAFE Credit Union's suggestion to detail the exact steps and criteria that the Bureau will use to evaluate the information submitted. Laura Strickler is a senior investigative producer and reporter for NBC News. Its infuriating, said Angelides, who learned from Reuters that it was a PAC that got his money. documents in the last year. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. Spot the latest COVID scams, get compliance guidance, and stay up to date on FTC actions during the pandemic. Blue / Bloomberg via Getty Images. Always Be Closing, one poster read. The fundraising operation used corporate names including Charity Promotions, from 2013 to 2016, and Charity Appeal, from 2016 to 2018, according to several ex-employee interviews and state filings. These workers were a convenient labor pool and skilled at getting people to open their wallets, former callers said. 21. Scam PAC telemarketers who use aggressive tactics in the charity realm also face less risk of scrutiny or sanction when they turn to PAC fundraising, regulators and former callers said. And, as he has been saying since moments after seeing news break, the violence and destruction we saw at the U.S. Capitol is unacceptable and un-American.. Appendix A, documents in the last year, by the Coast Guard But proving it can be a challenge, she said when, for example, conversations arent recorded and callers stray beyond the boundaries of scripts that toe the line. Callers told Reuters they easily made the switch, working in the same buildings, for the same bosses, using similar scripts. Commenters suggested that the Commission consolidate the new portal and its existing informal consumer complaint process, which the Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau administers, or better distinguish the two processes by defining private entity to exclude consumers. In such cases, the Enforcement Bureau will forward such consumer complaints to the Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau. It is a way for them to get around the charity laws thats exactly what theyre doing, said Stuart Discount, chief executive of the Professional Association for Customer Engagement, a trade association for direct marketers. 503, 132 Stat 348, 1091. Mailing address: 8228 FAWN MEADOW AVE LAS VEGAS, NV 89149. For complete information about, and access to, our official publications after OMB completes its review, and directs the Enforcement Bureau to cause 64.1204 and 64.1606 to be revised accordingly. The call center in Sylacauga, visited by Reuters last year, was operated by Las Vegas-based TPFE Inc, a firm controlled by Zeitlin. regulatory information on with the objective of 47 U.S.C. Congress adopted the requirement to create a streamlined process to collect information about robocalls and spoofing against the backdrop of the existing informal consumer complaint process. Document Drafting Handbook Reuters also could not ascertain the ownership of another large fundraising operation with a call center in Hoover, Alabama, some 45 miles from Zeitlins center in Sylacauga. It also has roots in charity fundraising. Information about this document as published in the Federal Register. In addition, it serves as a valuable clearinghouse for the Commission to identify trends and activities that are negatively affecting consumers. USTelecom requests that we encourage private entities to first coordinate with the registered traceback consortium prior to filing information in the portal. This Report and Order establishes a streamlined process for private entities to submit information about unlawful, unwanted calls. Pepsi and the NRA did not respond to requests for comment. headings within the legal text of Federal Register documents. The otherwise bland office was decorated with posters from the film Glengarry Glen Ross, a tale of ruthless telemarketer salesmen set in a real-estate boiler room. 20. But she said the panel has been paralyzed by partisan divisions and, more recently, a lack of a quorum. that parts 0 and 64 of the Commission's rules In return for tax-exempt status, charities generally must register with states, disclose their key employees and account for how the money is spent in some cases by providing audited financial statements. or call the Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau at 202-418-0530 (voice). Further Information. The Commission will publish a document in the Some tips for consumers: Listen carefully for the name of the organization. In this document, we have created a new online portal located on the Commission website where private entities, including small businesses, may submit information about robocall or spoofing violations. 227(b). information to inform Commission consumer protection policies as well as for analytical and consumer education purposes. Find the resources you need to understand how consumer protection law impacts your business. of the issuing agency. . Two of the fundraising companies identified by Reuters employed jail inmates and ex-cons as telemarketers, according to interviews in Alabama with several former employees, as well as court records. Richard Zeitlin, the biggest fundraiser in the loose network identified by Reuters, told a reporter in a brief interview that he had closed down all of his call centers, saying I wanted a change in direction. Asked about ex-employees claims of deception in his companies PAC fundraising practices, he declined to discuss specifics. People with Disabilities. adopted Aside from the lions share that went to for-profit fundraisers, many of the PAC operators took a slice for salaries and overhead. To request material in accessible formats for people with disabilities (braille, large print, electronic files, audio format), send an email to The OFR/GPO partnership is committed to presenting accurate and reliable Callers said they did so quickly and proudly, hoping people wouldnt catch on. Training was minimal, pressure relentless and turnover high, the workers said. e.g., We were very clear with RAGA that we could not continue our relationship unless we had assurances that they take steps to ensure that nothing like this would happen again.. Former callers at both TPFE and Politicause said they were given scripts and FAQs that required them to mention that the groups were political action committees but were told by managers to glide past the disclosures about who was calling and how the money would be used. We work to advance government policies that protect consumers and promote competition. March 24, 2017 This document has been published in the Federal Register. 03/03/2023, 43 At TPFE, callers said they told potential donors all proceeds went to defraying the cost of the appeal [for funds] and to accomplish the mission, said former employee Jake Adair, 28. Just enough to get them to stop asking, he added. For further information, contact Daniel Stepanicich, Attorney, Telecommunications Consumers Division, Enforcement Bureau, at (202) 418-7451 or My job is to deliver a message, and try as best as I can to make sure Im not working for a scumbag, he said. He said only that it was based in Florida; Reuters could not determine the specific jurisdiction. Once submitted, the Bureau will review to determine whether the information presents evidence of a violation of our rules. Some of the workers for TPFE also had felony convictions, according to several former callers and court records. edition of the Federal Register. P, sec. Learn more here. Few other top officers at these fundraising firms and PACS would speak to Reuters on the record. That process is a well-established one that consumers have come to understand and depend upon. The Commission has determined, and the Administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget, concurs that this rule is non-major under the Congressional Review Act, 5 U.S.C. Drug abuse was a problem at both call centers, ex-employees said. Police officer's scam robocall warning goes viral The "GMA" team of insiders analyzes some of the biggest stories trending this morning. Lina M. Khan was sworn in as Chair of the Federal Trade Commission on June 15, 2021. In fact, scam PAC operators and fundraisers are often old hands of the charity world, with a history of run-ins with regulators, state and federal records show. Federal Do Not Call rules do not apply to political or nonprofit fundraising. Commenters were concerned that the definition proposed in the In 2018, the Federal Trade Commission sued Zeitlin for allegedly deceptive practices in charity fundraising, but the case has been suspended because a grand jury was investigating, according to court documents. Box 663 Butler, WI 53007 Visit Website (833) 878-5783 Average of 30. They said to pitch it like it was a charity but as quietly and quickly as you can, slip in that it was a PAC, said Lefler, who worked at TPFE until March. ". For example, in two enforcement actions, a medical paging company was a key source; it informed the Bureau that the paging company's phone lines were being bombarded by spoofed robocalls. and services, go to It is further ordered All persons are required to submit truthful and accurate statements to the Commission. Federal election laws were designed to prevent corruption, he said, not to protect consumers.. 03/03/2023, 207 Now I'm not knocking on Mr. Fotis, I'm just reporting on what I have found and I thank him for his service in the Army and as a Police Officer. The Sylacauga call center employed work release inmates, an arrangement that apparently ended before 2018, the former callers said. They called 4 times in one day. Its supporters also include interest groups such as the NRA and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which was its top donor in 2020 with a $750,000 contribution. While acknowledging that every industry has its bad apples,he wrote: To this day it strikes me as odd that an industry that has over the years hired hundreds of thousands of people (perhaps millions), many of whom had trouble holding down more traditional day jobs, would become such a punching bag for the government and the media.. SOURCE: National Consumer Law Center, Federal Trade Commission. Back in 2019, a CNN investigation traced a series of mysterious robocalls claiming to raise money for Trump's wall back to Support American Leaders PAC. . An official website of the United States government. Our PAC contributions to both the Republican and Democratic Attorneys General associations were used strictly for attorneys generals campaign purposes, the spokesperson said in a statement.
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