It 2. Water should be changed every week or two. Although most taxonomies chipmunks acknowledge a single lineage of Tamias, some species are separated into Tamiya, utopias, and species. Axolotl: $1535. ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb, Pets aren't limited to furry creatures or fish. All they need for a home is a small tank "at least twice as wide and three times as tall" as their body. Small Pets After caring for animals in her veterinarian practice, Lianne went on to study biology and research water quality and chronic disease at theUniversity of Saskatchewan. 1. Hamsters aren't the only easy-to-care for rodents you can consider for your home. Spotted Genet. Remember, while pets are kid-friendly, your kids should be properly supervised when handling them. They don't need much cage spacea 15- to 20-gallon tank should doso they're a good option if you don't have room for an elaborate vivarium setup. Although the wallabies can be house trained, they need to be fenced off safely with plenty of space to roam, not supervised. Although they make excellent pets for beginners, Bearded Dragons have specialized diets composed of fruit, vegetables, and insects. Agouti. Raising them up from a caterpillar, you just need a common plant to feed them, and sticks for them to wander around on, especially in the beginning stage of their life. Pets Best Exotic Pets for Small Spaces Exotic pets are often compact, quiet, and don't require outdoor space, making them ideal pets for apartment living since they don't bother nearby neighbors or damage your home. Dont worry, if youre not into crawlies, theyll turn into beautiful butterflies in a week. And since their hair isn't as long as other cats', they only need to be brushed two to three times a week to get rid of loose hair. Emily has been a proofreader and editor at a variety of online media outlets over the past decade and has reviewed more than 200 articles for The Spruce Pets for factual accuracy. Chinchillas are small rodents with playful personalities. Good Pets for Kids-These Are the Best Pets for Kids at Each Age, How Much White Maltese Dog Hypoallergenic ! The 20 Least Expensive Pets to Own Cats are notoriously independent. Exotic pets are often compact, quiet, and don't require outdoor space, making them ideal pets for apartment living since they don't bother nearby neighbors or damage your home. So whether you're looking for something that makes sense for your kids, for your working parent lifestyle, or for the limitations of your apartment, these are the low-maintenance pets you should consider taking home. Their cage needs are not too demanding: about 2 cubic feet per rat. Like betta fish, goldfish are a sight for sore eyes and they come in many varieties so you'll be spoiled for choice. Pigs are why pellets are the staple food of choice for pet pigs. Youll want to keep their habitat on the warmer side, along with a shallow saltwater dish where they can soak in. And in terms of diet, they have a variety of foods they eat: fruit flies, smaller mantids, moths, house flies, and the occasional cricket or mealworm if your mantid is larger. When you're thinking of cute, cuddly pets to own, ants probably don't pop into your mind. Thus, making a hedgehog seems to be not a subject to the separation anxiety, but this pet is fitting for those who travel. They're easy to care for perhaps the most low-maintenance "pet" on this list and need only a terrarium for living quarters, and a heating pad, totaling about $75. Hedgehogs. They are extremely vocal and can move through the air due to the thin skin stretch between their front and back legs. Norway rats are the most common species of pet rat, and they only live two to three years, and grow nine to eleven inches long. Their small, twig-like size makes them easy to home in small spaces like "small glass containers" or "cages around 12 inches tall," and their dietary habits are not intense either. Smith Collection/Gado /Getty Images 13. They are skilled at playing the whistle and can often be taught to play the whistle. Edit or remove this text inline or in the module Content settings. Hedgehogs are not social. Kids can learn a lot from their metamorphosis since they are born as caterpillars, and they only have a complete lifespanincluding the metamorphosisof six to eight months. The 20 Least Expensive Pets to Own. The praying mantis is great for people who don't want to make a fuzzy, emotional connection with their new pet. After buying a multilevel cage ($50 to $150) and some other supplies ($100), you can expect to pay between $65 and $125 yearly on food for each degu (guinea pig food works fine), depending on its appetite. Rats (the ones that dont live in the subway tracks) are small, affectionate and easy to take care of since all you need is a well-ventilated cage, some toys and appropriate food. Many frog species don't need much space, so they are an ideal choice for small apartments. Monthly food, bedding, and hay can cost up to $35 a month, although the outlay can be minimized and made easy by feeding the animal leftover veggies from the dinner table. However, only some know the exact components of a nutritious diet for cats, [] are a vital part of an unique pets weight-reduction plan. Budgerigar. They require a wire cage, bedding, toys and eat a varied diet of fruit, vegetables and grains. They have prominent eyes and ears, hairy tails s, and good claws. Learn more about the anole 2. 3. Chipmunk (Tamias species) is a large internal cheekbone used for food transport. 3. Hermit crabs sometimes move between shells at night, so buy several shells and let them choose their daily outfit. Primates often fulfill their enrichment requirements by destroying property or wreaking havoc in your house. This popular parrot makes a Scorpion. With an ant farm, the ants do most of the work. Butterflies are a pretty sight to see outside, but they're also a good insect for inside your home. You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. Lianne McLeod, DVM, is a small animal and exotic pet expert with over a decade of experience writing about veterinary care. Hermit Crabs: $535. The domesticated Budgerigar is the most popular of all pet bird species, according to BirdLife International. Cheapest Low-Maintenance Pets For the most part, hamsters do well on their own. They of course need and deserve the same amount of TLC youd give Fido, but these animals can be left to their own devices without (too many) worries. When they are handled early, they become quite fluent and can form bonds with their owner. Green Iguana: $1525. They should be kept in a clear terrarium, and you can house multiple snails together, with one to two inches of soil, says Anne Woods with Pets on Mom. Their diet is also quite diverse, and they eat everything from moths and fruit flies to instars and smaller mantes (eek). It 2. However, they need much attention and care, including the right temperature, humidity, and lighting. She lives free in the flat and reaches her cage for drinking, relieving herself, or sleeping. This popular parrot makes a great choice for those who live in small spaces. Obtaining ants is as easy as buying an ant colony or a fertilized queen ant, or collecting one from nature. Stephen Johnson contributed to this story. Primary diet consists of hay, pellets, fruit, vegetables and Vitamin C supplements. 10 Cheap Exotic Pets - PetHelpful. Degu: $1020. The one thing to remember about these creatures is that they need to be kept in a dark part of your room, away from sunlight. Rats are friendly, quiet, and intelligent animals. Fish are often "seen as low-maintenance pets" until people realize just how much work needs to be put into 2 Pugs. Small Pets That Could Be Right Ferret makes excellent pets for owners who take the time to bond with them. They are in the rodent family and eat an omnivorous diet. Temperatures of 80 to 85 degrees can be maintained using a tank heater or a heat lamp. Cages should be large and airy and owners should expect to put up with some noise. Hamsters are relatively small, being only 5 to 7 inches long. Therapists say it can damage your connection. Different species are found in environments determined by large rocks, boulders, and cliffs up to 3,900 meters (12,800 feet) above sea level. Small Pets That Could Be Right If you still want something cute and cuddly you can hold, get a guinea pig. However, they are social animals are typically require the company of another guinea pig. These small rodents typically live for five or six years and only need the basics to survive: a cage, bedding, food, and water. Physical Characteristics: Small and furry mammals with long ears, short fluffy tails, and strong, large hind legs; coats can vary in color from whites to browns, grays, and black, and by fur length, from short to long. It may seem strange to keep insects or spiders as pets, but these are unique animals that are interesting to look at. "I got a dwarf rabbit upon the insistent and repeated requests of my children to have an animal," he says. They fill their cheekbones with seeds and nuts and take them to a borough where they are stored for later use. Pets Ferret makes excellent pets for owners who take the time to bond with them. The 21 Most Low-Maintenance Pets You Can Own 1 Betta fish. Cats also groom and wash themselves and the British Shorthair is particularly easy as it has an undemanding personality, easygoing temperament and molts far less than other cats, recommends. They dont require too much spacea 15-to 20-gallon tank will do the trickand they feed on crickets, wax worms and meal worms. WebHermit crabs are one of those small pets that are not very common, but nevertheless quite well mannered, insanely cheap, and make for great pets. As with other animals, it's important that you conduct thorough research and talk to appropriate experts before you adopt a low-maintenance pet because these little guys are just as worthy of all the love you can give. Height is not critical; they don't tend to climb, so it does not need to be taller than a foot or 18 inches. They dont require too much spacea 15-to 20-gallon tank will do the trickand they feed on crickets, wax worms and meal worms. But please note, it is illegal to own a hedgehog as a pet in some jurisdictions in the U.S. such as New York City. Talk about hands-off. These animals also require a moist hideout to aid their shedding, a water bowl, and a second hideout for when they're feeling self-conscious. They are low maintenance, only need food every other day or so, and do not mind if you are not around much. They make a "wheek" sound as a vocalization, but it is not loud enough to disturb neighbors in an apartment setting. Best pets to have at home or in an apartment Pot-bellied pigs are highly intelligent animals whose silly and stylish personalities make for excellent pets. Kids can take them out of their cages to gently play with them every once in a while, but as long as they have the basic necessities, they're happy. The most popular is probably the corn snake because it's a fairly docile snake, and they don't grow that largetwo to five feet in length at most. 4. They like the thrill of the chase and constricting their prey on their own. Leopard geckos have a lifespan of about 20 years and can easily cohabitate with each other. Smith Collection/Gado /Getty Images 13. Top 13 Best Pets To Have At Home Or In An Apartment. 5. Cool pets to have in California - IPS FAM, Natural Rat Control | Shield your Home from Rats, Professional Dog Grooming Equipment for Sale, How Much Home Cooked Food to Feed Dog Vets w/ Pets. Cheap Exotic Pets 67 Cool Animals You Can Own as Pets Blacker says they can live off a "diet of blackberries, oak, rose, and ivy.". Not only are they super adorable, but hamsters are also cost effective and even down for cuddles, should you feel compelled. Hedgehogs are amazing little animals that make interesting pets. Low Maintenance Pets As with other reptiles, green anoles require special heating, lighting and humidity in their living environments, so make sure you're well-informed before taking these babies on. Hens can provide a household with 250 fresh eggs every year and can live up to 10 years. So, while fruits, vegetables, and healthy treats are great for rewarding your pork cub for good work, a salad is provided because unruly eaters can only eat their favorite bites as a result of their main meal. However, hedgehogs get a little nervous and roll into a ball when threatened or picked up. Tarantulas just need a suitable terrarium to roam around in, and they eat live insects like crickets, mealworms, super worms, and roaches. They are enchanting, cheap, and low maintenance. Many people allow their rabbits to roam free in their homes, which is a good way for them to get exercise. Hedgehogs are very quiet and low-maintenance pets. Green Iguana: $1525. The 21 Most Low-Maintenance Pets You Can Own 1 Betta fish. Parakeets must be fed daily, however. Leopard geckos have a lifespan of about 20 years and can easily cohabitate with each other. The corn snake is fairly docile, only grows two to five feet in length and primarily eats small rodents. From the initial purchase to the cost of food, vet bills, grooming and the ongoing expense of care, having a pet often puts a dent in your personal finances. Anoles can live more than five years and grow up to 8 inches long. Small Pets You don't have to settle on a tank-living, aquatic animal just because you want a low-maintenance pet, however. 4 Low-Maintenance Rodent Pets 1. 13 Cheap Pets That Are Easy to Take Care Of. A plant qualifies as a pet if it hunts and eats animals, right? Monkeys are exciting, but a significant downside is they need a lot of mental stimulation and exercise. A Hedgehog is seen at the San Francisco Zoo. The going price for leopard geckos ranges from $20 to $70; a beginning terrarium setup generally costs between $100 and $200. There are plenty of types of turtles out there to consider for a petapproximately 270 to be exact, according to PetMD. Physical Characteristics: Hairy bodies with long, hairy legs; two visible fangs; most are brown, although some varieties are cobalt blue, black with white stripes, or multicolored. 1. Pets Venus fly traps are unique in that they have a special mechanism that's able to close rapidly on insects unlucky enough to land on their lobes. Just make sure you teach your kids not to jostle them around as they dont fancy too much human interaction. As omnivorous, wild food consists of roots, vegetables, nuts, seeds, berries, eggs, and small insects. They are quiet, clean, low maintenance, and don't shed. Snakes probably are not the first animal that comes to mind when considering a pet but they are surprisingly easy to maintain and can make great companions, if not conversation-starters. Like praying mantises, scorpions eat live insects, so plan on spending about $100 per year on crickets. They are also intelligent, and their playful antics are fun to watch. Physical Characteristics: Two bulging eyes; strong, long, webbed hind feet used for leaping and swimming; smooth or slimy skin; colors are varied. They spend most of their time sleeping or laying still and require infrequent feeding. They are also quiet and require little space and attention. They can live longer depending on goldfish type, the size of the tank, and how often their water is
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