Mapleshade, He stated, I have seen an omen. Through the reeds, their wide eyes saw the thick-furred she-cat slowly and carefully step into the water. Then, maybe it isnt a question about action, but rather about motive. She left vowing that they would regret what they did that day forever. But my siblings saved me. Yeah, Mapleshade agreed quicklyand nervously. Did Hailstar say you could go? No one messes with any of us.. Mapleshade wasambitious and enjoyed their admiration, and was also compassionate and affable, as she was usually polite to other cats and felt sympathy for Ravenwing for being ThunderClan's only medicine cat. Although listed as a RiverClan cat in The Ultimate Guide, Mapleshade was never truly accepted into RiverClan. That place is full of weak-willed cowards who clung to the warrior code like ants to a leaf in a puddle. -kept it a secret And now you treat me worse than prey. "It smells good!". -river clan mate Larchkit nodded. When Mapleshade said she would raise them alone, Oakstar's daughter, Frecklewish, assumed that her deceased brother, Birchface, had fathered Mapleshade's kits. What if her kits didnt live up to Birchface? If only I could truly raise them with you., Mapleshade closed her eyes and smiled sadly. Are Mapleshade kits in Starclan? Mapleshade Stories - Wattpad One thing which in my mind seems like a pretty obvious bad thing that could get someone sent to the Dark Forest is murder. Even in death and after exacting revenge, she could not let go of her pain and hatred, and targeted her enemies' descendants, even going so far as to turn her back on StarClan, whom she previously had faith in. Momma knows whats best, mewed the one and only Patchkit, who Mapleshade adored how he would always stand up for her. I should have had all that!.Mapleshade attempting to murder Sandstorm. I have walked beside you from the day you were born, guiding your paw steps, laying out your destiny before you. After Frecklewish leaves, Ravenwing tells Mapleshade that she has made Frecklewish feel like life is worth living again with the birth of her kits. Mapleshade gives her news to the Clan the next day, and when asked about the father she says only that she's raising the kits alone. Frecklewish, the sister of the recently-deceased warrior Birchface, assumes that this is because Birchface is the father, and Mapleshade doesn't confirm or deny it. If you are going to edit a lot, then make yourself a user and login. Those kits were Thunderclan kits but Frecklewish didn't care. Much, much more lies ahead of us, Tigerclaw. I wondered if you know what it means., Mapleshade frowned, confused. Their lives didn't matter to her, even though she spent so much time with them. He just wanted to kill them because of their association with Squirrelflight. The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for anonymous statistical purposes. I actually plan to make an addendum to this one (Im gonna be calling it The Point of No Return: An Addendum to my Mapleshade Article). She kept their relationship a secret, sneaking out at night to meet him in private. She was apprenticed to Bloomheart and later became a warrior known as Mapleshade. In the process, her kits drown in the river, and Mapleshade proceeds to go on a murdering spree to, in her eyes, avenge their deaths. from the story Warriors: The Return Of The Greatest Heroes by CrazyFlamefur (Flamefur) with 2,660 reads. Frecklewish With Mapleshade's Kits in Starclan (OC) What you have done here is more terrible than anything a Clan cat has done before. Under Mapleshade's influence, Tigerstar killed many Clan cats in his quest to rule the entire forest, eventually uniting ShadowClan and RiverClan as TigerClan briefly. They go to a place beyond StarClan, where they still get to live eternally, but cannot speak with living cats anymore. Mapleshade buried her muzzle into his fur. She was delighted to see another cat go through the same pain that she had. Mapleshade has mistakenly been mentioned with green eyes. It's worth putting up with him for now, if he can do the same for us. Appledusk had promised to meet her at the ThunderClan-Riveclan border at sunhigh. Bluestar and Mapleshade are actually quite the same Then, she kills Appledusk, but is killed by Perchpaw. He never really wanted to be a warrior anyway.. Mapleshade nearly killed Sandstorm, but was stopped by Spottedleaf, the spirit of the former ThunderClan medicine cat. Out of nowhere, Larchpaw leaped on him and pinned him to the ground, although his claws were sheathed. Mapleshade | Warriors Wiki | Fandom That would be great for Patchkit. As for point 3) yes, I agree that is really a terrible reason, and I honestly cannot believe that it is actually the case. When Appledusk is killed, Reedshine is already carrying his kits. Mapleshade and her kits were then exiled by Oakstar astraitors. Are they ready to face danger..and the truth?. And, yeah I put Mapleshade in the murdering because of a purpose category (wanting to get revenge because of the death of her kits,) but not the murdering for fun category. Mapleshade was convinced StarClan was giving her an opportunity and said yes, they were Birchface's kits. Unlike Crookedjaw, Thistleclaw failed to become leader and didn'tescape the Dark Forest's influence,joining them after his death. When Crookedstar'slast remaining daughter, Silverstream, fell in love with the ThunderClan tom Graystripe, and died giving birth to their kits, Mapleshade declared Crookedstar's "punishment" complete. She goes to the Place Of No Stars and promises revenge on the Clans. Mapleshade's kits are not among StarClan's kits, according to the text. However, on the way there, the river suddenly flooded and her kits were swept away. Pouring, actually. I have walked beside you from the day you were born, guiding your paw steps, laying out your destiny before you. Nothing, remember? Mapleshade faced betrayal and heartbreak in her life, and the burning need to make everyone else feel her pain followed her even beyond death. There, she tricks Frecklewish into leaping at an adder and getting bitten in the face. Get some rest, Patchpaw. Wait here, He announced, disappearing into the bushes. Mapleshade watched as the three kits ran up to sniff it. She is the main antagonist ofthe super edition Crookedstar's Promise and the novella Goosefeather's Curse, the main protagonist of the novella Mapleshade's Vengeance, the overarching antagonist of the novella Tigerclaw's Fury, the secondary antagonist of the novella Spottedleaf's Heart, one of thethree secondary antagonists (alongside Brokenstar and Thistleclaw) of the story arc Omen of the Stars and a major antagonist in The Broken Code arc. I always thought of it as the cat you are in your heart. Oh my dear kits, you will be the best kits Thunderclan has ever seen. Her sanity dropped low and StarClan didnt know (Yes, I believe in the StarClan is Idiots Theory) because they dont know everything. Ravenwing figures out that Mapleshade's kits are Appledusk's kits too. The ones that deserve to go to the dark Forest are Oakstar, Appledusk, & Darkstar. They bounded beside Mapleshade, and the tortoiseshell queen could tell her kits were excited. Personality and Relationships. Along with her she brought her dear, beloved kits: Patchkit, Larchkit, and Petalkit. She looked feverish. That is my last promise to you.Mapleshade swears revenge against her former mate, Appledusk, for turning his back on her. Mapleshade smiled sadly at her kits. Mapleshade briefly trained him in his dreams, buteventually didn't bother with him anymore, as she knew he was "already doomedby StarClan". Patchkit interrupts crossly that he did not, he was just resting. Do you make that promise?.Mapleshade demanding Crookedkit's fateful promise. If the argument there is that Ashfur suffered a mental breakdown from breaking up with Squirrelflight, which prompted his murderous actions, and so, therefore, he cannot be accountable for what he did, since he simply "loved too much," then, that completely fits the bill with Mapleshade as well. So I lay there, in my nest, safely tucked away from the rain. The kits soon were playfighting with a leaf that spiraled down from the sky. Be patient, and you will find out everything. Much, much more lies ahead of us, Tigerclaw. Birchface is rightfully their father, and they are Thunderclan cats through and through! Mapleshade then saw an idea light up Appledusks eyes. to be fair more than half of arc 4 suffers from continuity errors and really badly inserted plot devices (looking at you, fourth cat and hollyleaf). Mapleshade goes for her instead, but Appledusk jumps in the way, and he takes the fatal hit. Judging their character at only four moons old?! Not wishing she were in StarClan. Yes,her mate deserved to die, but I didnt think her kits did. What if Mapleshade's Kits Lived | Warriors Fanfiction | Fandom Darkstar This cats got many problems-_- She stumbles to the barn where she'd slept before, and falls unconscious for the last time. Yet he goes to StarClan and Mapleshade doesn't even though they both have similar motives (wanting to punish the cats that hurt them.) So, if murder was a criteria to get someone in the Dark Forest, this would make sense for cats like Mapleshade, Brokenstar, and Tigerstar who all murdered others during their life. ! He announced boldly. How to Market Your Business with Webinars. PDF Warriors Tales From The Clans Warriors Novella Cats like Tigerstar, Thistleclaw, and Brokenstar who viewed StarClan and stupid and weak simply did not want to go there after their deaths. Vicky has claimed she is tortoiseshell-and-white, She is also depicted as a tortoiseshell on the. Petalkit didnt really listen to the conversation, Mapleshade observed, because she was staring wide-eyed at all te scenery. Larchkit mews a RiverClan warrior had to save Patchkit. His apprentice, Perchpaw, attacked Mapleshade and gave her wounds that would later on end her life. You now know the truth about everything, as well as not being murdered by Appledusk; you just fell in the river. It is known that Mapleshade and a few others had survived the Great Battle, as she's later seen with Silverhawk in The Broken Code. Well, Mapleshade died after she killed Appledusk, whom she had blamed for the death of her kits as well as blaming Ravenwing and Frecklewish. However, Mapleshade also had a hidden arrogant, naive and selfish side to her, as seen when she acted possessive over Appledusk and disregarded his concerns regarding their relationship, and at one point resisted the urge to attack Frecklewish when the other she-cat attempted to bond with who she thinks are her brother's kits. So, just to reiterate my point: the Dark Forest makes no sense. And, Mapleshade would have naturally hated StarClan for causing the exile of her/her kits by sending the omen to Ravenwing. We use cookies to optimize our website and our service. The Dark Forest: A Place For Evil Twisted Cats She was able to keeptheir relationship a secret, until she gave birth to their kits. Tigerstar | Blackfoot | Darkstripe | Jaggedtooth, Rogues Appledusk refused, but then his new mate, Reedshine, already pregnant, arrived on the scene. HollyleafTheGreat takes a look at Mapleshades involvement in the death of her kits. The black tom approached her with calm manner. He was only foiled first when Brambleclaw killed Hawkfrost to save Firestar, and second when Squirrelflight revealed that the kits werent hers biologically and tricked Ashfur into thinking their deaths wouldnt hurt her. They can kill a cat in seconds. But with Firestar it's more indirect so I doubt it would count against him that much considering that's the worse he actually did. Yes, it WAS Mapleshade's Fault that her Kits Drowned by I think that she was haunted by her grief, and the death of her kits, and when she thought that she had to avenge them, the idea manifested inside her grieving brain. He rejected her in front of RiverClan, who then refused to let her stay. Mapleshade didnt really care; she just regretted what she said about Birchface being the father. That is my last promise to you. Why do you think I'm here?.Mapleshade to Crookedstar. So th kits grow up in Thunderclan. Can you imagine what that feels like? Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! I dont remember if it was raining, or if it were flooding season for the river, but many people say Oakstar would have known, and to that I say so would Mapleshade. After many moons of secret meetings, Mapleshade became pregnant with Appledusks kits, giving birth to them in ThunderClan. So, how do you like Appledusk?. It was a plump, juicy one, and I had to resist eating it greatly. Mapleshade deeply loved her kits, especially Patchkit, who seemed to be the most attached to her. She feels like she's found a place where she belongs, and is ready to wreak vengeance for all eternity. She became mates with Appledusk, a warrior of RiverClan, and was expecting his kits. The results for this wintry gathering! Are you from Riverclan? Mapleshade, who is not known to have died, attempted . What you want for yourself is nothing compared to the needs of your Clan. Darkstripe was loyal to a murderous cat, he tried to kill a child. At the Gathering, Mapleshade sees Reedshine with Appledusk and is jealous. I shouldnt have been so quick to judge. He told you to wait. Patchkit interrupts crossly that he did not, he was just resting. The kits soon were playfighting with a leaf that spiraled down from the sky. I nodded and countinued to stare at the rain. In the eyes of StarClan, though, what Mapleshade did was nothing worth banning her to the Dark Forest - she loved a cat from another Clan, and the kits died accidentally. Petalkit sniffed the newcomer. (Birchface has SkyClan blood!) Mapleshade suppressed a purr; Larchkit always made her laugh. Though Mapleshade had a sad backstory, I dont think you should still kill your kits, just because your mate betrayed you. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from The technical storage or access is necessary for the legitimate purpose of storing preferences that are not requested by the subscriber or user. I went to the back of the den, placing the Horsetail in one of the clefts in the rock. However, Mapleshade ended up breaking the Warrior Code by falling in love with Appledusk, a cat from RiverClan. Art by GrayPillow People empathize with Mapleshade and defend her with the fact that her kits drowned. Im sorry. Patchpaw, can you get Crimsonwish a mouse from the freshkill pile? Ravenwing called from the other side of the den. Does Frecklewish really belong in the Dark Forest? Honestly, Mapleshade's actions make more sense than Ashfur's in that context because she actually killed the cats that had a direct hand in causing her exile/the kits' death, while Ashfur intended to murder Firestar, Jayfeather, Hollyleaf, and Lionblaze, all cats who never did anything to cause direct harm to him. Yes, it WAS Mapleshade's Fault that her Kits Drowned by HollyleafTheGreat Fan Articles November 2, 2020 59 comments 4 min read HollyleafTheGreat takes a look at Mapleshade's involvement in the death of her kits. Ravenwing was grateful, Mapleshade could tell. Patchkit had to be carried for too . And, while its a little bit fuzzier with Thistleclaw, he did tell Tigerpaw to attack Tiny, and may have had him killed if Bluefur hadnt stepped in, and also the whole Spottedleafs Heart thing, which is controversial and problematic and I dont want to get too into it here, but overall we can agree was gross and bad. Mapleshadeshe's a really old Dark Forest cat, and all of the others seem afraid of her, even Tigerstarwell, Mapleshade is taking a special interest in me. Momma, whos that? Patchkit asked quietly. Frecklewish in the Dark Forest : r/thedawnpatrol - reddit While Wasppaw was still pinned down by Larchpaw, Petalpaw came out with my mother, Mapleshade. I blinked. She became obsessed with seeking vengeance for her kits' deaths and achieved this by killing Ravenwing, Frecklewish, and Appledusk, but not before being fatally wounded by Perchpaw, Appledusk's apprentice. Not wanting to lie to her Clanmates, but also not wanting to put her kits in danger, Mapleshade neither confirmed or denied this assumption, instead letting Frecklewish spread the false rumor. And every blessing they stole from me! Its been a little while but Im glad to be back I am Lilybreeze, and I have a ton of news to catch *drumrolls* at last, the moment all you wonderful folks have been waiting for! Mapleshade when she joins the Dark Forest. Thanks! She trusts me now, and I'm so close to the truth! Caliart alcohol markers. (when he was an apprentice)All of the promises, lectures, yelling, scolding, and fighting was so that he wouldnt end up like her. Then, she finds out that Frecklewish watched her kits drown. Appledusk Not mourning for his kits and acting innocent when confessing to Darkstar that he was the father of the kits, getting another mate, and treating her worse than prey. She kills Ravenwing at the Moonstone. But, I cant think of a better explanation as to why some cats go to the Dark Forest, and others dont. Since the day he was born, sheacted as a second ghostly voice in Tigerkit's head, not revealing herself until late into his adulthood in a dream. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. But, if tricking StarClan like that is so easy, then why didnt the other cats in the Dark Forest, like Darkstripe, Hawkfrost, or Thistleclaw do that? His gaze turned to Mapleshade. BlackmailTreasonAttempted mass murder (inc. child murder)Attempted genocideAiding and abettingConspiracyAbuse (physical and psychological)Child endangermentGroomingAssault. Upon taking her and the kit's bodies to RiverClan camp, Appledusk blamed Mapleshade for crossing the river which resulted in the kit's deaths, and rejected her in front of his Clan. Its Patchpaw, and this prey is not for me, but for Crimsonwish. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Spottedpaw dreams herself into the Place of No Stars, and goes to find Thistleclaw. You will see that soon enough!!!!!. This is where my issue with the Dark Forest is since who is sent to the Dark Forest or not seems rather arbitrary. Like, if it is true that all of Ashfur's actions came from "loving too much," then couldn't you argue the same thing for Mapleshade? Being ordered to leave RiverClan's territory without even getting to attend her kits' burial, Mapleshade was heartbroken and enraged all over again, and vowed revenge upon her former mate. Welcome to r/WarriorCats! Mapleshade watched them, amused and satisfied. Patchkit wailed in his head, What did Mapleshade do to deserve this? She shook her head, trying to rid off the intruding thought, but it was no use. Needless to say, the Clan does not take this well, and Mapleshade and her kits are exiled. Mapleshade decides her third cat to kill will be Appledusk. Ashfur certainly didnt seem to feel bad about his actions during his life, but I suppose its possible (although not super likely imo, because why would dying make him change his mind?) -mother to three kits In Omen Of The Stars, she's also described as being transparent from fading away. know Birchface? Larchkit asks. Lets start off by setting the scence (MAJOR spoilers for Mapleshades Vengeance): Mapleshade, a ThunderClan cat, is secretly mates with Appledusk, a RiverClan cat. Darkstripe and Hawkfrost had all undoubtably wanted to murder people (Sorrelkit/Stonefur in Darkstripes case and Hawkfrost had wanted to kill Firestar/Brambleclaw.) You told me you loved me! Once arriving at the fresh-kill pile, I sniffed through it but found only one mouse. I dont want you to be tired when we leave.. Crookedkit agreed. I was very sad when he died.. It means that really StarClan has little or no power to stop cats from joining them. Mapleshade was both heartbroken and enraged, and vowed revenge. Mapleshade layed her head on his shoulder. As they bring her back to camp, unsure if they can save her life, Mapleshade hears only one of her kits calling for her. Then cats like Darkstripe and Hawkfrost would have gone to the Dark Forest to be with Tigerstar (although they may have also viewed StarClan as weak. Plus, well be there soon.. What If Mapleshade didn't make her kits go into the river? Assigning Blame in Mapleshade's Vengeance by Flamecloud Mapleshade is listed number 4 on the Best of the Worstlist of Warriors villains. He asks her why, and she tells him that every cat in ThunderClan must die, and that he is already doomed. Well, Mapleshade died after she killed Appledusk, whom she had blamed for the death of her kits as well as blaming Ravenwing and Frecklewish. A mate that loved me, kits that I could watch grow up and have kits of their own, the respect of my Clanmates!
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