So I want you to understand when you take that Systems Approach. A CytoSolve Systems Biology Analysis. And what Ive decided to do is, you know, for the last many, many years, Ive been helping major companies in business to business understand it, but over the last 15 years, we have created repositories and mathematical models. Wake up. Approximately 3,326 articles have been published on Cloves over the past 74 years that document nearly 22 clinical trials. Research is actually what is called reductionist research the way we do do things. Lavoro Persone Learning Chiudi Chiudi. It integrates Eastern and Western medicine, but thats a self assessment tool for you. So here is inflammation and then you have the cytokine storm which you do not want so what does Gingerol do. What does it mean? Doctor : No Worries . I cant recommend this enough and you should obviously talk to your doctors. So the guy touching the trunk thinks its a snake, the guy touching the test thinks its a sword, etc. When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the search inputs to match the current selection. system - one, which Dr. Fauci, over five decades has. CytoSolve technology is designed to take a Systems Approach and distilled nearly 12,260 research articles, 231 clinical trials, widely researched for 89 years medically. Biology kept saying, well, we knew a worm had around 20,000 genes. Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai, PhD (M.I.T.) Scientist. You ran for one state.Trump one against Hillary. So fundamentally, Ive created a science of not only political change, not only taken from Engineering Systems Theory, which all interconnects so when you understand System Science of Systems, youre understanding the science of everything. Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai December 8, 2020 Immune Boosting Protocol . Fechar. It has 123456. Im able to create a simulation on the computer. Vitamin C: 250 mg per day for children, 1000 mg per day for adults, once per day. But the point is, they ignore the IFN. Please contribute so we may continue to bring you such original research, valuable education, and innovative solutions. It cant handle food. And then you can also find out the various things Ive done and see what Ive done with CytoSolve. The second thing is Ginger also has an antimicrobial effect just like vitamin D3 does, it has an antimicrobial effect. Join the Movement for Truth Freedom Health, Dr.SHIVA LIVE: Systems Biology of Blood Clots, Spike Protein & Pericytes Beyond Vaxx & Anti-Vaxx. Shiva Ayyadurai: Dr.SHIVA LIVE: The Immune System - Your Body's . Have you seen the lines outside food pantries in USA? Alright there you go, so in closing what you can see here is that Ginger has a Synergistic Effect it not just hits one thing its like an orchestra conductor turning on many things, right anti inflammatory effects modulates the cytokine storm supports the calcium channels for asthma In terms of allergies, its a multiplicative effect. After the Money spent over Decades in Research for Cancer or Heart Disease what has happened regarding cure. So when you learn about the Immune System, so lets, we want to talk about the Immune System that were going to use to understand all ingredients. All right now, lets look at the biological effects of Ginger. Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai, PhD (M.I.T.) LinkedIn: Schisandra and Lung Furthermore, it takes about $5,000,000,000 and 13 years to do. Good evening. Any Walmart shopper can tell you that. Because the entire research base is not holistic. Many also know Shiva Ayyadurai because of his claims against vaccines. The three pillars include: 1) The System Dynamics of Truth Freedom Health, 2) The Power of a Bottoms Up Movement, and 3) The Not So Obvious Establishment. It comes long before the Immune System, the antibody system even kicks in the interferons, constitute the first line of defence against infection. But we got a little bit busy with upgrades were doing to our data center. Prior to 2003. Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai is not a medical doctor. Chiudi. So we see Ginger also interacts with that so obviously what youre finding is the research shows that Ginger can have many many anti cancer properties from its interaction okay so thats the molecular targets of Ginger. So let me just play that, as people are coming in, and well start the Ginger talk shortly. Dr. Shiva on Dr. Fauci, Dr. Brix, the Clintons, Bill Gates, and the WHO, A Biology Lesson On Residual DNA in Vaccines, About That Mass COVID-19 Vaccination Campaign in Senegal. And then your Innate Immune System reacts, which is the aspect of your Immune System in your eyes, your throat, your nose and that Immune System is one part. In fact, interferons create the antiviral in that environment in the cell. Youre incentivized to be the blind man, looking at parts of the problem. And lets not forget about the media and publications that back these serial criminals that make Jeffrey dahmer look like a cub scout! And because he was briefly married to Fran Drescher. I grew up as a young kid in Bombay, India which was a system within a system. . Empleos Personas Learning . Shiva Ayyadurai is an Indian scientist, academic, writer, public speaker, and politician. But it turns out genes are not who we are. Using CytoSolve, were literally able to use a computer to mathematically model all the molecular pathways of where curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, affects all the inflammatory pathways. Dr.SHIVA LIVE: Honor REAL Heroes, NOT Celebrities, Politicians & Grifter MDs All Who Hate YOU. The original research in this video is made possible by generous contributions from supporters of the Dr.SHIVA Truth Freedom Health movement. Its about the entire human cell. But here is really the talk about what is the essence of the TRUTH FREEDOM HEALTH Movement. Now, months later his findings are proving to be right. Ive heard from folks that people are being labeled as C-1984 deaths despite clearly dying from other things. She either saw as a Vata, Pitta, Kapha body type alright so this is the way Eastern systems were understood and I wanted to find the intersection of both of these, this led me on a Fulbright research back to MIT in 2007 my goal was to integrate East and West. Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD Discusses Covid-19 and Mandatory Vaccines Trump wanted to get rid of the swamp and he will. He said, truthfully, that they patented [a] coronavirus. But whats powerful about this is a promise that were making. It starts blowing them up and it also the antifungal nature of Ginger is it also disrupts the cell membrane disruption so it disrupts the cell membrane thats what the essential oil of Ginger does. How much are the MDs Taught about The the five Immune Systems and Diet in their Medical Training. So by the way, if you think Email as the electronic version of the Interoffice Communication System, CytoSolve is the electronic version of the Molecular Communication System. These are also inflammatory cytokines, then it also affects transcription factors NF-kB. And when the liver is congested, itll use your skin. And as a part of that piece, people are signing in, what I would like to do is to just go back for everyone, and really play the video that I always like to play, which gives everyone a deep understanding of what Truth Freedom Health means, and why its important. And we went through billions of computations. So, thats a lot to cover here and we have to do it pretty quickly in about 30 minutes because I have a class I got to teach at 7pm EST, again that class is a Truth Freedom Health Warrior Training Class. He never said that. etc. Without fear. By the way in the interest of time all of you will learn this when you sign up for the Truth Freedom Health warrior training program and what I discovered was that this system is the same as this system and in fact I wrote a scientific paper in an engineering journal really documenting this breakthrough which literally helped us interconnect east and west and that ended up becoming a whole institute of setup called system cells where people can take a master certification program and many of you may be interested in this weve have doctors healthcare practitioners yoga teachers anyone can take it theres a whole set of books written around it people can get certified well out of that course. Whether the goal is detoxification, relaxation and reduced anxiety, increased mood, feeling rejuvenated, or immune system enhancement, these therapies can improve you sense of well-being. This is a piece of Ginger no ones seen it Im sure most people have seen it but the fresh root is great to get you can also take the root Ill take it off and Ill mash it in a mortar and pestle and sometimes you can add garlic to it mix it into make it into a pace that you can use in different things but anyway this is what Ginger looks like. I was looking at why babies were dying in their sleep. THREE criteria HOW YOU to DECIDE who you should TRUST: 1) Do they identify the REAL PROBLEM 2) Do they provide a REAL SOLUTION 3) Do they do share (1) & (2) at Fechar. Well, how would you combine both those things? Este botn muestra el tipo de bsqueda seleccionado. "STANFORD" put out PRO-VAXX, PRO-LOCKDOWN, PRO-MASK "science" NOW, HE's a "hero"?! The RNC was not with Trump all the way. Okay, [6] shogaol. Because when cancer takes place in your body cells that are supposed to die do not die. And from that, we can then derive a computational understanding, in addition to the bioinformatics understanding. Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD - Inventor of Email, Scientist, Engineer, Educator - gives an overview on a CytoSolve computational analysis on how Ginger affects Immune Health. Well, the irony was when the Genome Project ended in 2003, remember, the Human Genome Project was all about saying that genes are who we are. So for example, the typical Innate Immune System is here, and is your immune cell. Expand search. Alright, because vaccines are considered a biologic. Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai, PhD (M.I.T.) The REAL Racism. 01 Mar 2023 12:51:31 The various types of IV therapies offered at Amen Clinics are targeted to each patient's . So you dont even get anything close to the elephant. Become a Truth Freedom Health Warrior. Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD in Biological Engineering, world-renowned systems biologist, will share what are the five things everyone can do, right now, to boost their immune system based. So, what are those molecular targets? And any one of you can sign up to it. Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai, PhD (M.I.T.) LinkedIn: Dr.SHIVA LIVE: THIS Is We only have 20,000 genes, the same number of genes as a worm. Yes, Robert says a brilliant tool for help. One guy died from a motorcycle accident. Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai an Indian American scientist says Vitamins A and D He is the inventor of email, a scientist, an engineer, author, entrepeneur, speaker and more who is originally from India. dr shiva ayyadurai immune system vitamins. Dry Ginger increases Pitta, the difference between fresh Ginger and dry Ginger lowers like the ginger ale right itll stop an upset stomach. sorry Joel C-1984 is a plandemic not pandemic. Okay. Dr.SHIVA LIVE: THIS Is the Solution to the Global Attack on Freedom In this discussion, Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, Inventor of I dont go a day without having some type of ginger tea or including it in some food. Food is a system, an herb is a system so Ginger has you can see it has all these systemic effects and I want to share with you which Ill you know try to repeat in many of these videos because I know some of you are new. He is widely known as the inventor of email. What about all the kids and human trafficking. Were able to do that same effect on the computer where my grandmother, for example, used to come up with combinations of lets say, mixing this herb and that or if you ask her, Well, how did you do that she would speak in a language, it was hard for people to understand in terms of not only language, but using an ancient system medicine. And then hopefully, we dont kill too many pilots at all. In fact, used CytoSolve to discover a combination therapy for pancreatic cancer, all done on the computer without killing animals. used speakers for sale craigslist; pioneer woman carne guisada; dr shiva ayyadurai immune system vitamins; By . In other words, if HIV causes AIDS, then how come most people exposed to the HIV virus dont get AIDS (the transmission rate is quite low)? Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai, PhD (M.I.T.) on LinkedIn: Schisandra and Lung Antitumor effects in cancer, hepatoprotective effects. When you go to, youll find out that on that site, there are many different things Ive done from the invention of Email, by the way, Email was a system. My husband thought I was nuts for even questioning the efficacy of vaccines. And what many of these nutraceutical companies do is throw formulations that say they throw a lot of marketing. Is it active? This course will provide you three pillars of knowledge with the Foundation of Systems Thinking. But if youre ever in a air flight and you feel nausea or carsick you know one of the best things if you can get some good you take ginger but ginger ale its very powerful way to deliver it obviously you can get it organic with less sugar but ginger ale is phenomenal for nausea and vomiting its a way to really quiet the body down and its very powerful for the stomach all. So its a Systems Approach to biology. The fBI had the good on Hillary and did nothing. Heres a piece of Ginger right if you see I have tons of Ginger at my home I typically boiling Ginger typically in the morning some people will take off the skin of Ginger right which is what I like to do chop it up and Ill have a big bowl of water and Ill put it in there and I typically can add it to different teas but and notice this is not a root youll find a Ginger is actually a rhizome. So were able to test it on the computer long before we go kill animals long before we go into the wet lab. Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai, PhD (M.I.T.) Thats how Im able to do these educational videos. Learn how your comment data is processed. Look it up be brave. Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai on COVID 19 (Coronavirus) - The Energy Blueprint
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