The Report on the Affairs of British North America,[1] (1839) commonly known as the Durham Report or Lord Durham's Report, is an important document in the history of Quebec, Ontario, Canada and the British Empire. 0000127373 00000 n According to Durhams indictment of former Perkins Coie law firm attorney Michael Sussmann, he directed an effort by a group of computer scientists including Rodney Joffe, April Lorenzen, and others to manufacture a false narrative that the Trump organization and the Kremlin had a secret channel of communications. 4 0 obj Although I hadexpected Mr.Durham to complete his work by the summer of2020, the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as additional information he uncovered . 0000004842 00000 n DAISY download. Antonakakis e-mailed Lorenzen and Dagon: Joffe himself expressed doubt about the Russian Bank Data that started the whole project. According to the Durham investigation, with the active participation of Michael Sussmann of Perkins Coie, a group of computer researchers cooked up phony Internet server data in an attempt to create an inference of secret communications and create a narrative regarding Trump.REF, April Tea Leaves Lorenzen. "[8], "A plan by which it is proposed to ensure the tranquil government of Lower Canada, must include in itself the means of putting an end to the agitation of national disputes in the legislature, by settling, at once and for ever, the national character of the Province. <> Police Department | Durham, NC Indeed, Brennan wrote in his briefing notes that on July 26, 2016, Clinton allegedly approved of a proposal from one of her foreign policy advisors to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by Russian security services.REF. Washington, D.C. 20530, Russian National Indicted for Making False Statements to the FBI, November 4, 2021, Grand Jury Indicts D.C. Attorney with Making False Statements to the FBI in 2016 Regarding Alleged Communications Between Trump Organization and Russian Bank, September 16, 2021, U.S. Department of Justice Thank you,-----------------------------------------Initial Request StaffOffice of Information PolicyU.S. 170/03. 0000007240 00000 n In Lower Canada, anglophone Tories were supportive because it would enable them to remain in power. Durham knew how to organize support in Upper Canada. 0000003387 00000 n @\aJ '.a}29[s&33C[0/txlvJ{/ u3 endstream endobj 700 0 obj 526 endobj 701 0 obj << /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 700 0 R >> stream 2021 Action Report. On the first page of his report he stated that "[w]hile the present state of things is allowed to last, the actual inhabitants of these Provinces have no security for person or propertyno enjoyment of what they possessno stimulus to industry. It was sort of an anti-Mueller Report, whose results promised exoneration for Trump and criminal convictions for those who had wronged him. The full story remains elusive. Danchenko, who has been friends with Galkina since they were both teenagers in Russia, described Galkina as a key source for what he called the Trump dossier.REF According to Danchenko, Galkina knows someone in the Kremlin with direct/indirect access to Sergey Ivanov (then chief of staff to the Russian Presidential Administration). They differ on one point, and agree on another; the sections, which unite together one day, are strongly opposed the next; and the very party, which acts as one, against a common opponent, is in truth composed of divisions seeking utterly different or incompatible objects. The full story of Hillary for Americas 2016 disinformation campaign against Donald Trump may only come to light if and when federal prosecutor John Durham releases a final report at the conclusion of his investigationand the full truth may never be known. There is some indication that Clinton knew of and approved the campaign. Lord Durham found that although the rebellions of Upper and Lower Canada were over, peace and unity were yet to be found in Canada. Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. Please let me know when I can expect to receive a response. While opposition research will continue to be a standard part of political campaigns, the actions taken by Hillary for America and its agents should be condemned so that such actions are never repeated by any political campaign in the future. Lord Durham was sent back to Canada in 1838 by British Parliament and the Crown to investigate the cause behind the rebellions of both Upper and Lower Canada and propose suggestions to fix any remaining problems and lessen the chance of future rebellions. H|n@yL/_vWr'j+5R%{S]}8,73guzk!rp/[8P!* JqS!y| 7Aqma?%RI_%P4.|Zz7,(F"Ssf(1A>[g=BN\yqix2BM.d$V+d(#\=B }YBbB2~WNoUb#f}. It was also pointed out that an uprising had occurred in Upper Canada where there was only one "race". However, he eventually concluded that the real problem was the conflict between the traditionalist French and the modernizing English. ", Anna Plassart, and Hugo Bonin, "Democratic struggle or national uprising? <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Sussmann was indicted by Durham on September 16, 2021, on one count of making a false statement to FBI General Counsel James A. Baker. MuckRock is a non-profit collaborative news site that gives you the tools to keep our government transparent and accountable. He was interested in not only unifying Upper and Lower Canada but also including Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. Durham refers to Lorenzen as Originator-1 in the Sussmann indictment.REF, Franklin Foer communicated extensively with Tea Leaves while writing the article that was published on October 31. Mr. Durham Probe: Final Report Will Be Damning | National Review Trump had hoped that Durham would deliver a report before the 2020 election that could help Trump's campaign. The Durham investigation has determined that Lorenzen, a computer data scientist, was the original source behind the Alfa-Bank disinformation. 0000017586 00000 n ?[n$}wTI(@(AI4[zE(D)ZLe]u4L pDeeT:YQ'U k=Fqcjiv\EW2B9MqiX,>>e qkZNLX0'5)[\clvzu4`$R>"0l%* g?rxL>Q*\gPg#cBweLp&^v^nzP>2\S(no)\o{r$-D8O( The notable British Whig politician John Lambton, 1st Earl of Durham, was sent to the Canadas in 1838 to investigate and report on the causes of the rebellions of 183738. Durhams indictment of Danchenko shows that other significant parts of the Steele Dossiersuch as the allegation that Trump lawyer Michael Cohen travelled to Prague to meet with Russian conspiratorswere invented by Olga Galkina, a Russian national living in Cyprus who had ambitions of joining the State Department under Hillary Clinton if she won the presidential election. ", Henderson, Jarett. DurhamExecutiveSummary.pdf View Embed Download From: Department of Justice, Office of the Attorney General 08/03/2021 Subject: Acknowledgement Letter (8.2.21).pdf Portal Attached is correspondence from the Department of Justice's Office of Information Policy, which is associated with the above-referenced Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. 0000128256 00000 n A briefing report was provided to the Environment and Sustainable Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee (OSC) on the 11th April 2022 which updated Members on local air quality management across County Durham. In August 2016, Manos queried the Neustar Internet data for the Trump organization domain name ( and determined that none of the domains that had communicated with it had links to Russia. The officers of the Durham Police Department are committed to protecting and serving all members of our community. like this one. He was indicted by Durham on November 3, 2021, on five counts of making false statements to the FBI. Following consultation with Mr. Durham, I have determined that, in light ofthe According to Papineau and other Patriotes, the analysis of the economic situation of French Canadians was biased. !3v V!IT&`:caM&YH~susF*`L`}GbeU"iiN;_"8' ZQ~jL$%~o,2Du&^}FYW&!m6*X3~n/ReCe, That is particularly the case when, as here, Hillary Clintons political operation retained a law firm in an attempt to provide legal cover for the campaigns opposition research efforts. Eric HotchkissSenior Government Information SpecialistOffice of Information Policy, Subject: RE: Freedom of Information Act Request #FOIA-2021-01633. The full story may never be known. The actions alleged in these indictments should be condemned so that they are never repeated by any political campaign in the future. Select the All Archive Items drop down or use the search feature to access older documents. endstream endobj 75 0 obj <>stream From: Department of Justice, Office of the Attorney General, Subject: Acknowledgement Letter (8.2.21).pdf. Durham Tech 2020-2021 Annual Report (text only version) The 60th anniversary logo (a large 60 with Durham Tech -60 years of impact), is embossed over an image of the new Ingram Building. Other key witnesses, such as Rodney Joffe, have asserted their Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination to avoid providing information to Durham and his investigators. II. Durhams filings indicate that the central component of the joint ventures disinformation campaignthe so-called Steele Dossierconsisted almost entirely of rumors, innuendo, and outright falsehoods fabricated by sources reporting to former British spy Christopher Steele. Steven Groves is Margaret Thatcher Fellow in the Margaret Thatcher Center for Freedom, at The Heritage Foundation. had ever been reported in the Steele Dossier, when, in fact, Danchenko had gathered information that was featured in the Steele Dossier from Dolan regarding former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort.REF, Charles Dolan, Jr. After the Upper and Lower Canada rebellions of 1837, Lord Durham was sent from England to investigate the cause of the unrest. 0000003935 00000 n This is a big story. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS :5O\" ARVER3Dil4@{:F=C,H)X;LS'Pk&mJtNOFw_W:U3!Q#J 2h0"'}_hD2 \ Durhams indictment of Michael Sussmann and other court filings reveal how senior members of Hillary Clintons 2016 presidential campaign formed a joint venture with lawyers, opposition researchers, foreign nationals, and computer data analysts to produce false opposition research against then-candidate Donald Trump and aggressively disseminated that disinformation to reporters, the FBI, and others. Olga Galkina. 0000004382 00000 n I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 20 business days, as the statute requires. [5], "The French complained of the arrogance and injustice of the English; the English accused the French of the vices of a weak and conquered people, and charged them with meanness and perfidy. Special Counsels Office Durham Report - Wikipedia 6 the [legal] profession and that legal proceedings appear fair to all who observe them.'" Id. Durham Report In 1838, the British politician Lord Durham was sent to British North America to investigate the causes of the rebellions of 1837-38 in the colonies of Upper and Lower Canada. 0000011232 00000 n When providing information to Members of Congress after the fact, officials were careful to say that the intelligence community does not know the accuracy of this allegation or the extent to which the Russian intelligence analysis may reflect exaggeration or fabrication.REF Still, former CIA Director John Brennan briefed President Barack Obama on this intelligence. In an August 2016 e-mail to Lorenzen, Dagon, and Antonakakis, Joffe stated that the data was not a secret communications channel between the Trump organization and Alfa-Bank, but rather was a red herring.REF. 4. Both Canadas were in a state of distress. Without effecting the change so rapidly or so roughly as to shock the feelings and trample on the welfare of the existing generation, it must henceforth be the first and steady purpose of the British Government to establish an English population, with English laws and language, in this Province, and to trust its government to none but a decidedly English Legislature. Danchenko pleaded not guilty to the charges, and his trial is currently set to commence on October 11, 2022.REF. As noted by Durham, Fusion GPSs role was not to assist Perkins Coie or Hillary for America with legal matters, but rather to generate and disseminate opposition research on Trump to the media and others. It is one thing to dredge up a political candidates youthful indiscretions or shady financial dealings, but it is quite another to fabricate false and sensational allegations, present them to the FBI as fact, and serve them up to a willing media in the weeks leading up to Election Day. "[11], "We are not now to consider the policy of establishing representative government in the North American Colonies. After these doubts were expressed about any connection between the Trump organization and Russia, Lorenzen suggested that such a connection could be faked. As related by Durham: Despite their knowledge that the Russian Bank Data was a red herring and that there were no secret communications channel, Joffe, Lorenzen, Dagon, Antonakakis, and Sussmann drafted a white paper touting the Alfa-Bank disinformation. 0000004612 00000 n 68 0 obj <> endobj Washington DC 20530, Contact the Department Durham report full text. Special Counsel John Durham, of course, is scrutinizing the origins of the Obama administration's Trump/Russia probe a probe that holdover officials at the FBI and other government. The Steele Dossier paints a picture of a highly placed source in the Trump campaign relating inside information regarding Manaforts resignation as campaign manager and former campaign manager Corey Lewandowskis dislike for Manafort.REF Dolan informed Danchenko that he received the inside information about Manafort and Lewandowski over drinks with a GOP friend of mine.REF In fact, Dolan had never met with a GOP friend but rather obtained the information about [Manafort] from public news sources.REF. 0000001766 00000 n The assertion that the so-called "French" Canadians had no history and no culture and that the conflict was primarily that of two ethnic groups evidently outraged Papineau. 0000106946 00000 n In this season of internal change and leadership development, CAN continued to . Official websites use .gov 0000009663 00000 n Statement of Expenditures, April 1, 2022 - September 30, 2022, Statement of Expenditures, October 1, 2021 - March 31, 2022, Statement of Expenditures, April 1, 2021 - September 30, 2021, Statement of Expenditures, October 19, 2020 - March 31, 2021, Department of Justice The report did not see any of its recommendations come into force in the African and Asian colonies, but some limited democratic reforms in India became possible that otherwise would not have been. 950 Pennsylvania Avenue NW [2] He had just been appointed Governor General and given special powers as high commissioner of British North America.
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