I like to know who did your editing and help you get your book publish. It brings support and understanding to all those who have been through the ordeal of alien abduction, answering many questions. To read on e-ink devices like Kobo eReaders, you'll need to download a file and transfer it to your device. Everything you need to know that the goverments have kept secret from the public. Born in France, Elena Danaan graduated in Fine Arts in Paris and completed a Post-Grad in Archaeology at the Louvre University. This book contains also beautiful messages of hope for humanity. Completing studies in Druidry, Shamanism, energy and sound healing, she is actually working as a spiritual practitioner, in Ireland where she currently lives. A different Elena I was searching for, same respectful brave sharing. Completing studies in Druidry, Shamanism, energy, and sound healing, she is actually working as a spiritual practitioner. It is one of the rare times in history that an eye witness and 1st hand contactee is also a gifted artist and academic archeologist. Born in France, Elena Danaan graduated in Fine Arts in Paris and completed a Post-Grad in Archaeology at the Louvre University. Our payment security system encrypts your information during transmission. Taal-Shiar (Illustration by Elena Danaan, 4, p.251) Now the Nebu Empire has collapsed (1) it might be interesting to see what other groups are left that have had a negative impact on humanity on our planet. This increased their bad feelings towards the Errahel (the Ahel on Erra), because the key positions in the Galactic Federation of Worlds were mainly held by the blonde Errahel from the Taygeta system. So there was a conflict but not only because of the bigger planet, there were more politics involved. Removing this book will also remove your associated ratings, reviews, and reading sessions. Parts she didn't see are cut off, details and knowledge she didn't hear or learn about from her contacts seem just left out. A must have for your collection. Another difference is their spirituality, which isnt based on sensitivity and sensuality like their cousins Ahil, but on ascetic methods, which gives off them an impression of coldness. The problem is that this planet in all its known history has always been characterized by suffering and in these circumstances benevolence and non intervention are a contradiction. This book includes as well an illustrated descriptive of 110 different alien races involved with our planet . This book by Elena Danaan is fantastically put together! Thank you Elena for this book! Born in France, Elena Danaan graduated in Fine Arts in Paris and completed a Post-Grad in Archaeology at the Louvre University. She worked as field Archaeologist twenty years of her life, among which eight years in Egypt as an engineer epigraphist for the CNRS (Karnak, Luxor, Cairo, Dendera and Valley of the Kings) before returning to France, assigned to the University of Toulouse. A Gift from the Stars - Google Books Drawings were helpful. : Follow the detailed. A Gift From The Stars : Elena Danaan - Blackwell's document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); END NOTES - If you like my work, consider a donation. This book could not have been proof read at all as its full of spelling and punctuation mistakes including in the blurb, which was very distracting. by elena danaan (Author) Format: Kindle Edition 336 ratings See all formats and editions Kindle $6.59 Read with Our Free App This is the true story of an abduction and a rescue by benevolent extraterrestrials, various direct contacts Elena Danaan had throughout the years with UFOs and visitors from other worlds. So maybe in the future we meet. This is the true story of an abduction and a rescue by benevolent extraterrestrials, various direct contacts Elena Danaan had throughout the years with UFOs and visitors from other worlds. The Taal-Shiar from Alcyone / Jayha | Galactic Anthropology A Gift From The Stars: Extraterrestrial Contacts and Guide of - eBay Free shipping. Besides that I would recommend it. Who asked you to do such things? This book contains also beautiful messages of hope for humanity. shelved 1,812 times. I have seen the future already and in 20 years' time, we will achieve a lot of things, because we will be getting on with each other. Rethinking Ethnicity - Richard Jenkins 1997-06-23 3. 4.37 avg rating 243 ratings 4 editions. This is the true story of an abduction and a rescue by benevolent extraterrestrials, various direct contacts Elena Danaan had through the years with UFOs and visitors from other worlds. THE T-MARHU TAALIn order to get to know more about the Taal-Shiar I think it is useful to pay some attention to the habits of their fellow Taal who remained on their planet orbiting Taygeta. I also appreciate the different languages used to show the diversity of the Cosmos. , Publisher Rare qualities that we need today more than ever! $6.16 Read with Our Free App. Reviewed in the United States on January 27, 2023. The T-Mari are involved with the GFW. Born in France, Elena Danaan graduated in Fine Arts in Paris and completed a Post-Grad in Archaeology at the Louvre University. Current format, Paperback, 2021, All copies in use. Top subscription boxes right to your door, 1996-2023, Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates, Learn more how customers reviews work on Amazon. The Ahel had settled on Erra, which was the biggest planet. It brings support and understanding to all those who have been through the ordeal of alien abduction, answering many questions. Extraterrestrial Contacts and Guide of Alien Races, Amazon Digital Services LLC - KDP Print US, Reviews aren't verified, but Google checks for and removes fake content when it's identified, A Gift from the Stars: Extraterrestrial Contacts and Guide of Alien Races, Amazon Digital Services LLC - KDP Print US, 2020. Seller listed this used book as in "good" condition. The author also includes illustrations she has done herself of each cosmic being and their corresponding ship. Reviewed in the United Kingdom on September 30, 2020, The author of this book is a Druidess, shaman, channeller and healer, so she is not a down-to-earth writer about. This is the true story of an abduction and a rescue by benevolent extraterrestrials, various direct contacts Elena Danaan had throughout the years with UFOs and visitors from other worlds. Danaan, E. (2020) A Gift from the Stars (5) . We work hard to protect your security and privacy. This book has been expected for a long time. The Lyran wars (6) forced all humans to evacuate their home planets and find refuge somewhere else in our galaxy. Proudly created with Wix.com. I don't recommend it. This book is one of the most interesting and thought provoking reads that I have ever found on this website if you are a fan of extraterrestrials or anything like it than please pick this book up the price is extremely forgiving as well! This is the true story of an abduction and a rescue by benevolent extraterrestrials, various direct contacts Elena Danaan had throughout the years with UFOs and visitors from other worlds. on the Internet. A Gift From the Stars: Extraterrestrial Contacts and Guide of Alien Races, Advanced embedding details, examples, and help, Terms of Service (last updated 12/31/2014). Eventually they forged alliances with the Ashtar Collective (12). Most what she wrote is channeled and there is a lot of fear mongering in the story's like our science fiction movies . Born in France, Elena Danaan graduated in Fine Arts in Paris and completed a Post-Grad in Archaeology at the Louvre University. He opposes their rule and fled from the planet with the intention to fight for the freedom of the people on his home planet, who would be surpressed by the leaders of the Taal-Shiar. A Gift From The Stars by Elena Danaan - Dymocks We Will Never Let You Down. What I dislike about the details as described to Elena was that in Thoran's reasoning to not interfere in Terra's affairs, they using his own words already are in their assistance to others under certain abduction scenarios and aid to such humans to assist in their release per se. PDF Youtube(8) The Real Names of Various Stars How they are called by their own People(9) Akvaruu is a renegade from the renegade Taygeteans on Taalihara, the Taal-Shiar. Picture 1 of 1. Learn more. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. This book contains also beautiful messages of hope for humanity. This year is the tipping point for the history of Humanity of Earth. So in the Alcyone system theres not only Taali Taygetans renegade but there is also a colony of Orion reptilians. And ii'm also writing a book it is not as deep as yours, but your is interesting. Reviewed in the United Kingdom on September 19, 2020. PDF - Youtube (8) The Real Names of Various Stars - How they are called by their . Completing studies in Druidry, Shamanism, energy and sound healing, she is actually working as a spiritual practitioner, in Ireland where she currently lives. This book deserves 10 stars , Re Write this book. It is so stupid and so wrong to tell us to disarm ourselves with so many malevolent aliens out there. Quite frankly, the illustrations are uneven. Much appreciation & gratitude to those involved with this collaboration. This is the true story of an abduction and a rescue by benevolent extraterrestrials, various direct contacts Elena Danaan had throughout the years with UFOs and visitors from other worlds. This book has been expected for a long time. A must read! : There was an error retrieving your Wish Lists. This book has been expected for a long time. This book contains also beautiful messages of hope for humanity. Also in their non interference in one comment with Terran leaders yet on the other hand working to uplift the frequency and our intelligence levels to a higher level and our grid or making all more equilibrium on Earth is that not interference? (4, p.258), TAAL ON OTHER WORLDSThe Taal not only settled near Mirza, Taygeta and Alcyone, but also in the systems of Vega, Elfrak Daal (Lyra), Wolf 424, Katayy (Sirius A), Ashkeru (Sirius B), Araman (Tau Ceti), Zenae (4, p.186), FOOTNOTES(1) And the Lights went out for the Nebu(2) Some Myths about Alcyone in the Pleiades(3) UPDATES March 1 2023(4) Danaan, E. (2020) A Gift from the Stars(5) Getting Acquainted with the Ahil(6) What Came First: The Lyran or the Orion Wars? This book has been expected for a long time. A Gift From The Stars - Elena Danaan - Google Books Contactee since early childhood, I wrote: "A Gift From The Stars", that tells the story of my abduction at age 9 by aliens from Z. Reticuli, and my rescue by the Galactic Federation of Worlds, who . The pdf file is high quality, bookmarked and includes hundreds of first rate half tone drawings of the beings described. your book was given to me as a chritmas gift. Hover to zoom. J'avais connaissance de plusieurs races extraterrestres avant de lire ce livre mais celui ci a tait beaucoup plus loin dans la descriptions de ces races en apportant une multitudes de races inconnues. Akvaruu said that you could consider all the people that live in the Taygeta system as Taygetans (including the Taal that moved to Alcyone, although they would be considered as renegade Taygetans afterwards, 7). Completing studies in Druidry, Shamanism, energy and sound healing, she is actually working as a spiritual practitioner. Add drawing alien home planet building natural landscape yes color. Please try again later. It brings support and understanding to all those who have been through the ordeal of alien abduction, answering many questions. What a Brave Soul to put such personal stories in writing to aid others. A Gift From The Stars | PDF - Scribd Thank you Elena for sharing this book and you're thoughts and translations in this fine book. Akvaruu (9), who is a Taal, said the following to Elena Danaan: I dont know how Ahil got Erra and Taali got Tmar, but they wanted Erra because Erra is a bigger planet and Taali people have a bigger ego. It brings support and understanding to all those who have been through the ordeal of alien abduction, answering many questions. on amazon, Iam working on another book. This is the true story of an abduction and a rescue by benevolent extraterrestrials, various direct contacts Elena Danaan had throughout the years with UFOs and visitors from other worlds. With first hand information about the civilisations from an Errahel. A gift from the stars: The book of Alien Races by Elena Danaan | eBook : I would assume the closer a planet is to the sun, the most likely it is for unique phenotypes to be present, (i.e skin colorhair textures)than planets furthest away from the suns lightwhich would result in cold weather pale skin and straighter hair. I am joined by Elena Danaan who is an Archaeologist who spent many years working on diverse sites in Egypt, as well as in France on Neolithic and Pre-Celtic.. Reviewed in the United States on December 9, 2022. Wisdom of Trees Oracle : Inspirational Cards for Wisdom and Guidance, Cards b. Born in France, Elena Danaan graduated in Fine Arts in Paris and completed a Post-Grad in Archaeology at the Louvre University. This book includes as well an illustrated descriptive of 110 different alien races involved with our planet, detailed information about groups and alliances in this galaxy and precious information, as well as a map of the sky with locations of alien life. get book : https://read-book-getnow.blogspot.com/?servers2=B08HDJDN4N
This book includes as well an illustrated descriptive of 110 different alien races involved with our planet, detailed information about groups and alliances in this galaxy and . Are you sure you want to delete your template? A Gift From The Stars. A Gift From The Stars: Elena Danaan: 9798681800118 She worked as field Archaeologist twenty years of her life, among which eight years in . You have already flagged this document.Thank you, for helping us keep this platform clean.The editors will have a look at it as soon as possible. This book contains also beautiful messages of hope for humanity. Ed9Gc *A Gift From The Stars [PDF/EPub] Book by Elena Danaan Add drawing colouring alien star and planet system. This is the true story of an abduction and a rescue by benevolent extraterrestrials, various direct contacts Elena Danaan had throughout the years with UFOs and visitors from other worlds. See page 229 at the bottom, Your email address will not be published. The federation had a policy of non intervention until the invention of the atomic bomb. Galactic Federations, Councils & Secret Space Programs, We Will Never Let You Down: Encounters with Val Thor and journeys beyond Earth, The Extraterrestrial Species Almanac: The Ultimate Guide to Greys, Reptilians, Hybrids, and Nordics (MUFON), A HYPNOTIST'S JOURNEY TO ATLANTIS: EYE WITNESS ACCOUNTS OF OUR ANCIENT HISTORY, Hacking the God Code: The Conspiracy to Steal the Human Soul. You will find in this book an illustrated descriptive of 110 alien races involved with our planet, detailed information about groups and alliances in this galaxy and precious information, as well as a map of the sky with locations of alien life. Showing 13 distinct works. Add drawing map star location simple diagram no color. Paperback (03 Sep 2020) $30.20 . Reviewed in the United Kingdom on March 5, 2021. Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) is a service we offer sellers that lets them store their products in Amazon's fulfillment centers, and we directly pack, ship, and provide customer service for these products. Anyway overall as an interested reader of many other great books "Aliens Among Us" and God Drives a "Flying Saucer" and "Communion" and another really great book "Wine of the Dreamers" Anyway this is right up there with them all but I question really some of the motives discussed to Elena from her friends in space good, bad or indifferent. Zum Pdf below. This book includes as well an . Der Freischtz - Carl Maria von Weber 1932 A Gift From The Stars - Elena Danaan 2020-09-03 This is the true story of an abduction and a rescue by benevolent extraterrestrials, various direct contacts Elena Danaan had throughout the Elena Danaan A Gift From The Stars: Extraterrestrial Contacts and Guide of Alien Races Paperback - Large Print, September 3, 2020 by Mrs Elena Danaan (Author) 1,599 ratings See all formats and editions Paperback $24.75 4 Used from $21.98 7 New from $24.75 Reviewed in the United States on May 26, 2021. She worked as field Archaeologist twenty years of her life, among which eight years in Egypt as an engineer epigraphist for the CNRS (Karnak, Luxor, Cairo, Dendera and Valley of the Kings) before returning to France, assigned to the University of Toulouse. Reviews aren't verified, but Google checks for and removes fake content when it's identified, your book was given to me as a chritmas gift. More recently they worked with what Thor Han once called The Dark Alliance of the Antarctica people: Earth Humans (Cabal), Reptilians, Nebu, Jada (Aldebaran (13)) and the Akhori from Altair (14). This book includes as well an illustrated descriptive of 110 different alien races involved with our planet, detailed information about groups and alliances in this galaxy and precious information,. Activate your memories by reading this book, take your time reading through the descriptions of galactic species and beautiful messages from our supporters of ascension, freedom and sovereignty. (11) To Process Emotions theAhel-way(12) The Ashtar Galactic Command and the Ashtar Collective(13) The Story of the Aldebaran Anunnaki and Outpost 361(14) Danaan, E. (2021) We Will Never Let you Down. Full details of this title, opens an overlay, Add comment about this title, opens dialog. Not only the Taal ended up near Taygeta, but the Ahel and the Noor from the original Lyran Kepler 62-world each chose a planet for their people, and this created a conflict amongst the Taal. We dont share your credit card details with third-party sellers, and we dont sell your information to others. on amazon, Iam working on another book. on July 24, 2022. The Federation has attempted to make contracts with the US government but the Americans chose the evil aliens because the Federation has told them to disarm their arsenal, which again is proof that the Federation is not benevolent. Thank you for writing this wonderful book and sharing your experiences. Try again. It brings support and understanding to all those who have been through the ordeal of alien abduction, answering many questions. $34.43. This book includes as well an illustrated descriptive of 110 different alien races involved with our planet, detailed information about groups and alliances in this galaxy and precious information, as well . Elena Danaan. I like to know who did your editing and help you get your book publish. Seems two sided to me in the conversation that was relayed to Elena. Reviewed in the United States on February 3, 2023. Free book A Gift From The Stars by Elena Danaan. , ISBN-13 I really liked Elena's description and illustration on different races. Born in France, Elena Danaan graduated in Fine Arts in Paris and completed a Post-Grad in Archaeology at the Louvre University. . She worked as field Archaeologist twenty years of her life, among which eight years in Egypt as an engineer epigraphist for the CNRS (Karnak, Luxor, Cairo, Dendera and Valley of the Kings) before returning to France . This book will open your mind and you will learn more about hidden truths including Covid 19. Absolutely brilliant book. She worked as field Archaeologist twenty years of her life, among which eight years in Egypt as an engineer epigraphist for the CNRS (Karnak, Luxor, Cairo, Dendera and Valley of the Kings) before returning to France, assigned to the University of Toulouse. You're listening to a sample of the Audible audio edition. First they knocked on the door of the Nebu, but they answered that they considered them to be too small and initially were not interested in them. There was a cornucopia of typos and grammatical errors. This book includes as well an illustrated descriptive of 110 different alien races involved with our planet, detailed information about groups and . She has had direct assistance from her exopolitical contacts in the naming aspects of her compilation. A Gift From The Stars: Extraterrestrial Contacts and Guide of Alien Crop Circles and Binary Messages | Galactic Anthropology Books by Elena Danaan (Author of A Gift From The Stars) A Gift From The Stars : Elena Danaan : 9798681800118 - Book Depository This book has been expected for a long time. Required fields are marked *. : This book contains also beautiful messages of hope for humanity. A Gift From The Stars: Extraterrestrial Contacts and Guide of Alien
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