We sell different types of products and services to both investment professionals and individual investors. 2023 Forbes Media LLC. The fund normally invests at least 80% of assets in securities included in the Russell 2000 Value Index, which is a market capitalization-weighted index designed to measure the performance. The Forbes Advisor editorial team is independent and objective. Beginners Start Here 10 Steps To Start Building Wealth, What Is the Stock Market? Benchmark: {{ fundDetails.morningstar.styleMapAsOfDate }}, As Of Their mutual funds also have no minimum investment requirement, unlike Vanguard. The People Pillar is our evaluation of the FISVX management teams experience and ability. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Richard has more than 30 years of experience in the financial services industry as an advisor, managing director, and director of training and marketing, specializing in Finra exams, investing, and retirement planning. This resulted in a preliminary list of 46 small-cap index funds. Looking a bit longer term, the fund gained 0.21% for the trailing 12 months, ahead of both the benchmark and the peer group average. Fidelity does not provide legal or tax advice. Select A Fund to View: Last Updated: {{relatedLit.lastUpdateDate}}, {{price.displayDollarDifference |naCheckDollarPlus}}, {{price.cumYtd.toString() | naCheckZeroOrPlus:2}}, {{fundDetails.priceStatistics.displayTwelveMonthLowNav | naCheckDollar}}, {{fundDetails.priceStatistics.displayTwelveMonthHighNav | naCheckDollar}}, of I have first-hand experience with every product or service I recommend, and I recommend them because I genuinely believe they are useful, not because of the commission I get if you decide to purchase through my links. Check out my flat-fee-only fiduciary friends over at Advisor.com. It is not a recommendation to buy, sell, or otherwise transact in any of the products mentioned. The information on this website is for informational and recreational purposes only. Copyright 2023 Morningstar, Inc. All rights reserved. {{brickletData.riskMeasures.independentAsOfDate}}, {{ riskPeriod.independentRiskPeriod.sharpeRatio | VTI vs. VTSAX Vanguard US Stock Market ETF or Mutual Fund? The Process Pillar is our assessment of how sensible, clearly defined, and repeatable FISVXs performance objective and investment process is for both security selection and portfolio construction. Fidelity Small Cap Value Index Fund No Transaction Fee 1 Monthly Fact Sheet (PDF) Prospectus More Morningstar Snapshot* AS OF 1/31/2023; Morningstar Category: Small Value *Data provided by Morningstar Overall Rating Rating Information Returns Low AVG High Expenses LowAVGHigh Risk of this Category LOWERHIGHER More Performance 2 }}, {{ riskPeriod.indexRiskPeriod.annualizedStandardDeviation | Do your own due diligence. "Vanguard Small-Cap Value ETF(VBR). We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. To further protect the integrity of our editorial content, we keep a strict separation between our sales teams and authors to remove any pressure or influence on our analyses and research. There is a contractual cap on the expenses borne by the Value stocks typically trade at low prices relative toperformance. Ray Dalio All Weather Portfolio Review, ETFs, & Leverage (2023), HEDGEFUNDIEs Excellent Adventure (UPRO/TMF) A Summary, Golden Butterfly Portfolio Review and M1 Finance ETF Pie, David Swensen Portfolio (Yale Model) Review and ETFs To Use, Harry Browne Permanent Portfolio Review, ETFs, & Leverage (2023), Corporate Bonds vs. Government Bonds (Treasuries) The Showdown, VIG vs. VYM Vanguards 2 Popular Dividend ETFs (Review), Warren Buffett ETF Portfolio (90/10) Review and ETFs (2023), The 60/40 Portfolio Review and ETF Pie for M1 Finance, Bogleheads 3 Fund Portfolio Review and Vanguard ETFs (2023), Paul Merriman Ultimate Buy and Hold Portfolio Review, M1 Pie (2023), M1 Finance vs. Vanguard Brokerage Comparison [2023 Review], M1 Finance vs. Fidelity Brokerage Comparison [2023 Review], The Best M1 Finance Dividend Pie for FIRE & Income Investors, Portfolio Asset Allocation by Age Beginners To Retirees, The 5 Best Stock Brokers Online for Investing (2023 Review), The 4 Best Investing Apps for Beginners (2023 Review), The 7 Best Small Cap ETFs (3 From Vanguard) for 2023, The 6 Best REIT ETFs To Invest in Real Estate for 2023, The 6 Best Tech ETFs To Buy Tech Stocks in 2023, 9 Best Clean Energy ETFs To Go Green in Your Portfolio (2023), The 13 Best Small Cap Value ETFs (3 From Vanguard) for 2023, Why, How, & Where To Invest Your Emergency Fund To Beat Inflation, VOO vs. VTI Vanguards S&P 500 and Total Stock Market ETFs, 9 Best International ETFs To Buy (6 From Vanguard) in 2023, Ben Felix Model Portfolio (Rational Reminder, PWL) ETFs & Review, Gone Fishin Portfolio Review (Alexander Green) & ETFs (2023). At the end of April 2021, the fund held $4.8 billion invested in more than 1,900 positions. It looks for companies that have a low price-to-book ratio, and will also consider price-to-cash flow and price-to-earnings ratios. {{ fundDetails.overview.portfolioInceptionDate | naCheck}}. Don't subscribeAllReplies to my comments Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. . {{fundDetails.morningstar.ratingsAsOfDate}} Fidelity NASDAQ Composite Index Fund No Transaction Fee 1 Monthly Fact Sheet (PDF) Prospectus More Morningstar Snapshot* AS OF 1/31/2023; Morningstar Category: Large Growth *Data provided by Morningstar Overall Rating Rating Information Returns Low AVG High Expenses LowAVGHigh Risk of this Category LOWERHIGHER More Performance 2 17-Feb-2023; Inception 04-Apr-2011; Benchmark MSCI All Country World Small Cap Index; Aggregate assets (all series) $19.5M. Its expense ratio is 0.64%. Were being punished after I remarried. In general, I think Fidelity has shown that it is more than capable of running an index fund, and that it is serious about them. Past performance does not guarantee future returns. This allows me to continue producing high-quality, ad-free content on this site and pays for the occasional cup of coffee. You might be using an unsupported or outdated browser. Potential buyers should understand that the 0.10% net expense ratio is approximately one percentage point lower than the gross expense ratioso keep an eye on these fees over time. Subscriber Agreement & Terms of Use | ; Information, {{fundDetails.characteristics.indexShortName}}, {{(fundDetails.attribution[0].attribution3MonthsData.attributionInformation | filter:{attributionTypeCode:'Sector', attributionSubTypeCode:'primary'}:true)[0].indexLegalName | naCheck}}, {{ attributionData.attributionDisplayName | naCheck}}, {{(fundDetails.attribution[0].attribution3MonthsData.attributionInformation | filter:{attributionTypeCode:'Sub Sector', attributionSubTypeCode:'primary'}:true)[0].indexLegalName | naCheck}}, {{(fundDetails.attribution[0].attribution3MonthsData.attributionInformation | filter:{attributionTypeCode:'Asset Allocation', attributionSubTypeCode :'fund_total'})[0].attributionData[0].indexLegalName | naCheck}}, {{(fundDetails.attribution[0].attribution3MonthsData.attributionInformation | filter:{attributionTypeCode:'Country', attributionSubTypeCode:'primary'}:true)[0].indexLegalName | naCheck}}, {{(fundDetails.attribution[0].attribution3MonthsData.attributionInformation | filter:{attributionTypeCode:'Region', attributionSubTypeCode:'primary'}:true)[0].indexLegalName | naCheck}}, This site is for persons in the U.S. only, 401(k) Participants & Employees of Corporations, 403(b) & 457(b) Participants & Employees of Non-Profits, Broker-Dealers,Banks,RIAs,TPAs,TrustInstitutions, {{averageAnnualTotalReturn.oneYearReturn | naCheckZeroOrPlus:2}}, {{averageAnnualTotalReturn.threeYearReturn | naCheckZeroOrPlus:2}}, {{averageAnnualTotalReturn.fiveYearReturn | naCheckZeroOrPlus:2}}, {{averageAnnualTotalReturn.tenYearReturn | naCheckZeroOrPlus:2}}, {{averageAnnualTotalReturn.lifeReturn | naCheckZeroOrPlus:2}}, {{fundDetails.overview.fundNo | naCheck:'na'}}, {{fundDetails.overview.cusipNumber | naCheck:'na'}}, {{fundDetails.overview.portfolioInceptionDate | naCheck:'na' }}, {{fundDetails.wamData.averageMaturityDaysInDays}}, {{fundDetails.wamData.averageMaturityYearsInYears}}, {{averageAnnualTotalReturns.oneYearReturn | naCheckZeroOrPlus:2}}, {{averageAnnualTotalReturns.threeYearReturn | naCheckZeroOrPlus:2}}, {{averageAnnualTotalReturns.fiveYearReturn | naCheckZeroOrPlus:2}}, {{averageAnnualTotalReturns.tenYearReturn | naCheckZeroOrPlus:2}}, {{averageAnnualTotalReturn.lifeReturn | naCheckPlus:2}}, {{fundDetails.overview.mmFundType | camelCase}}, {{price.milrateYields[0].oneDayYield | naCheckPercent:2}}, {{price.milrateYields[0].sevenDayYield | naCheckPercent:2}}, {{price.milrateYields[0].thirtyDayYield | naCheckPercent:2}}, {{price.milrateYields[0].secThirtyDayYield | naCheckPercent:2}}, {{price.milrateYields[0].milrate | naCheckPrecision:9}}, {{price.milrateYields[0].mtdMilrate | naCheckPrecision:9}}, {{dailyLiquidPt.dailyLiquidityPercentage}}%, {{weeklyLiquidPt.weeklyLiquidityPercentage }}%, {{fundDetails.wamData.averageMaturityDaysInDays}} Days, {{fundDetails.wamData.averageMaturityYearsInYears}} Years, {{fundDetails.priceStatistics.displayTwelveMonthLowNav | checkDollar }}-{{fundDetails.priceStatistics.displayTwelveMonthHighNav | checkDollar }}, {{fundDetails.overview.annualizedTurnoverRate | naCheckPercent}}, {{fundDetails.priceStatistics.fundNetAssets/1000000 | currency}}, {{price.marketValue | naCheckDollarMinDecimal:4}}, {{fundDetails.morningstar.morningstarCategory}}, {{fundDetails.overview.portfolioInceptionDate}}, {{fundDetails.overview.fiscalYearEndMonthName}}, {{holdingSubTypes.holdingValue| naCheckPercent:2}}, {{holdingSubTypes.indexValue | naCheckPercent:2}}, {{ holdingSubTypes.holdingValue| naCheckPercent:2}}, {{ holdingSubTypes.indexValue | naCheckPercent:2}}, {{ historicalEvent.eventType | naCheck}}: {{ historicalEvent.eventText | naCheck}}, {{fundDetails.wamData.durationInYears}} Years, {{ fundDetails.overview.annualizedTurnoverRate | naCheckPercent }}, {{(indexData.indexCumulativeTotalList| filter:{datePeriod:'Month'})[0].oneMonthReturn | naCheckPercentPlusMinus:2 }}, {{(indexData.indexCumulativeTotalList| filter:{datePeriod:'Month'})[0].threeMonthReturn | naCheckPercentPlusMinus:2 }}, {{(indexData.indexCumulativeTotalList| filter:{datePeriod:'Month'})[0].sixMonthReturn | naCheckPercentPlusMinus:2 }}, {{(indexData.indexCumulativeTotalList| filter:{datePeriod:'Month'})[0].oneYearReturn | naCheckPercentPlusMinus:2 }}, {{(indexData.indexCumulativeTotalList| filter:{datePeriod:'Month'})[0].threeYearReturn | naCheckPercentPlusMinus:2 }}, {{(indexData.indexCumulativeTotalList| filter:{datePeriod:'Month'})[0].fiveYearReturn | naCheckPercentPlusMinus:2 }}, {{(indexData.indexCumulativeTotalList| filter:{datePeriod:'Month'})[0].tenYearReturn | naCheckPercentPlusMinus:2 }}, {{(indexData.indexCumulativeTotalList| filter:{datePeriod:'Month'})[0].lifeReturn | naCheckPercentPlusMinus:2 }}, {{(lippers | filter:{lipperPeriodCd:'1Y'})[0].lipperPeersBeatenPercent }}%, {{(lippers | filter:{lipperPeriodCd:'3Y'})[0].lipperPeersBeatenPercent }}%, {{(lippers | filter:{lipperPeriodCd:'5Y'})[0].lipperPeersBeatenPercent }}%, {{( lippers | filter:{lipperPeriodCd:'10Y'})[0].lipperPeersBeatenPercent }}%, {{ characteristic.fundSecuritiesCoverage.assetCoveragePercent }}, {{ characteristic.fundSecuritiesCoverage.securitiesCovered }} / {{characteristic.fundSecuritiesCoverage.totalSecurities }}, {{ characteristic.fundSecuritiesCoverage.securitiesCovered }} / {{ characteristic.fundSecuritiesCoverage.totalSecurities }}, {{ attributionData.fundAverageWeightPercent | naCheck: ""}}, {{ attributionData.indexAverageWeightPercent | naCheck: ""}}, {{ attributionData.relativeAverageWeightPercent | naCheck: ""}}, {{ attributionData.fundAverageWeightRescaledPercent | naCheck: ""}}, {{ attributionData.indexAverageWeightRescaledPercent | naCheck: ""}}, {{ attributionData.relativeAverageWeightRescaledPercent | naCheck: ""}}, {{ attributionData.fundCumulativeReturn | naCheck}}, {{ attributionData.benchmarkCumulativeReturn | naCheck}}, {{ attributionData.relativeCumulativeReturn | naCheck: ""}}, {{ attributionData.stockSelection | naCheck: ""}}, {{ attributionData.sectorSelection | naCheck: ""}}, {{ attributionData.contributionRelativeReturnRescaled | naCheck: ""}}, {{ attributionData.contributionRelativeReturn | naCheck: ""}}, {{ attributionData.indexShortName | naCheck}}, {{ attributionData.fundAverageWeightPercent | naCheck}}, {{ attributionData.indexAverageWeightPercent | naCheck}}, {{ attributionData.relativeAverageWeightPercent | naCheck}}, {{ attributionData.contributionRelativeReturn |naCheck}}, {{((fundDetails.holdings.fundHoldings[0].holdings | filter:{holdingTypeName:'Total Number of Holdings'})[0].holdingSubTypes | filter:{holdingSubTypeCode:'HLDCT'})[0].holdingValue | naCheck}}, {{((fundDetails.holdings.fundHoldings[0].holdings | filter:{holdingTypeName:'Total Number of Issuers'})[0].holdingSubTypes | filter:{holdingSubTypeCode:'ISSCT'})[0].holdingValue | naCheck}}, {{((holdingsRoot.holdingSubTypes)[0].holdingSubTypeLaggeds | filter:{lagPeriod:'0M'})[0].holdingsPercent | naCheckPercent:2}}, {{(holdingsSubType.holdingSubTypeLaggeds | filter:{lagPeriod:'0M'})[0].holdingsPercent| naCheckPercent:2}}, {{(holdingsSubType.holdingSubTypeLaggeds | filter:{lagPeriod:'0Q'})[0].holdingsPercent| naCheckPercent:2}}, {{(holdingsSubType.holdingSubTypeLaggeds | filter:{lagPeriod:'12M'})[0].holdingsPercent| naCheckPercent:2}}, {{(holdingsSubType.holdingSubTypeLaggeds | filter:{lagPeriod:'0M'})[0].holdingsPercent| | 1-Day Return as of Mar 03, 2023, 11:14 PM GMT+0, Muni National Intermediate-Term Bond Funds. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Benchmark: Ready for a doughnut burger or pickle sub? Let me know in the comments. It has amassed assets over $727.14 million, making it one of the average sized ETFs attempting. NUSI ETF Review Is NUSI a Good Investment? These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Performance fee. | Short-Term Trading Fee: {{featureValue.featureValue | naCheckPercent100:2}} A wide range of highly rated 4- and 5-star Morningstar rated funds 2. The data displayed is what was available on the date selected. VT vs. VTI Global Stock Market vs. Total U.S. Stock Market. Given this possibility, weve included several small cap strategy funds. The sector weightings match up with the benchmark index, favoring financial stocks at 18.2% of the portfolio, industrials at 17.2% and nearly equal weightings of roughly 12% in consumer discretionary and information technology firms. Bond Index Fund FXNAX is an index fund for the total U.S. bond market for those wanting some asset class diversification outside stocks. We also reference original research from other reputable publishers where appropriate. Targeted Value Portfolio (DFFVX), TIAA-CREF Small-Cap Blend Index Fund (TISBX), Fidelity Small Cap Enhanced Index Fund (FCPEX). 2.80b. FIAM products and services may be presented by FDC LLC, a non-exclusive financial intermediary affiliated with FIAM and compensated for such services. All Rights Reserved. (7HANDL ETF). The Tax-Managed U.S. It is currently ranked 1, placing it in top 6%. As Of Copyright 2023 MarketWatch, Inc. All rights reserved. Mutual fund investors looking to tap the small cap market might appreciate this zero minimum and zero management fee fund. This compensation may impact how and where listings appear. You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. He has served as an editor or expert contributor for more than a dozen books, including Webvisor, Wealth Exposed, 5 Steps for Selecting the Best Financial Advisor, and The Retirement Bible. exceptions) that the fund would pay; the respective contract Information, {{indexData.indexBasicData.indexShortName }}, Important Performance and Policy It has an expense ratio of 0.44%. FXAIX is Fidelitys offering for the famous S&P 500 Index, roughly the 500 largest profitable publicly traded companies in the United States. S&P 500, total U.S. stock market, etc.) Fidelity Large Cap Growth Index Fund (FSPGX) This fund invests at least 80% of its assets into securities included in the Russell 1000 Growth Index, with a focus on large-cap growth stocks. I feel very hurt: My late wifes parents cut me out of their will and reduced my daughters inheritance. Do you own any of these Fidelity index funds? There are currently no items in this Watchlist. Fidelity Mid Cap Value Fund (FSMVX) Victory Integrity Mid-Cap Value Fund Class A (MAIMX) MFS Mid Cap Value Fund Class A (MVCAX) American Century Mid Cap Value Fund Investor Class (ACMVX) Lord Abbett Mid Cap Stock Fund Class A (LAVLX) Show more Compare View Fund Picks From Fidelity Fund Manager (s) Geode Capital Management This fund has about 500 holdings and an expense ratio of 0.015%. Analytical and entrepreneurial-minded data nerd, usability enthusiast, Boglehead, and Oxford comma advocate. Have Watchlists? The equivalent Fidelity index fund to FZIPX is the. The Fidelity ZERO Extended Market Index Fund tracks the Fidelity U.S. Extended Investable Market Index. Fidelity's index fund for this market segment is FISVX, which seeks to track the Russell 2000 Value Index. We began our search for the best small-cap index funds by building a list of Morningstars highest-rated U.S.-centric and international funds. The fund's benchmark is the Russel 2000 Value Index. Find the latest Fidelity Small Cap Value Index Fund (FISVX) stock quote, history, news and other vital information to help you with your stock trading and investing. That means small-cap fund investors require patience to yield these superior results. Fidelity Small Cap Value Index Fund FISVX Monthly Fact Sheet (PDF) Prospectus Morningstar Snapshot* AS OF 1/31/2023; Morningstar Category: Small Value *Data provided by Morningstar Overall Rating Rating Information Returns Low AVG High Expenses LowAVGHigh Risk of this Category LOWERHIGHER More Performance 1 What it will take to get a contrarian buy signal for gold, Bombay Sapphire ups the lemony flavor in this elegant, refreshing addition to its gin lineup, An orphan at 65: setting new priorities after the loss of your parents, U.S. prepares new rules on investment in China. Your email address will not be published. "US Targeted Value Portfolio (I) - Prospectus. Roughly 21% of VSGAXs portfolio is in the healthcare sector, followed by 19% in industrials. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. /316389832 . {{ fundDetails.morningstar.morningstarCategory | naCheck }}. {{(fundDetails.holdings.fundHoldings[0].holdings | filter:{holdingTypeName:'Industry Diversification'} : true)[0].holdingSubTypes[0].holdingSubTypeLaggeds[0].laggedDate}} category was Maintaining independence and editorial freedom is essential to our mission of empowering investor success. By using or logging on to this website, you consent to the use of cookies as described in Fidelity's Privacy Policy. The fund normally invests at least 80% of assets in common stocks of large capitalization companies included in the Fidelity U. Benchmark: Lets dive into the best Fidelity index funds. What do we do? To get the best possible experience please use the latest version of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Microsoft Edge to view this website. {{ fundDetails.holdings.fundHoldings[0].indexShortName}}, As Of I am not a financial advisor, portfolio manager, or accountant. Learn more about mutual funds at fidelity.com. Distribution information is available for the last 10 years or to inception for fund's less than 10 years old. ({{fund.tradingSymbol}}), {{shareClassAttribute.displayShareClassShortName}}, {{managerInfo.firstName}} {{managerInfo.lastName}}, {{indexReturn.indexBasicData.indexShortName}}, Important Performance and Policy Information, Important Performance and Policy Dow Jones Industrial Average, S&P 500, Nasdaq, and Morningstar Index (Market Barometer) quotes are real-time. Information provided in, and presentation of, this document are for informational and educational purposes only and are not a recommendation to take any particular action, or any action at all, nor an offer or solicitation to buy or sell any securities or services presented. VXUS vs. VEU Which Vanguard Total International ETF? Index Details The fund is sponsored by Fidelity. Disclosure: Some of the links on this page are referral links. Theranoss Elizabeth Holmes gives birth to second baby, pushes to delay starting her 11-year prison term, Elon Musks bid to implant chips into human brains shot down by FDA. Fidelity 500 Index Fund (ticker: FXAIX) For investors seeking exposure to the S&P 500, Steve Azoury, president of Azoury Financial in Troy, Michigan, likes FXAIX, calling it "a nice index fund. Vanguard Group (Ireland) Limited. The Vanguard 500 Index Fund has existed for 44 years, but the (original name) Fidelity Spartan US Index Fund has existed for 32 years. . document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); Sign up to receive email updates when a new post is published. There is a contractual cap on the expenses borne by the Fidelity Small Cap Value Index FISVX Morningstar Analyst Rating Quantitative rating as of Jan 31, 2023 | See Fidelity Investment Hub Quote Chart Fund Analysis Performance Sustainability. It invests in securities included in the Russell 2000 Value Index, a market cap-weighted index designed to measure the performance of the small-cap value segment of the U.S. equity market. Transparency is how we protect the integrity of our work and keep empowering investors to achieve their goals and dreams. Privacy Policy and The fund's benchmark is the Russel 2000 Value Index. Fidelity Institutional Asset Management (FIAM) investment management services and products are managed by the Fidelity Investments companies of FIAM LLC, a U.S. registered investment adviser, or Fidelity Institutional Asset Management Trust Company, a New Hampshire trust company.
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