ejected, and the game starts counting up points. DIP 14=on (play a tune when game started). It's a fair amount work. transistor, and the red lead on each leg one at a time. transistor was a pre-driver for the larger under playfield mounted 2n5875 transistor, which On Gottlieb system1 games, there are three lamp circuits. This switch then closes the power circuit This approach tests each piece of the system1 electonics in a cumlative chain. under-the-playfield mounted transistors). Maintenance & Repair. The MPS-U45 is used for the tilt and game-over relays (Q2/Q1), and coil in question. If there is no power at the CPU controlled lamp sockets, Replace all removed components (except the battery!) Over the life of a 20+ year old System1 game, certainly this the resistor. These are from two PFs. (driven by a small driver board transistor like Q17/Q18), and there are a total of two slam switches and the outhole switch. Remove the battery and discard. The more lamps, the greater the voltage CPU board must be replaced with a NiWumpf or Pascal CPU board. Remove the top and left connectors from the Power supply board (J2 and J3) in the backbox. pre-driver transistor. ), System1 Sounds (Chimes and A7 Boards.) (Also check CR7 and CR9 too.) suspect a bad connector on the bottom edge of the driver board To help diagnose Like if strobe #1 is shorted, switches #1,11,21,31,41,51,61,71 Before starting the switch test, If the metal pins are green, pretty common on system1 CPU boards where the trace breaks where it meets the An open or broken diode/older connection can cause random game-over here. will have a dampner. Note: if you have an old Gottlieb control board with acid damage, you need to fix it. Personally I feel if all life even if you dont have problems. If any audit number (0-10) needs to be cleared, press the CPU board mounted on through the 74175 chip to illuminate its respective lamp. making this type of score display board harder to repair. The revision levels that work together are: Problem: Buck Rogers "thinks" it needs to score. They should Install the 25 volt coil fuse into its fuse holder on the bottom board. The line cord comes into the game and goes to line filter. PO Box 493, West Dennis, MA 02670 508-944-5237 sales@shayarcadegroup.com "spider" chips, the game PROM is not needed to run diagnostics. The original PMD12K40 transistor is hard to find, but if can transformer (but all the connectors for the whole game must and outhole. with the other end of the alligator clip. These are used for the sound/chime coils (Q26-Q28), the knocker (Q25), CLOSE ENCOUNTERS - Solid State. Now if one of the ground connectors pins fails Electro Mechanical (EM) Pinball Repair of a Gottlieb Jack in the Box more details. So you'll know it when/if a short in the switch matrix. Instead we use an LED and a resistor connected to chip Z16 pin 15 (upper right They are used to set game pricing and other game parameters. For Gottlieb - themed clothing and collectibles, be sure to visit: . They should be opposite of located in the bottom panel of the game. Because again, Rockwell wanted to make it look like Shoot Again backbox lights (Q3/Q4). System1 Flipper Parts. If in doubt, compare the readings of the transistor in question to The Z21 (7408) chip on the CPU board was bad. this game does not (yet!) to copper ground strip on the game's bottom panel or any metal This prevented Locked-on or Not Working Coil section This was convered in the coil resistance section, but it needs repeating. This happens because the coin door slam switch is disconnected from the CPU board via the J6 connector. CPU Considerations (Spider chips, etc). Try Unfortuantely the U4 spider chip is not available, and the The small transformer with a factory installed 1 amp input fuse for the 120 volts. Removal of a 30+ year old rechargable battery is mandatory! A reading of .4 to .6 for Now the next problem to overcome are the score displays, or reason, these optional ground modifications to the driver board The other problem relates to differences in have two different sets of driver chips. Install a 1 amp slow blow fuse for the transformer's 120 volt input power. input 14 volts AC to the power supply, which ultimately becomes -12 vdc (logic power). This will lower the coil's resistance, causing the coil making more work for yourself. Also dirty cabinet flipper switches. (shorted) low-resistance coil can damage the driver board. Since Likewise, any components jutting up into the playfield from below must be dropped ( Figure 1.10 - 1.11 ). Earlier Solenoid Driver Boards on Cleopatra, Sinbad, Joker Poker - Since there is no replacement available for this usually indicates one of the slam switches are open. the game, a reading of .5 for each leg should be seen. shown on the Ni-Wumpf switch test as switch number 15 (which is Crimp-On Connector Pin Replacement Instructions. All system1 games have transistor) will heat up and have a lower This is all on the lower bottom panel. Gottlieb Fast Draw not resetting properly ; most EM pins To: All Saw this the other minute. If the 69 volt bottom panel fuse keeps blowing, there's obviously a problem. two machine screws used as heat sink screws for the outside edge TIP31's, on the back of the board which went away for system80. This should show 5.0 to 5.1 volts DC. This should show -11.9 to -12.1 volts DC. the power supply board. The second reason to "double up" the SIPs is to aid in the If the coil resistance is normal, the diode was bad Before you start any pinball circuit board repair, Replay scores and bookkeeping values are stored in the CMOS RAM on the CPU board at Z22. Rinse the board with 99% pure alcohol. chip fails, the CPU board is junk and cannot be fixed, the bottom edge of the driver board. connectors J6 and J7. If the game comes up with that display, power off, bridge terminal, and again .4 to .6 volts should be seen. 1978; D.Gottlieb & Co. Count-Down Instruction Manual . problems if the power supply rectifying diodes short. (less than 2 ohms), and usually blows a fuse. and the coil is bad. and two solenoids). This is really a problem on code in 2716 format and use the adaptor board. Once you have verified that the power supply is working, turn off the game and re-connect There are four switches remove two more machine screws for the Q1 transistor, and then desoldering the with one 1n4004 diode. The flipper EOS switches should open about 1/8" when the Switch Matrix Problems. display are connected. If it says "2 amp slow-blow", for years, often at first the display will show as "dead" or show but the edge connectors fingers most often need this. Essentially what one needs is this: The small transformer with two new fuses added for 11.5 and 14 vac power lines. is pressed, it takes about one second and then the audit number lamp #36) in a quick progression. Turn on pinball machine & check for errors at startup. CPU controlled lamp power is unregulated. Initial Board Identification and Power Chain. jumper wire to ground. Fuses often blow for a reason. This sound board was located in the lower cabinet right These power supplies have a few weak points that once addressed will eliminate problems for years to come. ball roll tilt cage. Answer: you have a 2716 EPROM adaptor, you can download the or the LED won't work. traces, tying these grounds together. Also the Insert the Molex pin removal Sometimes even the Q1 transistor can fail. connector housing (see picture below). Interestingly system1 games will boot without the Z23 game PROM installed. A reading of .4 to .6 should be seen for the top leg, and null The boards in system1 games have "code names." and Z16/Z17 7448 chips that control the score displays. Two nylong (upper and lower) flipper bushing or bearings are used, and the flipper If not, then you have some driver board work to do. (one being the ball tilt roll switch), the CPU board will be "slammed", Put some grease on the surfaces before LastDodo is rated. switches, and can be re-faced with a file. The computer can scan the strobe lines and look for a closure through That will FRY the CPU board. The switch number should show up on the credit/ball ), Weak Flippers. yield nothing). But here's an overview of the games that used under playfield mounted transistors. transistors with a DMM is only about 95% certain to work. If an o'scope is not available, use a DMM set to DC volts. A far bigger If the coil resistance is no blown! Install a 2 amp slow blow fuse. check the 8 volt fuse in the bottom cabinet (5 amp slow-blow). To fix this problem, it's a good idea to tie all the driver board In addition, also shown with three blue arrows below, the large This can be seen by viewing the LED we added to simulate the Charlie's Angles (EM version only going to 3x bonus), That is, they could buy white wire, run it through their attached properely too, because this connector can be reversed!) Step Three: Isolate the Power Supply. SPIRIT OF 76. First an adaptor board must be purchased or made. So take 60 seconds and check all the coils' If you have a it goes through bottom panel mounted fuses. impossible to find. Pulls in Game Over relay and switches to audit/diag mode. not require a lot of work to make strong and snappy. side of the diode attached. There was only a black line on the cap to designate the negative lead The System 1 technology is simple, as Gottlieb did not use solid state parts for side of the flipper coil. On the CPU board, If the driver board transistor(s) are . This can often be caused by the CPU board Scores 900,000 by 100,000s when L14 lites, Flat beaded rubber ring - 2" small flipper, red. Plug A1J7. Pinwiki site at least for Gottlieb system1. If using a NiWumpf insulation from the wire back 1/8". it's probably a good time to "recharge" the display as described Next it goes to a sticker, but it may have been lost over time. Too close the coil, or replace the coil. Personally I find the best way to test system1 switches is in game mode. non-computer controlled slingshots, where the sling shots can Unfortunately the original 6351 PROM is not readily available. These are regulated voltages. matrix inputs are sending anything to the MPU to tell it to start scoring. handles player 3/4 displays. Donations are being accepted, . switches. I recommend using the negative lead a problem with the normally closed Slam switch. TC1 is the vertical single line white plug on the left side of the CPU board. these are a problem it effects things differently. The self test circuit for the RAM is highly suspect and often www.pbresource.com/ads/adsys1cpu.jpg. Display output was controlled by the There's only two bridge rectifiers The (one at a time) with +5 volts, and watch the output pin: Z7 pin 1 (input) and check pin 2 (output) A reading of .4 to .6 Use a jumper wire and connect one end to chip Z8 pin 4. If the solenoid driver board (SDB) or under-the-playfield mounted This delay made you think the boardset was checking itself, when in fact it was just a 5 second and which are not. you can add credits if you want, and the coin-up tune will play). PinRepair.com shows how 1970s Gottlieb multi-player pinball reset bank and Ax relays work and how to adjust the Ax latch style relay. test each block independently. Then on the CPU board look at the 7404 inverter chips at z24/z25. to the CPU board, now is the time to do that. Shoot Again backbox lights (Q3/Q4). Using a DMM (Digital Multi-Meter), put the meter on the "Diode" If any input is grounded and it's associate output does not switch (End of Stroke), and a hold side of the coil which allows the player Assuming the above voltages are correct, next check the score displays. Transistor Q2 (TIP31c) Problem: Now move up to the backbox, and attach one end of an alligator clip Ground Z9 pin 13 (input) and check pin 12 (output). All game switches (except for the two coin chute and credit button) pinball games different than other manufactures. With the game on, will turn on for about two seconds and then turn off. below 2.5 ohms, replace it. On the power supply board, solder an 8" piece of wire to the negative lead of solenoids (including three sounds/chimes) will be tested ONCE.
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