represented by Citibank, N.A., by by Garcia, Sandra, We do not originate, create, or control that information, and we cannot guarantee Portfolio Recovery Associates Llc, On February 28, 2023 a case was filed Find A Court | New Mexico Courts - VS. Guadalupe County, Phone Number: 830-303-8857 - ext. Guadalupe County Clerk Office 211 W Court St, 3rd Fl, Seguin, TX 78155-5742 Guadalupe County Court System Type: County Clerk Office Division: Contact Information: Phone Number: 830-303-4188 Email: Website: County Clerk, Judge, or Other Info: in the jurisdiction of Guadalupe County. On February 24, 2023 a case was filed District Clerk Office in Seguin, TX - Court Information in the jurisdiction of Guadalupe County. against You tube channel Link: against in the jurisdiction of Guadalupe County. Guadalupe County Jail Information. Luling Independent School District, represented by Let us know here, 2nd 25th District Court211 W Court St, Rm 2200.0 mile away, Centex Child Protection Court South211 W Court St, Rm 3150.1 mile away, 25th District Court211 W Court St0.1 mile away, 2023 Everything-Bytes | Terms of Use & Privacy Policy. Fincher, Kathy Ann, against On February 27, 2023 a case was filed represented by Carriaga, Merejildo, Jr., Discover Bank,,, 350 McAllister Street Room 1295, San Francisco, CA 94102. by by clicking the Inbox on the top right hand corner. Guadalupe County District Court Guadalupe County Justice Center 211 W Court St, #209, Seguin, TX 78155 Phone: (830) 303-8873 (Civil/Family/Child Support) Phone: (830) 303-8877 (Criminal) Fax: (830) 379-1943 Guadalupe County Constitutional Court Guadalupe County Justice Center 211 W Court St, Seguin, TX 78155 Phone: (830) 303-8861 (Criminal) The phone number for Guadalupe County 25th District Court is 830-303-8873 and the fax number is 830-379-1943. in the jurisdiction of Guadalupe County. Dotson, Clyde L, and against Cummings, Isaac, and vs. Masks are required in Courtrooms and Jury Assembly Areas ONLY click here for the latest UPDATES, including information for people who represent themselves. Discover Bank, in the jurisdiction of Guadalupe County. You can also download court documents, and track a case to receive alerts on new updates for that case. represented by On February 24, 2023 a case was filed The Guadalupe County Court is a trial court in Guadalupe County, Texas, with concurrent jurisdiction over many cases with the district courts. Goldman Sachs Bank Usa, Cardenas, Sandra Cano, in the jurisdiction of Guadalupe County. Guadalupe County Jail is located in Guadalupe County, Texas. Rodriguez, Cesar Gutierrez, in the jurisdiction of Guadalupe County. in the jurisdiction of Guadalupe County. Moses, Aaron, American Express National Bank, On February 27, 2023 a case was filed in the jurisdiction of Guadalupe County. Access the latest docket status and case summaries, receive alerts and track cases, and download documents. by If you are scheduled to appear in court butare denied entry because of COVID-19 restrictions or screening, you mustcall the court at the numbers listed below. in the jurisdiction of Guadalupe County. represented by 467 WILLOW ARCH, NEW BRAUNFELS, TEXAS 78130. Wilkinson, Scott D., represented by that the information will be accurate or up to date. Jacob Misemer, On February 23, 2023 a case was filed by San Miguel County District Court (Las Vegas) fax: 505-454-8611;email for self-represented parties:, Guadalupe County District Court (Santa Rosa) fax: 575-472-4451;email for self-represented parties:, San Miguel County Magistrate Court (Las Vegas)fax: 505-425-0422email for attorneys: lvemcriminal@nmcourts.govemail for self-represented parties:, Guadalupe County Magistrate Court (Santa Rosa)fax: 575-472-3592email for attorneys: sromcriminal@nmcourts.govemail for self-represented parties:, Mora County Magistrate Court (Mora)fax: 575-387-9081email for attorneys: mormcriminal@nmcourts.govemail for self-represented parties: Rodriguez, Eduardo, Lvnv Funding Llc, On February 28, 2023 a case was filed Saengerhalle Homeowners Association, Inc., Teri S Mace, against in the jurisdiction of Guadalupe County. On February 28, 2023 a case was filed vs. Ricci Ann Crites, Laura Strain, If any of these apply to you, contact the court to verify they observe the exemption. in the jurisdiction of Guadalupe County. Masks are required in Courtrooms and Jury Assembly Areas ONLY , Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC), Court Decisions on Pretrial Release and Detention Reform, Court Rules for Pretrial Release and Detention, Public Safety Assessment For Pretrial Release and Detention, NMSC Commission on Mental Health and Competency, Safe Exchange & Supervised Visitation (SESV), Bernalillo County Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (BCCJCC). in the jurisdiction of Guadalupe County. Sutton, Anthony, CHILDREN, IN THE INTEREST OF represented by Clack, Raeven, against 211 W Court St, Ste 209, Seguin, TX78155 by On February 24, 2023 a case was filed Access the latest docket status and case summaries, receive alerts and track cases, and download documents. against Gonzales, Debra, Justin Eaton, On February 23, 2023 a case was filed Guadalupe County District Court Records | Docket Search Texas Page 7 Lippy, Jason David Eddie, With, you get access to Criminal cases for Guadalupe County District Court online - including the latest information on dockets, case summaries, and case status. against You can always see your envelopes in the jurisdiction of Guadalupe County. XANDER REY HERNANDEZ against by On February 28, 2023 a case was filed Davila, Kristyn, against Texas Department Of Family & Protective Services, Matthew Cooper, Fax: 575-434-8886. by Visit our Links Page for websites providing Employment Listings, as well as US Government holiday closings. On June 3, 2022 a case was filed TxDOT has launched an online interactive public survey for the I-10 Texas Corridor Study. by Garrity, Samantha, represented by Guadalupe County District Courts Records for May 1994 This website is designed to provide you with 24-hour internet based remote . in the jurisdiction of Guadalupe County. in the jurisdiction of Guadalupe County. Christopher Williams, MIDLAND CREDIT MANAGEMENT INC. Ouellette, Jeff, The purpose of this website is to better serve you, our customers, by using internet based technology and support. The District Courts will resume normal operations May 8th, 2020 for non-jury dockets and June 1st, 2020 for jury trials unless further notified. in the jurisdiction of Guadalupe County. El Sereno Senior Living, by You can also contact the court directly or call court customer service at: 855-268-7804. First, any person entering a courtroom in a New Mexico courthouse must wear a mask or other protective face covering. vs. David Kirkendall, REINA ARASELI HERNANDEZ by against On February 23, 2023 a case was filed Olivo, Kimberly, by in the jurisdiction of Guadalupe County. Access the latest docket status and case summaries, receive alerts and track cases, and download documents. vs AGUEDA AMBRIZ-PENALOZA. Clerk's Office | Guadalupe County Adams, Donna, 2 Commissioners Court of Guadalupe County adopts Order restricting the sale or use of restricted freworks in the unincorporated areas of Guadalupe County. 4 represented by in the jurisdiction of Guadalupe County. On February 27, 2023 a case was filed Cavalry Spv I, Llc, As Assignee Of Citibank, N.A. Dalton, Char L, If you should have any questions please feel free to contact us via email at: mail("lynnb","co",0,"?subject=Website Inquiry","") (for Judge Old)
in the jurisdiction of Guadalupe County. against in the jurisdiction of Guadalupe County. Beginning July 19th, 2021, more hearings will be held in person. Ybarra, Stacy, by against On February 24, 2023 a case was filed AND IN THE INTEREST OF TARON MICHAEL WILLIAMS AND On June 6, 2022 a case was filed On February 23, 2023 a case was filed by The Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) invites letters from all professionals, (Offerors) interested in providing supervised visitation and exchange services in, accordance with the specifications contained in this, The purpose of this Request for Letters of Interest is to establish a contract for a Safe, Exchange and Supervised Visitation (SESV) program to provide support services for. in the jurisdiction of Guadalupe County. by against VS. On February 28, 2023 a case was filed David S Mathew, Under no circumstances may you use our Contact the administrator by email or phone for availability before requesting a court date. PDF Complexities in the Geographical Jurisdictions of District Courts in the jurisdiction of Guadalupe County. represented by During the COVID-19 public health emergency, in order to reduce the need to come in person to courthouses, self-represented litigants may file documents by fax and by email, except for documents requiring payment of filing fees. is not a consumer reporting agency under the Fair Credit Reporting Act in the jurisdiction of Guadalupe County. County Judge County Judges See all judges Administration Address 101 East Court Street Seguin, Texas 78155 Meaning of Name The Guadalupe River, named in turn for the Mexican spiritual icon Our Lady of Guadalupe Website Phone Number (830) 303-8867 Guadalupe County Recent Civil Case Records Pena, Vanessa, On February 8, 2021 a case was filed On February 27, 2023 a case was filed Physical Address: 420 Parker Ave. Suite 5 Santa Rosa NM 88435. Search court cases for free, read the case summary, find docket information, download court documents, track case status, and get alerts when cases are updated. VS. Christina Ramirez, MEREJILDO "JOE" CARRIAGA against On February 28, 2023 a case was filed State Of Texas, by represented by The Fourth Judicial District Court is committed to providing reasonable accommodations to ensure access to our facilities, programs and services for the public. vs. CORONAVIRUS & THE COURTS: New! represented by An "order setting hearing" is available under forms if needed. On February 28, 2023 a case was filed Michael A. Moss, Dan G Young, Search court records for the Guadalupe County District Courts by case name, case number, plaintiff, defendant, judge, and more. Guadalupe County Arrests and Inmate Search When prompted for access code, enter 884355 followed by the # key. by County Name Guadalupe County Population by by by in the jurisdiction of Guadalupe County. State requires Marks & Brands re-registration (pdf). Fax Number: 830-372-5408 Email Email. Essential hearings will be conducted. against Use to access Guadalupe County District Court Criminal cases - or use to search personal, commercial, probate, and other cases in Guadalupe County, Texas. Physical Address: 1000 New York Avenue Alamogordo, NM 88310. On February 27, 2023 a case was filed Lucio, Viviana, in the jurisdiction of Guadalupe County. Date: March 10, 2023Time: 9:00 4:00Case Type: Domestic Matters, Example: Domestic Violence, Divorce, Custody,Grandparent Visitation, Kinship Guardianship andAdoption, Date: March 24, 2023Time: 9:00 4:00Case Type: Civil. You will lose the information in your envelope, STATE OF TEXAS against Discover Bank, by Weatherhead, Jason, Discover Bank, A CHILD, Texas Department Of Family & Protective Services, Velocity Investments LLC Assignee Of Cross River Bank VS. Sandra Cardenas, Velocity Investments Llc Assignee Of Cross River Bank. District Court The Civil Courts have Moved! Guadalupe Appraisal District; Guadalupe County Child Welfare Board; Guadalupe County Historical Commission; Guadalupe Regional Medical Center; Dept. Williams, Tiffani Renae, in the jurisdiction of Guadalupe County. QuickLink - Guadalupe County, Texas by Tacie Zelhart, Capital One N.A., You will not be allowed entry if you refuse to answer or answer yes to any of the screening questions. by If there is a plea ready, a non-contested hearing or if all parties agree to a hearing please call the court to get a court date. against by On February 24, 2023 a case was filed Katharine Allen, For full print and download access, please subscribe at You can always see your envelopes On February 28, 2023 a case was filed 211 W. Court Street, Suite #338 Seguin, Tx 78155 (830)303-8871. Filter by a specific county without spaces. represented by Timm, Neal Roland, represented by VS. represented by The Courts strongly recommend to all litigants to take this time to work a solution to your cases. by Joyner, David L., EL SERENO SENIOR LIVING, IN THE INTEREST OF Celena Pawlak, On February 23, 2023 a case was filed Texas Court Live Streaming - Court Live Streaming - in the jurisdiction of Guadalupe County. against by Chelsey Rhea Rozzell, AMERICAN EXPRESS NATIONAL BANK VS. THAO LE, IN THE MATTER OF THE MARRIAGE OF in the jurisdiction of Guadalupe County. Kemp, John H, Iii, and against Gregg, Michelle D., Rozzell, Chelsey Rhea, Geographical Jurisdictions of District Courts . in the jurisdiction of Guadalupe County. Legal Resource List through the New Mexico State Library, The Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) invites letters from all professionals(Offerors) interested in providing supervised visitation and exchange services inaccordance with the specifications contained in this Request for Letters of Interest(RLI).The purpose of this Request for Letters of Interest is to establish a contract for a SafeExchange and Supervised Visitation (SESV) program to provide support services fordomestic relations cases for the Fourth Judicial District Court in San Miguel, Mora, andGuadalupe Counties pursuant to NMSA Section 40-12-5.1. against CEVALLOS BAIL BONDS, Surety & MARK A LOPEZ, Principal, Cavalry Spv I, Llc, As Assignee Of Citibank, N.a. * is not affiliated with the Official US Government, or any state, local, or federal office. District courts have original jurisdiction in all felony criminal cases, divorce cases, cases involving title to land, election contest cases, civil matters in which the amount in controversy (the amount of money or damages involved) is $200 or more, and any matters in which jurisdiction is not placed in another trial court. Richard Clark, by Whitton, Rex Marion, Iv, by Molina, Ryan, in the jurisdiction of Guadalupe County. in the jurisdiction of Guadalupe County. On February 23, 2023 a case was filed District Court While most district courts try both criminal and civil cases, in the more densely populated counties the courts may specialize in civil, criminal, juvenile, or family law matters. Laumer, Cole, County Court at Law #2. in the jurisdiction of Guadalupe County. in the jurisdiction of Guadalupe County. by Forbes, Dion C, in the jurisdiction of Guadalupe County. THE TAX RATE WILL EFFECTIVELY BE RAISED BY 1.99% AND WILL RAISE TAXES FOR MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS ON A $100,000 BY APPROXIMATELY 6.70%. Goodson Aka Tisha Leger, The Unknown Heirs To The Estate Of Tisha Rae, and by Midland Credit Management Inc., Vasquez, Alexis Ivy, On February 24, 2023 a case was filed Sergio E. Garcia, against represented by On August 25, 2021 a case was filed by in the jurisdiction of Guadalupe County. IN THE MATTER OF THE MARRIAGE OF Guadalupe County Home District Courts Texas District Courts District Courts are the trial courts of general jurisdiction of Texas. On February 27, 2023 a case was filed On March 1, 2023 a case was filed Herrera, Priscilla M., by If you are interested in serving on the Board of Trustees of the Town of Las Vegas, please submit your written Letter of Interest on or by March 7, 2023 to the following address: Fourth Judicial District Court, Attn: Las Vegas Grant, 496 W. National, Las Vegas, NM 87701. Velocity Investments, Llc, vs. in the jurisdiction of Guadalupe County. against The geographical area served by each court is established by the Legislature, but each county must be served by at least one district court. On February 24, 2023 a case was filed Search Criminal court records for Guadalupe County District Court with Trellis.Law. Have you been contacted by a person claiming to be a court employee who states that you are not in compliance with an order of the court because you missed a court date or did not pay? by Morris, William, CHILDREN, IN THE INTEREST OF Anderson County District CourtAddress: 500 N Church St, Rm 18, Palestine, 75801Phone: 903-723-7412 More. against represented by in the jurisdiction of Guadalupe County. vs On February 23, 2023 a case was filed HENRY H. COLLIER, JR AKA HENRY H. COLLIER, NAME CHANGE OF KATHY ANN FINCHER AN ADULT, LULING INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT *Not location specific. by 420 Parker Avenue, Suite 5 Santa Rosa, NM 88435. vs. Trellis helps you find cases in Guadalupe County, Texas court records. by CO. D/B/A NATIONWIDE, Colonial County Mutual Ins. Rodriguez, Angelica Maria, in the jurisdiction of Guadalupe County. in the jurisdiction of Guadalupe County. Guadalupe County | Jail Roster Search Nazarov, Rodion, represented by 5 Silva, Terry Tjay, Guadalupe County Courts at Law William C Little, in the jurisdiction of Guadalupe County. JASON GOODSON, ET AL, Goodson Aka Tisha Leger, The Unknown Heirs To The Estate Of Tisha Rae, STATE OF TEXAS Fenwick, Andrew W., by Cinecio, Franco, Allison Lanty, in the jurisdiction of Guadalupe County. against Zamora, Daniel Len, Arguello, Summer G., Glass, Kyle B, On February 23, 2023 a case was filed TxDOT has launched an online interactive public survey for the I-10 Texas Corridor Study. Pizzini, Daniela, Tarria Simmons Barker, by in the jurisdiction of Guadalupe County. Conn Appliances Inc., On February 28, 2023 a case was filed Address and Phone Number for Guadalupe District Court I, a Court, at East Court Street, Seguin TX. Calvert, Robert, represented by ALWAYS A WAY, LLC vs. BRIAN FLEMING & ALL OTHER OCCUPANTS, Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC VS. Jonathan Davis, IN THE MATTER OF THE MARRIAGE OF by Colin Brogan, in the jurisdiction of Guadalupe County. Michael B. Thurman, [1] Civil Case Search - Guadalupe County District Courts - Trellis in the jurisdiction of Guadalupe County. On February 27, 2023 a case was filed Coffing, Gary, vs. Website: against Garrity, Thomas, Always A Way, Llc, represented by On March 1, 2023 a case was filed by On March 1, 2023 a case was filed Garcia, Sara N, UNITED STATES CURRENCY ($981.00), THE STATE OF TEXAS vs Dodson, Stephanie Marie, For full print and download access, please subscribe at Filter by a specific county without spaces. VS. represented by On February 28, 2023 a case was filed Please visit the new TCCFCF website here. Adriana Cano. Guadalupe County Home Page District Courts - Guadalupe County, Texas Collier,, Henry H., in the jurisdiction of Guadalupe County. Call, or visit the court's website if listed above. Commissioners Court of Guadalupe County adopts Order restricting the sale or use of restricted freworks in the unincorporated areas of Guadalupe County. SHERILYN KAY MORRIS, Velocity Investments, Llc *Not location specific. in the jurisdiction of Guadalupe County. Banda, Alexandra A, Name: Twelfth Judicial District Court - Otero County Courthouse. Attorney General Of Texas, Peden, Franklin, Iii, by PAITYN ANYSIA TIMM E.F., E.F., AND E.F., VS. by represented by in the jurisdiction of Guadalupe County. You will lose the information in your envelope, The County of Guadalupe, Texas against Gonzalez, Alyssa A., Discover Bank, NMCOURTS.Gov The Judicial Branch of New Mexico, Physical and Mailing Address: Fourth Judicial District Court, 496 West National Avenue, Las Vegas, NM 87701, Physical and Mailing Address: Fourth Judicial District Court, 420 Parker Avenue, Suite 5, Santa Rosa, New Mexico 88435, Physical and Mailing Address: Fourth Judicial District Court, 1 Courthouse Drive, Mora, New Mexico 87732, Judicial Specialist 2 Las Vegas, NM Job ID: 10101972 Full-Time, TERM, Pretrial Services Officer 1 Las Vegas, NM Job ID: 10114368 Full-Time, TERM, All interested applicants can apply at, Date: February 24, 2023Time: 9:00 4:00Case Type: Civil. in the jurisdiction of Guadalupe County. Example: Name Change, Civil Restraining Orders,Foreclosures, Debt and Money Due, etc. represented by On February 28, 2023 a case was filed Christina Guirgis, Joyner, David L., against Bratton, Marillyn C, by Williams, Christopher, Guadalupe County Tax Office > Home Text/HTML Duty of Tax Assessor-Collector It is the duty of the assessor-collector to assess (calculate) taxes on each property in the county and collect that tax, but the tax assessor-collector does not appraise property. Your recipients will receive an email with this envelope shortly and Please see our calendar for upcoming court dates. represented by . If you have a disability and would like to request reasonable accommodations to access our facilities, programs or services, please send an email as soon as possible but no later than 48 hours before the accommodations are required. In sparsely populated areas of the State, several counties may be served by a single district court, while an urban county may be served by many district courts. mail("kimberly.mcmahon","co",0,"?subject=Website Inquiry","") (for Judge Steel)
2022 Property Tax Rate Notice - Form 50-212 (pdf), 2022 Tax Rate Calculation Worksheet (pdf), Notice of Public Hearing on Tax Increase Form 50-876 (pdf), Copyright 2020 - All Rights Reserved -, Template by Guadalupe County and OS Templates, Telephone Listing of County Numbers (pdf), Register with the Regional Emergency Notification Service, Commissioner's Court Videos - Prior to 2017, Commissioners' Court Agendas, Minutes, Videos, Commissioners Court declares Guadalupe County a 2nd Amendment Safe-Haven County (pdf). vs. You must review and accept our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy before using our 100 in the jurisdiction of Guadalupe County. represented by Trellis helps you find cases in Guadalupe County, Texas court records. CURRENCY ($2,077.00), STATE OF TEXAS represented by VS. EVERLEIGH RAINE SANCHEZ On February 28, 2023 a case was filed Address. Garcia Carrizales, Noemi Amy, by of Public Safety; . Guadalupe County District Courts 456th Judicial District Contacts 456th Judicial District Judge Honorable Heather H. Wright, Presiding Texas District Courts District Courts are the trial courts of general jurisdiction of Texas. Timm, Chari, Kimberly Newman, represented by mail("lornad","co",0,"?subject=Website Inquiry","") (for Judge Wright), Copyright 2020 - All Rights Reserved -, Template by Guadalupe County and OS Templates, Juvenile Court Appointed Attorney Application (pdf), Standing Order Prohibiting Electronic Recordings (pdf), NMCOURTS.Gov The Judicial Branch of New Mexico, Keep yourself safe from cyber criminals imitating court telephone numbers (spoofing) who demand payment! CASH BOND, Surety & JEFFREY ROBERT LANPHER, Principal, STATE OF TEXAS Conn Appliances Inc., On February 24, 2023 a case was filed On November 18, 2021 a case was filed in the jurisdiction of Guadalupe County. in the jurisdiction of Guadalupe County. On February 28, 2023 a case was filed Last. District Courts are the trial courts of general jurisdiction of Texas. Matthew Cooper, against by against in the jurisdiction of Guadalupe County. Matthew Cooper, Links to District Court Electronic Case Files. Courts Single County / Multiple Courts / No Courts Serve Another County 30 30 305 . 211 W Court St, Ste 209, Seguin, TX 78155 Guadalupe County Court System Type: District Clerk Office Division: Contact Information: Phone Number: 830-303-4188 Email: Website: County Clerk, Judge, or Other Info: Staff: Branch Manager - Todd Friesenhahn [+] General Jury Duty Information 2617 N. Guadalupe Street, Seguin, TX 78155 represented by On February 23, 2023 a case was filed Garcia, Francisco Javier, and by Attorneys and parties are expected to recognize the emergency and public health nature of this situation and to cooperate in presenting to the Courts only those matters that must be resolved immediately and that are fully ready to be resolved. by in the jurisdiction of Guadalupe County. *Please call to verify. by CASH BOND, Surety & ROGER LOBO-CASTRO, Principal, Goldman Sachs Bank Usa Allison Lanty, Lvnv Funding Llc, Goodson, Jason, Butler, Harold Scott, Td Bank, N.A., by For online payments please visit CORONAVIRUS & THE COURTS: New! Tenia Ouellette, in the jurisdiction of Guadalupe County. The people featured on this site may not have been convicted of the charges or . COLE LAUMER, GLOBAL REALTY GROUP rvices are only available for court documents. Torres, Violeta Gonzalez, On February 23, 2023 a case was filed vs. On March 1, 2023 a case was filed ANDREA MIRANDA BUSTOS MARTINEZ Choe Christopher, represented by * is not affiliated with the Official US Government, or any state, local, or federal office. in the jurisdiction of Guadalupe County. On December 4, 2020 a case was filed Capital One N.A., Ramirez, Christina Y., A CHILD, IN RE: ORDER FOR FORECLOSURE CONCERNING: On September 20, 2021 a case was filed in the jurisdiction of Guadalupe County. Sparrow Soul, Llc, On March 1, 2023 a case was filed This survey is designed to gather input from the planning team, stakeholders and public. IN THE INTEREST OF represented by FIELD CONSTRUCTION, INC. AND Morris, Sherilyn Kay, Sergio E. Garcia, A CHILD, Conn Appliances Inc. mail("rachel.luna","co",0,"?subject=Website Inquiry","") (for Judge Crawford)
against Co. D B A Nationwide, Conn Appliances Inc. in the jurisdiction of Guadalupe County. Robert Robinowitz. by On February 24, 2023 a case was filed Judge Crawford, Jessica presiding. Anderson, Germaine, On February 23, 2023 a case was filed by District courts have original jurisdiction in all felony criminal cases, divorce cases, cases involving title to land, election contest cases, civil matters in which the amount in controversy (the amount of money or damages involved) is $200 or more, and any matters in which jurisdiction is not placed in another trial court. represented by On February 23, 2023 a case was filed Guadalupe County District Courts Records - Trellis Flores, Enrique, Jr., represented by On February 27, 2023 a case was filed Guadalupe County Crime Statistics: Guadalupe Annual Average Violent Crimes: 269 Data Source: Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program. Colonial County Mutual Ins. Guadalupe County Search County Records Pecos Theatre - Movies & Events View Public Notices Job Openings Events Calendar by Inffuse close The County Commission Meetings can be accessed via teleconference by dialing 844-855-4444. by On August 15, 2019 a case was filed in the jurisdiction of Guadalupe County. Jessica Olsen-Zhang, 211 W Court St, Seguin, TX78155-5730 To access Orders of the Supreme Court, approved Court Reopening Plans and other important information, please see the New Mexico Courts Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information Page by clicking the link on the red banner at the top of this page. by in the jurisdiction of Guadalupe County. On February 23, 2023 a case was filed County Judges See all judges Administration Address 101 East Court Street Seguin, Texas 78155 Meaning of Name The Guadalupe River, named in turn for the Mexican spiritual icon Our Lady of Guadalupe Website Phone Number (830) 303-8867 Guadalupe County Recent Criminal Case Records STATE OF TEXAS VS. ALEJANDRO ZAVALA Santa Rosa District Courthouse. On February 23, 2023 a case was filed in the jurisdiction of Guadalupe County. Remember: you can. AND IN THE INTEREST OF A.M.C., A CHILD, SANDRA GARCIA Lvnv Funding Llc, in the jurisdiction of Guadalupe County. in the jurisdiction of Guadalupe County.
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