Chapter 354 - Theft of the Orb. The story of which when youngest Guardian and the youngest Avenger met while the universe is on fire. You cant deny that. **All oth My name is Jade. Ill let you choke on your snores next time., He didnt expect her hand to find his side, but it did, and he jerked away with a laugh when it squeezed. Chapter 359 - Thanos. "you could always check out this book! Was this what his parents had felt at the moment of his birth, he wondered? REQUEST!!! (Spoiler: It's because he's in love with Quill). A/B/O dynamics (Steve/Tony both)02. full-crack Mpreg (Loki/Strange, Wanda/Vision)03. turned to a kitten (Thor/Bruce/Hulk, Cap/Loki)04. soulmate-identifying marks (Rhodey/Tony, skinny Steve/Thor)05. high school AU (human Rocket/Quill, Steve/Coulson)06. vampire AU (Loki/vampire Bucky, "vampire" Loki/Tony)07. body-swap (Tony/Strange, Bruce/Loki)08. going undercover as a couple (Sam/Bucky, Kate/Yelena)09. codependent relationship (Cap/Strange, Tony/Bucky)10. life-saving (Tony/Bruce, StevenGrant/Mobius). Gamora could be afraid of forming a close bond with Quill because Thanos could try and hurt Gamora's loved ones. He was surrounded by his family and he was now a father to a beautiful baby girl. Super United Heroes: Galaxy Quest Chapter 5: Act 3 - FanFiction.Net Rocket then suggests they leave, asking if Gamora had the orb. Or Peter gets Gamora pregnant, she goes into labour and the gang are introduced to the new arrival with fluffy feelings all round. However, you were abducted by Thanos and raised as an assassin alongside Gamora and Nebula. First met Youre choking on something, Gamora continued. 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Peter refuses to leave seeing his music player is missing from his bag. Rocket misunderstands the intention, and the two have to talk. PETER AND GAMORA'S FIRST TIME All characters and locations are owned by Marvel Bette Davis Eyes is written by Donna Weiss and Jacki DeShannon Peter Quill took a last minute look around the suite, making sure every last detail was perfect. Or, more simply put, in the middle of the Infinity War, Rocket and Wanda get it on, in various places and various manners. Drax the. Peter and Gamora the fifth book of the "eternity" As they were on their way to the warehouse, where they were meeting the dealer, Peter and Gamora heard something different. 116 guests As if Rocket wasn't already having a hard time keeping his feelings for Quill buried, now he has to deal with a job that forces him to confront pain he has tried his best to forget. Is it late? guardians of the galaxy fanfiction peter and gamora pregnant While the trailer also reveals that Gamora is alive and will appear alongside the Guardians, helping them to escape a prison/medical facility. Peter woke up with a start. Guardians of the Galaxy (Peter Quill x Reader) - Wattpad Gamora is alive in Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. So they wont get too long and bother you or rip off in a painful manner?. Oh Sweet Child of Mine - Chubby384Dumpling - Guardians of the Galaxy BGM-Guardians of the Galaxy: Awesome Mix Vol. Both Rocket and Peter are astounded, easily agreeing to split the profit in turn for help in a prison break from the Kyln. Rocket considers himself somewhat rational. Peter leaned back in his chair. She replies yes but doesnt see it in the bag as she throws Peters things out of it. Stories about MCU characters. Safely aboard the Milano, the team is becoming acclimated with one another. Rocket grinned and tried to hide his tears by yelling, "Oh crap, I got some dust in my eye.". Scott That you would name your daughter after my own daughter that I long to hold once again has astounded me and I promise to care for this sweet child as though she were my own." What are you- Peter cut himself off, looking down at the remains of his fingernails now covering the table (he was going to clean it up later, okay?). Maybe he wouldve been able to get away with it if tickling was something that only occurred on Earth, but it wasnt, and Gamora understood rather quickly. ghostbusters villains wiki; what is the new name of eisenhower expressway? Outside forces seek to sabotage their attempt and, as if that wasn't enough of a problem, each of them comes with their own set of baggage that won't stay in the past where it belongs. as well as tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10. Written In The Stars: Peter Quill X Reader. After all, the tree humanoid loved drinking from fountains and could only say three words of English but according to Rocket he was actually a genius of his own kind and had many skills other than his strength and regenerative powers. Oh! She smiled in relief, shaking her head as if she was being silly. Gamoras absence in both Thor and the Holiday Special is particularly hard on Peter Quill as he has been left out of sorts since she disappeared. s s." However, the Gamora we see in Guardians 3 is an alternate version who was brought to Earth when Thanos invaded in the final moments of Avengers: Endgame. Considering that Gamora is the adopted daughter of Thanos, who literally wants to kill every living thing in the universe to gain the love of Death herself, the idea that Gamora's killed lots of people is probably true. So thank youStarlord." ! Rocket bellowed back, and Peter caught sight of him as he all but threw himself toward what they had temporarily named the medicine cabinet, which was really a very messy box in the corner. . On the ship, Rocket questions how Peter will get to the ship, but Gamora gives the frustrated answer that she didnt know. Marked as complete, because all the chapters are standalone, but otherwise, it's still ongoing. Rocket agrees that theyre getting out where hell sell Peter to Yondu for the bounty due him. The Guardians get caught up in a conspiracy that threatens the peace of the entire galaxy, and they once again must save everyone from a megalomaniac set on taking it overonly this time, it's someone who has a past with Rocket! Work Search: Groot was doing some sort of helpless dance in the middle of the room, shrieking, "I am Groot!" in a less than cheerful manner. Starmora is the main romantic pairing between Peter Quill, the Leader of the Guardians and Gamora, the adoptive daughter of Thanos. When the little child opened her eyes Peter gasped at the sight of her perfect blue eyes, so like his own mother, Meredith's eyes had been, that he choked on a sob as the little girl stared up at him curiously. Next Peter handed Meredith to Rocket, laughing as the raccoon fumbled with the bundle until it was secured against his furry chest. Something that was familiar and rare at the s 18+ CONTENT However, his reckless, womanising, music-loving attitude is not the best about him. Starmora is the main romantic pairing between Peter Quill, the Leader of the Guardians and Gamora, the adoptive daughter of Thanos. To evade Ronan, Quill and (y/n) are forced into an uneasy truce with four disparate misfits: gun-toting Rocket Raccoon, treelike-h. 01. He shifted his body a little bit so he could more comfortable. Gamora is having some weird dreams lately. Thing is, nobody told him life as a human doesn't make shit easier, even less when you've been dead on convinced being human would fix everything in your life. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words. Another loud shriek from Gamora had Peter tensing where he stood but once again he was reassured by his comrades (he still wasn't used to referring to them as his friends). Please consider turning it on! But after she was dramatically killed off in Avengers: Infinity War, how on earth is Gamora still alive in Guardians Of The Galaxy Volume 3? Thats just hiccups., It was as if the whole room just froze. At the mention of Camaria, Drax' eyes filled with tears and he smiled at the little bundle fondly. (s)he's on top of me and it is hot, hot, hot! Peter P Peter appears to have a mix of annoyance and disappointment from Gamoras comment, but she takes no notice as she tells them shes going to contact the buyer. Am 7. Im sorry for waking you. Thor Right? I dont freak out when you do your weird raccoony things-, -or when anyone else does things I dont do. He quietly watches from the hall while the prisoners sentence her to death for her "crimes against the galaxy." + Some chapters are now also available on Wattpad - you can find me there as LetUsWriteItOut XOXO! With no clue where it came from, they decide to investigate it and put a stop to whoever made it. Gamora shoots her gaze from Peter to Drax, unsure of Peters success while she is in a chokehold. ." 3 thanks to the events of Avengers: Endgame. They were both adopted by someone outside of their species. They just observe in bored fascination. Set a year after endgame. A story of Peter and Gamora as a couple as they go through their junior year of high school together. after the events of Thanos, all species alike were gifted with soul Izuku finds A mysterious gauntlet with power unmatched! Eventually, fellow prisoner Drax steps in to end Gamora's life for his personal vendetta against Ronan. "Guys," Peter said, lifting the baby into his arms so that his friends could see better, "Meet Meredith Camaria Quill.". Is that normal?, Peter blinked, his eyes taking in his surroundings once they got used to the darkness. Peter provokes real conversation toward Gamora about the orb, explaining how it seems to him in earthly pop culture references which none of the others catch onto. developers, or authors from publishing works on this site. All stories posted remain the property of their respective authors; Includes: They grew up under their "fathers" rules and believing their fathers never loved them, however, Yondu and Thanos both love them as if they were their own children. Sealing the deal, however, Peter tells Drax to spare her in order to lure Ronan to him to enact his revenge. "Drax is right, man." And he doesn't entirely wake up without fur, paws, or even a snout. Peter chuckled and petted Rocket's head, knowing just how much he secretly enjoyed the sign of affection. 2014 on Xandar Just be Rafe Cameron Imagines [@twinklelilstarkey]. Forget it. SabrinaCarpenterIsMySpiritAnimal - Works | Archive of Our Own Cant you tell?, That? Oh, everything made sense now and Peter didnt know if he should laugh or cry. Most notably, she was absent from Thor: Love And Thunder where the Guardians made a cameo appearance and also The Guardians Of The Galaxy Holiday Special. Wave a magic wand and make something better appear out of thin air?. She teased, turning back to regard their tiny daughter. What is itnow?. Shipping, ships; a part of today's society. The book that i swear to update every week! This feeling of belonging to a family and the love he felt for them was so alien to him, a feeling he hadn't felt in so long, not since his mom died. Gamora returns to her "fool" insults and says hell kill them all. He swallowed back laughter as they tried to touch his ribs and stomach, his body automatically choreographing a dance in order to get away from the prodding fingers. And what happens next? "I am Groot." Thats why you do this., Yes, okay, I aham. He tried to bite back his laugh again, but Drax had grabbed his arm and was inspecting the area under it with one finger. He crooned, rocking Meredith in his arms as he looked around the room at each of his friends. She begins to question how hell get there, but he brushes her off as he starts to leave. Can someone please- hic! Thats snoring, he replied, attempting to sit up a bit to get a better look at her. A marvel AUWhere an 18-year-old female is left on earth by the Ravagers in the middle of the battle of New York. After escaping the main prison quarters of the Kyln through the collective efforts of the unofficial "Guardians" team, the group gathers their things in the item detainment area. You can reques Takes place after endgame, Peter Quill is determind to find Gamora. In the prison, Peter is seen using his gadgets and eventually the orb to reclaim his music player. , Peter is thinking a lot since he met his fluffy partner. Both met when they were outside the Broker's office on Xandar and, later, they attack each other. He said, snuffling Meredith's hair with his nose and smiling when the little girl sneezed because his whiskers had tickled her nose. Its getting annoying.. left kudos on this work! Bruce Rated #2 starmora. What do we have?, Bandaids, some sort of liquid medicine for coughing, drugs for headaches-, What am I supposed to do? Wha- Gamora? set durin "I am bored! Its a normal Terran thing to get.. 1- Come and Get Your Love (by Redbone)The Milano flies through space to meet up with the Freedom Fighters and their spaceship, the Blue Typhoon. peter quill can suck his own dick it's true i saw it, nsfw fics ive written anonymously bc im a blushing damsel, The Rise and Fall of Rocket Raccoon and the Dumbass from Earth, Rocket Raccoon & Guardians of the Galaxy Team, but more action and less romance until the very end. Rocket has been sleeping with Peter (literally) for a few weeks now, but they're not entirely on the same page. Drax has a literal mindset, and is not a character who sees nuance in things. Peter was still lowkey freaking out in his head, and he was sure it was worse for them. Do we even have a first aid kit? Chapter 361 - Knowhere . [a innocent angel meets a flustered spiderboy] One shots with a marvel lady. Immediately, Rocket kicks her off her high horse when he remarks that she seems a bit self-righteous for someone under the charge of a murderous manic, bragging he along with the rest of the galaxy knows who she is. "Come and meet our daughter, Peter." Maybe there's a meaning to all of this? Rocket said, his furry face peering up at him. Youre ticklish. He said, which Peter took to mean 'You may come in now.'. Upon arrival, the lot is cuffed and following guards down a corridor. Rocket was right. 3 is due to land in cinemas on May 5, 2023. What happens when they start to develop feelings? Suddenly, Drax spots Peter flying to the ship majestically, and he and Gamora each put an arm around one of Peters to pull him into the ship. To retrieve the Soul Stone, one must sacrifice the soul of someone they love. Peter quickly threw himself forward, jumping down the steps and skipping over to the green figure of Gamora where she lay on the bed with a tiny bundle in her arms. Gamora asks how theyre going to sell the orb if theyre trapped in prison, but Peter defers to Rocket for support. Gamora grabbed his face, her fingers forcing his eyelids open, even though they were already very much open. Thats partly our fault. Her smirk almost made him blush, and he couldnt help but to breathe out a laugh. I will try my best on them PART TWO OF "Starmora: Decimation" An action-packed, epic space adventure, Marvel's "Guardians of the Galaxy" expands the Marvel Cinematic Universe into the cosmos, where brash adventurer Peter Quill finds himself the object. I wouldnt put it past me either. Also, I do take requests. He whispered, stroking Gamora's sweaty face and kissing her softly on the lips. Summary: Peter knows Gamora is the most dangerous woman in the galaxy but for some reason that makes her even more attractive in his eyes. Last but not least Drax entered the room, looking happy but with a hint of sadness at the memories that such a scene evoked. Starmora (+ Their baby) Fanfic :) Izuku x Rias from high school dxd. 3, she has been missing from their recent exploits. cr how do you bid farewell to the heartaches that swim in your veins? tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Rape/Non-Con, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (85), Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy (Video Game 2021) (4), Peter Quill & Guardians of the Galaxy Team (8), Rocket Raccoon & Guardians of the Galaxy Team (5), Drax the Destroyer/Gamora/Groot/Peter Quill/Rocket Raccoon (4), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Includes characters that are (at the moment) exclusive to the comics, Also maybe the Speed Racer movie a little, Peter Quill & Guardians of the Galaxy Team, Drax the Destroyer & Gamora & Groot & Mantis & Nebula & Peter Quill & Rocket Raccoon, I Wrote This While Listening to Florence + the Machine, Post-Movie: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. guardians of the galaxy fanfiction peter and gamora pregnant. Peter explains this quickly he just cares about the orb, and the money it costs. Turns out their little baby was capable of inflicting as much pain on its mother as she did on the numerous men she had killed. Here is an overview of marvel ships. Everyone visibly relaxed, or at least outwardly. A grin spread across his face and his fingers twitched with excitement as he imagined what it would feel like to hold his child in his arms. Fine. guardians of the galaxy fanfiction peter and gamora pregnant costco crushed tomatoes. Peter goes along with Rockets charade of knowing who Gamora is, but he asks Groot about her in a whisper. Starmora Stories - Wattpad While Thanos and his army were defeated and snapped out of existence by Tony Stark, this new version of Gamora was not, allowing her to venture off into the galaxy by herself. - Guardians of (Completed) Guardians Of The Galaxy: 5 Times Gamora Should Have Dumped Peter (& 5 Peter shows concern for the woman he hardly knows when he asks then asks Rocket if the guards will protect her, but Rocket voices his doubts of her ever surviving this crowd, especially with how corrupt the prison is. As fans will no doubt remember, Gamora was dramatically murdered by Thanos in Avengers: Infinity War as . Title says it all: a bunch of one shots about my favourite marvel ships. Gamora tells the crew she doesnt know what it is, only that her buyer is willing to pay for it. You still have a few more hours to sleep., Maybe I should go do that in my own room, where I can die in peace., Gamora slapped him lightly on the arm. Drax, Rocket and Groot on the other hand. I have nothing to do! Drax accepts and removes his chokehold while Gamora gasps for breath. Not telling Gamora any specifics, he instructs her to get to the ship while handing her the bag with the orb. 3 dropped on December 1, 2022 as Marvel showcased several projects at Brazil Comic Con. Little do the band of " ; However, he was drunk when he told her this information. Sorry. Gamora was safe with Groot. Rocket and Drax rush out with their stuff while Peter rifles through his belongings, Gamora behind him, to ensure he still has the orb. ' The guard ignores him, so Peter intervenes, walking into the guards area. He still didn't understand how Groot had the knowledge to deliver a child. teams up with a rag-tag team of 3 Marvel Studios. as well as Chris Pratt and Zoe Saldana Peter nodded at his girlfriend to go ahead and Gamora turned her gaze to Groot and Rocket. Her skin was an emerald green just like her mother's but her hair was the same shade as her father's. Good ol' Star Lord. They all looked doubtful, but they let it pass for now. Both of them are afraid of losing each other. (How in the fuck his eyes are blue now? Rocket confirms his description of Gamora to Peter by showcasing the prisoners hate for Gamora, explaining how Ronan and his lackies have killed many loved ones of the prisoners. Just because the universe is apparently coming to an end doesnt mean that some fun cant be had. Quill, dont you dare., Quill! Gamora turned toward Rocket as he ran up to them with the box, which was way too big for him to hold properly. Finally prepped for the prison area, Peter, Gamora, Rocket, and Groot enter the Kyln cafe area. You were abducted from the playground of your school after you ran away from your temporary home. Ship or Sink? How does she fit into the MCU timeline?Follow Anya on her journey of discovery and acceptance, where there are many twists and bumps in the road but will her relationships stay strong?Not posting anymore.
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