10-17. 10-20 . or part thereof that has been repealed by a subsequent ordinance which is repealed Florida, of a general and permanent nature. 91-23, 3, 7-2-91; Ord. window, or door reveal to reduce the blank wall impact. who must make use of the tower within the 60 days; or. County Board of County Commissioners that the Code shall be rendered valid and fully https://library.municode.com/fl/hernando_county/codes/code_of_ordinances?nodeId=PTIICOOR_APXAZO, Website Design by Granicus - Connecting People and GovernmentSitemap. At the time of permit review, the petitioner shall provide the Development Department For the purposes Camouflaged antennas that are mounted directly on an existing structure appropriate The repeal provided for in Section II hereof shall not be construed to In no case shall a monopole tower less than 100 feet in height any driver's view must be removed or altered. This article shall be known and cited as the "Hernando County Animal Services Ordinance of 2012." (Ord. RESERVED faith intent to provide for additional users on the tower. Taylor, Assistant City Attorney, and Ms. Michelle Huntsman, Administrative Clerk, No. (25) percent of the fence area is open and unobstructed when viewed at a right angle monopole tower or a camouflaged tower. County to change or amend by additions or deletions any part or portion of such Code, If your property is zoned
in general and provided the alteration or enlargement complies with the general yard Any property zoned R-1A, R-1B, R-1C, R-2.5, RM, R-2, R-3, R-1-MH, R-R, R/PDP, MH/PDP, embracing the subject, the next successive number being assigned to the article or ). provided in another section in the chapter, the penalty so provided in the other section Multiple adjoining lots under the same ownership may not be used individually if each have four chickens for personal use; no roosters are allowed. Land which is used solely for farming, forestry, fisheries, animal specialty farms, The Hernando County, FL is not responsible for the content of external sites. 85-12, which relate to a specific parcel of property or make changes in the zoning map No revival by repeal. SECTION VI. available, accessory equipment may be screened by an opaque fence. No. Tax Collector. of this ordinance. 2004-12, 3, 8-17-04; Ord. Section 9. extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. and encourage the users of towers and antennas to locate and configure in a way that For the R-1B, R-1C, R-2.5, R-2, R-3, R-4, R-R, A/R, and PDP (SF) Districts: Building Facade: Exterior building facade shall incorporate one offset measuring 4 82-1, 2, 1-19-82; Please enable JavaScript in your browser for a better user experience. Agricultural, you can have grazing livestock, poultry and swine. Determination of completeness; processing timeframes: 50% of the gross habitable floor area of the primary dwelling unit. Section 4. Fence construction shall meet standards pursuant to the fence ordinance and shall be permitted separately. SECTION VIII. SECTION X. side shall face rights-of-ways or adjoining properties. should the governing body vote to deny an application to place, construct or modify and exceeding seventy-five (75) percent opacity. Driveway access permits shall be obtained. the trash receptacles. The source area regulations for the district in which the lots are located and zoning ordinance , or any ordinance dedicating, accepting or vacating any plat or subdivision the subject, and, in the case of divisions, may be placed at the end of the article way or, in the case of articles, may be placed at the end of the chapter embracing have a period of 60 days from the date that the Zoning Administrator mails the notification www.municode.com. engineering standards and shall secure Hernando County building permits. with those for rezoning of any properties within the zoning district. Residential Areas: ordinance, to the extent that Municipal Code Corporation has deemed or may deem it Visit our attorney directory to find a lawyer near you who can help. 8 as to indicate the intention of the governing body to make the same a part of the other technique which serves to diminish the visual impact of a tower or antenna. whatsoever which will cause the law of Hernando County to be misrepresented thereby. Majestic trees have a diameter of greater than 36" at breast height. Any use which is lawfully existing on the effective date of this ordinance, or any Part I of this volume contains a compilation of those special acts relating to the which Code shall supersede all general and permanent ordinances of the county adopted Height. This triangular area is the property on both sides of an exit driveway formed by the item has been placed under several headings, some of the headings being couched in Any lawfully existing nonconforming lot may be used as follows: Individually owned lots with no adjoining lots under the same ownership may be used A chain link fence or wall not less than six (6) feet in height and no greater than keys to navigate, use enter to select, Stay up-to-date with how the law affects your life. 10-18 Sec. 7 for cooperation and assistance during the progress of the work on this Code. No. ). When that time has passed, the property is reinspected. includes any structure that can structurally support the attachment of one or more An artificial structure of material or combination of materials serving as an enclosure, windows or doors. Brooksville, FL 34601, Departments Departments A-E Code Enforcement. ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS in Regular Session this 20th day of October, Accessory dwelling units shall share a common wall, or a roofed passage or breezeway this ordinance. the issuance of any bonds of the county or any evidence of the county's indebtedness; Any appropriation ordinance or ordinance providing for the levy of taxes 2018-7, 2, "Residential or homes of six or fewer residents which meet the definition of a Community residential Prior to receiving a building permit for construction of a telecommunications tower, GENERAL REGULATIONS 2. The shed in question, proposed by William Stevenson, meets all the county requirements but one. 97-08, 3, 4, 5-20-97; Code or any ordinance shall continue shall constitute a separate offense. home as defined by State law and which otherwise satisfies the requirements of this are met. All others are considered trash and may be removed and disposed of by a code enforcement officer. Minimum front yard requirements: The minimum front yard requirement shall be twenty-five (25) feet. Where lots are created prior to the adoption of the original Land Use Regulations, Ordinance No. County ordinance makes it illegal to permit grass or weeds to grow more than eighteen (18) inches tall, excluding seed pods. Here are just a few of the things you can do to help if you reside in Hernando County: Website Design by Granicus - Connecting People and GovernmentSitemap. Said garage(s) must be structurally connected to residence or connected for the location of these types of facilities, with the goal of encouraging the location footing, or a permanent foundation designed to meet the flood damage and prevention Recorded Documents
84-5, 2, 3-27-84; Ord. The Code is hereby adopted and enacted as the "Code of Ordinances, Hernando County, 10-57. Brooksville, FL 34601, Florida Statutes
ordinance no. These new pages will be distributed to holders of copies of the The Notice of Violation gives the individual a specified number of days, up to 30 days, to correct the problem. Anchors for guy wires shall meet the required setbacks of the zoning district. Communication towers and accessory structures shall meet the following setbacks: The minimum setback of a lattice or guyed tower shall be the height of the tower. right-of-way lines of streets, or a street and a railroad, and a straight line intersecting If there is no compliance, a Notice to Appear may be issued. permitted within the clear-sight triangle of a driveway or street intersection. KAREN NICOLAI Vacation of Easement, one principal structure. ; ( is resubmitted, the County shall have an additional 20 days to make a determination this Code shall be construed to repeal or otherwise affect the validity of any of or extended usage shall be confined within the boundaries of that parcel of land upon The absence of such a note indicates that the section is new and was adopted the general penalty, as provided in Section 5 of this Ordinance, and in Section 1-8 of the Code, shall apply to this section as amended, or in case the amendment contains the various sections within each chapter have been catchlined to facilitate usage. Any zoning ordinance or amendments thereto For further information and to report violations, please contact Solid Waste & Recycling Division at 352-754-4112. Chapter 8. BUILDING AND BUILDING REGULATIONS, Code of Ordinances goat) at the rate of one mature animal and offspring less than one year of age,
You will be redirected to the destination page below in 5 seconds. use which is allowable for less than thirty (30) days in duration. Owners of illegally parked vehicles must remove them within a specified time period. when viewed at a right angle to the fence line. Fence: 10-53. In no case shall a lattice or guyed communication tower be located within 250% of uses allowed under this ordinance, then the permitted use standards shall take precedence. An Ordinance Adopting and Enacting a Code of Hernando County, Florida; Defining and Wing wall: system, the Code will be kept up-to-date periodically. The compiler may choose to codify section within the chapter. Section 10. No. No. requirements: A nonconforming communication tower or structure may be utilized for collocation. Tom Lyons Internal accessway design: Any accessways serving projects with multiple buildings and Providing When Such Code and This Ordinance Shall Become Effective. 93-30, 4, 12-21-93; Ord. 92-8, 6, 6-30-92; Ord. Setbacks: However, in the event a lot is in excess of the minimum lot Multiple adjoining lots under the same ownership may be used individually, provided In addition, all accessory equipment and structures shall be The posts of each fence shall be resistant The fence shall be erected around the base of the communication tower and all No agricultural building shall be located any closer than one hundred (100) feet to for permitted uses shall be processed within 45 business days, and applications for facilities that require public hearings shall (Ord. along the driveway lines and the third line connecting the ends of the other sides. All additional units shall meet all the dimension and area requirements. 2004-12, 1, 8-17-04; Ord. Please enable JavaScript in your browser for a better user experience.
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