9. Sea Run Salmon turn up in the regions lakes and rivers from January with numbers peaking in March. Cross the swingbridge and pick up the track again which climbs steeply to the scrub/tussock bench high above the Hokitika River. Located 25km from Greymouth. The lower reaches are best with access via Wanganui Flat Road (turn off at Harihari). It begins 12km north of Greymouth at Rapahoe Beach, which also happens to be a favourite swimming spot during summer. The West Coast of the South Island is a magical and mysterious wonderland, easily one of the world's wildest and remotest outdoor adventure playgrounds. River mouth angling is often very sociable, and I enjoy having a yarn with other anglers on the beach. Boat launching facilities are available at Moana, Iveagh Bay and Mitchells. Methods: Prolific weed beds make deep trolling difficult near the edges, but harling with a feathered lure is a popular method. Touch device users can explore . Hokitika River Map. Upstream tributaries like the Thomas, MacFarlane, and Clarke rivers are beautiful places with big red stags and some nice resident trout too. Glacier Country is a unique area where you can enjoy the freedom to explore New Zealands most diverse, unaltered natural landscapes - from the mountains and glaciers to the sea - and to immerse yourself in pure nature. For the more active a walk further up to the Montgomerie is recommended. Access: The lower reaches are accessed from the Atarau Road Bridge and the upper reaches via Mirfins Road on the true left. Whitebait Streamer Fly for Sea-Run Trout. This had sparked the idea in Phil's head about a grand "bucket list"fishing trip around the whole South Island, starting out on the northern West Coast and fishing our way south. Large wet (streamer type) flies such as Parsons Glory, Hopes Silvery, Dorothy and Grey Ghost can be effective in the right conditions, especially at night. Popular access points are Greymouth, Omoto Racecourse, Taylorville, Stillwater Bridge, Matai, Blackball, Ahaura, Totara Flat and Ikamatua. November 19, 2013. The good news is that many West Coast cafs and restaurants feature whitebait on their menus. Fly Fishing: A range of nymph sizes and weights is recommended depending on the water. Greymouth - Things to see and do - South Island | New Zealand There can be a good evening rise in the middle reaches during the summer months. Where can I fish in Hokitika? [FAQs!] - safeharborfishing.com "Strip slowly now" I advised Phil. About 15 minutes south of Hokitika is Lake Mahinapua, rich in history and breathtaking views. Bait Fishing: Bait fishing is permitted in all waters. Backcountry fishing for rainbow trout in the Hokitika River is quite challenging and requires a fair bit of walking. Catching kahawai (arripis trutta) in the Hokitika river mouth and shopping for greenstone and glasswork, we enjoyed West Coast ambience before heading south on a two week fishing road trip. At Lake Mapourika the boat ramp not suitable for large boats. The Hokitika River provides good back-country fishing for large rainbow trout in the upper reaches and has a good population of brown trout in the middle reaches. Take a leisurely paced journey through the West Coast, visiting lakes as you make your way down south from Lake Brunner through to Haast. Andrew, our affable pilot, put us down for a snow landing high above Fox Glacier and we enjoyed breathtaking vistas while standing on glistening white snow. hokitika river mouth fishing. As always fly size and presentation are the keys to success. Dry flies: Small well dressed dry flies are the order for the upper reaches in patterns such as Royal Wulff, Kakahi Queen or Blue Dun. Part of the appeal of South Westland is its 'wildness', which while providing for scenic values, often makes access to good fishing challenging. Fly fishing is productive but a boat is a definite advantage. Disembark the TranzAlpine train at Greymouth and pick up your car hire, or book at Greymouth i-site for your fishing adventure in this brown trout mecca. Much of it is accessible by vehicle. The strange this is that frosty winter days dont bother the sand flies at all. . Simply type the URL of the video in the form below. Backcountry fishing for rainbow trout in the Hokitika River is quite challenging and requires a fair bit of walking. Foot access is limited to the foreshore at the bay or part way around the Lake Mahinapua Walkway. The grey shading corresponds to nighttime hours between sunset and sunrise at Hokitika. severnrivermusic.com Informacin detallada del sitio web y la empresa Access to the Upper Ahaura is rough and best suited to the fit angler. Peterson Road (turn off at Harihari) follows the lower river giving access to tidal water, a short walk from road end. Greymouth Evening Star. Recommended rivers further south include the Paringa, Jacobs, Okuru, Turnbull and Jacksons. Mosey on down through to Hokitika. Heavy nymph in deeper runs most effective, but dont overlook the fish in seemingly impossibly deep holes. The trolling is every bit as good with a record 44 hooked on one day. The man who died while fishing at Paengaroa, Bay of Plenty, has been named. Take a leisurely paced journey through the West Coast, visiting lakes as you make your way down south from Lake Brunner through to Haast. The red flashing dot shows the tide time right now. Commonly used dry flies include Deer Hair, Mole Fly or a similar good floater for big water, Adams, Khaki Queen Coachman or Blue Dun for smaller water. 135 people follow this. 252 Beachside Motels & Holiday Park, Hokitika. Access: A boat ramp is located at Jetty Bay. The Arnold exits Lake Brunner before joining the Grey River 15kms from Greymouth at Stillwater. FISHING FORECAST Hokitika River - TIDES4FISHING The annual salmon run in the Hokitika River is estimated at 200-500 fish. MATIU/SOMES Island, 24.9ha (62 acres), lies off Wellington, NZ, 3km south of Petone and the mouth of the Hutt River.It was first used as a quarantine facility with the arrival of the 'England' in 1872, which was carrying several passengers with smallpox, the passengers and crew being quartered in makeshift accommodation. A delightful spring fed tributary of the Wanganui River. not many, if any got enough for a feed or 2 and to pay for some Whitebait Tips and Techniques. Contribute to chinapedia/wikipedia.en development by creating an account on GitHub. Peterson Road (turn off at Harihari) follows the lower river giving access to tidal water, a short walk from road end. Sizes need to be small. Much of the lower reaches are wide and the unstable shingle bed is not an ideal trout environment. Journey further south down the road where you will come to the small village of Ross, famous for being the spot where New Zealands largest ever gold nugget was unearthed - the Roddy Nugget, weighing a massive 3.1kg. Small bullies are the primary food source although trout will take an unweighted nymph and often rise freely to a large dry fly. Dreamstime is the world`s largest stock photography community. Methods: Bait and spin fishing are the preferred methods in the larger holes and runs, but fly fishing can also be productive especially at evening when trout often feed near the surface on hatching nymphs. Physical Address:2 Bert Mercer Drive, Hokitika 7810, Postal Address:2 Bert Mercer Drive, Hokitika 7810. Travellers on this route also have the opportunity to fish the Haupiri River. "Members . The river mouth is at the township of Hokitika and the river runs for many kilometres inland from there. You can do quests and set open nets at all of them that are available. Follow SH7 to Ngahere, turn right onto Nelson Creek Rd. To reach Iveagh Bay continue past Moana and turn off onto Cashmere Bay Rd. Fishing Holes offer a greater chance to get, Characters and their alts who have reached Renown 5 and have done the quest to create their, Characters and their alts who have reached Renown 7 and acquired their, Complete the two daily quests (each can be done once per day) - total restock of 30 fish, Turn in fish 20 at a time for restocking (repeatable). If you prefer the fly rod in the lower reaches for brown trout try a Parsons Glory or Yellow Rabbit. Two Fishing Holes are active each week; River Mouth in Waking Shores is always one of the two. In reality, kahawai can show up at any . The upper reaches are separated from the middle reaches by the inaccessible Hokitika Gorge. Hokitika River - NZ Fishing Adjacent to SH6 south of Fox Glacier. Fly fishing is best in the evening when trout often rise to hatches at dusk. On Mapourika, we had a great time, catching trout, and practicing stag roaring on a plastic horn I keep in the boat at this time of year. A forested margin generally prevents foot access. Learn about the town's heritage and hire a gold pan to try your hand at the Ross Goldfields Information Centre you might just find your own Roddy. All Rights Reserved fishingmag.co.nz 1999 - 2023, Alaska Salmon Fishing Kiwis Kenai and Brooks Rivers Highly Regulated Fishing, Tasmanian Devil Trout Spin Fishing Lure or Aquafoil rigging tips on video, Lake Coleridge, Canterbury High Country Trout and Landlocked Salmon Fishing MAP, Ashburton Lakes: Ten lakes make up the Ashburton Lakes Group, Ellesmere, Lake Night Fishing Lake Ellesmere River Tributaries, Rangitata River Trout and Salmon Fishing, Mahi mahi, Dorado, Dolphinfish Coryphaena hippurus How to Catch, Kahawai fishing on light spinning tackle, soft baits, and fly rod, Tackle Stores and Fishing Licence Agents in the West Coast Fish & Game Region, 252 Beachside Motels & Holiday Park, Hokitika, Arawata River Mouth Kahawai on Saltwater Fly & Ultra Light Spin Gear, Westport Tuna Fishing Cooking Your Catch in the Wok, Mapourika, Lake, Salmon and Trout Fishing, Westland Plus Salmon Study, Jackson Bay, Westland Sea fishing for groper, cod, sharks, tuna video, Whitebaiting in the Arawhata, Waiatoto, Turnbull, and Okuru Rivers, Ugly River Brown Trout Fishing Paradise, Westland, Catch and Release Exquisite Moment at Larrys Creek, Whitebait Streamer Fly Make your whitebait stand out in a crowd, Hotel Hapuka Sonnet by Pat Trembeth Grand Hotel Hapuka, Haast, Moana-Kotuku (L. Brunner), Orangipuku, Hohonu, Crooked, Arnold Rivers. Somewhat under the radar compared to other West Coast lakes, Mapourika has some of the most impressive mountain reflections and stunning views along with some of the best year-round brown trout and seasonal salmon fishing on the Coast. Turn west at the north end of bridge on SH6. Hokitika Angling Club - Facebook If you're after a chance to fish for wild trout, the lakes of the West Coast are perfect for you. To gain access to the upper reaches of both rivers, landowners must be contacted in advance. Wairau River Great access point to fish the lower hydro canal, the Wairau River, or even the Goulter River (requires fording of Wairau on foot during low flows). A short leader of around two meters is all that's needed. Would you like to be directed to the Salmon also swim up the Hokitika River between January and April while larger sea-run brown trout can be spotted chasing whitebait in the lower reaches around September to December. Check out and download the very comprehensive West Coast Fish and Game access brochure. Tourists crammed the boat ramp area making it a nightmare to back the boat down the ramp without potentially running over some dazed overseas visitor oblivious to Phil and Zane's most excellent adventure. Some of the best fishing we've had on earlier heli-adventures was on the lower Martyr and upper reaches of the wild Cascade river. The comfortable, fully-covered, all-weather fishing charter boat comes complete with a knowledgeable fishing guide, all fishing equipment and a bbq so you can cook your catch for lunch. The Haupiri and Ahaura Rivers both carry populations of medium to large trout, although numbers are typically fewer in the upper reaches. The vivid turquoise water surrounded by lush native bush is well worth a visit. Foot access is available to Carew Bay and Bain Bay via track, starting at boat ramp. Access: The main access is along Gannons Road off S/H 69. Download Hokitika River Mouth stock photos. Use weighted flies in the deeper or faster water. Approximately 4 to 5km of good water are available above and below this point. This website will not function correctly without javascript, Franz Josef & Fox Glaciers & Glacier Country, 2018 Leading Light Award Winners and Finalists, 2022 Leading Light Award Winners and Finalists. Word has it that after a couple of quiet years, the fish are fit for a fight so there's never been a better time for a fishing expedition, weekend or short break on the West Coast. Moana is a town that sits on the edge of Lake Brunner near Greymouth, West Coast. Some lakes also offer some significant pacific salmon fishing opportunities for Chinook salmon (oncorhynchus tshawytscha) with Lakes Paringa and Mapourika being prime stopovers for the nomadic anadromous salmon intent on heading upstream to their natal spawning streams. Brown Trout and Quinnat Salmon can be found in this lake. This is the largest of the Inangahua River tributaries approximately 4.5km north of Reefton. Glacier Country is Whataroa, Okarito, Lake Mapourika, Franz Josef Glacier, Fox Glacier, Lake Matheson and Gillespies Beach. Lake Kaniere, 18 kilometres east of Hokitika, is a glacial lake, used for boating, kayaking and fishing . Fly fishing is favoured but all methods are successful. If you catch a tagged fish please report to Fish & Game 03 544 6382. For more information on freshwater fishing on the West Coast region visit: Fish & Game NZ. Hokitika River. We offer visitors a rare opportunity to experience the untouched natural beauty of Te Whipounamu - World Heritage Area, while traveling in one of our custom designed fully enclosed jet boats. You should also give Lake Kaniere a try if you have the time. Interactive map showing regions and international airports. Methods: The shallow margins suit wet fly fishing (#6-8 Mrs Simpson or similar) or light lures for spinning. The Inangahua River flows through forest and farmland to the Buller River near the Inangahua settlement. The Buller enters the sea at Westport after its long journey from the Nelson Lakes. Copyright NZFishing.com All Rights Reserved | Site and hosting by iConcept.co.nz. Wet flies: Small wets work very well during the evening when the fish are rising. River Mouth Run Thick With Kahawai - YouTube The Rough also enters the Grey River at Ikamatua and provides challenging fishing for predominantly large brown trout. Other articles where Hokitika River is discussed: Hokitika: at the mouth of the Hokitika River, which rises in the Southern Alps and, fed by the Mungo, Whitcombe, and Kokatahi rivers, flows northward 40 miles (64 km) to Westland Bight of the Tasman Sea. Salmon can also be present in this section between Jan to April. NZFishing.com is the complete guide to New Zealand trout and salmon fishing. Milne on 03 738 0038. Look for West Coast Fishing Guides here. The lake resident salmon population is smaller than in Mapourika, but sea-run salmon appear from January on. Other Greymouth entertainments include sea fishing, fly fishing, and adventure activities like rafting and caving. Welcome to Hokitika, cool little town. Mid-late summer blind dry fly fishing can also be rewarding. Lake Mahinapua - a scenic reserve 10 minutes south of Hokitika, offering picturesque views of the . Hoping to get off greymouth into the trench an target some puka an bluenose, dont suppose you might be able to shed some light on the bar crossing an rough areas to target? a fishing and farming village at the east end of the Hong Kong-China border. . Popular sites are off the mouth of McDonalds Creek and by boat, in areas referred to above. Further inland the river provides very good habitat for trout and in the upper reaches there is some excellent back-country fishing. Don't miss this incredible location. It holds a high population of medium sized brown trout and is usually fishable in all but extreme flows. It is situated, oddly enough, at the mouth of the Grey River (named after a politician not the colour), a broad 120 kilometre alpine drainpipe into the Tasman Sea. Discover Stewart Nimmos unique West Coast imagery. This is a popular fishery close to a population centre so catch and release is requested. Phil Clark of Australia with one of the residents of lake Ianthe, South Westland. Lead line is generally used to reach sea-run fish down deep. The bar, which located near the city of Greymouth . Required fields are marked *. Simply browse for your screenshot using the form below. There are fishing daily quests at the active Fishing Hole that give, There is also a set of repeatable fish turn-ins that give significant. Easy access is available in the lower reaches which usually hold 1-2kg browns and sea-runners in early season. Stock photos, 360 images, vectors and videos. Moana is an excellent base for a fishing escape as theres a range of accommodation from Hotel Lake Brunner to campsites, and an endless supply of fishing spots on the lake and its tributaries. Upstream of Lyell the river lies within the Nelson/Marlborough Fish & Game Region. Hokitika - Wikitravel Turn off at Whataroa and the follow signs to White Heron Sanctuary Tours boat launching ramp. Targeting Mainland river-mouth kahawai - The Fishing Website So, what are you waiting for? The Hokitika Gorge is 33kms from Hokitika. Access: Lower reaches of the Karamea River up to the gorge may be accessed via farm land on either side of river but please leave gates as you find them. A unique little restaurant in a perfect location at Jacksons Bay, Haast. New ZealandMetService weather forecast for Hokitika. Today. River mouth Kahawai in the South Island In recent years interest in kahawai fishing has increased due to by a combination of both the numbers of fish that anglers are encountering with an. The village . Hokitika River Mouth, Aerial View, Hokitika - Pinterest Hokitika - Te Ara Encyclopedia of New Zealand The entrance to the Hokitika River was once used as a harbour during the West Coast Gold Rush; however, the sand bar at the river mouth created a treacherous and often fatal obstacle - resulting in many . If you are targeting the small runs of quinnat salmon try a small 22g silver zed spinner fished on 20 lb monofilament. Located by the sea, at the mouth of Hokitika River, Hokitika is the largest town in Westland District. Refer to regulations for season details. Upper Ahaura, Mr Bill Perry Ph 03 738 0221. You can walk to the edge of the water too. Hokitika Guardian. The Wairau Diversion (river mouth), Clarence, Hurunui, Waitaki, Hokitika and Haast River mouths are also well-known locations where kahawai shoals consistently turn up over the spring and summer months. If you prefer the fly rod in the lower reaches for brown trout try a Parsons Glory or Yellow Rabbit. Zane Mirfin and Phil Clark on top of the world at Fox Glacier. The middle reaches provide a wide variety of fishing waters that will suit all anglers and methods. Hokitika River. West Coast New Zealand | New Zealand Travel Guide | Rough Guides Mucking around on the side of the river, no whitebait were harmed in the making of this video. This website will not function correctly without javascript, Franz Josef & Fox Glaciers & Glacier Country, Adults $109 The Hokitika rises in the Southern Alps and flows north west to enter the Tasman Sea at Hokitika township. Hokitika. Jackson Bay a scenic 32km drive south of Haast and the last settlement on the West Coast is a working fishing port with a lobster cool store right on the waterside. The Southern Alps run down the backbone of the South Island, both defining and isolating the West Coast. Larger patterns such as a Muddler Minnow or Mrs Simpson also work well when fished deep in the lower reaches and bright patterns such as Grey Ghost or Jack Spratt are good when the whitebait are running. This is a good fishing river for all abilities of angler. In season, thousands of West Coasters can be found at the river mouths and waterways trying their luck with nets and buckets in the pursuit of the main ingredient for a delectable whitebait pattie. Hokitika River - Fishprep Surface swirls close to the boat confirmed this so we decided to drift and cast. With a population of just under 3,000, according to 2021 census numbers, Hokitika is one of the wettest places in all of New Zealand and traces its modern history to the mid 19th century. LOCAL AND GENERAL. Ashburton Guardian, Volume 49, Issue 79, 14 January Almost all the West Coast rivers contain sea-run brown trout in their lower reaches. The Hokitika and Cook canyon system is at least 650km long, up to 20 km wide, and up to 1000 m below the surrounding seafloor (reaching depths below the sea . Regaling Phil with tales of hunting trips past, I also managed some decent spotting jobs on trout cruising the shallows of the dark tannin-stained lake. Kokiri Bridge adjacent to the freezing works. Iskaara Tuskarr Fishing Holes in Dragonflight - Guides - Wowhead Reefton is famous for some of the best brown trout fishing in the South Island, no wonder as there are 12 pristine river systems to choose from within a 40-minute drive. Last year, we fished extensively around the Lake Brunner region, often using my boat for access to the many surrounding lakes with great success. Fishing in Hokitika It makes for an interesting stop where you can feed the salmon and then taste the product! Freshwater fishing licences are available online or from local sporting or hunting stores. Top 10 Things To Do in Hokitika | The Road Trip New Zealand Lake Poerua is a 24km drive from Moana or 8km from the turn off at Jacksons SH73. Kotoku; turn off the road following the true right of the Molloy Creek. Rai River Annual releases of large rainbow trout in this river (at this point). The Hokitika Gorge and the Lake Kaniere Scenic Reserves are two beautiful spots to take a stroll or just have a picnic. The lake was all ours with not a sole in sight all day. Posted by July 3, 2022 keto crab rangoon with mozzarella cheese on hokitika river mouth fishing July 3, 2022 keto crab rangoon with mozzarella cheese on hokitika river mouth fishing Access is available up and downstream. Accessible mid section tributaries include Kokatahi, Styx and Toaroha River. Methods: Fly fishing off the mouths of the few small feeder streams located on the southern side of the lake is the most successful, followed by general trolling. The walk is a short one at 15 minutes, but it definitely packs a lot in over that time. It is about 64 kilometers (40 mi) long, beginning in the Southern Alps, emerging from the narrow Hokitika Gorge after merging with the Whitcombe River, and flowing into the Tasman Sea just south of the town of Hokitika.The river then feeds into the offshore Hokitika Canyon, which merges with the Cook Canyon to form the . Spinning for cruising browns can be successful but wet fly fishing is best. It represents only a fraction of the regions angling opportunities. Jackson Bay is a working fishing port and a popular fishing spot in summer, it's a great place to catch crayfish and just meander. The lake holds good stocks of brown trout and wild salmon (including sea run). and it was only by the most complete protection, including thf covering of mouth and nose with special respirators, that the germs could be excluded. Most major river mouths and estuarine areas in South Westland fish well for sea-run browns during spring and early summer. An abundance of brown trout around 1 to 3 kg but for inexperienced anglers can be challenging. In the case of waterways with private land adjoining, where there is no marked access please ask at the nearest farm house. Deep water trolling is most productive for salmon along the western fringe south of the lake near the outlet, off the entrance to Jetty Bay where the main boat ramp is located, or off the roadside edge from Jetty Bay to the mouth of Redjacks Creek. The weedy margins make shore angling difficult, but good fishing on deep side of weed beds. . . Please keep the following in mind when posting a comment: Your comment must be in English or it will be removed. Access to upper and lower sections of most rivers south of Fox Glacier is complex and usually only possible with the benefit of local advice. Hokitika, on the bar-bound mouth of the Hokitika River, on the West Coast of the South Island, sprang into life in 1864 when gold was found at her back door and despite its hazardous entrance and the snags that infested the river Hokitika was officially gazetted as a port on 8 March 1865 by the Canterbury Provincial Government who was desperate . Brown and rainbow trout plus some salmon in the lower reaches. The lower River and Cobden Lagoon are well suited to kayak fishing, especially . Access: Foot access is limited by a forested margin and a boat is recommended. West Coast Fishing Locations and Access | Fish & Game Journey further into Glacier Country for the next leg of your fishing adventure. A large dry fly in any popular pattern, will often produce a fish from the deeper runs. The lower reaches see salmon in the early part of the year. Sports fish in this lake include: Brown trout. We recommend staying here for the night as there is a great variety of accommodation to suit all budgets and tastes! Aratika, sign posted on the gate. Hokitika is the only beachside, full-service town centre on the West Coast. Mouth accessible from Little Wanganui Hotel (Nth. Family friendly and suitable for all abilities. A statutory first offending inebriate who was arrested yesterday, was this this morning fined 10s, the amount of his bail, by Mr R. Galbraith, J.P.
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