727-821-9494. ", The post was flagged as part of Facebooks efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed. All being a Furry means is that you enjoy anthropomorphic characters. The only problem is it isnt true. "I get to the third row and I hear this 'meow!' The false claim nevertheless gained traction after being shared by Meshawn Maddock, the Michigan Republican Party Co-Chair. Accessed 5 Apr. A high school in Kentucky is having a "furry" problem and if you don't Supposedly, a female student was identifying as a cat. Enjoy The Healthy Aging Support of Collagen Get 51% Off Here http://www.healthwithlauren.com/ This is my FAV trusted source ^^^^ One California. FARGO Furries, people dressing up and acting like cartoon animals, are nothing new, but the issue of students identifying as cats in class has begun to attract attention. Put them on a leash to go to the bathroom outside. Feline humor, news and stories about the ongoing adventures of Buddy the Cat. Seven most shocking Playboy Mansion revelations from cocaine-addicted dog to Hugh Hefner's 'Pig Night' orgies. can't make this up . Excessive aluminum in the brain. . In 2021 and 2022, various American conservative and far-right politicians and media personalities promoted the hoax in response to . (Photo by: Auscape/Universal Images Group via Getty Images) As of late 2021 or early 2022, at least one . Meade County Students Are Dressing Like Cats, And We Support It First, the obvious, or perhaps not-so-obvious considering the media attention and outrage surrounding both stories: Neither one is true. A TikTok user, whose account name is @crazynamebridgetmichael, explains in the video posted January 11 (as per the video page source), that she is a substitute teacher and details a morning roll call with students. Theres a lot of chatter that there is a girl at West that identifies as a furry and the school board is debating on whether to install a litter box for her. Human civilization has to put a halt to these destructive behaviors. According to an email sent by the superintendent and shared with Local 5 by a district parent, that rumor "is simply and emphatically not true." It's a load of kitty litter. The video has been viewed and shared thousands of times across TikTok, Twitter, Telegram, Reddit, and other platforms, often accompanied by outraged comments and calls to reform "woke" public schools. Three doctors from the same hospital die suddenly in the same week, after the hospital mandated a fourth COVID-19 vaccine for employees. I dont want to lose readers by wading into a political landmine field, but most importantly I dont want anyone to feel unwelcome on this site. Dr. Paul McHugh, former psychiatrist-in-chief and director of the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science at Johns Hopkins University Hospital (and current distinguished professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences), echoed this sentiment when discussing the medical field and transgender people. No board members responded to the claim on the day of the meeting, but Sharrow's statement on Thursday dismissed the claim entirely. Join half a million readers enjoying Newsweek's free newsletters. And oh, by the way, transgender identities are just as silly as this. On the October 11 episode of his Joe Rogan Experience Spotify podcast, Rogan claimed that a school "had to install a litter box in the girls room because there is a girl who's a furry, who . ", The post was later edited to add, "I have no litter box proof. I agree, this starts at home with good healthy parenting. They are acting just as described in this article. "However, our Midland PS stakeholders may be confused about a false message/accusation that has resurfaced this week and is gaining traction in the social media realm.". In Michigan, a school superintendent also sent an email to parents to say the claim was false, after a parent stated it publicly at a school board meeting that garnered more than 80,000 views on YouTube. This is about stupidity not transphobia. Have yall heard about this? Sorry, no feline accomadations in the school. But here we are in 2021 and this is happening. A Facebook post says schools are putting litter boxes in bathrooms to accommodate kids who identify as furries. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); ***The Iowa Standard is an independent media voice. All rights reserved. What is happening to civilization? "Apparently, from what I understand, theyre called 'furries,'" the grandmother, who asked to remain anonymous, told WLKY. No wonder they get confused, self conscious, low self esteem, and a lot more negative issues. A furry is someone who role-plays or identifies as an animal, or an animal character with human-like characteristics. The inmates cannot continue to run the asylum. And lots of people of all ages actually do engage in fantasy role-playing as entertainment. Two curious stories relating to cats have been circulating online this week: In the first story, a substitute teacher claims she was fired because she refused to meow back to a student who identifies as a cat, while parents in a Michigan school district were infuriated by a rumor that the district was providing litter boxes to cat-identified students in school bathrooms. Please! Theyre all just like yours: A friend of a friend says it happened in their daughters district, or a teacher friend said she heard a school put a litter box in a bathroom. What in the world is happening? A SCHOOL in Michigan has bizarrely been accused by outraged parents of installing litter boxes in bathrooms for students who identify as cats and dogs. Fact Check: Cat litter in schools. There are websites that claim there is a catgender movement, but that is a different thing. I had NEVER heard of this and was just made aware of it this afternoon Furry influencers on TikTok are bringing the long-misunderstood subculture to a whole new generation. Pain In The Bud, FurryGate: Rogan, Boebert, Greene Drag Cats Into Politics With Claims Of Litter Boxes In Schools Pain In The Bud, Cat Gets Help For Man Who Fell Off Waterfall, UK Government Once Considered Cat Cull During Pandemic. Midland Public Schools Superintendent Michael E. Sharrow took to Facebook on Thursday to deny the claims, insisting no litter box accommodations had been made for any students who identify as a "furry.". Frankly, with all the unbelievably dopey Tik-Tok challenges out there, its not out of the realm of possibility that some kid, somewhere, has decided to try to emulate a cat to that extreme. & Now some schools are also allowing litter boxes??!!. The grandmother is urging parents and family members to attend the Meade County School Board meeting on Sept. 14 to request further action. Youre literally following a rumor mill. China threatens to shoot Nancy Pelosis plane down if she visits Taiwan., Know what they always find in Alzheimers patients? Kentucky school district: Students are dressing and acting like cats, For Iowa Republicans, its all about the kids, except when its not, Iowa school board member gets ripped for saying public education is 'not to teach kids what parents want. This isnt about mocking transgender people. A recent story out of small-town Iowa was getting lots of twitters and titters: The Carroll school superintendent sent out an email to parents to knock down a false rumor that there were litter boxes in school bathrooms to accommodate students who "identify" as cats. JavaScript is disabled. Im staying calm, but Im not happy about it, and its happened on your watch, and I dont understand it., Heres the video: (It should start at the relevant section, but if it doesnt, Hansen speaks at the 32:44 mark). On trips, instead of cartoons, I asked them. In Iowa, an unsourced, anonymous report claimed that school boards were considering placing litter boxes in the bathrooms, while a Canadian public school director took to the media to connect similar rumors in his [], [] Similar reports have popped up elsewhere. 20006, Florida Superintendent denies rumors of litter boxes in restrooms for students Students identifying as furries using litter boxes? Michigan But according to Superintendent Mark Martin, a petition isn't needed. A Michigan superintendent said a rumor that a school district has litter boxes on school grounds for students who identify as furries to use the bathroom is false. stated on February 13, 2023 in social media posts. Im just sayin. We were told there are students allowed to wear cat ears and tails while other students cannot even wear a hat. In Iowa, an unsourced, anonymous reportclaimed that school boards were considering placing litter boxes in the bathrooms, while a Canadian public school director took to the mediato connect similar rumors in his []. A Nebraska state lawmaker publicly repeated the claim then apologized when he learned it wasnt true. I'm like, 'Okay, what's up with that? Kim Reynolds and some GOP lawmakers are trying again to funnel a significant share of education dollars to private and religious schools. Or bestiality. But the other girl wanted to one up everyone, and decided she was really a demon instead. If we do encounter a verifiable story about a school district doing that, Ill absolutely write about it. I go through life being a cat - it's just who I am." "It all started in high school, I have always been into cats, I mean that's where my name came from. Suggests a January traffic accident involving lab monkeys was responsible for spreading monkeypox to humans. As for this particular subject, I have thoroughly looked into the viral stories about schools accommodating students who identify as cats, and theyve all turned out to be rumors or hoaxes. Go to the bathroom in a toilet and flush. The school reportedly said in a statement that its students were demonstrating a range of issues from mental health, anxiety or identity issues. Its a safe bet that the girl identifying as a cat fits this description. Furries In The Classroom | Thought Catalog Iowa Capital Dispatch is part of States Newsroom, a network of news bureaus supported by grants and a coalition of donors as a 501c(3) public charity. Teacher alleged she was fired for not meowing back at student who identifies as a cat https://t.co/L0UEBUFj3p, GmorningWeve reached the pinnacle of Insanity! Please consider a one-time sign of support or becoming a monthly supporter at $5, $10/month - whatever you think we're worth! The claim: A Michigan school put litter boxes in bathrooms for students who identify as cats A video of a central Michigan school board meeting went national in mid-January after a parent. Kentucky school district: Students are dressing and acting like cats. Just when I thought school couldn't get any weirder, Clearly, identifying as a cat is absurd and indicative of a serious personal problem. More people are discussing students identifying as cats in schools As usual, left-wing ideologues have created larger societal problems by refusing to address the main issue. I live about two blocks from the school board administrator in my county, whom through his wife told us that a young lady in our district is indeed putting up a squabble about being denied accommodation as a cat. When I read such news, I ask myself if the advent of the Internet was a good event. It doesn't make sense," she added. I understand that children do this because they want attention and don't know how to behave. Supposedly this is real. He said the costumes violate the school dress code: In Kentucky a spokesperson for a school said a TikTok trend has students making animal noises toward each other specifically barking. Fact check: Are furries getting litter boxes in schools? Or speak. go to the park or an animal shelter and maybe youll be adopted! Everyone Practices Cancel Culture | Opinion, Deplatforming Free Speech is Dangerous | Opinion. We thought, "no way." But then we thought"well, you never know." Oh, you are a human? "It is a source of disappointment that I felt the necessity to communicate this message to you., During the Dec. 20 meeting, a parent of a student in the district said she had been left "disturbed" after hearing a litter box had been installed in at least one unisex restroom in one of the district's schools for those who "identified as cats.". Sharrow said the rumor was recently brought up by a parent during a school board meeting on December 20 and has since been shared widely online. Last December in Michigan, a parent said she'd heard the same rumors. - pattesdechat.com, Another Viral Story Claims A Student Identifies As A Cat Pain In The Bud, Cat On The Street: What Do You Think About Humans Identifying As Felines? You know, this is being conflated specifically to invalidate trans identities which are real and which have been studied extensively, they said. As a Rivals site, does GIA have press credentials? I pointed out last week that we not only have men who identify as women (and vice versa), but we have whites who identify as blacks and human beings who identify as animals, including cats, dogs, parrots, and even mythical dragons. DEIJ Policy | Ethics Policy | Privacy Policy. Rumors began to surface that these students were permitted to use litter boxes in bathrooms to accommodate them, but the districts superintendent debunked such stories. Her post elicited comments from a former Carroll school board president, Jen Munson, that I warned people during the election about this type of stuff and from an area resident, Tristan Hinners, who claimed that Des Moines has students who say they are a dog and a falcon. The one thing thats certain, however, is that cats dont deserve to be in the middle of this mess. You guys are truly ignorant. Imagine that! We have excellent schools here. Cant even google interprete for you. Kat told Barcroft TV: "I have always been different. I warned you guys about this. The story was picked up by several widely-read sites, included in Tucker Carlsons daily newsletter, and reshared on prominent Twitter accounts in addition to going viral on Facebook. I will make contact with the local Humane Society so we can get a vehicle out there to get these unlicensed, unvaccined animals into the local pound. "This is still a problem. Joe Rogan Claims School Has Litter Box For Girl Identifying As Cat We did not find any credible news reports that support the claim. We rely on the financial support of our readers to exist. 0:00. Some furries even wear animal costumes or tails in public, I believe I'm a WOLF and I dress up using furry ears and a tail to howl in the woods, School accused of installing litter boxes for students who identify as cats hits back after parents outrage, Terrifying moment mum, 40, is swept away after leaping into frozen river in Russia as her kids scream in horror, Colorado wildfire update: Big Sur under red flag weather warning as pictures show 80mph wind damage and residents flee, British man beheaded with a SICKLE in Thailand named - as his ex-partner shares heartbreaking post, Ukrainian soldiers ready to 'tear apart Russians with bare hands' says general as country prepares to resist invasion, 'Conspiracy theorist' Lashawn McNeil shot dead NYPD cop Jason Rivera while on probation as criminal history is revealed. The Meade County School district is dealing with an unusual situation: a group of high school students is attending school acting like and dressing as cats. PolitiFact | No evidence North Carolina students seeking litter boxes If a bunch of teens are willing to eat poisonous laundry pods for a social media post, pooping in sand seems almost harmless by comparison. A SCHOOL in Michigan has bizarrely been accused by outraged parents of installing litter boxes in bathrooms for students who identify as cats and dogs. School districts in several states have debunked the claim that they are providing litter boxes in bathrooms. Lawmaker apologizes for citing claim that litter boxes are - pennlive Any cats involved? This whole furry thing has just got me. Our stories may be republished online or in print under Creative Commons license CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. Fact Check: Cat litter in schools - WHEC.com I understand that children do this because they want attention and don't know how to behave. The rumor has been spreading persistently, but was unfounded each time: An Iowa superintendent sent a letter to parents to dispel the myth. Just wondering, if you identify yourself as a cat, If you are sick do you see a doctor or a veterenarian? We have excellent schools here. I have two grandkids in school and my grandkids didnt want to go to school anymore," she said.She said the issue gained attention on social media once people started sharing photos and videos of the feline costumes and behavior, "I started getting videos and messages from kids, and I said, 'Ok, Im going to post this so parents know whats going on. I dont take a political position and will not, as its important for all cat lovers to feel comfortable reading the site and participating in discussions. Theyre also allowed to bark. In a recent interview with Norweigen radio channel NRK P3, a 20-year-old woman says she identifies as a cat. It doesnt make sense," she added.But according to Superintendent Mark Martin, a petition isnt needed.He said the costumes violate the school dress code:"A small number of Meade County High School students have violated the dress code policy during the early part of the school year. "She said its not a new problem. I cant stay in the same classroom as that cat! Please see our republishing guidelines for use of photos and graphics. ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) A rumor going around on social media has been raising some eyebrows. And what they need right now is acceptance and understanding, not further exclusion and alienation.. North Kingstown is in the news again as a school is reportedly allowing two students to identify as cats this school year complete with providing a litter box. '"The grandmother said a petition to end the practice was created by students and has more than 1,000 signatures. Initially, we laughed too. The Justice Department has been calling parents that are concerned about what their kids are being taught, they are labeling them terrorists., Sen. Marco Rubio signed a 2021 letter that supports waivers that would reduce visual track inspections.. St. Petersburg, FL The woman, who uses the handle @crazynamebridgetmichael, said she was taking attendance when a student responded to his name with feline vocalizations. If youve ever used the phrase Fake News now YOU can actually DO something about it! A substitute teacher was fired, after refusing to meowat a student that identifies as a catBy not meowing back at the student, she somehow oppressed him. And though school districts have issued statements debunking the story multiple times, some social media posts are still spreading the erroneous information. Not only that, but for you to also identify them as cats. GOP official insists high school installed litter boxes to accommodate McHugh deemed the current treatment of transgender children reckless and irresponsible. He also argued against allowing children to transition and equated the process to frontal lobotomies. He also stated that there would be negative long-term consequences of allowing children hormonal treatment and transitioning. School accused of giving litter boxes to students identifying as cats Even more disturbing is the fact that the private school she attends is willing to acknowledge her feline self-identification and permits her to act like a cat in school so long as her behavior doesnt disrupt the class, according to the Herald Sun. Make yourself available and visible to all students. They're furious. American journalist Jack Posobiec was arrested at World Economic Forum., The Uvalde, Texas, mass shooter was an illegal alien.. Though the TikTok post itself received only around 13,000 total interactions, the video was extensively re-shared by Twitter users, influencers on YouTube, posted (and later removed) on Reddit, and picked up by a number of media outlets, including the Post Millennial, Christianity Daily and NewsPunch. The latest breaking updates, delivered straight to your email inbox. Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy. It doesnt affect me and either way, there are myriad remedy to stop it. A SCHOOL in Michigan has bizarrely been accused by outraged parents of installing litter boxes in bathrooms for students who identify as cats and dogs. Many people are doing what amounts to an experiment on these young people without telling them its an experiment. Superintendent debunks claims of litter boxes in schools for students A furry. Initially, we laughed too. It's actually happening. Follow Iowa Capital Dispatch on Facebook and Twitter. Contact Editor Kathie Obradovich for questions: kobradovich@iowacapitaldispatch.com. An Iowa superintendent sent a letter to parents to dispel the myth. Wow! 801 3rd St. S Ethan started an online petition to allow transgender students to use public restrooms at Spirit Lake schools on Monday and it has received more than 700 signatures so far. "Vicki McKenna Promotes . sent in by a parent from NK. A young child wears cat ears while doing school work at home. Sponsor of Arkansas Anti-Trans Bill Says Kids Might Identify as Cats This is true in many states including the one in which I live (Tennessee). If they feel they are cats, they should stay home, get a liscense and a rabies shot and use their back yard or litter box. This is a cat-focused blog, so my interest here is the idea that cats have been dragged into the ongoing American culture wars. This is saying that kids who; Identify as cats, meow in class, and demand litter-boxes in the bathrooms, arent normal. I start looking on the ground, through the fourth roweverything's good. During her comments she stated that litter boxes were provided within MPS student restrooms for those who identify themselves as 'furries. "The rumor is that our schools have litter boxes in the restrooms to accommodate individuals who are self-identifying as animals," Casey Burlau, superintendent of Iowa's Carroll School District . The litter boxes in schools hoax (also called the litter box canard) is a false rumor alleging that certain North American schools provide litter boxes in bathrooms for students who "identify as cats", or who participate in the furry or otherkin subcultures. No, a teacher did not get fired for failing to "meow back" at a student who identifies as a cat. Only rumor. Whos doing it? And this little girl in the very front row says, You have to meow back at him; he identifies as a cat. Are you kidding me?, The student stormed out of the classroom when she laughed at him, she said, and the schools administration fired her: They said We no longer need your services if you cant identify with all the children in the classroom.'. High school principal says there's no truth to rumor of litter boxes "President Biden confirm(ed) everyone will receive their $1k gas checks this week!! Top image: A 20-year-old Norwegian woman who identifies as a cat. Meade County Schools will not discuss individual student discipline due to privacy laws.". Parent heroes will TAKE BACK our schools," Maddock wrote. Litter in bathroomsspare me. Doubling down on his denial, Sharrow urged any parents to send him a message in the future if they ever have questions about any "wild accusations that don't sound like something" the district would do. Find this story at Iowa Capital Dispatch, which is part of States Newsroom, a network of news bureaus supported by grants and a coalition of donors as a 501c(3) public charity. Did Salem-Keizer allow a student who identifies as a cat to bring a There is documentation of bull sharks in the Great Lakes. One of them decided she was a princess, and convinced all the other kids to wear these fake horse ears and tails. But if there were no Internet, they would listen to loud music and dress strangely. The schools superintendent, Michael Sharrow, was forced to do damage control with a public statement, telling parents its a source of disappointment that I felt the necessity to communicate this message to you., There is no truth whatsoever to this false statement/accusation, Sharrow wrote. Youre missing the point. The issue . Bizarre moment woman turns up at McDonald's drive-thru on a HORSE. These people will hiss at you or scratch at you if they dont like something youre doing. It was about a rumor involving an Iowa school. Teen Furries Reportedly Taking Over Kentucky High School - Jezebel a typical day of subbing! It is very unfortunate that this rumor has been spread over the last several weeks.. Obviously, this is the influence of some subculture or movement where it is necessary to behave like an animal. An Iowa newspaper reported some students in a small town in their state identified as cats. There are others but cant remember what. A short TikTok clip in which a woman claiming to be a substitute teacher vents about a school supposedly firing her for failing to respect a student's decision to identify as a cat has gone viral on social media. If youre on the right, youre might argue that some schools have gone so overboard with political correctness, its not a stretch to imagine privileges conferred on the allegedly cat-identified. For those of you who don't know what a furry is (I certainly didn't before I had them as students), allow me to explain. GOP legislator backtracks on claims students meow, bark, use litter boxes If these student animals are so messed in the head, lets treat them like a cat or dog! School districts in several states have debunked the claim that they are providing litter boxes in bathrooms. Do they perform a naked fat test on an animal? And this little girl in the very front row says, 'You have to meow back at him; he identifies as a cat.' Hey wait -I seriously allergic to cats. The litter box canard also serves another political purpose: Trying to scare parents. Fourth, they need to be kicked out of school for pets are not allowed in school unless used to assist handicapped individuals as a service animal. Thankfully for our furry friends, smaller brains don't necessarily correlate to lower intelligence. MEADE COUNTY, Ky. The Meade County School district is dealing with an unusual situation: a group of high school students is attending school acting like and dressing as cats. "To date, nobody has been able to show that there is a law for the average American citizen working day in and day out to pay an income tax.". Imagine being such a tone deaf journalist that you miss the whole point that this is about transphobia and mocking trans people. I'm a real-life furry and my lifestyle is no dirty 'cat litter box' joke.
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