- All prices are in USD. Not only does it help in hydrating the skin, it also eliminates the coats bad smell, if any. reduce inflammation because it contains lauric acid, which in addition to reducing inflammatory processes, also allows guinea pig fur to be healthier. As with all new supplements, start with small amounts, such as 1/8 - 1/4 teaspoon per day for small dogs, puppies, cats and kittens and 1 teaspoon for large dogs. Yes, guinea pigs will love to eat coconuts, their taste will entice them to try and eat them. Medical Disclaimer - Disclaimer - Terms and Conditions - Privacy Policy. [MENTION=35754]Waveley[/MENTION] - Scratching and biting sounds like your pig has mites, are you sure they don't? It may not display this or other websites correctly. Hello, i was given the same advise today as I'm terribly concerned with piggy scratching and biting. Lastly, coconut, when is given in moderation, offers good . I have a jar of coconut oil that I bought for cooking but I read you should use cold pressed coconut oil on them. Guinea pigs can eat a small piece of coconut once or twice a week. Hydrogenated CO should be avoided by everyone. You can also look for them online on Amazon or your preferred drug store. Guinea pigs should not be allowed to eat coconut shells because of the possible choking hazard and the problems that may arise in the GI tract due to its blockage. It may also help to reduce the risk of developing skin tumors. It has antibacterial and antifungal properties that are destroyed during heat processing. But, it is and here we are! I'm currently a pet groomer, and I love it. This will help your guinea pig to absorb all of the nutrients in their food and will also help them to stay hydrated. If possible, remove the coconut shell, which will make it easier for the guinea pig to eat the fruit, without any complications. The answer is yes, guinea pigs can eat coconuts, despite the high saturated fat content of about 89%. Apply once every 1 to 2 weeks for best results. A little bit of oil goes a long way so dont overdo it! Coconuts are a delicious fruit and are very popular all over the world, and the largest producer is Indonesia. Coconut oil is an essential part of a guinea pigs diet. Jenny and I had the pleasure of meeting the ladies who run this Coconut Oil business in the Philippines at the trade show we attended recently. Coconut oil is an excellent natural remedy for many things, including cleaning your guinea pigs ears! For more information on bonding guinea pigs, . Ensure that you massage properly. You have no excuse why you should not keep your little, cute cavies clean. Lastly, coconut, when is given in moderation, offers good benefits for guinea pigs, so be careful with the amount. There are some things you need to be aware of though first. Only about 10% of the fat content of coconut is unsaturated meaning that the remaining 90% is saturated. Today, pet firms manufacture multi-functional guinea pig cages in a variety of sizes to accommodate any guinea pig. I'll use myself as a guinea pig and state that since I've been eating avocados regularly for at least 53 years . Lauric acid as the main component of coconut oil functions in maintaining healthy fur in guinea pigs and other furry pets. However, it should only be fed in moderation due to its high saturated fat content. Grooming - Coconut Oil | Guinea Pig Cages If you are looking for a way to enhance your Guinea Pigs health, Coconut Oil is the way to go. 2023 GuineaPigMarket.com - All Rights Reserved. If you decide to use this product, do so sparingly and only in areas your pet cannot reach with its mouth. Whether youre in a fuckbuddy relationship, or youre getting together with someone you just met on the Local Sex app, some good music from a good sound , If you are looking for a great camera phone but dont want to spend a lot of money, you dont have to buy a mobile phone for the camera alone and accept the shortcomings. You may need to change the diet and include more hay and fiber in the diet. . When used in moderation, coconut oil is safe for guinea pigs and can be a great addition to their diet. Lets Discover, Why Do Hamsters Live Such Short Lives? Any wax or stains can be removed by the mineral oil. The fatty acids present in coconut are lauric acid, myristic acid and palmitic acid. One reason for this belief is that coconut oil can cause gastrointestinal upset in some animals. Dietary fibers play a great role in aiding digestion in guinea pigs. There's nothing quite like getting away from it all in nature. Guinea pigs can consume coconut water as it is full of electrolytes. It is best for guinea pigs to be given coconut oil once or a maximum of two times a week, adding it to their diet, as we must be careful because of the large amount of fat. Despite the high amount of saturated fats (about 89%), guinea pigs can eat coconuts safely. Start by dipping a cotton ball or Q-tip into the oil. The only downside to coconut water is the large presence of potassium and phosphorus, which in large quantities will adversely affect the health of guinea pigs, so pay attention to the amount. Joined Jul 14, 2015 Posts 9. Of course, moderation is key for guinea pigs to enjoy coconuts and reap the benefits of their health. If you know Coconut Oil, you know Bruce Fife, author of the "Coconut Oil Miracle" and now author of "Coconut Therapy for Pets." However, they love exploring new places and can get lost if care is not taken. Coconut does not contain large amounts of vitamin C, which is one of the most important vitamins for his health. I have Quinns Pure Coconut Oil which i use for cooking, do you know if i can use this on my piggy? Only coconut shells can be used as chewing gum to grind their teeth, but this should be done under your supervision and the risk is too great, our recommendation is not to do this with guinea pigs. Some people believe it has many health benefits, while others think it can be dangerous in large quantities. Coconut is one of the fruits that we enjoy all year round either as snacks or as additives to our diets. Not only do they help keep your guinea pigs skin and hair healthy, but they also help ward off parasites. So, feeding them twice or once a week would be just fine. Also, it has a more pronounced effect than other fatty acids in coconut. It can certainly help soothe inflamed skin and helps heal wounds. Hello!! Additionally, Coconut Oil has been shown to help improve skin health, increase energy, and help with weight loss. Have been given loads of info lately on coconut oil and how it seems to be a miraculous all rounder for treatment of all sorts, for humans ands dogs. You can use coconut oil as an alternative to mineral oil to remove earwax and dead skin from the ear fold. However, there is a great need to apply moderation when feeding your piggies mainly because of the high level of fat in coconuts. June 11, 2022 Posted by: when was arthur miller born . its a miracle in a jar. helen105281. kidney problems occur due to a large amount of potassium in the composition of the coconut, which can result in major kidney problems and even failure, but in small amounts of coconut, this will not happen to your pets. As a result, they accumulate in the perineal sac and cause discomfort. Yes! How to Use Coconut Oil on Guinea Pigs - Midnight Pets It is harder for guinea pigs to find their way back home when lost outside of the house because they have a poor, Read More How To Find Your Lost Guinea Pig OutsideContinue, The contents of the https://moreguineapigs.com website, such as text, graphics, images, and other material contained on the site (Content) are for informational purposes only. Yes, guinea pigs can eat coconuts, they are safe for them as long as they eat them in moderation. Some people believe coconut oil is safe for guinea pigs, as it has been used for centuries in many cultures for various purposes. Too Much Can Be Bad, Health Benefits of Coconuts for Guinea Pigs, 4) Coconut Oil for Guinea Pigs Skin (Topical benefits), How To Safely Give Coconuts To My Guinea Pigs. In todays article, we will find out how good coconuts are for guinea pigs, how to give them to eat, and what are the risks if they overdo eating these fruits. Regularly cleaning its bottom side is one of the ways of ensuring that your cavy is healthy and happy. Fungal infections - VCO Coconut Oil has anti-fungal properties AND it is very soothing when applied AND it is not toxic to your guinea pig. But we cant forget our hairless friends either. Use similarly for cats and other animals. However, you should be careful not to allow the oil to flow down through the ear canal. Coconut oil is not to be given to guinea pigs as a regular diet due to its high-fat content but it can be added to their food preferably, once or twice a week. The prominent challenge people have with using coconut oil on guinea pigs is that they dont know whether it is safe. CocoTherapy Organic Virgin Coconut oil is 100% pure and natural: Recommended amount to give: 1 teaspoon (5ml) per 10 pounds (5kg) of body weight, or 1 tablespoon (15ml) per 30 pounds (13.6 kg) of body weight. Coconut water and coconut milk can occasionally be given to guinea pigs, while the husk should not be eaten. It can help to keep the pigs skin moisturized. Coconut oil with its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties contributes to improving the condition of the fur of your furry pets. In guinea pigs, undiluted Cocos nucifera (coconut) oil was found to not be a sensitizer. 2.1 Coconut Oil Guinea Pig's Skin; 2.2 Reduce Inflammatory Reactions; 3 Health Benefits of Coconuts for Guinea Pigs. Yes, Coconut is highly favored by the guinea pigs and they look forward to nibbling on coconut flesh. I love animals, and I have three beautiful boys. Some of these links may be affiliate in nature, meaning we earn small commissions if items are purchased. This means that it is not easily digested by the body and can cause problems if ingested in large quantities. Welcome to Good House Pets. We really recommend this book to learn more. Yes, guinea pigs can feed freely with coconut milk, as it is actually a coconut fruit in liquid form. Rubbing coconut oil on your pets skin another great way to use it. You almost kind of have to rub off the excess, or you will have a very buttery pig . Give your skinny guinea pig a very gentle wipe down with a soft cloth, and apply some oil to their skin, missing out the face and inner ears. When it comes to our cavy friend, we might just want to pause a little bit to ask Is coconut safe for guinea pigs? It also has anti-bacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties which prevent infection. We occasionally link to goods offered by vendors to help the reader find relevant products. Also, Im glad youve gone this far in trying to make the best diet choices for your piggies. To clean your guinea pigs grease glands with coconut oil: Thats it! I love animals, and I have three beautiful boys. Guinea pigs produce enough oil to keep their skin moist if comfortable and get a good diet. What are the benefits of coconut for guinea pigs? Whether youre looking to improve their coat or dry skin conditions, treat minor wounds, or combat fungal infections, coconut oil is an essential product for any guinea pig parents. All You Need To Know. It can help to reduce the amount of hair shedding. You might be interested in Can Guinea Pigs Eat Coconut? Gently insert the cotton ball into the guinea pigs ear and hold it there for a few minutes. Joined Jan 27, 2010 Messages 18,878 Reaction score 10,549 Points 2,155 Location Herts. Avoiding anything with additives is a must as well, as these can also be harmful to your guinea pig. Coconut oil is also low in vitamin C, which is vital for the health of your Guinea Pig. It can be used in many different ways. It is essential to use a pure, unrefined oil and massage it thoroughly into the skin. Do you want to clean your guinea pig and wonder if mineral oil is safe for guinea pigs or not? is coconut oil safe for guinea pigs skin - ollas-diffusion.com What distinguishing features do guinea pigs share with other rodents? If you used coconut oil, a small amount of guinea pig-safe shampoo may be needed to wash away all of the oil. Humans make use of coconuts for a wide range of culinary and non-culinary activities which include frying, manufacturing creams, cosmetics, hair oil, and producing ropes, mats and brushes. You should regularly clean the guinea pigs ears about 2-3 times a year. I just got a skinny for the first time. You can also apply it directly to their skin by gently massaging it. Coconuts are more common in tropical regions and have become a popular heritage of the tropics. We will talk about, Read More How To Play With Guinea PigsContinue, Guinea pigs are known for displaying a variety of behaviors while eating, breathing, and drinking. And I was wondering what to use to moisturize his skin. What's new New posts New media New articles New media comments New article comments Latest activity JavaScript is disabled. While coconut oil nuts can be ingested by cavies to supply nutrients to them, there is more to it. How are CAT-5, CAT-5e, and CAT-6 Ethernet Different? My pigs have a bit of dry skin on their feet and I remember reading in the forum you can use coconut oil for dry skin. However, if the condition does not improve, or if it gets worse, you should consult your veterinarian. I'm currently a pet groomer, and I love it. I'm Celestine Gomez, worked for 5 years in an animal shelter in Los Angeles, California. It is always useful to access the benefits and risks of any food you plan feeding to your guinea pigs. All You Need To Know, Can Hamsters eat Chicken? He said: "Thinking about how I have to rub out my guinea pig with coconut oil every 3 weeks because she has dry skin." And he's not lying. Having noticed the inherent passion and zeal in me to care for pets, I took a step further to create a team of I and like-minded individuals to provide an informative resource in order to broaden the knowledge base of a regular pet owners. Regularly help remove the droppings from their anal sac. To use coconut oil on a guinea pig, simply melt a small amount and apply it gently with a brush or your fingers. The coconuts are grown in a USDA certified organic coconut farm. The only thing to watch out for is the quantities, they should always be moderate. My dog loves just a little bit of coconut or olive oil in her food and it also helps with her dry skin and shedding. Make sure to clean any grease off of their fur afterward with a damp cloth. . It's so rewarding to help pets look and feel their best. Coconuts are safe for guinea pigs and free of any sort of harmful toxins. Its supposed to be brilliant for fungal treatment, arthritis, a lustrous coat, the list goes on and on! Coconut oil is very effective for hydrating the skin of guinea pigs that have dry skin or dandruff and flaky skin. This gland helps them to secret scents for marking their territories. The most common skin problems in cavies are ringworm (a fungus) and mange mites. Is coconut oil safe for guinea pigs, or is coconut toxic to guinea pigs? It is also a good source of lauric acid, which can help fight harmful bacteria and viruses. Coconuts may be very popular among humans but quite strange in the little world of cavies. However, others believe that coconut oil could be harmful to guinea pigs. 3 Reasons Why Wired Ethernet is Better Than Wi-Fi. In addition, coconuts provide protection to the body against harmful microbes like bacteria, viruses and fungi. We must first emphasize that coconut milk is not actually a dairy product, it is an opaque liquid that is obtained by grating the coconut fruit itself. Nutrition - is coconut oil safe to ingest | Guinea Pig Cages Our Fungi Spray you can spray your Guinea pig ,Cat or Hedgehog or any small animal or their enclosure its been proven to help cut down and eliminate Fungus spores and on your pet . Yes, guinea pigs can eat dry coconut in moderation.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'petsanimalsworld_com-mobile-leaderboard-1','ezslot_14',698,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-petsanimalsworld_com-mobile-leaderboard-1-0'); Dry coconut is similar to coconut chips so two pieces are just enough for your guinea pigs. In this way, the overall immunological function of the body is enhanced. Guinea pig owners should be aware of their pets unusual actions so that they can see a, Read More Why Does Your Guinea Pig Rock Back and Forth?Continue, Are guinea pigs rodents? Thanks for the advise, I'm a new mommy , got piggy 3 weeks ago and hes approx 9 weeks old. Benefits And Risks, Can Hamsters Eat Bananas? I've always been an animal lover, and I've worked in the pet industry. Coconuts are safe for guinea pigs and free of any sort of harmful toxins. Benefits And Risks. Our recommendation is to give coconuts only occasionally due to the high amount of fat, they can not be a regular food for your furry pets. VCO Coconut Oil - Guinea Pig Market Is Coconut Oil Good For Your Skin? - Cleveland Clinic Breeding But I am wondering if it is safe for them to eat. Register for free to enjoy the full benefits. You just need to watch the amount you give them - too much and they could become overweight. Cleaning helps to remove the earwax and dead skin that can attract mites and make your cavies uncomfortable. You are using an out of date browser. Unlike many other harsh chemicals, topical application of this natural oil will not harm your guinea pig's delicate skin. Heres how to use Coconut Oil on guinea pigs: The best way to give your guinea pig Coconut Oil is by adding it to their food. Not only is coconut oil effective, but its also relatively inexpensive. If left uncleaned can cause infection and irritation. Waveley Member. Excessive consumption of coconut can lead to kidney problems, indigestion, heart problems, and diabetes. Is coconut oil safe for guinea pigs skin? Unlike many other harsh chemicals, topical application of this natural oil will not harm your guinea pigs delicate skin. However, exaggerated movements of body parts can be a sign of any problem so why does Your Guinea Pig Rock Back and Forth? Yes. It can be used on skinny pigs to keep the skin in good condition. Well, that depends on the severity of anal impaction. Remove the cotton ball and dispose of it. Why do you put Coconut Oil on guinea pigs? I think it's the cold pressed quality of the coconut oil that's important. What are the side effects of coconut for guinea pigs? Once all the soap or oil is gone, remove your pet promptly and wrap them in a towel to stay warm. Cleaning guinea pigs ears with mineral oil or any other appropriate cleaning liquid. This problem is more common in some breeds than others. If you have any concerns about using this product on your mini pig, it is always best to speak with a veterinarian first. Just apply very lightly and leave on, but if your pig has mites (which are under their skin) then this won't do any good at all. I had a humidifier going on for months more so to help me since I get sinus infections really easy. Coconut Oil Treats for Mini Pig Dry Skin | Life with a Mini Pig weight gain because coconut contains a lot of fat, if guinea pigs eat coconut often, be sure to gain weight. The peel can cause choking problems in their digestive system.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'petsanimalsworld_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_2',692,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-petsanimalsworld_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0'); Stick to the coconut fruit, and avoid the husk, there is no reason to expose your pets to unnecessary risk. It is essential to use a pure, unrefined oil and massage it thoroughly into the skin. It certainly wasn't part of their diet in the wild. 4.1 The Potassium Level of Coconut Flesh Is Too High. We are grateful and encourage you to explore the site for topics related to guinea pig keeping as a pet. The grease can form lumps in hairs that are difficult to clean especially in long-haired guinea pigs.
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