Not that I would accuse you of this enslavement, mind you, but some of your advertisements seem to appeal to this deadly sin. Instead of getting rich by saving, we are told to spend money in order to "help the economy." Here he is pictured with his wife, Allison Rivera. In the "Unsolved Mysteries" episode "Mystery on the Rooftop," Netflix examines the mysterious death of Rey Rivera, who once called Winter Park home. He said he personally spoke with a detective on June 23, 2006, which was after Baier was reassigned and when another detective, Marvin Sydnor, had the case. As the savings rate rises above 2% in the USA, a lot of this money (and 401(k) money redirected from stocks) will be put into bonds, driving interest rates lower. During the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, an enemy bomb exploded near his ship and knocked the electric power off-line. Alex Jones is a rumored asset and Stansberry has made appearances on his show. Stansberry was found guilty of security fraud in 2007 and fined $1.5 million. The Netflix documentary claims that Porter Stansberry refused to speak to or cooperate with investigators or media following Rey Riveras disappearance and death, and gag ordered his companys employees from doing so as well. The two parties may love each other, and cheat on one another, too. He said hes even been questioned by friends and potential business partners. *** And our own correspondent from Pittsburg, Byron King:When you talk about "faith" in the context of modern American society, I certainly understand your point. When not binge-watching the latest series on Netflix, she is busy singing along to her favorite artists/showtunes, consuming too many coffees a day and dreaming about penning her next big story. porter stansberry According to the Baltimore Sun, Stansberry offered a $1,000 reward for information about Rivera when he first disappeared, and it was increased to $5,000. In my opinion, you manage to do all this despite the handicap of being Christians and thus having been trained since childhood to treat faith as a virtue.". Webit relates to activities of F. Porter Stansberry ("Mr. Stansberry") that are subject to the Solicitation Rule. Not Addison, he nearly spilled his coffee. The circumstances of Rivera's demisehavesparked various online rumors, including speculation that Stansberry was somehow involved, with the most damning evidence being that gag orders were placed on his company employees. Stansberry founded Stansberry Research (previously Stansberry & Associates Investment Research), a private publishing company based in Baltimore, Maryland, in 1999. [1] He is the author of the monthly newsletter, Stansberry's Investment Advisory, which covers investments and investment theory in commodities, real estate, and the stock market. Faith works. The inflation surge is a big head fake. A man does not enter into a real marriage in a lighthearted waybut soberly, solemnlyas if he were going to his own funeral. Porter Stansberry has gone all-in these days he retired from Stansberry Research a couple years ago (though hes still a large owner of Marketwise (MKTW), Stansberrys parent company that went public through a SPAC merger), and earlier this year he launched a little Substack subscription with a few of his old friends, called The There was no gag order or direction given to employees to not speak to the press, law enforcement or any other party, Churbuck told The Sun. Porter had started a financial advising organization called Stansberry Rivera, an aspiring screenwriter, had moved from Los Angeles with his wife to take what Stansberry says was an entry-level position at his company writing a financial newsletter called the Rebound Report., When Rivera went missing, Stansberry said, he hired a private investigator, offered a reward and personally helped look for Rivera. They relocated so that Rivera could work with his friend, Porter Stansberry, as a writer and editor of a financial newsletter, which had a sordid reputation. Its a question that is currently plaguing the capital markets, and one that makes this such a speculative environment to trade in. But when you mentioned your partner I thought you were talking about yourwellyour partner. Thats what gay guys call their lovers. After over a week with no sign of life, phone communication, or bank activity, Allison and her parents spotted Reys car in a downtown parking lot on May 26. At the reception, a young lady asked Bill if he was gay, "But man, proud man,Drest in a little brief authorityPlays such fantastic tricks before high heavenAs make the angels weep. In 2003 he told subscribers that investing in the company behind a unproven AIDS vaccine was the only realistic chance to make 50 times your money in the short term., Stansberrys promotion of the AIDS vaccine company, VaxGen, was discounted by the companys own spokesman, who described the tone and manner of Stansberrys pitch as very objectionable.. You may call a sewer rat "lapin" and serve it up with carrots a lorange. Q.V. I suppose that it is a rare politician who is willing to risk getting his bow blown off. By submitting your email to receive this newsletter, you agree to our. Rivera's story is also explored in the 2018 book An Unexplained Death: The True Story of a Body at the Belvedere by Mikita Brottman, who at the time of Reys death, lived in the Belvedere. Its completely untrue, Stansberry said of the claims. Defendants suggested that its readers could cash in on the inside information and make quick profits. Here he is pictured with his wife, Allison Rivera. Allison Rivera has said that her husband was in good spirits, though anxious about work. Instead of giving money to the poorwe borrow money from them. But as the weight of debt builds up, the whole nation is crushed by sham. But if you study the charts, and if the lines continue to move in parallel, that will not be what happens. In 2003 the Securities and Exchange Commission filed a complaint against him for peddling false information to subscribers of his financial newsletter. ", "I do a lot of public speaking," said Porter after the wedding was over. The warnings help us see the coming danger: Proverbs 27:12 (ESV) The prudent sees danger and hides himself, but the simple go on and suffer for it., "And, in gratitude for the warnings you provide for us, let me also pass a caution to you: Dont get caught in the same greed as those reckless and stupid people you write about. By Bill Bonner Addison had become so worked up about Japan, real estate crashes and deflationary spirals that he had raised his voice and was distracting the rest of the office. Remembering Summer Taylor, the Seattle Protester Struck by a Car. September 17, 2004. As the economy weakens, inflation rates could drop towards 0%and deflation remains a potent threat. This is a long-term position. Instead of getting rich by saving, we are told to spend money in order to "help the economy." Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition." Rey Rivera's long-time friend still has major ties to the financial industry. Riveras case was featured as the first episode of the new season of Unsolved Mysteries, and reached No. Its horrific, Stansberry said. Two days after "Mystery on the Rooftop" premiered, The Baltimore Sun published an article with quotesfrom Stansberry that aren't cited in Unsolved Mysteries. According to ):Some sectors, however, prospered as a result of the attacks. Porter Stansberry got married last weekend. Short of hiring a private eye, it's hard to tell whether Porter is married, whether he graduated from college or what credentials he has to qualify him as a financial seer. Stansberry responded that his first recommendation was that Americans should open a foreign bank account. is Porter Stansberry *** "I was fascinated to hear about Pastor Nordbergs comments regarding the future. We read it in the paper. Stansberry Research also runs the websiteAmerican Consequences, which focuses on"the worlds biggest absurdities." Package theft, or porch piracy, is on the rise and with Christmas coming quickly its important to protect yourself, and your goods. We do not say that to be gloomy about it. Porter Stansberry - WebPorter L. Stansberry (1923-1988) - Find a Grave Memorial Married first to Georgia Featherston in 1954. My theory is that Porter was an IC asset running a controlled opposition project with his conspiracy newsletters as just one of his assignments. (Stansberry also refused to talk to the Unsolved Mysteries creators.). To get better results, add more information such as Birth Info, Death Info and Location Its completely a lie, Stansberry said. The sailor said, "Hey Father, do you have a prayer for us?" The whole point of the book of Proverbs is that what ought to happen usually does. He also writes a list of dead people, including the filmmaker Stanley Kubrick. Porter Stansberry. Frank Porter Stansberry is an American financial publisher and author. Stansberry founded Stansberry Research (previously Stansberry & Associates Investment Research), a private publishing company based in Baltimore, Maryland, in 1999. He is the author of the monthly newsletter, Stansberry's Investment Advisory, In "Unsolved Mysteries" episode "Mystery on the Rooftop," Netflix examines the mysterious death of Rey Rivera (top right), who was once a water polo star at Winter Park High School in Florida. But chances are we wont know any more details unless he breaks that silence. Any suggestion to the contrary is untrue.. Rivera went missing on May 16, 2006, and a guest at his North Baltimore home said he darted out and never returned. Prior to launching S&A, Porter was the first American editor of the Fleet Street Letter, the worlds oldest English-language financial newsletter. Theres near unanimity in the Paradigm Editorial Zoom Chat: its time to load up on gold. But no man, no legislature, no bungling bunch of committeemen set things up so that a men and women get together. Porter Stansberry, who has not spoken publicly about the case since the first days of Riveras disappearance, told The Baltimore Sun that he was shocked and hurt by the shows insinuations. Since he launched Stansberrys Investment Advisory, his string of accurate forecasts has made his advisory one of the most widely read in the world, and has helped his readers both avoid catastrophe and make incredible gains. His other works includeMobs, Messiahs and Markets(with Lila Rajiva), Dice Have No Memory, and most recently,Hormegeddon: How Too Much of a Good Thing Leads to Disaster. Rivera and his wife Allison had recently moved to Baltimore so he could take a job writing financial newsletters for his good friend Porter Stansberrys financial company. He also suggested that people create trusts to protect their wealth and invest in ZKB gold in Switzerland to get gold offshore. WebPorter Stansberry (if he didnt do it himself). Edit 4: Quote from Reys note: That was a well-played game. Nor does any law, regulation, decree or "-ism" keep the whole race going. Brottman, the author of the 2018 book about Riveras death and a resident of the Belvedere, said the Netflix show interviewed her for hours, and that she told them the roof was easily accessed, and not a difficult task to reach as the show asserted. The truth to know before you go to your nearest jeweller, A Russian-Chinese plan to encircle Eurasia?, Would the U.S. have actually invaded Saudi Arabia to seize its oil? How the U.S. Congress may provoke the Saudis into dropping, By James Rickards Posted November 26, 2018, Now its Saudi Arabias turn to get even by reducing supply and driving prices higher, Might the Feds bailout of repo market exceed the entire Wall Street bailout of 200710?, Best-Selling author, Nomi Prins takes a deep dive into the Federal Reserves impact on Wall Street banks and what that means for, Heres Nomi Prins with the latest analysis on the Feds repo market action. For the first time his friend and former boss, Porter Stansberry, is speaking out to defend himself against what he calls the program's lies and innuendo designed to make him look guilty. While the police determined his death to be a suicide, some theories and facts discussed in the episode made viewers question what may have really happened. Yahoo Finance screenshot Porter Stansberry and Rey Rivera Nevertheless, on May 16, 2006, Rey disappeared - porter stansberry. Once the body was found, Stansberry said this week, we were all sad and shocked by the fact that Rey killed himself, but once we saw all the facts and his financial pressures, it wasnt much of a mystery.. 1. And then, once there in plain view, they were so enormous, so solid and durablePorter could barely get them in place, "I thought you were gay," said a young woman"You dont look gay. Our product picks are editor-tested, expert-approved. ", *** "Your critic is right: Things will work out. But working out for the people of real faith includes trials that purge the impurities from us, and working out for the people of faith as a cover for recklessness, greed and stupidity means destruction. The Death of Rey Rivera A Theory But 20 years after the attacks on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon, is the United States, By Addison Wiggin Posted September 4, 2020. Porter Stansberry, friend of Rey Rivera He had every opportunity to say this, Riveras widow, Allison, told The Sun regarding Stansberry previously not Something that is no joke. The mass-media have largely overlooked the barrage of Stansberrys television advertisements. Thursday market recap:, Stansberry Research (@Stansberry) July 9, 2020, In 2007, the Baltimore Sun reported that the firm was ordered to pay $1.5 million in restitution and civil penalties for disseminating false stock information and defrauding public investors through a financial newsletter.. The housing market could weaken. The SEC complaint declared that Stansberry engaged in an ongoing scheme to defraud public investors by disseminating false information in several Internet newsletters.. "Lying rides upon debts back," said Ben Franklin.Americans expect their houses and stocks to make them rich without saving, without work, without sacrifice.They believe the rest of the world will gladly support them in the style to which theyve become accustomed forever, and without ever having to pay back the money. "*** EDITORS CONFESSION. All rights reserved. But we are married too. Simple ideas are turned over and pressed into a new shape the exact opposite of what they used to be. WebHe had actually just married the love of his life, Allison, and moved with her from Los Angeles to Baltimore for a task with his youth pal, Porter Stansberry. I cant imagine my life without him. You cant even imagine what its like to tell people I had nothing to do with my friends death., He had every opportunity to say this, Riveras widow, Allison, told The Sun regarding Stansberry previously not commenting. Dozens of sailors instantly formed a "bucket brigade" to pass 5-inch shells up from the magazines to the antiaircraft guns. Together, his group has visited hundreds of publicly traded companies to bring Stansberry Research.. WebPorter got married on 9/11/04 and had his first child (induced) on 9/11/07. According to the Baltimore Sun, Stansberry offered a $1,000 reward for information about Rivera when he first disappeared, and it was increased to $5,000. This is the conclusion reached in Financial Reckoning Day last year, and this, as Bill reminded readers earlier this week, is exactly what appears to be taking place: "Of course, we mistrust all predictionsespecially those we make ourselves. Every person in our company who had worked with Rey was on the Eastern Shore at the time that call was made, having a corporate retreat in St. Michaels, Stansberry said. But we are married too.Even between a man and woman, a gay marriage is an oxymoron. "Theres no inflation," they say. While the technology packed into one of these pocket sized marvels is amazing the, The world is in a three-handed poker game. The charts show the similarities between the United States and Japan over a 25-year period. Welcome Back, Porter Stansberry Where Have You Been? Apparently, many members of the First Estate did not agree with the letter from the Midwest pastor who urged us to stop kibitzing and have more faith. I believe there are many lessons to be learned from the Japan experience, and I am heavily overweight bonds with a gold hedge in my portfolios. He is pictured here with his brother Angel Rivera (top left); his mother, Maria Rivera (bottom left); his sister (bottom center); and his father. A recent report from Smith Barney includes two charts. But yesterday, bond traders pushed yields to a new five-month low. Because Stansberry declined to be interviewed for Unsolved Mysteries, online sleuths have created a narrative that pinpoints him as the obvious suspect. The 12-parter looks at a range of you guessed it unsolved mysteries, from paranormal encounters to eerie deaths and unexplained disappearances. "Lying rides upon debts back," said Ben Franklin. Would love your thoughts, please comment. Bill Bonner By Bill Bonner Posted September 22, 2017, President Trump sinks into the swamp. You can see government documents on that case here. The show painstakingly explains how the dimensions are off, making it unlikely, in the minds of some, that Rivera jumped from the hotels rooftop. Shortly thereafter, the firms employees were instructed to not discuss the situation (although a very recent statement to The Baltimore Sun denied that), and Stansberry was supposedly offering a reported $1,000 reward for information on what happened to Rivera. The episode also dives into two separate times the alarm went off in the Riveras Baltimore home at night in the days leading up to Reys disappearance. Porter Stansberry is currently 50 years old, and hasn't publicly commented about Unsolved Mysteries. Stansberry, for his part, vehemently denied wrongdoing. A year before Rivera joined the company, the company was accused of violating Securities and Exchange Commission regulations by essentially selling false, baseless financial advice to investors. Three then-co-workers discovered a hole in a sub-roof of the Belvedere Hotel in Mid-Town, and Riveras battered and decomposing body was found inside. Instead, the United States will soon begin a long, slow, soft slump that will push interest rates further down, not up. Approximately 1,217 individuals took the bait and purchased the report with fraudulent information after reading an email solicitation signed by Stansberrys pseudonym Jay McDaniel. The solicitation was sent to at least 800,000 people, and netted a total of $1,005,000. I did everything I could to help, he said, including meeting with a detective in late June 2006. Documents of Porter Leroy Stansberry. A man does not enter into a real marriage in a lighthearted waybut soberly, solemnlyas if he were going to his own funeral. featured as the first episode of the new season of Unsolved Mysteries,, sued by the Securities and Exchange Commission, Do Not Sell/Share My Personal Information. There is a theory that Rivera was killed, and then positioned to make it look like suicide. Instead of getting married and having children, same-sex couples get hitched to collect each others pension benefits from companies that will go bankrupt under the burden. Were no angels. Hearst Magazine Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The fact is: [Riveras death is] truly a mystery. Stansberry asserts that while the call might have come from someone at Agora he says Rivera was doing freelance work for another Agora subsidiary after leaving Stanberrys firm it could not have come from his company. But you never know. The company has a YouTube page, which you can see here. As the economy weakens, inflation rates could drop towards 0%and deflation remains a potent threat.4. Jim Rickards analysis, By Addison Wiggin Posted February 9, 2022, As you likely know, The Daily Reckoning is not a mainstream publication. On the second chart, a graph of the Nikkei 225 from 1976 is compared with the Nasdaq bubble, so that the bubble peaks are lined up. Rey Rivera's long-time friend still has major ties to the financial industry. More:Unsolved Mysteries: Rey Rivera Helicopter Theory Explained. False faith, like false hope, is useless. Here's what Unsolved Mysteries leaves out aboutStansberry, a businessman who's been rumored to be the devious orchestrator of a deadly game. The idea we were calling him from our switchboard is ridiculous., Stansberry said Rivera had also asked him previously if he was in leadership of the Freemasons, which Stansberry said he thought was a joke. Yes, things will work out, and thats why we need the warnings you provide. Not that I would accuse you of this enslavement, mind you, but some of your advertisements seem to appeal to this deadly sin.". The first episode of Netflixs reboot of .css-16acfp5{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;text-decoration-thickness:0.125rem;text-decoration-color:#d2232e;text-underline-offset:0.25rem;color:inherit;-webkit-transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;}.css-16acfp5:hover{color:#000;text-decoration-color:border-link-body-hover;background-color:yellow;-webkit-transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;}Unsolved Mysteries, titled Mystery On the Rooftop, looks into the unsolved 2006 death of Rey Rivera, who went missing for a week and whose body was found in a Baltimore hotel. And the U.S. is the sucker, The increasing vulnerability of markets to financial warfare, and why now is the time to protect your money against it, The first shot of World War III has been fired, By Nilus Mattive Posted November 26, 2019, Black Friday is just a few days away!
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