She likely ate the room service when she ordered it as you are assuming she died at the time of the reported gunshot. 1.7k. The same goes for removing serial numbers on a gun. I found links in your comment that were not hyperlinked: I have family friends in Germany and have visited three or four times, and from my limited anecdotal experience, this woman as well as Jennifer Fairgate resembles ~25% of German/Belgian/Dutch women.,,,,, On September 20, 1988, Tara Calico left her home in New Mexico to go on a bike ride she took, In November 1981, actress Natalie Wood mysteriously drowned off the coast of Southern California during a boating trip with her, In July 2014, 52 year old Lynn Messer mysteriously disappeared from her familys 260-acre farm in Bloomsdale, Missouri. Forone, the death scene in room 2805 raisesmajor doubts about the suicide theory, evidenced primarily by the deceased's post-mortem grip on her pistol. Espen Nss, 25, has the night shift. 10 New Netflix Canada Releases To Watch This Weekend, Everything Leaving Netflix Canada In December, Everything Coming To Netflix Canada In December, The Star Of Mindy Kalings New Show Is Here To Make Us Embrace Our Horniness, woman who went by the name Jennifer Fairgate, spark the imaginations, and hopefully investigative skills, most likely a secret agent who had been tracked down, Fairgates case is eerily similar to two other cases in Norway, woman now infamously referred to as the Isdal woman. Whatever theory Unsolved Mysteries audiences believe, the available evidence appears to eliminate the suicide theory. When they got back to the room, she cut all the labels out of her clothes that he had bought. Mister F. told authorities that he had been told that Jennifer had been found dead and was asked if he had seen anything suspicious. At the time of her death, two duvets were present on it. The suicide theory implies that Jenniferfired a test shot into a pillow before killing herself. This man claimed to be from Belgium, and checked in on June 2. A subsequent investigation determined that the woman had "99.9 percent" committed suicide, and that a second registered guesthad never been in the room. Youtube Three days later, security visited room 2805 and discovered Fairgate's corpse with a bullet hole through her forehead, presumably a self-inflicted fatal injury. Audiences learn howFairgate died, andthat room 2805 was left unattended for 15 minutes after security first heard the gunshot,but "A Death in Oslo" doesn't acknowledge thetroubling autopsy results. Another 7 bullets were found in the pistols magazine. Here's what Netflix glossed over. In 1987, the Kambo man was found dead near train tracks in South Norway. Unsolved Mysteries Updates: Who Is The Oslo Plaza Woman (& What Happened)? Is it her (alive) on the black and white photograph that appear on many search results? Three days later, she was found dead in her hotel room. It held three 370 batteries manufactured in late 1994, marked with W395. The etching was possibly done by the merchant who changed the batteries. What Happened To Unsolved Mysteries Jennifer Fairgate? - Refinery29 The other thing Fergate didnt seem to have was family or friends looking for her. I don't think she was a spy though, recently they found out true identity of Somerton man who many people belived was a spy too. Unsolved Mysteries also reveals thatthe deceased didn't have any blood on her shooting hand, which serves as further evidence that the body had been staged. Netflix has released crime scene photos from the "Jennifer Fairgate" case onto Netflix. Unsolved Mysteries viewers think Jennifer Fairgate was an undercover spy Credit: Handout. Check out all the links included in this blog and this reddit thread has a lot of information on this case. For example, labels had been taken out of her clothes, and the way she was holding the gun was unusual, and the weapon had had its serial number removed. Unsolved Mysteries: Who Was Jennifer Fairgate? Theories | POPSUGAR What Unsolved Mysteries doesn't cover, however, is the revelation in Wegner's VGreport that the weaponisn't actually an authentic Browning pistol. One of the most confounding episodes ofUnsolved Mysteries' volume two (opens in new tab)focuses on an unidentified woman who might have been a sex worker, a criminal, a spyor something else entirely. One other weird detail was that in her autopsy, the coroner determined that she had eaten the room service food more than 24 hours after she ordered it. They obtained a complete DNA profile, sending the material for analysis at the Institute for Legal Medicine at Innsbruck Medical University, in Austria. Yet, according to a Finnish article translated by aReddituser,the autopsy revealed Fairgate's room service meal in her stomach contents, suggesting she ate it the day she died. Hough is a senior writer at Screen Rant. But she was very tall and Jennifer was short. A request for an international search was recently submitted through Interpol but I have not heard if anything came from this. Apparently this was so if she bailed on him (which she did end up doing) he could not return the clothing. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. On June 3, 1995, Jennifer Fairgate (sometimes spelled "Fergate") was found dead in room 2805 of the Oslo Plaza Hotel, a famous luxury hotel in Norway.But the catch is that she wasn't really . However, the VG investigation concluded that she had spent around 24 hours away from her hotel room, suggesting that she may have met with someone while in Oslo. VG reporters investigated in Verlaine but were not able to find any real clues to her identity. So how else could that happen? She continued saying that investigators discovered that though it is possible, someone would have to know what they were doing which Meurer believes supports the assassination theory. And if it was a Friday, American History Has Been Whitewashed, But, Black Teen Girls On TV Are A Mess Finally, woman who went by the name Jennifer Fairgate, spark the imaginations, and hopefully investigative skills, most likely a secret agent who had been tracked down, Fairgates case is eerily similar to two other cases in Norway, woman now infamously referred to as the Isdal woman. Though 25 years after her death we still have no idea of this woman's true identity (no ID was found in the hotel), a number of clues have emerged as to her identity. One maid made a statement claiming that during that time she found the room completely empty. A woman calling herself Jennifer Fairgate checked into the Oslo Plaza Hotel in Norway at 10:44 p.m. on May 31, 1995. . Interestingly, "Jennifer" isnot the only person (opens in new tab)who died under mysterious circumstances in Norway, and whose background was traced to Belgium. On the same day at 8.06pm she ordered room service. It was thrown away the next day. Norwegian intelligence officer Ola Kaldager theorizes that Fairgate was most likely a secret agent who had been tracked down and assassinated. Evidence started to pile-up that the woman was German, or spent some time in Germany. She listed her hometown as Verlaine, Belgium, a real town, though the post code and phone number she provided on a form were not real. Hough is a senior writer at Screen Rant. A source told the paper, meanwhile that it is likely that the gun has a past as a military weapon, and that it is actually a Browning copy in parts rather than a genuine one. In Unsolved Mysteries, intelligence expert Ola Kaldagersupports the spy theory. There, the moderators have pinned a message reading: "Hi guys! That is the smell of death and is unmistakable and invariably called the smell of death by those who observe it. Jennifer Fairgate and her briefcase of bullets. Most importantly, however, Jennifer'sfingerprints were not found on her alleged suicide pistol, which strengthens the theory that someone killed her and then wiped the gun. Unsolved Mysteriesattempts to unravel the mystery of theOslo Plaza Woman. Everyone familiar with the case knows that the Oslo Plaza Womandied from a bullet wound to the forehead. A burn mark on the pillow showed that it had been flipped after the shot was fired someone had examined the pillow. You can discuss Jennifers case at Frustratingly for us now, records for other hotel guests at the time were destroyed in 2010. Fairgate's bel0ngings found in room 2805also support the Unsolved Mysteriesspy theory. Who is she and how did she die? Jennifer Fergate). According to Marie Claire, Fairgates case is eerily similar to two other cases in Norway. The Mountbatten-Windsors have been recastagain. There was nothing left in the hotel room that gave any clues as to Jennifers true identity. On June 3, a hotel employee knocked on the door and heard a gunshot. It was speculated at the time that she might have been a spyand the similarities with "Jennifer" are eerily similar. For years, we have been thetop moviegoers even though the films we watch rarely reflect our communities. Of the two pieces of her belongings that still had labels (a blazer and a bag), both are from German companies. All the tags on her clothes had been removed, much like in the case ofthe Somerton Man (opens in new tab)(1948), found mysteriously on a beach in Australia without identifiers of any kind. The man is the key, and they need to run a dna reverse check to find her family. Illustrations of the mystery woman were put out to the public, but according to the Verdens Gang documentary no one ever reported a woman matching Fergate missing. Directed by Robert M. Wise, "A Death in Oslo" prominently features VGjournalist Lars Christian Wegner, who speaks about his extensive coverageover the years. Despite extensive research and investigation, very little is known about Fairgate whose case is reviewed in the. She was determined to be in her early 20s, but the trail ran cold and nothing more was learned about her. There was no CCTV available in the hallway. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Unsolved Mysteries fans rage at big oversight in missing Jennifer The woman who signed in, Jennifer Fergate, is listed as 21 years old. or When security arrived 15 minutes later, she appeared to have been the only one staying in the room. The second season of the hit Netflix series looks at a different case in each episode . Three days later, security visited room 2805 and discovered Fairgate's corpse with a bullet hole through her forehead, presumably a self-inflicted fatal injury. She alerts hotel security. According to Germanys Kasaan Times, most of the tags had been removed from the clothing found in the room. As always, the series will continue to collect any tips that viewers may have that could help solve these mysteries at After ordering the food. All the nudity of porn, but with the plot and storylines of mainstream film. Furthermore,the now-infamous "Isdal" woman (opens in new tab), found partially burned alive with poison in her stomach, was found in a remote part of Norway called Ice Valley and was similarly shown to have originated from or around Belgium. 2" checked into an Oslo hotel room in 1995 and never . We will have an identity in a minute! Everything Unsolved Mysteries Leaves Out About The Oslo Plaza Woman. One such piece of information is pretty significant. The bag was addressed to room 2816, located on the opposite end of the hallfway from 2805. In the first few days, maids and other hotel staff would note . On May 31, 1995, a woman who went by the name Jennifer Fairgate checked into Room 2805 of the Oslo Plaza Hotel in Norway. Three days later, security came to get a credit card from her. In 2016, Fairgates body was exhumed to obtain a complete DNA profile. The receptionist begins to sense trouble. (I did a quick exchange rate and 1845 kroner equals around $222US dollars currently just to give you an idea of the type of hotel this is). The door was locked behind them and there was no balcony. The receptionist said he didnt see anyone with her while checking her in, but another employee said they saw Jennifer with a man, between 25-40 years old, going into the room with her. No handbag, drivers license or keys, according to websleuths. Plot details forUnsolved Mysteriesahead. If the suicide theory is correct, then Jenniferwould have eaten her room servicemeal one day after-the-factbeforecommitting suicide around 7:50 p.m. on June 3.
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