I said, "If you told me everything you've done, it seems to me you have a case that you could perhaps get a reversal on that, that you did not do anything that they anticipated you done." After the assassination you see Lee in the police station, in the jail. One individual gave him a letter saying he could speak and write Russian at a particular level that he thought was real good. He said no, he wanted that one up there. We talked about family matters. New Documents on JFK Assassination Shed Light on Lee Harvey Oswald's Apparently hed been planning this for a long time. I mean, they had asked the wrong man. When Lee came back to Fort Worth, what kind of spirits was he in, and what kind of hopes did he have for his new life here? Lee and Marina were having difficulties, just by being together I guess by being put in new circumstances and everything. Saltar al contenido principal.com.mx. There was always a constant move. Documenting evidence of potential war crimes in Ukraine. This was unsettling. What do you do with his general opportunity? Thats the shocker. Hes failing in his marriage and in his attempts to do whatever he wants to do. Conspiracy theories point to purported inconsistencies in the events of Nov. 22, 1963, and in the evidence collected against Oswald. WGBH educational foundation, In Fight Against ISIS, a Lose-Lose Scenario Poses Challenge for West. Can you sort of talk about that character trait? So then what happens, and how does he get to Dallas? We had an old black-and-white. He said no, that wasn't necessary, he could take care of it. As far as material goods the car taking her to a grocery store the first time you cant believe how excited she was. What would have been the appeal to him about something like Marxism? Jolly West visited Jack Ruby in jail and gave him an injection and soon after Ruby died from rapid cancer, Jack was also a patsy! The big question is why. She had been overbearing or whatever. Did he evince any sort of sophisticated understanding of Marxism or communism, or of the Soviet Union in general, before he left for Russia? He wasnt political. He failed at both. When Lee came back to Fort Worth, what kind of spirits was he in, and what kind of hopes did he have for his new life here? But he had prepared answers and statements, anticipating reporters either at the ship or some place down the line on the return. I say that in all honesty, because he tried to become what he needed to be to achieve his immediate objectives; i.e., he needed to be a Marxist and accept the Russians [to] get the experience in Russia. Similarly, the committee believed it was less likely that Ruby entered the police basement without assistance, even though the assistance may have been provided with no knowledge of Ruby's intentions The committee was troubled by the apparently unlocked doors along the stairway route and the removal of security guards from the area of the garage nearest the stairway shortly before the shooting There is also evidence that the Dallas Police Department withheld relevant information from the Warren Commission concerning Ruby's entry to the scene of the Oswald transfer.When Ruby was arrested immediately after the shooting, he told several witnesses that he helped the city of Dallas \"redeem\" itself in the eyes of the public, and that Oswald's death would spare \"Mrs. Now apparently, for whatever reasons or however they checked it out, they found out whatever he knew wasn't necessarily anything they'd be interested in. Find out in the 2015 documentary Outbreak, newly available to stream on FRONTLINEs YouTube channel. It's always a friend or a woman. . That influence was just tremendous on him. JFK Unsolved: The Real Conspiracies examines - 6abc Philadelphia The main thing was getting a job and a manuscript. But certainly by age three, he had the sense, "I need to be someplace else." He's thinking about going to Cuba. You look at the general opportunity he was present. I said, "Yes. I anticipated, and I said to the family, "He'll be back within a year." It had everything to do with the fact that he was not good at fitting in, at settling in, so as the realities of day-to-day life began to pile up, as they began to impose on him, he became less enchanted. home+introduction+interviews+forum+twenty-four years+conspiracy What attracted her to Oswald and why did she come back with him to the United States? Lee's trying. Later, after the Kennedy. What do you mean? What do you do with his actions? You don't think that there was any possibility that he was on some mission when he went to Russia? Five or six eyewitnesses there. Lee would rebel against the discipline of the Marine Corps when he had the opportunity to, when the leeway was there. . Search the history of over 797 billion What did he have in the back of his mind? The third thing was he wanted to look into his dishonorable discharge from the Marine Corps, because he felt like that was unwarranted because, i.e., he was released with honorable conditions. He's failing at almost every level. He could project this type of image, and he did; he tried to. He was making fun of how inept they were, and he was making fun of them all the time. The House Where Lee Harvey Oswald Stayed - GoNOMAD Travel What do you do with his actions? But my goodness, this is completely out of the ballpark. Did she let you know and did she let him know that the kids were a burden? And that process, that pattern was the same one that had occurred over and over in his life, and that was to attempt to settle in. Providing exclusive original content and interviews with some of the best known voices in the world of economics and precious metals. Oswald refused to talk to anyone at the U.S. embassy. That's the way I read him at the time. If we go and get right down to the bottom line, we have to say, really and truly, in all candor, [she did] a lousy job, a lousy job. The appeal to Lee of something like that Marxism, communism, socialism, would be something unique, something different not [an] everyday occurrence. I would love to be able to say that Lee was not involved in any way whatsoever, or much less to the extent that I believe that he was. [To those who say,] "He didn't own a rifle." Oswald in a way sort of set up the disaster that was to come before he even arrived in Moscow. All these ups and downs he's having, he keeps trying to get up and make it at some level, but he's not succeeding. They've got your rifle. That's not to suggest it was in any way any less than that, but it's just that we refuse to see it in its true light. However, Bolinas author Josiah Thompson says he has answered one very important question. Gerald Hill.. I say that in all honesty, because he tried to become what he needed to be to achieve his immediate objectives; i.e., he needed to be a Marxist and accept the Russians [to] get the experience in Russia. Interviews | Who Was Lee Harvey Oswald? | FRONTLINE | PBS Saturday, Nov. 23, 1963. I struggled through about 10 or 15 pages of it. This was deepened by his friendship with Pavel Golovachev, a few conservations he has with some other friends and associates, and he tends to get rather, not just tired, but really kind of fed up with the whole lifestyle. I would love to be able to say that Lee was not involved in any way whatsoever, or much less to the extent that I believe that he was. But he would look at it. Marxist doctrine is shot through with this furious rant against the bourgeoisie, against capitalism, against the society that had produced him. What's the best answer you come to for yourself regarding his motive? Theyve gone to the extreme measures to prove that he owned that rifle. Interview: Robert Oswald | FRONTLINE Our mother was Lee's most important person in his life. She has no control over him. I tell him it may or may not be. Follow him on Twitter @davidastinwalsh. WDSU Archives: WDSU interview with Lee Harvey Oswald in 1963 There's another seed that's planted in him that stayed there forever. The other thing was he wanted to get settled with the job. You dont think that there was any possibility that he was on some mission when he went to Russia? The third thing was he wanted to look into his dishonorable discharge from the Marine Corps, because he felt like that was unwarranted because, i.e., he was released with honorable conditions. The National Archives released almost 1,500 documents including CIA cables and memos on Lee Harvey Oswald in the months before the JFK assassination. The big question is why. Five or six eyewitnesses there. They didn't finalize that. New York City. So youre saying, in a sense, he is the ultimate pragmatist? He had a rifle, he had positioned himself, he prepared in advance to take his shot, after he took the shot he left the rifle there, and then walked away and found his own way home. FRONTLINE reports from Iraq on the miscalculations and mistakes behind the brutal rise of ISIS. Three months before he assassinated President John F. Kennedy, 23-year-old Lee Harvey Oswald was interviewed a total of three times on radio and television in New Orleans, Louisiana.The attention Oswald received was undoubtedly due to the fact that the media considered him to be a very odd and unusual character. The first thing he says is -- and he points to it -- "It's tapped." Lee Harvey Oswald did not have any particular animus for John F. Kennedy. You see him for a few days when he gets out [of the Marines]. Tell me about his growing problems with Marina. The planning that Lee did probably at least extended all the way back to the time he was in Japan because of the clothes he purchased at the time, If it didnt work for Russia, he was going to stay in Europe anyway. We had an old black-and-white. [Last Name] 1 Dawson C. Mills [4/26/2017] Ghosts of Mississippi Essay Late on the night of June 13th 1963, Myrlie Evers and her three children were together in the bedroom watching President ( at the time ) John F. Kennedy give a speech on civil rights. Theyve got your pistol. . I said, "If that never came about, if you didn't really betray the country and you only attempted to do it -- and they didn't let you do it anyway -- legally, then it seems to me you have a basis." Hallo, inloggen. Then he joins the Marines, and then he has a lot of people barking at him, a lot of discipline. This video contains Oswald's complete television interview. He wasn't present when they took a head count [at the Texas School Book Depository]. Theyve got the camera. Sending Out Veterans' Benefits, The Executive Branchs Response to the Flood of 1927, The Case For Calling the Language "American", America Fought Its Own Battle Over Books Before it Fought the Nazis. They've gone to the extreme measures to prove that he owned that rifle. He was toying with them. He wasn't political. What was going on there? He could be somebody from New York that knew a lot of things, somebody that could get around be somebody else. The job's not doing that good. He says that the "hard physical evidence" from the assassination leads him to one conclusion: "The Warren Commission was correct." I think he just liked the atmosphere that you could do anything that you wanted to do, that you could imagine you could do. A former litigator, Posner is a fulltime investigative writer. The fact that he could put on a facade and pretend to be somebody he wasnt to me, it gets down to what happened later on. They didnt know for sure if he was an agent or not. So if we don't understand something, we assume that there is some sort of plot or conspiracy -- that there is an order, and we're just not seeing it. Thats the way I read him at the time. I think three major things [were] on his mind at that particular time. Saltar al contenido principal.es. I said, "We can look into it. I think they're inseparable. What did he have in the back of his mind? LEGEND: THE SECRET WORLD OF LEE HARVEY OSWALD - amazon.nl Definitely not. If we go and get right down to the bottom line, we have to say, really and truly, in all candor, [she did] a lousy job, a lousy job. So consequently, he calls me up and he tells me that they're moving to Dallas. Could you describe Oswald's relationships with women? Whereas Ella was rather innocent and timid and curious and prone to a kind of girlishness, Marina was anything but that. Why couldn't he find a sense of purpose or place there? It's there; put it to rest. Lee would rebel against the discipline of the Marine Corps when he had the opportunity to, when the leeway was there. This was 1959. You look at all the data there, and it comes up to one conclusion as far as I'm concerned -- the Warren Commission was correct. A flat-screen TV plays interviews with Paine about Marina, Lee Harvey, Paine's grief about the assassination and the terrible aftermath. He began to tire of Minsk as his celebrity began to wear off. Historian Priscilla Johnson McMillan was a reporter in Moscow in the 1950s and interviewed Lee Harvey Oswald shortly after his defection to the Soviet Union. You see him for a few days when he gets out [of the Marines]. He knew something they didnt know, and he would keep it to himself. What would it be? Lee Harvey Oswald lived just a few minutes away from Walker in Dallas in a rented duplex that he shared with his wife Marina and their baby girl. It was a terrible thing to look at. I was just completely in the dark. What was his concern? Once again, it's just a continual cycle, and it starts downhill. You look at that last year his work, and his family, trying to go to Cuba, trying to go back to Russia. After getting some help with the Secret Service as far as getting a pass up to see Lee, I was allowed to visit with him approximately eight to 10 minutes. He wants to get some experience and write about it. When Lee came back, how did he react to visits from the FBI when they came and saw him here? discussion+glimpse of a life+links & readings+teacher's guide Lee Harvey Oswald speaks to the press - YouTube True, no one saw him actually pull the trigger on the president but his presence in the building was there. But at the same time, he always was trying to get away from her. And so the Marines, and then later the Soviet Union, should be viewed as an attempt by Oswald to find structure, to find place. There is no question in my mind that he also shot Officer Tippit. WGBH educational foundation, In Fight Against ISIS, a Lose-Lose Scenario Poses Challenge for West. For Oswald, he never ever has a sense of home, or rootedness, and it fills him with this sense of rage, which he not surprisingly directs against his mother. It wasn't uncommon, after all, for American communists to experience disillusionment with the Soviet Union. If Ukrainian intelligence did penetrate Putin's inner circle, Budanov would have never publicly blurted it out. But he would look at it. What did he do? Three, maybe more fundamentally, I think that modern man, especially in modern America, is just congenitally incapable of making sense of tragedy. and he just laughed. This was unsettling. He pressed the lieutenants, he pressed the platoon leaders. 2 thoughts on "Stew Peter's interviews Lee Harvey Oswald's Girlfriend about the JFK Assasination". Ive managed to keep it quiet. That was it. He's going to fit in to where he needs to fit in to accomplish what he needs to accomplish what is very essential to get by with, to be somebody. Lees trying. FRONTLINE reports from Iraq on the miscalculations and mistakes behind the brutal rise of ISIS. He always enjoyed books, but then he started exploring other areas. Plus, Bob Schieffer remembers his own run-in. He did not and would not talk to any of the interrogators about anything of substance. Oswald lacked the historical or political consciousness of a genuine radical. What was going on there? We're talking seven, eight, nine, 10 years old. After Lee's return, approximately two weeks, in the latter part of June 1962, he gets a call from one of the FBI agents -- I believe that was Mr. Fain -- in wanting to have a meeting with him. When you learned he had defected, did you have any explanation? His comment was she is too much like Maw. That was our affectionate name for Mother. He found a spot, not very far, from where Walker was. It maybe opened up some doors for him. He never did answer. But you go back to the death of Dad two months before he was born, that's a tremendous impact. He started becoming more and more independent and out on his own because Mother was working all the time, no brothers around, no father figure around, no adult that he was acquainted with that he could rely on to and talk to. Warren Commission Report: Table of Contents - National Archives . Show more Comments are turned off. Marina repeated to McMillan what she told the Warren Commission in 1964--that her husband was not capable of being recruited as a conspirator, and that he most likely acted alone in killing President Kennedy. By Melissa De Witte Those alive when John F. Kennedy was assassinated on Nov. 22, 1963, remember where they were and what they were doing when they heard the news the president had been shot. I think three major things [were] on his mind at that particular time. Learn more It's cable reimagined No DVR space. How can you explain one without the other? They didn't know for sure if he was an agent or not. Mother would be putting him with a nanny, or a babysitter, or in an orphan home with us, just to get us out of her hair. Historically in his life, it was always done by himself. They wasnt going to convince him to say something. Yes, I think that there is a process here, in the same way there had been a process in the Soviet Union, in the same way there'd been a process in the Marines, and the same way there'd been a process coursing through his adolescence. Why did he turn to Marxism as a salve, as opposed to another form of religion? Lee Harvey Oswald in New Orleans: TRICENTENNIAL MOMENT The two events -- the failed assassination of Walker and the successful assassination of Kennedy -- just represent a ratcheting up, and eventually there's this culmination of violence, which is meant to enable Oswald's escape from his life, and this way, the homicide is as much a suicide. He was expecting the future was going to resolve itself, that history would end. His wife is trying to have a second child born in Russia. Then he joins the Marines, and then he has a lot of people barking at him, a lot of discipline. Youve talked about Lees character trying to do something, getting frustrated, doing something dramatic. Walker and, still chewing his cigar, Detective Paul Bentley, on Nov. 22, 1963. What Lee Harvey Oswald's Mother Told Me - The Daily Beast He had tapped into or been drawn to the emotions which that politics helped to foment, but did he have a deep understanding of how revolutions unfold, and the relationship between the proletariat and the means of production? ~Sean Corruption; Deep State; News; NWO Tyranny; Politics; EXCLUSIVE: Lee Harvey Oswald . So, to me, that was his back-up plan if everything else failed. He gave it to me either the first or second night to read. You've got all kinds of documented evidence.
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