After she became a fan favorite, her big comic-cover debut shot up to around $230. A very popular character, indeed, and I am a bit surprised that Incredible Hulk #181 was beaten by Ghost Rider's debut in Marvel Spotlight #5 for CGC 9.8s. Ride, captain ride upon your mystery ship / Be amazed at the friends you have here on your trip / Ride captain ride upon your mystery ship / On your way to a world that others might have missed. The copy that sold is one of three known to exist and was the highest-graded copy, with a 9.2 grade. The copy had an incredible 9.6 grading and is the highest-graded copy in existence. The first appearance of Batman in the 1939 "Detective Comics" No. He has been responsible for perhaps Spideys greatest tragedy, the death of teenage love, Gwen Stacy. Not that impressed with the Netflix version and was hoping they recast Frank Castle for the MCU. Then again, if I owned the 3 known copies in existence, I'd be very reluctant to let my go unless I really needed the money. This cover is a great representation of that with a certain evil flag on the cover. Back in 2009, this perfect copy of Wolverine #1 sold for a whopping $15,535.00. A 9.6-graded copy sold for $126,500 in 2002, but that record was demolished when an 8.5-graded copy that originally sold for $49,294 was resold for $200,000 through Heritage Auctions make-an-offer feature in 2012. to own this issue, consider yourselves lucky hold onto the book and you probably will have doubled or tripled your investment soon. If youre one of the lucky few to have a copy or have the money to have a copy, youre currently sitting on a grand investment of 120K. Batgirl made her debut in this January 1967 issue of "Detective Comics" (although it actually hit stores in late 1966). Lou Ferrigno, Eric Bana, Edward Norton, and Mark Ruffalo all pale in comparison however to Hulk Hogan himself, who took his name after Marvels own Hulk. I debated pretty hard about even mentioning these, but here they are: Wolverine #1 CGC 10. Its still for sale. Superman made his first appearance in the first "Action Comics" issue, but he didn't again appear on the series' cover for another six months, until the seventh issue of "Action Comics" hit newsstands. Remember, this is a 2014 sale. 200 of the Most Valuable 1970s Comics in 2023 - SubZero Comics You can see that clearly on the cover by John Buscema. The highest grade of this particular comic are CGC 9.4s, and there have only been two recorded sales that I could find as of this writing: These prices were back in 2016 and 2017, so remember that. The first issue of Captain America not only introduces all of us to Steve Rogers but his sidekick Bucky too. That being said, his theatrical debut in Amazing Spider-Man received generally favorable reviews and helped bump up the Lizards debut issue to 71k, which is not a bad investment. An extremely well-kept copy of "X-Men" No. As one of Marvel's most popular heroes, this isn't the first time you'll see Spider-Man on this list, but it's relatively rare to see a recent, common comic shoot up in value like this. Bentley Wittman has a super-human level intellect but felt threatened by the exploits of the Human Torch. This is the first appearance of Daredevil, the Man Without Fear. While some of the House Of Ideas famous characters predate Spidey, the entire Marvel Universe might not exist had it not been for Spideys massive popularity. If you're wondering what the most valuable Marvel Bronze Age comics are, this article will detail the top. Anyway and seriously, look at Wolvie's mask on the cover of this issue compared to the cover of Incredible Hulk #181. I am surprised and thought that the 1st appearance of Wolverine would've taken the number #1 spot. Also, what X-Men fan doesn't know Colossus and Nightcrawler? Most Valuable Comic Books of the 1960s - Personal Finance Advice Needless to say, even at its current 375K highest sale price might be a steal, since a book like this will only go up with each subsequent MCU appearance. If you happened to get the later second printing, with the Anti-Venom reveal on the cover, it's worth a lot morea well-preserved copy will score you around $125 bucks. In 2019, that record was absolutely smashed when a 9.4 graded copy sold for $1.26 million on Heritage Auctions. Someone with money buying up comic investments, me thinks. A Canadian White isas it sounds, a comic book printed on white pages as opposed to the yellow pages of American publishing. The second issue of Amazing Spider-Man was as successful as the first at giving Ol Webhead a memorable villain whose nefarious efforts have been thwarted by Spidey for years. Actually, this information might wow some comic investors and those into comic speculation more than actual comic collectors. In the U.S., Marvel's Transformersran for 80 issues, but Marvel U.K.'s version included all-new stories in addition to reprints, and ran for an amazing 332 issues. I am not too confident. Just saying. Hailing from Gary, Indiana, Pete Petruski created a paste gun and instead of using it for good as a research scientist turned to a life of crime. I think he was also non-powered before creator Chris Claremont decided to make him a mutant baddie and stick him in the X-Men comics. That was the previous record holder, which was completely smashed in 2021, when a 9.4-graded copy sold for an astounding $2.22 million in January 2021, making it the second most expensive comic book in the world and the most expensive Marvel comic book ever sold. This is why I am putting it below Luke, Cage Hero for Hire #1 for now. Here is no different, as Spideys second Amazing adventure has been known to go for 72K. This is the first appearance of two X-Men, Emma Frost and Kitty Pryde. TTS #35 would be the first appearance of the Ant-Man, but this issue of the anthology series would be the first appearance of Hank Pym, who even tossed his serums down the toilet by the end of the story, knowing that only bad things would happen. However, there are only a measly 4 recorded 9.8s in the CGC census currently. And while fancy metallic, holographic, and other gimmicky covers of the '90s arguably killed comic collecting, a rare few actually went up in value. "More Fun Comics" No. Also has first appearance of Yukio. The characters that debuted here became linchpins for the team during the '70s, '80s, '90s and even to this day. For many years Action Comics #1 was consistently the most expensive comic book. Most Wolvie fans have always liked the match up between Wolverine and Sabretooth. While Thunderbird debuted, he was killed off quite quick. The third "All Star Comics" from 1940 featured the first superhero team ever. Iron Fist was hugely disappointing, but I liked the Luke Cage show starring Michael Colter. Most Valuable Comic Books of All Time By Craig Donofrio, updated on February 25, 2022 DC Comics / Heritage Auctions Ever since Superman's first appearance in 1938, comic books have captured the hearts and minds of children and adults with stories of heroes and the evildoers they vanquish. In 2014, a pristine issue of the 1938 comic, with its original price of 10 cents still on the cover, sold on eBay for $3.2 million, making it the most valuable comic book of all time. As of 1/17/2022 this comic lost it's space to Star Wars #1 35 Cent Variant. Texas: San Antonio area (suspected but not confirmed). The 9.6-graded copy of this 1956 comic sold for $179,250 at Heritage Auction in 2009. 10 Most Valuable Marvel Trading Cards for Comic-Lovers I hope this was an informative and fun article for you to read, especially if you're a comic fan. The comic that arguably started the entire Marvel Comics Universe arc that dominated the box office for years, "The Avengers" No. Again, Spider-Man in the comic books is akin to Mickey Mouse and Disney. Also a very likely chance that this comic should be higher on this list. Are you excited for the Morbius movie that Sony is soon to release? There are six stories in this comic: the aforementioned "Ageless Orientals" tale, "Trapped in the Nazi Stronghold," "The Wax Statue That Struck Death," "Short Circuit," "The Valley of the Mist" and "The Devil and the Green Plague." The cover for "Daredevil" No. The first appearance of Spider-Man back when he had webs underneath his armpits is the second most valuable comic of all time. This issue of "Detective Comics" from 1940 features the first appearance of Robin, who was created to attract a younger audience. The issue also featured stories with heroes like the Angel and Ka-Zar, and cover art by the sensational Bill Everett (who also created Namor and co-created Daredevil), and issues have gone for 2500 at just its minimum with prices like 107 and 198K being the highest recorded sales for this issue. The other is also a mad scientist, this one who travels around on a glider and looks like a goblin. It was graded in a near-mint, 9.2 condition. But that cover art is awesome. This book is consistently sought after by collectors as it is considered the true first Marvel comic book of all time. Someone had stolen it from his home, but it was found 11 years later in a Southern California storage locker. 25 Rare and Most Valuable Comic Books Ever Sold - Antique Mall Unfortunately for Marvel, their printers had a heck of a time getting all their fancy covers right, and the era is littered with printing errors. Pair that with covers that look like obnoxious kids on their way to a rave and issues that often shipped many months apart, and you have a series destined for failure. and too many to list. While some people like to playfully mock Canada, we shouldn't be knocking the 198K (American) that you could nab for having this book. Through Namor, they can link a whole heap of characters and locations. SILVER AGE Marvel Comics 1969 Top 10 key issues by Terry Hoknes. Another one sold on Dec 4, 2020 for $8,000.00 on eBay, and December 17, 2020 saw a $5,050.00 over at Comic Connect. There are a few creators that can drive up the value of a comic. Published in 1940, the Overstreet Guide called it "The definitive funny animal anthology comic after which all others were modeled.". Captain America got his start during WWII America, and the first comics were basically beautifully drawn pieces of American propaganda (note the "Ageless Orientals Who Wouldn't Die!!!" Venom Lethal Protector #1 (1993), black cover error It's. 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. For a freaking dime, readers were able to get 64 pages of jam-packed action with the first Avenger and the eventual Winter Soldier. Either one of these is worth your time and effort to find if you're hunting down issues to invest in. 100 Most Valuable Comic Books From the Golden Age #1: Action Comics #1, World Record First Appearance of Superman Action Comics #1 (June 1938) Origin and First Appearance of Superman Record sale: $3.4m ( sale) Minimum value: $250,000 Have Yours Appraised Read our Action Comics price guide #2: Batman #1, First Solo Batman Comic (Image courtesy Bixentro via CC BY 2.0) The Silver Surfer, a pivotal Silver Age comic book, was first published in August 1968. Its also noted to be the first comic to usher in the Silver Age. The copy that sold for $104,563 was an 8.0-graded copy of the 1941 book, and there are only two known copies graded higher. Shang-Chi is an original character and first appears in Special Marvel Edition #15, but Fu Manchu is a character that Marvel bought the rights to and first appeared in the novel, The Mystery of Dr. Fu-Manchu. So it should come as no shock that the most famous book in Marvel history is the most valuable at 1.1 million dollars at its highest. A 2.5-graded copy sold for $410,000 in 2018. I don't wanna help incriminate myself in the future. Somehow, it worked out better for him than anyone else who'd tried it at the time, and Venom's been wavering between good and evil ever since. During this mutant x-travaganza, they introduced Cable, the time-traveling, techno-armed son of Cyclops. X-Men #141 does also have the first appearances of Mystique's Brotherhood of Mutants, and the baddies that make their actual debut from that group are Pyro, Avalanche and Destiny. In this comic, Barbara Gordon gets the crime-fighting itch after a trip to a costume party, where she then helps Batman and Robin fight the Killer Moth. Anyway, we'll see how Disney approaches this character. The real draw is most likely Kitty Pryde, who's become a fan favorite over the years, especially now that she leads the Marauders. "In a recent poll of child readers, 80 percent chose 'Wonder Woman' as their favorite over seven male characters," reads one letter. Take a piece of old-timey comic book history, add the debut of Marvels first-ever mutant and you get a grand investment or a prize for only a handful of collectors out there. It features the third cover appearance of Superman, and a story involving an abusive prison warden that Superman has to bring to justice. 5. The last recorded sale of a 9.8 on GoCollect is back in 2016 and for only $1,800.00 bucks. Another Heritage Auctions sale and in 2021 nonetheless. "Showcase" 22, which was published in 1959, features the first appearance of Hal Jordan. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for FANTASTIC FOUR COMICS LOT 66 BRONZE AGE COMICS MOST VG-VF at the best online prices at eBay! That is something to bank on in the future. 31 copy above a 4.0 grade, which might explain how a 5.0-graded one sold for $131,450 in 2017. These are the most valuable comic books in the world. This is why it is lower on the list than the Iron Fist #14 35 Cent Price Variant. The older a rare comic book is, the more valuable it becomes. You've made it through the whole list and knew full well that Amazing Fantasy #15 was going to be the most valuable Marvel book of all time, but just didn't know why. The September sales were at Heritage Auctions and the June sale was from eBay. This comic book marks the first appearance of iconic X-Men, including Charles Xavier, Magneto Cyclops, Jean Grey, Beast and Iceman. Thor made his first appearance in 1962 within the "Journey Into Mystery" series. Almost forgot Savage Tales #1 and it should probably be on here. Cover by Dave Cockrum, Al Milgrom and Danny Crespi. Aug 17, 2021 saw a sale of a CGC 9.8 for $9,000.00 and an Aug 31, 2021 sale of $7,500.00 smack-a-roos. Since his debut, the not-so-jolly green giant has been in all kinds of media, making fanboys go nuts. Chris Claremont begins here and that should be enough to make this sought-out by fans. Well, the first Black superhero was Black Panther, but the first Black superhero to star in his own headlining comic title was Luke Cage. Anyway, the one panel teaser of the popular Marvel mutant at the end of this story has seen monumental gains in the last two years a lone for CGC 9.8s: Wowza! Theyre the Fantastic Four, a Stan Lee and Jack Kirby creation that quickly became a fan favorite. The most valuable comic book on our list, an 8.5 graded copy of Action Comics #1 sold for a huge $3.25 million in April 2021. As time went on, however, Deadpool evolved into a character who became acutely aware of how ridiculous comics are as a creative medium, and took full advantage of everything illustrated heroes could offer. A near-mint condition, 9.2-graded copy of Batmans first comic book from 1940 sold for $850,000 at a private auction in 2012. So, the first appearance of Thanos, a well-known baddie in the Marvel Universe of comics and the main baddie of the fan-favorite classic event series The Infinity Gauntlet that inspired the Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: End Game. That doesn't mean interest in this comic has been stale though. Start Over. 23 Amazing Spider-Man #6 (1963) $71,000 Most Valuable Comic Books of the 1970s - Personal Finance Advice Which brings us to this list and why it is all mostly those three upper echelon comic books. All-Star Comics #8 - About $936,000. Can't wait! They are worth far more than their weight in gold. It has been ten years since Iron Man stepped out of the pages of Marvel and onto the big screen, launching one of the most popular and beloved movie franchises the world has ever known. First appearances are big business. Highest known CGC 9.8 sale was $50,000 at Comic Link back in February of 2019. We will analyze the rarity of each book . A Chinese hero against the oppressive Opium Wars, Unequal Treaties, and colonization of China against British powers would've been more historically truthful and accurate. This is one of the most rare Golden Age comic books, so much so that even incomplete copies have sold for as much as $5,400. What's even more startling to me is that this comic came out in 1971 but has quite a bit more copies in the CGC Census for 9.8s than Marvel Spotlight #5. This issue has been known to have sold for $159 thousand dollars, a mere drop in the bucket to own a piece of history. Another great Steve Ditko cover, this time depicting four full panels of action between Spidey and the Sandman, a villain who was hiding out from the police at Peters school. According to Heritage Auctions, its extremely rare to find a "Detective Comics" No. But something went awry and Doc was turned into a giant Lizard. This second issue at its most expensive is still just a years salary at 47K, which is kind of a steal for any collector. 15. Again with the mutants. The comic book, which originally sold for 10 cents in 1940, also features a one-page history lesson about postage stamps and a comic strip about an evil ventriloquist dummy. In many ways, Amazing Spider-Man #300 was the turning point in Spider-Man's history, making it a book beloved not only for its value, but also its story. With speculation about a Moon Knight anything live-action happening, this book really heated with the recent news of Disney Plus's Moon Knight streaming show coming out super soon. Most Valuable Marvel Comics You Might Find In Your Closet. Of course, they include Superman and Batman comics, along with other Marvel and DC classics, as well as gems from other publishing houses. The most expensive copy of this book sold in 2017 for a bit over $149,000. So why was it so expensive? This time was to go around the Comics Code and publish more mature-themed stories. The comic does first see his famous mask redesigned from his previous look in Incredible Hulk #180, #181 and #182 (this comic some are arguing is the real 2nd appearance of Wolverine and not simply a cameo). 50 Most Valuable Comic Books of All Time | Work + Money 1 with the same 5.5 grade sold for only $214,000 in 2011. Oh, and then theres the whole first appearance of the Flash and Hawkman. Good copies of this comic are difficult to find. Published ten years after the original, and with a fancy chromium cover, ASM #300 was popular enough to warrant a reprint that was probably available at your local comic shop for a slightly premium price. 3/31/2022 UPDATE: March 19th, 2022 saw a CGC 9.8 sell at ComicConnect for a whopping $75,500 bucks. Recently a Tomb of Dracula #10 CGC 9.8 sold for $48,000 in September of 2021. 10 Most Valuable X-Men Comics Of The 80s - CBR Bob Kane might be a controversial figure, but he sure could draw. However, the comic restarts the new X-Men in the titled series, and has the 2nd appearances of Storm, Colossus, Nightcrawler and Thunderbird. Their debut in 1961 helped to usher in a new age of superheroes but combine it with shows like Lost In Space, where it's not just one person on an adventure, but an entire family. "Marvel Mystery Comics" No. Was a quick initial shock. Amazing Spider-Man #101. 1 sold for $507,500 in 2017, and it was only graded as a 5.5. 73 features the origin and first appearance of Aquaman, which has become one of DC's most-loved superheroes. 9.8s currently stand in the CGC Census at 207 Universal copies with ten Signature Series and 1 Restored copy. We shall see. It was called the Justice Society of America, and its members included memorable heroes like Green Lantern, Hawkman, Flash, Atom, Sandman and Spectre, along with not-so-memorable heroes Doctor Fate and Hour-Man. At his start, Deadpool was nothing more than a lazy ripoff of DC's Deathstroke, with none of the history, style, or charm. A 9.4-graded copy sold for $205,501 in 2016 at Comic Link.
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