He makes the tattooed team for his inked forearms. Im sure a bunch of guys of similar appearance felt it they just sounded reasonable when they fought to maintain slavery and to prevent womens basic rights (like owning property or voting) as well. However, there is a middle ground..no visible tattoos. And the CBA limits the teams rules in this regard to reasonable rules about appearance. you dont get labor protection for discrimination against tats, piercings, smoking, having kids, being a Nazi or any one of a multitude of personal traits. Hand Football Tattoos owner doesnt equal king of the world. I am fairly sure that Cam wouldnt have chosen the Panthers had he had the opportunity. That being said I have for along time felt that there is a reason you dont see very many successful QBs with tattoos. Kante is the only chelsea players without tattoos in our list. Ive had jobs before that told me I cant have my hair too long or have any visible tattoos or piercings. I think Cam wants to be the next commercial superstar. You must be logged in to leave a comment. Otherwise I have no issues with tattoos and piercings on players. Youre right. NFL Its a legitimate choice. Cam Newton Just Checked his map and realized hes in that country called AMERICA. Joel Embiid. Embiid is currently enjoying one of the best seasons in his career, averaging 29.6 points, 10.8 rebounds, and 1.2 blocks per game. All-Tattooed Team of Major League Baseball Chris Paul. Only one of the the top two players in franchise history was inked up and down the arm. Denver Broncos. I guess it is a fair assumption you have never heard of the CFL, UFL or Arena Football League. People are giving examples of how things are in the workplace for non-professional athletesbecause (some of) these athletes are often out of touch with the reality of their fans lives. I have both tattoos and piercings, and if you are willing to judge me by those before even talking to me, I dont want to work or know you. Smith runs second-fastest 40 by DL since 03, Saleh compares Carr to Stafford pre-Rams trade, Allen to be ready to roll for offseason program, How to maximize leverage of No. Richardson presumably wants him to do nothing that would potentially alienate the mainstream paying customers. Thread starter dolfan313; S I have to side with Richardson on this one. The 5-time Ballon dOr winner is not really interested in tattoos. Maybe their owner should focus more on the talent of the product on the field instead of what they look like. Though, he usually likes to show off his collection of cars that he has deserved. If Cam newton goes out and does get them, and his contract gets termed, welcome to the real world. Where in this sentence did Mr. Richardson say he couldnt have a tattoo or any piercings? Thats what all you widget owners want, right? For Jacksonville Jaguars defensive tackle Malik Jackson, he uses his body and tattoos to do so. And no, the circumstance cant be a policy that applies to #1 draft picks or star quarterbacks. No offense, but my workplace has a dress code that states no visible tattoos and no piercings on men. You think you can go into a big firm and score a high paying job while sporting tatoos and peircings? The reason could be that he is still too young for tattoos on his body. No. If Cam chooses to do something contrary to the owners wishes then Richardson will no doubt calculate it when decided to resign him or not. If he is quoted correctly there was no ultimatim, so there should be no issue. I just wanna know why you cant tackle some fool by his hair if hes going to wear it hanging out so far. Cowboys rookie receiver Ryan Switzer wasn't allowed to get a tattoo, so he covertly got one done on the inside of his lower lip. This is a discussion on CujoMatty Madden 20 Generic Tattoo Project within the Madden NFL Football PC forums. The bottom line is the man is saying that right now I dont want you to leave this franchise and we will all benefit from it. Oh this is NOT gonna get 8 pages of comments about how bad this man is out of his mind Nope lol wow. Every person (not just NFL player) should have the right to look, speak, and portray themselve the way they feel comfortable. Absolutely, Ill expect a dress code. Who are their critics to say otherwise, nobody? Tattooed Football Players If he wants to cut all the players on the panthers with tattoos or piercings than he can tell Cam not to have any. Thats your right. Leg Football Tattoos 9. What makes you part of the team is not the draft but the contract that is signed, which most NFL contract do have a morality/ dress code clause look at Plexico Buress and others who violate their teams contracts by doing stupid things. Big diff to being the face of the franchise and being a backup linebacker.. Richardson has a reasonable point in this manner.. Newton will be the first face in all of the ads for the team and organization.. The NFL has punished several players for violating the leagues personal conduct policy, some without criminal charges. Richardson, a former teammate of Johnny Unitas with the Baltimore Colts and the first ex-NFL player since George Halas to own a team, was awarded the Panthers franchise in 1993. The most successful franchise in the history of sports: Yankees have been doing that for years. He strongly recommended it stay the way it is. Here's a look at the 25 worst tattoos, on current players, in the NFL, NBA and MLB. Nothing wrong with JR stating his preferences to kid that hes going to draft and pay to be the face of his franchise. Problem is, he forgot who it is that was going to be paying his salary. The NFL is trending dangerously close to the path the NBA took years ago and is now the NBA is trying to rebuild its image and fan base. Cristiano Ronaldo is one of few footballers who do not wear tattoos. If my QB is spending any time under the needle for a superficial piece of body art instead of studying film or learning every positions responisibility on every single play than he is mismanaging his responsibilities as a professional and I wouldnt trust him as the leader of my franchise. At least hopefully Cam will show better judgement than Pryor and avoid getting any tattoos on his throwing arm in the 24 hours leading up to a game, that habit really hurt Pryors consistency. People forget that these guys work FOR the owners just like you work FOR your boss. Sounds like a real bigot. Im not sure why NFL players should be any different. In any job, you have to understand and be prepared to deal with the bosss personality quirks and pet peeves. There is a difference in telling players and asking players. im not sure why the first reaction to all these stories where the league seeks to impose some sort of standard on its players has to be negative. Many business have dress codes and personal conduct codes. I dont have any tats Im not against it I just havent found something to put on my body forever. 3. Just as long as it isnt in the form of a threat or ultimatum. The standards are not the same for everybody/everywhere. He held up a photo of Steve Smith and said, Yeah, basically just dont be like this., Just take a look around the league If owners seriously considered only signing players who looked like choir boys they wouldnt even be able to field a team. If youre more concerned with your QBs looks than his dedication and hard-work, than that explains why you havent drafted a good one in as long as I can remember. The fact is, in todays game, corporate money is where its at. Rushmore. More people think the owners have the right to tell a guy if he can get tattoos and piercings or not? An NFL owner can tell his employers whatever he wants. NFL Tackling Players with Tattoos And the unfortunate truth is, in big business, image is EVERYTHING. It happens in many different workplaces. Web1. WebWe assumed 100 players (entries) for this tournament. If the bank guaranteed me 22 million bucks in exchange for not mutilating my body, im pretty sure im gonna take that deal. As a citizen in the corporate world, if I wear tattoos, I can rest assured there are jobs I will never be allowed to fill especially if I face the public in any capacity. 10 best NBA players who dont have tattoos. Cam can choose to bag groceries instead of get paid 30 mil to play a game. NOW that is FUNNY. For someone like Newton, whom Richardson said has athletic ability unlike anything that I have seen in quite a few years, Richardson presumably wants him to do nothing that would potentially alienate the mainstream paying customers. Many athletes get tattoos to honor those who have influenced their careers or to represent themselves positively through art. This was a PRE-DRAFT interview. Cam: WTF!!!!! Either way, there is nothing JR can do if Newton goes and gets a dozen tattoos and piercings tomorrow. I have tats all overhowever, I now work in a field that requires I cover them when there. Those players currently in the league with visible tattoos will be given the option to cover them up before games, practices and press conferences. Obviously there are exceptions to this idea such as Mike Vick but even Vick acknowledged that before his stint in the clink he didnt spend near enough time studying. He doesnt seem to have any issues with the request so Im not sure its even a problem. Even Cam Newton is winning football games, him being tatted up will have nothing to do with it. it makes little sense why Richardson is saying no tattoos or piercings to one guy, but not to others, but oh well. Welcome to the real world Jerry. If Newton wants a tat, wait until youre washed up in 4 years. nflofficeadmin says: Aug 24, 2011 6:03 AM. Nothing worse than going to the doctors office and my freaking nurse has a nose piercing. This isnt a matter of an owner telling a player how to dress and act; its about a businessman maximizing his products marketability. Football Tattoos For Men I said, Do you have any tattoos? He should just say no thanks, go get a couple of tats and sign with the Colts for less money and he can sit behind Manning. Now obviously an athlete will have a little more trouble hiding these things because of the locker room, but Richardson made a request, Newton, as a man (and if they are men here, they are men when they make a mistake too), can follow that request or ignore it. Though the topic was addressed by Tom Sorensen of the Charlotte Observer in April, its worth repeating. Is that unreasonable? Derrick RamsayBa't naman gano'n, Derek Ramsay? Umiyak tuloy si Be sure to also read best tattoo ideas and designs for football lovers. But for every Mike Vick their are even more JaMarcus Russells, Vince Youngs, and Terrelle Pryors. And thats why theyre the Panthers. As for Richardson not wanting Cam to get tats or piercings, its his team and he can request or demand how his players look on the field or in front of the press. If Im getting paid millions of dollars to be a high profile leader in a company and represent that company publicly? I hate tattos, that being said, if I were Cams friend, I would be advising him to go out and get some ink, ASAP. I dont see what the big deal is. As the face of the organization for (presumably, if everything goes well) the next 10+ years, if not for life, you want to roll out a conservative image. The notion that teams would try to make players into non-threatening billboards seems more than a little heavy-handed, even if its done in the name of growing the pie to the benefit of teams and players alike. If Carolina finishes with better than .500 record, their fans wouldnt care if Queequeg was their QB. Yeah, because having 60-80 yr old white guys running things has worked out so well lately.we should also commend them for extending their personal believes onto younger generations, because change is bad. The candidate and employer were on the same page. If Cam wishes to get exposed tatoos, its his business, but then doesnt deserve to be rewarded for non-compliance when contract day rolls around. WebThe adidas Predator Absolute Gold dropped without warning this morning, November 1st, 2022 on adidas. successful business owners in general (not the rule) tend to be type A personalities that think because they are the boss they can control everything. Of course, if Richardson keeps writing checks like he has these past few months, Im sure those offended players could get over it. 1.8k Views. If this is Richardsons policy, why isnt the whole team held to this standard? ************************************************** For someone who nearly died a few years ago and had to undergo a quadruple bypass, he has an odd way of showing an appreciation for life. Cam wanted the money that comes with being the #1 pick. Shoulder Football Tattoos 12. As a Panthers fan, this is one of the biggest non stories i have ever read on this site. Gareth Bale, however, admits to giving his dad a shock by once wearing magnetic earrings for a family dinner back home in Cardiff. Virgil Van Dijk Gets A Huge Compliment From Michael Owen. Its a business and some of those things do alienate fans which is alienating customers. NFL players show off 2022 'My Cause, My Cleats' footwear. Some employers even take it a step furtherMy partner is a firefighter, and she had to sign a morals clause as part of her employment contract with the city. without tattoos On the other hand Im a little disapointed in Cam. NFL players I believe they both come from religious families. I dont have any. I said, Do you have any piercings? He said, No, sir. But anyway, he is a classy player but we wouldnt be surprised to see him in a tattoo shop. People always look way too deep into things. Someone made a decent point about piercings, though. chrisbntx says: One guy I graduated from college learned this lesson the hard way. Not to be superstitious but a tattoo would definitely mess up the team mojo if he got one now, right? NFL QB with tattoos shouldn't be Why risk losing a commercial deal or something over a tatt. When big money starts changing hands, companies are more likely to support teams and athletes that represent the type of image the company wishes to present for itself. How many bankers have you come across with facial tattoos and lip rings? Tattoos and piercings say exactly that. i think a TON of people are missing the point. NFL Players Best comment of the day. The thing is, as the article mentions, it has to be consistant with the business or in this case the franchise. Probably because the Polish striker refuses to show off fancy stuff and refuses to compromise his body. Jerry Richardson has every right to ask that a player not have tats or piercings. All you widget business owners out there can dictate how your employees dress. Dwyane Wade 8. What this article reveals to me is that at some point in Richardsons thought process, it occurred to him that a BLACK QB will be leading his team and he wants to make sure that that potential team leader kept his appearance a certain way. And I it was a strong request, not a demand. We already have our Cam Newton. While Cam is not a front office guy he is the CEO on the field. I for one do not mind a boss/owner being allowed to dictate to his employees what they can or can not wear, decorate, etc Cam was drafted and signed a contract with the team to play in Carolina. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Ex Barcelona Pep Guardiola boss reflected on why Andreas Iniesta does not wear any tattoo, Iniesta doesnt die his hair, he does not wear earrings and he hasnt got any tattoos. I think the owner has the right but I dont see how it helps your team win games. An employer has the right to create an image with its employees that it wants to foster with the public. He is one of the few footballers without tattoos as it prohibited in his religion Islam. I have said more than once that if scientists went into the lab to design the perfect QB they would emerge with Cam Newton. As long as there continue to be other players on his team with tats or piercings, Newton can make a clear-cut case for discrimination if he is disciplined for getting either himself. Arent there baseball teams that dictate whether a player can grow a beard? Madden 20 Hmmmmm, 3octaveFart says: You CAN tackle by the hair. But I cant have BOTH at this stage in my career. I do not think its unreasonable that he wants a certain image for his franchise. He will not fine or discipline him, but what it will do is strain the relationship between the two. By the way does anyone have a problem with Clay Matthews have long hair and tats? This is so ridiculous. League may use police experts to check player tattoos if he doesnt want him to have tqtoos or piercings, he has every right to request that. Cam Newton doesn't have any tattoos on his body, and his ears are unpierced. Not a big deal though, most employers want employees to look professional. The reality is that this is a business and if you turn off your customers, you hurt the profit. My dad walked in and I swear I thought he was going to kill me, said Bale. However, the players that chose to go there generally are free agents and choose to acquiesce to that rule. The NFL has always been known as a league where players can display their personalities in a number of different ways. catman72 says: August 24, 2011 at 7:59 am Nothing wrong with JR stating his preferences to kid that hes going to draft and pay to be the face of his franchise. Believe it or not hes no dummy. Im perfectly OK with JR telling him how he should represent JRs franchise. Or says something stupid. Also, I doubt paying customers will care about any of that assuming TDs are being put on the board. Tattoosshmeh not so much. After all, this is a business, would you go to McDonalds if Ronald had 15 piercings all around his mouth and nose? Im not arguing the merit of the request with this post, but I do think youre off base if youre throwing out the companies have policies line here. NFL You meant isnt in the last sentence, phaktor. He doesnt seem to have any issues with the request so Im not sure its even a problem. I guess I can see the owners point as the face of the franchise but man it sure sounds pretty old school. The yankees do the same stuff in baseball. In my opinion, in most cases, tattoos and piercings just make players look immature and unprofessional. Good keep it that way. That is total BS. cam wont get to draw that line. I get it. Just for the record, most old people prefer young people to not have any piercings, tattoos, or ridiculous hair. He is one of a few footballers without tattoos. I just wanna know why you cant tackle some fool by his hair if hes going to wear it hanging out so far. Thankfully, the tattoos didn't stop 25-year-old Kaepernick from getting an NFL job. Jerry Richardson has every right to ask that a player not have tats or piercings. this, however, is taking it a step further by dictating how cam can look when hes not at work. Some are police officers who are willing to take a bullet to protect your stupid a##. That could be construed to be a health and safety issue, particularly in a contact sport. I am 34, but todays generation has gone hog wild with this tattoo craze and it needs to stop, or at least slow down. He was up front in the pre-draft interview, when deciding whether to draft Cam. From hair length, to facial hair, and most certainly tattoos (can you imagine a big professional law or accounting firm having a employee with tattoos and piercings all over their bodies?). . ===================. Most employers have some sort of dress code employees must stick to-even our military when it comes to tattoos and piercings. I see your point and its a good one. I would, however, question the wisdom of trading him just because he doesnt have an unmarked body. Manchester Uniteds star midfielder, Paul Pogba refuses to wear any tattoos on his body. Seriously though, were talking about grown men who have families of their own yet Richardson wants to treat them like children. However, what Cam does with his body outside the realm of being in shape, keeping himself healthy and making sure he is prepared to lead the team effectively, is none of the owners business. This is the NFL not Wallstreet. ************************************************** And such is life! Those who say Richardson can run his business as he sees fit, that theyve had jobs that forbid tattoos, etc. If you show up for an interview looking like a hood you might not get hired. Richardson doesnt care if Cam has a white girl, just not his grand daughter, ha ha. He should just play Madden. Apparently, Richardson is willing to tolerate those things when it comes to men who wont become the face of the franchise. how long do white tigers live - klocker.media They want the money too. Only one of the the top two players in franchise history was inked up and down the arm. Julius, you may be the best DE in the league but I dont want my best player to have tattoos, so GTFO. To all the posters that have said some variaton of if he doesnt like it, work somewhere else or I own a business and my employees do as they are told the guy was drafted. George Steinbrenner had the same rule for Yankees players. owners of a business dont actively seek out 1 person, they set a standard that all applicants have to adhere to. If you had something worth 500 million dollars, would you be worried what any of the posters on PFT thought? Thigh Football Tattoos 11. Its his team. Despite winning everything in his career, Robert Lewandowski chooses to be humble and refuses to wear any tattoo on his body. By that I mean.obsessively controlling and a little bit gay. In an era where football players flaunt their expensive possessions, Kante opted for a humble life and refuses to show off things. He certainly has a right to do whatever he wants. I made that point in another post. You want no tats or piercings? now with that said, i do agree that a no piercings/tatoos policy can hold up. At any job the boss has the right to tell his employee what he can and cant do. but to be able to dictate what one chooses to do with his/her body (as long as its not immoral/illegal) as an employer? Fans may be the lifeblood of the NFL, but theyre going to be there regardless. This reminds me of the Yankees and their no facial hair except mustaches rule. I think Jerry Richardson is a boorish, stubborn, old man who was the driving reason/unreason behind the lockout. JR has the right to say he doesnt want a QB with tattoos and piercings. I think its probably aimed at the Look at me persona that a lot of NFL players have adopted. . While Cam is not a front office guy he is the CEO on the field. Heck no. It is an employee relationship he seeks to re-establish, and the employees should look presentable to the public. It was simply a job interview. As an owner of a business, I can dictate how I want my business to be presented to the buying public. If you work ANYPLACEyou have to follow rules. At least u admitted that ur white cause sadly, it seems catagorizing blacks is what many of u seem to enjoy doing without even thinking French international NGolo Kante remains a humble human being despite his recent successes. Id be grouchy too if i was in my 70s. Employers generally dont want people with visible tats/excessive piercings interfacing with customersunfortunately some NFL players are pretty much always interfacing with customers because they are famous. employees do have rights. A policy has to be written and has to apply uniformly to everyone in similar circumstances. Whether he wanted to get a tattoo or not he should have stood his ground and said respectfully sir, I dont have any tattoos or piercings, but I alone will decide if I do or I dont. They just want the most talented guys. But I bet its not always the case with sponsors and advertisers and the business that pay to be affiliated with the team. Then Richardson would have to risk cutting talent (Im not a Cam fan), taking a PR hit and letting Cam take his talents to another team. Pogba is Newton is entitled to pay attention, or to ignore him, and the CBA doesnt give Richardson any freedom to fine him. McDonalds can tell me pretty much the same thing. There just arent that many supremely gifted athletes like Vick out there that can spend virtually no extra time on being a great QB. Translation: Dont want to scare white people. So what if he doesnt want his team represented by someone with sleeved up arms and a long hair cut. That being said if Newton is going to be the face of the franchise the Panthers have the right to tell him the image they want him to portray. This is the NFL. I dont have any. I said, Do you have any piercings? He said, No, sir. I find nothing as silly as when people try to compare playing in the NFL to a regular job.. The hard-earned money comes in the way of corporate sponsorships and advertising dollars. Also look to the military, sure soldiers, sailors, and airmen get tats, but if they are visible like on the face or hands they are subject to article 15 under the USMJ destruction or harm to Government Property like the individual who could be reduced in rank and subject to discharge. To everyone that keeps talking about my companys policy handbook has thisThis doesnt apply to this situation because Cam is being singled out. lets review the poll question: Should teams be able to tell players not to get tattoos or piercings? I find Cams clean cut look refreshing in the world of sports these days; much like Dwight Howard. And Im sure his agent wanted the commission on that money. Teams should let players know what they expect form their players, and if the players get tatoos then they should know that their owner frowns on it. Kudos to Cam for being well dressed and respectable to a potential owner. A guy who has size, strength and perfectly merges RB talent and elite passing skills. It is not unreasonable that owners want them to be non controvertial and risk alienating their fan base. He grew up during WWII for crying out loud. Now, having found out he doesnt have tattoos or piercings, hes gone up a few notches in my eyes. This is no different than someone going to work for a store that required a certain presentation.thats what the owner wants.his team.if Newton doesnt like it, he doesnt have to play! Well give you the last word on this one. If Cam doesnt like it he can work somewhere else, right? There is something special about being and NFL QB and Cam fully appreciates and understands that.
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