Angry Squid Ink is your number one choice for screen printed apparel. We have committed to play in the Nisqually Junior Football League (NJFL). The Chiefs jumped out to an early 6-0 lead as Savionte Edgecombe broke loose on a 50-yard touchdown run. I will be coachable and ready to learn and have fun. If a team needs to split into 2 teams, the teams MUST be split competitively and fair. Spirit pack cost will not exceed $200. <>>> 5. This section shows the teams in our league. The season will begin Monday, August 1, 6pm-8pm. Any parent who incurs unsportsmanship behavior penalty risks their child being disqualified from futher participation. 11. 0 Any complaints or concerns can be directed to Franchise Leadership or to NWPJFC,where it will be promptly investigated. <25 Employees . Elite Raptor football will prepare your son with the habits and fundamentals they will need to succeed at any level they play. 5 We are very happy that you and your child have made the decision to participate in this exciting sport. Additional information. Puyallup Rough Riders 48, Rainier Ravens 8. The Nisqually Junior Football League is a non-profit organization that has the sole purpose of providing youth football in the Pierce County area for youth between ages of 6 and 14. The organization teaches the children the benefits of being part of a team, while developing good sportsmanship, character, responsibility, respect, safety and the other essentials of being a good athlete. 3 0 obj Robinsons other touchdown was a 44 yard run in similar fashion. ODea pulled off a 57-52 upset over the number one seeded Mt. 4. Are you interested in volunteering tocoach youth cheer? Fees are paid per team fielded. We are dedicated to providing the best coaching, equipment, and competition for all who participate in this league. This league better aligns us with our common core values and addresses the concerns voiced by parents the last couple years. Official Home of Kent Knights Youth Sports Association, We are ready for 7v7 and 5v5 to start in January. <> Although a competitive league, safety and sportsmanship shall never give way to competition. Pay in full at time of registration or take advantage of the payment plan option by making a down payment of $100. The Rainier Ravens are please to announce that we have the following board positions avaiable: The Parent Coordinator shall serve as a liaison between the Board, the parents/guardians of RVFA participants and the coaches, the Parent Coordinator shall work under the direction of the Registration Coordinator when assisting with the collection of participation fees and other registration items, the Parent Coordinator shall work under the Concessions Manager for the coordination and maintenance of all volunteers for in the concession stand,the Parent Coordinator, in conjunction with each Head Coach, is responsible for identifying a Team Parent Representative for each team in RVFA., the Parent Coordinator shall inform and coordinate the Team Parent Representatives, the Parent Coordinator shall be responsible for submitting all relative paperworknecessary for participation with RVFA to the Registrar on parent volunteers, the Parent Coordinator shall coordinate with each Team Parent Rep and the Registrarregarding identification and reporting of any medical or behavioral issues that a RVFA participant may have to the Board. ROSTERS: a. . The Nisqually Junior Football League (NJFL) is a non-profit organization whose sole purpose is to provide youth football in North Pierce/South King County areas for youth between ages of 6 and 14. 4. Emerald City Seahawks 42, Auburn 6 9. With high school and youth leagues competing for field space and officials, and the continued possibility of scatterred Covid-19 incidents, there is a liklihood that schedules and locations will change. 7. 7. Players that are over the weight limit are considered non-skilled positions. Though These players will be identified by a select sticker on the back of players' helmets. <>/Metadata 240 0 R/ViewerPreferences 241 0 R>> (i.e. This site has not been updated and will be removed from the LeagueLineup network shortly. Coaches will listen to their players concerns and try to help anyway they can. endobj Practices for football and cheer will be held at Kent Meridian High School on the practice fields behind the tennis courts. I will set the examplefor my child(ren) by always displaying good sportsmanship. . Organizations Filed Purposes: ESTABLISHED IN 1978 TAHOMA BEARS JUNIOR FOOTBALL AND CHEER IS ONE OF 12 CLUBS OPERATING INDEPENDENTLY WITHIN THE NISQUALLY JUNIOR FOOTBALL LEAGUE. Ecorse, MI. Youll earn a few extra bucks, fill a critical need and have a lot of fun too! 4. 10. NOTE: We ask for your patience and flexibility this upcoming season. We are a non profit organization with a 501c(3) and we are accepting any and all donations at this time to assist with out budget costs. League Fee deposits, per team, are to be paid as soon as possible after receipt of invoices, to be no later than July 1st, with the . Registrar/Secretary - Elizabeth Groves, Fife . %PDF-1.7 We have committed to play in the Nisqually Junior Football League (NJFL). ")vwu]NWzqfk:|^%y^zS./+l8.Ye+~z_,?===x0l8p9V"?}o>GlV3#6;='MOs}5Og. <> Sign your child up online by clicking here. Divisions within the Nisqually Junior Football League are listed in the 2022 Age/Weight Chart. Mason Williams finished the game with 14 points, while teammate Miles Clark chipped in 14 points, 8 rebounds, and 3 blocks. Though this is a competitive league, safety and sportsmanship shall never give way to . There are many ways to get involved, from coaching to helping on game days with field set up and take down to becoming a team MOM or DAD. 4 0 obj Coaches will do the best they can to ensure each athlete is both physically and mentally ready for whatever task is asked of them. The Emerald City Seahawks quickly put last Sundays heartbreaking loss behind them as they raced out to an early 21-0 first quarter lead, and cruised to a 42-6 victory over Auburn. I will maintain passing grades and respect my teachers and others in my school. R.V.F.A. To hold a spot on a football or cheer roster, you must pay the registration fees in full or be up to date with thepayment plan option. for more info please call Vorian Lewis 206-7158197. Ervin finished the day with 10 carries for 150 yards rushing and 3 touchdowns. I will carry myself in respectable way. 8. (i.e. 3 0 obj The primary function of the Association is to conduct postseason tournaments and to help member schools have rules and guidelines to follow and enforce locally to promote equitable . QY.=I(F8Ug F"wQSEC>l-~]ZYHY~GN#_ccm;Ad2|7w-nSiH!LP))`+"q|XMgA,oJu^#+il0/AbpDe&1 K+S{C:cv:w9~}PCi=,41.`:] *)kPY^C`*OmdUJVw8u9Hcm'|+G"O!3Ym~wBx.oa%J;MKar@d"&tF. With the win, the Ravens finished the season 10-0 and have won 22 games in a row under Head Coach Matt Wayman and his staff Mario Banchero, Arliss Doss, Daymon Tullis, Brian Call and Lelen Moore. <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> 2022 Kent Knights Jr Football & Cheer Registration. The best athletes in The Bonney Lake Area join The Raptors Elite 7on7 team to rep our city and compete against the top athletes in the region. stream Coaches will promote a positive attitude and lead by example. Coaches will not argue with parents or offcials, and will always demonstrate good sportsmanship. We want the best talent in the area to stay and compete with others in Bonney Lake on a local/regional and national stage. endobj I will demonstrate good sportsmanship on and off the field of play. Any parents who enters the playingfield during a game risks their child being disqualified from futher participation. This league better aligns us with our common core values and addresses the concerns voiced by parents the last couple years. 2. Ravens 0 It is a league that we participated in last year. NJFL - Nisqually Junior Football League August 18 at 10:25 AM If paid early, in April, for all expected teams, organization gets an early . Are you interested in volunteering your time to coach youth football or volunteer on the board? THE NJFL IS A PROUD SUPPORTER AND MEMBER OF USA FOOTBALL. WE NO LONGER USE THIS WEB SITE FOR SIGN UPS PLEASE CLICK ON LINK FOR OUR NEW WEB SITE. 2022, Tiloben Publishing Co., Inc. All Rights Reserved. There are no weight restrictions in 7/8th grades. #BecomeAnOfficial, Winter Nisqually League Championship Brackets, Spring Nisqually League Championship Brackets, 2019 Nisqually All-League Teams -- Spring, 2018 Nisqually All League Teams -- Spring, NIsquallyAllLeagueBoysBasketball21_22.pdf, NisquallyAllLeagueGirlsBasketball21_22.pdf, 2021NisquallyAllLeagueGirlsBasketball.pdf, 2021NisquallyLeagueTrackandFieldAllLeague.pdf, 2019-2020NisquallyAllLeagueBoysBasketball.pdf, 2019-2020NisquallyAllLeagueGirlsBasketball.pdf, 2019NisquallyAllLeagueBoysCrossCountry.pdf, 2019NisquallyAllLeagueGirlsCrossCountry.pdf, 2018-19NisquallyAllLeagueBoysBasketball.pdf, 2018-19NisquallyAllLeagueGirlsBasketball.pdf, 2018NisquallyAllLeagueBoysCrossCountry.pdf, 2018NisquallyAllLeagueGirlsCrossCountry.pdf, 2018NisquallyOlympicAllLeagueFootball.pdf, Fall Nisqually League Championships Brackets. }FLO3$9wCMy2AV&A_N District Stat Leaders Stat Categories Offense Passing Rushing Receiving Scoring Touchdowns Total Yards Defense Tackles Sacks Interceptions Special Teams Field Goals PAT King Counties. If so, please read the job description below. We are built upon word of mouth and referrals and because of this we only provide the highest level of workmanship available. . The Ravens offense was led by Isiah Doss, Jaloni Spears, Silk Harris, Jordan Call and Jacolby Cochran Jr. Though this is a competitive league, DICK'S Sporting Goods, Inc. is a leading omni-channel sporting goods retailer offering an extensive assortment of authentic, high-quality sports equipment, apparel, footwear and accessories. Welcome to Fife Junior Football (FJF). So whether you are a corporation looking for promotional apparel or a band looking to fill your merch table, Angry Squid Ink is the best choice around. Coaches will be fair, respectable, and consistent. The pandemonium started late in the third quarter after perceived missed . Registration must be paid in full or payment plans up to date for football players to receive football gear. 9, The Fundraising\Marketing Coordinator is responsible for coordinating all activities related to the management of donations, sponsorships and RVFA fundraisers for the organization, t, he Fundraising\Marketing Coordinator reports to the Vice-President of RVFA regarding all current or potential activities in this area, o. ther duties are to be determined by Executive Board. On Nov. 2, a playoff game between two teams in the Nisqually Junior Football League was interrupted by infuriated parents. 4 0 obj Established in 1967, WCS has over 42 years experience serving customers throughout Western Washington. Ravens 27, Rainier Wh. x[[o~`3\ys)4Ay)Jb:$fx[I+AQP^|o{uV_? I will consistently attend practices, games, and other team functions on time. Scores & Highlights from local teams playing in the Nisqually Junior Football League. If interested please contact Vorian Lewis at 206-715-8197 or endobj Seattle Junior Seahawks 38, King County Chiefs 6 Coaches will stress teamwork, academic stability, and respect to each and every athlete. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer for the 2014 season, please contact a board member for more information at Football Fees i. I understand that I risk being ejected and/or suspended from a game(s) or further league participation if I incur unsportsmanlike behavior penalities. Currently our local public school district does not offer football to this age group (6-14yrs) due to budget constraints. Our teams are open to youth from 1st through 8th grade. nisqually junior football league NOTE: We ask for your patience and flexibility this upcoming season. I will be a team player and always put the team first. 4 0 obj Our print team has over 20 years of screen printing experience and we are conveniently located just south of Seattle. Coaches will follow the rules of the sport and of NWPJFC and teach the fundamentals of football at level that incurs the best possible learning enviroment. Grade 6A TBJFC IS RESONSIBLE FOR IT'S OWN REGISTRATION, FUNDRAISING, EQUIPMENT OUTFITTING AND INTERNAL ADMINISTRATION AND SCHEDULING ALL CONSISTENT WITH THE NJFL RULES.
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