Firstly, the simple calculation ignores the date of voyage within the year: for instance, a passenger who was aged 21 and who travelled on 1st January 1911 is more likely to have been born in 1889, while a passenger of the same age who travelled on 31st December 1911 is much more likely to have been born in 1890, yet both will displayed in your results with the calculated year of birth of 1890. 1817-1829 : Indexes of Tasmanian Convicts (Tasmania GenWeb) - inculdes several passenger lists 1817-1829. There is a header, providing details about the ship and its voyage. Cyndi's List - Ships & Passenger Lists - Ship Lists: General We didnt know how we could get from our ship to the destroyer, but with a most daring captain, or else he could not have done such a wonderful thing, the destroyer came alongside our ship, so near that our boys, and the crew, jumped for their lives. Later in life Pearl B. Horn did not talk much about the war in an detail, but one day many years ago, he told his son, Paul Horn, a few things about that time and his limited experience in the last battle of WWI, Meuse-Argonne Offensive. "SS Lucania" - partial passenger list for voyage from Ireland to New York in 1898 "Germanic" - partial passenger list for voyage from Queenstown, Ireland to New York in 1903. Only known photo of Able Seaman Thomas Goodwin, shown 2nd from left in the front row. About Australia: Orient Line Migrant Ships Others were on deck, but their hold wasnt very good and they were swept overboard. Give my love to all the others and love and kisses to you, the dearest of mothers! The default setting is All, which allows you to search all ports at the same time. This was started by Paul's father, Samuel Hirt. In the early decades covered by BT27, you are likely to see these places written on the actual lists as Natal (sometimes abbreviated simply to N) and Algoa Bay (often shown as A Bay). He was selected as part of the September Automatic Replacement Draft, Company 1, from Fort Screven Georgia. Passenger Arrival Records | National Archives His mother, Mrs. Martha McAfee, R. F. D. 1, Coldwater, Ohio, was notified as next of kin of his death. Orient Line - R.M.S. Ormonde 1917 to 1952 - Page Two However, in a few minutes we got orders to go up on C deck with life preservers, which we did in a calm manner. Passenger Lists Leaving UK 1890-1960 | Fremantle. Phone: (902)-569-2333 and (902)-894-9885 The following 4 vessels, the Alexander, Jane, Lucy, and British Queen were all associated with the migration of Scots Catholics from Clanranald's Estates! OTRANTO | Passengers in History OTRANTO OTRANTO - 1909 OTRANTO Modify Page Content Ship Details Rig Steel Twin Screw Steamer, 2000 nhp Built 1909 Built In Belfast Tonnage 12,124g 7,433n Built By Workman Clark & Co Dimensions 535'4 x 64' x 38'7" Demise Edward was assigned to Fort Screvena, Georgia to train for war. The actor Buster Keaton sailed to Europe on the Otranto in August of 1918 with units of the 40th Division. Year Title Description Download ; 1926 : Hatarana : 232/1926 - Hatarana : PDF: 1926 : Mongolia 1938 The Australia service extended to New Zealand. Kaitlin Le (Kelly Marie Tran), a college student whose twin brother vanished with the flight, is determined to uncover the truth. He was selected as part of the September Automatic Replacement Draft, Company 1, from Fort Screven Georgia. Dull was born in Wood County, Ohio about 1899 and at the time of enlistment he lived in Arcanum, Ohio. Then many years later, in 1949 she received a further refit to accommodate 1,052 One Class immigrants. Pvt. This information on Cpl. He was selected as part of the September Automatic Replacement Draft, Company 2, from Fort Screven Georgia. He sailed aboard the, Among the names of 200 American soldiers who lost their lives in the sinking of the transport. I can remember standing in front of my mother at the funeral parlor and seeing his coffin with the flag over it. U.S., Army Transport Service Arriving and Departing Passenger Lists 1948-9: Fitted out as a one class ship at Birkenhead. The Passengers of the May Flower in 1620 [pg 47] Passengers of the Mary and John, p. 265. RMS Otranto was an ocean liner that was built for the Orient Steam Navigation Company in 1925. 1, from Ft. Screvens, Georgia. Passenger Lists | Dead Reckoning - State Library Of Western Australia If you select this option, you will be returned only entries where New Zealand (rather than a more specific port) has been given on the passenger list. This database is an index to the passenger lists of ships arriving from foreign ports at the port of New York from 1851-1891 and 1935-1938. The Island Register Ships Page Twentieth century lists include even more details and can give the town or county of origin, as well as the names of other family members, destination, physical description, and . Clifford Ardell Carpenter - Born 21 October 1876 in Oconomowoc, WI, died 6 October 1918 off the Coast of Scotland during the sinking of the Otranto. Crown Copyright Images reproduced by courtesy of The National Archives, London, England. Sorata. Passenger lists and Emigrant ships from Norway-Heritage The passenger train was carrying 342 travellers and 10 crew, with two crew on the cargo train, Hellenic Train data showed. 61541: Wayne. The Persian Gulf is included under Iran but a voyage marked as heading for that destination might of course have called at ports on the opposite side of the Gulf: you need to search under Iran to cover this possibility. KAITLIN - Kelly Marie Tran RORY - Ben Daniels PROFESSOR ALCOTTE - Cyril Nri MARIANNE - Carlyss Peer CONOR - Akie Kotabe NADJULA - Munirih Grace HARRIS - Kerry Shale AGENT MURPHY- Danielle Lewis OTHER VOICES: Laurel Lefkow, Christopher Ragland, Eric Meyers, Gianna Kiehl, Eric Sirakian, Chris Kelly, Maddy Kelly, Merk Nguyen 28 min September Automatic Replacement Draft Unit No. Six hundred men owe their lives to him. Additionally, this record set contains no incoming voyages to Britain. View the catalogue description for. I was in bed and heard gunshots, I ran downstairs and sat on the piano bench scared and I thought the Germans had invaded us. The American landsmen thought they would be safer on board the larger vessel than the small naval craft but this was to their undoing and explained why so many were lost. Names of places have been standardised in the port dropdown list, of course, but also in the transcriptions. It is a wonder that the destroyer (the Mounsey) wasnt torn to pieces, for sometimes she would be a wave higher than our ship, then she would be far below; then she would come up again near us. We didnt sleep very much and Sunday morning found us on a raging sea a fearful sea. Passenger Lists leaving UK 1890-1960 - Genes Reunited Pvt. The loss of life was heavy - 431 drowned, including 351 American soldiers - though there were 367 survivors in all. However, in 1933, she was given a comprehensive refit to become a One Class Liner, accommodating just 770 Tourist Class passengers and she was listed as being 14,983 GRT. This information was shared with me by a relative of Seaman Ludlow. example: 1847 passenger list . Write to me soon and tell others to write to me. The passenger lists in BT27 include long-haul voyages to destinations outside Britain and Europe. Accordingly, you may wish to check under both Curacao and Caracas if you are trying to find a person who went to one or other of these destinations. The conditions of the sea at that time were swells of 15 to 20 feet or more and men were being thrown across the deck of the ship. By 11:00 am it was all over the Otranto was gone with many men and those who survived were taken to Belfast, Ireland. In 1953 the two rival vessels clashed at sea and almost come to grief. He was not married, and had no children. The list contains: Non-Convict name, title, ship, contact name and e-mail address. His mother, Mrs. Sam Smith, 348 Kilgore St., Cincinnati, Ohio, was notified as next of kin of his death. New Zealand, Archives New Zealand, Passenger Lists, 1839-1973. Able Body Seaman Turner was one of the last to jump from the Otranto and saw the ship and Captain Ernest W. Davidson go down as he waved to his men as he stayed by his charge to the very end. Was assigned to the Spetember Automatic Replacement Draft and was drowned on the Otranto when she was sunk on October 6. The Australian National Maritime Museum began collecting maritime artefacts long before it opened its doors in 1991. You can search and download lists of ships' passengers entering and leaving the United Kingdom from and for ports outside Europe and the Mediterranean. Applications for any other use should be made to. If a port is not in the drop-down list, this means that (to the best of our knowledge) there are no sailings from it. Please note that not all ports are sea ports. We had quite a bit of rain, and a heavy sleet fell upon us too. Lauch was assigned to the Coast Artillery Corps at Fort Screven, Georgia. He was selected as part of the September Automatic Replacement Draft, Company 2, from Fort Screven Georgia. British Armed Forces & National Service Where an age is given for a passenger in the original list, we have calculated the approximate year of birth using the simple subtraction of the age from the year of voyage. In the Second World War the second Otranto was converted into a troop ship and a Landing ship, infantry. Newsome was assigned to the Coast Artillery Corps at Fort Screven, Georgia. Seaman Turner made it safely and years later was able to tell his story to his grandson, Wayne. Passenger Lists leaving UK 1890-1960 - Genes Reunited Passenger Lists leaving UK 1890-1960 All Categories Armed Forces & Conflict Births, Marriages & Deaths Census, Land & Surveys Newspapers, Directories & Social History Travel & Migration Collections in this Category Colonial Service Passenger Lists Travel Records in this Collection Dull was assigned to the Coast Artillery Corps at Fort Screven, Georgia. Pvt. I was under water for the third time. He had served 16 years in the navy prior to the war and was called up again in August 1914. Pvt. PASSENGER LISTS Journey to Australia - Immigrant Ships The Willem Ruys and Oranje passed in opposite directions . HMS Otranto - RootsWeb [5] On 4 August 1932 she collided with the Thames barge Why Not in the Thames Estuary at Thameshaven, Essex, England; Why Not sank.[6]. What do I need to know before I start? By providing the drop-down list, we save a researcher from searching for information which is not within the database. Pvt. Although Seattle was incorporated in 1869, relatively recently for an American city, it quickly became an important center for exporting the regions rich natural resources, and so the population relied on sea travel and trade. He sailed aboard the HMS Otranto on the 25th September 1918 and he was killed during the 6 October sinking of the Otranto. When we got on deck we found a very strong wind and high waves. I had looked for brother but was unable to find him. Men were in the raging sea and clinging to anything that would float. Passenger Lists Leaving UK 1890-1960 Discover your ancestors who left Ireland and Great Britain between 1890 and 1960. example: 1851 passenger list (scroll down) l847 Canadian list. Starring Kelly Marie Tran, Colin Morgan, Rob Benedict and Patti LuPone. One-Step Webpages by Stephen P. Morse For these two reasons, we use a default +/- 2 years when you search by year of birth. ArchivesSearch | Queensland State Archives | Queensland Government This is an incomplete list of American and British men who were killed during the sinking: Pvt. His shoulder always caused him great pain and finally, he retired from his business in 1946, turning it over to my older brother Robert Morris Perrin, when he returned from WW II. However, they will not have sailed from, say, Glasgow if their destination overseas is not served by a shipping line operating out of that port, or if sailings there do run but are not departing at the date at which they need to travel. He was selected as part of the September Automatic Replacement Draft from Fort Screven Georgia. Death Finds a Way: A Janie Riley Mystery by Lorine McGinnis Schulze Janie Riley is an avid genealogist with a habit of stumbling on to dead bodies. -The following American survivors of the Otranto, all of them privates, have been landed here: Charles E. Smithson, David R. Roberts, George S. Taylor, Earle Garver, Stewart Early [Early Steward], Noah Taylor, William Cooney, Robert F. Schaun, Thomas A. Kelly, Ben Smith, Robert Brown, Joseph S. Richards, William Richards, Emil Peterson, Joseph M. Battle was drowned during the sinking on October 6, 1918. He enlisted into the Regular Army at Columbus Barracks, Ohio on 31 July 1918 at the age of 19 1/2 years old. I did have his Mandolin but at one point in my life I was really down and out and my Mom told me to sell it which I did now I wish I had kept it. When we landed I found I couldnt walk very well. "Tel" or "Tel $" meaning Telegram, meaning they didn't have sufficient funds to travel to their intended destination, and they sent a telegram requesting money from a relative or someone else. Hirt's Greenhouse and Flowers. Pearl B. Horn, a private, was no doubt one of the "replacements" on their way to the war, but got side tracked for a short time due to the sinking. Synopsis Let us know. The accident happened not far from the same place where the Lusitania was sunk near Ireland. In addition, the names found in the index are linked to actual images of the passenger lists, copied from the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) microfilm, M237, rolls 95-580 and T715 . The ship was named after the town of Otranto in Apulia in southern Italy. These ships' names have also been standardised, i.e., Munchen/Muenchen is listed under Munchen only. L. Baldry. The inclusion of Dutch, German, Swedish, Portuguese and other foreign ships means that some ships will have names that may initially look like mis- transcriptions. He enlisted into the Regular Army at Columbus Barracks, Ohio on 17 October 1918 at the age of 18 years 6 months old. A man from my hometown saw me when I was eleven while I was unveiling the monument to the service men and he told me that he was on the same ship and saw my dad try to jump from the Otranto to the Mounsey which had pulled alongside and he fell in between. Read tagging guidelines. There were several men in the hospital who were killed outright. ORIENT LINE PASSENGER LIST RMS ORONTES Australia service 1953 EMIGRANTS After being in the water for about 2 hours he finally made it to shore looking like a giant grease ball. Who First name (s) Name variants Last name Name variants Once on deck the men were faced with very strong winds. He was a very handsome man, played the mandoline and used to whistle 'Listen to the Mocking Bird' when he went past our house. However, within this alphabetical listing there is also an entry called New Zealand. The Castle of Otranto was the Blair Witch Project of 1764. Her tonnages were 20,032gross register tons(GRT), 12,031net register tons(NRT) and 12,228 tons under deck. Otranto then resumed her pre-war role as a passenger liner, now refitted to carry 1,412 tourist-class passengers. His daughter Barbara Dilts Joike reflects; "I also do not have many memories of him. Seaman Francis Edwin Turner is marked with the "X", middle of the back row. His letter follows: Royal Victoria Hospital, He told me about it only once, and only briefly, when I was a teenager, in response to my question as to his military experience. Geiger is buried in Kilchoman, Ireland as there is a cross in a cemetery there marked as: America Pvt. Sea Captains Biographical Sketches - Gjenvick She was subsequently reconverted back into a troop transport and served as such until released from government service in 1948. These are digitised records from two. She was 632.0 feet (192.6m) long between perpendiculars, had a beam of 75.2 feet (22.9m) and a draught of 37feet 6inches (11.43m). The sea was mountainous and the hurricane bit in, and he can remember his grandfather saying: "I will never forget it." My search for him that Sunday morning one week ago today was in vain. The names of wives and children were often not included.
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