What can this be? I lived in the Sequim valley from March 2012 to June 2017. "Specific aircraft and their capabilities are protected for operational security purposes." After another 10 minutes it vanished. This kind of stuff brings out the super excited big kid in me. If you live in a busy area, there is a good chance that your neighborhoods sounds drown out any drone noises. So how does his apply to a circling helicopter? Airport delay information is available on the two website links listed below: Real-time airport status can be found at the Flight Delay Information Air Traffic . The military jets were low and loud. And now the strange jet engine-like noises are being reported. Today I was checking out your website, Earthfiles.com, when I came across your recent report about the mysterious jet sounds being heard, but no jet plane visible. He stated that it could be a personal drone, RCMP aerial surveillance, or endless other possibilities. Hope he saved enough for bail. It is therefore a good idea to try your device out during the day first, to get a feel for what RF signals are normal for your area. Another still is that buildings, trees, etc., can block their view, and circling to get the best view is more. "It's creepy," said Missy Blackman, who saw three drones hovering over her farm outside Palisade, Neb., on a recent evening, including one that lingered right above her house. On departure, please avoid overflying Houghton-on-the-Hill, Little Stretton, Stoughton, Oadby, Evington and Great Glen where possible. My name is Sean. If a helicopter orbits, the surrounding buildings can block the view. Hope its just maneuvers! We have heard this jet-like sound twice. Difference between the F-15C Eagle and F-15E Strike Eagle? Usually, I see two or four that most likely are doing training runs.. several weeks ago, I saw 6 fly out in close succession, and at a higher speed than I usually see. "It was 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 and 6:30 to 10:30 every single day. Attention Kingston: It is time to set your Inconvenience Meter to Annoying Mystery Night Plane setting. Evening Civil Twilight is the period that occurs between 30 minutes and an hour after sunset. These guys are known as the they dont seem to have a name, but you can see how awesome they are here. Very, very strange., 9 To: Linda Moulton Howe, Earthfiles.com Drones you see outdoors usually fall under the FAA registration rule. The night is defined by the department as the time between the end of the Evening Civil Twilight and the start of the Morning Civil Twilight. This is starting to leave Kingston residents at a loss, wondering who this mystery plane belongs to and why it is flying over their house at 2:00 AM multiple times during the week. While they do sound similar, they would have to be right on top of us to sound like this loud. My 2001 report: Around 3 AM one morning in the spring of 2001, I awoke from my bed in Wheaton, Illinois, to hear a vast roaring noise that sounded like several dozen jumbo jets roaring through the sky. It does not require active use, either. Subscribe to get my latest content & updates by email. The sky was super cloudy. I would like to remain anonymous please. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. I did not see anything during the roars. ince January 2011, Earthfiles has done some 200 news reports about mysterious loud, unexplained booms without physical evidence. It seems to me there is a real physical object moving through the air that is simply not visible. I live in Lexington Park, Maryland, 2 miles from PAX River Air Station. He states, It could literally be anything, and it could be flying for any reason,. This was during the 60s and early 70s. This signal falls at the higher, non-ionizing end of the electromagnetic spectrum. That is all #ygk#ygkInconvenienceMeter#ygkNightPlane, Reid and Ben: While Kingston tries to sort out the identity of the mysterious plane is circling the city, you can pass the time by playing this! Passenger Space on Airplanes - All You Need To Know! I just wanted to let you know that this high strangeness is not limited to the Puget Sound area that it is also happening over on the Olympic Peninsula. I want to tell you about an experience I had around the first week in September 2019. I wonder if there is some kind of invisible craft out flying around in the area. READ ALSO: Canadas New 2019 Food Guide Has Officially Been Announced (PHOTO). ????. Today, find out why fighter jets are flying over Portland, Oregon, and what other military planes and helicopters fly over our city. For this next report, we go down to the Southern Hemisphere to Queensland Australia, where about 535 miles north of Sydney is a place called Runaway Bay on the Coral Sea. I apologize for not documenting the date and time, but it was late evening, maybe 10:00 PM Mtn. So I knew that if a jet was flying closer to the ground than normal, it would not be able to turn sharply in 4 directions so quickly. 6 To: Linda Moulton Howe, Earthfiles.com, Today watching your YouTube video, I realized that I should check the airport departure time table. Listen to audio. Drones have a distinct sound. I heard what sounded like a. I am still employed by the U.S. government, but am retiring soon. Ive never heard this before or since, and it is both puzzling and fascinating! This allows for longer time on station and gives the occupants or pilot an entire 360 view of the scene to film, observe or recon before making an approach to land. The noise would start again every 5 seconds then stop again 5 seconds continuing like this for a couple minutes., U. S. government employee in Colorado, who requests anonymity, I took my high power laser pointer and shot it up in the direction of the unexplained loud jet sound. To do that the pilot will fly the orbit so the camera operator is on the inside of the circle. I observed this activity around the Vallejo and Benicia areas. Leicester Airport is in a rural area, but we have good neighbours in surrounding villages. Also, you can only see navigation lights at night as they are not visible in daylight. It does not mean the drone is only allowed one solid green light, and thats it. Its been going on most nights for a week, usually starts after dusk, and can continue until 1 or 2 am. Yours Truly.`, 6 To: Linda Moulton Howe, Earthfiles.com How to Find Out Why an LAPD Helicopter is Circling Above Your Home - LAist It sounded like an engine roar, but was decimals higher and the sound did not decrease or increase as a jet would coming or going in the sky. On several occasions, occurring both during the day and at night with no clouds or fog I have heard what amounts to the the familiar sound of a large commercial plane on approach. Comment *document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a75a5484aadf88476e01d792f1f847df" );document.getElementById("e3a512790a").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); PortlandMofo 2014-2022 | Contact | Subscribe | Privacy Policy | Terms of Service | Sitemap. Maybe its because Portland/Oregon appeared rather unassuming to the national brass cause they were quite impressed. We live about 7 miles from the Preston Smith Airport here in Lubbock. I live in Mission Viejo, California (about 6 miles north of San Juan Capistrano) and have been hearing the same, loud jet engine noises at night. [link]. Move along. "I . I live in a high rise apartment with an unobstructed approx. The other, which the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) requires, is referred to as anti-collision lights. It grew louder the longer that I listened, yet when I got up to open the front door to look outside, I saw absolutely nothing on the ground or in the sky that would explain the source of that sound. Try to spot any visible identifying features. I apologize for not documenting the date and time, but it was late evening, maybe 10:00 PM Mtn. To my surprise, there are no flights between 10pm to 5am in Christchurch, New Zealand airport. I love watching you watching me when you fly above me. We use your sign-up to provide content in the ways you've consented to and improve our understanding of you. This diagram is based on height above the ground and airspeed. They describe the sound like a high-pitched motor of a plane that can be heard almost every night, yet nobody actually knows why or where the plane is flying to. The app runs in the background on your phone and will send you a push notification if a drone has come within a certain range. He asked why they didnt just fly back and forth or hover up high. 20th Mar 2021, 2:32pm. A Pilot Weighs in! Military aircraft, especially helicopters, tend to fly low to avoid being engaged by weapons and detection by an adversary. They are commanded by the State of Oregon Air National Guard. President Barack Obama has said he welcomes a debate on government surveillance, and has called for more transparency about spying in the wake of disclosures about classified programs. Part 1: Gigantic Triangular Craft Took Two Campers in Devils Den State Park, Arkansas. At 6o knots this is when the power required to fly is at its lowest. Glad to be home. The H/V or Height Velocity Diagram is a diagram issued by the helicopter manufacturer that tells the pilot when a helicopter could be landed safely if their engine were to stop. They provide long-range radar and electronic coverage. Nathan Standley. A concerned resident has expressed his frustration after being disturbed last night by low-flying aircraft. I thought to myself, holy hell, what is happening?!?! I am watching your live YouTube broadcast from 8/14/2020 and my attention was especially drawn to the part about the loud aircraft noises coming from the sky late at night over the Boeing employees home in Everett, Washington. I wanted to share this story with you, because I thought there might be a slight chance that someone else located in the Lubbock, Texas, area just might have contacted you about this strange, loud, pulsing jet noise. See item here. These definitions are determined by the FAA. It is also compatible with Alexa. It's a large prop plane with no lights on, it's not showing on the Live Flight Tracker and it seems to be circling Kingston. We are the United States of America and we are FIGHTERS were good at it and if you dont like the noise you and your neighbors can move!! them. Do you guys have any idea on what this was?? Because the helicopter has a camera mounted on its nose or side a good majority of the time the camera operator is the one wanting to view or track the object.
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