I can't think of any scenario where an adult Gilgamesh lets Shirou live through the day of the summoning. Shirou's relentless idealism infected him. "I guess I got lucky?" "I made far too many mistakes, and left it with a Servant who was only going to destroy herself in a quest that will only end in suffering and a foolish desire to save everyone in the world. Work Search: +. ", Karna nodded. He was already awkward around girls not named "Sakura Matou" or "Taiga Fujimura". "I suppose it matters not. She fired another Gandr shot, which was once again stopped by Caster. "My Master does not wish for Caster to acquire a third Servant, so he ordered me to fight her." Caster spun around in the air, creating a series of runes in the air that all fired rays of magic upon Astolfo. With many relationships of those who know the certain bowman and even not. The problem, of course, was actually getting there amidst the onslaught of treasures. "You're always wound up about something, Emiya. Shirou called out, summoning the shield of the Trojan hero, Aias. Shirou projected weapon after weapon to block, parry, and deflect every single one shot at him, becoming a whirlwind of slashes that barely managed to tear through the offensive. Karna said, nodding. Gilgamesh's barrage was less focused than before, the King of Heroes dazed and deafened. If Shirou is a backstabbing coward. A good crossover fic is true hearts of steel, it's a Nier automata crossover and it gets Shirou pretty well. Read the most popular shirou stories on Wattpad, the world's largest social storytelling platform. Shirou only got off fine because he expected it and braced himself for the sound. "Oh, you are! Gender was irrelevant as far as Shirou was concerned. Astolfo answered with a shrug. "You stole my father from me." Karna narrowly dodged the weapon Gilgamesh fired at him, the blade grazing him and opening up a cut along his cheek. "It only grazed my heart, so I'm still in fightin' shape!". Unknowingly, Shirou had dodged certain death thrice that day by his remarkable ignorance of magecraft and his remarkable cooking. While Caster was distracted, Karna cut the strings trapping Shirou and Rin. "Emiya, I didn't realize you were a Mage." He idly noted that Karna had shed his cape and was wearing a rather nice looking suit and tie (most likely from Kiritsugu's old wardrobe). He needed to protect them. ", "Well, not everyone can be from so far back in time." ", "Faker, huh?" THIS IS A COPY AND PASTE FROM THE REAL FANFICTION ON FANFICTION.NET Gilgamesh forsaw that the ragnarok will start in another singularity killing all singularities at once. Saber explained, keeping her gaze trained on Caster. Karna's speed only rose as his battle with Gilgamesh escalated. I'd take him to the Ryuudou Temple leyline for the purpose of summoning the Grail. Fear burned through his nerves like acid. Would you like to join me? So Shirou offered, yet Gilgameshs gaze found Shirou and sharpened with the puzzling return of, You would place yourself at my table?. Rin said. Kirei Kotomine, at the temptations of Gilgamesh, gave in to his dark desires and caused a flood of death and tragedy. Gilgamesh can easily accept Shirou Emiya as a subordinate for the course of the war. FJ-20-21 . Karna asked, materializing his lance. What if Shriou accidently summoned Gilgamesh instead? SERVANTS WHO NEVER SHOULD BE SUMMONED- PART 1. Lancer answered. Astolfo smirked. I doubt you would accomplish much, even if you had a Master." "We're here to have fun for once! Shirou's eyes widened for a moment, as he ran towards his Servant. It was all I had to keep myself sane. It was the only reason he had even bothered speaking, to see that look of brokenness. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Before anybody could speak, several blades pierced Archer's chest. Archer decided that was the only thing that made sense and left it at that. ", Archer chuckled. Fate/kaleid liner PRISMA ILLYA - Works | Archive of Our Own Let's just see what you can do!" Astolfo grumbled. When the flames cleared, nothing was left of Berserker. But what about others? Berserker growled, throwing a punch with his free hand that Karna blocked with his lance. Astolfo and Shirou deserve a happy ending and I bent the rules as much as possible to make that happen. Have withstood pain to create many weapons. Berserker was downed in the same Lancer had been before, giving Astolfo the chance to retreat. "Fine." Berserker managed to throw himself at the Rider-class Servant with his enormous strength, forcing Astolfo to block the strike to protect her Master. Work Search: Shirou and Astolfo arrived at the Einzbern mansion. It was just to try to see if Berserker was going after her. left kudos on this work! '' ''. As for his Master, Illyasviel just broke down crying. For a moment, a terrible rage ran through it. Do you have a wish, Master? Astolfo said with a smile. "Die.". It wasn't going to make up for the intrinsic difference in strength and speed, but it meant that Archer wasn't going to win this easily. Atalanta is up next, but who do you want to see afterwards? Archer chuckled. Inferior collector, you should leave. Shirou shrugged. Rider falls for him in FHA and has no direct reason to kill him, so I think they could be able to at least collaborate at first before she goes all waifu. "Lancer managed to flee in the cloud of smoke. "Oh, hey Justy!" Where's Lancer? Lancer's Master questioned. Gilgamesh reached out in an attempt to strangle Karna, only to be incinerated by the Lancer's flames. I just want to make sure the other Masters don't kill anyone.". Shirou rushed in, using the increased range to his advantage. ", "At this point, I'd rather blow the stupid thing up than let Goldie destroy Fuyuki with it.". Berserker didn't seem to care, sprinting out of the temple grounds and bounding into the night. This nearly tore open her shoulder in a single blow. ", "I uh, don't remember? She ordered, spending her second Command Seal to give Archer some extra power. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works ", "That's not going to work." For some reason, the man with dark skin seemed to carry an air similar to Karna. As a veritable newborn, young Shirou had wandered without direction as the fire had filled him with ash and grief instead of a character or a soul; indeed, he would learn that nothing was ever his to keep just as everything was his to take, like a bucket with a hole. This place is Type moon! Hahaha!!! Have you ever had hamburger steak? Shirou advanced blindly. She raised her sword to the sky, dispelling the sheath of air around it. He tossed the earrings to Shirou. Astolfo barely managed to to survive the first strike, jumping back and whistling. Shirou was silent. They were met with exact copies, exploding in a beautiful shower of sparking metal. "Sorry, but I'm not dead yet!". The Reality Marble was complete. Read Trouble With Gilgamesh from the story What happens when you summon Emiya Shirou in Chaldea by MythikalVoid (Mythikal) with 2,268 reads. ", "Rin, can I trust you to use it to destroy the Grail?". ", "In the hospital." Astolfo said, readying his lance. The battle began quickly, as Karna rocketed forward to meet Berserker. Rin mumbled, regaining consciousness after the previous blow knocked her out. Shirou's vision blurred, the strain of using Projection this way beginning to get to him. "I am wary of dealing with a Servant as strong as you." Shirou had seen him in the shower while trying to inform him that dinner was ready, and saw far more than he would have liked. ", "Just run, Master. Thankfully, his child self is far smarter and ends up not going for one simple flat girl king. My father, I ask for your forgiveness. With no immediate threats, Shirou and Astolfo got to know each other. ", "Tch! He MIGHT wait long enough to learn the details on Shirou before turning the filthy mongrel is into a pincushion. "You're giving this to me?". "EXCALIBUR!" (NOTE. Astolfo warmly smiled, hugging him. He prepared to use Brahmastra Kundala, only to see a golden portal open up in the sky near Caster. He only hopes he could survive sex with a Servant without having his pelvis crushed. Kama in FSN as Rin's servant. Unless if Gilgamesh starts murdering bystanders. Rider swooped in to save Shinji, leaving Shirou to fall. Faker, you will not be allowed to draw breath in my garden any longer. "I apologize, Lancer, but my Master has ordered me to retreat from this battle. You managed to ascertain that Enkidu is a treasure capable of holding you without fail, one that grows more durable when the one it ensnares is of divine lineage." Chapter 2: Astolfo Notes: (See the end of the chapter for notes . Karna flipped his spear around so he could throw it like a javelin. Is everything okay?" Speaking in Astolfo's presence was probably going to give her headache. He is a sword,. Their first attempt at taking back Astolfo ended in failure. "Too late." Shirou could only assume it was Astolfo's A-Rank Luck stat that gave them that blessing. Assassin. The Lancer stepped back from Berserker for a moment, glancing off to the side to confirm his Master's safety. Tag: Crossover | Scribble Hub She walked right into the living room after all of his guests had left, trying to give him a fair chance. She questioned, before giggling. What if Kiritsugu summoned EMIYA? : r/fatestaynight - reddit Merely the foolish squabble between mongrels who would delude themselves into seeking my Grail without my blessing., Every treasure of this earth is mine, Gilgamesh dismissed. Gilgamesh growled in frustration, deciding that he had to bring out his finest treasure. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. It wasn't that she was necessarily evil so much as she was in a very bad place and has been in that very bad place for a long time. "I had gone through the Holy Grail War." "It's been a while! Perhaps fate's cruel and dark design will forever curse the existence of Izuku Yagi. He asked, sitting at a table with Illyasviel, eating dinner. Speaking of his Master, he returned from the kitchen bearing food. Apparently I can't write crack unless it's, Unlike the Emiya one Shirou actually has no idea what's going on in this one, Gilgamesh demands the best cooking and the best cooking is Shirou's- obviously. ", Archer was actually surprised by this answer. There's another method, but it's" Rin trailed off. This is the story of Gilgamesh, Gelda, and time travelers against goddesses. "Let us cross weapons." Tell me thus, lowly magus, the name of he who calls upon the mightiest of Heroic Spirits to attain the Holy Grail and claim victory for him in this war.. Shirou summons Lancer Artoria [FGO Comic dub] - YouTube "Your Noble Phantasm prevents damage you've previously taken from wounding you." An image flashed in his mind. "Quiet yourself, mongrel." He still pushed through in spite of the pain. But she's more focused on the girl he's trying . The smoke was thick and black, obscuring Shirou's vision. Rin asked. His opponent was also riding a chariot, focus solely trained on Karna. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words. Rin shouted, having crawled into view to see what was going on. "I should be the one apologizing for being forced to use such dishonorable methods." Or, A shiny golden man wards off a blue spandex man armed with a glowing red stick by throwing money at the latter with all the flare and force of miniature falling stars, before turning around and introducing himself to Shirou as his personal ghost. Karna blocked the first two strikes, attempting to counter with a swing of his weapon. Berserker materialized behind her. Berserker ignored the projectiles, trying to keep track of Karna as he practically flew across the pavement to strike at Berserker's side. Perhaps his Master wasn't a particularly great Mage, but he was probably the finest chef the world will ever see. And even if she was an assassin, murdering a boy for being a witness wouldn't sit right with her. Even with his armor reducing damage by ninety percent, those weapons were not something he would want to actually be hit with. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works The expected sound of clashing metal was instead replaced with a single blaring note. (Female Gilgamesh) ", "I hope that we can eventually find a chance to battle once more. He deflected Berserker's weapon into the ground, using the moment the enemy Servant's guard was down to stab him in the heart. Let's see if I will enjoy this battle.". ", "Is that how you greet me?" He had shared the suffering of the dying people around him as his own, craved their salvation as if it was his own, and moved his feet with the same desire to live as that which rose in the choked air as countless cries. There was nothing Shirou could do to stop Caster from using her Noble Phantasm to take Astolfo as her own Servant. Karna kept moving. Mongrels!" Fast forward 5 years, and the Holy Grail War begins. A shiny golden man wards off a blue spandex man armed with a glowing red stick by throwing money at the latter with all the flare and force of miniature falling stars, before turning around and introducing himself to Shirou as his personal ghost. "I doubt that your Servant can defeat me.". The final battle began later that night. "I don't truly have a wish. Karna paid little attention to the rest of their conversation, instead focusing on Sakura. Karna was pleasantly surprised to discover that Berserker was able to keep up with him. "Berserker!". Archer stated. Emiya Stories - Wattpad What would happen when Ritsuka summons Emiya Shirou in Chaldea? In some universes, Shirou Emiya would summon the legendary King of Knights and would fight in the Holy Grail War with her at his side. "What is it, Rider? Astolfo said. Only seven walk away from their mission unscaved. Illya yelled. "I am impressed." Shirou's response was to summon Astolfo there with a Command Seal, who blocked Saber's slash with his lance. Mercifully for our heroes, Gilgamesh and Saber left without fighting them. ", Gilgamesh had to stifle the urge to laugh. "I know you're gonna wanna fight Caster's Master, and I definitely can't stop you, so I'm gonna teach you how to fight!" I think you're in the right. Do you think these two would get along or would Gill chop his head off? ", "Relax, Shirou. He then pointed his lance at the utterly terrified Shinji. The scene was one of destruction, the acrid scent of burnt earth carried on the wind. "Here we come, King of Heroes! Astolfo awakened, seeing Shirou clash his blades against Kuzuki's empowered body. The kings eyes closed, and he swallowed. Re-upload due to old account being deleted Prisma LxL by Soske. A Master was managing to use Projection Magic to create Noble Phantasms, and was evenly matched in a fight that his Servant failed to win. I'm going to protect Shirou too." Caster smiled, drawing a strange dagger from her cloak. In the next, he was gone. tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit). "You are correct. If you proceed you have agreed that you are willing to see such content. Shirou has also achieved true magic, Heaven's Feel and Kaleidoscope. "Thank you." I disagree actually. Saber said. Kirei was almost annoyed. Saber said. With Shirous hands in his own, the man had wept, moved by an unseen warmth that wrote life in the mans eyes unlike the heat of the fire that only burned. Archer stated. She barely managed to see it coming and block the strike, being sent into the yard by the sheer force of the blow. He supposed there really wasn't any point in making Astolfo change, so he just shook his head. ", "Perhaps. Their surroundings were replaced with the Ryuudou Temple. Shirou reinforced his arms to block another heavy blow from Kirei. DID! The next morning, Shirou headed into the living room on his way to the kitchen. He swung his lance, severing the arm Gilgamesh was going to use to wield his greatest treasure. Karna released a burst of flames from his body, using it to force Saber away and take back some momentum in the fight. He still didn't make it easy for them, unleashing his treasures in wild patterns that nobody could predict. "Emiya?" There will be massive changes to the story as the Ghidorah will start before even the age of Camelot. The same swords Archer used. Karna was without his armor, and was riding a chariot. 'He's kinda cool' Some hazy part of his brain thought. When he landed, he would be next to Gilgamesh. this gets me thinking though, is there any FSN servant besides saber that shirou would actually be able to work with?
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