If the gamer . This is a minor skill in the game meaning it only has five levels for your sims to play through. Here are all cheats and their methods for . you have to reset your sims after changing the clock. You can fill needs entirely for just the household or the entire world which can make your whole house happy in one click. The first cheats you may need is how to promote or demote your sims in the military career. Well, that's your opinion, isn't it? The base of this cheat is going to stay the same, but the number you add at the end depends on what level of being a spellcaster you want to be. You can replace the number 10 with whatever level of the skill youd like to have. A series of notifications will pop up on the screen. (It says you need to restart the game after changing . This will bring up the cheat dialogue box where you can enter cheats. 100 being completely full on the positive side, and -100 being completely full on the negative side. EA makes it pretty easy to cheat in The Sims 4 with there being cheats for just about everything out there. EgonVM Posts: 4,251 Member. How to influence gender and have a boy or girl in The Sims 4. All you have to do is wait a few minutes for everything to simulate. It's far more reliable instead to use the classic "rosebud" or "motherlode" cheat to add money to your family's account and buy the Dr. June's Weather Control Device from Build Mode and change the . Change your Sims name, traits, aspirations, and even their bodies. There is a cheat to immediately kill your sim by poison turning them into a ghost, or a cheat to bring them back to life if they are a ghost who was killed by poison. Register Here to get rid of ads when browsing the forum. If you buy a product after clicking the link, I get a provision. I do hope for one of these cheats because sometimes the nights are too long, unless it may change when it comes to seasons. Here are (almost) all of the Sims 2 Store hair in the following Pooklet shades: Dynamite, Depth Charge, Incendiary, Pyromaniac,. In the cheat chart there is an X and you can change that anywhere from -100 to 100. This can be done by shift clicking on your sim, going to Batuu Cheats and going to Faction World States and choosing a different one. You can change the number at the end to be whatever level of the skill youd like your sim to have. The second is going to give your sims a raise in their paranormal career. In addition to fame perks, your suns are able to get fame quirks. The next thing are two skill cheats to learn for the flower arranging skill and the hidden skating skill. Seasons Cheats - The Sims 4 Wiki Guide - IGN All Rights Reserved. There really arent a ton of sims 4 cheats for many of the stuff packs we get. In The Sims 4, as in real life, pregnancy is a roll of the dice: your Sims might end up having a boy or a girl, or even twins or triplets. There are a ton of cheats for any occult pack like Vampires, Werewolves and Realm of Magic because there is so much going on. Id suggest you save your gameplay before you use this cheat. If it works, the game will let you know by saying cheats are enabled. Check out how you can change the weather in Sims 4 by using these cheats! The next options for cheats from Paranormal are cheats about the paranormal investigator career. There are also trait cheats to add or remove an infection in the game. You can also cheat the level at which your sims parenthood character values are at. To be able to make your sim a werewolf youll want to use this cheat: To stop your sim from being a werewolf youll want to use this cheat: The next ones youll want to know is the XP cheats that allow you to go up a rank. The following cheats will let you add fame quirks to your sims. This page is part of IGN's The Sim's 4 Wiki guide and details everything you need to know about activating every Sims 4 cheat code on PC. To close the box youll want to hit all four triggers again. Just seeing cheat codes can be a bit confusing if youre a new player, so its nice to take a bit of time to explain them. Check out how you can change the weather in Sims 4 by using these cheats! The next cheats that youll want to know for Get to Work are the skill cheats for both the photography skill and the baking skill. There are a number of cheats youll need to learn for city living. The Sims 4 mungkin bukanlah game yang tergolong anyar, namun EA dan Maxis sendiri masih belum selesai dengan game ini. This trait is fun because it makes your sim have the ability to craft the forbidden sweater which is gorgeous. How To Cheat On Sims 4 - Super Easy The Sims 4 Best Cheats - TheGamer They often forget or abandon actions and relationships just so they can get to their schools, jobs And we dont want that! However, you need to find your sim ID to do this which you can learn about here. The next cheats are death cheats to get rid of your vampire either immediately or watch them burn. This is done through using the testingcheats true cheat code which is easy to remember but how you open the cheat box is going to be different depending on the system youre playing on. Trait cheats allow you to give your sim any trait that they dont currently have, without them having to earn it through the reward store or completing aspirations. Sims 4 Cheats Activation: How to activate the Cheat Console. How to do you enter cheats in The Sims 4? The first cheat you want to have for The Sims 4: Jungle Adventure is of course the archaeology and selvadoradian culture skill cheat. Most cheats in Sims 4 wont work unless you enable them first. Login with username, password and session length. Of course, in Buy/Build mode you can switch between day and night. You have two ways of making the days last longer in Sims 4 a cheat or MCCC. To use these youll want to enable your sims 4 cheats and then type in one of these words and hit enter. When youre in create-a-sim you may notice that there are some items that are hidden behind locks, or other items that you just cant access. In addition to the conservationist career, we got a few new part-time jobs too and there are promotion cheats for those as well. It took me a while before I remembered something I read about increasing household funds on sims 4, so I tried it and it worked. Did you miss the Growing Together Livestream? The relationship cheats are a bit more confusing when you first look at them. Change time cheat - Carl's Sims 4 Guide After that, press Enter and look at the Sims 4 times. Below youll find the few stuff packs that youll need cheats for. If you're playing on console, you need to hold down Circle and X on PlayStation, or A and B on Xbox and select the Sim you want to edit with . PC Cheats - The Sims 4 Wiki Guide - IGN Like I mentioned above, you have two methods of making the days last longer in The Sims 4. Don't forget to press " Enter " after typing in a cheat.". When you are playing The Sims 4 on either Xbox or Playstation, you also have access to cheats. I tried it and it worked, so I thought I would have a look and see what happens when I right click on the clock and when I did it allowed me to change the time of day. Using the following cheats will let you immediately have your sim turn from a sim to a ghost. is there a set time to ___ cheat/mod? : r/Sims4 - reddit The Sims Mobile The Sims Freeplay The Sims 4 About The Sims Base Game FAQ Pack FAQs News & Updates Media Newsletter Signup Packs Overview Build Your Own Bundle Expansion Packs Game Packs Stuff Packs Kits Bundles Cheats Tips & Tricks Scenarios Quizzes Create a Sim Demo The Gallery Forums Facebook Youtube Instagram Twitter Tumblr Give A Gift About . Trademarks are the property of their respective owners. The next set of cheats are the relationship cheats that you can use to become friends with your pets. First, enter 'testingcheats true', and with cheat codes active, you can perform the following: aspirations.complete_current_milestone - Complete current Sim aspiration goal. You can select the Read More Sims 4: How to change your work hours Subscribe the SnootySims Newsletter to receive a list of the 100 Best Sims 4 Mods! With two new skills, we have two new skill cheats. Quote from: Schipperke on January 26, 2011, 08:25:58 AM. The first sims 4 cheats you need to know for The Sims 4: Paranormal Stuff is the skill cheats for the medium skill. Finally, youll want to learn the perk points cheats so you can add simple perks to your vet clinic to make your vet clinic run more smoothly. Reply #1 on: January 26, 2011, 08:25:58 AM . We have a bunch of traits in The Sims 4: Eco Lifestyle that you need to earn or unlock but you are able to cheat to get those traits. This will open a white box at the top of your screen where you can type in cheat codes. The Sims. Logged. The first kinds of cheats for The Sims 4: Eco Lifestyle are the cheats to change the neighborhood's eco footprint. To turn the cheats' effects off, re-enter them into the box . Thank you, guys! Also, the needs changed, as shown in the image below. Money cheats. For example, type in 100 (hours) to advance more than four days of the week. Coming at you with some ARK Survival Evolved cooking tips, whilst under pressure too! For this cheat you can change the number at the end from anywhere from 1 to 5. The Sim 4 career heats dont stop with your full-time careers though. Hold shift and click on the Sim you want to edit. careers.retire {careername} - quit and receive a . Its totally possible to have longer days in Sims 4. It does make a difference which one you use, simply because MCCC gives you more options when it comes to setting the rate. There is a simple cheat to be able to unlock these items that changes depending on the pack that the items come from. The best recipe I've ever found that is a great cross between high stat returns and low weight per item is 4 cooked prime meat and 2 mushrooms. It is helpful for machinima creators and jumping through boring stuff like waiting for your sims to come home from work! If youve never used MCCC before, then know that its pretty easy. One fun thing about Seasons is the new death types we got added to the game. For example let's say it's 8:10 AM in my game, an I want it to be 9:00 PM, here's what I'd do: Ctrl + Shift + C. Finally, your sims are able to get a bunch of batuu items without effort by simple shift clicking on your sim. To promote your sim youll want to use: The other types of cheats we have are to add or remove traits that your sim may want. The Sims 4 Cheats for game - Sims 4 Updates kaching Adds 1,000 to household funds . I was reading somewhere about household funds for sims 4 and it said right clicking on the household funds adds 1000 simoleons. Cheat to Change Time of Day Please! The Sims Forums 1. Deadly Women is an American true-life crime documentary-style television series that first aired in 2005 on the Discovery Channel, focusing on female killers.It was originally based on a 52- minute-long TV documentary film called "Poisonous Women," which was released in 2003. The first cheats you need to know for Island Living are the career cheats for the conservationist career. These cheats are amazing for storytelling and let you skip past earning the skills on your own. Make Sim pregnant in second trimester: sims.add_buff buff_pregnancy_trimester2. 10 Best Sims 4 Cheats | HP Tech Takes Once you use this sims 4 cheat youre going to have the cheat box pop open way larger and show you the exact items that youve unlocked and all their variations. Your email address will not be published. You pay the same amount of money as usually. Hippie Outfits. The way that this chart is structured is that each of the sims 4 cheats for skills is going to entirely max out the skill, whether that be 5 levels for a minor skill or 10 levels for a major skill. The first set of cheats you need to know for Cats & Dogs are the skill cheats. For this one youll want to open up the cheat box, enable your cheats and then type in Money X but replace the X with whatever amount of money you want your sims to have. There are 13 degrees total and you can get a regular or distinguished degree and a degree with or without honours. However, you are able to use a shift click cheat to click on the mailbox to change your sims needs. There are not a ton of cheats for The Sims 4: Spa Day, just a cheat for you to be able to increase your wellness skill. This is going to unlock all items that you see in CAS but cant access from Dream Home Decorator. - Cheat Motive > Make Happy - which sets all motives to full and set mood to Happy. Click on the Phone and select Ask to choose work schedule. 1. You can check how long a day, week, month, and year last in Sims 4. Since there are so many sims 4 cheats out there we wanted to make sure that you can jump to whatever section of this article youd like to see. Additional The Sim 4 career cheats. Sims 4 Cheat: change name, body type, and ALL traits. The first set of cheats you need to know for The Sims 4: Get Famous are skill cheats for the acting and media production production skills. These career cheats will get you promoted in an instant, start a job you want to explore, quit a job you hate, retire completely, and even change outfits. After that, type in testingcheats true, and write clock.advance_game_time into the cheat box. The Sims 4 cheats: all the life hacks you need - pcgamer Use the Cheat Console by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+C. For these, you can change the number at the end to whatever level of the skill you want to have. There are simple explanations below that will help you understand how to use these amazing sims 4 cheats for money. August 2017 edited August 2017. These cheats apply to things like careers, skills, and other smaller aspects of each pack and can be extremely valuable for a player. You can use a cheat to change the day of time in Sims 4.How to do that, you will se in this video. If youre holding down a part-time career and want to earn a little more, you can use the following cheats to win that easy promotion. Finally, there are a ton of cheats for automatically giving your sim a degree in all 4 degree types. The Sims 4 pregnancy guide, from how to have babies, twins, triplets, a This website is not affiliated with EA or The Sims 4 in any way and is just here to help you learn how to play the game. To use Cheats in the Sims 4 hold down Ctrl+Shift+C for windows or Command ()+Shift+C for Mac at the same time and a small bar will appear at the top left hand corner of the screen where you can type. The first cheat code you need to know is the free build cheat that is going to allow you to build in the magic realm. These cheats can be used to max out your skill level. Get easy promotions in The Sims 4 with these career cheats. March 20, 2022. How to advance time in The Sims 4 without any mods Classic Hairstyles. Sims 1. Unlike in past games, there is no way to cheat your sims need individually without a mod like UI Cheats. Is there still a cheat to turn off and on the aging process? sims 4 change day of week cheat - climatechengineers.com There is also a simple cheat to change your sim from a vampire to a sim again. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AXLpNgF6Ljg, Alphabet Roulette Legacy Challenge Good Lil Mousey, Makes all lots completely free, allowing you to move anywhere in the world. Type the following, then press enter: If you need a more in-depth explanation of each of these sims 4 cheats for money, youll find that below. There are not a ton of cheats for The Sims 4: Spa Day, just a cheat for you to be able to increase your wellness skill. Ignores rules for placement created by the game, allowing you to place objects wherever youd like, great for clutter, Allows for free placement of objects outside the grid, and free rotation of objects, Allows You To Buy ANY Home in The Game, Regardless of Price, bucks.unlock_perk DecreaseRestocking_Temporary true, bucks.unlock_perk AdditionalWorker_1 true, bucks.unlock_perk RestockSpeed_Small true, bucks.unlock_perk CheckoutSpeed_Small true, bucks.unlock_perk CustomerBrowseTime true, bucks.unlock_perk ImproveManagementSocials true, bucks.unlock_perk AdditionalWorker_2 true, bucks.unlock_perk CustomerPurchaseIntent true, bucks.unlock_perk CheckoutSpeed_Large true, bucks.unlock_perk RestockSpeed_Large true, bucks.unlock_perk ImproveRetailSocials true, bucks.unlock_perk DescreaseRestockingCost true, stats.set_skill_level major_photography 10, modifyrelationship {Sim 1 First Name} {Sims 1 Last Name} {Pet First Name} {Pet Last Name}, bucks.unlock_perk vetperks_MoreCustomers true, bucks.unlock_perk vetperks_LengthenImpatienceTimeout true, bucks.unlock_perk vetperks_LowerChanceBadEvents_Small true, bucks.unlock_perk vetperks_LowerEmployeeTrainingCost true, bucks.unlock_perk vetperks_InspirationalSpeechSocial true, Advances to Next Season (i.e., Spring to Summer), bucks.unlock_perk AllNighter true 61441 {SimID}, bucks.unlock_perk CareerHopper true 61441 {SimID}, bucks.unlock_perk CelebuSerum true 61441 {SimID}, bucks.unlock_perk CorporatePartnership true 61441 {SimID}, bucks.unlock_perk EasyStreet true 61441 {SimID}, bucks.unlock_perk EstablishedName true 61441 {SimID}, bucks.unlock_perk FanFavorite true 61441 {SimID}, bucks.unlock_perk FeudBringer true 61441 {SimID}, bucks.unlock_perk GivingBack true 61441 {SimID}, bucks.unlock_perk Influencer true 61441 {SimID}, bucks.unlock_perk InstantBesties true 61441 {SimID}, bucks.unlock_perk LifestyleBrand true 61441 {SimID}, bucks.unlock_perk Networking true 61441 {SimID}, bucks.unlock_perk Noticeable true 61441 {SimID}, bucks.unlock_perk PlayTheVillain true 61441 {SimID}, bucks.unlock_perk PRPerson true 61441 {SimID}, bucks.unlock_perk GoodReputation_Rally true 61441 {SimID}, bucks.unlock_perk Squad true 61441 {SimID}, bucks.unlock_perk StarTreatment true 61441 {SimID}, bucks.unlock_perk Trailblazer true 61441 {SimID}, bucks.unlock_perk WhosBad true 61441 {SimID}, bucks.unlock_perk ASeriousActor true 61442 {SimID}, bucks.unlock_perk BrushesWithFame true 61442 {SimID}, bucks.unlock_perk EmotionBomb true 61442 {SimID}, bucks.unlock_perk FanMail true 61442 {SimID}, bucks.unlock_perk JuiceEnthusiast true 61442 {SimID}, bucks.unlock_perk NoTouching true 61442 {SimID}, bucks.unlock_perk PaparazziDarling true 61442 {SimID}, bucks.unlock_perk PhoneFanatic true 61442 {SimID}, bucks.unlock_perk PublicNumber true 61442 {SimID}, bucks.unlock_perk RefinedPalate true 61442 {SimID}, bucks.unlock_perk Quirks_Stan true 61442 {SimID}, bucks.unlock_perk VainStreet true 61442 {SimID}, traits.equip_trait trait_BeachBum_LaidBack, traits.remove_trait trait_OccultMermaid_TYAE, stats.set_skill_level Major_ResearchDebate X, Careers.promote careers_Volunteer_SoccerTeam, Careers.promote career_Volunteer_E-Sports, traits.equip_trait trait_Humanoid_Robots_MainTrait, traits.remove_trait trait_Humanoid_Robots_MainTrait, traits.equip_trait trait_University_ArtHistoryDegreeBA, traits.equip_trait trait_University_ArtHistoryDegreeBAHonors, traits.equip_trait trait_University_ArtHistoryDegreeBS, traits.equip_trait trait_University_ArtHistoryDegreeBSHonors, traits.equip_trait trait_University_BiologyDegreeBA, traits.equip_trait trait_University_BiologyDegreeBS, traits.equip_trait trait_University_BiologyDegreeBSHonors, traits.equip_trait trait_University_CommunicationsDegreeBA, traits.equip_trait trait_University_CommunicationsDegreeBAHonors, traits.equip_trait trait_University_CommunicationsDegreeBS, traits.equip_trait trait_University_CommunicationsDegreeBSHonors, traits.equip_trait trait_University_ComputerScienceDegreeBA, traits.equip_trait trait_University_ComputerScienceDegreeBAHonors, traits.equip_trait trait_University_ComputerScienceDegreeBS, traits.equip_trait trait_University_ComputerScienceDegreeBSHonors, traits.equip_trait trait_University_CulinaryArtsDegreeBA, traits.equip_trait trait_University_CulinaryArtsDegreeBAHonors, traits.equip_trait trait_University_CulinaryArtsDegreeBS, traits.equip_trait trait_University_CulinaryArtsDegreeBSHonors, traits.equip_trait trait_University_DramaDegreeBA, traits.equip_trait trait_University_DramaDegreeBAHonors, traits.equip_trait trait_University_DramaDegreeBS, traits.equip_trait trait_University_DramaDegreeBSHonors, traits.equip_trait trait_University_EconomicsDegreeBA, traits.equip_trait trait_University_EconomicsDegreeBAHonors, traits.equip_trait trait_University_EconomicsDegreeBS, traits.equip_trait trait_University_EconomicsDegreeBSHonors, traits.equip_trait trait_University_FineArtDegreeBA, traits.equip_trait trait_University_FineArtDegreeBAHonors, traits.equip_trait trait_University_FineArtDegreeBS, traits.equip_trait trait_University_FineArtDegreeBSHonors, traits.equip_trait trait_University_HistoryDegreeBA, traits.equip_trait trait_University_HistoryDegreeBAHonors, traits.equip_trait trait_University_HistoryDegreeBS, traits.equip_trait trait_University_HistoryDegreeBSHonors, traits.equip_trait trait_University_LanguageAndLiteratureDegreeBA, traits.equip_trait trait_University_LanguageAndLiteratureDegreeBAHonors, traits.equip_trait trait_University_LanguageAndLiteratureDegreeBS, traits.equip_trait trait_University_LanguageAndLiteratureDegreeBSHonors, traits.equip_trait trait_University_PhysicsDegreeBA, traits.equip_trait trait_University_PhysicsDegreeBAHonors, traits.equip_trait trait_University_PhysicsDegreeBS, traits.equip_trait trait_University_PhysicsDegreeBSHonors, traits.equip_trait trait_University_PsychologyDegreeBA, traits.equip_trait trait_University_PsychologyDegreeBAHonors, traits.equip_trait trait_University_PsychologyDegreeBS, traits.equip_trait trait_University_PsychologyDegreeBSHonors, traits.equip_trait trait_University_VillainyDegreeBA, traits.equip_trait trait_University_VillainyDegreeBS, traits.equip_trait trait_University_VillainyDegreeBSHonors, careers.demote careers_Adult_CivilDesigner, careers.promote careers_Adult_Freelancer_Agency_Maker, traits.equip_trait trait_ChampionOfThePeople, traits.equip_trait trait_Nature_InfluentialIndividual, stats.set_skill_level AdultMinor_JuiceFizzing 5, stats.set_skill_level AdultMajor_Fabrication 10, stats.set_skill_level major_rockclimbing x, stats.set_skill_level major_snowboarding x, stats.set_stat_commodity_BecomingVampire 2160, Will transition your sim into a vampire in a few days, as if you were bit by Vladdy Daddy, Will turn your sim from a Vampire back to a regular sim, stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_Occult_VampireXP 1593, stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_Occult_VampireXP 202, stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_Occult_VampireXP 630, stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_Occult_VampireXP 1058, stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_Occult_VampireXP 1486, Turns your sim into a ghost immediately, that died from overexposure to the sun, stats.set_stat commodity_Vampire_SunExposure -100, Will empty your vampires sun exposure causing them to die immediately, bucks.unlock_perk DetectPersonality true 40961 (sim ID), bucks.unlock_perk BatForm true 40961 (sim ID), bucks.unlock_perk Hallucinate true 40961 (sim ID), bucks.unlock_perk AlwaysWelcome true 40961 (sim ID), bucks.unlock_perk PotentPower_3 true 40961 (sim ID), bucks.unlock_perk AlluringVisage_3 true 40961 (sim ID), bucks.unlock_perk VampiricStrength_Level3 true 40961 (sim ID), bucks.unlock_perk Command true 40961 (sim ID), bucks.unlock_perk GarlicImmunity true 40961 (sim ID), bucks.unlock_perk VampireCreation true 40961 (sim ID), bucks.unlock_perk Mesmerize true 40961 (sim ID), bucks.unlock_perk NocturnalAffinity_Level3 true 40961 (sim ID), bucks.unlock_perk IrresistibleSlumber true 40961 (sim ID), bucks.unlock_perk ManipulateLifeSpirit true 40961 (sim ID), bucks.unlock_perk VampiricSlumber_Level3 true 40961 (sim ID), bucks.unlock_perk EmotionalDampening_Level3 true 40961 (sim ID), bucks.unlock_perk VampireRun true 40961 (sim ID), bucks.unlock_perk NeedsNaughtiness true 40961 (sim ID), bucks.unlock_perk ResistanceSolis_Level3 true 40961 (sim ID), bucks.unlock_perk LoseHumanity_Hygiene true 40961 (sim ID), bucks.unlock_perk EmotionalBurst_3 true 40961 (sim ID), bucks.unlock_perk MistForm true 40961 (sim ID), bucks.unlock_perk LoseHumanity_Social true 40961 (sim ID), bucks.unlock_perk TameTheThirst true 40961 (sim ID), bucks.unlock_perk LoseHumanity_Fun true 40961 (sim ID), stats.set_skill_level adultmajor_parenting 10, traits.equip_trait childhoodphase_distant, traits.equip_trait childhoodphase_meanstreak, traits.equip_trait childhoodphase_pickyeater_A, traits.equip_trait childhoodphase_rebellious, stats.set_stat lifeskillstatistic_conflictresolution X, stats.set_stat lifeskillstatistic_emotionalcontrol X, stats.set_stat lifeskillstatistic_empathy X, stats.set_stat lifeskillstatistic_manners X, stats.set_stat lifeskillstatistic_responsibility, stats.set_skill_level Major_Archaeology X, stats.set_skill_level Minor_LocalCulture X, Bring Sim Back to Life from Death by Poison, traits.equip_trait strangerville_Infected, traits.remove_trait strangerville_Infected, traits.equip_trait trait_Occult_WitchOccult_BloodlineWeak, traits.equip_trait trait_Occult_WitchOccult_BloodlineStrong, Gives Your Sim the Strong Bloodline Trait, traits.equip_trait trait_Occult_WitchOccult_BloodlineAncient, Gives Your Sim the Ancient Bloodline Trait, bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Alchemy_3_ExtraChemistry true 49153 (Sim ID), bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Alchemy_1_BlenderArm true 49153 (Sim ID), bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Prowess_3_ChargeControl true 49153 (Sim ID), bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Spellcasting_1_Discharge true 49153 (Sim ID), bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Open_1B_Experimenter true 49153 (Sim ID), bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Alchemy_2_FrugalCombinations true 49153 (Sim ID), bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Prowess_4_Hexproof true 49153 (Sim ID), bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Open_1A_IncredibleForager true 49153 (Sim ID), bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Open_2A_InsightfulEye true 49153 (Sim ID), bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Prowess_1_KnowledgeIsMagic true 49153 (Sim ID), bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Open_4B_MagicalDiscounts true 49153 (Sim ID), bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Prowess_5_MagicalResonance true 49153 (Sim ID), bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Spellcasting_4_MasterCaster true 49153 (Sim ID), bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Spellcasting_5_MasterDuelist true 49153 (Sim ID), bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Open_3A_MischiefMaster true 49153 (Sim ID), bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Alchemy_4_MixMaster true 49153 (Sim ID), bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Prowess_2_MoteHound true 49153 (Sim ID), bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Open_4A_NaturalMentor true 49153 (Sim ID), bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Alchemy_5_PotentPotables true 49153 (Sim ID), bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Spellcasting_2_PowerShunt true 49153 (Sim ID), bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Open_3C_PracticedPracticality true 49153 (Sim ID), bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Spellcasting_3_SpectralReach true 49153 (Sim ID), bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Open_2B_WitchSocialite true 49153 (Sim ID), bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Open_3B_TameTheUntameable true 49153 (Sim ID), traits.equip_trait trait_Curses_TouchyFeely, traits.equip_trait trait_Curses_HexofDuelist, traits.equip_trait trait_Curses_InfectiousLaughter, traits.equip_trait trait_Curses_NightStalker, traits.equip_trait trait_Curses_Repulsiveness, traits.equip_trait trait_Curses_WildMagic, traits.equip_trait trait_Curses_SweatyStench, traits.equip_trait trait_Curses_FountainOfMagic, traits.equip_trait trait_Curses_PunchableFace, traits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_AspirationTraits_BetterFuryContro, traits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_AspirationTraits_BetterTurning, traits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_AspirationTraits_FormerLycan, traits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_AspirationTraits_FriendlyWolf, traits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_AspirationTraits_MoreFear, traits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_DormantWolf, traits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_GreaterWolfBlood, traits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_InitiationBonusTrait, traits.equip_trait trait_WerewolfPack_FriendA, traits.equip_trait trait_WerewolfPack_FriendB, traits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_AntiCapitalistCanine, traits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_BigBadWolf, traits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_Carnivore, traits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_EasyExcitable, traits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_FeelsOutcasted, traits.equip_trait 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