Vaccination resources are here. For more information, click here. Ideally, tests should be taken three days apart. /BM /Normal /XObject << Here's a quick summary of our winter public health guidance. /ca 1 /Type /ParentTree COVID Exposure & Symptomatic Testing | Student Affairs Color testing is provided at no charge to students. The data below is from student-reported positive tests, Color or Stanford PCR testing. Testing Guidance | Stanford Summer Session Using these data, communities are classified as low, medium, or high. 1 0 obj More information about travel is availablehere. you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, please contact HRT 650-497-9595 or SHC-VC OccHealth 925-534-0230. /ParentTree 7 0 R Students planning travel or returning to campus should review theStudent Affairs Travel & Return Testing Guide. /IDTree 8 0 R /Lang (en) 11 0 obj COVID-19 Guidance for Students | Student Affairs /Contents 18 0 R startxref These cumulative numbers only include students living on or near the Stanford campus at the time of their positive test result. More details on thetype of test provided by Color and possible test results, important guidance on isolation and theCOVIDreporting process. /X7 14 0 R This count totaled 137 as of early September. /G9 10 0 R If you think you have COVID-19 or need to test prior to travel or a medical procedure, please refer to out, Our drive-thru and walk-up vaccination sites are also closed for the season. Learn about health and safety policies, and appointments with primary and specialty care providers by video and in person. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, including difficulty breathing, contact your healthcare provider immediately. Please also report your symptoms inHealth Check. Proof of . /BM /Normal For the most current information on COVID-19 vaccinations and boosters, including where to obtain them, visit theVaccinations page. The non-student partner or spouse must be included on the Stanford contract. Unvaccinated undergraduate students who are living on/off campus or who are coming to campus regularly must register and test twice weekly. However, individualinstructors have the option of requiring masksin classes. DM8"A[ @^ DrEY$[b' $e`bd` q 3 Rapid antigen tests are available for free to faculty, staff, postdocs, and students at campus locations. Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305. 40 0 R 41 0 R 42 0 R 43 0 R 44 0 R 45 0 R 46 0 R 47 0 R 48 0 R 49 0 R Stanford Jazz Orchestra welcomes special guest Francisco Torres, trombone, for its Winter program. HOW to test: 1. Learn More about MyHealth /Type /Catalog COVID-19 Vaccinations | Graduate Life Office If you have questions about whether you should receive a booster, discuss your personal health situation with your primary care physician. The Flourish, April 2022: How is Life Tree-Ting You? Students who live off campus and come to campus infrequently (once or twice a month) must register and test on the day of their campus visit(s) withColor Genomics. Get the facts about COVID-19from the basics to a few that might surprise you. HQo6)QzER$%EZ)sApdm%.~wGYIjl"Gnx*{3! Alias Stanford emails will not be accepted and you should use a different password than your SUNet ID password. /G3 9 0 R The weekly testing window is from Sunday to Saturday. << In addition, contact your primary care provider or submit a COVID-19 Outpatient Therapeutics Patient Self-Referral Form to see if you should receive the Paxlovid treatment, which should be taken within the first 5 days of testing positive. >> /Font << Doctors, Clinics & Locations, Conditions & Treatments, View All Information for Patients & Visitors , Resources and Testing for First Responders and Essential Workers, Advice on Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Information, COVID-19 Outpatient Therapeutics - Health Care Professionals, New COVID-19 booster shots targeting omicron subvariants now available, Protections Against Surprise Medical Bills, Our drive-thru testing sites have closed for the season. Unvaccinated employees (including those who do not disclose vaccination status in Health Check) working on-site between one and three days per week must test once per week; those working on-site four or more days per week must test twice weekly. COVID-19 Information | Harvard University Health Services In addition, across all time periods, this display includes the results of testing of faculty, staff and postdoctoral scholars provided or facilitated by the Stanford University Occupational Health Center. 59 results in SearchWorks catalog - This page provides various daily and weekly updates about COVID surveillance testing, Health Check submissions, isolation, and prevalence in the Stanford community. /F8 16 0 R More details on thetype of test provided by Color and possible test results. << /ID (node00350855) 90 0 R 91 0 R 92 0 R 93 0 R 94 0 R 95 0 R 96 0 R 97 0 R 98 0 R 98 0 R 50 0 R 51 0 R 52 0 R 53 0 R 54 0 R 55 0 R 56 0 R 57 0 R 58 0 R 59 0 R Locations of test kit drop off and pick up: Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) 484 Oak Road, Stanford Located in tents outside the building Kit pick up hours: Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. 24/7 kit drop box available outside front entrance Stanford Summer Session provides high-achieving and ambitious students a transformative educational experience at a world-class university. 2 0 obj However, if there is a significant outbreak of COVID at Stanford, the university community will be informed on an expedited basis. Schools/units may request large quantity test pickup for workgroup, lab, or department distribution, if members of the group are unable to pick up kits at Color Test Pick Up Sites due to special circumstances. If you have any trouble registering with Color, please submit a ServiceNow ticket. /Count 1 /ca .902 Stanford University is committed to providing an online environment that is accessible to everyone, including individuals with disabilities. In Focus: Dont Be a Duck! /ParentTreeNextKey 1 We encourage you to continue wearing masks for the comfort of our patrons, staff, and artists. If you dont have a phone, a staff member will manually check your records to verify eligibility. If you have any trouble registering with Color, please submit a ServiceNow ticket. endobj /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB >> . Updates are paused during the universitys winter closure and will resume on January 9, 2023. Learn more on our. Expect an additional call or follow-up by the local county public health department for contact tracing efforts. If you receive a positive test result, you will be asked to immediately complete Health Check to update your test status. COVID-19 COLOR TESTING. COVID-19 testing update - Stanford Report Faculty, staff, and postdocs who test positive for COVID are required to self-report their health status in HealthCheck. Color is Stanfords COVID-19 testing provider and is one of two testing tools available to students in our program. If you report a positive test result for COVID-19, please utilize the CDC guidance outlined on the Testing and Isolation page. /TrimBox [0.0 7.9200063 612.0 799.92] I tested positive for COVID outside of Color testing, what should I do? << Rapid antigen tests are available for free to faculty, staff, postdocs, and students at campus locations. 10 7 0 A ras tr ad e ro Av e, P al o Alto. Admission information Free admission Note that Stanford University guidelines now state that masks are no longer required, but are strongly recommended. WHERE to pick up and drop off: Use any pick up and drop off location. The weekly testing window is from Sunday to Saturday. /S /Document 12 0 obj Travelers who are experiencing symptoms of illness should mask until receiving a negative rapid COVID test on day 5. Dashboardsprovide aggregated results for the Stanford community. /Type /StructTreeRoot << All Stanford faculty, staff and postdoctoral scholars, including those working remotely in the United States, and applicable subcontractors arerequired to befully vaccinated for COVID-19 andupload documentation on Health Check, unless they have a medical or religious accommodation. Color testing is provided free of charge, but requires that students create a Color testing account using their Stanford email address. : The Power of Gratitude, In the Spotlight: 5-SURE is Ready to Keep You and Your Peers Safe, Tip of the Month: How to Ease Test Anxiety. /BitsPerComponent 8 Stanford has put in place a COVID-19 screening and surveillance testing program to provide regular testing for asymptomatic individuals living, working, or studying on campus. For testing information for children under the age of 18, please check in with the child's primary care physician. Dashboards provide aggregated results for the Stanford community. What You Need to Know. This surveillance testing program is intended for individuals who are NOT experiencing COVID-19 symptoms. Once you pick up your kits, your authorization badge will expire. << /Filter /FlateDecode Color COVID-19 Surveillance Testing Sites By: nataliec Last modified: 2/14/2023 11:05:20 AM Color COVID surveillance testing sites for Stanford University students, faculty, staff, and postdocs. endobj Limit your risk of catching and spreading COVID-19 as you pursue daily activities. Vaden Health Services (for students) or the universitys Occupational Health Center will reach out to you about receiving a confirmatory test and will initiate exposure notification for close contacts as definedhere. B*l\FW"U*.]"c!r),i%R9~,-z? less than one day each week or every other week), will be required to test on the day they are scheduled to be on-site. /Width 590 %%EOF <>stream Guidance for faculty, staff, and postdocs who are experiencing COVID-like symptoms or have been in close contact with an individual who tested positive for COVID-19 has been updated here. /ExtGState << If you choose not to create a MyHealth account, to access your negative test result you will need to call Clinical Advice Services at 650-724-9400.Clinical Advice Services will relay your request to a nurse, who will call you back to deliver your negative test result. Students can pick up as many as four Color test kits at a time or pick up a test kit prior to the day they intend to use it. /Title (WInter Closure_COVID Surveillance Testing Sandwich Board_v2) For the displays of Stanford testing results shown above, please note: Those who test positive through surveillance testing should self-isolate and refrain from leaving their isolation housing if living on campus or coming to campus if living off campus. COVID-19 FAQs - Stanford Medical Center | Stanford Health Care /F11 17 0 R Students who are experiencing COVID-like symptoms or have been exposed to COVID-19 will be advised to use a rapid test. Explore preventative actions you can take. Submit a Ticket %PDF-1.4 The full list of courses for this summer is now posted. The graphic displays of surveillance testing results only reflect results from the testing sources listed and do not include data from other testing providers. Find the latest information onCOVID-19,monkeypox, and theflu vaccine. Please note that the process for students is separate from the process for faculty, staff, and postdocs. Color Health. Stanford Health Care is providing COVID-19 vaccinations for eligible populations. Richard A. and Susan F. Smith Campus Center 75 Mt. Protect yourself or loved ones who are at high risk of severe illness from COVID-19. Kit Drop Box: Available 24/7 484 Oak Road, S tanford. Create a Color testing account using your primary Stanford email address, Stanford recommends, but does not require, that international travelers test themselves using a rapid COVID test on day 0. Individuals may be tested multiple times. How is Life Tree-Ting You? Youll be asked to scan a QR code while in line to display your pick-up authorization badge on your phone.
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