RELATED:Stardew Valley: 10 Things You Have To Do Your First Year. However, fish aren't crazy about the taste. If you want to attend, you can enter Pelican Town between 9 AM and 2 PM. Bear Statue Bobo Statue Butterfly Hutch Chicken Statue . The Feast of the Winter Star has a lot in common with Christmas. 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He'll only give the player one bar, however. Instead, the Feast of the Winter Star is all about sharing and gift-giving, and celebrating the year's events together. The only children are Jas, Vincent, and Leo (if he has moved into Stardew Valley); everyone else is an adult. Your login session has expired. Itamiknu Handing Pierre a homemade sign that says "Now open Wednesdays". This gift-giving event takes the form of a Secret Santa-style exchange. The main event of the Feast of the Winter Star is secret gift-giving. If you want to attend, you can enter Pelican Town between 9 AM and 2 PM. The name is possibly a reference to the series "Fist of the North Star". Be the first one to comment on this story. Increases the chance of finding treasures when fishing. "I meant it when I said you should go to the feast on your own, spend some time with your family. The main event of the Feast of the Winter Star is secret gift-giving. Feast of Winter Star Who did you get? :: Stardew Valley General Discussions It happens on the 25th of Winter, and it takes place in the Pelican Town. Stardew Valley Winter Star (ice) Festival All rights reserved. Inside, the player can either find resources used for crafting or minerals, which can be donated to the museum or sold for a bit of extra gold. Stardew Valley: How To Get Clay HDG She likes exploring new games and still has nightmares about the moon from Majora's Mask. Players can look forward to this one all year long, but when it arrives, they'll need to know what to do. If you click on a link and make a purchase we may receive a small commission. Fishing is a great way to earn money in Stardew Valley, especially if you decide to use crab pots and ponds. However, the good news is that their sole purpose is to be used as gifts or sold for a good price at any of the stores. Pierre has a booth from which he sells the following items. There are no special activities like Ice Fishing or using your strength to hit a bell. The go-to source for comic and superhero movie fans. Forgot my Winter Star gift exchange person. :: Stardew Valley General A random villager will be selected to give you a gift, and you are assigned a random villager to give a gift to. Rubies are pretty much on par with Emeralds when it comes to pricing. Generally speaking, the gifts are more interesting, and more valuable, however there are still some relative "duds" and some "jackpots" - if there weren't, the good ones wouldn't feel as special. Moonlight Walks - Chapter 43 - QueenOfTheFrogs - Stardew Valley (Video This is another winter festival that takes place on Winter 8th. Marnie will likely give you just a regular Egg. Clint or any of the children will tend to givefive of them as a gift. And other lovely Eurogamer merch in our official store! Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. As a reward, you will get a Dressed Spinner, a Barbed Hook, a Sailors Cap, and a Magnet. Mix into tilled soil. The event works like a secret Santa, where a random villager will be selected to give you a gift, and you selected to give one to a random villager. Stardew Valley -> 1.07 (Updated 5 2559) -> . Another bug triggers if you hold down a directional control when the contest starts. These items are worth 2,000 gold in total, which is a nice sort of motivation. Feast of the Winter Star - Stardew Valley - YouTube Stardew Valleys Guide to Online Casino Bonuses. Clint may give you Gold Bar, Frozen Geode, Iridium Bar, Geode, or Magma Geode. Are you playing on the latest version? The main event of the Feast of the Winter Star is secret gift-giving. . RELATED: Stardew Valley: 5 Ways It's More Relaxing Than Animal Crossing (& 5 Ways It's The Opposite). Festivals in Stardew Valley are once-a-year events that offer unique items, dialogues, and activities to take part in. The gift you select for your villager will be worth 5x the normal amount of friendship points. He's one of the twelve characters available to marry . After this, the contest will end and youll be able to keep playing as if you didnt catch any fish. Emeralds are another type of mineral which is best used as a gift or simply sold for good money. For those particularly passionate about farming crops, receiving Deluxe Speed-Gro is a pretty great gift during Winter Star festival. A new album with performances by Metal Gear Solid and Etrian Odyssey musicians might be just what you're looking for. The Feast of the Winter Star is a festival that takes place on the 25th of every Winter. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America),, Even with the newest version 1.15.4. Iridium is the ultimate resource in the game, the best of the best in both strength and quality. Players can attend the festival by entering. : me live: Store: https://www.realgamerpyle.threadless.comSupport me: Stardew Valley:Stardew Valley is a simulation role-playing video game developed by Eric \"ConcernedApe\" Barone. There's not much else to talk about in Winter, after all. Stardew Valley #61 - Feast of the Winter Star! - YouTube Cannibalsoupcan Feb 11, 2017 @ 12:30pm. The Dressed Spinner increases the bite-rate for fishes, and can be quite expensive to make, requiring iron bars and cloth. Stardew Valley is trending time to share the time I unknowingly coordinated Me n Abigails wedding to happen on her dads birthday, Elliott- Crab cakes, duck feathers, lobsters, pomegranates, squid ink, Tom Kha soup, Harvey- Coffee, pickles, super meal, truffle oil, wine, Sam- Cactus fruit, maple bar, pizza, tigerseye, Sebastian- Frozen tear, obsidian, pumpkin soup, sashimi, void egg, Shane- Beer, hot peppers, pepper poppers, pizza, Abigail- Amethyst, banana pudding, blackberry cobbler, chocolate cake, pufferfish, pumpkin, spicy eel, Emily- Amethyst, aquamarine, cloth, emerald, jade, ruby, survival burger, topaz, wool, Haley- Coconut, fruit salad, pink cake, sunflower, Leah- Goat cheese, poppyseed muffin, salad, stir fry, truffle, vegetable medley, wine, Maru- Battery pack, cauliflower, cheese cauliflower, diamond, gold bar, iridium bar, miner's treat, pepper poppers, radioactive bar, rhubarb pie, strawberries, Penny- Diamond, emerald, melon, poppy, poppyseed muffin, red plate, roots platter, sandfish, Tom Kha soup. Beginner Guides. This is a list of gifts the player can receive from their secret gift-giver. There's a large feast, a seasonal shop, and a gift-giving ceremony. The Feast of the Winter Star is probably the most beautiful winter festival in Stardew Valley! To attend it, enter Cindersap Forest between 9 AM and 2 PM. A week beforehand, on the 18th, Mayor Lewis will send a letter telling you who your gift recipient is. After the player gives their gift, their Secret Gift-Giver will reveal themself and give them their present. Showing 1 - 3 of 3 comments. Aside from a few special characters who are never selected as gift givers, most of the regularvillagerscan actually give some pretty amazing gifts to the player is they get particularly lucky. Fishing can be a really frustrating experience in the game, but with practice, a better fishing rod, as well as some nice add-ons like the Dressed Spinner, the whole ordeal becomes so much better and manageable. The festival ends when you leave Pelican Town. Increases the chance of finding treasures when fishing. It also works as a good holiday to wrap up all the others in the year. The Feast of the Winter Star is the last major festival of the year in Stardew Valley, and it's one of the simplest. You find out who is giving you a gift at the festival. Just like Frozen and Magma kinds, they need to be brought to a blacksmith and broken open for a small fee. Activities During This Festival. The drink is sold for 400 coins at the saloon. A precious stone with a brilliant green color. Magma Geodes are great mainly because the minerals they tend to carry have a better price than those found in Frozen and regular geodes. Stardew Valley: Best Things to Do in Winter - ScreenRant The Feast of the Winter Star occurs on the 25th of every winter, so it comes a few days before the end of the season and the Stardew Valley year. Consumed on use. It's not a good feeling to be a little bit short, and thenhave to wait an entire year to see the items again. Beginning with the Egg Festival on the 13th of Spring, there are nine total festivals across an in-game year. This can help or harm the relationship with the villager, so here are the marry-able villagers' "loves" that will improve the relationship the most. Boy, holidays are good for business. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Here's the complete guide on the Feast of the Winter Star. 1.5.1 fixed this issue, so I would suggest updating to 1.5.1! You attend the festival by entering Pelican Town between 9am and 2pm. Here is a list of possible gifts youll receive, depending on your gift-giver: You should give your gifts carefully because the Stardew Valley game has a bug. Feast of the Winter Star, gifts for Alex? :: Stardew Valley General Fine porcelain. Clay is an essential resource in Stardew Valley. Lottie Lynn is Eurogamer's Guides Editor.
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