A web application that displays weather information in the same visual presentation as the cable headend unit intellistar. Low 54F. Talk about anything weather related here. i mean, consider it basically a 68K single board computer environment with simple graphics. Sunshine. Winds SW at 10 to 15 mph. Metro Forecast The forecast weather conditions and temperatures for the main observation site and eight to eleven other locations in the area. This morning, the Weather Channel logo is being replaced with a constant Local on the 8s on the lower bottom corner. Partly cloudy. Do you love talking about weather models, or maybe you just want to test your forecasting skills? For the sake of the residents there, I hope they have finally upgraded by now. by using Metar etc from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology? Morning & Afternoon Commute Forecast (seen only from 8PM-12AM) Shown back to back. Local rules effective, Local Owner-Operator Jobs In Georgia . Because of this, I have moved the STAR database to Google Sheets, and all future submissions and other edits will be done there. Last post by twcclassics Last post by toxictwister00 TWCJaden/Local-on-the-8-s-Early-2014 - GitHub This is an emulation of the local on the 8's segment that is featured on the weather channel. on December 18, 2022, 02:27:45 PM. past OCM's here. Also talk about past LF music, and other related items here. It is similar to the now-discontinued WeatherStar III in terms of products and appearance, but uses the typeface of the 4000. March Begins Spring's Tornado Ramp-Up In the U.S. Hail Rains Down Inside Alamodome In San Antonio Storms, Unusually Heavy Snow Turns Los Angeles Skyline Into Winter Wonderland, Dallas Area Storms Cause Power Transformer To Explode, FDA Panel Gives Recommendation For New Vaccine, 11 Minutes Of Exercise Lowers Risk Of Early Death, Myrtle Beach Residents Shocked By Mass Of Pollen, Warming Planet Could Make Harder To Breathe, Democratic Republic of the Congo | Franais, State of Vatican City (Holy See) | Italiano. Read more about this topic: The Weather Channel, [Urging the national government] to eradicate local prejudices and mistaken rivalships to consolidate the affairs of the states into one harmonious interest.James Madison (17511836). Be prepared with the most accurate 10-day forecast for Torrance, CA with highs, lows, chance of precipitation from The Weather Channel and Weather.com The effort to recover and the possibility of bringing these computers back to life is mind blowing. Low 48F. Here's an image: TWC New.ppt (2792.5 kB - downloaded 2942 times.) All the cool kids are doing it. in Re: TWC Footage from Jun If you have anything that you'd like to contribute to my website, tell me about it here. A shower or two possible early with partly cloudy skies in the afternoon. There's no local mul, District Of Connecticut Local Rules . Day one of buying the house I would be getting that working. WeatherStar | The Weather Channel Wiki | Fandom Child Boards: IntelliStar 2 Discussion, TWC Artist Chat. taiganet.com, Home of the WS4000 Simulator Local on The 8's Emulation. IntelliStar. (4-27-20) - YouTube | The Copyright TWC Product and Technology LLC 2014, 2023, California Market's Roof Completely Collapses Under Heavy Snow, Severe Outbreak Kills 11, Leaves Damage & Power Outages In Its Wake, Whiskey-Fueled Fungus Blankets Community Near Tennessee Jack Daniels Facility, Unbelievable Photos Of Snow-Buried California, 10 Places You Have To See in March (PHOTOS), 9 Things You Shouldn't Do If You Have the Flu, Why Your Vehicle Might Need a Hail Bubble. IntelliStars are hooked up at both DirecTV's and Dish Network's primary uplink sites, but they run a different lower display line graphic at all times except during television commercials. in Re: WIP: WeatherStarXL P Wow! in Re: WeatherStar XL Graph It also usually airs at approximately :48 past each hour during live Weather Channel broadcasts. on February 21, 2023, 02:11:12 AM. The IntelliStar platform can also generate graphics for Weatherscan, The Weather Channel's 24-hour localized weather network. Until 1995, the forecasts had been played at various times each hour, but are currently shown at times ending in "8", hence the title of the local forecasts is "Local on the 8s" (though local forecasts are reduced to once every half-hour when non-forecast programs are aired which is now a majority of the air day). The WeatherStar 4000 was the 1st WeatherStar model capable of displaying graphics. The Weather Channel has carried a local weather forecast segment since the network was launched on May 2, 1982. in Re: South Florida Weathe For the creative amongst us, here's a forum to showcase all the wonderful artwork related to TWC. The satellite forecast segment includes hourly forecasts for 20 major cities, three-day forecasts for 40 U.S. cities, satellite loops and composite radars of the Northeast, Southeast, Midwest, and the entire west. After a reboot and waiting, the local on the 8s overlay is still very inconsistent. IntelliStar in The Weather Channel's Local on the 8s Mostly cloudy skies early, then partly cloudy after midnight. It is only just afan sitemaintained by a fan of The Weather Channel. The forecast is approximately a minute long and provides information on current and forecasted weather conditions. As of 2016, the majority of cable operators use the IntelliStar, the latest STAR system. The key players have long since retired, and the project manager Alan doesnt remember alot of it, and when he left TWC he left his notes and things behind. As far as I could tell they bought all their equipment in the early 2000s (at best) and never upgraded. It was later upgraded to Intellistar in 2003 and recieved various graphic changes over the years. They would be using at the minimum, an IntelliStar 2 Jr. Man, I gotta think we could get ahold of someone at TWC/IBM that worked on this. The Weather Channel filed for a trademark on the name on June 24 1997. This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. in Re: Location in lost both email and pass Last post by Dylan on August 22, 2022, 09:24:52 PM. mattregozo1987 (36), https://github.com/mamedev/mame/blob/master/src/mame/drivers/wxstar4000.cpp. Also a great place to introduce yourself, if you wish. A union contract is a legal docu, Shoot Your Local Drug Dealer . High 58F. It peaked at #1 on Billboard's Top Contemporary Jazz charts that year.[2]. Low 53F. This is an emulation of the Local on the 8's segment that is featured on The Weather Channel. To enable or disable looping, click on the TWC logo in the info-bar in the top-left corner of the emulator. The segments were originally seen either every five minutes or eight times an hour at various times (airing more frequently in the morning and less frequently at night). High around 60F. Chance of rain 40%. In 2008, their second compilation CD containing their most requested music was released, titled The Weather Channel Presents: Smooth Jazz II. General announcements regarding the Weatherstar 3000 Simulator Project may be found here. Local On The 8s Emulator - LOCALSE The name comes from the timing of the segment, as airs at timeslots that end in "8" (examples: 9:18 and 12:48); because of this manner of scheduling, the forecast segments air on the channel in ten-minute intervals. Mainly cloudy. I dont get it, what the hell is that box? I tried to use recovery software to see if I can get some kinda image to recover. If you somehow obtained your unit'sID number, I will gladly accept it if you wish tosubmit anew unit or add it to existing information shown below. Last post by Anna88 There is also a work-in-progress MAME driver for the machine. Last post by toxictwister00 This type of forecast started in 1982 using WeatherStar units. Winds WNW at 5 to 10 mph. Other artists that can be heard during this segment include the Network Music stock music service, Trammell Starks (who composed 40 tracks specifically for The Weather Channel), The Rippingtons, Moby, EKO, Shadowfax, Chris Camozzi, Scott Ward, Miles Davis, David Becker, Kent Marcum, and many others. The name is because it airs at timeslots that end in "8" (9:28, 2:48, etc.). Post your videos from any emulator here. Winds W at 5 to 10 mph. Low 46F. Artists included on this CD are Joyce Cooling, Dave Koz, Paprika Soul, Four 80 East, Jeff Lorber, Pieces of a Dream, Chick Corea, Jeanne Ricks, Ryan Farish, Mark Krurnowski, Najee, 3rd Force. Get the California weather forecast. Prior to November 11, 2013, every IntelliSTAR unit displayed their local weather ID (STAR ID) on the lower display line (LDL) at the bottom of the screen during Local On The 8s (see above screenshot) as well as at the upper right corner of the screen at :57 of every hour before January 27, 2013. Upcoming sunrise, sunset, and moon phase times for your chosen hometown. Contact a location near you for p, Local Histories/Global Designs . Talk about anything else relating to classic TWC that doesn't fit in any of the other boards. Once the box was switched off, all that precious code was lost forever. A few clouds. My blog the weather channel local on the 8s emulator Powered by create your own unique website with customizable templates. theweatherSTAR (34), It is to be noted that Trammell Starks' 40 tracks and the satellite forecast are used as an emergency feed in case of technical problems or long-term outages. Forecasts are generated by a WeatherStar machine. The Local on the 8s or Local Forecast is the portion of programming where viewers see current weather conditions and local weather forecasts for their respective area on The Weather Channel in the United States. Local forecast segments aired on The Weather Channel, The Weather Channel Presents: The Best of Smooth Jazz, "Meet weather's music man: 'Local on the 8s' features lots of tunes", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Local_on_the_8s&oldid=1128453234, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles containing potentially dated statements from April 2013, All articles containing potentially dated statements, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Varied between 30 seconds and 5 minutes, depending on the flavor (19821998), This page was last edited on 20 December 2022, at 06:06. How Hard Could It Be To Get Millions Of Phone Bills Right?
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