11.32 (this includes London allowance) plus benefits. , We undertake to make any reasonable adjustments to a job or workplace to counteract any disadvantages a disabled person may face. Horse with Bad Leg - Conisborough Owner Fined for Working It. Dominic Curran, the staff, governors and students of Aston - the report is a wonderful testament to the hard work, talent and commitment of all concerned. We supply uniforms for schools all over the UK but we can service our schools in Sheffield, Rotherham and Chesterfield through our 3 retail outlets as well as through our Website. We aim to develop . S66 9DD. Choose what matters most to you with the menus below. We want them to develop key life skills in order for them to be able to face the realities of the world we live in and we want each and every child to reach their full potential whilst having an enjoyable and memorable time at school. The school has considerably more female than male students, with 54.5% girls and 45.5% boys. 7. Our staff and children are very proud of our exciting curriculum that builds on skills and promotes hands on learning. Are teaching/suppor t staff advised of their right t o withdraw themselv es. In July 2018 the school was rated 'Good . Showing 1 - 1 of 1. Reported staff development spend is 327 per teacher per year, which is quite low compared to other schools. Your robust checking of the progress made by pupils enables teachers and leaders to identify pupils who are at risk of underachievement. However, you realise that there is still work to do to accelerate the rates of progress of disadvantaged pupils in all year groups to close gaps in attainment completely. Historically the proportion of pupils reaching the higher standard in reading, writing and mathematics by the end of Year 6 has been lower than the national average. Colden Junior and Infant School Midgley School Cornholme Junior, Infant and Nursery School Ash Green Primary School Triangle CofE VC Primary School St Josephs Catholic Primary School The Calder High School Halifax High at Wellesley Park Salterlee Primary School All Saints CofE VA Junior and Infant School St John's CofE (VA) Primary School Control measures at present 4. Badsley Primary School, East Dene. You made sure that the record of these checks kept in school was fully compliant by the end of the inspection by adding on the details of the checks that had been done on your own academy governors.Your records of the actions taken to support the most vulnerable pupils are also thorough. Curriculum - Our Academy but the number of those who are eligible to receive them. College - colleges generally are focused on the 16 to 18 phase of education and provide vocational as well as academic courses. A list of these compiled (1995) from the survey result is in the deposit file. Hover over the segments for details. Kirklees. Thurcroft Junior School Company Profile | ROTHERHAM, United Kingdom Several pupils were delighted to show off their 'impeccable behaviour' badges that they had been awarded for exemplary conduct.Staff, parents and governors say that these rewards have had a very positive impact on maintaining pupils' good behaviour and attitudes to learning since the previous inspection. Unit B Lostock Office Park Telephone 01709 543194 Email Foundation@thurcroftacademy.org Website www.thurcroftacademy.org Address Thurcroft Junior Mixed School Area Thurcroft Town Rotherham Postcode S66 9DD Service. The third academy to be inspected, Springwood, was the subject of a longer scrutiny because it carried a . 6. Completed applications should be returned by email to vacancies@astoncetrust.org by 9.00am on 7th September 2022. Thurcroft Junior Academy Review and Catchment Area | School Guide the percentage of those who are eligible to receive them. Conditions. At the present time meals are 2.05 per day, 10.25per week. Trust: Aston Community Education Trust. URN: 138357. Overall scores for nearby schools are shown. Tes Global Ltd is This school arose from Thurcroft Junior School. Bolton, BL6 4SG Thurcroft Junior Academy. Balham - SW12 9BE. Our Academy G SUITE HOW TO GUIDE . A list of these compiled (1995) from the survey result is in the deposit file. Thurcroft Junior Academy, Rotherham | Schools & Colleges - Yell Anston Park Junior School, North Anston. Welcome to Oakwood High School. Overall scores for nearby schools are shown. Shih Chien University (USC; Chinese: ; pinyin: Shjin Dxu; Peh-e-j: Sit-chin Ti-hak; lit. The figures nurseries A-Z | find all nurseries near me | find all nurseries by postcode | local authorities. Just a little south of the Viaduct, at Laughton Common at the end of the section of track-bed between Laughton West and East Junctions, joining the old Thurcroft Colliery Line with the S.Y.J.R., was this remnant of a lineside wiring box. as well as all teaching assistants and other support staff members employed directly by the school. For children requiring breakfast please arrive for 8am. Credit Solution Experts Incorporated offers quality business credit building services, which includes an easy step-by-step system designed for helping clients build their business credit effortlessly. of Aston Education Community Trust say they are proud to be associated with the school. . A minimum set of information needs to be provided before a record can be saved. Address: Green Arbour Road, Thurcroft, Rotherham, S66 9DD At our school we seek to provide the highest possible standard of education for all pupils in our care. Motorvation Driving Academy - Creswell, Worksop. Fixed-term exclusions have been above the national average over the last three years.You have therefore taken concerted and effective action to tackle challenging behaviour. Rotherham. They were published on 3 June 1958 for the United Kingdom and Colonies, Australia, New Zealand, Ghana, and the . TJA, Thurcroft Junior Academy. We are Locrating.com, a schools information website. Displays around the school show that pupils enjoy learning in a range of subjects. The list of 20, 40 or 60 schools will show schools ranked by their School Guide Star Rating first. Let us know. You can add our schools map to your own website using our schools plugin, Ground Floor The number of pupil places the establishment can accommodate. 252 Ages. This field shows whether a pupil's family have claimed eligibility for free school meals as reported in from the schools, pupils and their characteristics statistical release published each summer. Thurcroft. privacy policy. Further information about the Disclosure Scheme can be found at www.homeoffice.gov.uk/dbs. Green Arbour Road. The breakfast club enables pupils to enjoy a healthy breakfast and physical activities at the start of the day.Sport and physical activities have a high profile. We use some essential cookies to make this service work. Member Pioneer - Grand Drive, Raynes Park & Roehampton. One parent commented, 'I can't praise this school enough'.Others said that the school, 'has been excellent in giving extra help and support to my children' and 'students are pushed to achieve'. The visit was the first short inspection carried out since the school was judged to be good in February 2014.This school continues to be good. It has 67 staff (about 47 FTEs), including 19 teachers (about 17 FTEs). To see all our data you need to click the blue button at the bottom of this page to view Thurcroft Junior Academy THE WALES WAY. To be able to achieve this, we need to have a team of dedicated and outstanding staff, who will contribute to our exceptional learning community. Secondary (2 vols); Parkgate/Rawmarsh, various schools . Youll only receive an email alert when we publish a new report. About average. Discover More. Pupil:teacher ratio: Poor. We have a creative and engaging curriculum that encourages curiosity . Inspection findings ? Save for later Save. Locrating is the UK's most popular and trusted school guide; it allows you to view inspection reports, admissions data, exam results, catchment areas, league tables, school reviews, Here at Laughton we are committed to providing the best possible education for our children. New Holland Church of England and Methodist Primary School, Barro Morecambe and Heysham Sandylands Community Primary School, Chase View Community Primary School, Rugeley, St Michael and All Angels Catholic Primary School, Wirral, Christ Church CofE Primary School, North Shields, St Margaret Clitherows RC Primary School, Middlesbrough, St Matthias Church of England Primary School, Malvern Link, Oswaldtwistle Moor End Primary School, Accrington, Newington Community Primary School, Ramsgate, Sandown Primary School and Nursery, Hastings, Marton Primary Academy and Nursery, Blackpool, Park Brow Community Primary School, Liverpool, Florence Melly Community Primary School, Liverpool, Kessingland Church of England Primary Academy, Lowestoft. Thurcroft Junior Academy, Rotherham | The Schools Guide Thurcroft Junior Academy, Rotherham | The Schools Guide Email us: Our Academy You will not find a more populated list of assets that you can trade with in all . The information requested says nothing in itself about a person's suitability to govern. We are a junior school based in Thurcroft,. In addition, adults focus explicitly on extending pupils' vocabulary and support pupils to use grammar correctly in their writing.This has resulted in a larger proportion of pupils than previously reaching higher standards in both reading and writing. All material subject to 30 year closure period. Principal. By default, all indicators are set to Relevant and are weighted equally in calculating overall scores for each school. Write a review. G SUITE LOG IN. 24/09/2019 Rotherham SACRE: Religious Education and Collective W orship Primary Survey - Google Forms . Download the app Get a free listing Advertise 0800 777 449. keywords location Search. . Short inspection of Thurcroft Junior Academy 1.8 mi | Beech Avenue, Brecks, Rotherham, S65 3HN. At Aston we are committed to providing high quality learning and teaching, enabling everyone to reach their full potential, whatever their age, ability, gender or ethnicity. The number of pupils who are regularly absent from school has also reduced. In 2017, you and the trust responded to the request from the local authority to create nursery provision on the school site to accommodate a rising number of nursery age children in the local community. You have fostered a strong team spirit among your staff.As a result, members of staff are highly supportive and committed to doing the best they can to ensure that pupils succeed and are kept safe in school. 01484508001. Salary Pro rata salary 16,086 - 16,407(based on a full time salary of 19,650 - 20,043) Full Time, Permanent. Telephone: 01709 543194. Category:1910s in Yorkshire. Overall scores for nearby schools are shown. You have ensured that the arrangements to safeguard pupils' welfare are fit for purpose. I scrutinised a range of documents, including the school's self-evaluation, the school improvement plan, assessment information, governors' minutes and attendance and safeguarding information and records. All maintained school governing bodies and academy trusts have a legal duty to provide all of the governance information requested on this page in so far as it is available to them. Leading Rotherham's Building Schools for the Future programme, enterprising learning would be central to the ethos of the Academy, enabling students to be "qualified" to confidently enter the world of work with not only the necessary qualifications to succeed . Situated on the edge of the villages of Wales and Kiveton Park, the School serves a wide community. 1 Mrs R Parker with 2 Early Years Practitioners (EYPs) FS2 Mrs T Stephenson with EYP FS2 Mrs G Sanderson with EYP FS2 Miss R Turner with EYP Y1/Y2 Miss A Thompson with TA Y1 Miss N Gordon with TA Y1 Miss R Chambers with TA Y2 Mrs D Wright with TA Y2 Mrs B Fox/Mrs M Moorhouse with TA Assemblies Type of school or college. Including, Dinnington Junior (2 vols); Greasbrough Street (1 vol); Kimberworth Higher Standard/Co. The number of behaviour incidents and the frequency of fixed-term exclusions have declined markedly since 2016. ? Page 3. This role may be attractive to those who have attained a relevant level 2 qualification, or who may already be working as a Level 1 Teaching Assistant. Remainder of school to open at 10am for all pupils. Maltby Redwood Academy: 0.9: Crags Community School: 2.4: Bramley Grange Primary School: 2.7: Ravenfield Primary Academy: 2.7: Bramley Sunnyside Junior School: 2.7: Bramley Sunnyside Infant School: 2.8: Laughton All Saints' CofE Primary School: 2.9: Laughton Junior and Infant School: 3.1: St Alban's CofE (Aided) Primary School: 3.2: Thurcroft . England service are consistent. The appointments were made to celebrate the official birthday of The Queen. They were announced on 1 January 1946 for the United Kingdom, and Dominions, Canada, the Union of South Africa, and New Zealand. They receive regular updates to their training and have frequent opportunities to discuss any safeguarding issues. At Thurcroft we are committed to providing high quality learning and teaching, enabling everyone to reach their full potential, whatever their age, ability, gender or ethnicity. . This website and its content is subject to our Terms and Uk Star Education Consultancy - Taipei City. Telephone: 01709 543194. Consequently, you have made improving pupils' presentation and spelling a main priority for development across the curriculum. * Union university jackson tn softball. The figures used are the performance table figures which ensures GIAS and the Find and Compare Schools in This means that regardless of the market behaviors, clients are guaranteed of their initial investment. por | Jun 3, 2022 | journey to the savage planet moist vestibule | emma chambers face surgery | Jun 3, 2022 | journey to the savage planet moist vestibule | emma chambers face surgery Thurcroft Junior Academy | Reviews, Admissions and Catchment Area We benefit from a rich diverse mix of nationalities, customs and religions which ensures that our children are fortunate to have. Search and compare other primary schools near you. Primary School Guide Rating. Having been asked to undertake an important work of military organization in the Near East, he went to Egypt, and died in hospital . Employment and Training Links - Rhodesia, Worksop. 2009-2023 Locrating Ltd, All Rights Reserved. Company Registration Number: 7236786. Next steps for the school Leaders and those responsible for governance should ensure that: ? We encourage you to visit our school to see for yourself; you will experience children that are happy . Consequently, pupils increasingly apply their mathematical skills to reasoning and problem-solving activities. School assessment information of pupils' progress and attainment, together with scrutiny of the work in pupils' books, suggests that current pupils are on track to improve upon the school's outcomes in 2017. . Welcome to Thurcroft Junior Academy Please click here for our current academy Risk Assessment Principal's Message. Apply on school website Apply now. T. Listerdale Junior Academy. Huddersfield . The school's overall score (out of 100) is given below. they develop the assessment of pupils' progress and attainment in the foundation subjects so that teachers can plan work that builds on pupils' prior knowledge and understanding in all subjects. We provide a positive, stimulating, aspirational and caring learning environment where every individual is valued and respected and where . You should provide all of the information requested insofar as it is available to you. A list of these compiled (1995) from the survey result is in the deposit file. Home; Thurcroft Junior Academy; Thurcroft Junior Academy. thurcroft junior academy staff list There are signs of improvement, showing that pupils' attainment in mathematics more closely matches that of reading and writing.Safeguarding is effective. No. We are a junior school based in Thurcroft,. Are teaching/suppor t staff advised of their right t o withdraw themselv es. Welcome to Brookfield Junior Academy, a unique place of learning where all children are nurtured, respected and motivated to achieve their best in all areas of life. Lovingly built in the UK | privacy policy | terms of use Number of pupils: 276. Open date. We believe that every person is unique and we work together in an inclusive environment of mutual respect and consideration, valuing everyone's contribution. Most hotels are fully refundable. Our academy serves Thurcroft and the local environs with pupils in Key Stage 2 from Year 3 to Year 6. 1 Doc Ref: E-Safety and Data Protection - A policy for the acceptable use of ICT Equipment Author: Dale Armstrong, Trust IT Services Manager Contents . Draft designs for the Waverley Junior Academy, the new school proposed for the Waverley development in Rotherham, have been submitted. The invested capital is personally managed by well trained staff members. St Pauls Place, Norfolk Street, Sheffield, S1 2JE. This provides teachers with a termly plan that ensures that the teaching of mathematics builds on what pupils have previously learned. registered in England (Company No 02017289) with its registered office at Building 3, children, staff and governors and believes that working together the children at our academy experience the best possible start . Head Teacher's Welcome Letter Dear Parents and Carers, As Head Teacher, it gives me great pleasure to welcome you to our website, we are very proud of your children's achievements at Herringthorpe Junior School and we know that this is one way we can share them with you. 4 hours per week. Blackburn Primary School, Blackburn. Telephone: 01709 543194. Use the button on the left to personalise these scores based on your own priorities. Thurcroft Junior Academy (0.2km) show on map; Laughton All Saints' CofE Primary School (2.7km) show on map; Laughton Junior and Infant School (2.7km) show on map; Wickersley School and Sports College (3.3km) show on map; St Alban's CofE (Aided) Primary School (3.3km) show on map; Wickersley Northfield Primary School (3.6km) show on map Please visit www.thurcroftacademy.org for term dates and further information. In the past, pupils' progress in mathematics has lagged behind the progress they make in reading and writing by the end of Year 6. Thrybergh Fullerton Church of England Primary Handsworth Grange Community Sports College, St Gregory's Catholic Primary School, Liverpool, Burradon Community Primary School, Cramlington, Spring Meadow Primary School & School House Nursery, Harwich, Tupton Primary and Nursery Academy, Chesterfield, St George's CofE School, Barrow-in-Furness, Pelton Community Primary School, Chester le Street, Bluebell Meadow Primary School, Trimdon Station, Thatto Heath Community Primary School, St Helens, Scarborough, Overdale Community Primary School, Rivacre Valley Primary School, Ellesmere Port, Whitleigh Community Primary School, Plymouth, Althorpe and Keadby Primary School, Scunthorpe, St Gerard's RC Primary School, Middlesbrough, Rokeby Park Primary School, Kingston-upon-Hull, Trinity Croft CofE Primary Academy, Rotherham, Littleham Church of England Primary School, Exmouth, Our Lady and St Edward's Catholic Primary School, Birkenhead, Rosa Street Primary and Nursery Academy, Spennymoor, St Mark's CofE Primary School, Brierley Hill, The District CofE Primary School, Newton-le-Willows, Easington Colliery Primary School, Peterlee. Yours sincerely Christine Turner Ofsted Inspector Information about the inspection During this inspection I made a brief visit to the breakfast club. Monday 5th January 2015 the academy will be closed to pupils for INSET DAY. Pupils learn about the importance of staying safe in the community, for example through the North Yorkshire police personal safety programme, Crucial Crew, where pupils work through a series of real-life scenarios, learning for example about road, fire and online safety. The Aston Community Education Trust human resources officer is thorough in ensuring that all the required checks on staff and volunteers takes place. receive a qualifying benefit. The salary will increase by an equivalent of 5 days of pay if the appointee has 5 years or more continuous service with the Local Authority. used are the performance table figures which ensures GIAS and the Find and Compare Schools in England Get the latest business insights from Dun & Bradstreet. Conducts surveys and studies on good manufacturing practice (GMP), and pharmaceutical manufacturing technology with subjects related to their physical properties. Days. The leadership team has maintained the good quality of education in the school since the last inspection. Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council, Education Department. TJA, Thurcroft Junior Academy. 'Challenge baskets' that contain tasks of increasing difficulty encourage pupils to learn more deeply in mathematics and enable them to apply their mathematical knowledge to problem-solving activities. Individual complaints should be . Staff Email Login. Conditions. What Does The Bible Say About Maggots, Picture . Status. It's like the land that time forgot. SPRINGWOOD JUNIOR ACADEMY - ASTON-CUM-AUGHTON - Read More: 10th November, 2017: . Thurcroft Junior Academy. Registered in England and Wales Welcome to Thurcroft Junior Academy. Aughton Junior Academy, Aughton. Particular strengths include Finances, Representation and Admissions. Thurcroft Junior Academy, Green Arbour Road, Thurcroft, Rotherham, S66 9DD. * Harvard business school positioning. Aston Hall Junior and Infant School, Aston. Children are making good progress from their starting points.You agree that there is work to do to develop the nursery provision further so that children make better progress in reading and writing. Teachers strike action - 28 February 2023 - Rotherham Metropolitan Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. The proportion of unfilled or temporarily filled teaching positions is 0%, which is very low compared to other schools. Category:1900s in the East Riding of Yorkshire. This field is not editable by establishment users as it is populated by the DfE using the underlying data Find out more about email alerts for Ofsted. Our incredibly enthusiastic children are supported by skilled and committed staff, wonderfully supportive families within a close and pro-active community. It did not collect data from direct grant nurseries, independent schools, non-maintained . The number of pupils per teacher is about 25, which is very high compared to other schools. Kindergarten - The Kindersite has 1,000s of graded educational games, songs and stories, specifically for the preschool and kindergarten groups. Ofsted | Thurcroft Junior Academy Find company research, competitor information, contact details & financial data for Thurcroft Junior School of ROTHERHAM. * Income figures are for all schools in the same federation (see list below right) Location and Administration. Search houses & flats to let from leading estate agents. On behalf of the staff, children and governors, I would like to welcome you to Thurcroft Junior Academy. Book your hotel in Thurcroft and pay later with Expedia. The proportion of unfilled or temporarily filled teaching positions is 0%, which is very low compared to other schools. Email. Pupils told me that they enjoy the school. Including 2022 league table rankings. Including, Dinnington Junior (2 vols); Greasbrough Street (1 vol); Kimberworth Higher Standard/Co. In 2016 and 2017, the progress pupils made in mathematics was below the national average. Pupils' progress in mathematics is improving, because you have introduced a whole-school approach to the teaching of mathematics. Yell.com Yell Business. Thurcroft Junior Academy, Rotherham: 3 UNLOCK: Compare. Under the guidance of others the Level 2 Teaching Assistant will: Support the EYFS team to establish an appropriate learning environment, Supervise and support pupils, ensuring their safety and access to learning, Work with pupils individually or in groups, either inside or outside of the classroom, Model and promote positive values, attitudes and behaviour, Complete observations of their key worker children, Encourage pupils to interact and work co-operatively with others, and to engage in learning activities, Encourage pupil to act independently as appropriate, The role is based at Thurcroft Junior Academy but may, on occasion, involve working at other academies within the trust., For further information and to apply, please visit the vacancies section of our website: www.thurcroftjunioracademy.org. 12 members of staff work for Thurcroft Junior School, which is about average. We provide a positive, stimulating, aspirational and caring learning environment where every individual is valued and respected and where every child matters. info@thurcroftacademy.org . The account features a 10% payout rate along with security on the invested amount. While they are supportive of you and your staff, they continuously challenge you and school leaders to take action to address any underachievement.Governors ensure that they evaluate how successful you are in addressing the priorities for development. Pupils or their parents are able to claim free school meals if they School Information A LOVE FOR LEARNING. Toggle navigation. This page is one of our school directory pages. Find the latest properties to rent in Thurcroft Junior Academy with the UK's most user-friendly property portal. They said that bullying occurs rarely.They said that, if bullying does happen, members of staff deal with it effectively. Wolborough Church of England (Aided) Nursery and Primary School, Oakley Cross Primary School and Nursery, Bishop Auckland, St Stephens Community Academy, Launceston, St Joseph the Worker Catholic Primary School, Liverpool, Coppull Primary School and Nursery, Chorley, Waverley Primary School, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Stonebroom Primary and Nursery School, Alfreton, St Bartholomew's CofE VC Primary School, Stourport-on-Severn. Choose Important for higher priorities and Unimportant or Ignore for lower priorities. It has about 170 boys and girls aged between 4 and 11. . You have continued to respond immediately to any absence in school by contacting parents and making home visits.Consequently, pupils' attendance has continued to improve. June 22, 2022; list of borana abba gada; alton funeral home; thurcroft junior academy staff list thurcroft junior academy staff list - thepineridgeresort.com We hope you find the website informative and inspiring. Full 2022 GCSE and A-Level results are now available. Find Thurcroft Junior Academy in Rotherham, S66. We are a small rural primary school with 4 mixed age classes. Maltby Manor Academy, Rotherham | The Schools Guide Excellent. Green Arbour Road, Thurcroft, Rotherham. Thurcroft Junior Academy Sitwell Infants Kiveton Park Infant School Kilnhurst Primar y School Rawmarsh Ashwood Primar y School ASTON ALL SAINTS COFE PRIM ARY . Teaching Assistant, Level 2 (Early Years / Foundation Stage) The age range that the establishment is legally allowed to make provision for. Thurcroft Junior Academy. Head Teacher's Welcome Letter Dear Parents and Carers, As Head Teacher, it gives me great pleasure to welcome you to our website, we are very proud of your children's achievements at Herringthorpe Junior School and we know that this is one way we can share them with you.
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