Garrulous and bearish, the dentist-turned-hood (practicing the former in the Soviet Union and training for the latter in Brighton Beach) routinely carried two pistols and operated out of his Hialeah, Fla., strip club, Porkys: famous for a small motorized car that pulled up between the spread legs of dancers as they performed. The drugs will be turned over to the DEA. Everything here has a cost.". Meet me in Africa for a cup of coffee tomorrow.. But the story of how the documentary got made is nearly as crazy as the caper plot itself. "But I've always paid for everything, either with stitches in my head, concussions, or jail time. "Many times, I worried about him getting killed. They also discovered the club was registered as a massage parlor, not a brothel. There was nothing unusual about it. Kristy and his sons hid in a shabby, poorly protected office. We are no longer accepting comments on this article. Galeota's sheer size and mob connections are the only things keeping him from getting shivved in the dark. With dark hair and pale, wide-set eyes, teenage Tony resembled a stocky Frank Sinatra. Tony Galeto. When one inmate killed another, the dead man's gang on the outside murdered the inmate's entire family, Galeota says. Theyre nice guys [the cartel members], and I didnt ask what they needed the submarine for, Tarzan tells The Post, speaking on a crackling phone connection from Russia. It was like this super weird, incredibly sketchy circumstance that we came together in, Russell tells of his visit to the Mad Max-like prison where at night they lock the gates. In an instant, Galeota's meaty hand was around the customer's neck, shoving him outside. Catherine says she slept with customers because she needed the money to support her family. His school friends didn't believe him, so a few days later he sneaked out, stole his mom's minivan, and drove around the neighborhood loading up with other teens. A year later, it was $115,000 per month.". Im gonna see them in f***ing hell when I arrive there., Russell says the fugitive is probably one of the most fascinating human beings Ive ever been in a room with., He adds: Theres five other films you couldve made about his life and life experiences, and yet he was charming and cultured and funny and also, then, on a dime deadly serious, not somebody that you trifle with. In the second interdiction, a Customs plane spotted another suspicious boat off the coast of Panama on August 28th. He was 31. He was talking to Fainberg about a murder he'd witnessed in Porky's parking lot. He offered protection and gave Galeota $200. By
Follow Miami New Times on Facebook and Twitter @MiamiNewTimes. According to the Coast Guard: It first took place north of the Gulf of Uraba. For two decades, Galeota managed Porky's, a Hialeah dive notorious for drugs, prostitution, and violence, where he was part pimp, part bouncer, and completely untouchable. Guards with machine guns man rusty metal towers. Greed got the better of him. The Coast Guard said the eight-member crew cooperated and was taken into custody. Now the locals want to get rid of guys like Galeota too, as his case has drawn national attention to corruption and human rights abuses. And like the Italian-American crooner, he loved women a little too much. Join the New Times community and help support ), The narcotics charge, however, still stands despite little evidence linking Galeota to the drugs. This time, I'm innocent.". During the Doll House raid, they found marked bills in the register and several grams of pot on a promoter. Galeota tried going straight, opening a coffee shop in downtown Panama City. Running an underworld operation in Cocaine Cowboys-era Miami wasn't an easy gig. He headed right to his beloved Miami, Florida. Luckier still, a powerful Colombian inmate named Mauricio Ramrez recognized Galeota from his restaurant. A kilo of cocaine in Panama costs much less - about $5,000 per. Of the $10 million, he said, I cannot f- -king believe it how fast I spend it.. Unfortunately, Galeota's defense isn't as simple as quoting strippers, says his lawyer, Guillermina McDonald. source of local news and culture, Michael E. Miller Like a real-life godfather, Galeota weathered it all. Miami mobster Tony Galeota is locked up in Panama after being framed for drug dealing and human trafficking. Meanwhile, the task force had gotten wind of the bizarre submarine plan; not only had they wiretapped Tarzan, but they had also inserted an undercover agent into the operation an agent who appears in the documentary after undergoing an extensive makeup disguise because he continues to work undercover cases involving the Russian mob. ", After bribing half the guards at La Joya, Galeota was taken to an immigration holding center in Panama City where he and four codefendants were kept for four more days. Tony was a tough, muscular little shit back then. Here, Galeota is just one of 500 prisoners crammed into a filthy cell block designed to hold 200 people. Anthony Jr. was taken to a juvenile detention center that wasn't much better. He paid for her to secretly get an abortion. Sign Up. Russian immigrant Ludwig Fainberg, a.k.a. Galeota is no angelic Andy Dufresne, the main character in Shawshank who serves two decades behind bars for a crime he didn't commit. Tony Goleta Profiles | Facebook Rising swiftly through the ranks, John buries his conscience to become a notorious Mafia hitman. In the distance, La Cordillera de San Blas cuts through the Panamanian jungle like a serrated knife. People named Toni Galeota Find your friends on Facebook Log in or sign up for Facebook to connect with friends, family and people you know. Banks seized all seven of his apartments. La Joya is flush with contraband, from cell phones and cigarettes to marijuana and handguns all of it brought in with the complicity of corrupt guards. Instead, he's trapped in a labyrinthine legal system, alone and unable to speak Spanish. The year before, his father helped him land a job as a wedding DJ.
He and Kristy struck up an unlikely romance. one of the kids shouted as he pulled a handkerchief over his face and wildly swung a revolver. Garrulous and bearish, the dentist-turned-hood (practicing the former in the Soviet Union and training for the latter in Brighton Beach) routinely carried two pistols and operated out of his. A large Russian man called Tarzan sits in an armchair against the backdrop of a cracked and stained wall, a pack of cigarettes, lighter and an ash tray on a table to his left, and he shrugs as he talks about a deal he tried to broker more than 20 years ago. Find your friends on Facebook. Tarzan, got his first job in America as an enforcer for the Gambino crime family. "We were like: 'We want to get the fuck out of here. Galeota was crammed into a sweltering holding cell with 150 others. We've been here for two years!' Skip Ancestry main menu Main Menu But it bored him. Santiago de Cali shone in the syrupy South American sunlight filling Colombia's Cauca River Valley. Nearly 300 feet long with 10 torpedo tubes (empty in this case), it was diesel but could be converted to electric for silent running. Locked Up Abroad 151M subscribers Miami mobster Tony Galeota is a strip-club supremo. Create a free family tree for yourself or for Tony Galeota and we'll search for valuable new information for you. Shea fatally blasted bouncer Richard Jimenez in the face and then opened fire on the dancers, shooting one in the chest and another in the head. Tony Galeta Profiles | Facebook Prisoners eat stale bread and a slice of cheese for breakfast; rice and sometimes beans is their lunch and dinner. The dead and dying are piled into wheelbarrows and left by the front gate until guards arrive in the morning. The $33,000 number is actually the wholesale price in the US for smugglers - or how much a kilo is worth delivered to US soil, for traffickers. "I couldn't take all the people who wanted to come.". "I was 16 years old and amazed," he says. "I lived it up in Miami," he says. Michael Galeota, who starred on the Disney Channel's "The Jersey" died Sunday, according to Variety. Moreover, trafficking prostitutes and drugs and involvement in organized crime are some serious charges.". Galeota and his "girls" in the Doll House, before the bust. Furious and Busted Rick Cedar steals radios to support his family. A tattoo of an Italian Mafioso emerges from an extra-large sleeveless T-shirt. Miami's underworld may still be seedy, but it has outsourced much of its shadiness to nearby Third-World countries such as Panama. The bartender hid in the bathroom and dialed 911. 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From Porky's to Panama Prison, Tony Galeota Reveals Miami's Mob-Run Although he admits that "running around whoring and casinoing wasn't worth it," he can't promise to be faithful to the woman who has stood beside him. Explore More. One scammer stole from another scammer; of course I accept it, he says. We break down the best movies and series to watch in November in theaters and streaming. "Whenever there is an American businessman involved in crime here in Panama, it becomes an important case. The 43-year-old is shaped like a mini refrigerator: short and squat, with a shaved head and wide-set emerald eyes. Dancers with names like Baby Doll, Tipsie, Trixie, and Crme offered to have sex with the cops for as little as $150, court records show. "Miami is a place where I would love to live," he pronounced, "and where I would love to die." Now the locals want to get rid of guys like Galeota too, as his case has drawn national attention to corruption and human rights abuses. Tarzan and Tony went so far as to gain access to a Soviet naval base and be taken on a tour of a submarine potentially for sale, even cajoling Russian military officials to pose for photos - which they used to prove to the Colombians that a deal could be brokered (and which are shown in the film). In the distance, La Cordillera de San Blas cuts through the Panamanian jungle like a serrated knife. Banged Up Abroad - Wikipedia With dark hair and pale, wide-set eyes, teenage Tony resembled a stocky Frank Sinatra. And they were doing it on behalf of the notorious Cali drug cartel in Colombia, who planned to use the underwater vessel to smuggle cocaine undetected. "I was just numb.". The heavy-set Italian even signed a release. And last year, Yester was finally arrested in Rome on charges unrelated to the submarine while en route to a wedding. Become a member to support the independent voice of South Florida GALEOTA, Joseph A., Sr. Joseph A. Galeota Sr., 86, of Ashford CT, died on Wednesday (January 26, 2011) at Windham Hospital from congestive heart failure. Anywhere other than La Joya, this news would be shocking. He paid for her to secretly get an abortion. 8:00AM. Get the latest updates in news, food, music and culture, and receive special offers direct to your inbox. See Photos. But the men kept in touch as Russell pursued other projects, with Tarzan sending random messages such as Christmas greetings until he finally sent the email the filmmaker had been awaiting (although he couldnt have guessed the other crazy details in the communication. Make a one-time donation today for as little as $1. He was a character.. When crews were launched to investigate, the suspected smugglers threw several packages into the water. Even then, however, he couldn't sleep. He raises his eyebrows and looks upwards to the left to emphasize just how flabbergasted he was with Mishas counter question. A tattoo of an Italian Mafioso emerges from an extra-large sleeveless T-shirt. The most audacious plot allegedly hatched in the back of Porky's was to purchase a former Soviet submarine for $5.5 million for a Colombian drug cartel so it could ship cocaine up the coast to California. With little oversight, military leaders acted as if they were independent of the government. The irony is not lost on Galeota that after a life of crime in Miami, he was arrested in Panama just as he was going legit. "It was a real moneymaker. See also: "From Porky's to Panamanian Prison: Web Extra.". "They murdered a guy in here a couple of days ago," Tony Galeota says. Panama's judicial system is outdated and overburdened, she says. Finally, on May 23, the gate on Galeota's cramped cell swung open, and he was free to go. Tony Galeota. Photo courtesy of Josh Weiss Surrounded by Colombian strippers, Galeota gives a toast during a party at the Doll House. "Like me, he was a black sheep who could do nothing right.". "It was puppy love," he says. The year before, his father helped him land a job as a wedding DJ. Anthony Galeota was born October 17, 1968, on Long Island. Tony Galeota: From Running Porky's, Miami's Most Notorious Strip Joint, to Rotting More than 500 inmates crowd into a cell block designed for 200. So I was literally stepping over dead bodies of the people who had been shanked and stuff over the course of the night.. Inside, the bar is still littered with half-empty bottles of Chivas Regal. We have a lot of laughs about it now," he says. His nightmare began in June , when police raided his Panama City strip club and arrested him and his Ukrainian partner for trafficking women and selling drugs. View the profiles of people named Anthony Galeota. Tony Galeota Tony Galeota. Juan, Tarzan and law enforcement insisted there was no way hed agree to participate in the documentary. They were all together when Tony worked for the Russin mobsters in Porky's club as its manager. It was apparent they had what appeared to be narcotics and after we did the test they had bales on board of pure cocaine, said Boatswains Mate Omar Castro with the U.S. Coast Guard. independent local journalism in Miami. But instead of classical music, his specialty is sex. This business has been very good to me.". But he was too shell-shocked to take up his attorney's offer for a ride to a nice hotel. Thanks to a successful appeal, Almeida served only 18 months for his part in the sub caper. Kristy was able to pay a lawyer $500 to get her son released, but there was no bond for Galeota's drug offense. Because of his age, he escaped with six months' probation. A poster on the wall advertises "Lesby Show: 2 Girls per Person" for $350. "We treated the women well.". I have to tell you, all my enemies are dead, and Im happy, he says in the documentary. Galeota's imprisonment abroad marks the end of one of Miami's most outrageous eras, when Russian and Colombian cartels stocked strip clubs with cheap prostitutes and cheaper cocaine. Log in or sign up for Facebook to connect with friends, family and people you know. Bonnie also shoplifted booze to sustain her hard drinking habit. "Running a club in that neighborhood, win or lose, you've got to fight.". "I used to have to patch Tony up all the time," Kristy says. "This case has had a big impact here," says Jos Otero, a reporter for Panamanian newspaper La Prensa. In court statements and interviews with New Times, they said Galeota gave them contracts to sign, cell phones and computers to use, and apartments in which to live. "She would use shoe polish to change our driver's licenses so we could go to clubs and drink when we were 15. Even then, however, he couldn't sleep. "It is with tremendous heartfelt sadness to announce the passing of Michael James Galeota," Jan. 10, reads a statement on a Go Fund Me page, created by Galeota's family to raise money for his burial. Sheila Flynn For, Smashing the Sinaloa cartel: Major coup for DEA as agents seize $6MILLION cash, hundreds of pounds of narcotics and indict 75 across America for 'laundering drug money for El Chapo's gang', Is this proof that British aristocrat did NOT smuggle drugs into Africa? "She would use shoe polish to change our driver's licenses so we could go to clubs and drink when we were 15. And like the Italian-American crooner, he loved women a little too much. Let me check.. "That's the problem.". He hired 'Fat Tony' Galeota as Porky's manager. Tony Galletta. Watch Locked Up Abroad Season 10 Episode 10 Miami Mobster Take Down Online Marshals deported Ludwig Fainberg from Miami. Galeota is no angelic Andy Dufresne, the main character in Shawshank who serves two decades behind bars for a crime he didn't commit. Theres this crazy Russian gangster who sold a submarine to the Cali drug cartel; his name is Tarzan and hes locked in a Panamanian prison and he had a Blackberry And he said, Do you want his number?, And I said, Hell, yes! It was February 2011, and he was preparing to open the Doll House, his own strip club in Panama. His nightmare began in June of 2011, when police raided his Panama City strip club and arrested him and his Ukrainian partner for trafficking women and selling drugs. Biography. "They shot him in the middle of the night," Galeota continues quietly, "and buried his body behind the pavilion.". Its about 2,800 kilos, about a ton and a half of contraband. Galeota says the police had already gotten what they wanted: Porky's demise. "Whenever there is an American businessman involved in crime here in Panama, it becomes an important case. He was very serious and said he would look into it. He bought seven properties pretty much sight unseen.". Then she'd charge my friends $50 each," he says. Galeota already lived according to a gangster's code. "My father wasn't in the mob, but his friends were," Tony says. People named Tony Galeta. Then she'd charge my friends $50 each," he says. MIAMI BEACH (CBSMiami) The Coast Guard offloaded about $93 million of cocaine Thursday afternoon on Miami Beach. When he was 16, he knocked up his 15-year-old girlfriend at Hauppauge High School. New Times wrote about Galeota's plight last year ("From Porky's to Hell," October 4, 2012), even visiting him in La Joya prison, a crumbling concrete complex in the jungle where inmates kill each other with impunity. Prostitution in Miami had become too risky, he decided, but overseas sex tourism was soaring. But in South Florida, he was once a strip club king. Prosecutors say police never filed the necessary paperwork. Tony and Kristy were shocked and out of a job. "I thought I would kick up my heels together like 'Oh my God, I'm finally out,'" he says. People named Tony Galeota Find your friends on Facebook Log in or sign up for Facebook to connect with friends, family and people you know. He also owned the Russian restaurant Babushka, which was a magnet for snowbirding criminals from his homeland. Become a member to support the independent voice of South Florida Join Facebook to connect with Anthony Galeota and others you may know. Galeota's wife Kristy comments "Porky's was definitely a place you could get killed." Michael Galeota Obituary (1984 - 2016) - Pontotoc, MS - Pontotoc Progress Police repeatedly raided the club, yet Galeota escaped unscathed every time. Galeota examines a bruise from a prison fight in La Joya. The guards leave at 5pm, and they just lock the gates, and its inmate rule at night, he says, explaining that he bribed a guard to get him in and out of the jail. When he left to open a bona fide brothel in Panama, Galeota thought the country's lax prostitution laws would make him rich. "Keep your fucking hands off the girl!" I gave each of my kids a Rolex when they were 5 years old. Filthy and crowded cell block of La Joya Prison, Panama. But when Galeota was arrested June 19, 2011, and charged with trafficking drugs and women, he was just as innocent as Stephen King's saintly inmate. In describing Tarzan, Almeida says in the film, He struck me as an oddball. Tarzan classifies Almeida as a guy who had two drinks and thought he was Tony Montana. As for movie-star handsome, hooker-loving Yesters first impression of Tarzan: I said, This f- -king guy is trouble. Thirty minutes later, I loved the trouble., Abetted by the tumultuous state of the former Soviet Union the ruble was completely devalued and state-owned resources went to whomever had the most firepower gaining access to the submarine was surprisingly easy. Michael Galeota, who starred on the Disney Channel's "The Jersey" died Sunday, according to Variety. Has a stint in Panamanian prison reformed Miami's most notorious strip club manager? Join the New Times community and help support The goods came from sources in the freshly fallen Soviet Union, a place where everything seemed to be up for grabs at ridiculously low prices. "But I did it for my child.". When he heard that his old partner in crime from Porky's had moved to Panama, he flew in to meet with Galeota. This time, the feds took over the strip club before selling it to new owners, with one requirement: Neither Galeota nor anyone else from the old club could ever work there again. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Thanks for contacting us. But not until she discovered he'd been dating a former Porky's stripper for more than two years did she threaten to divorce him in 2009. Disney Star Michael Galeota Death: Brother Jimmy Opens Up About Family Even though Yester may have suspected that the cartel was after him, he couldnt help but try to get his hands on the remaining $25 million. "I lived it up in Miami," he says. He called me in two days and he asked me, do we want the submarine with missiles or without missiles? says Tarzan. Bonnie also shoplifted booze to sustain her hard drinking habit. But instead of classical music, his specialty is sex. Panama had gone from paradise to purgatory. The heavy-set Italian even signed a release. For two decades, Galeota managed Porky's, a Hialeah dive notorious for drugs, prostitution, and violence, where he was part pimp, part bouncer, and completely untouchable. He might have sold them the submarine, taken the money and walked away with the money.. It was a lot of kind of romancing them and explaining to them, hey, this is your chance to tell your story on kind of a broad canvas. Sign Up. His father, Arnold, was a strait-laced sales manager but a distant and disapproving dad. He created a souped-up cigarette boat that went for $2 million and was presumably used to transport cocaine. Its Colombian dancers were in Panama on six-month tourist visas, weren't licensed as prostitutes, and weren't getting required weekly health checkups. Ludwig Fainberg a Russian-speaking Ukrainian nicknamed "Tarzan" for his flowing locks had opened it a few months earlier but ran it like a private club for Eastern Europeans. 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When a dancer clapped her ass cheeks like a maraca, a customer's hands instinctively rose to touch them. Coast Guard members who seized the cocaine said this is what their jobs are all about. But it was abundantly clear that the key figure in the deal was Yester and his story would be particularly illuminating though the CIA, DEA and FBI had been after him, without success, for more than two decades. Log In or Sign Up Tonia Galeota See Photos Antonio Galeota See Photos Tony Galeota See Photos Toni Galea See Photos Toni Colletto See Photos Toni Torres Galea ", Tony Galeota and fellow defendant Alon "Tarzan" Bar during better days in their Panama club The Doll House, After bribing half the guards at La Joya, Galeota was taken to an immigration holding center in Panama City where he and four co-defendants were kept for four more days. But Galeota's problems aren't completely behind him. "When you're in La Joya for two years, you get used to that environment," Galeota says. Instead, they eat rice for lunch and dinner, drink dirty river water, and use a hole in the ground for a toilet. I flew to a little island near St. Petersburg, met with a retired Russian admiral, and he took me to the navy base, says Tarzan. A narc I know called me with a tip and he said, This is the craziest true-crime caper Ive ever come across in my life. Tony Galeota - Historical records and family trees - MyHeritage Get started U.S. Yearbooks Name Index, 1890-1979. Family members can also bring them food and clean water, however, and inmates bribe guards to smuggle in additional items. But all the cops found were five grams of weed, a bottle of Viagra, and some mysterious yellow pills. In January 1997, after he dropped his daughter off at school, Tarzan was arrested and hit with a 30-count federal indictment.
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