// Controls whether the parameter hints menu cycles or closes when reaching the end of the list. When used with `security.workspace.trust.untrustedFiles`, you can enable the full functionality of VS Code without prompting in an empty window. // When enabled, Outline shows `namespace`-symbols. Dismiss this update Overview Setup Overview Linux macOS Windows When the number of local file history entries exceeds this number for a file, the oldest entries will be discarded. // Show Errors & Warnings on files and folder. // - light: Explorer will not prompt before undo operations when focused. // Show references to MDN in LESS hovers. This allows keybindings that would normally be consumed by the shell to act instead the same as when the terminal is not focused, for example `Ctrl+P` to launch Quick Open. // Enable/disable inlay hints for implicit return types on function signatures: "javascript.inlayHints.functionLikeReturnTypes.enabled". // An array of regular expressions that indicate which scripts should be excluded from the NPM Scripts view. // - selection: Only seed search string from the editor selection. // Whether new shells should inherit their environment from VS Code, which may source a login shell to ensure $PATH and other development variables are initialized. This value is ignored when `workbench.editor.showTabs` is disabled. Can be set to 0 for no limit. // - inherit: Lines will wrap according to the `editor.wordWrap` setting. "editor.gotoLocation.multipleDefinitions". This makes finding settings quick and easy. // - default: History entries are sorted by relevance based on the filter value used. // - warnonly: Only show the warning indicator when a terminal's environment is 'stale', not the information indicator that shows a terminal has had its environment modified by an extension. // When enabled IntelliSense shows `unit`-suggestions. // - sync: Run 'git pull' and 'git push' after a successful commit. // Adjust the zoom level of the window. // The file paths are relative to workspace and only workspace folder settings are considered. // Controls if files that were part of a refactoring are saved automatically. // Controls whether the editor should highlight semantic symbol occurrences. The workspace settings file is located under the .vscode folder in your root folder. // Controls whether the built-in HTML language support suggests HTML5 tags, properties and values. "javascript.format.insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingTemplateStringBraces". // - override: Enable proxy support for extensions, override request options. "editor.guides.highlightActiveBracketPair". // The number of items to show in the Timeline view by default and when loading more items. Should be used as an alternative to 'launch.json' that is shared across workspaces. // Prefer showing hovers above the line, if there's space. This is a slow algorithm, that might cause freezes for large files, but it works correctly in all cases. On most non-retina displays this will give the sharpest text. // Enable/disable default HTML formatter. // - on: Create both build and watch tasks. // When enabled IntelliSense shows `struct`-suggestions. // Configure glob patterns for excluding files and folders. This is useful for languages like Markdown that often contain other languages that might trick language detection into thinking it's the embedded language and not Markdown. // - initial: A new split terminal will use the working directory that the parent terminal started with. // - untilDismissed: Show the banner when an untrusted workspace is opened until dismissed. // - false: Do not highlight the active indent guide. // When enabled IntelliSense shows `reference`-suggestions. Workspace Folder settings - Apply to a specific folder of a. Language-specific default settings - These are language-specific default values that can be contributed by extensions. // When enabled breadcrumbs show `string`-symbols. // Controls how terminal reacts to right click. // - discovery time: Repositories in the Source Control Repositories view are sorted by discovery time. // - foldersNestsFiles: Files and folders are sorted by their names. "workbench.preferredHighContrastColorTheme". // The default location to clone a git repository. Selecting this opens your user settings.json with the language entry where you can add applicable settings. // - Beside: Open the diff view next to the current editor group. // When enabled breadcrumbs show `typeParameter`-symbols. // Override the virtual workspaces support of an extension. // Controls when the Markdown header folding arrow is shown. // Controls whether turning on Zen Mode also hides the editor line numbers. // Controls how to limit the number of changes that can be parsed from Git status command. Search for "Default Formatter". // Limit the width of the minimap to render at most a certain number of columns. // - proportional: The minimap has the same size as the editor contents (and might scroll). This value is ignored when `workbench.editor.showTabs` is disabled. // Controls whether a suggestion is selected when the widget shows. // Remember the last git command that ran after a commit. // Controls whether to focus the inline editor or the tree in the peek widget. // Controls whether the built-in PHP language suggestions are enabled. // - onlyWithFlag: Only auto attach when the `--inspect` is given. This setting should only be changed if you frequently encounter save conflict errors and may result in data loss if used without caution. // - bounded: Lines will wrap at the minimum of viewport and `editor.wordWrapColumn`. // - singleClick: Focus the terminal when clicking a terminal tab, // - doubleClick: Focus the terminal when double-clicking a terminal tab. // Controls whether to preview the suggestion outcome in the editor. // Configure settings to be overridden for the csharp language. // - off: Focus the last active running instance. // Configure settings to be overridden for the javascript language. "**/*. // Where a "Run" and "Debug" code lens should be shown in your npm scripts. When set to `0`, the value of `editor.lineHeight` is used. All windows without folders opened will be restored upon next launch. // When enabled breadcrumbs show `file`-symbols. // Hex colors must consist of three or six hex numbers. // Controls the font size in pixels used in the Markdown preview. // - countDescending: Results are sorted by count per file, in descending order. // - default: Folders will open in a new window unless a folder is picked from within the application (e.g. // Defines space handling after opening and before closing non-empty parenthesis. `co -> console` and `con -> const`. // Synchronize keybindings for each platform. // Controls the width(px) of diff decorations in gutter (added & modified). // Alternative command id that is being executed when the result of 'Go to Declaration' is the current location. // Plays a sound when a task is completed. How to use Visual Studio Code as default editor for git? The following example shows how you can customize settings for javascript and typescript languages together in your settings.json file: Configurations can be overridden at multiple levels by the different setting scopes. When you open the Settings editor, you can search and discover the settings you are looking for. // - indentation: Use the indentation-based folding strategy. // Controls pasting when the line count of the pasted text matches the cursor count. // Controls whether the Source Control view should automatically reveal and select files when opening them. Clicking a category will filter the results to that category. When set to empty, the `editor.fontFamily` is used. The settings that show up will be configurable for that specific language, and will show the setting value specific to that language, if applicable. `null` defaults to `"head, body, /html"`. // Determines which settings editor to use by default. On Windows, this behaves the same as initial. // Sets the source from which ports are automatically forwarded when `remote.autoForwardPorts` is true. // Controls whether suggestions should automatically show up while typing. // - true: Semantic highlighting enabled for all color themes. // - never: Never show debug in Status bar, // - always: Always show debug in Status bar, // - onFirstSessionStart: Show debug in Status bar only after debug was started for the first time. If you didn't specify a formatter profile before, the Java file will be formatted using default settings. // When enabled, will trim trailing whitespace when saving a file. // Defines space handling after opening and before closing template string braces. // Keep all existing new lines when formatting. // Controls the limit of git submodules detected. "terminal.integrated.environmentChangesRelaunch", "terminal.integrated.fastScrollSensitivity". // Controls the action to take when left-clicking on a test decoration in the gutter. Please see sajad saderi's answer below for instructions. // Controls where the focus indicator is rendered, either along the cell borders or on the left gutter. // - antialiased: Smooth the font on the level of the pixel, as opposed to the subpixel. // Controls whether test decorations are shown in the editor gutter. // Controls the behavior of Source Control diff gutter decorations. // Controls when to show commit message input validation. Requires `search.useIgnoreFiles` to be enabled. // Try to update links in Markdown files when a file is renamed/moved in the workspace. // - auto: Use project settings to select a default. // - never: Do not ask for trust when an untrusted workspace is opened. If files are opened they will open in one of the restored windows. // - manual: Disable automatic background update checks. // Controls the terminal description, which appears to the right of the title. // - alwaysNewWindow: Always open in a new window. // - smart: Auto attach when running scripts that aren't in a node_modules folder. Setting it to 'true' creates a
for newlines inside paragraphs. // Controls the letter spacing in pixels. // - true: Files will be revealed and selected. // - off: Disables all product telemetry. // Controls whether to use the message from the commit input box as the default stash message. // Configures whether sourcemapped file where the original file can't be read will automatically be unmapped. // Controls whether the Explorer should allow to move files and folders via drag and drop. // When enabled, Outline shows `typeParameter`-symbols. // Avoid using `!important`. // - goToLocation: Double-clicking opens the result in the active editor group. Accepts "normal" and "bold" keywords or numbers between 1 and 1000. // - off: Folders will replace the last active window. // Controls whether to treat the option key as the meta key in the terminal on macOS. Run with F1 Beautify // Do not use `width` or `height` when using `padding` or `border`. // Plays a sound when the active line has an error. Increasing this value may result in the editor becoming less responsive when the current source has a large number of foldable regions. // Controls if surround-with-snippets or file template snippets show as Code Actions. // - external: Use the configured external terminal. // When enabled, shows a Status bar Quick Fix when the editor language doesn't match detected content language. Further up and down navigation will traverse only the highlighted elements. VS Code uses js-beautify internally, but it lacks the ability to // Controls the position of the editor's tabs close buttons, or disables them when set to 'off'. // Controls whether the search results will be collapsed or expanded. // Controls if the AltGraph+ modifier should be treated as Ctrl+Alt+. // Whether to show hovers for links in the terminal output. // - off: Do not show symbols in the breadcrumbs view. This setting only effects drag and drop from inside the Explorer. Not applicable in stylesheets or when emmet.showExpandedAbbreviation is set to `"never"`. Others are collapsed. // - 6: Version 6 of Unicode. // Controls whether to automatically detect git submodules. // If set, automatically switch to the preferred color theme based on the OS appearance. // Controls the font family of the terminal. // Controls when the debug view should open. "javascript.format.insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyParenthesis". // - none: Don't run any command after a commit. Note: The example above changes the editor line number for all Color Themes, but you can tune colors per specific Color Theme or even create your own Color Theme extension. Note: You can also add other per-language settings this way, such as editor.formatOnSave. // Controls the number of recently used commands to keep in history for the command palette. // - path: Sort the repository changes by path. // When enabled breadcrumbs show `property`-symbols. Files that are larger will not be added to the local file history. // - toggle: Hide the side bar if the clicked item is already visible. // - on: Enable proxy support for extensions. "editor.renderLineHighlightOnlyWhenFocus". As an example, let's hide the Activity Bar from VS Code. When set to `true`, only the content around the current position in CSS/SCSS/Less files is parsed. // Defines space handling after the constructor keyword. Read about the new features and fixes from February. // When enabled breadcrumbs show `interface`-symbols. // Controls the number of extra characters beyond which the editor will scroll horizontally. // Controls whether Git should check for unsaved files before committing. // Object with environment variables that will be added to the VS Code process to be used by the terminal on Windows. Beautify is good but is always giving me problems. // - none: Don't save any editors before starting a debug session. // - all: Highlights both the gutter and the current line. // - fit: Always keep tabs large enough to show the full editor label. // Controls whether to ask for confirmation before committing without verification. Selection will stick to tab stops. If you prefer to always work directly with settings.json, you can set "workbench.settings.editor": "json" so that File > Preferences > Settings and the keybinding , (Windows, Linux Ctrl+,) always opens the settings.json file and not the Setting editor UI. // The Linux profiles to present when creating a new terminal via the terminal dropdown. // Additional paths to discover TypeScript Language Service plugins. // Controls whether text selected in the terminal will be copied to the clipboard. // Enable/disable showing completions on potentially undefined values that insert an optional chain call. // Sets the module system for the program. // Enables macOS Sierra window tabs. Can be set to "off" to disable this behavior, or "always" to enable debugging in all terminals. The panel will open un-maximized. // Controls whether the editor shows CodeLens. // Controls whether to use the split JSON editor when editing settings as JSON. // - separate: Untracked changes appear separately in the Source Control view. // - beside: Open links beside the active editor. // Controls enablement of Jake task detection. // - off: An editor with changes is never automatically saved. How do I collapse sections of code in Visual Studio Code for Windows? Workspace settings as well as debugging and task configurations are stored at the root in a .vscode folder. This has been rectified in v1.66 (March 2022). // When using a vendor-specific prefix, also include the standard property. // Controls the behavior of clicking an activity bar icon in the workbench. // - auto: Applies `default` or `antialiased` automatically based on the DPI of displays. // - left: Show the terminal tabs view to the left of the terminal, // - right: Show the terminal tabs view to the right of the terminal. // Controls the word break rules used for Chinese/Japanese/Korean (CJK) text. // Whether or not position changes should be debounced. You can use IntelliSense in settings.json to help you find language-specific settings. // Controls the scope of history navigation in editors for commands such as 'Go Back' and 'Go Forward'. Can be either a boolean to enable/disable ligatures or a string for the value of the CSS 'font-feature-settings' property. The intent of these options was to better model the precise lookup rules for ECMAScript modules in Node.js; however, this mode has many . // A multiplier to be used on the `deltaX` and `deltaY` of mouse wheel scroll events. // Controls whether a window should restore to Zen Mode if it was exited in Zen Mode. Supported dictionaries: `adjectives`, `animals`, `colors` and `numbers`. It is an indication that the specificity of the entire CSS has gotten out of control and needs to be refactored. // - Values between 0 and 8 will be used as a multiplier with the font size. // - hidden: The cell Status bar is always hidden. "typescript.suggest.objectLiteralMethodSnippets.enabled". // Controls the font weight. // Controls whether the Explorer should expand multi-root workspaces containing only one folder during initialization. // Controls whether breakpoints should be shown in the overview ruler. // - newEditor: Search in a new search editor. // - /: Use slash as path separation character. // - commandAndKeys: Command title and keys. // Controls whether the editor should be focused when the debugger breaks. // Avoid using `float`. // When enabled IntelliSense shows `deprecated`-suggestions. When this is disabled a dropdown will display instead. File -> Preferences -> Settings (for Windows), Code -> Preferences -> Settings (for Mac). // For example: `{"vue-html": "html", "javascript": "javascriptreact"}`. This setting has no effect on toggling the menu bar with the Alt-key. `console.| -> console.log` because `log` has been completed recently. Once the file is open in an editor, delete everything between the two curly braces {}, save the file, and VS Code will go back to using the default values. // Controls whether the terminal cursor blinks. // - toggles: Shows several buttons for toggling the visibility of the panels and side bar. // Control whether outputs action should be rendered in the output toolbar. "terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.history". // When enabled breadcrumbs show `variable`-symbols. // Controls when the minimap slider is shown. // - none: Disables font smoothing. // Whether the cell status bar should be shown. For example, when modifying the user-scope diffEditor.codeLens setting while there is a @lang:css filter in the search widget, the Settings editor will save the new value to the CSS-specific section of the user settings file. // - on: Always set the `$LANG` environment variable. // - force-expand-multiline: Wrap each attribute. // - advanced: Delegates wrapping points computation to the browser. // - never: Never hide the terminal tabs view, // - singleTerminal: Hide the terminal tabs view when there is only a single terminal opened, // - singleGroup: Hide the terminal tabs view when there is only a single terminal group opened. I use it locally and with the google style guide. // Controls the font family in the Debug Console. // Controls the maximum size of a file (in KB) to be considered for local file history. // - simple: Assumes that all characters are of the same width. // Enable updating links when a directory is moved or renamed in the workspace. // Controls whether the last typed input to Quick Open should be restored when opening it the next time. If true, only error notifications will pop out. Language-specific editor settings always override non-language-specific editor settings, even if the non-language-specific setting // When enabled, Outline shows `boolean`-symbols. open file's path tree to load your code styling. "terminal.integrated.tabs.enableAnimation". // Controls the condition for turning on Find in Selection automatically. "security.workspace.trust.untrustedFiles". // - always: Always show the folding controls. For example, application-wide settings related to updates and security can not be overridden by Workspace settings. // - commandWithGroupAndKeys: Command title and keys, with the command prefixed by its group. // The NPM Script Explorer is now available in 'Views' menu in the Explorer in all folders. // When enabled breadcrumbs show `class`-symbols. "javascript.preferences.autoImportFileExcludePatterns". // Shows possible Emmet abbreviations as suggestions. Note: For a Multi-root Workspace, workspace settings are located inside the workspace configuration file. // Controls the width of the cursor when `editor.cursorStyle` is set to `line`. Set to `null` to delete the environment variable. This is a decent basis for frontend developers and JavaScript-oriented backend developers. View header actions may either be always visible, or only visible when that view is focused or hovered over. // - on: Lines will wrap at the viewport width. // Scale of content drawn in the minimap: 1, 2 or 3. My code is GPL licensed, can I issue a license to have my code be distributed in a specific MIT licensed project? // The default profile used on macOS. Disabling this setting will not prevent all ports from being forwarded. // - explicit: Smooth caret animation is enabled only when the user moves the cursor with an explicit gesture. // Specify glob patterns of files to exclude from auto imports. // - last: Only show the current symbol in the breadcrumbs view. If you experience emoji or other wide characters not taking up the right amount of space or backspace either deleting too much or too little then you may want to try tweaking this setting. // Plays a sound when a notebook cell execution is successfully completed. At the end of the list click on Configure Default Formatter Now you can choose your favorite beautifier from the list.
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