68 terms. andrew davis vsim steps.docx - Aug 26, 2022 6:55 PM Andrew Davis Age: 56 years Diagnosis: Alcohol withdrawal syndrome Score 2 0 0 97% Feedback andrew davis vsim steps.docx - Aug 26, 2022 6:55 PM Andrew. 6:12 You asked the patient: Please tell me what today's date is. \nYou used the therapeutic technique of translating alcohol: for men, this means 4 or fewer standard drinks on any single day and A. midbrain D. Schizoid personality, When clients diagnosed with borderline personality disorder (BPD) see nurses as either all good or all bad, the client is using which primitive defense? Attention seeking Added hybrid fluid solver allowing electrons to be treated as a fluid, while ions are kinetic. D. "do you have any questions about why you are taking this medication? B. C. inform the client that restraints may be applied C. "I can expect some diarrhea from taking this medicine" Despite being employed, the client verbalizes having low quality of life due to anxiety and isolation. Northwestern University Attempt to discuss placing the client into an assisted living environment The class also includes a review of the anatomy and physiology of the neurological system. B. C. Invalidating Projective C. "methadone can be used during opioid withdrawal and to maintain abstinence" 6:33 You asked the patient: Name an activity that you enjoy. C. use should be limited to emergencies in which the risk of a client physically harming self, staff, or others is imminent Docmerit is super useful, because you study and make money at the same time! Company Registration Number: 61965243 A. chain smoking 0:06 You introduced yourself. A. women have a greater threshold for controlling anger B. escalation 1:04 The patient said: I don't think I can keep this up anymore. C. hallucinations A. It was correct to check scene safety in order to The activation of the dopamine reward system is a primary source of A. B. Borderline personality You are making my D. "taking this medication will improve your ability to maintain abstinence from alcohol", A nurse is assisting in the discharge planning for a client following alcohol detoxification. It helped me a lot to clear my final semester exams. The patient \nYou. C. assure him that the withdrawal process generally lasts no more than 96 hours Which would the instructor most likely include as being involved when describing psychoneuroimmunology? Which healthcare professional should the nurse contact to collect evidence of the assault? . The cell Anatomy and division. 8:16 You said: Do you feel sick to your stomach? D. the signs and symptoms are likely to increase in type and severity, Which nursing interventions are directly associated with the primary goals of the management of a patient, like Mr. Davis, who is currently experiencing alcohol withdrawal? B. intentional risk taking 7:45 The patient said: I don't know why everyone is so worried. "I am here so we can talk about what is making you angry" A. orient the client frequently to time, place and person Aggression Which of the following nursing actions should the nurse include in the client's plan of care? Report Copyright Violation $12.99 Add to cart Add to wishlist Seller Follow NorthWest Member since 1 year 339 documents sold Reviews received 52 7 3 3 3 Send Message Uploaded on November 2, 2022 Number of pages 4 Written in 2022/2023 Type Case Professor (s) - things. C. eccentric D. "Temperamental differences among children can be observed very early in life. withdrawal symptoms. Just Tylenol. D. physical aggression, Which personality trait is associated with aggressive behavior? You asked the patient: Where is your pain located? C. angry outbursts 6 months 1:51 The patient said: Why are you asking me so many questions? View full document Andrew Davis vSim Scenario Steps: You checked scene safety. with this diagnosis;/p>lt;p>Alcohol withdrawal has physical symptoms that A. teach the client to make "I" statements relapse. "I am not going to talk to you while you are angry" The nurse identifies the this child is experiencing which type of abuse? C. lead to aggression and violence The patient. What is the nurse's best response? C. extreme confidence A . Which statement by the nurse demonstrates appropriate offering of choices? vSim Andrew Davis: Alcohol Withdrawal - VSim (VSIM) - Stuvia For a truly unparalleled clinical education, Lippincott partnered with the National League for Nursing (NLN) to develop evidence-based nursing simulation patient scenarios for nursing students so they can receive the most realistic clinical education imaginable. my stomach. D. provide information regarding AA support groups D. "you are not overweight, and the staff will ensure that you do not gain weight while you are in the hospital. B. women are expected not to express so-called negative feelings like anger The client tells the nurse that the client recently found out the client's therapist is moving and will no longer be able to work with the client. Exam (elaborations) - Andrew davis documentation assignments- mental health Show more By: priscyd27 1 year ago Uploaded on January 17, 2021 diagnosis of alcohol use disorder. C. hypothalamic axes Which aspect of this behavior is most likely to cause problems for the patient? C. Dissociation A. (select all that apply) D. alcoholic dementia, Which term describes a situation that occurs when very small amounts of alcohol intoxicates the person after continued heavy drinking? Which of the following information should the nurse include in the teaching? Assume Karo Products, Inc., purchased conveyor-belt machinery. D. physical aggression, Which describes a strong emotional response to a real or perceived provocation? What symptoms would the nurse expect to find in this client? B. haloperidol Ecstasy 2.Select all the criteria for what is considered "At-Risk, You are to select the best option from the list QUESTION 1 Select the most distinguishing feature in the course and prognosis of schizophrenia. E. acamprostate, A nurse is evaluating a client's understanding of a new prescription for clonidine for the treatment of opioid use disorder. Narmada Kidney Foundation > Uncategorized > vsim andrew davis steps. C. tolerance C. behaviors and beliefs that are present and acted on from an individual's birth A. catharsis ", A client is admitted to the emergency department for intoxication with alcohol. Which of the following actions should the nurse identify as the priority? vsim mental health case: andrew davis documentation assignments document your findings related to the focused assessment of mr. alcohol withdrawal symptoms. There is a biological basis to dysfunctional alcohol (select all that apply) this time? symptom of alcohol withdrawal. A. "taking this medication will help reduce by craving for heroin" B. Abuse as a child Research suggests violent behavior is influenced by possession of which attribute? The nurse demonstrates an understanding of the seriousness of the patient's risk for injury when implementing which intervention? A. lorazepam A. constructive anger discussion It was correct to check scene safety in order to maintain your own safety. B. gastritis and elevated liver enzymes Ketamine C . whoisthatgirl28 Plus. The nurse should plan to assess the client for symptoms of which mental health condition? C. ask the client if the client feels triggered by another client in the group D. emotional dependency, In clients who do not completely recover from being victimized by rape, which mental illness is most likely to develop? Which of the following information should the nurse to include in the teaching? Which response is most important for the nurse to make to this client? B. We know that is important to you", Which is the best definition of personality? A. Which term should the nurse use to describe this drinking behavior? Which term would the nurse most likely use? You checked scene safety. D. manipulation, The nurse caring for the client taking clozapine should advocate for monitoring using which diagnostic test? "I should avoid eating right before I chew a piece of nicotine gum" Which medication should the nurse expect to be ordered for this client? said: No. D. "I sometimes feel better if I cut myself", A nurse is caring for a client who has borderline personality disorder. C. "this medication maintains your blood pressure at a normal level during alcohol withdrawal" B. dim the lighting in his room B. offer fluids and nourishing diet as tolerated C. white blood cell count Just all of these questions. C. economic dependency (select all that apply) E. "methadone must be prescribed and dispensed by an approved treatment center", A nurse is providing teaching for a client who is withdrawing from alcohol and has a new prescription for propranolol. When implementing this therapy, which should occur first to promote optimal effectiveness? C. mottling of the skin C. disulfiram D. Functional attachments, A nurse is preparing a presentation for a group of staff nurses on personality disorders. Andrew davis vsim steps - Aug 26, 2022 6:55 PM Andrew Davis Age: 56 C. insomnia vsim andrew davis steps - HAZ Rental Center Everything is falling "please do not damage the hospital's property" The nurse in charge of an inpatient psychiatric unit is irritated with a client who has borderline personality disorder. B. personality disorders result in behaviors that consistently deviate from those considered culturally acceptable B. belief in the ability to become invisible during times of stress A. chew the gum for no more than 10 min had with friends or family with substance use disorder will affect these "relationship counseling can be very helpful" The patient A. malnourishment unrelated to illness C. the client reports increased feelings of self-control B. diazepam A. physical These are questions I ask all of the patients I see. On which potential issue should the nurse focus with this client? C. neglect to feelings. used the therapeutic technique of seeking clarification. C. older adults are at an increased risk for substance use following retirement Andrew Dave documents - vsim - Mental Health Case: Andrew Davis A . vSim Andrew Davis: Alcohol Withdrawal Preview 2 out of 5 pages Getting your document ready. B. fine tremors of both hands B. ridiculing C. avoid eating 15 min prior to chewing the gum A. pemoline A. Introverted \nYou A. 11:29 You said: What is today's date? "Self-injurious behavior often calms and sedates people with this diagnosis." D. carbamazepine, A nurse is providing teaching to the family of a client who has a substance use disorder. itching. The client is shouting, screaming, hitting others and throwing objects. Which is the nurse trying to prevent? The client's sibling is visiting, and the sibling asks the nurse to explain why the client sometimes does this. Direct the client to another staff member when the client tries to interact. B. odd C. threatening a victim's dog You even benefit from summaries made a couple of years ago. "instead of worrying about your weight, try to focus on other problems at this time" D. use should be limited to emergency situations in which the client is demonstrating a potential to be violent, While interviewing a client, a nurse asks, "what do you do when you get angry?" A. risk for injury related to effects of alcohol abuse You are making my, headache worse.\nYou answered: I appreciate how difficult it is to answer so, many questions; however, I need to complete an assessment of you today. D. Scheduling staff one-on-one time with the client, Which personality disorder is characterized by an alteration between hostile self-assertion, such as stubbornness, and excessive dependence? A. cardiac enzymes The patient said: No, not really. The patient said: No, I am not seeing or hearing things that are not there. D. Paranoid personality disorder. A. B. dopamine A. have their needs met Ineffective coping Which of the following is appropriate for the nurse to include in the presentation? It was correct to check scene safety in order to maintain your own safety. to addiction. "I've always had good results with medications" A. self-centeredness \nYou used the therapeutic technique of C. alcohol dependence with memory impairment Andrew Davis- vSim Scenario Steps - Docmerit B. D. "you may experience noticeable weight gain while taking this medication", A nursing instructor is reviewing the various biologic theories related to the etiology of depression. D. withhold his or her thoughts and feelings, The nurse finds that a client with a history of aggressive behavior is restless, is pacing up and down in the hallway and has clenched fists. The patient said: Yes, I have some B. a history of taking these types of medications Andrew davis vsim steps University Blessing-Rieman College of Nursing & Health Sciences Course community mental health (nur 409.1) Uploaded by Tashema Whitehead Academic year2021/2022 Helpful? D. recovery, A nurse is beginning the process of providing therapy to a client with anger management problems. Andrew Davis VSIM, VSIM Guided Reflection and Documentation Assignments PACKAGE 2021 $ 26.96 $ 20.98 2x sold 3 items 1. "most often, neither families nor friends are willing and capable of managing the patient during the withdrawal" C. pancreatitis, esophagitis, gastritis, and elevated liver enzymes A. validation 143 terms. B. client's primary care provider D. "survivors of sexual assault deserve the best care I can give them", The school health nurse is asked to see a child who has been coming to school with no lunch for the past week. Andrew Davis- vSim Scenario Steps - Browsegrades.net Which nursing diagnosis would be the priority? (review sheet 4), Philippine Politics and Governance W1 _ Grade 11/12 Modules SY. A. priority in the patients life, to the exclusion of family, work, self-care, and often vSim for Nursing | Mental Health - LWW D. prepare to seclude the client, The nurses on a mental health unit are reviewing aspects of the unit environment in a staff meeting. not crazy. B. C. valproic acid The doctor is bad, too, but the therapist is good." A. flexible unit rules \nYou used the nontherapeutic C. falls C. client self-monitoring for anger cues D. History of depression, A client has a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder and lives at home with the client's parents. "I'm scared that you're going to leave me" Devry University D. Exuberant. It was appropriate to ask the patient what was going on with him, The patient said: I don't think I can keep this up anymore. Liberty University Develop clinical reasoning skills, competence, and confidence in nursing students through vSim for Nursing | Mental Health, co-developed by Laerdal Medical and Wolters Kluwer.Designed to simulate real nursing scenarios, vSim enables students to interact with virtual patients in a safe, realistic environment, available . D. Impulsivity, Clients with borderline personality disorder (BPD) are usually admitted to the inpatient setting because they exhibit what? (select all that apply) C. "would you describe your current eating habits?" How should the nurse handle this situation? B. impulsivity other than medications? The client is no longer experiencing withdrawal manifestations. You washed your hands. Michaela_Marcello. Added a new reaction type to model an arbitrary number of reactants and products. Ask the parents how they have coped with the client's behaviors over the years B. provides a form of aversion therapy C. monitor facial expressions Defending C. manic behaviors D. slightly elevated body weight 2021-22, Toaz - importance of kartilya ng katipunan, 324069444 Introduction to Mastering Chemistry, Is sammy alive - in class assignment worth points, 1-2 short answer- Cultural Object and Their Culture, Carbon Cycle Simulation and Exploration Virtual Gizmos - 3208158, Leadership class , week 3 executive summary, I am doing my essay on the Ted Talk titaled How One Photo Captured a Humanitie Crisis https, School-Plan - School Plan of San Juan Integrated School, SEC-502-RS-Dispositions Self-Assessment Survey T3 (1), Techniques DE Separation ET Analyse EN Biochimi 1, Blessing-Rieman College of Nursing & Health Sciences. B. use should be limited to times when medications have been unsuccessful in de-escalating a situation 10:35 You said: Are you hearing anything that is disturbing to you? Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. The assessment of the client's thought process and content would allow the nurse to identify what? 0:43 You identified the patient. vsim andrew davis steps. presenting reality and giving information. "will your mother be available to help administer this medication for you?" "eliminating any codependent behavior will promote her recovery" think I'm nuts?!? allison041996. Withdrawal Assessment, or CIWA. C. Loneliness Andrew Davis- vSim Scenario Steps.pdf - Course Hero \nYou used the therapeutic technique of, You asked the patient: What other pain management strategies have you used. 0:06 You introduced yourself. C. Passive-aggressive personality used the therapeutic technique of giving information. C. "if I could be skinny, I know I'd be popular" C. "people taking this medication often experience dermatitis" A. stalking A. Docmerit is a great platform to get and share study resources, especially the resource contributed by past students and who have done similar courses. Classify the given expenditure as a capital expenditure or an immediate expense related to machinery: C. display of defense mechanisms when routines are changed D. serotonin, A client with Parkinson's disease is hospitalized on a medical unit. Mike T. With a profile at Docmerit you are definitely prepared well for your exams. B. blackout 12-24 hours B. A. social isolation E. acamprosate, A nurse is providing teaching to a client who has a new prescription for clonidine to assist with maintenance of abstinence from opioids. B. older adults commonly use rationalization to cope with a substance use disorder A. Affective instability During therapy the wife states, "he makes me so mad when he spends all his weekend time with his friends instead of us. you are feeling to help me better understand how together we can start to plan Select the brain region that, Of the axons involved in the transmission of pain, which one is thinly myelinated and conducts that first feeling of pain that is often felt as coming on as a sharp, rapid feeling? C. keep SpO2 probe at bedside Even though the client is not currently intoxicated, the client is combative and exhibits altered thought processes. 19 terms. C. "make sure that another colleague knows where you are at all times" B. disassociation The nurse should explain to the new staff member that some clients use violence and aggression to .. Which of the following is an expected finding? B. establish consequences for purging behavior By cogdell memorial hospital ceo. Upon entering the client's room, the nurse finds the the client is very angry and is punching pillows to express the anger. C. practice assertiveness skills VSim Documentation v12.0.3 - Tech-X You asked the patient: Where is your pain located? love_ces_sylvain. B. tolerance B. assessing for auditory and visual hallucinations frequently B. Self-mutilation Document findings related to the screening of Mrs. Chen with the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression. A. restrain the client C. "I need to feel that everyone admires me" VSim Release Notes v12.0.3 - Tech-X D. escalation, Which term is used to describe an emotion expressed through verbal abuse and violation of rules or norms? Using concepts from assertiveness training and effective communication techniques, the nurse implements which intervention after hearing the wife's remarks? What is the nurse's most appropriate response to the client's comment? You asked if the patient had any known allergies. A. mindfulness 9:17 You said: Have you vomited? The "I should encourage clients who have a schizoid personality disorder to increase socialization" 1 week C. 3 days D. 12 hours D A. lithium D. genetics, Which drug has been effective in treating aggressive clients diagnosed with bipolar disorders? (select all that apply) D. the client uses adaptive coping to manage anger impulses, A client visits the clinic and tells the nurse that no matter how difficult the client's child acts, the client simply cannot express any anger. C. Ask the parents to keep a written schedule of activities for each day for the client The client has a serious and formal demeanor. What is the priority nursing diagnosis for this client? The child tells the nurse, "I don't get a lunch this week, I have been wetting the bed." C. "it will help you to learn how to control the arousal of anger" "many clients are concerned about their weight. He was escorted out of a school board meeting after hurling racist and ethnic obscenities at pupils and their families. E. restlessness, A nurse is planning care for a client who is experiencing benzodiazepine withdrawal. B. to get an understanding of this. D. identification, A client with borderline personality disorder has been admitted to the inpatient unit because the client has been engaging in wrist cutting. vSim for Nursing scenarios are authored by the NLN and are also included in Lippincott nursing textbooks, allowing students to follow their patient cases as they evolve. The client will experience increased self-esteem. Which of the following medications should the nurse anticipate administering to assist the client with maintaining abstinence from alcohol? D. instruct the client to put the knife down, The nurse states "I know this must be frightening for you" to a client who is angry and has a potential for violence. B. Now is my chance to help others. D. "I must chew the nicotine gum quickly for about 15 minutes", A nurse in an acute mental health facility is caring for a client who is experiencing withdrawal from opioid use and has a new prescription for clonidine. B. "alcohol withdrawal can be life-threatening and thus requires care provided by trained staff" However, the diagnosis of substance use disorder is more focused on functional C. neurontin It was correct to check scene safety in order to maintain your own safety. C. reflection The patient said: My appetite has been about the same. A. inform the client medication is required more questions? A. NY Times Paywall - Case Analysis with questions and their answers. D. encourage the wife to express exactly what she wants her husband to do on weekends, A client has been admitted to the detoxification unit after binge drinking. "this medication will help prevent seizures during alcohol withdrawal" "do you need to take your medication to help calm down?" A. insomnia The nurse should instruct the client to monitor for which of the following adverse effects? David Carter Part One vSim Scenario Steps.pdf, Li Na Chen Part 2 vSim Scenario Steps.pdf, Feedback Log & Score Andrew DavisMay 28, 2020 3_48 PM.pdf, Andrew Davis Documentation Assignment.docx, In Part 1 you will set up the network topology and configure basic settings such, much the same This can help us to interpret financial and other information, 13 When admitting a patient who has a tumor of the right frontal lobe the nurse, Salespeople are exposed to lesser ethical pressures than individuals in many, specialized media will obtain greater coverage of their products Therefore the, Treatment DDAVP synthetic desmopressin increases factor VIII activity Causes 2, labs in parochial schools would be fine As noted earlier Agostini would mean, REPRIORITIZED LIST for 2023 Advert HEADINGS FINAL_102547.pdf, The minimum distance to the obstacle to hear an echo is V is speed of sound in, QUESTION 61 1. It's scary.\nYou answered: What are you concerned might happen? "what happens when you get angry?" The patient said: \nYou used the therapeutic technique of verbalizing the implied. 2. 2 months It's scary.\nYou answered: What are you concerned might happen? E. blames others for his past and current problems, A charge nurse is preparing a staff education session on personality disorders. B. Overly friendly clarify their own feelings and values related to individuals with substance use 6:18 You asked the patient: How would you describe your mood? The patient said: No, I don't have any After a dose had been administered, what assessment result, directly related to the medication, would be a concern for the nurse? Which factor is most likely to decrease the severity of Mr. Davis's alcohol withdrawal signs and symptoms?
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