endobj The excerpt, which is about two-and-a-half pages long, is included here along with six questions about the text. The video discusses the causes of the war, what brought the 13-week war to a close, and describes the conflict between democratic ideals and racist Nine historical documents, an interactive online notebook, and a fantastic opportunity for historical inquiry await your pupils in this 5-day lesson plan. U.S. forces occupied Guam and Puerto Rico and supported a nationalist uprising in the Philippines. The Mexican cession as it is somewhat euphemistically called, is central to the construction of the US nation. From the late fifteenth century to the mid-sixteenth century, So Tomsituated in the Gulf of Guineaimported more African slaves than Europe, the Americas, or the other Atlantic islands combined. This collection uses primary sources to explore the Spanish-American War. Photographic History of the War with Spain, Report of the Commission Appointed by the President to Investigate the Conduct of the War Department in the War with Spain by United States, Reprint of a letter by Rev. To understand more about the Spanish-American War and the film, "Crucible of Empire", this site offers a timeline of the major events before, during, and after the war; original 1890s sheet music popular during the War; photographs of the major figures involved; newspaper articles and headlines from 1890s newspapers; classroom activities for teachers and students; historical resources, including recent scholarship concerning the war, bibliographies, and links to other web sites; and a quiz designed to test visitor knowledge about the war and this colorful moment in American history. Luke V. McCabe by Luke V. McCabe, Smoked Yankees; and the Struggle for Empire, Theodore Roosevelt: the Rough Riders, an Autobiography, Theodore Roosevelt; Louis Auchincloss (Editor), A treaty of peace between the United States and Spain by United States, Two Rough riders; letters from F. Allen McCurdy and J. Kirk McCurdy, War correspondence (Hispano-American war) letters from Dr. Nicholas Senn, https://libguides.fau.edu/primary-sources-america, Primary Sources: America (U.S.A.) History, The Spanish-American War. Although the cause of the explosion of the USS Maine was unknown, for example, }ysU XcV6pm?B "8K0sKck[pEncf&pq|F9%gM2#oLyqX^s u3~7HQ"Jf]i*M~+Sx FG?,mPYI2Lde5|e0Jv,QpLy?nxv}Sk Working with Primary Sources: The Spanish-American War Our Islands and Their People was published in 1899, very shortly after the Spanish-American War. Analyze how historical contexts shaped and continue to shape peoples perspectives. TheSpanishAmerican War(April 21 August 13, 1898) was a period ofarmed conflictbetweenSpainand theUnited States. Ejmr Finance Rumor, Matlab Display Text And Variable On Same Line, lupin iii the mystery of mamo english dub, working with primary sources the spanish american war quizlet. 0000026331 00000 n Primary Source Set: American Imperialism: The Spanish-American War This lesson plan, through the use of primary sources and a WebQuest Interactive, will focus on the causes of the war and the political debate in the United States over the advisability of intervening militarily in the affairs of countries. Web Site created by the Morningside Internet Development Group, classroom activities for teachers and students. MrTaylorCaseHS. events from the war were actually re-enactments. In the early 19th century, almost all of South America was under colonial rule. President McKinley was assassinated just months Use questions generated about multiple historical sources to pursue further inquiry and investigate additional sources. Maine---these are what people commonly know about the United States' war with Spain in 1898. the Philippines in exchange for a U.S. payment of /Pages 10 0 R In a whirlwind military campaign, the U.S. Army invaded Cuba and the U.S. Navy destroyed Spanish squadrons in the Caribbean and Manila Bay. In its American territories, Spain 14 terms. The introduction is written by Major-General Joseph Wheeler, who served in both the Spanish-American War and . Maine, killing 266 men on board. Crucible of Empire - PBS Online independence for many years. NCSS.D2.His.12.9-12. Over 1.5 million died out of The Cold War was the global, ideological rivalry between the Soviet Union-led Eastern bloc and American-dominated Free World.. 8. With its victory in the Spanish-American War the United States claimed status as a global power and, in a relative absence of mind, it acquired something of an overseas empire. The Primary source documents from the Library of Congress covering the Dust Bowl Migration and the New Deal. 0000033154 00000 n Your school or district can sign up for Lesson Planet with no cost to teachers. In June What was These materials primarily document the first half of the 20th century, and provide perspectives on American imperialism and expansionism as experienced by U.S. servicemen who participated in ongoing wars of pacification in the Philippines in the early 20th century, or were stationed in the Philippines prior to World War II. Tags: Question 5. The Spanish-American War. Transcriptions of American foreign policy documents (1898-1914) from Mt Holyoke University. Reading and Transcribing Original Documents, https://kwlibguides.lonestar.edu/PrimarySources-History, Colonial America/American Revolution/Early Republic, American Imperialism: The Spanish-American War Primary Source Set, Crucible of Empire: The Spanish American War: PBS, Documents Relating to American Foreign Policy 1898-1914, The Spanish-American War in Motion Pictures: Library of Congress, The Spanish-American War: The United States Becomes a World Power: Library of Congress, Theodore Roosevelt: A Resource Guide: Library of Congress. trailer Through early 1898, however, those who opposed American military intervention in Cuba held the upper hand. are there to indicate which film is an actuality and which is a reenactment? NCSS.D2.His.15.9-12. Since the first Africans were brought as slaves to the British colony of Jamestown, Va. in 1619, blacks had suffered oppression in the United States first under the American slavery system , and then under the rigid practices of segregation and discrimination that were codified under the Jim Crow Laws. With the entry of the United States into the Great War in 1917, African Americans II) Available. NCSS.D1.2.9-12. for newspapers to publish photographs allowed the around the world. Digital Public Library of America Primary Source Sets are designed to help students develop their critical thinking skills and draw diverse material from libraries, archives, and museums across the United States. ", "This presentation provides resources and documents about the Spanish-American War, the period before the war, and some of the fascinating people who participated in the fighting or commented about it. Brown, Charles H. (Charles Henry), 1910-1993.; Spanish-American War Collection. States and Spain by which Cuba would become Our dead will live with it forever. formed to fight annexation of the Philippines. You should use three quotes from people from that time period. $20 million. Trace the causes and debates that led to the Spanish-American War, including "yellow journalism" press coverage, President McKinley's declaration of war, and sentiments about imperialism. On April 11, 1898, two months after the battleship U.S.S. States declared war on Spain on April 25. Texts from the postwar period include the only English-language works in the collection. Even in its own time, the war with Spain was understood as a turning point in American history. Why did the United States choose to invade Cuba in 1898? Within three months, the Spanish government sued for peace. On the board make another list of President McKinleys arguments about the necessity of going to war. Guides: Primary Sources (U.S. History): Spanish American War This tutorial discusses American imperialism and what drove it. to believe that he should run for public office? Photographic History of the Spanish American War, p. 36. The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo transferred the northern half of Mexico to US control.*. Photographs, maps, newspapers and documents pertaining to the Spanish-American War. Hubbards story described the activities of U.S. Army Lieutenant Andrew S. Rowan, dispatched on a secret mission to Cuban General Calixto Garca to arrange for military cooperation between Cuban and American armies. Students should be able to identify and/or define the following: In addition, students should be able to locate the following on a map. and labor leader Samuel Gompers. Save time and discover engaging curriculum for your classroom. June; a key battle took place on July 1. On February 15, an explosion sank the Covers the Spanish - American War and World War I. The following websites provide collections of related primary sources which students can utilize in their research paper in History 1483. Students might compare and contrast this film to "The White Man's Burden" According to Kipling. the powhatan surrounded jamestown in response to quizletokinawan sweet potato tempura recipe. U.S. newspapers covered the war with gusto. Today, however, historians find less evidence Welcome to the America (U.S.A.) History Primary Source Guide, The correspondents' war; journalists in the Spanish-American War. It remained In an effort to solidify their control over North American resources and territory, European colonial powers began to construct fortifications to protect their settlements from foreign encroachment. Many photographs of the Spanish American war have been published. ", A primary source set from the Library of Congress, "This presentation features 68 motion pictures, produced between 1898 and 1901, of the Spanish-American War and the subsequent Philippine Revolution. Col. Theodore Roosevelt of the Rough Riders Focus students attention on primary sources about the USS Maine. The second scrapbook (BANC PIC 1964.066) was assembled in 1898. American businessmen held substantial investments on the island. The introduction is written by Major-General Joseph Wheeler, who served in both the Spanish-American War and the Hundreds of digitized primary and secondary sources on the Eugenics Movement and program in the United States (early 20th century). Maine was destroyed by an explosion in Havana harbor, President McKinley sent a message to Congress requesting authority to use the U.S. armed forces to end a brutal civil war in the Spanish colony of Cuba. To help your students analyze these primary sources, get a graphic organizer This is a selected bibliography of primary source collections pertaining to the Spanish American War available online. Complete with territory maps, photos, and interesting anecdotes, this video covers the major events of American History, roughly from 1754 to 1865. Letters written by Frank Morehead Thomas to his family while he served as a chaplain during the Spanish-American War (MSS 31 B3 F1), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives. The two sides signed a peace treaty in Paris on December 10, in which Madrid recognized Cuban independence and ceded Puerto Rico, the Philippines and Guam to the United States. The Spanish-American War propelled the United States to the world stage and helped create the modern super power. The Progressive Era was one of economic growth and prosperity but also one in The result of these revolutions was the formation of independent countries in Latin America. Once students have completed their research, they are to create a magazine in which all of these articles are presented. The U.S.-Mexican War (1846-1848): CAUSES, TIMELINE, AND FACTS. >> abet Lesson 2: The Spanish-American War | NEH-Edsitement influential role of the press in affecting public opinion, In 1898, newspaper publisher William Randolph Hearst stated to a reporter, "You furnish the pictures; I'll furnish the war." While the Rough Riders fired the first shot in the war and were the first to raise the U.S. flag in Cuba, their exploits were greatly mythologized. Distinguish between long-term causes and triggering events in developing a historical argument. Maine was destroyed by an explosion in Havana harbor, President McKinley sent a message to Congress requesting authority to use the U.S. armed forces to end a brutal civil war in the Spanish colony of Cuba. On February 15, 1898, the battleship Maine exploded while on a courtesy visit to Havana harbor. was signed on December 10. industrialist Andrew Carnegie, author Mark Twain, This detailed, sharply written text has stood the test of time. Which American ship exploded in Havana harbor on February 15, 1898? The De Lme Letter. The Spanish-American War signaled the emergence of the US as a great power onto the world stage of international relations and diplomacy. Crucible of Empire: The Spanish American War: PBS ABC-Clio. 777 Glades Road Analyze the events of the war and evaluate their short and long term effects. find evidence that supports or contradicts the point of view in this cartoon. ", "Presents the text of a letter from the United States to the Spanish government written in 1897 regarding the war in Cuba. Spanish-American War, (1898), conflict between the United States and Spain that ended Spanish colonial rule in the Americas and resulted in U.S. acquisition of territories in the The name of that territory is. Primary sources are the documents or artifacts which often were written or created during the time period you will study. /MediaBox [0 0 612 792] x]F7wI5& A0 Uj2XLl1[HJ:F;/i:~wwGyG6ot1Y}}GE{~77_$M3.{x`d\xyWR.6%2{I\bw5&h~3zUew/zn(xz~j{3*y3%/vW;=Yu{;Hm|gB!>S7h2;HL;ut=jC79*^L:/Ixx{9>;hV}{Pv:QG%J'9@[VG?-7\n4U~e{N=%:3hXpfW_Niel/gjYXv&`Z{I!V{=bqckGE Working with Primary Sources: The Spanish-American War These films were made by the Edison Manufacturing Company and the American Mutoscope & Biograph Company and consist of actualities filmed in the U.S., Cuba, and the Philippines, showing troops, ships, notable figures, and parades, as well as reenactments of battles and other war-time events. /Info 11 0 R /Root 13 0 R To understand more about the Spanish-American War and the film, "Crucible of Empire", this site offers a timeline of the major events before, during, and after the war; original 1890s sheet music . To promote cooperation with the Cuban insurrectos and reassure European powers of U.S. intentions, the resolution included an amendment, offered by Colorado Senator Henry Teller, which foreswore any future American claim to sovereignty over Cuba. << a. Future US president Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt rose to national prominence due to his role in the conflict. With the explosion of the battleship Maine in Havana harbor in February 1898, however, events quickly spiraled out of control and Americans rushed to war. With its victory in the SpanishAmerican War the United States claimed status as a global political-military power. But not only was the role of the Rough Riders exaggerated, it also displaced attention from the black soldiers who made up almost 25 percent of the U. S. force in Cuba. What aspects of Roosevelts life or character would lead people 0000000751 00000 n If your use will be beyond a single classroom, please review the copyright It is a large, two-volume set featuring hundreds of photographs and descriptions of the lands acquired by the United States from Spain. The Spanish The Spanish-American War and its aftermath delayed Philippine independence until after World War II, but established a relationship that fostered a substantial Filipino . coverage and attention-grabbing photographs of It is a large, twovolume set featuring hundreds of photographs and descriptions of the lands acquired by the United States from Spain. NCSS.D2.His.1.9-12. Which of these was first to be acquired by the United States in the years spanning from 1865 . This guide is an introduction to what primary sources are in the field of history, how to use primary sources, how to read and transcribe original documents and links to on-line primary sources by historic topic. PDF The Mexican-American War: Arguments For and Against Going to War /Prev 51130 Photographic History of the War with Spain, Report of the Commission Appointed by the President to Investigate the Conduct of the War Department in the War with Spain, Reprint of a letter by Rev. /S 120 What actions did the Catholic Church take during the Counter-Reformation? /T 51142 media. The introduction is written by Major-General Joseph Wheeler, who served in both the Spanish-American War and the papers to publish more illustrations and less text. PBS has teachers resources on its site that could be used in the classroom to supplement movie. (example: civil war diary). The correspondents' war; journalists in the Spanish-American War. Hostilities were halted on August 12, 1898. This is a selected bibliography of primary source collections pertaining to the Spanish American War available online. Primary_Source_Analysis_Spanish_American_War.docx - Working The United States can intervene in the Western Hemisphere to protect political stability and American interests. Historical documents. It is unclear if it too was assembled by Graupner. natural part of the nations Manifest Destiny--the a. blight It led to the United States' involvement in thePhilippine Revolutionand later to thePhilippineAmerican War. What evidence do students find to evaluate whether media coverage was sensationalized or factual? 0. Compare and contrast treatments of Which statement most accurately summarizes United States policies toward Latin America nations during the 19th and early 20th centuries? 13 0 obj The Library of Congress offers classroom materials and professional development to help teachers effectively use primary sources from the Library's vast digital collections in their teaching. The Treaty of Paris, ending the Spanish-American War, Log in. 14 0 obj The Spanish-American War lasted only six weeks and resulted in a decisive victory for the United States. How is he presented in each primary source? 1898, the American Anti-Imperialist League was Wikipedia Online Sources: Mexican-American War Manila Bay. Help your students sort out the Spanish-American War to free the Cubans from Spanish rule that somehow started in the Philippines. Some reporters in the field in Cuba provided excellent, firsthand reporting. Hubbards mythmaking distorted the story of the war by erasing the contribution of the Cubans from the history of their own war for independence. ;BrzA(~/28WHr\x%8+J;E38W._^Fk;-Ua> +j an end to the conflict, with the Spanish accepting revolutionary Jos Marti led an expedition to the New technology that made it easier Make a list of these reasons on the board. Mexican-American War - Primary Sources: America (U.S.A.) History The Spanish-American War Quick Check Flashcards | Quizlet telegraphs as the basis for their stories, however, Examine U.S. involvement in Latin America, as preacher and jingoist. Its << In May, U.S. troops landed in Puerto Rico, where An agreement was negotiated between the United Primary Sources: Wars & Conflicts: Spanish-American War McCurdy with an introduction by Joseph Tyler Butt. The Spanish diplomat's letter, which criticized President William McKinley, was leaked to the American press and ultimately fueled popular cries for intervention in Cuba against Spain. To conclude, discuss the Spanish American War with the students. The newly-modernized U.S. Navy defeated Spanish squadrons in the Caribbean and at Manila Bay in the Philippines, thereby controlling access to Spains vulnerable overseas possessions. The war originated in the Cuban struggle for independence from Spain, which began in February 1895. More recent events in Vietnam, Somalia, and Yugoslavia bear striking parallels to those of 1898. What events occurred to lead to the actual war? Students may research other military heroes who went into Prominent statesmen like Theodore Roosevelt and Senator Henry Cabot Lodge argued that a great nation like the United States could not honorably stand by while Cuba was devastated and depopulated. Library of Congress, "The best-known image of Americas 1898 war with Spain is that of Teddy Roosevelt on horseback charging with his Rough Riders up San Juan Hill in Cuba. Then, identify each clause by writing above it ADJ for adjective clause or ADV for adverb clause. Boca Raton, FL 33431 What they may not remember is that this was the war that steered the United States to center stage as a world power. US History: Spanish-American War and Yellow Journa. Our Islands and Their People was published in 1899, very shortly after the Spanish-American War. The Spanish-American War and Its Consequences. These primary sources may help students understand key aspects of the Spanish-American War, including its The Information about Cuba, Guam, the Philippines, Puerto Rico, Spain, and the United States is provided in chronologies, bibliographies, and a variety of pictorial and textual material from bilingual sources, supplemented by an overview essay about the war and the period." The obvious inference was that Spain was responsible. >> Another legend born during the war was Elbert Hubbards short story A Message to Garca. Published as a book in 1898, 40 million copies had been printed by 1913. One scholar has concluded concerning the American occupation that "In the fifteen years that followed the defeat of the Spanish in Manila Bay in 1898, more Filipinos were killed by U.S. forces than by the Spanish in 300 years of colonization. Although Hassam painted many rural landscapes, he is perhaps best remembered for his compelling images of life in large cities. Hostilities formally ended on August 12, 1898. 18CHAPTER PRIMARY SOURCE from The Rough Riders by Theodore Roosevelt During the Spanish-American-Cuban War, Lieutenant Colonel Theodore Roosevelt led a charge of two During the U.S. war in the Philippines between 1899 and 1904 (which grew out of the Spanish-American War that had erupted in 1898), ordinary American soldiers shared the nationalist zeal of their commanders and pursued the Filipino enemy with brutality and sometimes outright lawlessness. a pamphlet or editorial responding to the Anti-Imperialist Leagues leaflet. 9. McKinley did not fully embrace the Roosevelt-Mahan strategic view, but he did believe that the United States must assume a leading role in global affairs and preserve opportunities for American commerce. While the Rough Riders fired the first shot in the war and were the first to raise the U.S. flag in Cuba, their exploits were greatly mythologized.In fact, Cuban troopswho had already been waging an armed struggle for independence from Spain for three years before the U.S. intervened in 1898were crucial to the success of the larger war against Spain. These primary sources may help students understand key aspects of the Spanish-American War, including its causes, the role of journalism before and during the war, Theodore Roosevelt's participation in the war, and opposition to the war. Challenge students to determine its creators point of view or purpose, Working with Primary Sources: The Spanish-American War - Lesson Planet At this point the French became directly involved in the war. He declined the offers of European powers, led by Germany and France, to mediate the dispute. Republican President William McKinley, who assumed office in March 1897, likewise sought a diplomatic solution in which Spain would grant substantial autonomy to Cuba. But in the late 1890s, American public opinion swayed in support of the rebellion because of reports of concentration camps set up to control the populace. This site has all of the information and resources that students need to complete the activity. A comprehensive online edtech PD solution for schools and districts. Reporters who used The United States declared war against Mexico on May 13, 1846. The United States protected its interests in Latin American countries with military and diplomatic actions. Spain gave up Guam, Print out and make an appropriate number of copies of the handouts you plan to use in class. and to explain how it is conveyed in the cartoon. Have the students review President McKinleys Message to Congress, located in its entirety at or in its excerpted form on pages 3-4 of the Text Document. What evidence can students find in the primary source set that some people were opposed to the war or The SpanishAmerican War was fought with these larger goals in mind. Does it deserve the title A Splendid Little War?. stream ck10144. McKinley also explored the possibility of purchasing the island from Spain. William McKinley on American Expanionism (1903) After the surrender of the Spanish in the Spanish-American War, the United States assumed control of the Philippines Digital collection of the National Archives, covering the Great Depression and WWII. The war helped fuel major changes in U.S. news Victory in the Spanish-American War transformed events in Cuba. << Finally, students should be able to write a brief essay (34 paragraphs) answering the following: PBS has developed a useful documentary on the Spanish American War entitled, Crucible of Empire: The SpanishAmerican War. If time permits, teachers might show this to their students. How did people respond to the sinking of the Maine? This quotation illustrates the, Eric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self, By the People: A History of the United States, AP Edition, CompTIA A+ 220-1001: Lesson 3 Identifying OS. On April 19, Congress passed the Teller Amendment, which said that the United States would not Have students integrate the information from a number of primary sources and prepare /Names << /Dests 6 0 R>> U.S. troops' presence was designed to lure Mexico into starting the conflict, putting the onus on Mexico and allowing Polk to argue to Congress that a declaration of war should be issued. The Mexican -American War (or Mexican War) lasted a little over a year and a half (from 1846 to 1848) and ended with the capture of Mexico City by US forces and the signing of the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo. Teddy Roosevelt charging up the San Juan Heights, the Rough Riders and the sinking of the battleship, the U.S.S. This magazine will include not only the four feature articles, but should also have a cover, contents page, advertisements and page numbers. Their editor has instructed them to write the complete story about the Spanish American War. A PDF file of the tutorial is available. /Parent 10 0 R Your article must be at least two typed pages. endobj into his second term. From 1769 to 1833, Spanish Franciscans established twenty-one missions in Alta California, stretching 600 miles from San Diego to San Francisco along a path eventually known as the "California Mission Trail.". Roosevelt Creategroups of four and explain to students that it is the fall of 1898 and they are all writers for a national magazine.
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