Leaning toward the more conservative number of 1300 ft-lbs, the same 22 CM bullets combinations are good out to 300- 400 yards. My memories of my military time make me smile.. 168 SMKs dont have only 410 ft-lbs of muzzle energy at 500 yards. Farthest was about 140yds, bullet still passed completely through, exiting through the far shoulder on a quartering away shot. What the 22 Creedmoor has succeeded in doing though, is dethrone the venerable 22-250 as the king of varmint and coyote calibers, offering more speed, and the ability to shoot heavier and longer bullets with better ballistic coefficients. The 6.5 Creedmoor also has a distinct advantage over the .308 at long ranges where there's little time to make wind decisions. This may continue until eventually the rifling is not longer able to stabilise the bullet, and you will notice sideways impacts of the bullet on targets at all distances, even those placed not far from the muzzle. Cm case has greater volume, so 250 ammo should not pose a pressure concern. The most widely used barrel life calculator on the web today is known as Mikes Spreadsheet, which uses five variables to provide a good accurate barrel life estimation. Dies, brass are coming out now, powders and GREAT bullets are already here. It's a precision rifle caliber and whether it's hunting ammo, target ammo, or long range ammo, it's all match grade kind of stuff. You are using an out of date browser. The area of the chamber just forward of the web on the original [], The 6mm BRX vs 6mm BR The 6mm BRX uses 6mm BR brass as the base brass. With long range precision shooting becoming increasingly popular amongst rifle owners throughout the world, barrel life expectancy is often a question of concern, particularly amongst new buyers. Maybe not the article to raise this point. Rotate between two or three rifles, thus spreading out the number of rounds fired through each barrel. Cooper Creek, Gunwerks, and Spark Munitions have a variety of offerings depending on what purpose you have for the gun. I totally agree! I use Lapua in my 22-250 and making it into 6.5 Creed was a disaster. I built one after reading this and other articles. Huntingdon, TN 38344. A chronograph for example, mostly only a rare expensive piece of laboratory technology a few decades ago, is now part of almost every precision shooter and reloaders equipment, and a very affordable one at that. When did the 30-30 change from a brush gun to a 200 plus yard tack driver?? This also creates a different beast altogether, including higher maximum pressures (based on SAMMI 6mm CM numbers). .22-250. 22 Creedmoor Feature Ammo - Collections Features: Bolt Action, 6.5 Creedmoor, 22" Fluted Stainless Barrel, SA Radial Brake, Green Co. Springfield Armory 2020 Waypoint - For Sale - New :: Guns.com 3/3/2023 Nothing changes..heavy vs super light! I think I over cooked the cream of wheat. An occasional shooter may still enjoy years of successful shooting beyond this point, however precision will gradually decline, until eventually reaching a point where precision and accuracy is no longer satisfactory. others are using non magnum but its what I have and im getting single ES with them so im not changing it. Starting with a .260" bushing on the first pass and finishing with a .250" will often work quite well. As with any multi-purpose tool there tends to be compromises. It flipped him over backwards and he never so much as twitched his tail. Getting to 22CM from 6CM is a straight forward pass through a FL die. X-Caliber - Savage Prefit Barrel - X-Caliber Barrel & Manufacturing Please be sure of your Savages' shank size before placing . It is my feeling that Alpha Munitions OCD 22 Creedmoor is the best presently available. Shop; Reference Material; Ask A Question; Join Facebook Group; Shop; Reference Material; Ask A Question; Join Facebook Group Our 22 Creedmoor is loaded to fit in rifles running the standard .081 freebore or longer. 24" 1:7 5R. In reality, I think that number is way over whats needed with good shot placement. Hmmm, how long ago did Beanland build your rifle? Cartridge of the Week: The .22 Creedmoor | The Armory Life Forum When you use the link above to shop for one of the products, we receive a small commission from the sale, at no extra cost to you. The first of these wildcats to make it to the big league was the 6mm Creedmoor; now a SAAMI approved cartridge with rifles offered by many manufacturers. Rifle Specs * Want a Rifle Like this one? I have some R26 and R23 that I want to try. 22 Creedmoor, What, Why & How? - LoadDevelopment.com Heres my issue or more correctly, just a question. ---Craddock Precision, Twist Options 1:7 and 1:12 (throated specific to twist), 3 Contours based on the most popular gas blocks:.750", .875", and .936", Threads: 1/2-28, 5/8x24, 3/4x24, or No Threads all with a 11 Target Crown, Polished or Bead Blasting included, Cerakote Available, Several Fluting Styles (Allow 1-2 more weeks for Fluting). Patrick's .22 Creedmoor was built by Little Crow Gunworks on a Remington 700 action using a PROOF Research barrel and Stocky's AccuBlock EuroMatch adjustable cheekpiece laminated stock. I have personally taken a large Zebra male with a clean headshot with my 22CM shooting a 75gr Hornady ELD-M at 3650 fps, it dropped right on the spot. The gunsmith would need to preferably have a 22 Creedmoor reamer to create a chamber in the barrel for it, however some advanced gunsmiths can turn a chamber based on a 22 Creedmoor brass case. Talk to me about the 22 creedmoor | Shooters' Forum Handloading, SMFH. When the rifle is fired, the explosive heat and pressure from the propellant gasses begin to erode the throat of the barrels interior surface. Went with the Nosler's because of availability and price. The gun has NO recoil, and is downright easy to hit targets with due to the flat trajectory and outstanding wind-defeating bullets. What is the MSP. Cerakote Options: Put the Cerakote Code you would like and we'll do the rest! Part of the beauty of the 22 CM is that it shoots standard .224 caliber bullets that are available almost everywhere for the hand loaders and cost less than larger caliber bullets. This is starting to become my go to gun for general purpose hunting and gong competitions. Please keep this thread to actual reloading information, and if you can please post some round count, barrel life numbers are all over the place. Depending on size of the game hunted, but generally you will often hear most industry authorities recommending 6mm, 243 Win, 270 Win for any smaller CXP2 type antelope, and 30-06 Spingfield or larger for CXP3 medium to large game. I HAVE shot the bbls out a a few older models, which is WHY I went to the 22-250. Expect to spend $0.95 per round and up [ED: mid 2020 prices now start at about $140 a round]. Proudly powered by. Next post: The Kimber K6 Deep Cover The Snubnose for Today, Previous post: Primary Arms MD-25 Red Dot Review, Your email address will not be published. I presume the Alpha brass is good too. This puts it in the .243 Winchester class for punch. Compounding the problem though is the fact its so fun to shoot, and that its 22 caliber makes it much cheaper to shoot than my larger calibers as well. All load data for reference only. The tough northern coyotes we hunt have a reputation for taking some vicious hits and then just getting back up to run off. Now that would be cool. Estimated at roughly 1% the cost of a modern rifle setup The Ultimate Guide To Rifle Marksmanship will be one of the best purchases you could ever make as a rifle owner! All with R26. 0.077" is a relatively small distance. It was great fun and freedomand lasted until my enlistment was up. I've got a barrel sitting at Beanlands now scheduled for fitting in April and I'm trying to get everything together. IN something like this with such a short barrel life.I am of the opinion that once I find a load that works, I stick with it. 22 creedmoor is SUPERIOR to 22-250 AND 220 swift. Not a trace of it. Happy hunting. Sep 30, 2004. There is also 22 Creedmoor SRP brass available offering small rifle primer holes for shooters preferring small rifle primers. I bought some Peterson 6 Creed brass ( seems to be very good brass) and have been trying to use RL26 with CCI 400 AND 450 primers and it's been very unfulfilling with wild velocity swings. A rifle barrel can continue wearing while still proving the shooter with many months or years of successful shooting, until reaching a point where the barrel no longer provides the accuracy that you require from the rifle. At our 22 Creedmoor muzzle velocity of 3550fps the Hornady 75gr ELD-M bullets produces around 2099 ft.lbs of energy, taking it close to medium 6mm bullets or light 308 Winchester rounds. Reviewer Jeff Cramblit built a 22 Creedmoor rifle and tested it with a variety of bullet weights. This data may of course vary in reality (depending on a wide range of variables), but it will give you a good indication of which cartridges to stay away from if you plan on spending excessive amounts of time at the range, and are concerned over your barrels lifespan. Id tell them that my Dad was a Senator on a military senate sub-committeetheyd believe me. Because of the velocities achieved by the 22 Creedmoor out of most barrel lengths, many varmint shooter favor a 22 Creedmoor short barrel rifle for ease of handling but still offering varmint velocities. As a matter of fact, I dont remember but one large buck that ran about 100 yds. At this point we can say that it has reached the end of its barrel life, and seek a replacement. Springfield Armory 2020 Waypoint - For Sale - New :: Guns.com .22 CREEDMOOR EXCLUSIVE - Magzter One of the most common uses for the 22 Creedmoor caliber, is in compact truck rifles, or varmint rifles. I'm starting to collect parts for a 22 Creedmoor build. I have been shooting 22 Creedmoor since 2014 and have pressed it into service as my primary coyote hunting cartridge. So I was reading this article that says barrel life on a 6.5 Creedmoor is about 2500 rounds. Shooting heavier bullets at more reasonable velocities also calms some barrel-burning qualms. Your email address will not be published. You can also neck 6mm Creedmoor down to 22cal easy enough. The seller is "hausofarms-tc4me" and is located in Elizabeth, Colorado. Barrel Life on a 6.5 Creedmoor. Bullets 1-8 twist. So, it is definitely more than just the energy numbers that is important. H4350 is kind of a "go-to" powder for the Creed case but I have had really good performance and barrel life out of H4831, H1000 and RE23. If barrel life is of a concern to you, use the advice given above on how to increase your barrels lifespan. Jeff is intimately familiar with the shooting industry competitor, instructor, RO, range master, match director. Your observation sounds spot on. 22 Creedmoor Bartlein Barrel Build a 22 Creedmoor Bartlein to fit your needs! View Details . 10 shots averaged 3510 at 45 degrees. Feature Articles, I have rifles chambered in both 6.5 and 6mm Creedmoor (CM) but the 22 CM has captured my attention. Fierce Firearms FCTR22CM24BF CT Rival 22 Creedmoor Caliber with 4+1 Capacity, 24 in Carbon Fiber Barrel, Black Cerakote Metal Finish, & Forest Green Fixed Fierce Tech C3 Stock Right Hand (Full Size) Hinterland #: 174586. The store will not work correctly in the case when cookies are disabled. So I'm wondering if your guys are getting that number? Im up to 3 pronghorn and a pig with my 223 shooting 70 grain tsx, at reasonable ranges. So check out the details and run the numbers yourself and consider one for your next rifle build. It was released in 2007 by Hornady and Creedmoor Sports. I have some R26 and R23 that I want to try. All Local Sales are FREE! Preferably with h1000? I picked up a whidden full length sizer, but have always used a modified 6.5 redding seater, Yes i did send in some chamber fired brass to whidden, seems pretty standard though, as for rigging up a seater , used a redding 22-250 stem in a 6.5 cm competition seater die, hope that helps. Look at the 22 creed as an ackley'd 22-250, you can actually fire form brass if needed. The need to find a cartridge that performs better under that very particular scenario comes with this niche emphasis. You are quite wrong about using 22s for medium sized game. With all the more appropriate cartridges out there, why anyone would use a barely capable 22 caliber class round on medium sized game is beyond me. My buddy has one. Heavy bullets are. PRS, If you enjoyed this article please leave a comment below, and keep an eye out for future posts. Im running a 21 Shilen 1-8 twist and I have excellent accuracy with 80gr smk, 80 eld-m and 88gr eld-m bullets. The fact that several vendors are manufacturing 22 CM brass certainly makes handloading simpler. He concluded it worked best as a varminter, but could also do PRS duty, provided it is loaded under the 3200 fps velocity limit common in PRS matches. Now I just need to come up with so load data. 6mm Creedmoor: Competition Born and Bred - The Armory Life You've earned the right to shop tax free and enjoy FREE shipping! The action is a standard Savage 12FV in 6.5 Creedmoor purchased at Cabela's during their sale. 22 Creedmoor - Rifles by Caliber - Rifles - Firearms - Departments Is Cheap Thermal Worth It? If I was to do it over again, I would build a lighter hunting weight rifle, which in reality would mean just a slimmer barrel and dropping down to a Nightforce NX8 2.5- 20x scope. We strive to send out a newsletter each month to show new products, updates to the site, and give updates on what we have planned. The oldest actual proof of the 22 Creedmoor caliber in a rifle, being an image uploaded on a McWhorter Custom Rifles blog post about the 22 Creedmoor caliber round and the speed achieved by one shot on 22 September 2012. creedmoor | Thompson Center Barrel You can use a full length (no bushing) sizing die to go from 6mm all the way to 22cal in one step, so long as the die is of good quality. Accurate barrel life can defined as the point where precision will start to decline. 6mm Creedmoor, Hunt and Competition - LoadDevelopment.com You could even use 6.5mm brass, it would simply take more work to neck down. The bullet diameter is .224, the same as any other .22 centerfire cartridge like the 223 Rem., 22-250 Rem., 224 Weatherby Magnum, 223 WSSM and 220 Swift. The available ammunition is priced in line with high-quality hunting and match ammunition, which is taking the 22 CM a step beyond the realm of a wildcat requiring hand-loading, and getting closer to that of being a factory product. It's a cool cartridge for sure. Making brass from 6mm creedmoor is simple and quick. . Thanks for the half baked artical. A .250 diameter neck will typically provide desirable results for both as long as you are running an expander ball of the appropriate diameter in your die. Easily adapted components, brass, and dies. The old standard would have dropped a rainbow-like curve of 12.6 mils at the 1000-yard mark. 6548306D-74FF-424F-A172-75F117B1FDBE.jpeg. I can tell you for an absolute fact that the 90 gr berger vld at 3400 fps is a death ray for white tails. A 308 Hornady ELD 168 grain has about 1360 ft-lbs of energy at 500 yards. If you get open shots at deer, those little hollow points really ground them. But also dont over-clean your rifle; only clean when necessary. Skip to content. Everyone has a different take on what they consider acceptable accuracy which will increase or decrease the numbers. In order to determine the accurate barrel life of a rifle, we can use a barrel life calculator. 6.5 Cm Vs 308 Barrel Life? - The Creedmoor Forum Ammo, $269 after rebate is a no-brainer price for a donor action. This is a distinct step up in performance. Edit May 2022: After researching for the origins of the 6mm Creedmoor, I stumbled upon an even earlier post, where member skeetlee started a thread first suggesting necking down a 6.5 Creedmoor to a 6mm, an then later joked about also just doing it in a .22cal version. The process for making that brass was easy enough, but still, somewhat time-consuming. The second was for shooting PRS (Precision Rifle Series) style matches on occasion, and the third was for hunting deer sized game. For instance, 22 LR's can go much further than 5-10K, while 223 types can burn out in less than 1K. This item can be shipped to United States. The oldest actual talk or mention of a 22 Creedmoor caliber or cartridge being a comment suggestion made by Chad Dixon from Long Rifles Inc. on another SnipersHide post on 19 September 2012, in response to another user wondering about shooting 90gr bullets from a 220 swift. So, was a 22 CM worth spending the time and money to build? I just decided to build a 22-250. For a varmint cartridge, 95% of your shots will be inside 500 yards, and probably 80% inside 300. Do you think 45gr of R26 would be a good starting point? Loaded ammunition is available with bullets in the 70-75 range leaving 24 barrels at velocities around 3400+ fps, a bit more conservative than personal hand-loading, but still making it a very flat shooting, low recoiling round delivering impressive results.
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