Instead, turning the handlebar causes the wheels on one side to simply slow down. the middle of the pin. Brake/tail lights provide an extra level of safety while trail riding at night. 3. Designed for use with Conquest models, this track offers quiet operation, superior wear and durability in difficult terrain. How much sag should there be in the track with the track off the ground? Not intended to be used when towing vehicles on trailers. Convenient spare tire holder mounts to rear of vehicle. be 2"-3" of sag between the bottom of the 2nd or 3rd tire and the Tire Pressure for Argos with Tracks Installed Tracks supply the traction and support for the vehicle, so tire pressure doesn't need to change depending on terrain. Fuel Capacity: 7.1 Us gallons (27 litres) See-through polyethylene fuel tank. Regular tracks: 135 lbs. If it has the plastic segmented tracks I would air them to all the same pressure. Protected with Bonderite M-PP 930 epoxy-acrylic autodeposition coating. Once the bead seats, immediately lower the tire pressure to 2.5-3.5 psi. The same tires that could conquer rock and trail now churned away at the water. Top Designed for use with Conquest models, this track offers quiet operation, superior wear and durability in difficult terrain. Measure the circumference of each tire using a tape measure. Its trail and stream comfort! The steering works much like it does on a skid-loader or even a bulldozer, and its possible to sit in one spot and spin donuts until you make yourself and all passengers aboard sick. Argo 6x6 with 13" Plastic Tracks: On the Avenger It is an ideal way to safely secure objects such as shovels, fishing rods, paddles, etc. These cleats mount to holes on every other plastic super track section, or every fourth rubber track section. on land, 90 on water. next step is removing all tires from the machine. (Conquest Series Only) Driver and front passenger Roll Over Protection Structure complete with seat belts, certified to ISO 5700. With the Argo now you can get lost in new places, and it might take another Argo to come find you! Xtreme duty 18" (457 mm) wide rubber track with UHMW-PE guides, reinforced turf tire and rim provides optimum flotation with minimal ground pressure. direction. 825-42K - ACC, PLASTIC TRACK, SUPER TRACK 18" - 8X8 - Argo Adventure Argo is hoping the new LX Series will do just that. With just a driver, the front end dips a fair bit; however, the optional outboard motor would likely solve that problem. Weve spent time in Argo models at home, prowling around rock quarries, sandy trails, and small ponds so we were eager to see what the new LX could do. Wireless Winch Remote Control / 410 kg total. Argo Vehicles Ltd Company Number: 3705694. The Argo was also able to climb over an assortment of rocks and steps that wed think twice about trying in a traditional ATV. Adds protection to driver and passenger as well as providing a convenient mounting location for extra lights. Brand New. For tire pressure w/o tracks I'd say around 4 psi. The Argo had always been seen as a lumbering utility vehicle with almost no recreational capability or comfort. Quite frankly, it was way more fun to drive than we expected. We dont recommend pulling this maneuver at speed, and since the 8x8 LX is capable of over 25mph, you definitely want to make any steering changes smoothly. Required fields are marked *. Tripling sales seems like an awfully big goal, but when you think of it as selling just 4,000 more units it sounds much more reasonable. Ideal for keeping first aid kits, tools, electronics and other items safe, clean and easily accessible. 66 models usually need 31 segments for each side, while 88 models need 39 segments for each side. 88 Rubber tracks: These 18-inch wide tracks increase traction while minimizing noise. Available with or without axle extensions. Cannot be used with Suspension Seats or Handrails. Pick one set to start and adjust according to the next pic below on track deflection. 2016 Argo LX Series Review | on water. Designed for mud, flooded areas and snow, offering low ground pressure. An upgraded dash in the Argo LX includes a Jensen sound system on the far right. Tracks cannot be mounted over the new AquaTorque mud tires used on the new Bigfoot 800 MX6 and MX8 XTVs. A set of jack Tire Pressure and Your Argo - Shank's Argo Maybe Matt's bigfoot rubber tracks would. This lets you cross terrain that is impossibleforother vehicles, including soft mud, snow, and ice. Be sure to check your tire size before ordering. yourself). The trick was to improve the ride and comfort inside the Argo without limiting its legendary capability. Pick one set to start and adjust according to the next pic below The new carbon backed dash panel really dresses up the instrument panel and the control layout is simple to understand. Accessories | Argo Vehicles Ltd Do track tuners need to be used with these tracks? Regular tracks: 175 lbs. Mounts directly to the brushguard. We can help you there, too. The rear tires should be 6 psi. Beadlock rims can be aired down to 1.5 psi. SOLD AS A SET OF 2 TRACKS AND ALL REQUIRED HARDWARE TO INSTALL. Cannot go with Roll Bar, Suspension Seats or regular Brushguard. If it has the rubber tracks there is a specific procedure to follow. Frame mounted, forward facing rear bench seat provides additional seating for 2 passengers. work absolutely amazing on tracks. These are a great choice if you regularly drive on the pavement. The Avenger EFI 8x8 for years has been the standard for many outfitters, rental companies and recreational users who have demanded a proven platform with great power at a fair price. Lower air pressure in the tires makes for a much smoother ride. (340 kg); bolts directly to main chassis offering a secure structure for third party equipment. Were one of the largest dealers in the East, which means we have a massive warehouse full of parts for XTVs. Protected with Bonderite M-PP 930 epoxy-acrylic autodeposition coating. Check your tire size before ordering. Of course, this can't be done, so these are all theoretical calculations, but it is fun to do on paper. Installing a set of tracks decreases your vehicles ground pressure and addsa traction surface designed specifically for your operating environment. Balance the throttle: The wheels should spin fast enough to fling mud off of the treads while still . To get the correct track tension, you need to air up the tires to different pressures, depending on their position. Requires Stretcher Mount Adapter (850-300)* Cannot be used with Suspension Seats or Handrails. ADAIR MUD PRO 14.5" TRACK KIT - ARGO ATV ACCESSORY. Thread the extension studs onto the wheel studs, just like you would with lug nuts. Remove the wheels and inflate the tires to 10 PSI. Avenger 800 8x8 (Produced after Feb 2019), Avenger 800 HuntMaster, Responder, XT 8x8 (Produced after Feb 2019), Avenger 800 8x8 (Produced before March 2019), Avenger 800 Huntmaster 8x8 (Produced before March 2019). TESTING THE NEW CAN-AM MAVERICK SxS's: Inside Ride Review. Like all Argos, LX models feature power to all wheels (88 or 66) that comes from a Kohler 747cc liquid-cooled V-Twin engine. Shank's Argo Steering transmission provides continuous torque to all axles. If NASA and Argo have their way, they may just be the most capable off-road machines on other planets as well. around the centre tread recording the information on each tire with (284 L) of water plus a 5 gal. There is no suspension on the Argo other than by adjusting ride quality through tire air pressure, but the primary concern for most Argo users was always access to difficult territory, with a smooth ride far down the list of priorities. Also available in an extended vehicle configuration, up to 4 people when rear bench seat is installed. Front bench backrest is folded down when basket or stretcher are deployed. All tracks come with Adair mud flaps as part of the track pricing. automotive jack under the trailer hitch works well. Quick change universal mount . Unroll the treads and drive off them. Lee wanted to find out if the Adair tracks would out perform his Mud Bug equipped Argo in mud and swamp conditions so he took me to some awful mud areas at . Important Note: Please use this article as a general guide. Dual 3 x 5 lights, easily installs to your existing light bar. Since 1996 we have been selling and servicing the Argo brand of amphibious Atv's, and stock the World's largest inventory of Argo vehicles, parts, accessories, and lubricants. you do not have OEM reversible rims you have to install wheel On the surface there is nothing drab about an Argo LX XTV (Argos term). Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Argo makes three types of tracks sized for both 66 and 88 models. PDF AURORA ACCESSORIES - Argo Tracks add a If you want the ultimate in traction and soft surface performance, you need to add tracks to your XTV. Adair Mud Pro Series Track Instructions (click here), 127-182 - 25x12-9 - CARLISLE AT189 - TIRE ONLY, B7161435 ADAIR TRACK SPLICE BOLT - NUT 7/16-14X3.5. Heavy duty 18 (457 mm) wide rubber track provides optimum flotation with minimal ground pressure. Stop when there are two tread sections in front of the front wheels. If one of them slides out, the track will come loose and can damage the body. Transmission: ADMIRAL HS triple differential steering transmission with dedicated Hi and Low selector; Forward, Neutral, Reverse. Welcome to our Tires page. Requires windshield, ROPS and hard top. On my 6x6 with Lightweight durable construction and low rolling resistance ensures smooth, quiet operation in difficult terrain conditions. 2020 - Current Models with Argo 24x10-8 XT115 Tires*: 2020 - Current Models with Argo 25x12-9 XT119 Tires: 2010 - 2019 with Carlisle Argo 25x12-9 AT189 Tires: 2004 - 2009 Models with Goodyear Rawhide III 25x11.50-9 Tires. No longer a spartan layout, the Argo LX displays speedometer, tachometer, odometer, voltmeter, hour meter, engine temp, oil pressure, parking brake and check engine lights. 81 (2 m) wide steel blade features multi-angle positions. C $14.67. ATVs May Soon Plow Snow on Wisconsin Roads, Kawasaki Teryx4 Riding at The Lone Ranger Premiere, 2022 Arctic Cat ATV and UTV Lineup Preview, ATV Safety Institute to Introduce Two-Part ATV RiderCourse, Wienen Races to Fifth Straight ATV Motocross Victory, Say Watt: Companies See Huge Potential With All-Electric Powertrains, Speaker's Corner: Three Great Sound Bars for Your UTV. Steering: Handlebar steering control with hand brake. Line up your XTV on dry ground before crossing a mud hole. machine and roll rearward to the end of the track segment. pressures front to rear should be 3,5,5,4 or 4,6,6,5 or 5,7,7,6. One feature weve never had on an ATV is a bilge pump, and to be honest, we were anxious to use it! Available for Conquest Series only. Marks pins have one end welded and Not that youre going to make a Northern Atlantic crossing with the Argo, but you can venture into areas no other machine on the planet would dare to tread. Electric start - 3yr warranty. Contact Adair Argo Sales today at 1 (800) 934-0737 or visit our office servicing Adair, Iowa Which Argo is Right for Me: ATV, UTV or XTV? enjoy a better ride & maneuverability especially on roads & rough Escargo Type Tracks From Beaver Dam Argo | Grand View Outdoors We will contact you as soon as this product is available. Google Search a free copy of the Argo track installation manual for Were talking head over the side green, with the inevitable reverse action of the digestive system intake tract. Tire pressure does not compensate for slack in the tread. When traveling through water, keep the treads touching the ground and dont go through water that is higher than the hull. To get the correct track tension, you need to air up the tires to different pressures, depending on their position. Features removable side and rear doors, allowing easy access to the rear cargo compartment area. Whether equipped with 6 wheels or 8, with the top-of-the-line 8x8 LX package or a bare bones model meant to haul tools to the job site, all of the Argos are definitely off-road machines. Designed for mud, flooded areas and snow, offering low ground pressure. Chambersburg, PA 17202 2017 Avenger 8x8 with 18" rubber tracks the tires are re-installed as Is this the machine that will draw recreational riders to Argo? The new Argo 8x8 LX would meet those goals and more, offering a long list of upgrades such as: New, larger tires capable of ultra-low pressure for a smoother ride. Since over 2/3rds of the planet is covered by water, youre effectively locked out of most of the globes surface. Copyright 2023 Argo Vehicles Ltd. All rights reserved. Land - 25 mph / 39.5 km per hour, Water - 3 mph / 5 km per hour. Offers a mounting location for extra fog lights. But its that backwards-facing tread that gives the Argo its propulsion in the water. However, the tires on both four and 8 wheel trailers should always be aired up to 4 psi, no matter the terrain. 6 Reasons You Need to Try an Argo Amphibious ATV. Mud flaps: These flaps extend past the sides of the vehicle, deflecting mud and snow coming off of the tracks to keep your passengers and cargo clean. Exceptional traction. TREAD Direction should be standard that an ATV/Motorcycle jack under the engine and a standard But there is a method to Argos madness. Your email address will not be published. It also features a handlebar mounted toggle switch to []. ****winter cleat kits require spacers or reversible rims Rock crawling is an interesting challenge on the Argo. Some vehicles just beg to be driven and the ARGO definitely counts as one of those. Available for Conquest Series only. We stock the most popular versions but can have any track manufactured in less than a week. If youve ridden a slightly older Argo youll know the ride can be pretty stiff and jarring when travelling with a little speed. On my 6x6 there is no official deflection measurement for Climb inside the Argo LX and youre greeted by more comfortable and supportive seating than youd find in older Argos. Need Parts? The sub frame holds up to 750 lb. Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT) belt drive to transmission. Other features include an improved front passenger grab bar (we found it much more comfortable to hold than non-LX Series Argos), front brushguard, larger 25-inch tires, a faster by 25% top speed of 25 mph, 900 lbs of rear cargo capacity and front-mount 3,500-pound Warn winch. Stylish and functional; body, lights and winch are protected from brush. Tracks supply the traction and support for the vehicle, so tire pressure doesnt need to change depending on terrain. Steel cleats increase traction on ice and hard-packed snow. crowd or a bunch of cook-up and ice fishing gear in the woods for Styling is sharper and more modern on the LX Series, which is available in striking colors like Cranberry Wine, Crimson Shadow, Silver Shadow, Sunset Orange and Royal Nautica. (303 L) fire suppression unit holds 75 gal. Argo, axel; axel bearing; and even frame damage can occur. Mounting location is slightly off-center and accepts an outboard motor of up to 9.9 HP for increased propulsion in water. These are available for models that dont come with them from the factory. track deflection after you air up your tires. Inspect the track pins before using your Argo. Reply With Quote 02-11-2010 07:06 PM #6 mike bar Install the bushing, track pin,and locking screw to link the ends of the track. trails running the machines on tires in the summer. New Model Test - The Argo 8x8 LX | ATV Illustrated To be used with ARGO Frame Assembly. Wireless and compact, this unit controls remote use of winch from a location of up to 50 (15.24 m) for added convenience and versatility. It involves measuring circumference of tires and placing them in a certain position and a certain pressure. argo tires for sale | eBay the welded end facing outside so that if the removable clip ever Slack is measured with the vehicle off of the ground, between the track and the bottom of the center tires. Easy to install. The item you are trying to purchase is currently out of stock.Please enter your name, email, and phone number below. around so the offset moves the tire away from the machine (if If tracks are too tight on any Land - 1000 lb. It can be used with the optional rear receiver winch kit. Your prefference. Cleats are not compatible with standard tracks. Still, even at 4mph, it is a blast to ford crossings and prowl around ponds where no ATV in your garage could hope to go. Unlike an ATV or UTV, the front wheels of an Argo do not turn left and right. Add a drop of bluethreadlockerto the set screw and install it in the bushing. lot of versatility to an Argo, some people use them year round but Up to 600 lb. To test the Argos abilities, we decided to climb out of the water onto a steep bank. We wouldnt say it rides just like a machine with shock absorbers, but were not sure the average person would know there werent any shocks at all. If you notice the track flapping around with the correct tire pressure, you may need to remove a track section to compensate for tire wear. Max IV with RI tracks = 0.81 PSI Argo Supertracks on a Max IV (GASP!!) If youve never driven an Argo, it takes some getting used to. Argo Tire Pressure (with Standard Tracks) - Outdoorsmen Forum Super Tracks: At 18 inches wide, these plastic tracks give your XTV the lowest ground pressure possible. Thanks snargo. Its time to gear up! It should be noted that we found water riding much better with one rider in the back and one in the front. ATV Tracks | Right Track Systems Int. The Argo 8x8 LX is, and besides the comfy seats, there are 12V and USB plugs for your phone, GPS, or maybe even a fish finder. It may only go 25 mph, but that seems awfully quick and plenty exciting when you are behind the bars. What is the approximate length of a track that will fit an Argo Magnum with 22 inch tires? Roll Bar How To: Install Argo XTV Tracks (13" Plastic & 18" Rubber) At first glance, beadlock wheels on an Argo seem misplaced. screw to prevent it form working loose. Once installed, there should be an inch of slack on Frontier, Aurora, and Avenger models, while other models should have two-and-a-half inches of slack. Adjustable gas can holder mounted at the rear of the vehicle. Custom designed to fit into the rear compartment of any 88 Frontier or Avenger, the 80 gal. To do that, Argo is working to expand its dealer network so more consumers have a chance to see an Argo in a showroom. Because Argos lack a traditional suspension system or shock absorbers of any kind, the only thing cushioning the ride are the tires. Speaking of lights, a new interior lighting package offers extra illumination front and rear. help pull the track ends together Rather than plowing into the water and driving across the bottom, the Argo gently morphed into a boat. on land, 150 lbs. Bolts directly to the main chassis with secondary supports by the upper frame. When not in use, the top is easily removed or folded down and protected with the included boot cover. 14-12 for tires such as the 25x12x9 Rawhide III , 25x12x9 Argo tire made by Carlisle or the new XT117 Argo tire. Argo Frontier with Mud Bugs vs Adair tracks vs Suzuki with tatou tracks On 88 ATVs, install thesmallest tires on the front axle. on land, 110 lbs. That was about to change. Requires the power winch for raise and lower operation. Sort the wheels so that each side has tires with inchdiameters withinofeach other.
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