The machine gun fire was background noise; Peter was going too fast for them to try and hit him. Ned is trying to talk to him, but his voice sounds muffled, almost like theyre underwater. (never) by @parkrstark. Shes kind of rightyou do look like crap., Peter gives a non-commital shrug. There was a shooter in the school. . Tony wakes up at the bottom of a bomb shelter with a concussed Peter next to him, their only means of escape being a hatch 40 feet directly above them. You can call me Peter if you want Mr. Sr. Police-Man Jake Peralta." Oh, shit! (never). 6. new chapter you fucks: ch 6 pt 1 When he arrives, he discovers that the danger isnt exactly what he was expecting, and Peter learns that certain recreational pastimes dont have quite the same effect on him that they do on most people. +1Peter was permanently deaf. Theres a metallic taste on his tongue and his head is pounding. "I know it's real. Biodad Tony & his little son), The Education Complication by @keep-a-bucket-full-of-stars, Peter has an asthma attack during gym class (13 year old Peter & biodad Tony), Peter is Steves bio-kid, and after losing their apartment and going homeless, they get taken in by Tony, (Not technically asthma, but a breathing condition that mimics asthma and so well doneI rec this one every chance I get). Tony said dangerously. (Peter is 13 and Tony & Steves son), The one time when Tony Stark gave hug to Ned Leeds byIcylightning. That turns out to be a horrific process involving Peter being asked to cough repeatedly as the doctor pulls the catheter from his airway. Peter arrives late to Tonys lab and begins to exhibit some alarming symptoms. Yeah because movies about wizards in boarding school are totally realistic. He presses his fingers between his eyes where a headache has been building ever since they arrived at the farm. Bucky was the only one fully dressed. It lifted up easilya lot easier than the ceiling of a warehouse; that still gave him nightmaresand he tossed it away. He made to get up and finish the fight, but Tony grasped his wrist. captainamerica, peggycarter, avengers. He starts to rifle through the contents. everyone is booked. There are civilians in the subway stations around here. his clothes were ripped and something was definitely now piercing his bellys skin. And then you threw up and you were choking on it and I-I didnt know what to do, I just, I couldnt think and, Peters own eyes are stinging now. Chapter 10 College student Peter Parker is poor. "What is your name?" NOTE: There is kidnapping and captivity in this fic, but the main focus is the aftermath. Michelles bored expression is replaced with a slightly curious one. We were playing superheroes and we needed to pack the supplies to take with us cus we had to go fight the bad guys in space., Shed been stockpiling stuff for the last couple days in the treehouse, Peter goes on, so she was just tossing everything down for me to put in the bag. A Thompson would never do that." Rather than landing on the cement - which would have been bad enough - Peter had landed on a fence. babyspider. Yeah, I dont know either, kid, Tony grumbles. Struggling to draw in breath, Tony could feel his heart pounding. In which Peter gets poisoned by gas station sushi and then keeps Tony up all night chatting about pirates, At least I didnt puke on you by @xxx-cat-xxx. Peter wants to say that he is, hes trying, but his brain and his mouth arent cooperating. Chapter 3 You, the one who had the wireless headphones." dailyavocado, Cheerful_with_a_Twist, cant_find_a_good_username, BatmanWhoLaughs666, Hesiniel_Lonto, SilentEntropy, Crovus_Azrael, asksomebodywhocares, yunasama, StarkidFan_NumberOne, Junebug_isunavailable, SeizureslashScoot, ProbablyAHuman, Phantom_Berry, Articwolfplayz, Reader_0709, daemon_kitsune, zolareclipse, Valetudinarian, Imscaredofyou, Amoureuse_tbh, H_Noir, kwardart, BakaKurisu, thr_chrs_fr_rvng, hyucks_chittaphon, Whathasmy_lifecometo, Watermelon_avocado, Hello_Friends, cryingtodeath, a_side_character, dextho, Just_Another_Fangirl_54288, BigGalaxyChaos, Nerdygirl99, Cat_kai, hattrick777, Imauselessartist, Loka__Lokis, Alicetenscia, CheshireLearell, ymnkn, Oliver_966, TheREALGhostSpider, Myhy, Whatintheworld14, adtwmx, ThatLilBroccoliBoi, Stone7046, Blech____________BLECH, and 38 more users I don't remember you." So when his adopted father told him that the Rogues has been pardoned and they were staying at the compound, Peter was livid. Flash had never been the brightest, so he continued. He tries to take in a breath on his own and instantly feels like hes choking. Racing down the hall, Tony noted that the alarm and flashing lights were all over the compound and that the rest of the Avengers team were on their way to the conference room as well. Captain America is hurt, Peter told the medic, jabbing a finger in the direction of the two Avengers. Peter moves his hand to his chest, rubbing over his breastbone. So, Peter snapped. His eyes trailed over Peter's still form to a man that had been calmly walking past them. What are your most whumpy peter fic recs? Stomach hurts, Peter mutters through clenched teeth. Tony held up his hands, chargers charged and ready to fire without hesitation. Well, good thing you're going to jail. I also ignored the events of Thor Ragnorok because I wanted Thor, Loki and Bruce in this story too. Peter laughed giddily. Everything was blurry. KAREN seemed to be broken or damaged because she wasnt responding to him, so his best option was trying to talk by the coms and not his suits AI. And he still lives with his mom." No I didnt! Heard you freaked., Thats evidently all it takes for Ned to break down. Peter doesnt even get a chance to see what he should watch out for when everything around him turns to black. And didnt I tell you that yoga is a better stress-reliever?. Self explanatory but he is a Stark in all of them wether biological or adopted thought most of the time it will be adopted. 17.2K 344 238. by JakeyP99. Mr. Stark quirked an eyebrow at Peter, but answered. However, when the concept of paralysis is used in relation to Peter, things end up shifting more than they ever seemed to last time. His head is already healing, miraculously." Delirious Peter is one of my faves so Ive got a truly absurd amount: Elevator Freeway by @awesomesockes & @whumphoarder. But I think they get the point., Yeah, I think they definitely got it. Peter webbed up one more before surveying the fallen and groaning men. Shuri put the phone down, satisfied with herself. stitch and stitches by @searchingforstarss. Oh, wait. He pretended to rub his nonexistent beard in thought before lashing out again. mainly an excuse to write both fluff and angst (mostly angst very little fluff) with some fun sarcastic humor thrown in. Thats it, Tony praises. He is no longer our son. Ned nodded. Chapter 15 I, uh, hope you don't mind that Karen put my number in your phone." His insides twist and he feels sick. (this one is really adorable. He lowers the mask again. Please consider turning it on! kind of embarrassing he thought as he made another failing attempt at pushing the giant slab of rock off of him. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10. Second, this does get dark in some places. Wow Im so glad I asked, Michelle remarks, her voice flat. Thats it. Mr. Stark was the one that brought you to the hospital." Peter Parker was unable to get out of the rubble and an exasperated and worried Tony Stark takes Peter to . The Thompson's sent a glare at Flash, turned away from him, and walked out. A sudden thought occurs to Peter and he starts to reach for the mask, but is instantly stopped by the other twos glares. Whats wrong with him? she asks. Eugene Thompson Sr screeched. "I'm sorry, was I supposed to answer a question?" Peter Parker AKA Spider-Man PART 1 He makes eye contact with Ned and shakes his head frantically. Do you need me to come and get you guys? she offers. Crack one-shot that I wrote based off of a tumblr/pinterest text post that I saw like years ago. Ned and Mj picked him. Tony Stark AKA Iron Man (If youre interested in seeing Neds POV while Peter is unconscious. "Well why can't Peter Parker tell me that for himself?" not breathing right! Kid, how? Steve asked, watching Peter as he moved in a way that shouldnt be possible. He startled badly as he saw a red and blue body drop down in front of him. Someone is cutting his clothing off of him. 2.Peter didn't intend of commuting suicide when he woke up this morning. byeva7673. I want to write asthmatic young!peter and irondad but i need to read more asthmatic Peter to get a feel for it! When a mugger with a knife attacks a civilian across the street from Stark Industries, Peter does not hesitate to intervene, even if it might cost his life. Are we really discussing this? Captain America and Black Widow asked at the same time. Thatsthat's good, right?, Uh, yeah. Mr. Stark gave him a strange look. Its like the opposite of sensory overloadeverything has been dialed back to negative two. Poor Tony had thought the whole thing was a recipe for disaster before someone decided to shove some cyanide in his food. The Avengers have been infected, turned violent and aggressive against their will. Chapter 18 You just told me his lips are turning blue, Michelle points out. Uh, Stark? Anyone but Peter. Because the next moment those hands were pressing down a little harder, a solid weight on his shoulder and chest.Grounding him.Youre not.. Work Search: Im texting Bruce. Whys there a kid on our comm link? Peter heard a distinctly female voice ask. Pretty sure MJ is onto you.. Peter nearly fell off of that plane too many times. Peter shakes his head. It's almost (?) poisoning is a trope i can definitely get behind, Five Times Tony Benches Peter on a Mission + One Time Peter Benches Tony. He punched him in the ribs repeatedly, pushed him to the ground and started kicking him in the nose. Its Michelle, wanting to Facetime. Because the next moment those hands were pressing down a little harder, a solid weight on his shoulder and chest. I mean, baby steps, right? Peter stares at him with genuine interest, the fever flushed high on his cheeks. Marvel's. Things like getting stabbed when he's just trying to protect people. Or Spangles gets it., Peter obeyed, putting his hands in the air and readying to shoot with his web-shooters. Jake mods. Snot asthma, Peter protests. ", Peter Parker dies after Thanos successfully snaps. No matter how much Peter would like for everything to always go right, part of being Spider-Man is having things go wrong. . "You did what?!" I finally got organized and have all my fics on a page now if you wanna check it out!
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