However, this boat can be pushed far harder than most owners would contemplate, so the boat will remain safe in this respect, even if caught out in more challenging conditions than expected. Buying a BENETEAU doesnt have to be a daunting task. didnt think it could get any better! Beneteau First 44.7, Big Sister to the 40.7 - Stowage: The First 27 has six hanging bags which are a very unique and ingenious concept. As is the case with any single-number rating system, every boat will have a sweet spot, a combination of wind strength, sea state, and course configuration under which it will be tough to beat. I am trying to identify equivalent models in the 38-40 foot range. View this Sloop and other Sail boats on . There she was, our boat for the day and I was very excited to finally get to experience by myself what it would be like to sail one of these magic Slovenian boats , Inside the Beneteau First 27 a.k.a Seascape 27. Beneteau bought Seascape and updated the boats and called those the First SE's. The First 27 is a detuned SE. Copyright 2023 Sailing World. We have teams of experts to guide you through the entire process everything from sea trials, financing, and customization to after-sale commissioning, service, and maintenance. Originally opting for the Oceanis 30.1, as well made by Beneteau, I ended up to choose the First 27 for these reasons: My First 27 was the last unit to be delivered with One Sails laminate garments but the First so-called SE-boat. We are proud to have one of the largest, most highly-regarded dealer networks in the world. With that in mind I arranged a sea trial on the biggest available First/Seascape to date: The 27. My summer weeknight beercan series is conducted outside the harbor, on an exposed ocean racecourse, so its usually choppy. BW%RJx|Sky/S~W Only then came the heeling. fast, but comfortable, 30-footer with a powerful overlapping headsail and long waterline. Boat speed throughout matched the wind speed. That shook the boating scene some weeks ago when market leader Beneteau announced the takeover of the Slovenian yard Seascape. Required fields are marked *. Current Fleet List. BENETEAU 27 FR 204 204 204 BENETEAU 27 TM 183 183 183 BENETEAU 27.7 126 126 126 BENETEAU 28 177 192 183 BENETEAU 28 FR 174 174 174 BENETEAU 285 180 207 186 With the touch of your finger, you can easily connect, monitor and order services for your boat from routine maintenance, to requesting a wash or fuel or having us complete a repair. The US Sailiing PHRF rating handbook lists a multitude of Beneteau models. 193 0 obj <>stream The ratio sail area to displacement is obtained by dividing the sail area by the boat's displaced volume to the power two-thirds. Basically, this is going to be an Oceanis vs. First-article. Tim assured me that this was nothing compared to the real potential that was in her: Perfect conditions for a Gennaker! Call for Price. Bnteau First 38 review: From the archive - Yachting Monthly Germany, Copyright 2023 NO FRILLS by Lars Reisberg, Fit a larger solar-power array work in progress, see. 0000001696 00000 n First 27 Deep draft (Bnteau) - Beneteau - Wikipedia /H&v9x&qcNx%7.n_{ >Q|?_AY0?fR[=~ ;LzreoO y*%t Thanks to innovative, foldable magnetic doors, the midsection can be converted into a proper marine toilet with a black water tank or used as a front cabin extension. Sailwave results for Sidney B.C. at SIDNEY NORTH SAANICH YACHT CLUB 2023 It goes without saying that for any even halfway serious racing, preparation is as important as the boat selected or the handicap rating with which it comes. Hull with very high initial stability and deep lead-bulb keel easily handle carbon rig with large square-top mainsail without a backstay or runners. HOo@suY+ %XBIUh+6^QY{2O?y+$-4 By@aA}N =_+yYTT`K?/e%wX She sources her stability from a wide and flat hull on the waterline and a lead T-bulb keel. The advantages for me are clear: Same power without the compustion downsides: Stinking, toxic odors of gasoline, no carburetor-works just plug & play. I am going to have this replaced with a more significant material soon. Performance Handicap Racing Fleet of Galveston Bay, Inc. 3620 Miramar Dr. . database not found either pre create it or allow remote database creation 0000035215 00000 n With again winds ranging from 10 to 13 knots true and the AWA ranging from 80 to 100 degrees the Seascape/First 27 managed to speed up to 7 7.4 knots SOG easily. Fuel tankage is a bit limited, with only 8 gallons capacity, but because the boat is . Who made them in the first place? BENETEAU First 27 | The Fastest and Safest Cruiser Sail area is also reduced compared to the original, by a little under 20% upwind and 13% downwind. Interior also offers crew bags for personal belongings, fridge, foldable table and sail-locker. 0000022045 00000 n PHRF of the Chesapeake, Inc. - Ratings But later more on this. When we finally were flat running before the wind, surprisingly, when I furled away the job the boat didnt much slowed down. We routinely run at 8+ knots in 15 knts of wind on a reach. Owner. Thanks to innovative magnetic doors, the mid-section of the boat can be converted to the proper marine toilette, front cabin extension or "wet-room" for sail-changes. Quick Links. With no jib unfurled yet the boat accelerated which I found highly interesting. ZgKBQP:U[ I@N I will post a dedicated article on possible differences of these two brands), Mainsail 280 sq.ft. 0000040781 00000 n As a ship moves in the water, it creates standing waves that oppose its movement. Beneteau First 34.7 review: from the archive - Yachting World Winds are typically strong sea breezes (15-plus knots) at the start of the race, but lighten as the race progresses. PHRF of the Chesapeake, Inc. - Ratings - Fleet Member Boat Ratings The First 27 - 2018is a 26'2" (7.99m) cruiser-racer sailboat designed by Sam Manuard Yacht Design(France). She was built between 1978 and 1980 by Bnteau (France). Since the stability depends also of the hull shapes and the position of the center of gravity, only the boats with similar ballast arrangements and hull shapes should be compared. Planing sensation and excitement will become your afternoon sailing routine on the First 27! Sailplan. That may take two times the length of a classic halyard but its just half the power needed to get sail up. Were ready to provide you with the assistance and expertise needed to launch you and your BENETEAU on a lifetime of happy, rewarding, and memorable voyages. LIVING ONBOARD endstream endobj 168 0 obj <> endobj 169 0 obj <>/Encoding<>>>>> endobj 170 0 obj <>/Type/Page>> endobj 171 0 obj <> endobj 172 0 obj <> endobj 173 0 obj <>stream In the end, less stuff by the yard opens up a wide range of possibilities by the owners. PHRF San Diego Manufacturer List Adj. Our First 42, HyLyte, weighs in at about 22,000 fully fueled and watered and provisioned for cruising--including the incredible amount of "stuff" my (much) better half insists she needs for a two/three week cruise. Her fairleads are cut into the toerail and she has cleats at bow and stern, but not amidships. And in some other way, it didnt. I admired the full carbon mast and boom which both where playing with the suns light and exposed their outer fibre-layup. Weve all heard it 1,000 times before: There is no substitute for good sails, reliable gear, and a smooth bottom. There is a large mainsheet traveller running the whole lengths from side to side in the cockpit which will allow for fine tuning of the mainsail and even more reassures me that this boat is made to be raced. Select Post; Deselect Post; Link to Post; Member. She delivers extraordinary sailing experience up to today reserved for professional racers. / 26 sq.metres, Jib 226 sq.ft. Available Soon. Though there is not much to switch as the Seascape/First 27 really is a no-frills sailboat for sure! Our boat featured the Andersen winches, which I love very much, although standard is Harken on the boats. Average PHRF Rating - Cruising Sailboats Reference - SchoonerMan By equivalent I mean which models are similar in design intent so that the ratings for these models can be compared. A moderate displacement boat, a powerful rig, and a sea-kindly hull will produce a boat that drives upwind, through chop, and carries a spinnaker large enough to preserve a lead. What I found really interesting was the magnetic doors which may either be used to close the head, close the fore cabin or simply taken off. x{{xTZ{Ir$dLH y@$'Oy&HPPZ_HWVC(L$7 Only two 393 RFM listed in US Sailing base rating database. Save. In the fore cabin there is a V-berth that can also serve as means of good night bed for 2 adults although it may be a bit narrow at their feets toes where the anchor chain locker is behind the bulkhead. When mostly used in races the boat is driven with a classic Jib on job hanks, I went for the cruising- and single handed sailing-friendly furling-option for the Genoa. Bnteau First 27, First Love - Plus d'infos sur le First 27.7 ici: TOUTES LES MERS TRE PERFORMANTEn plus de trente ans, la gamme First s'est taill. Rupert Holmes sails the Beneteau First 27 to find out. 0000035426 00000 n r` The thinking behind a modern sailing event SE challenge's roots, Beginner Sailing Guide: How to choose the right sailboat and learn how to sail, The epic legend of the First : 40 years on. The central folding table can also be used in the cockpit. One Design Central. The flooring is a light grey rubber/foam material. My local weeknight beercan series is conducted on a sheltered, narrow lake, with very shifty winds, but no current. Beneteau or Bnteau (French pronunciation: ) is a French sail and motor boat manufacturer, with production facilities in France and in the United States. First 25 S Sailboat by Beneteau - YouTube Cheers, Lars. This publication also lists handicaps by Class/Type, . The owner described the boat as being easy to handle even when pressed. Beneteau First 27 review: sportsboat given the Beneteau treatment ld/_BE/#Lp7@vl!irpz:twCmL6j:#{YOh=8Mg~ChP~I3oO>#i Uc|PhT2'^T6a|iycFdgdS}^OW|\lLt5k[. Beneteau Oceanis 46.1 includes small headsail 51 8/27/2019 Beneteau Oceanis 46.1 SM includes small headsail 54 1/20/2020 Beneteau Oceanis 49 84 10/27/2016 Bermuda 30 . I am hoping the number is closer to the Beneteau First 210. At the risk of adding another facet to an already complicated decision, we tasked PHRF guru Bruce Bingman with identifying a few boats that are likely to sail above their rating in certain conditions. Controversy as Vende Globe skipper Clarisse Cremer loses sponsor, Best yacht 2023: European yacht of the year winners, Golden Globe skipper Tapio Lehtinen rescued by fellow competitor after 24 hours in liferaft, 2020 Vende Globe preview: Pip Hare and Paul Larsens guide to the fleet, Spirit 111: This sailing art gallery is one of the most sensational yachts ever built, Video: See inside 9 of the most amazing modern sailing superyachts, Lagoon 46 first look: Updating this catamaran is a significant step for the yard, Excess 15 first look: This vibrant catamaran can sail in the lightest of winds, Dragonfly 40 yacht tour: This cruising trimaran can do 24 knots. The boat has a CE B category certification for up to 6 people and a CE C for 8 people. First 27 - 2018 (Bnteau) - Sailboat specifications - Beneteau. Lars Reisberg Although my First 38 is sitting on the hard with a for sale sign on it, it became a First 37.5, then a 38s5 etc. Good job, Seascape! Area B Meeting on June 28, 2022 minutes are posted here. Very high stability due to an unsinkable hull combined with threeunsinkablechambers, a crash-box, an inboard engine, and balanced twin rudders for complete control make safety one of her strongest points. The large flat-top North Sails main drove the hull well to windward, even when sailing as close as 40 degrees off the wind. Many factors go into buying a sailboat, including price, availability, style, and how much the boat will be used off the racecourse. PHRF 115 and up: The C&C 35 MK I is often overlooked. PHRF 115 and up: The B-25, Leif Baileys original sporty speedster, is almost unbeatable under these conditions. The Ballast ratio is an indicator of stability; it is obtained by dividing the boat's displacement by the mass of the ballast. In Yachting World March 2023 issue we bring you our bumper feature on the 20th European Yacht of the Year awards, where YWs Toby Hodges was among the 12-strong jury, This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google, Beneteau First 27 review: sportsboat given the Beneteau treatment, Banque Populaire drops out of the 2024 Vende Globe, Expert advice at cruising seminars this spring: book now, The motherhood penalty? The boat needs this draft, says Tim and points his finger up to the rigging. Chasotstrae 12 Its only after that when the halyard comes down again and diverted into the cockpit where the boats mainsail may be hoisted. You may think your two- or three-year-old sails look fine, but you will pick up 6 seconds per mile and more with a new inventory. As I'm sure you realize, PHRF doesn't care if the boat is extremely well sailed and equipped. Has Beneteau managed to turn a niche sportsboat into a fun cruiser? Below that number you tend to find dry-sailed race boats requiring professionally managed programs, which are beyond the scope of this exercise, and usually too fast to really race in most local series. PAB endstream endobj 170 0 obj <>stream Its therefore an interesting option for someone who usually sails in the sun, whether on their own boat or with others, but wants a capable and fun yacht to keep near home for daysails, weekends and occasional longer trips. QOsCz4(#6!J2p)KricHh6jM?GpWydc'(> aI/+9{g/xDOM+?1*>v1,%g9Ar. beneteau 47.7 18 45 27 beneteau 47.7 sd 30 45 33 beneteau 47.7 tm dk 24 33 27 beneteau 49 51 99 66 beneteau 50 57 90 72 beneteau figaro 99 105 102 beneteau first class 10 81 102 96 beneteau first class 12 60 69 63 beneteau first class 8 147 162 153 . PHRF 71 to 114: The Antrim 27 is a very fast and fun light-air performer thats great in a breeze, so long as theres not a lot of chop. All interior is modular, so one can quickly empty it and reduce weight for racing needs. One bulkhead near the mast stand will make for lateral stiffness, some stringers moulded into the hull add longitudinal stiffness. The races in my weeknight series are held on open, exposed, and typically choppy water, especially in moderate winds. 2NGy`J >"\#;T@\Y9i[v?9 The Deep draft version displays a deeper fin allowing a lower center of gravity and extra performance especially upwind. My base rating is 126 on the northern Gulf coast, with a shoal draft keel. BENETEAU has decided to follow the path of innovation to reduce the environmental impact of sailing. BOAT_TYPE RATING DATE DW Class Rating Beneteau 40.7 First Farr ODR 48 3/9/2004 Beneteau 405 TM 90 6/1/1989 Beneteau 411 105 12/9/1999 Beneteau 415 96 1/18/1990 Beneteau 41S5 90 . A Bonnier LLC Company. There are berths for four, including two comfortable settee/quarter berths in the saloon, plus a double in the forepeak and enough space to stow kitbags. Of course not before we held the boats bow strictly up wind and he was pulling the halyard to get up the mainsail. View this Sloop and other Sail boats on Beneteau has a habit of re-designing their boats every few years, so the model numbers are tweaked. "%h8' MO8g>($IE0>(!H`JvtiilIJd)]v93Q}) S"{LL]L{} =hVHBHRux_Z`H{2e'R:D:vp 0000021492 00000 n A. It is always a moment of relief on a sailing boat when the skipper finally turns off the engine, but on the Seascape/First 27 it was a really big sigh of relief from the bottom of our hearts as we had brought enough sea room between us and the marina and Tim finally killed the engine! Feedback? We wanted boats that are lively, fun to sail, and available. PHRF New England is an independent handicapping authority whose handicaps are used by fleets sailing on Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts Bay, the Gulf of Maine, and Lake Winnipesauke. The bowsprit, mounted. International Owners Community and events calendar enable owners to challenge themselves on long-distance. Length over all (Loa) 26.21ft. / 7.99 metres, Beam 8 ft. 4 inches / 2.54 metres, Draft 6 ft. 7 inches / 2.00 metres, Mast length 35 ft. 9 inches / 10.90 metres. Check out this Used 2005 Beneteau First 36.7 for sale in Deale, MD 20751. Then there is a small cooling compartment (which I havent ordered with a fidge-unit) under one of the steps of the entryway and two big compartments under the salons benches. xSM(DQ={x#(b(VhfcFVD,$!JB$26X?[QJ4v}0Vd05MH]>hR8n9n$;G[aDbJp*M6>iG?sQ\2'h>}lJisYC^USpZ]m=Vet/QE0#'Z)tPL7PfLE|bkB{wY? One Design challenges across the continent in a great company of supportive, like-minded sailors. If PHRF racing is the only game in your sailing town, consider whether your boat is right for your typical conditions. Boat Class Lookup. 166 0 obj <> endobj The different suffiix are the variations of the same boat: SM=Standard mast TM=tall mast, DK-deep keel, SD - shoal draft, WK = wing keel , RFM furling main As example TM / DK will be faster boats. Save. Back in harbour we moored the boat and now she wasnt appearing so small at last. The One Design racing calendar comprises of fully crewed windward-leeward races to adventurous long-distance double-handed or solo challenges. Ratings | PHRF of Narragansett Bay Club. Calendar. Upwind, at some 40 degrees AWA in 10 to 13 knots of true wind the boat, depending on the waves, made some 5 to 6 knots. The easiest way to keep your boat safe and ready to cruise anytime. US Sailing Resource Library. Beneteau First 10R: A One Design That's Not Afraid to Rate Given more time we could have enjoyed wonderful downwind sailing for 200 miles or more to Split or Dubrovnik, then put the boat on a road trailer for the upwind return leg. 181 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<42348B2467349EB39DA18D9FE6BEECDD><5BA7F2238023F34F9D8C8A3BBF32F71D>]/Index[166 25]/Info 165 0 R/Length 85/Prev 227054/Root 167 0 R/Size 191/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream I fiddled around with these and could instantly see what my actions changed (mostly not for better performance ). First 27 SE is a real high-performance planing sailboat, easily achieving thrilling double-digit speeds and delivering an incomparable sailing experience, resulting from modern design and building technologies. Of course, no water will ever reach the inside of the boat . You like the smaller fun boats? . I met Tim, a young sailor who is part of the OLeu Doyler-sailmaker dynasty here at the Baltic shores and breathes sailing with every pore of his body. Beneteau First 27 #160. Sounds quite like some work and I was happy not to try it . endstream endobj 167 0 obj <> endobj 168 0 obj <> endobj 169 0 obj <>stream $79,000. 0000001338 00000 n A fridge isnt the most stupid idea here. RATING REVIEWS. Easy. Valid Certificates List - WFPHRF. - West Florida PHRF But it was nevertheless interesting to see how the internal volume is used in the Seascape/First 27. Sure, her sawnoff transom is quite trendy, but overall her appearance in elevation gives her the look of a scaled-down Beneteau First 40.7 and although this boat has been a firm favourite with. There is another plain First launched end-2020 which comes with Aluminium-rigging, Dacron sails, bachstays, fixed keel and a small galley. Call for Price. Rating Base Rating Non-spin. Utilizing the free time, I took a closer look at some of the interesting details of the Seascape/First 27 interior design. All rights reserved. No noise at all! BENETEAU First 27 SE | A Born Sailboat Leader The ballast weight is 610 kilograms in a swing keel that is moved by electro-hydraulic means. stay roblox piano sheet copy and paste. The advantages for me are clear: Same power without the compustion downsides: Stinking, toxic odors of gasoline, no carburetor-works - just "plug & play". VAT (indicative only), Diesel for inboard engine, gas for outboard. Beneteau First 27 SE / Seascape 27 - NO FRILLS SAILING upwind sail area of 506 sq.ft. So why change a winning formula? trailer The Beneteau First 27 has berths for four, plus cooking and heads facilities, but theres no standing headroom. iC847}V>Ry=I9~pO&kD^R1KZO$ Y6H I sailed the new Beneteau First 27 in Barcelona a few months ago in very light airs, with only 3.5-6.5 knots of true wind and three of us on board. Up to now more than 150 units have been made and sold, which makes up for some 15 per cent of Seascapes annual production. Thanks to Doyle-OLeu sailmakers and Tim in particular! Although compact, the interior is welcoming and provides for all basic needs. The main promise and differentiation of the First 27 is her performance and unique sailing experience. PHRF 30 to 70: The J/120 has consistently demonstrated excellent all-around performance to its typical rating. When we finally were flat running before the wind, surprisingly, when I furled away the job the boat didnt much slowed down. From what little I know about Beneteau designs, some are designed for racing and some for cruising. It was the long-awaited Boom! I will work out a portable solution provide the WC of my boat with at least a small sink or possibility to wash ones hands after using the WC. Ah, I think Smackln hit on what Sailordel was asking for!!!! The Seascape/First 27 features a proper toilet that can either be ordered as a pumping toilet with a grey water holding tank (and flushing seacocks) or with a camping-toilet. In 2018 Beneteau purchased a controlling stake in the Slovenian builder Seascape, bringing all Seascape models into the fold of its First range. I am uncertain if there is a way to directly convert the decimal NZ rating to the . For me, of course? %%EOF From what little I know about Beneteau designs, some are designed for racing and some for cruising. I beared away and the boat instantly jumped to speed! Think Seascape: Sailing the new Beneteau First 27 - NO FRILLS SAILING She was very, very responsive at the helm thanks to the direct and pure feedback felt in the tiller. Between the saloon and forepeak theres a small galley to port and toilet to starboard. 126. Performance Handicap Racing Fleet of Southern California - PHRF SoCal - FIRST 27 SE (BENETEAU) Sailboat I am only looking at base rating, the corrections are well defined in the SEF PHRF handbook. 0000001786 00000 n They also provide easily accessible on-deck stowage, in addition to the big lazarette. The inboard engine is a 15hp with shaft drive. hk0}(%J i>X2uPAKQw'Zst0D:U[RXAH!PgA?f6A}D!u7xFsnc862'f}akg'1zd6gXZH0IgYnI$|ip3:%k".LnwfE)7zm>8 CY[zt1?8=i]y_+zY7kS)Z09AbaJbJT&Yl4 Even a thin layer of slime will cost you 3 seconds per mile. Your rating of 0.788 puts you next to a Beneteau First 10R that has PHRF NW ratings of 81 and 84. Manufacturer Model I J P E LOA LWL Draft Beam Disp Bal Keel Buoy RLC OW; Adhara: 30: 40.84: 12.02: 36.25: 12.25: 29.89: 24.97: 5.7: 10.67: 5400: 2300: Fin: 84: 87: 90 . 126 doesn't sound way out of line. Very nice! Tim said that it would cost around half a knot letting the prop out. It was almost dark when I stepped from the ever-balancing hull of my Seascape 18 onto the dock in Svendborg. 2023 PHRF of Narragansett Bay- This is a Free Drupal Theme Ported to Drupal for the Open Source Community by Drupalizing, a Project of More than . Copyright 2018-2023 United States Sailing Association. 0000011320 00000 n Even with a fixed keel, theFirst27 is still a fully trailerable boat offering you a new level of freedom. Sailing World may receive financial compensation for products purchased through this site. Just top of the pops equipment on the First 27. The boats are very fast. The cockpit benches in the forward part of the cockpit are also new and create a more comfortable cruising style, especially with the optional cockpit cushions. Building quality & construction. Quite simply, not everyone wants a boat thats as optimised for speed: creature comforts and simplicity are also important factors. xref Catalina 42 Fleet CAT42 . The Beneteau First 25 S is powered by a 14hp Yanmar diesel with a standard fixed prop that will push the boat near 7 knots on flat water. I must admit that I personally fancy the bigger boats. This is neatly arranged, with the latter closed off, except while in use, when the galley units are then similarly concealed. The summer average is 10 knots, and the race committee usually runs windward-leeward courses. Boat Name. Bnteau First 38 deck layout. PDF UNITED STATES PERFORMANCE HANDICAP RACING FLEET - WildApricot class . Please use the contact-page. Beneteau First 27 : Benutii: 109 : 122 : 102 : 20 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 7 : 0 : 0 . The First 27 - 2018has also been marketed as Seascape 27. All the power is nothing if you can't manage it. This particular compartment is laid out as a thermos jug and can be equipped with a compressor to be operated as a proper fridge. These boats are full of those nice little simple gadgets. %_KCyq% She is designed to sleep up to 6 adults, 2 in the bow cabin and up to 4 in a very bright and openly-spaced salon, and is also equipped with a removable table and fridge. Other than that, the bpat is pretty naked and the yard leaves it upto the owner to configure and equip the sailboat to every single skippers needs. That is reflected in the PHRF ratings; normally a First of similar length (and vintage!) . But the changes didn't stop there. How It Works PHRF handicaps are assigned by individuals or committees associated with specific fleets. JavaScript is disabled. They can even bury their feet deep under the cockpit in some tiny quarter berth-like bulges. Instead of cutting a big hole in the cabin coachroof the Seascape/First 27 features a nice clever rotatable mount where the chart plotter is attached to. Factors include the type of boat, its length, weight, sail area, crew, and location. Historically one of the downsides of small boats like this has often been when conditions get tough. 0000011111 00000 n The aim is to cancel out the inherent advantages and disadvantages of each class of boats, so that results reflect crew skill rather than equipment superiority. Well equipped and extremely well sailed. 1. 0000011440 00000 n Ive come to order two bean bags for the First 27 as well because these are great when at anchor or at the jetty to lay down, recline and enjoy boat life. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. (a) 105% Headsail, 1400SF Kite (Class Boats) /46/37/35/ (b) 105% Headsail, up to 1668.4SF Kite /42/33/27/ (c) 105% Headsail, Max PHRF size Kite /39/30/24/ Boats with Larger Main or Headsail To Be Reviewed Separately.
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