Drive around the shore of Crystal Lake to visit Point Betsie Lighthouse Colfax Township is situated in the southeast corner of beautiful Benzie County in Michigan's northwest Lower Peninsula. material in a bin or on the ground. World Cleanup Day 2023 Shredded paper and mixed paper can still be placed in the bin inside a paper bag. Business 1st - Nacho Cheezy Chowder/Hungry Tummy Benzie County is committed to environmental health through recycling opportunities, "It is sad to miss, but it will be back," read a press release. Its residents enjoy the area's quiet rural character yet have the convenience of services offered in nearby Benzonia and the villages of Thompsonville and Beulah. If you want to be contacted for water and sewer outages please sign up with, Benzie County Office of Emergency Management - Code RED Mass notification system. You may now recycle all numbers of plastics, #1 through #7. Content is for informational purposes only. WHILE and ATIConsulting County Cleanup KWD - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Ted Fund Board 2021-22; 2021 Ted Fund Donors; Ted Fund Donors Over the Years. Neighborhood Cleanup - Henrico County, Virginia Benzie Academy; Board of Education . Benzie County Northwestern Lower Michigan Normal Office Hours: Monday: 9:00 am to 12:00 pm Wednesday: 9:00 am to 3:00 pm Friday: 9:00 am to 12:00 pm Office entry is in the rear of the building. Click here to view the details and application (PDF). Box 570 Michigan. Fireworks will still start at 7:15 p.m. on Saturday . Officials expect to complete 14 to 16 cleanups per year. 231-378-2144FAX: 231-378-4665Hours by Appointment, Web Site 4,106. You can cross that off you list of winter worries by taking a few simple precautions. 2023 Frankfort Art Fair. Frankfort-Elberta Chamber of Commerce; Benzie County Chamber of Commerce; Frankfort-Elberta Area Schools; Benzie Central Schools; Friends of Betsie Valley Trail; Benzie Shores District Library . Discussions are casual, free-flowing, and environmentally inspired. ", Housing North - New Tools for Housing Webinar. As one of the least populated but heavily visited areas of Lower Michigan, we Beulah's WinterFest Fireworks will move inland due to too thin ice on Crystal Lake. The 2023 cleanup will take place on Saturday, September 23rd to avoid conflicting with Rosh Hashanah. BOONE, IowaChanges at the Boone County Landfill have led to changes in the list of items taken free of charge during the planned Boone City Wide Clean-up in June. Nine miles long and three miles wide, this lake boasts 9,711 acres in size and up to 175 feet deep. Needed: residents who can volunteer to pick up litter along our county roadways. This quiet northern bedroom community boasts numerous picturesque parks, and works to maintain the natural beauty of northern Michigan. 3 Month. World Cleanup Day Held on Saturday Millions of people from up to 180 countries have pledged to participate in the fourth World Cleanup Day held on Saturday, September 18. Appliances, furniture, electronics, trash and tires (four per resident) will be accepted and can be . Benzie County Community Clean Up Day - Lake Township is in the northwest corner of Benzie County, in the northwestern portion of Lower Michigan. Benzonia Township is located seven miles from the harbor-town of Frankfort and Lake services to individuals with disabilities at the Board of Review The State of Michigan - Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) awarded $1730.00 to the Grand Traverse Regional Land Conservancy in 2021 for stream cleanup and monitoring through the Michigan Clean Water Corps (MiCorps) Program. Northern Kentucky Recycling Clean Up Events are as follows: Box 570, Thompsonville, MI 49683. We protect land in several ways: We think about the area we serve in terms of watersheds, coasts, scenic transportation corridors and vital clusters of our regions working farms and forests. The Official Website of Almira Township, Benzie County, Michigan Population growth and capitalism are just two of the main factors that have led to severely high . County-wide Cleanup May 15, 2021 Click on button below for more information! Site Copyright 101 West Grandview Parkway, Traverse City, MI 49684; T: 231-947-1120 or 1-800-872-8377 Watch on. on the shores of Lake Michigan. Legal mail will be opened in front of the inmate, which means they can see what it is and know that it wasn't tampered with. Appointments are required for informative documents and links. In 1979, the Benzie Central High School created new fields on Homestead Road and followed the provision by selling the 20 acres of football and baseball fields to Benzie County for $1.00. shall appreciate your cooperation when it comes time for him to visit your property. Snowfall Benzie County Road Commission New issues continue to arise: swimmers itch, shoreline erosion, invasive species making their way to these waters, the need for long term planning. Starting April 22, 2021 until further notice. You may now recycle more and throw away less. Up north seasonal events for families including fireworks, fall fest, Crystal Lake Marathons and more. If you are interested in becoming a trained Firefighter, EMT or Medical First Responder, or are already trained as such, and are willing to dedicate a small portion of your life to community service, please contact one of our members or call the station during duty crew hours. Boone County Clean Up Days. 2023 Art in the Park. Aug. 31, 2021. Hourly weather forecast in Benzie for the next 15 days: temperature, precipitation, cloud cover, rain, snow, wind, humidity, pressure, fog, sun, thunder, uv index. Government PM on: Call 231-882-0554 to make an appointment Township Board Agendas and Minutes The agendas and minutes for the Township Board meetings are posted as soon as possible after they are received. Summer Events in Traverse City | Fairs, Festivals, & Activities There are outdoor art shows like Old Town Arts & Crafts Fair and the Suttons Bay Art Festival, cultural happenings like the Port Oneida Fair , and athletic events like the six-week Great Lakes Equestrian Festival where thousands of the nation's best horses and riders compete in the International Olympic disciplines of Show Jumping. to our Lake Township Park the pride of the township, located Copyright Jun 17th @ 10:00 AM. New District Sanitary Code becomes effective January 27, 2023. . Practical action to address concerns is accompanied by sustained programs to enlist public awareness and involvement. Be at home in the trees. - Benzie County - Vrbo No refund if you cancel less than 7 days before check-in. 105 volunteers collected 145 bags (3,190lbs) of trash in over 41.25 hours! It is located in Benzonia Township at the southeast end of Crystal Lake, about one mile (1.6 km) north of Benzonia on U.S. Highway 31 (US 31). Purchase of a Lakeshore pass allows you to recreate WELDON TWP. Mr. Brow will necessary Water Quality Report 2021; Residents. The CLWAs mission remains the same as envisioned by its predecessors over a half century ago preserving and protecting the beauty, natural qualities and recreational resources of Crystal Lake and its watershed on behalf of all its stakeholders throughout the region, now and for the future. ClickHereto print an application and return it to the Almira Township Clerk at 7276 Ole White Drive, Lake Ann, MI 49650. In May, we Nationally recognize Earth Day and Arbor Day. These are annual events designed to bring awareness to the effects of the human equation on the earth's resources. While many focus 1/365 of their time thinking about pollution, recycling, global warming, beach clean-ups, and more; it should really be a 365/365 issue. (click). Please call 231-882-0554, Check online:, follow the Benzie County Solid Waste Department on Facebook or e-mail us at Northwestern Lower The State of Michigan - Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) awarded $750.20 to the Benzie Conservation District in 2021 for stream cleanup and monitoring through the Michigan Clean Water Corps (MiCorps) Program and $2000.00 in maintenance grants. In Benzie County, there were 0 newly reported COVID-19 cases and 0 newly reported COVID-19 deaths on Feb 05, 2023. Monitoring the condition of the lake and its surroundings remains at the core of CLWAs purpose. and ATIConsulting. [8] The Whitewater Township Board will strive to maintain the rural character of our community, to enhance our quality of life, and to utilize your tax dollars in a fiscally sound manner. New Deaths Per Day. Michigan. This is considered illegal dumping and violators The Benzie Conservation District provides information and assistance for all your conservation and environmental concerns. Click on the following link for meeting details. var wts=document.createElement('script');wts.type='text/javascript'; The tentative Customer Service Hours Monday - Friday - 7:30 AM to 5:00 PM For All Time Zones // Call Wed-Fri for shorter wait times Saturday - Login/create account for self-serve options. at the mouth of the Platte River at Lake Michigan. 273 S. Benzie Blvd., Beulah, MI, 49617 Event Type. Combating soil erosion, managing surface and groundwater quality and promoting the maintenance of the lands related resources and the aesthetic values are vital to the communitys long range economic well being, from food and timber production to natural resources related industries and tourism. Man arrested on multiple Benzie County drug charges Thank you to the more than 35,000 volunteers who participated in the 38th Annual California Coastal Cleanup Day in 2022. household hazardous waste and electronic equipment collections, and educational programs. Click on the following link for meeting details. Find out more about the Annual County Clean-Up 2023! Clean Slate for Michigan - Safe & Just Michigan The program will be presented by Jack Ducote, a local high school senior who placed first in Michigan and seventh in the 2021-2022 national competition, at the Benzie Area Historical Museum. To these ends, the District strives to be a gateway to resource management information and service providers, so that citizens may manage their lands for a healthier Benzie County. Most events are hosted or coordinated by Chamber Members or other community organizations and are posted as a courtesy. Your local customer service number: 844-737-8254 If you want to be contacted for water and sewer outages please sign up with Benzie County Office of Emergency Management - Code RED Mass notification system. Benzonia Township, Village of Benzonia, and, Sewer Feasibility Study Meeting, March 7th, Thank you to Cottage Pros for Ice Rink Maintenance, Village Planning Commission Needs Volunteers. When you visit our area you are in a true Township Board Meeting Details OFFICE HOURS Monday 8:00am to 4:00pm Tuesday 8:00am to 4:00pm He was an awesome son, brother, nephew,cousin and friend. Other ways to contact: Project Clean Slate, 2 Woodward Avenue, Suite 500 Detroit, MI 48226, (313) 237-3024, Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 5:00 pm, official hard copy, the officialhard copy will prevail. skiing, snowmobiling, and ice fishing in the winter. The agendas and minutes for the Township Board meetings are posted as soon as possible after they are received. LARGE GROUPS. Businesses, contractors & residents are encouraged to support the youth of Benzie County by bringing clean, flat, corrugated cardboard to these trailers. Kaufman County monthly cleanup event scheduled for Saturday, Jan. 9 View Pickup and Holiday Schedule - Republic Services The page also shows their address, office hours, Clean tin, aluminum and plastic containers may go in the same bin as paper & flat boxes. When we talk about the Park on this site, we're referring 178 talking about this. (GD). 77. Clean up your neighborhood, parks, and local area anytime. 2007-2023 by Colfax Beulah is a village and the county seat of Benzie County, Michigan. It has two quaint villages within its parameter, Beulah and Benzonia. This 30-acre park has become very popular during A monthly scheduled has not yet been released but, this Saturday's event will be held at the City of Kaufman's Convenience Station at 701 Alton Street in Kaufman, Texas, from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m. Box 68Thompsonville, MI, 49683Phone: Site Copyright 2015-2023 by Benzonia Township, Village Planning Commission Recycling - Clarion Chamber of Business & Industry | Clarion PA Benzie County Jail 505 Michigan Avenue (US 31), Beulah, MI, 49617 If an inmate wants to receive a book in the mail, it has to come directly from the publisher. Recycling Information - Inland Township - Benzie County, Michigan with the Benzie County Recycling/Solid Waste Department. We're happy to answer any questions you may have! Taxpayers with assessment questions can find Mr. Brow's contact information This special event is held on the last Saturday of each month beginning May 28 and ending September 24. The city will no longer take televisions, computer monitors or computer towers. As your one-stop-shop, your Benzie Area Chamber of Commerce provides listings for events and festivals in our community. many miles of shoreline and waterways in the summer for swimming, kayaking, and Recently, the Michigan Chamber of Commerce, the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE), and Bi-Partisan Michigan Lawmakers have collaborated on the NextCycle Michigan Initiative. As a member of the Michigan Chamber of Commerce, your Benzie Area Chamber of Commerce will be at the forefront of communication on area events, legislation, and community impact. Fall Festival - CLCBA Board Members; Meeting Schedule; What's next? THE 15 BEST Things to Do in Benzie County - Tripadvisor Menu. For any questions, contact Jessica Barnard: Registration and Zoom Info MARCH 3/13 Winter Webinar Series: Michigan Forest Communities 6:00pm - 7:00pm Zoom meeting Agricultural 49.49 Recycling - ALCONA CONSERVATION DISTRICT Home - Inland Township - Benzie County, Michigan Zoning Property Taxes Assessing Forms CLEAN UP DAY - MAY 6TH - 7 a.m. - 11 a.m. National History Day is a year-long, themed competition for 6th- to 12th-grade students in which they research and present on a topic of their choice. Oakland County Michigan Works! Contact the Village of Benzonia with questions. While these organizations task themselves with these issues all year long, we need to recognize those that stand in the gaps to offer services and events dedicated to keeping our Benzie Area a part of America's Most Beautiful Places. BENZIE COUNTY Crystal Downs looks forward every year to hosting Benzie County residents for a day of golf on the first Tuesday of October, but this year, the event had to be canceled. September 16, 2023. International Coastal Cleanup Day on September 16 is a promise to bring cleanliness and purity to nature as a whole. See the Park The Recycling Program provides alternatives to residents and businesses to properly dispose of solid waste and keep it out of the landfill whenever possible.Single Stream Recycling Comes to Benzie County. Mr. Brow will annually visit approximately 20% of properties in the township to verify No reservations, 1st come, 1st serve. Benzonia Township Government - Benzie County, Michigan If you are interested in this position, or would like to find out more information, call or email the Supervisor. Thursday and Friday by appointment made Monday Thru Wednesday when the office is open. Information, and Events, Colfax Township's assessor isGunnar Chance Chapman Benzie County January 12, 1997 - February 19, 2023 Chance Daniels Chapman, of Benzie Co., died February 19, 2023. Jul 4th @ 10:00 AM. The City of Shakopee, in cooperation with Louisville Township, Jackson Township and Scott County, offers a spring and fall Clean Up Day for household junk that can be recycled. The Village of Beulah is located on the eastern shore of beautiful Crystal Lake with Michigan and boating are enjoyed on this fresh, clean lake. Over 33 000 tons of waste was registered and collected. Spring 2023 Clean Up Day: Saturday, April 29, 7:30 - 11:30 a.m. Box 570 Thompsonville, MI 49683 Phone: 231-378-2477 HOME Weldon Township Hall (Click on photo for a link to the hall at Google Maps.)
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