Bill Gates, the fourth richest person in the world, currently owns 242,000 acres of farmland, making him the top private farmland owner in America, according to Forbes. Bill Gates currently owns over 268,000 acres of American farmland spread out over 19 states. He owns 242,000 acres, which is equivalent to the area of Fannin County GA. Bill Gates may no longer be the worlds richest man, but he can claim a new title: Americas farmland king. buying an increasing share of the U.S. housing market. Like wealth, land ownership is becoming concentrated into fewer and fewer hands, resulting in a greater push for monocultures and more intensive industrial farming techniques to generate greater returns. Bill and Melindas main residenceand by far their most impressive homeis a massive compound in Medina, Washington nicknamed 'Xanadu 2.0' in a reference to, Undisclosed Sale Price (Listed for $8.9 Million). Residents Furious When Bill Gates Swoops in to Buy Huge - Futurism Cascade declined to comment on its specific land holdings. While Gates is Americas biggest farmland owner, hes far from being the nations largest landowner in general. Arable land is not just profitable. It is unclear how cheap biofuels can be but if they are cheap it can solve the aviation and truck emissions.. Bill Gates is betting big on US farmland - should you? As more and more land becomes developed, less and less raw land is available, which potentially increases the value as demand remains the same or even increases. Farmer Bill - The Land Report Bill Gates is in the money flow business, and farmland, as well as other land, can generate a lot of money. TRENDING: OUCH! Bill Gates' 20,000 acres in Nebraska help make him the top farmland He said that this is where large tracts of rich farmland is used to raise livestock and grow many of the vegetables that end up in grocery aisles up and down the East Coast. Our inventory spans mostly in the western United States. The potential is endless. Does Bill Gates Own the Majority of US Farmland? | Why Is Bill Gates Buying Farmland? You'll be Surprised - Land Income Bill Gates is now America's biggest farmer - The Telegraph For Indigenous caretakers, land use isnt premised on a return of investments; its about maintaining the land for the next generation, meeting the needs of the present, and a respect for the diversity of life. Apparently Bill Gates now owns almost 242,000 acres of land in the United States. by Harvard Universitys Joint Center for Housing Studies. They said farmland has been a popular investment for a long time because of its stability. The farmland was purchased through a constellation of companies that all link back to the couples investment group, Cascade Investments, based in Kirkland, Washington. The billionaire recently came under severe criticism from a fourth-generation farmer in South Georgia for his farmland ownership in the U.S. Will Harris, who owns a 152-year-old family farm named. This is part of APs effort to address widely shared misinformation, including work with outside companies and organizations to add factual context to misleading content that is circulating online. He added: 'In addition, the states oldest winery, Chateau Ste. Bill and Melinda bought this massive mansion in the Coachella Valley for $12.5 million in 1999. Bill Gates now owns more farmland than anyone else in the United States, as the tech tycoon has quietly purchased 242,000 acres of farmland in several states across the country. Bill Gates has never been a farmer. The relationship to land who owns it, who works it, and who cares for it reflects obscene levels of inequality and legacies of colonialism and white supremacy., ill Gates has never been a farmer. Gates is now America's largest private farmland owner, with hundreds of thousands of acres spanning across 19 U.S. states, according to the Land Report. While private companies and corporations are increasing . Billionaire owns 38-square miles of farmland in Illinois. But, As of February 2021, Gates has made headlines across the wor. Many people wonder why Bill Gates would make these moves with his investment portfolio. than 85 million single-family homes in the country, and only around 15 million of those are rentals, Of those rentals, less than a third are owned by non-individual investors, according to. Cascade did not immediately respond to a phone message Friday, and the company declined to comment to The Land Report other than to say that Cascade is very supportive of sustainable farming, the outlet said. BlackRock is sometimes confused w/ Blackstone, which owned Invitation Homes. Well, youd think, if you're looking for somebody with enough capital to try that, he would go first. In this country, enslaved Black labor first built US wealth atop stolen Native land. The six-bed Del Mar home, which boasts a ten-person jacuzzi and swimming pool overlooking the ocean, was bought by the couple in late Marchas the international coronavirus pandemic began to take hold. Its uncertain why Gates has invested in so much farmland or how his tracts are currently being used. Although the price that the Gates paid for this property was never made public, theres a $300,000 initiation fee, and more than $37,000 in annual feesand you still have to purchase a home within the community. What Land Does Bill Gates Own In Michigan? - PartyShopMaine Farmers just aren't owning the assets anymore. Now Bill Gates appears to have acquired a slice of their tiny city, and locals near. They accounted for almost 1% of the agricultural land in the United States. BlackRock also does not own the majority of the countrys 80 million single-family homes. In north Louisiana, the Gateses investment firm owns about 70,000 acres of land through at least three other shell companies. 2023 NYP Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved, BillGatesbuys nearly $1B Heineken stake despite not being a big beer drinker, Bill Gates daughter living in $51M NYC home as she welcomes first baby, Elites want to use AI to censor political opponents, Bill Gates claims his private jet habit not part of the climate problem. The acquisition, however . In total he owns 268,984 acres of land of all types in 19 states, including a suburb up for development - as a so-called 'smart city' - outside Phoenix, Arizona. Since 2017 he reportedly holds a significant stake in 24,800 acres of land on the west side of Phoenix. In total, Gates owns approximately 242,000 acres of farmland with assets totaling more than $690m. It can be used for residential development, commercial projects, industrial zoning, public or semi-public use, agriculture, or right of way (a way for others to access a different piece of land or portion of the land). Housecall is the official blog of RISMedia, covering real estate news and information for agents, brokers and their clients. He also purchased the 800-acre Bridlewood Farms in Florida. We know that one of the best ways to sequester carbon is through the soil. Last year, Cascade Investment made a second major investment in Arizona by acquiring more than 2,800 acres known as Spurlock Ranch in Buckeye for $25 million, that could be built out to include 8,500 homes. They own the soil where the potatoes in McDonald's french fries grow, the carrots from the world's largest . As more and more land gets developed, if you own land that is in the path of the plan, you could have buyers offering you big money to take hold of the property. In emails, BlackRock spokesman Christopher Beattie told The Associated Press that the firm. When pressed during a book discussion on Reddit about why hes gobbling up so much farmland, Gates claimed, It is not connected to climate [change]. The decision, he said, came from his investment group. Cascade Investment, the firm making these acquisitions, is controlled by Gates. Gates owns almost 9,000 acres in Ohio, just over 9,000 acres in Indiana, nearly 18,000 in Illinois, but only 552 acres in Iowa. It was the highest priced land sale in the US that year. Since then, weve sold to dozens of people from ATV weekend warriors to camping enthusiasts to retired truck drivers. In 2018 Gates reportedly bought about 16,000 acres in his home state of Washington, including a 14,500-acre tract in the Horse Heaven Hills region that was purchased for nearly $171 million from an insurance company that had paid $75million for it in 2010. The Microsoft co-founder and his former wife, Melinda, are the top farmland owners in. You can email us at Through our professional experience in land acquisition, we have found that people buy and sell land for many different reasons and have learned that it can be an investment for profit, vacation, or any opportunity that suits your needs and desires. 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Thats why lands still managed by Indigenous peoples worldwide protect and sustain 80% of the worlds biodiversity, practices anathema to industrial agriculture. And in Florida, farmers grow carrots on their property. This will always be true, no matter where the land is. The 1862 Homestead Act opened up 270m acres of Indigenous territory which amounts to 10% of US land for white settlement. The Microsoft co-founder is considered the largest private owner of farmland in the country with some 269,000 acres across dozens of states, according to last years edition of the Land Report 100, an annual survey of the nations largest landowners. So if now the best farmers can do if you want to stay in farming is rent this land, you're not going to get the benefits that come with land ownership.. But even with his big new agricultural holdings, Gates still doesn't rank in the Top 100 of private landowners overall in the U.S. - when considering owners of land of all types, not just agricultural. He owns significantly more farmland than Minnesota's Offutt family and California's Resnick family, which each own 190,000 acres and rank second equal on the list. One of the largest plots of land owned by a subsidiary of the Gateses investment arm in Louisiana, Angelina Plantation, was previously owned by former WorldCom CEO Bernard Ebbers, who died last year, a month after being released from prison. Malone continued, the forestry part of it in the Northeast is a pretty good business, with very low return on capital, but very stable and leverageable. If the land is owned by the Cascade Investment Group or Cottonwood Ag Management it is likely that Bill Gates may be one of your neighbors.
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