Reporting what had happened, Avott was pardoned by Governor Lewis Wolfley and did no time in prison. ?-1883) Almer was the leader of the Red Jack Gang who preyed on Arizona stagecoaches during the early 1880s. A few days later, a group of Union solders raided his home, threw out his family, stole everything they could and set the entire homestead on fire. As legend has it, the lynching party rode off, firing several wild shots, as the pair of men were still hanging. William E. Walters, aka: Bill Anderson, Billy Brown, Bronco Billy (1869-1921) Bronco Bill Walters might have started out his life as a cowboy and a railroader, but he soon found a more lucrative future as a train and stagecoach robber. Like the books protagonist, the author of the book had his own notorious personal history. Under increasing pressure from law enforcement, Longley fled from place to place and used several aliases to avoid arrest. He was arrested, convicted and sentenced that year, but escaped jail and remained at large for nine years until captured early in 1876. WILLIAM "BILL" WILSON - The Second Battle of Cabin Creek - Facebook Mountain people of the Ozarks maintained a code of mind your own business. They didnt readily take anyone into their confidence. He deserted two weeks later, as he was unable to adapt to the strict lifestyle, but was captured and court-martialed. Some individuals, like Jesse James, became outlaws after serving in the Civil War. Pursued by lawmen in Oklahoma, he was wounded at the time of his capture on August 4, 1895. Lawrence was wrong and Wilson was hanged twice on December 10, 1875. [1] He received an average education for the time. List of Old West gunfighters - Wikipedia He was an uncle of President Harry Truman and had met Quantrill while a wagon master on the Santa Fe Trail. Billy The Kid - Teenage Outlaw of the Southwest He was released on January 11, 1900, along with Matt Warner. All five pulled their revolvers and Bill killed the other four. They reportedly also killed a freed slave woman in Evergreen. He had owned several slaves but freed them before the War and advised his grown children remain as neutral as possible. Duped, he began to pass the money and was arrested and indicted. Bill Wilson went to Texas and his wife received a letter stating that he was killed for his wealth. Robbing stages between. Eugenio Alarid A crooked lawman and outlaw, Alarid was a member of the Las Vegas, New Mexico police force and a member of Vicente Silvas White Caps Gang. On another occasion, Bill was working with Bushwhacker Tom Brown. Maybe no five pistoleers alive that could kill him, but two ex-comrades in arms did get the drop on him. There was quicksand between the two trails. Bill caught on and slipped up hill in order to change locations. Burrell. It was thought that no one could kill him. He was captured in Chicago, Illinois. Forced to go on the run, he joined Billy the Kid and his gang rustling cattle in the local area. David Lawrence Anderson (1862 - June 4, 1918) was a 19th-century American outlaw, better known under the alias Billy Wilson, who rode with Billy the Kid following the Lincoln County War. They were all innocent. He was released in 1890. Was he exhumed and buried in a cemetery or left by the road covered with a little dirt and brush? He and several others, including the Apache Kid, were to be transported by stagecoach from Globe to Casa Grande before being put on a train to Yuma. Because of his fun loving personality and skill at playing the violin, he was always in demand for weddings and parties. In the summer of that year, Mason County Sheriff, J. J. Finney, arrested Longley for murder and took him to Austin to collect a reward. ~ The Movie ~ Bushwhacker Bill found out from a neighbor, Mary A. Arthur, that four Union soldiers had been by her place looking for him. Spillman and B.F. Jermagin. 602 799 8214 William Brocius. He then changed his name and moved to Wyoming. One of the shots nicked the rope that was strangling Bill, and it ultimately snapped, saving the dying outlaw. FAIR USE NOTICE: This site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. ?-1895) A train robber in Arizona, Wheeler was pursued by ex-Tombstone lawman and railroad detective, Billy Breakenridge into Colorado. Josie Wales, aka Bushwhacker Bill Wilson - 24hourcampfire At 1:00 pm Bill reported "a feeling of peace." At 2:31 p.m. he was even happier. On November 29, Anderson and Billy the Kid traveled in the open country near White Oaks when a local eight-man posse suddenly pursued them. His daring deeds are still considered miracles due to his never being wounded once. [6] There is no contemporaneous evidence to back claims that Longley murdered a black militiaman in Old Evergreen in 1866 for insulting his father, or that he shot eight black people in Lexington in 1867 to avenge the loss of a horse racing bet. According to legend, he clutched his cards so tightly in one hand that he was buried with them. This surprise was their shock and his edge. ), There is usually a grain of truth to most legends and so it is with Josey Wales. Bushwhacker: A True History of Bill Wilson -- Missouri's Greatest We believe this constitutes a fair use of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. All the Rangers frequented his place while in Sherman. "Mr. When the men who have been hunting Wales, finally think they have found him in a bar in Santa Rio, a prostitute and other locals cover for the outlaw, saying that Wales was killed in a shoot-out in Monterrey. The writings and movie about Josey Wales are based on the real bushwhacker, Bill Wilson. He wrote Wallaces infamous pro-segregation 1963 line: "Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever." Ham White A murderer and stage robber on the road between San Antonio and Austin, Texas. He is remembered for his superior skill with revolvers and clever tactics in surprising his enemies. The transaction was observed by John Thompson and William O. Blackmore, both ex-Missouri Partisan Rangers. ?-1964) An outlaw and member of the Black Jack Ketchum gang, Atkins robbed trains throughout New Mexico, West Texas, and Arizona. He was assassinated in Parral, Chihuahua, Mexico, in 1923. This was not uncommon in the mountains at that time. In his later years, he also served as a law enforcement officer and a U.S. customs inspector. The Kid was lynched at Bassett, Nebraska in February 1884. Eastern District of Virginia (703) 299-3700. He knew that they had to come back the same route to get to their headquarters at Rolla, Missouri. Wild Bill Longley: A Texas Hard-Case, Frontier Press of Texas, Houston, 1953, Fuller, Henry Clay. Stability eluded him again, however, when he became a rival, with Lay's nephew, for the affections of a young woman. Billy Wilson (outlaw) - Wikiwand Apache Kid (1867-1894?) Eastwoods partner read it and suggested buying the rights. Thirteen years later, they were finally arrested, convicted, and hanged at Fort Smith, Arkansas, on June 26, 1885. William Billy Wilson See David L. Anderson. Longley next possibly went to Grayson County, Texas, where two of his friends, Jim and Dick Sanders, were in jail. ?-1885) An outlaw and murderer, Apodaca was convicted of murdering the Nesmith family in White Sands, New Mexico. George Washington A New Mexico outlaw, Washington was lynched in June 1882 in Lincoln, New Mexico. William Wilson (British Columbia politician), William Wilson (New Brunswick politician), William Wilson (footballer, born November 1915), Billy Wilson (Australian rules footballer),, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Bill Wilson, mayor of Santa Clara, California, founder of the, Bill Wilson, founder of US firearms manufacturer, William E. Wilson, British railway civil engineer, first employer of, "William Wilson", a song from The Smithereens' 1989 album, Agent Bill Wilson, also known as CIA, a character in, This page was last edited on 13 February 2023, at 13:06. This was his edge. Maybe no five pistoleers alive that could kill him, but two ex-comrades in arms did get the drop on him. Bill Longley (gunfighter) - Wikipedia Bill Wilson went to Texas and his wife received a letter stating that he was killed for his wealth. The story does not end there. He is considered to have been one of the deadliest gunfighters in the Old West. Although there were a lot of these men, if someone said, The Bushwhacker, The Great Bushwhacker, or the Famous Bushwhacker, everyone knew that they were talking about Bill Wilson. Then one of his descendants, George Clinton Arthur, wrote a biography about Wilson in 1938: Bushwacker: Missouris Most Infamous Desperado., It would be another 30 years before another book would be written about Bill Wilson and this one would lead to the famous movie. Corry Pennsylvania Album/Outlaw Billy Wilson - 1 nation, under god Bill Wilson went to Texas and his wife received a letter stating that he was killed for his wealth. [12] Longley is the title character in The Texan, a television series starring Rory Calhoun which aired on CBS from 1958-1960, which portrayed Longley as a noble wanderer.[13]. Dick Kitchen moved to Evening Shade, Arkansas and ran a harness shop. B. Wilmeth. After Mrs. Arthur identified the soldiers, Bill removed them from her property and led away four government horses. It is not always easy to determine the status of material posted to the Internet with regard to fair use and public domain. For more information go to: ?-1909) A gunfighter who was involved in a bitter feud in Ada, Oklahoma, was later arrested for the murder of Gus Bobbitt. He was hanged at Fort Smith, Arkansas on August 30, 1889. His descendents would like to know.
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