Chinese wisteria is a beautiful vine that can be found throughout the house in a variety of settings. Dig a hole that is twice the width and depth of the wisterias root ball. $49.99. Lend a whimsical look to your garden with our Wisteria Vines! Answer: Yes, Blue Moon Wisteria is toxic and can cause skin irritation and stomach upset if ingested. Although some areas may be invaded by Chinese wisteria, these two varieties are more common in general. These plants may fall victim to winter dieback, leaf spot, and other problems like crown gall. Amethyst Falls Wisteria Vine Wisteria frutescens 'Amethyst Falls'. The first pruning should occur in early spring when the new growth is emerging but before the flowers arrive. This vine is an excellent choice for planting in a variety of locations around the home. The plant is relatively easy to care for and is suitable for a variety of soil types. If you lack a suitable house wall, you can grow wisteria as a free-standing 'standard' on a 5ft bare stem. Add to cart. Amethyst Falls Wisteria Vine . That is why whenever you decide to install a wisteria plant around your home, you should avoid it, planting within the structure or walkway. However I did call a month after I ordered because it said they ship in 2 weeks. Beautifully fragrant wisteria flowers offer a feast for the senses. Flowers, fruits, and seeds: Prior to the development of leaves, flowering takes place in April. In the late winter, prune wisteria. It has quick growth potential and a maximum lifespan of 30 years under optimal conditions. The root of the wisteria is so thick that it can even damage any type of wall or structure. Wisteria is a relatively low-maintenance plant, but it does require some basic care to thrive. That is why it is highly recommended by the experts to avoid planting wisteria plants around the house or any walls. What Size Grow Bag for Cucumbers? While Wisteria prefers full sun, established vines can survive and reproduce in partial shade. Spring Hill Nurseries Blue Moon Reblooming Wisteria, Live Deciduous When growing wisteria in pots, its best to feed it a good plant food on a regular basis. I've grown Blue Moon wisteria for 7 years. The large root of the Wisteria flower plant spreads over a large area, which can be very difficult to locate. This photo shows the actual beautiful color of the flowers on this cultivar. Water deeply, regularly during first growing season to establish an extensive root system; reduce frequency once established. The wisteria vine is a fast-growing, deciduous vine that can reach up to 30 feet in length. macrostachya, but is noted by some as having a longer inflorescence. is considered invasive as it has the rapid growth of root system and study support which is required for the structure to grow. These herbicides can be applied directly to the plant or to the soil around it, and will kill the plant without harming the surrounding vegetation. You can provide corrugated panels and place them beside the plants to divert the roots in other directions. As soon as it is planted, it may bloom three times during the growing season. The Blue Moon Wisteria is a fast-growing vine that can reach up to 30 feet in length. In the spring, work a few cups of bone meal into the soil. Also, the length of the racemes is 12 inches, meaning you get long and lush cascades of blue flowers. Although susceptible to a number of foliage-chewing insects and fungal diseases, none are significant. Blue Moon Wisteria (Wisteria macrostachya 'Blue Moon') is a beautiful and fast-growing vine native to the United States. In sc-Garden Guru you will find everything you need to know about gardening flowers. 113. While it is not considered to be invasive in its native range, it has been known to escape cultivation and become a problem in other areas. "Native" Wisteria in Michigan- invasive? - Sunlight is necessary. Despite being weedy and disruptive, it has been widely planted, grown, and is still highly popular in the nursery industry. Those were in the grass and got mowed every couple of weeks, so never got established. It is advised to buy wisteria plants that are already established or to begin with a cutting. Wisteria | plant | Britannica Kentucky Wisteria has a powerful root system that digs deep down under the soil. Even while wisteria will grow in some shade, it wont likely bloom. Blue Moon Wisteria (Wisteria macrostachya 'Blue Moon'), sometimes called the Kentucky Wisteria, is a fast-growing, deciduous vine that can quickly transform any landscape with its cascading flowers and long, cascading stems. Find answers. It can be found in forests and other natural areas. Phosphorus is often used by gardeners to promote flowering. Common locations for infestations include the edges of forests, the sides of highways, ditches, and right-of-ways. A mature Blue Moon wisteria that grows in good conditions will often bloom twice more during the summer. Wisteria Amethyst Falls | Wayside Gardens Roots form a symbiotic relationship with nitrogen-fixing bacterium Rhizobium. Below is a brief discussion on the root system of different types of wisteria: The root system of American wisteria is strong. Also prune in the summer after customary flowering if you prefer a more formal appearance. A plus is that American wisteria serves as a host plant for the larvae of both the long-tailed skipper and silver-spotted skipper butterflies. (Quick Answers), Why Is My Garlic Green Inside? The vine will bloom throughout the spring, summer and early mid-fall before dropping its . Dig a hole deep enough to comfortably fit the root ball and two or three times as wide. An early-summer pruning may encourage the formation of late-summer flower buds. (Explained), What Size Grow Bag for Pepper Plants? 'Blue Moon,' known to many as Blue Moon wisteria, is a vigorous climbing vine that can quickly cover a trellis, pergola, or any other garden structure on which you choose to grow it. Note: Be careful when planting wisteria! Complete Guide to Wisteria: How to Grow & Care for Wisteria - GardenBeast There are several types of wisteria in the United States. Dead-heading throughout the year, each year, can make bloom periods more consistent. Japanese Wisteria; Chinese Wisteria | (Wisteria - Wisconsin DNR It has massive roots to support the long-growing vines and stems. Vines can climb to the tops of trees, shrubs, and structures built from trees. The most important thing to remember is to prune wisteria regularly. This plant is mildly resistant to damage by deer and is toxic to dogs, cats, and horses. It requires plenty of water to thrive, and it will need to be watered on a regular basis during the first few months. A vibrant lavender pea-like flower pattern hangs from the branches of Blue Moon Wisteria, with powder blue overtones beneath. When wet soil is 6 to 8 inches deep, water should be given to allow the water to reach the roots. This type of vine can be used as a trellis to support climbing grapes or as a cover to open a roof space. Water about once per week when the plant is young. It has fragrant blue flowers that bloom in early summer and rebloom throughout the season.. Close. If you dont get any rain, you may need to water it every day or every 2-3 days, depending on the environment in which you live. Incredibly hardy and fast growing, this plant is perfect to cover a fence, arch, or wall with beautiful vines and flowers. The large root system can go deep down the soil as much as 10 feet to support the massive vines. This hardy, magnificent climbing vine is extremely floriferous. However, this vine is known to grow fairly heavy and to grow quickly and aggressively, frequently reaching lengths of more than 30 feet. Exploring the Reach of Wisteria Roots: How Far Do They Spread? There are only a few Wisteria devices in existence. When in full bloom, the bare branches of the wisteria tree are adorned with masses of draping blue-purple flower clusters . Hardy Reblooming Wisteria | Wisteria macrostachya 'Blue Moon' Plan carefully and use substantial materials to construct your structure because mature plants have been known to become so heavy that they destroy their supports. Adding a blooming bouquet of wisteria to your backyard will bring out the romance in you. In this article, we will discuss the question of whether or not Blue Moon Wisteria is an invasive plant and provide helpful tips for gardeners looking to add this beautiful flowering vine to their garden. Alan Titchmarsh: A foolproof guide to growing wisteria Invasive species are plants that have been introduced to an area outside of their native range and have the potential to spread and outcompete native species. Helpful. Container gardening has its ups and downs, and that applies to Wisteria as well. Kentucky Wisteria has a cultivar known as Blue Moon, a variety producing silver or blue flowers . Wisteria is a perennial vine with wonderfully fragrant flowers, often lavender, that grow in clusters, similar to grapes. Plant Care Sunlight The Blue Moon wisteria grows best in full sunlight or partial shade conditions. With the proper care, a wisteria tree can grow 6 to 10 ft. (1.8 - 3 m) tall and wide. Provide a support trellis for the young plant. Get the Blue Moons opulent beauty for yourself! Answer: Yes, Blue Moon Wisteria is an invasive species and can spread aggressively through rhizomes and seedlings. Wisteria Blue Moon was developed by Harvey and Brigitte Buchite of Hidden Springs Flower Farm in Spring Grove, Minnesota. In the fall, the small, pinnately complex leaves turn yellow. The 12- to-18-inch clusters are loaded with as many as 160 blooms, more than all other Japanese wisteria. In order to grow, it is critical that the vine be well-supported and that it have plenty of space. Another important impact of Blue Moon Wisteria is its role as a nutrient cycle. This plant can expand aggressively, causing its branches to outcompete other plants and its roots to disrupt nearby foundations and paving. . Otherwise, you can insert a corrugated panel beside the plants to divert the roots. Trim lightly after flowering to promote repeat bloom. In the Southwest, Blue Moon Wisteria is not considered to be invasive. Still, without pruning, these plants can quickly expand to quite a large size. Wisteria macrostachya 'Blue Moon' - New England Wild Flower Society Wisteria macrostachya 'Blue Moon' - Plant Finder The diameter of older plants can reach 15 inches or more. The Blue Moon Wisteria blooms in late spring or early summer with beautiful blue flowers that are sure to attract attention. The trellis or pergola is a good choice if you want to grow wisteria vines because they are designed to support the vine well. Generally, the wisteria flower plant grows up to 30 feet tall and its roots are quite more aggressive than the imports. This climbing plant grows to a height of up to 25 feet and flowers in early summer, with a peak height of up to 25 feet. The blue moon wisteria is a beautiful and attractive flowering vine that is native to Japan, China, and Korea. You can't add more Product Name - Product size to the cart. Chinese wisteria grows so rapidly that it covers plants, shading out others and even killing trees. (All You Need to Know), Are Strawberries Self Pollinating? Red Maple Root System Are Red Maple Roots Invasive? These racemes of lavender-blue flowers, which are up to a foot in length, are sure to catch the eye. This vine is not easy to find .It is not as invasive as others. The strong roots of the wisteria can cause significant damage to the structures as their growth allows them to grow rapidly. There are many plants that are mistakenly called blue moon wisteria. Because of its high maintenance, this vine requires regular care. In order to support the massive vine, the wisterias root system extends out widely and dives deep. In addition to that, it is recommended to plant A wisteria at least 10 to 15 feet away from any structure. This effect is achieved due to the fact that racemes consist of 60-70 flowers. Here are the basics for planting Blue Moon Wisteria in your garden: Stems twine counterclockwise and are clad with compound, odd-pinnate, deep green leaves (each leaf typically with 9 ovate leaflets). 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