[2] Hathcock married Josephine "Jo" Bryan (ne Broughton; 19302016) on the date of the Marine Corps birthday, November 10, 1962. Ultimately neither of these proposed rifles was ultimately adopted. In a book I'm reading about on Carlos Hathcock, there are some pictures of him with his rifle. The 1,047 rifles, U.S., caliber .30, M1903, Snipers Equipment on hand at this Depot are believed to be superior to the subject rifle both in accuracy and durability.. I appreciate those pics, the rifle and the background. Moscow Should Prepare For Probable US Nuclear Aggression: Reports Russian Military Journal, Destroying American Monster Abrams: Pro-Russian Group Release A How-To Video, Dr. Mary E. 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Winchester Model 70 | Military Wiki | Fandom Likewise, many of the 300-plus Model 70 rifles purchased by the Marine Corps during World War II remained in inventory and, except for the handful diverted for unofficial sniping use, continued to be used by Marine marksmen for match use throughout the 1950s. The Model 70 was largely based on the Model 54, and is today still highly regarded by shooters and is often called "The Rifleman's Rifle.". These are some beautiful projects. Carlos Hathcock: Vietnam War's legendary marksman - Task & Purpose He stayed in the Marine Corps, but his health continued to decline. Excellent. He and other Marines who were riding on top of the vehicle were sprayed with flaming gasoline caused by the explosion. George Van Orden and Chief Gy/Sgt. Due to the extreme injuries he suffered in Vietnam, he was in nearly constant pain, but continued to dedicate himself to teaching snipers. Previously sold. M70 Tundra - DayZ Wiki NRA Secretary Edward J. Founded by Frank Galli in 2000, Snipers Hide has been offering informational videos, podcasts, and other support to its users in one location. Carlos Hathcock holds the Marine Corps record for the longest confirmed sniper kill shot. Can't recall if they were 264 or 7mm Rem mag offhand. As a sniper of a modern era, I am truly amazed at what the guys were able to do using what they had at the time. The Unertl telescopic sight is in excellent condition. An Official Journal Of The NRA | Long-Range Warriors: The USMC M40 Rifles The metal was reblued as required. Eventually, there were likely thousands of model 70s in military service, with the exact number unknown. Customer experience was, and still is, the primary focus, a key to the firms longevity and success. With this rifle, Carlos describes killing 7 more Viet Cong soldiers and shared the 8th VC with McAbee. Winchester Model 70 (.30-06) Review. Carlos Hathcock's sniper The rifle is a Winchester M70 in 30-06. The rifle retains nearly 95% of the original blue finish with very minor handling wear. This shot covered a distance of 2500 yards. As with Kraig's rifle above, it would have been clip-slotted and while original Win70 Target rifles came with either a Std, heavy or bull barrel, one would assume the rifles sent overseas were former target rifles that had been reworked by the 'Team armorers with new barrels. This is yet another example of the truism that a great civilian firearm does not always equate to a great military rifle. Likewise, many of the 300-plus Model 70 rifles purchased by the Marine Corps during World War II remained in inventory and, except for the handful diverted for unofficial sniping use, continued to be used by Marine marksmen for match use throughout the 1950s. The 1047 rifles, U.S., caliber .30, M1903, Snipers Equipment on hand at this Depot are believed to be superior to the subject rifle both in accuracy and durability .. This rifle came to us as a standard sporter rifle, with a Douglas barrel blank. He did however adapt according to the conditions and once even used the M2 Browning machine gun! Accurate in every detail, enjoyed reading this. Weaponry. The Model 70s began to be replaced by Remington Model 700 rifles, which were later standardized by the Marine Corps as the M40. The Model 70s suitability as a sniping rifle during the Vietnam War should be unquestioned, as the most famous and revered sniper of the war, Carlos Hathcock, used the rifle with remarkable effectiveness. It has been determined that the increased accuracy of the Model 70 Winchester is insufficient to justify its introduction into an already overburdened supply system., Although adoption of the Model 70 as a sniping arm by the U.S. Marine Corps and U.S. Army remained elusive, the rifle did enjoy some measure of quasi-military popularity throughout the mid- to late-1950s. [2] Jo gave birth to a son, whom they named Carlos Norman Hathcock III. We should give February to Chris Kyle's favorite weapon, The Barrett M99 and Carlos Hathcock's Winchester Model 70 Sniper Rifle being as they both went on to the main rally point in February . Carlos Hathcock - Wikipedia Adelbert F. Waldron III stacked up 113 enemies using the XM21 system. As long as you understood the effects wind had on the projectile and understood the ballistic drop, you could do fine. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. The matte black LR/T weighs 19.5 ounces and is 13.5 inches in overall length. Carlos Hathcock Method of Sighting in a Rifle - American Shooting Journal Hathcock generally used the standard sniper rifle: the Winchester Model 70.30-06 caliber rifle with the standard 8-power Unertl scope. The anodized aluminum Unertl target mounts have a blue-brown patina that is typical of these WWII production mounts. On some occasions, however, he used a different weapon: . The Army's most accomplished Vietnam War sniper, Sgt. I have a 53 heavy barreled action that needs the same treatment. An unknown number of additional Model 70s were eventually purchased for military use - both standard rifles and the marksman style target rifles. He was honored by having a rifle named after him: a variant of the M21 dubbed the Springfield Armory M25 White Feather, for the nickname "White Feather" given to Hathcock by the North Vietnamese People's Army of Vietnam (PAVN). M2 Heavy Machine Gun: The Ultimate Sniper Rifle? - 19FortyFive The Riflemans Rifle, fitted with an 8X Unertl, was used by the military in long-range competition, then eventually by Marines in Vietnam. The Model 70 was originally manufactured by the . The "U.S. Rifle, Caliber .30, Model of 1903," better-known as the M1903 Springfield, has become one of the most popular U.S. military small arms to collect. This one is in 308 and came from the AMU. You are using an out of date browser. Hathcock generally used the standard sniper rifle: the Winchester Model 70 .30-06 caliber rifle with the standard 8-power Unertl scope. *A USMC sniper uses his Unertl scope to search for enemy snipers in the Central Highlands of South Vietnam, circa 1967. FOLLO .more .more 2.6K Dislike Share Indian Gunner 26.3K subscribers. Carlos Hathcock Method of Sighting in a Rifle | RallyPoint Hathcock took possession of the dead sniper's rifle, hoping to bring it home as a "trophy", but after he turned it in and tagged it, it was stolen from the armory. On September 16, 1969, Hathcock's career as a sniper came to a sudden end along Highway 1, north of Landing Zone Baldy, when the LVTP-5 he was riding on struck an anti-tank mine. Known as Van Orden rifles, these model 70 sniper rifles were at last procured under the watchful eye of Brigadier General George Van Orden. This is debatable. Both men served in Kilo Co., 3rd. This rebuild work varied but generally consisted of replacing the original sporter barrels with heavier 24" or 26" barrels and replacing the stocks as necessary, often with new target stocks procured from Winchester. This is an original military issue Remington M40 sniper rifle brought back from Vietnam by a Marine officer, who later had it signed by Carlos "White Feather" Hathcock in 1992 at a Former Marine Association event. Hathcock used for much of his time in Vietnam. Despite its excellence as a precision rifle, the Model 70 was never fully embraced by the U.S. military as a standardized sniper arm. A limited number of 3X to 9X variable power Marine Scopes of Japanese manufacture saw early use, but target mount, 8X Unertl telescopes, unchanged basically from those first adopted in 1941, were fitted to the Model 70s as were many of the original World War II Unertl contract scopes, which had survived official obsolescence and the post-Korean War surplus sell-off. These two historic Winchester Model 70 rifles bearing serial numbers "1" and "2" are now being offered for sale by Sportsman's Legacy. The metal finishes were done by Ken Pederson ofPederson Arms in Arlington, WA. In November 1965, USMC Gy/Sgt. The Winchester Model 70 is a bolt action sporting rifle. I told a gunny, 'Bring [him] back here.' Carlos Norman Hathcock II (20 May 1942 - 23 February 23 1999) was a United States Marine Corps sniper with a service record of 93 confirmed kills. Hathcock used the M40 during the Vietnam War and is credited with numerous kills, including a record-setting 2,500-meter shot. Item Number: R30701. His ability as a marksman was soon recognized by the instructors on the rifle range at Camp Pendleton where he was undergoing recruit training. While visiting relatives in Mississippi, he took to shooting and hunting at an early age, partly out of necessity to help feed his poor family. Van Orden had envisioned the Model 70 as the ultimate platform for a highly accurate sniper rifle, but which was light enough to be carried into battle. Carlos Hathcock, the most celebrated US sniper in history, preferred the model 70 over a host of other rifles at his disposal, using it extensively in combat during the Vietnam war, and in Wimbledon matches at Camp Perry in the years that followed. Stevens Model 15: The Story of Famed Sniper Carlos Hathcock's First Rifle Hathcock's career as a sniper has been used as a basis for a variety of fictional snipers, from the "shooting through the scope incident" to the number of kills he made. With complete disregard for his own safety and while suffering excruciating pain from his burns, he bravely ran back through the flames and exploding ammunition to ensure that no Marines had been left behind in the burning vehicle. The scarcity of these rifles mean few of us will ever get a chance to own one. Hathcock was soon a member of the USMC rifle team, and in 1965 he won the Wimbledon Cup, a 1000-yard individual match fired at the National Matches in Camp Perry, Ohio. In the early 1940s, says a Marine Corps spokesman, we were advised that a Unertl 8X scope on the Winchester Model 70 was the best sniping combination, but the 03 was available in quantity, so we used it.The Model 70 rifles sent to Vietnam for use as sniping arms were from the stocks originally procured for Marine Corps match use, chiefly from George Van Orden. He used an M2 .50 Cal Browning machine gun mounted with a telescopic sight at a range of 2,500yd (2,286m), killing a Vietcong guerrilla. You must log in or register to reply here. I've read that the only way to do it is to first plate the barrel with a metal that will accept bluing. Lacking a suitable precision rifle for issue, the Corps quickly scoured its stateside arms rooms and soon a small quantity of Model 70 target rifles were in the field in South Vietnam, taking the fight to the enemy. The LR/T front focal offers an elevation range of 65-MOA and a windage range of 65-MOA. They were running about $800 for a nice one with rings a few years ago. USMC Sniper Rifles: Hands On History. These later rifles only added to the popularity of the model 70 among US snipers. Carlos Hathcock, The Marine Sniper Whose Exploits Can Hardly Be Believed The fact that the guys using this rifle shot at distances exceeding 800 yards (1000+) on human sized targets, is a great accomplishment in itself. Van Ordens rifles also enjoyed some measure of success on the target range, as Marine Col. Walter Walsh won the 1952 National Rifle Matches at Camp Perry, Ohio, with one of the Van Orden Snipers.. Just 55 days short of the 20 years that would have made him eligible for regular retirement pay, he received a permanent disability separation. By the end of his first deployment Hathcock's life was worth $30,000 to the North Vietnamese . These later rifles were delivered to the US military already modified to be sniper rifles, including a heavy barrel and accurized stock. The serial number, "48213" is roll-stamped on the right side of the receiver below the rear sight base. From an early age, he was fond of firearms. Agree sandwarrior there was a thread on old old hide many moons ago regarding this. Staff Sergeant Hathcock was riding on an Assault Amphibious Vehicle which ran over and detonated an enemy anti-tank mine, disabling the vehicle which was immediately engulfed in flames. Americans Don't Need Laws Declaring the "AR-15" the "National Gun" [43] In 2002, this record was broken by Canadian snipers (Rob Furlong and Arron Perry) from the third battalion of Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry during the War in Afghanistan. The Story of Legendary Sniper Carlos Hathcock AFAIK, Crane only made two of these on the 721 action. In 1967 Gunny Carlos Hathcock set the record for the longest. Note the long rear ring with the clip-slot cut in. Hathcock eventually picked up the hobby of shark fishing, which helped him to overcome his depression. The barrel is a "sendero" profile made by Bartlein and installed by Moon. SIGHTS: Folding rear, bead front Without them, it can be extremely tough to hold for the effects. A native of Little Rock, Arkansas, Gunnery Sergeant Carlos N. Hathcock II joined the Corps in 1959 at age 17. Van Orden would go on to author a report recommending adoption of the Model 70 for sniper use. [10] When Hathcock saw a glint (light reflecting off the enemy sniper's scope) in the bushes, he fired at it, shooting through the scope and killing the sniper. Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. He did win the Wimbledon Cup with it after all. FOLLO .more .more 2.6K Dislike Share Indian Gunner 26.3K subscribers. Vietnam sniper shot an enemy sniper through the enemy's own scope
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