0000102240 00000 n CCJRA governs the disclosure of criminal justice records, that is, the records made or maintained by law enforcement agencies such as police departments, sheriffs offices, and criminal courts. Case Number Format - Seventeenth Judicial Circuit of Florida Note that access to District and County Courts case documents and files is not available on the Colorado Judicial Branch website. Docket Number: 22SC213. To research Supreme Court and Court of Appeals cases, you will need the case number. For specific access to a particular court record, visit or contact the court in which the action was filed. Notice: Your use of CourtCaseFinder.com is conditioned on your full compliance with our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Case types assigned by the Court include Civil ("cv"), Criminal ("cr") and Miscellaneous ("mc"). By consulting the California Courts of Appeals case number prefixes, we can tell that the above docket is a second district Court of Appeals case with the sequence number 12345. CRS 12-240-135 Unauthorized Medical Practice, CRS 12-240-139 Mandatory Reporting of Injuries, CRS 18-1.3-104 Alternatives in Imposition of Sentence, CRS 18-1.3-104.5 Alternative Imposition of Sentence in Drug Felonies, CRS 181.3201 Application for probation, CRS 18-1.3-404(4)(a) Early termination of probation, CRS 181.3401 Felonies classifiedpresumptive penalties, CRS 181.3401.5 Drug felonies classifiedpresumptive and aggravated penalties, CRS 181.3402 Felony offenses not classified, CRS 18 -1.3-407 Youthful Offenders Program, CRS 18-3-102 Murder in the first degree, CRS 18-3-103 Murder in the second degree, CRS 18-3-105 Criminally negligent homicide, CRS 18-3-107 First degree murder of a peace officer, firefighter, or emergency medical service provider, CRS 183202 Assault in the First Degree, CRS 183203 Assault in the Second Degree, CRS 183204 Assault in the Third Degree, CRS 183207 Criminal ExtortionAggravated Extortion, CRS 183304 Violation of Custody Order or Order Relating to Parental Responsibilities, CRS 183306 Internet Luring of a Child, CRS 183402 Sexual Assault (including rape), CRS 183405.3 Sexual Assault on a Child by One in a Position of Trust, CRS 183405.4 Internet Sexual Exploitation of a Child, CRS 183405.5 Sexual Assault on a Client by a Psychotherapist, CRS 183405.6 Invasion of Privacy for Sexual Gratification, CRS 183412.5 Failure to Register as a Sex Offender, CRS 183503 Trafficking of an Adult or Minor for Involuntary Servitude, CRS 183504 Trafficking of an Adult or Minor for Sexual Servitude, CRS 184205 Possession of Burglary Tools, CRS 184404 Theft by Receiving / Receipt of Stolen Property, CRS 184406 Concealment of Unpurchased Goods, CRS 184409 Aggravated Motor Vehicle Theft, CRS 184420 (1) Owning or Operating a Chop Shop (Organized Crime), CRS 18-4-420 (3) Alterning or Removing a VIN, CRS 184502 First Degree Criminal Trespass, CRS 184503 Second Degree Criminal Trespass, CRS 184504 Third Degree Criminal Trespass, CRS 18-4-513 Criminal Use of a Noxious Substance, CRS 18-5-104.5 Use of Forged Academic Record, CRS 18-5-105 Criminal Possession of a Forged Instrument, CRS 18-5-107 Criminal Possession of Second Degree Forged Instrument, CRS 18-5-109 Criminal Possession of Forgery Devices, CRS 18-5-207 Purchase on credit to defraud, CRS 18-5-702 Financial Transaction Device Crime Act, CRS 18-5-903, 903.5, 905 Identity Theft Tools, CRS 186403 Sexual Exploitation of a Child, CRS 186404 Procurement of a Child for Sexual Exploitation, CRS 18-6-701 Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor, CRS 18-6-800.3 Domestic Violence Definition, CRS 18-6-803.5 Violation of a Protective Order, CRS 18-7-107 Posting Private Image for Harassment and Revenge Porn, CRS 18-7-108 Posting Private Image for Pecuniary Gain, CRS 187202 Soliciting for prostitution, CRS 187204 Keeping a place of prostitution, CRS 187402 Soliciting for Child Prostitution, CRS 187404 Keeping a Place of Child Prostitution, CRS 187405.5 Inducement of Child Prostitution, CRS 187406 Patronizing a Prostituted Child, CRS 18-7-502 Sexually Explicit Material Harmful to Children, CRS 18-7-601 Dispensing Violent Films to Minors, CRS 18-7-701 Sexual Conduct in a Correctional Institution, CRS 18-7-801- Criminal Invasion of Privacy, CRS 18-8-102 Obstructing government operations, CRS 188104 Obstructing a peace officer, CRS 18-8-110 False report of weapons, explosives or harmful substances, CRS 188-111 False Reporting of a Crime, CRS 18-8-112 Impersonating a Police Officer, CRS 18-8-113 Impersonating a Public Servant, CRS 18-8-116 Disarming a Peace or Police Officer, CRS 18-8-204.1 Possession of Contraband, CRS 18-8-304 Soliciting Unlawful Compensation, CRS 18-8-402 Misuse of Official Information, CRS 18-8-407 Embezzlement of Public Property, CRS 188-502, 18-8-503, 18-8-504, 18-8-504 and 18-5-901 Perjury, CRS 18-8-610 Tampering with Physical Evidence, CRS 18-8-705 Aggravated Intimidation of a Witness of Victim, CRS 18-8-706 Retaliation Against a Witness, CRS 18-9-107 Obstructing Highways and other Passageways, CRS 18-9-111 Criminal harassment /Kiana Arellanos Law, CRS 189202 Cruelty to Animals / Aggravated Cruelty to Animals / Cruelty to Service Animals, CRS 189204.5 Unlawful Ownership of a Dangerous Dog, CRS 18-9-302 Wiretapping and Eavesdropping, CRS 18-9-306.5 Obstruction of Telephone Service, CRS 1812103 Possession of a Defaced Firearm, CRS 1812105 Unlawfully Carrying a Concealed Weapon, CRS 1812105.5 Unlawfully Carrying a Weapon on School, College, or University Grounds, CRS 1812106 Prohibited Use of Weapons, CRS 1812107 Penalty for Second Firearm Offense, CRS 1812107.5 Illegal Discharge of a Firearm, CRS 1812108 Possession of Weapons by Previous Offenders, CRS 1812108.5 Possession of Handguns by Juveniles, CRS 1812108.7 Unlawfully Providing or Permitting a Juvenile to Possess a Handgun, CRS 1812109 Possession, Use, or Removal of Explosives or Incendiary Devices, CRS 1812111 Unlawful Purchase of Firearms, CRS 1813121 Furnishing Cigarettes, Tobacco Products, or Nicotine Products to Minors, CRS 1813122 Illegal Possession or Consumption of Ethyl Alcohol or Marijuana by an Underage Person, CRS 1813123 Unlawful Administration of Gamma Hydroxybutyrate (Ghb) or Ketamine. The pleader has no right to adopt wholesale all the allegations of a previous cause of action. SCD - Explanation of Case Numbers - United States District Court for 5/21) 1 (A) Circuit Court Case-Type Code List. Each court serves a unique purpose or function. 0000037093 00000 n CRS 24-33.5-2010 Unlawful possession of fireworks. Records of a case may be searched by selecting County Court or District Court and the county where the case was filed and then providing the case number, a party's first name or last name, or attorney bar number. There are usually no juries and the cases are settled between parties. An appellate process is initiated when a party aggrieved by the judgment of a lower court seeks redress based on perceived legal errors committed by the trial court in deciding the facts of a case. Chester, For article, "Pleadings and Motions: Rules 7-16 ", see 23 Rocky Mt. civil, criminal, bankruptcy). In any way, these judgments become binding when the court clerk creates the judgment record. The drop-down list of Utility Names includes only those on current open Cases. A party may use a pseudonym for the name of a party upon a motion to the court. Search by: Name; Case Number; Address; Phone; Email; First Name: Start Here . We also maintain an archive of Opinion Summaries from September 2000 to the Present. The Colorado State Archives holds Supreme Court case records and civil and criminal cases from several District and County Courts in the state. The Municipal of Jefferson City is a division of the Circuit Court of Cole County, 19th Judicial .Fremont County District Court Home > Colorado Court Guide > Fremont County, Colorado Court Directory Report Corrections Here Fremont County District Court 136 Justice Center Road Canon City , CO 81212 Phone: 719-269-0100 Fax: 719-204-2275 Website . Copyright 2023 Colorado Legal Defense Group. The Supreme Court has seven justices, all of which are elected into their sear and serve a life sentence. The number 17 represents the year the case was filed. Generally, Juvenile Courts are branches of the District Courts in Colorado and are therefore administratively combined. Search By Case Number - Civil * Required Fields. There are over 75 problem-solving courts in the 22 judicial districts in Colorado. Its opinions are binding on itself and set precedence for all the lower courts in Colorado. Such use of CourtCaseFinder.com may subject you to civil and criminal litigation and penalties. To be qualified for a justiceship position in the Colorado supreme court, an individual must be a qualified elector of Colorado and must have been licensed to practice law in the state for a minimum of five years. A citation to a case in a regional reporter has the following six elements: Name of the case (underlined or italicized and abbreviated according to Rule 10.2) Volume of the reporter. The purpose of the form captions is to provide a uniform and consistent format that enables practitioners, clerks, administrators, and judges to locate identifying information more efficiently. An extension may be created in the period for appeal from a judgment of conviction if a motion for a new trial based on newly discovered evidence is made within 14 days after entry of the judgment. The following is for information purposes only. 0000136392 00000 n 0000051031 00000 n Colorado's open records law was passed in 1968. For each county, there are courts that handle small cases committed within the county. Denver, CO 80202-2508: Court's Phone Number: Court--(720)904-7300, Atty ECF Help Desk--(720)904-7450, VCIS--(720)904-7419: Court's Email Address: webmaster@cob.uscourts.gov: Court's Hours: . Discovery is not permitted in small claims court, that is, neither party has the legal obligation to furnish information requested by the other party. Colorado court cases are accessible online in some cases. Colorado - United States Department of Justice The SCA Office is saddled with the responsibility of providing administrative support and services to the trial and appellate courts to assist them in providing Colorado citizens with prompt, fair, and economical forums to resolve disputes. Bluebook Quick Reference: Abbreviations and How-tos - University of Akron 0000060644 00000 n For article, "The Federal Rules from the Standpoint of the Colorado Code", see 17 Dicta 170 (1940). You understand and agree that full search reports will only be available after you register for an account or purchase a report. Barker v. District Court, 199 Colo. 416, 609 P.2d 628 (1980). Mail requests to the State Archives must include the following information: .css-ssatc0{font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;font-weight:400;font-size:14px;line-height:22px;font-family:"Arial",serif;color:#798796;font-weight:400;font-family:"Arial",serif;font-size:14px;line-height:22px;text-transform:none;font-style:italic;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;}Colorado State Archives The referee's job is to investigate water rights and can rule on a basis of the law. Court. 0000011354 00000 n Court Type . General Consideration. Barker v. District Court, 199 Colo. 416, 609 P.2d 628 (1980). Colorado criminal records show a 12 percent increase in the number of criminal cases filed in Colorado district courts recently, for a total of over 52,000 cases. Add Utility Names as needed. About CoCourts.com Colorado Bankruptcy Court | PACER: Federal Court Records Example: Grey v. Campbell Soup Co., 650 F. Supp. Immediately following the filing of a bankruptcy case, a meeting is held to allow creditors and the trustee to interrogate the debtor(s) under oath. endstream endobj 14 0 obj <> endobj 15 0 obj <> endobj 16 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/Type/Page>> endobj 17 0 obj <> endobj 18 0 obj <> endobj 19 0 obj <> endobj 20 0 obj <> endobj 21 0 obj <>stream Cases assigned to Magistrate Judge Dominguez Braswell will be identified on the docket by her initials MDB. 0000051770 00000 n Colorado Court Records | StateRecords.org Colorado Court Dockets and Calendars | CourtReference.com Authority of Person Not a Peace Officer to Make an Arrest. Borwick v. Bober, 34 Colo. App. Watson v. Unipress, Inc., 733 F.2d 1386 (10th Cir. If you are writing a brief or memo, look at the Blue Pages, Rule B10 (Or apply the citation rules of the jurisdiction). Each circuit and district assigns docket numbers independently but uses the same basic format. Referred to as the 24th judicial district, the Denver Probate Court geographic jurisdiction covers the City and County of Denver. Rule 10 - Form and Quality of Pleadings, Motions and Other - Casetext View an index of Gilpin District Court Appointments and Oaths from 1861-1882. Programs offered by Colorado problem-solving courts include: The Hinsdale County Courthouse, located in Lake City, Colorado, was first built in 1877. III. Though many court cases in the state are available, there are some that are not. These courts only handle cases of municipal ordinance violations within a city's geographical boundaries. Only they can overturn the ruling, determining the outcome based on the evidence from the very first case. Many Colorado courts now use WebEx and similar teleconferencing tools to conduct virtual court proceedings including oral arguments. The docket number above tells us that the case is from a district court that has been assigned the number 2 within its district, was filed in 2014, and is an adversary proceeding in bankruptcy court, with the sequence number 123456. A valid government issued ID and security screening are required to enter. For law review footnote format, the case name is in regular typeface. Chamber's telephone number is: 719-575-0328. Skipping or adding leading zeros (7-4771 vs. 07-04771). Search by Name; Search by Case . Denver County court records are not included. Example reference number: IP14SO1234. Colorado bankruptcy records, along with related documents such as Colorado liens, contracts, judgments, and title deeds, are typically maintained and disseminated by the states courts and county clerks in their respective jurisdictions. What is a docket number? | U.S District Court - United States Courts Municipal Court | Colorado Springs Under .css-9c6ohv{font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;font-weight:400;font-size:14px;line-height:22px;font-family:"Arial",serif;color:#1b395e;text-transform:none;font-style:normal;-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;}.css-9c6ohv:hover{color:#d30000;}Colorado's Open Records Act (CORA), all records are presumed publicly accessible except where exemptions from disclosure are established by law. Judges are encouraged in their orders to employ a caption similar to that found in paragraph (e)(2). Appeal Proceedings Attorney/Law Student Civil Locally funded Municipal Courts are also authorized by Colorado statutes to handle municipal ordinance violations. Only case information is available online. 0000013529 00000 n 0000060376 00000 n It does not contain case documents. Citing Cases - Bluebook Guide - Guides at Georgetown Law Library Number Sequence: ^ before a number sequence is optional. Interrogatories and Requests for Admissions, All other documents not listed in subsection (II) below, Documents that are complex or technical in nature, DISTRICT COURT, WATER DIVISION ___, COLORADO, COUNTY COURT, CITY AND COUNTY OF _______, COLORADO, PROBATE COURT, CITY AND COUNTY OF _______, COLORADO, JUVENILE COURT, CITY AND COUNTY OF _______, COLORADO, DISTRICT COURT, CITY AND COUNTY OF _______, COLORADO. Colorado Judicial Branch - Court Docket Search Customer Support: 720-625-5500 Colorado State Courts Data Access Enter a digit year. The Office of Administrative Courts has a wide variety of forms to assist parties in providing the Court information we need to process your appeal or hearing request. 7(a); for general rules of pleading, see C.R.C.P. U.S. Supreme Court Transcripts & Recordings, Dockets, Court Documents, Transcripts, and Recordings, California Courts of Appeals case number prefixes, LA County Superior Court's case number prefix matrix, Site Accessibility Find My Courtroom or Case - Denver DA Casetext, Inc. and Casetext are not a law firm and do not provide legal advice. COLORADO.STATERECORDS.ORG IS A PRIVATELY OWNED WEBSITE THAT IS NOT All of the courts in Colorado are ultimately overseen by the Supreme Court. 0000002850 00000 n The court has a dedicated bench that exclusively handles matters within the jurisdiction of the Juvenile Court. Where errors have been determined to substantially affect the fairness of a trial, the appellate courts may require the trial court, or the agency involved to hold a new trial. Disclaimer: This site contains only court data. The Colorado Court of Appeals is the state's intermediate appellate court. The Supreme Court in its discretionary jurisdiction may decide to hear the appeal or not. Colorado Court Records Search | CourtReference.com 0000001536 00000 n 0000002684 00000 n The letters represent case type. Requesters can access court records in person or by remote access. Fax number and e-mail address are optional. Over 70 problem-solving courts exist in Colorado offering a non-traditional approach to integrating treatment provision and criminal justice case processing. However, no fees are charged for viewing the materials in person. If case numbers cannot be provided, requesters are advised to contact the county or district where the case was filed to obtain the required case number. Access to public records in the state is enshrined in two different laws: the Colorado Open Records Act (CORA) and the Colorado Criminal Justice Records Act (CCJRA). Network User ID: Password: Colorado's District Courts, of which there are 22 districts, have more general jurisdiction over the issues in the state. 0000102601 00000 n In very rare cases, individuals can present their case in front of a jury, though it's not common. Case numbers must be entered in a specific format. CRS 33-6-125 Possession of a Loaded Firearm in a Motor Vehicle, CRS 33-6-126 Shooting from a public road, CRS 422136 Unlawful Possession or Use of License, CRS 422139 Permitting Unauthorized Minor to Drive, CRS 422140 Permitting Unauthorized Person to Drive, CRS 42-2-206 Driving After Revocation Prohibited (DARP), CRS 42-2-309 Unlawful Acts With a False ID, CRS 422409 Unlawful Possession or Use of a Commercial Drivers License, CRS 42-3-302 Driving without license plates, CRS 42-4-701 Failure to Yield to Driver on Right at Intersection, CRS 42-4-702 Turning Left Into Oncoming Traffic, CRS 42-4-703 Failure to Yield Right of Way at Intersection, CRS 42-4-705 Failure to Yield to Emergency Vehicle, CRS 42-4-707 Stopping in a Crosswalk or Intersection, CRS 42-4-806 Driving Through a Safety Zone, CRS 42-4-807 Drivers to Exercise Due Care to Pedestrians, CRS 42-4-1001 Driving on the Left Side of the Road, CRS 42-4-1006 Driving Wrong Way on a One-Way Road, CRS 42-4-1010 Driving on Wrong Side of Divided Highway, CRS 42-4-1105 Speed contests and exhibitions, Driving with excessive alcoholic content (DUI per se), CRS 4241305 CRS Driving With an Open Alcoholic Beverage Container, CRS 4241305.5 Driving With an Open Marijuana Container, CRS 42-4-1409 Driving Without Insurance, CRS 42-4-1413 Eluding or attempting to elude a police officer, CRS 42-4-1602 Hit and Run with Vehicle Property Damage, CRS 42-4-1606 Failure to file an accident report, CRS 425103 Tampering with a Motor Vehicle, CRS 44-3-901 Furnishing alcohol to a minor. Example . A sequence number, randomly assigned to each case as it is filed. Press Release: State Labor Dept: Paid Sick Leave Continues in 2022, new requirements took effect Jan 1. What does the case number mean? - United States Courts However, the Denver Juvenile Court is the only exception. Fulton Inv. 0000022203 00000 n PDF Colorado State Courts Data Access There are 22 judges that sit on the panel for the Court of Appeals, which handles about 2,500 cases per year. State Supreme Court Upholds Hospital Provider Fees, Social Equity Licensee Highlight: High Demand Delivery, U.S. Supreme Court Upholds the Affordable Care Act, Personnel & Administration - Administrative Courts, Department of Personnel and Administration, Bluestaq Selects Colorado for Large-Scale Expansion, Bills to Improve Long-Term Care Signed into Law, Polis Administration Releases New Colorado Medium- and Heavy-Duty Vehicle Study, Health First Colorado Add-A-Baby Emergent Request Form, 11.22.2021: Colorado Treasurer Issues Public Warning Against Colorado Secure Savings Program Misinformation, Press Release: New Pilot Program Provides Customized, No-Cost Career Services to Workers with Disabilities as Their Unemployment Rate Surges. These courts work in close alliance with multi-disciplinary teams such as members of the judicial treatment communities to offer accountability, treatment, and services to offenders in order to reduce substance abuse and recidivism. Both juvenile and probate courts in Denver also have their own institution, governed by the laws in the county. 0000102925 00000 n The public has an interest in disclosure of who the parties to an action are. For example: The docket number above tells us that this case was filed in 2014, with the sequence number 12345. If you wish to contest a parking ticket, you should see a Court Referee. The aggrieved party has the right to petition an appellate court for a review of the decision of the trial court. Naming exception is not applicable to verdicts and judgments. For article, "Pleadings, Rules 7 to 25 ", see 28 Dicta 368 (1951). (3) The boxes may be vertically elongated to accommodate additional party and attorney information if necessary. 1984). There are no jury trials with this court and there are only hearing dealing with the use and protection of water. Courts in Douglas County maintain records on everything that occurs during the legal process for future reference, including appeals. Case number format is YYYY-NNNNN. Search by Case Number - For example, opinions with "1:01-bk-13984" as the Case Number. Lewis v. Buckskin Joe's, Inc., 156 Colo. 46, 396 P.2d 933 (1964). Search public court records from the Superior Court of California, County of Butte online for free with easy to use case search tools for finding court cases and case summaries by case number, case name, party, attorney, judge, docket entry, filing date, courthouse, case type, party type, party representation, and more.. UniCourt gives you access to California trial court records across the . CORA provides that all public records be open for inspection by any individual at reasonable times, except where otherwise blocked by law. Many civil family court cases involve Colorado divorce cases or other family law issues such as child custody cases , etc. Rule 10 - Form and Quality of Pleadings, Motions and Other Documents. Santa Clara County, CA Courts - Records & Cases - StateCourts What Is a Case Number? | SoloSuit Blog Search | Colorado.gov Caption; Names of Parties. Note that information provided via this tool is not extensive as access to most juvenile court records is restricted. State Courts - Bluebook Guide - Guides at Georgetown Law Library Make your practice more effective and efficient with Casetexts legal research suite. II. Colorado charges 25 cents per electronic page, 75 cents per printed page, $25 for a transcript of judgment, and $20 per certified or exemplified copy. Part 2. In this court, individuals may argue for themselves and can go through their trial quickly. 0000046704 00000 n hb``f``k````? 2 East 14th Avenue Filing fees are also much lower in small claims courts when compared to other courts. The government of the city where a Municipal Court is located typically appoints judges for its Municipal Court in line with the city laws. The Colorado State Archives holds Supreme Court case records and civil and criminal cases from several District and County Courts in the state. They are a federal court of the Tenth Circuit, which means that all appeals go to them. For juvenile cases, most of them are not public, as they deal with minors. It might be from a court in any district- based on the docket number alone there is no way to tell. 0000026183 00000 n CO Court of Appeals Opinions and Cases | FindLaw In the review of felony sentences, a notice of appeal must be filed within 49 days from the date of the imposition of sentence. 0000136230 00000 n The precise format of a case citation depends on a number of factors, including the jurisdiction, court, and type of case. Colorado's open records law underwent significant amendments in 1974 and 1977. Welcome to FindLaw's searchable database of Supreme Court of Colorado decisions since January 1988. There, judges and juries listen to witnesses, resolve issues of fact, and apply the law to the facts found. They correct errors that the trial judge may have made, such as inadvertently allowing specific evidence to be introduced. Party First Name. The Bankruptcy Code Section 341(a) requires that this gathering, dubbed the Meeting of Creditors, be presided over by the trustee, not the judge. Colorado has a total of 22 districts, each of them responsible for their county. Persons who wish to obtain these records must visit the clerks office and provide case information to facilitate a search. For counties outside of Denver, probate issues are generally handled by the District Courts. Court record custodians in Colorado are the Clerks of Court. Depending on the type of case, some forms are required. There is a Docket Search Tool on the Colorado Judicial branch website that will allow individuals to look up cases by the names of those involved and the court case number. They are considered a good place to start when looking for a specific record or multiple records. Date: December 12, 2022. Case Number Format (Any Format) (YYYY-12345678 Format) Case Number * - Search. 10(a) an exception to naming parties in pleadings did not have any intention of making the same exception for verdicts and judgments. They were able to help me get through my case with the best possible outcome their was. 0000082932 00000 n Probate courts deal with estates and other death-related legal documentation and services. Common Colorado Crimes Listed By CRS Code Sections - Shouse Law Group Douglas County Court Records are public records, documents, files, and transcripts associated with court cases and court dockets available in Douglas County, Colorado.
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