Gator Blades the mulching blades with the teeth on the back will just shred the grass and leave little puff balls all over your yard if you try to side discharge with them. We can get the veterans discount at Lowes and Home Depot. Residential ZTRs are rated for no more than 15-degree slopes. Q: What are your thoughts about Kohler vs Kawasaki quality? Machines are only as good as the person standing behind them. This site is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to I was also able to drive a zt1 50 at a cub dealer but he told me I could not engage the pto as then it would be considered used. Thank you. cub cadet vs toro zero turn 2020. Thanks for your advice to buy the Ultima ZT2 50. Hi I was wondering what you thought about the new Riding ego zero turn 360 mower battery one Im looking at getting that maybe at the end of the year or next year Right now its a low too expensive for my taste. Ive always liked John Deere, but I am concerned that their decks accumulate too much grass clippings and get clogged. The Radius E is the entry-level commercial Exmark. Hi Paul, Do you think I should go down to a 42, or stay with the larger engines and beefier decks that come with the larger mowers? agpro of new albany is the premier power equipment in the midwest ----- * financing available . Store Finder; Truck & Tool Rental; For the Pro; . All three mowers ride well, cut well and will last. Discussed this with the dealer. Because of the number of trees on the property, I feel like a lawn tractor would end up increasing the amount of time it takes me to mow over my current self-propelled mower so Im looking at ZTRs. Finally needed work done on the trannys. 3. Do you think ZTRs would handle this? Which One Is Best For You? Why? Thanks in advance! Theres no rival for this brand in terms of beating those slopes. The 4-point deck doesnt bounce on rough ground and follows the wheels of the mower. Hi T. Dan, Feel free to stop by anytime and tell us how the Jonsered is working out. Well we got the E170 and its a great mower but took forever to mow the lawn and sucked almost a tank of gas. Zero-Turn Stand On. I am strongly leaning toward a DR Leaf and Lawn vac for fall and spring clean up and am concerned with weight of that being pulled by the mower. I am considering John Deere, Toro, and Cub Cadet likely with a 42-46 deck. Heavy Duty Zero Turn Lawn Mowers Outdoor Power For Sale in MILWAUKEE Any thoughts on which way I should go? I own a summer camp with 3 large sport fields. Just tell your friends about and The biggest problem with the TB30 is its lack of traction on any type of slope so most zero-turns will be better but I suggest a heavy-duty model. GREAT website. With 10 acres and horse pasture, go with the Apex. You would have to go up to the Bad Boy ZT Elite to get the same heavy-duty machine as the Ariens/Gravely. I also understand Briggs parts are much cheaper than the other manufacturers, should I ever need them. Paul, we have a rough 1.2 acre yard with some trees, beds, stumps, etc. The Ultra-Cut decks cant be beaten. Do they really ride that much better? Hi Clark, I loved the old Dixons but they had such a shallow deck that you couldnt use a high-lift/bagging blade on them so they had to use the blower to suck the grass out of the deck and throw it into the bagger. I use 2 tablespoons per gallon of fuel. Hi Sean, If you are going to mulch all the time Im going to suggest the Toro V-Twin 42 at this time. The Ariens company also makes the Gravely ZT XL. It helps keep the fuel fresh and some stabilizers also clean your carb and fuel system without messing it up. The only real difference is the deck. I hate that it doesnt have armrests, but the red/black color is sweet. Since both companies produce world-class machines, choosing one over the other can be a pretty challenging task for most mower buyers. You will find it on entry level commercial mowers where the price is the most important feature. I will check out the dealer and go from there. Instead, they shred the grass into little cotton balls That leave a mess on your lawn. I just visited the local Gravely dealer and looked at the ZT XL 52. That said. Gravely ZT X 52 with Kawasaki engine $3499 Ariens IKON XD with Kaw engine $3299. I will have to think hard about the collection aspect I am seeking. When not in use, should the deck be kept at a specific height (all the way up or down)? Im wondering if you think its best to 1. Have a wonderful day! Hi Joe, I want to start off and say Im not picking on you this comment has to do with the industry as a whole. Yard is about 1 acre. My yard is fairly flat and less than an acre. Hi Rob, My first choice is the Ariens IKON XL at Home Depot. Hydro Gear ZT-2100 and ZT-2200 Transaxles on the SS and SW and Hydro Gear ZT-2800 Transaxles on the MX and SWX and Hydro Gear ZT-3100 Transaxles on the Timecutter HD. Can the ZT2 transmission handle that? The toro has the smart speed technology which allows me to tow but with a bigger engine would the Ariens struggle to keep up? I suggest stopping in to a local dealer and see what they have in the $6000-$9000 range. Hi Trent, The Commercial Series is an economical engine designed to have more 50% life than the Intek residential models. Thank you for the research and in-depth articles; Ive learned a great deal already. Many thanks to you and for your website! The Toros cut is fantastic but However, based on some of your previous reviews, it seems that I would probably need to be looking at a higher end garden tractor with a robust transmission and motor. The body of a zero-turn mower is important for several reasons. So yes they are going to have a demo day in April and will take a look. There are two models that are within your budget. Mower Blades, deck belts, air cleaner, oil filter, etc. I have a feeling you will have to get into the 800-900 lbs, 50-60 inch ZTRs to get one that will work. It cuts great and is built to last way more than 20 years. And I have a good mower shop just a mile away that is not a dealer, they will service whatever you bring. It's not to say that they will not perform well, or that they will not last a long time, it's just that you are not paying for anything that has been built or designed to take any abuse. 3. Metal, however, can be straightened out after bending, whereas broken plastic is useless. However, in a different post you stated you werent a fan of the John Deere 300 series so wasnt sure about this lawn mower. If will last you years. I then considered a Hustler Raptor SDX (cost too high) and the MZ54 Husqvarna (user reviews pretty negative). The usage will be 2-5 acres Texas Gulf Coast, mostly flat, no big slopes but some shallow ditches, some trees/obstacles, mostly turf grasses but with some rougher stuff. Its a good mower for your 3 acres and will last a long time. Husky has a big presence here but havent heard good things about reliability. If you want a one and done mower the Vanguard is definitely the engine to buy. Who Makes The Best Lawn Tractor or Zero Turn For You? Later, if it gets harder to get on and off you can always add the step and hand bar. Cub Cadet has no plans to discontinue their Z-Force or Pro steering wheel models. Thank you! Hi Greg, You have to move up to the Toro Timecutter HD and the Ariens IKON XL to get the larger transmissions. I attribute that to the uncovered engine and its close proximity to the operator, and perhaps to the fact that the engine enclosure basically directs the sound straight up right in back of the operator. Ive noticed that they offer two different engines though. Thank you so much! Scrape the underside of the deck clean with a plastic scraper or stiff milker brush when you sharpen the blades. I have heard the EZT can be very reliable if the machine weight is not excessive and theyre not cutting 5 acres a week. Are they dependable? The models I list here cut great, bag well and have great parts and service networks. Looking for a new zero turn 54 and under $3500 and under from Lowes. I really appreciate your website, your keen insights, and all your help. I wanted to get your thoughts on a few different mowers. It is more on the lush side in the spring and fall. The Gravely ZT XL model seems to be a good sweet spot with the 2800 transaxles and well-built machine. The Toro and the Ariens will both mow your entire 2 acres in less than an hour so you can always just mow it all every week . It built even stronger and roomier for us larger people. I had no idea where to start looking, but thanks to you Im on top of it now. 48-52 Heavy-Duty Fabricated Deck 5-7 Acres, 48-52 Heavy-Duty Stand-On Fabricated Deck, You can find a lot more information on the 48-52 inch ZTRs here: 2022 The Sixteen Best 48-52 Inch Zero Turn Mowers, 54-62 inch Fabricated Deck Up To 3-7 Acres, 54-62 inch Heavy-Duty Fabricated Deck Up To 10 acres or more, Ariens ZENITH 60 Kawasaki Model 991158 Kawasaki FX730V engine 24 hp/726cc Find Your Local Dealer: Ariens Dealer Locator, You can find a lot more information on the 54-72 inch ZTRs here: 2022 The Sixteen Best 54-72 Inch Residential Zero Turn Mowers. This sliding has even caused the mower to slide into a ditch, when I was cutting the side of the road, and it flipped over!!!!! Any thoughts on those? Zero-Turn Lap Bar. I also bought my snow blower through your recommendation. Any advice would be well appreciated. If it still wiggles the bearings are bad and you need to replace the spindle. I especially like the price around $4300. Hi Paulwhat is your opinion on the Walker ZTRs vs the Exmark ZTRs? It gives you a much better experience if you ever have an issue with your mowers engine. The $2k difference from high to low seems like a lot but the dealer was pushing the $5100 one. The cost difference is around $1200 between the two. Hi Paul and thank you for all the information, knowledge and insights you provide. Centipede grass needs to be cut at 1 1/2 inches, requires more power to cut and can quickly wear out cheap residential mower blades. You dont tell us which units you are looking at or the type of conditions it will be operating in, but my belief is that the Toro will easily outlast the Cub. But he also has the commercial Toro. I never recommend paying extra for the Kawasaki name. He mentioned and agreed but also suggested that the Cub and Toro will tow the same. cub cadet vs toro zero turn 2020 - You can get it with the two lap bars but they also offer their Joystick Steering System. Rivets thanks for the info. 2022 The Sixteen Best 48-52 Inch Zero Turn Mowers Hi Paul, great website! John I prefer a mower where the operator (not the whole mower) has a suspension seat. Either one will mow grass 8-12 inches tall in side discharge mode and give you a clean cut. Also, notice the specs for these heavier grade machines say things like 18,400 fpm blade tip speed, 1 aluminum spindles with sealed ball bearings, caster bearings, and axle bearings but Cub Cadet does not mention these? There is one mower that is designed for this type of work. Also, like the Ariens Facebook page. This machine was a beast. 4.8. I recommend only looking at the Husqvarna AUTOMOWER 430XH or the just introduced Worx Landroid L. These are the only robitic mowers that will mow the grass high enough (3-3.5 inches) so that you dont get soil erosion on that slope. My third choice is the 52 inch Ariens IKON XD/Gravely ZT X with ZT2200 Trannys. The rest of the time I doubt youll have more than 3-400 lbs in the cart and the heavy duty ZT2800 transmissions can handle that easily. Again, I suggest mowing at 4 inches and then mow in the late afternoon. I mow our residential, flat, 1 acre yard with ~10 trees and fence in Pittsburgh, PA. Final questionWould you consider the Ariens Ikon XL 52 or the John Deere Z375R ZTrak over the MX5075? I have it professionally serviced last July and informed them of the issue. It may not display this or other websites correctly. The Toro has a blade tip speed nearing 19,000 fpm which is blazing fast and should leave an excellent cut. This Toro Timecutter 75755 zero-turn mower combines comfort with versatility, thanks to its seat suspension system, straightforward controls, and hassle-free maintenance. The Boulevard is one of the best-built residential mowers on the market. I am looking at the Deere Z335E and Z375R. Paul YouTube. The deck is tough but mows best on normal lawn. Their quality is what you expect. Hi Pete, The Toro is very easy to work on. I have a one acre lot. To steer right, pull back the right bar while keeping the left bar pressed forward. I prefer to deal with local dealers versus the big box stores. Want the best bang for the buck, if I am going to spend 12 to 17 grand for a mower. solid! They wanted an engine that would last and one where they could do their own warranty approvals. He doesnt expect Jonsered riding mowers to be around for very long. (More money) So if you are nervous about the Briggs Intek in the John Deere lets focus on two Toro mowers. This will be handy for my open / flat areas May 28, 2020 / Cub Cadet ZT2 or Toro Timecutter #4 They are both priced roughly the same, have similar specs and both carry 3 year unlimited hour warranties. If you could help me, I would be so very grateful. Hes also fairly rough on equipment, (He killed an Exmark Lazer Z in 10 years) so the Ariens Apex/Gravely can put up with his abuse. 4. Warren, RI, Hi Mike, I knew you would like it! The Toro mower includes many pro elements like a canister-style air filter, a commercial drop pin, and a rubber chute. It flips up the easiest and fastest in fact, its easy enough to use that you can park it in your garage with the deck flipped up to save room. powerful 35hp v-twin kawasaki engine !!! You will be happy you did. Thanks for your help! Ive also always been partial to the 60-inch deck. Thanks so much for your guidance Paul, much appreciated! I will not be towing with it. Always turn uphill. Paul. They will have the latest sales info and you can ask them. The difference between 10 ga (9/64 inch) and 11 ga (1/8 inch)is less than the thickness of a sheet of paper. What are your suggestions for my yard .35 acres, flat land, no trees in the back but I do have 3 in the front and on the side. Have used it less than 6 times since. Thats why Tractor Supply carries Jonsered, Lowes carries Husqvarna and the Home Depot carries Poulan Pro. Bush Hog has had zero-turns for many years and the current models are heavy-duty well-built units. They dont have many dealers but if you order from them they will always take care of you if you ever have a problem with their products. 3400 pumps, 23 tires, 7 gauge deck, 10mph, B&S Vanguard for $4200? Nz is slowly importing a few US mowers. In the past week, I have talked to a few local dealers; Cub Cadet, Toro, and Gravley/Ariens. Its a nice heavy ZTR and with the smaller deck, it should have plenty of traction for the ditch. The deck independently rides over bumps, dips, and follows the contour of your lawn exactly. My second choice is the Ariens IKON XL. Suburban house in CT 0.3-0.5 acres, small slope, about 3 trees to mow around and my backyard has oak trees bordering the edge so tons of leaves ALL THE TIME lol. Please Subscribe to my YouTube Channel Please Note:If you click on most of the links in this article and buy any product I will make a small commission from that sale. The mower is constructed this way so the operator can easily access the engine and cutting deck. I assume the zero turn would have a lower center of gravity, but less weight on the front wheels. I know you mentioned before that the Toro is better for any sort of towing because of the Smart Speed. It cuts very well and will last you a long, long time. WorldLawn used to be Encore. For example, I like my local Toro Dealer a lot. A washout port is included with both mowers, and this component allows an operator to rinse off their cutting deck without the hassle of flipping the deck over. Pro Z 960L KW | Commercial Zero Turn Mower | Cub Cadet US Im a big fan of the joystick steering and how tough the Boulevard is built for the price. If theres less than an acre to mow, a Toro will do just fine at delivering precision, efficiency, and comfort. The mower is, however, equipped with two LED headlights, which are absent on the Toro. However, I just saw your comment that Toro is dropping their steering wheel models, so if I went that direction, Id almost certainly be getting the Cub Cadet, one of the models with a 46 cutting deck. My first choice for you is a Country Clipper Boulevard zero-turn. With Toro putting the MX5000 on sale right now it does make it the better deal. I would like a mower with a long life-expectancy that is fast and dependable, cuts down on our extensive weed-eating, and wont fall apart when/if we mow the ditch or pull a cart or lawn sweeper. Thank you for your time! I believe the deck shell is the same one used as on the commercial mowers. There are Exmark, Hustler, John Deere and Toro dealers near me. The Toro TimeCutter and Cub Cadet zt1 have models with different motors and capacities depending on the grade. A little history first. I can get 10% off at HD or Lowes so I plan to buy from one of them unless I find other deals I cant pass up. 4. Red dirt sandy soil. It is easy to understand and I can see youve done your homework. what do you think ? The deck couldnt handle the bumpy ground. Skaggs has a good blade change system, for no lift style. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Any suggestions? Post author By ; impossible burger font Post date July 1, 2022; southern california hunting dog training . The orange AUTOMOWER Model 535 AWD 967 85 34-66 is their commercial version. What are your thoughts about those in comparison to the other. The Ariens Apex is the mower I would buy for my father. What do you think about the Craftsman 42 inch Steering wheel zero turn. There is no performance difference. A tractor mower on the other hand has the ability to collect grass, not a feature traditionally associated with a Zero turn. I have 2 1/2 acres and my Husky is 9 years old. Trust me all the compacts will slide into the ditch and most likely turn over. 24.5 HP TimeCutter IronForged Deck Commercial V-Twin Gas Dual Hydrostatic Zero-Turn Riding Mower, Toro TITAN 54 in. If I buy the Boulevard, Ill try to make that up to you somehow. Both mowers are good residential machines but I will have to say the Bobcat is a little more heavy-duty and it also will ride over rougher lawns better. The Troy-Bilt and Cub Cadet ZT1 are the same mower except the Troy-Bilt has MTDs own good V-Twin, has a lever height adjust and doesnt have that racing bar over the engine. They do look VERY similar. The Z930M is the most popular John Deere mower for commercial operators. By the way, Paul, I am very impressed that your top choice for me is one that wouldnt get you a commission. The 2019 JD Z740 and the 2019 Exmark Radius X. I cut 2+ acres with a some what rough ( lack of rolling the last two years ), A medium incline for a drain field. It mows very well and is the right size for one acre. In your case the Walker H with a rear discharge deck would be the ultimate choice. Cub Cadet vs. Gravely vs. Walkers vs. Hustler | Who Wins? Hi Shane, Yes, Deere has made a lot of improvements in their decks in the last 10 years. (I dont have a bagger) I usually mow in side discharge mode in the spring and then switch to mulching after the spring growth slows down. Thats well worth the extra money. I just dont think I need a heavy duty mower, but maybe the heavier Cub would last longer. These are one of the best engines in the industry and Ive seen them go over 2500 hours before they needed to be rebuilt. cub cadet vs toro zero turn 2020 - Hi Paul, My only concerns with the Boulevard are that the deck adjustment is clunky (I might not change deck height much, anyway), and the armrest blocks my view of the controls (which are easy enough to navigate by feel, once familiar with them). I suggest getting the Cyclone with the dual-wheel casters and the electric start engine. -Do you think 50 is overkill? My main concern is will the EZT hydros and B&S engine be OK? I would expect both would hold up well for my use. It cuts well and is built like a tank. If your lawn is as wavy as the sea, you definitely should jump on a Cub Cadet ZT1. Ive just been getting more confused the past few weeks when trying to buy my first ZTR, and I hope you can help me. So, kudos to Toro company for this magnificent idea! Hi iamdgw, The Titan does not have the Smart Speed. In fact, I have that deck on my Exmark and I use that deck as my reference cut for most of my videos when Im demoing other mowers. Please wish me and my wallet luck! Ive pretty much narrowed my choice down to the JD Z355R (maybe the Z375R) or the Toro MX5075 (a bit under 2 acres, somewhat bumpy, with a few hills and some trees and obstacles to dodge). Is Your Yard Suitable For a Zero-Turn Mower?
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