The following information has been provided by Cuyahoga County Fiscal Officer. You will be subject to Covid screening upon entering the building and everyone must wear a mask while in the Administration Building. Said point of beginning must be further established as a well known, industry standard, permanent monument, such as an iron pin, pipe, railroad spike, or monument box of a design and style accepted by current County, State or municipal standards, which ever is applicable. If you need assistance applying or participating in any part of the candidate experience, contact Human Resources at 216-443-7190 and ask to speak with a talent acquisition team member. Or try our search form or quick navigation by category and location. (J) - Witnesses and Notary When the adjoining land is a Gore Strip or previously unnumbered parcel, a full explanation and notation on the plat is required. Furthermore this document will provide a guide to the rules and regulations for the preparation and approval of survey plats and legal descriptions. 0000001134 00000 n
(6) Legal descriptions may be submitted for pre-approval prior to the Creation of the final instrument of transfer, (D) Requirements for New Metes and Bounds Descriptions for Conveyance. // End -->
(J) The Basis of Bearing statement on all deed descriptions to be made of record within the Cuyahoga County offices should preferably be stated with reference to a deed of record, an official record, a plat of record or a road improvement plan of record along with the bearing used. Any document that creates, transfers, or terminates any interest in land or mineral rights that would cause the County Auditor to change the name of the owner or any one of the owners, must be presented to the County Auditor under O.R.C. 319.20; Any document that changes, corrects, or amends the description of any parcel of land must be presented to the County Auditor under O.R.C. (e) Each course of a new metes and bounds description shall contain a bearing expressed in degrees, minutes and seconds and a distance recited in feet and the decimal parts thereof, from point of origination to a point of termination of each course. Any land with a single metes and bounds description or platted lot that is split by taxing district lines shall be made into separate tax parcels by the County Auditor. Rather, corrections should be made by lining through the incorrect passage and writing the correct passage above said text or noting the correction with an asterisk indicating the correction at the bottom of the page. (A) - Original Required Click here for aerial photos of Cuyahoga County A negative reproduction of said document would not be accepted. Documents will be returned if they match ALL criteria entered. 5713.02; (C) Transfer of Interest that may affect True Value. Sign in to explore this map and other maps from Cuyahoga County Enterprise GIS Portal and enrich them with your own data to create new maps and map layers. Section 315.251 as amended by Senate Bill 262 and shall read verbatim in part as "If a deed conveying title to real property is presented to the County Auditor for transfer, and the deed contains a legal description for land that is a cut-up or split of the Grantor's one or more existing parcels of land as shown in the County Auditor's records, or if the legal description of the land conveyed in the deed is different from the legal description shown in the prior deed to the Grantor, a boundary survey plat in conformity with the new description shall be submitted with the deed.". (f) Each course shall contain the names of current adjoining owners together with the recorded Deed Book and Page of Official Record for each. No text on a document of transfer shall be less than a standard font 12 in Size, (1/8"), excluding preprinted wording on the standard document forms. 2113.61, or affidavit accompanied by a certified copy of a death certificate of the deceased joint tenant. IRMA Notice, Powered by the Department of Information Technology, Application for DD-Property- DTE 26 (Razing Affidavit). (D) When a Meets and Bounds legal description, used in a foreclosure or Court Ordered document, does not meet the standards set-forth in Section 5 and 11, every effort shall be made by the writers of said legal to use the original full parcel legal description with the "three exception rule" applied. 0000001856 00000 n
The Cuyahoga County Engineer's Photography Collection Cuyahoga County Department of Public Works. $O./ 'z8WG x 0YA@$/7z HeOOT _lN:K"N3"$F/JPrb[}Qd[Sl1x{#bG\NoX3I[ql2 $8xtr p/8pCfq.Knjm{r28?. Any subsequent revisions, changes or updates to said codes or any new codes that may be established, from time to time, may automatically be made part of this document. Join to connect Cuyahoga County . "The procedure established for the orderly development of plans for the Cuyahoga County Freeway System contemplated that such planning would be accomplished in three steps: (a.) . Public Works Director Bonnie Teeuwen could not be reached for comment Wednesday. (1) Each course of a new parcel on a plat and/or courses used to develop the plat prepared using the metric system shall include the following: (a) Distances shall be recited in meters and decimal parts thereof, along with the equivalent distance in feet and decimal parts thereof enclosed in brackets (*). Transportation Engineer 3, Planning & Design - Capital Programs - Cuyahoga County - PN 20056122 Who We Are The Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) oversees building and maintaining the nation . They usually have relatively low value while being very expensive to survey. Office of Procurement & Diversity. Open until filled. Each line on the plat designated for this purpose shall have the signer s name lettered under the line for clarity. (C) All new parcels shown on a plat must be referenced to an established point of beginning such as centerline intersections of streets or roads or record section and or quarter section corners or lines, or recorded subdivision perimeter corners. tqX)I)B>==
9. (Half of all recording fees collected are required to be submitted to the state to the credit 0of the Ohio Housing Trust Fund.). (H) Upon completion of the appropriate reviews, and all comments addressed and accounted for, the original of the instrument will be stamped; "Legal Description complies with Cuyahoga County Conveyance Standards and is approved for Transfer". (E) - Cut and Paste Documents (A) All Condominium plats and associated declarations shall be prepared in accordance with applicable O.R.C. 319.20; (B) - Tax Mailing Address of Grantee. Any platted lot that is located in different tax districts shall be placed in the district in which the front of the parcel is located, determined by street address, or in which the greater part of the parcel is located if the taxing district line crosses through the front of the lot. Additional Requirements: Requires . It must have the original signature(s) of the current owner of record, accepting such plat by appropriate acceptance clause. Differences in the name of the grantor and a prior grantee based upon the inclusion or omission of middle names or initials, or different versions of first names (i.e. The County benefits from the creativity and innovation that results when people with different experiences, perspectives, and cultural backgrounds work together. Requirements: A Bachelor's Degree in engineering or a related field desirable with eight (8) years previous experience, including one year of supervisory experience. If the plat is to be recorded, the plat must be an original drawing on vellum or mylar. No red ink will be permitted, as this color may not reproduce clearly. Lastly, to maintain a current set of property tax maps of all real property in the county. If we offer you a job, you must pass a drug screen and background check before the offer becomes final. 2 - Secondly the instrument is reviewed for compliance to the standards established herein by a qualified technician trained in surveying related issues. (h) Any course of a new metes and bounds description which is a curve must contain the direction of the curve, (right or left), the radius (in feet and decimal parts thereof), the long chord bearing and distance, the central angle and the arc length; (i) All references to roads, rivers, streams, railroads, etc. officials shall constitute the minimum requirements for boundary surveys when said appropriation is taken in fee title. 848 followers 500+ connections. HR helps the hiring department decide who from the certified list to follow up with for interviews and then a job offer. Human Resources will check your application to make sure you meet the minimum qualifications. No transfer will be approved where the description contains more than three (3) exception pieces to any metes and bounds general description. Community Rules apply to all content you upload or otherwise submit to this site. CUYAHOGA COUNTY CLASSIFICATION SPECIFICATION Class Title: Engineer 2 Class Number: 18073 FLSA: Exempt Pay Grade: 10A Dept: Public Works Classification Function The purpose of the classification is to perform technical assignments to assist in the development or completion of engineering projects in the Public Works Engineer Office. (2) All existing metes and bounds descriptions of record must be described verbatim as witnessed by the instrument of previous record and transfer. Change of Address Form (216) 687-2449
(E) Overlaps and shortages in closures of condominium phases are not permitted; therefore all phases must fit graphically and mathematically with each other.
3. A diverse workforce helps the County realize its full potential. in Cleveland (in Cuyahoga County), Ohio 44134, the location GPS coordinates are: 41.419702 (latitude), -81.712985 (longitude). 0000001777 00000 n
Geocortex Viewer for HTML5 - Cuyahoga County, Ohio If no parcel number yet exists, as in the case of Splits, then the current parcel number for tax assessment shall be used with the word "Split" noted clearly on the deed. endstream
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Parcel numbers incorrectly recorded shall be marked in the left margin of the document with the correct parcel number and brought to the attention of the Auditor's Transfer Clerk who will then make the appropriate corrections on their terminals and give notice to the recording party. Description. 5302.17, upon presentation of a certificate of transfer, as provided by O.R.C. (See Exhibit - 4). Cuyahoga County Debarment Review Board. NEW! (i.e., it is the intent of this instrument to convey all of Tax Parcel(s) number and district, containing acreage or footage, as shown by the County Auditor's records). Click here to view the Transfer and Conveyance Procedures, Powered by the Department of Information Technology, Transfer of Interest that may affect True Value. Each new tract of land that is not a platted lot or condominium unit shall be described by a metes and bounds description prepared in accordance with O.A.C. (G) To avoid rejection of transfers by the County Engineer's Tax Map Department, all Foreclosure, Forfeiture and Special Court ordered transfers should be submitted to the Tax Map Department as soon as practical so that a preliminary review of the legal description(s) can be performed. Chief Section Engineer Sanitary Engineer, . A Bachelors Degree in engineering or a related field desirable with eight (8) years previous experience, including one year of supervisory experience. 7 - Signatures - It is recommended that if a document is long, complicated, or the writer is not sure if it will be accepted that they submit the document well in advance of recording for pre-approval. If you need assistance applying or participating in any part of the candidate experience, contact Human Resources at 216-443-7190 and ask to speak with a talent acquisition team member. Cuyahoga County Engineers also have aerial photographs for 1949, 1993, 1999, 2002, 2006. Note: A closure printout sheet may be prepared and attached to the final review. (4) All instruments of conveyance attempting to convey the remainder or balance of an existing tax parcel(s) from which outlets or exceptions exist must incorporate the following requirements: (a) Each out lot or exception of the original tract(s) must be described verbatim as witnessed by the previous conveyance of record. The maximum size for any instrument conveying title shall be 8.5 by 14 inches. Cuyahoga County Agency of the Inspector General Debarment and Suspension Information. (See Section 5 - Paragraph C). %PDF-1.4
319.20; (C) - Identification of Interest Conveyed. The namesake of our Health and Human Services building, Jane Edna Hunter (1882-1971), devoted her life to improving the conditions of Black women and is featured in a painting and statue in the building. Plat Maps 1-129, 132-178. - County Sheriff's Deed: document transferring title of property sold at the Sheriffs Sale of Tax Delinquent Property to the purchaser of such property; 5. (C) Minor Differences in Names The Official Government Website of Cuyahoga County The County Auditor will not transfer (change the name of any owner of) any real property pursuant to a plat, except for in the case of Vacation Plats specific to roadways, alleys and public lands designated as transportation corridors.
All typed or computer drafted text on a plat shall use Roman, Courier or Aerial type text fonts.
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